#larry party receipt
louisisalarrie · 2 months
Do you actually know something/seen something that makes you even more sure in your Larrie believes? Like where you are Larrie first and then got some “proves” from your job, or?
Understand if you can’t say anything 😊
Wow ok this accidentally turned into a welcome to the show. So, anon, without further ado, welcome to the show!
I’ve been a larrie since like… 2011. When we were “larry shippers” lol. So the confirmation and further info didn’t happen until I started in the industry. I always knew they were together but it’s interesting. People say they don’t believe they’re like… open about it to the industry but they kind of are. Not in a “I’ll prove it to you” overt way, but it’s just far more conservative in front of fans/the public eye. Plus… so much of this industry are contractors/suppliers who work with big names all the time. While yes, there are NDAs and contracts to assess and sign, a lot of crew just don’t give a fuck. They’re there to get paid and do their job and move onto the next one. Whether it be specific artist’s phone calls or in the cases they’re (larry) at each other’s shows… it just… doesn’t matter to the crew, a lot of the time. There will be a fan here and there who works a show, but you have to be so careful. Many folks in this industry know things and do have proof, but they hold onto it.
It is what it is, at the end of the day. A lot of these folks work with people like P!NK, Taylor Swift etc., like… some seriously high profile names. But there are also times where NDAs are enforced more specifically in specific regions or tours, in which the artist’s mgmt will ensure crew and staff and anyone external to the touring party sign a much more thorough contract, due to… particular “friends” being there/another higher personal matter risk. It’ll be far more specific, as opposed to a blanket basic contract. And the artist requests this if they feel they need to for their own personal comfort and freedom. SO whenever I see those, I know that there is someone on tour with that artist who shouldn’t be identified, or like… something very personal may happen. Which, yeah. If there’s more of a risk, there’s more contracts.
Now, not everyone has to sign these contracts, but if something leaks, like… a photo or an in depth story (less so for fans bc no one believes receipts, more so selling to the media with proof), said touring party often (depending on the artist/level of fame/level of risk) have a spreadsheet of every person there who’s external to that party with contact details, job titles etc. They know who to interrogate. So even if you don’t sign a specific NDA for that specific artist, they will find you if something drops.
Now, that’s important for multiple reasons - the main one being that some receipts can actually be real. Without photo proof, a lot of mgmt teams just don’t give a fuck, because particularly in the case of larry, we’ve been debunking/calling bullshit on folks for so long, that without proof, stories may get some attention but often just… disappear. Unless sold to the media with proof, it kind of…. Doesn’t matter to them. Plausible deniability, etc. ya know.
Say that 2 people saw something at one of Harry’s shows. Let’s role play it.
Person 1: *sends an anon to a popular larrie tumblr and a popular Larrie Twitter because they have to get it off their chest and they can’t hold back* “omg harry was talking on the phone to louis backstage at one of his shows!!! I know because I heard blah blah blah”
Person 2: *sends a voice recording/shitty video that catches his voice but no face as well as an anon to a popular larrie tumblr/twitter* “omg harry was talking on the phone to louis backstage at one of his shows!!! I know because I have proof but please either post carefully or not at all, you just need to know”
And listen… of course proof helps obviously. People are gonna believe person 2 over person 1 because it’s way easier to write a fake receipt than try and AI/fake a voice recording for anon clout. And also… that’s such a different thing since back in the day. Louis really be out here like “you never know what’s AI and what isn’t” because it’s fucking true. When we got photos/videos/shitty recordings or whatever back then, we sat down and pulled it apart so damn intensely that it’d be debunked, or at least considered somewhat proof/might be a thing. But now? Mgmt can just ignore that shit unless it’s very clear proof, because of AI and the lengths people will go to for internet clout nowadays. It’s just… yeah. It has to be very explicit for them to care.
I have no doubt we have had recent legit receipts, and yes, the majority are fake. But folks just don’t have as much to lose these days. It’s easy to not be traced if there’s no solid proof. So, people are getting away with more because more can be faked. It’s an interesting dynamic to a long running “conspiracy theory”, and provides mgmt with plausible deniability.
So, a lot of people know a lot of things. Some people don’t care, some people sit on solid proof because they’ve signed an NDA or will be found out 100% if they post it even on anon, and some people lie to get kicks. It’s just… So much more complicated than it used to be, which makes it easier for larry, and harder for us to prove things are real.
For example, louis may not require an extra NDA signed by all members of external parties because a certain “pal” won’t be with him on that tour. Anything else he does (trash a hotel room, or get really stoned for example), will be covered by a blanket NDA. Extra contracts come into it when there’s extra risk.
SO Harry may not have needed extra signatures/contracts for certain legs of his tour, but had them for other bits. In the case that a whole region may be a risk in terms of a pal joining him/where he is in his stunt contract, it’ll be a requirement to provide an extra NDA. it won’t be for particular shows because it’s too obvious, more so for a whole leg, and a US promoter isn’t gonna compare NDAs to a UK or AU promoter (even if they’re the same company) because like… why would you? A lot of worldwide promoters don’t actually have access to each other’s folders or content, either. Like… Live Nation US can’t see Live Nation UK’s stuff, because it’s not relevant. It’s regional and different sizes and too much data. Only very specific touring stats/fees would be shared. Same with AEG Presents, and so many other global promoter companies. So, yeah. Plus the personal promoters who tour Harry etc. through their companies, are the big dogs who’ve been doing this for 20+ years and have seen so much shit that they don’t care. They’re more worried about the money. It just… yeah. They’re not ones for delving into the interests of personal lives for artists, because they’re already working on 7 other big name tours. It’s… interesting. The blasé of it all, when you’re in this wild world. It’s so different to the fandom.
So yeah. It’s a topic that’s often debated, but without saying too much more, there’s a little squiz into what people know, and hold, and what mgmt care about and don’t care about. Larry are often together, but no one believes shit without solid proof. And the people who have solid proof, can’t/wont share it, 99% of the time.
I’m not saying believe every receipt, and I’m not saying everything is true, and I’m not saying everything is fake. I’m saying that some stuff is plausible and should be entertained because it very well could be true. But yeah… I hope this makes sense. Sorry for the chaos, and thanks for the chats. I know this isn’t exactly what you asked but yeah.
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alarrytale · 17 days
Back in 2013 my bff and I somehow ended in a party and the 1d boys were present and I didn't know much about them but I thought Harry was really pretty but I remember he was sooooo taken 🤣 Definitely by one of his bandmates I later learned was Louis 🫡 not necessary for you to post this bc I'll may get attacked lol I just wanted to pass by and leave my receipt
Also very happy the fandom is still here for these guys even tho you get super bullied by believing this, keep going and strong bc they definitely need it (don't know if they do now but surely back in the moment )
Ohhhhh, a reciept anon!
Thank you for this! Sounds on par with other similar stories we've heard from that time, so i believe you.
We larries are still here supporting them. If antis haven't bullied me off this site after twelve years, they're not able to 😉
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twopoppies · 2 years
Hi G, Why brazil is so important for larry, are there recepeist about them there????
Hi love. Oh, lots of stuff over the years. But off the top of my head…
Holding hands/next to you at Christ The Redeemer
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The Brasil! tattoo
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Drunk Harry seeing if his fedora floats
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Next to you (and probably snogging) in The bread van
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Not Larry related, but the caption on this post kills me
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#oh my god this old couple probably has no idea#they were probs just like ‘ask that nice boy to take our picture tom’#’no not that one with the tattoos helen he’ll take the ipad mini ask the nice blonde one’
Anyway, back to Larry.
Receipts from P9, the band that opened for 1D in Rio. Here and here.
Receipt of Harry and Louis partying in Rio
I don’t think there are any “major” receipts from Brazil, but lots of rumors about the other boys hooking up with locals and Brazilian models/celebrities, but Harry and Louis being noticeably absent or uninterested.
Overall, I just think Harry (and Louis) always have a great time in LatAm, and perhaps particularly so in Brazil.
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awesomefringey · 11 months
Hello! Do you know if there's a receipt masterpost (like chronological) somewhere? I'm trying to verify if there was a receipt about Louis being at the Halloween parth with kacey musgraves (stormtrooper!Harry) or if I made that up
Hi nonnie, I have my receipts tagged per year. So for 2019 the tag is 2019 Larry receipt. I think @twopoppies uses a similar tag, so it’s definitely worth checking out her blog as well.
Apart from that, I don’t think I’ve ever heard about a receipt that discusses Louis being at the Halloween party, but let me know if you find it. 😃
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jlf23tumble · 2 years
speaking of receipts, I wanna know what is your top 5 or top I0 "this is the most bullshit and fake ass" larrie/louis/harry receipts of all time?
Oh man, we're in the storm of the CENTURY, so I'm not gonna do any research, fuck it, we'll do it live, here are 5 off the top of my head, but I could go for 10 EASILY with 20 minutes of digging:
1000% bullshit:
Fidgety Louis being stroked on the neck by Harry to "calm down"
Private restaurant where Harry calls Louis "little one," lmaoooo (fake for sure, according to the anon who allegedly created it and messaged me about it)
More recently, crashing a highly detailed private party in a gated community
Note from any big blog: "Someone I know who works in the industry has seen them holding hands [at a party, in a meeting, where the fuck ever] recently"
Saw them at a bar in WeHo and wouldn't you know Louis's an ass man
Workers who've done something on one of their various houses violating NDAs (ditto: uncles who work security)
1000% wishing these were TRUE:
The one they actually signed el oh el
Louis calling Harry a curly-haired cunt on an airplane 12 years ago
Harry getting banged at a sex house
Disgruntled beach goers pissed off at their Jamaica tent music party
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skepticalarrie · 1 year
Hey! I wasn’t around when Grammys 2023 happend but saw some larry receipts that HL were seen together at the afterparty? I searched your tag but all I understood that they were on different afterparties - could they met later then?
Hi, dear. I don't remember anything specifically about receipts of people seeing them together on that day. As far as I'm aware they were publicly in different parties. Of course they were together at some point, but we never got any confirmations or public appearances.
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rainbenrry23 · 2 years
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
Just because you don’t agree with it doesn’t make it larry mythology. Harry was literally on a Instagram story at lotties and the picture of him in the convince store is was where Lottie was staying . This is what I mean when people automatically turn it in to a Larry thing as soon as you mention the reasons why you think they’re possibly friends. //
If it's true someone send receipts and not just thinkpieces by larries or rads
Which party are people talking about?
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onelifeforlouisandi · 2 years
Anon he purposely took her to Barney’s the day before but no one cared enough , took photos with so many fans hoping someone would take pictures of them together but no one cared , so they organized a pap walk , the girl literally was still in denemark just 3 weeks ago , and deux moi literally said she doesn’t know anything about Louis ans the new girl then suddenly she got receipts, like it’s obvious his team are doing all this , it’s just painfully obvious
I hate when people say this because NO ONE knows for a fact that she was there. Some larrie said that maybe they were doing this and everyone ran with it. On the 13th Louis was hitting on the other girl on another party so I highly doubt it he dragged miss teen anywhere. Just stop believing larries that now are spreading this lie.
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zot3-flopped · 2 years
The Larrie who tried to say they work at the Bowery fumbled the story there. They said Harry talked to the one in the long blue dress the most, clearly meaning Gemma chan however she changed her dress for the after party and was wearing a short black floral dress and not the long blue one. If your going to lie be better at it, don’t include unnecessary details that get you caught out.
That post was so unconvincing. It had all the hallmarks of a fake Larrie receipt.
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alarrytale · 2 months
My older sister was invited to go to the Euros and was in the same room/viewing area as Harry and Louis. ///
I'm a Larrie but we know from the photos that they were in separate viewing areas for watching the match. That's why a lot of us got upset. So sorry but I don't believe this.
My sister basically said that it was obvious from their demeanor that they were a couple but they weren’t very affectionate ..... but other than Louis usually touching Harry somewhere she saw Louis kiss his cheek before leaving to talk to another person.
So they weren't affectionate but Louis was touching Harry all the time in front a room of paps???? A closeted couple? This is clearly fake. Also the person who sent it is using US spelling which always sends up a red flag when the receipt is located in Europe.
Hi, anons!
No one is saying you have to believe this. You can believe what you want, you don't need to be sorry. Yes, H and L were in separate VIP boxes, not that far apart, but all the boxes lead to the same VIP mingling area inside the stadium, where they get refreshments etc. That's where we got the pic of H, L and Ed from. No paps allowed in there and you have to wear your badge visible (like H did, thrown over his shoulder), because of high security.
From all the older reciepts we have of H and L they are very affectionate together when they feel like they're in a safe environment. We've got several reciepts like that of them from industry parties, gay clubs in West Hollywood and backstage. Places where nobody is going to talk or take sneaky pics, because everyone keeps everyone's secrets. So what if a pic came out of L kissing H's cheek? Wouldn't exactly rock the world or prove anything. Us larries know they're a couple and the gp think they're friendly bandmates who haven't seen each other for a while. They were more affectionate during 1D. A cheek kiss is nothing.
You can believe what you want, you can also question why we got the pic of L and H in the first place and if that anon is a plant, because things are moving forward. Also, see my answer to my last anon. Let people believe what they want.
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twopoppies · 1 year
Gina do you remember the larry receipt when 2 girls were supposed to go to their brother's party but accidentally went to harry/louis' house? And was it real? Do you have the receipt?
Here you go, love. I don’t know if it’s real or not. I spoke with the person a fair bit. There wasn’t anything about what they were saying that seemed off. They sent me the video, it was definitely Louis.
Is it possible they somehow just got a random video clip of Louis from somewhere and made up a story? I suppose. He was just wearing a black tank so it’s not like it was some recognizable outfit that I could say it was from some other event. I chose to believe their story.
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awesomefringey · 3 years
what’s the most believable receipt that you’ve ever seen (one that’s already out and posted) ?
I will absolutely ignore your actual question (check my tags though) and will share what I really find believable.
The ‘touch me now or I’ll die’ receipt
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The ‘totally accidental caress of arm in front of everyone because you’re mine’ receipt
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The ‘look my mic is a dick - cool I could blow you’ receipt
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The ‘let’s meet & greet with fans - but as a couple’ receipt
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The ‘I am so fucking in love with you’ love stare receipt
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The ‘you are the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen’ love stare receipt
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The ‘check in to say I love you/check out to say I love you too’ receipt
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The ‘unnecessarily tender dragging of fingertips along the shoulder’ receipt
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The ‘knowing nod’ or how I call it, the 'loaded gun? Yeah as in grumpy!' receipt
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What!? Tumblr doesn’t allow more?!? But I’ve just started!? 😡 Should I do a part 2? Maybe I need a masterpost from this. LOL.
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bciwasinlove · 3 years
It's midnight and I'm lying in bed and can't stop thinking about that receipt of someone meeting H at a party and H being H was talking about his BF he loves so much. Then a couple years later that same person meets H at another party and H again brings up his BF and they ask if it's the same one as last time and he said always with a dimpled grin. Would appear based on all the receipts we have gotten over the years that their very open about their relationship within the industry circle. 🥺 🥺 🥺
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He is ready to pull up receipts
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thruthewire · 4 years
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