#like idc what u believe but like. it says a lot ab u if ur willing to believe 1 thing but not the other. for no reason
washeduprockstr · 1 month
Ur a system rnt u? Ur friends with an antiendo. R u an anti? I need 2 know so I can block u. Lol.
I'm not a professional, nor am I out to judge anyone for their experiences, especially if they differ from mine. I tried to learn more and open my mind about endogenic plurality before touching this topic.
My Opinion & Thoughts:
TL;DR: I am an anti and endos make me uncomfortable, but I have an open mind. Plurality is insanely complex and definitely not well researched enough to say what someone is or isn't experiencing. If that is your reality, sure. If you aren't hurting anyone and are spreading the proper information about dissociative disorders, whatever man. I would prefer if endos would not personally interact with me, though. Enjoy my content, idc. Just don't go looking to talk and befriend me. That is just a boundary.
Commonly associated with plurality is trauma. Chronic childhood trauma. However, it is not in the DSM that you absolutely must have trauma to be diagnosed with DID/OSDD. It lists Distinct Personalities, Amnesia, Distress, Not Cultural or Religious, and Not Substance Related as the requirements for DID. OSDD is similar, but may miss certain requirements for DID.
In my opinion, if you go through plurality while not suffering at all from any of the symptoms or have any trauma at all, I believe you might be experiencing something different. I won't tell you that you're not a system or that you're invalid, but I do think you should seek other answers. And genuinely look into every avenue with an open mind.
If you find you have some of the symptoms and not others and you don't have trauma (that you can remember), OSDD might be more of what you are. OSDD is commonly characterized by large memory gaps in the past and less in the present. It could be possible that you have trauma or have experienced extreme stress and just don't realize it. I urge you to seek therapy and try to uncover the root of what's causing your plurality.
I believe systemality is fluid. The way you experience and express your plurality will most likely be different than mine. I don't think it's out of the question to say someone is a system without trauma. For example, you could have been experiencing extreme chronic stress in childhood. It wasn't enough to become traumatic, but it was enough that your brain needed to create different parts to cope with the stress. But that would be so extremely rare and even then I question my stance on it.
I'm seeing a lot of endo systems out there that are systems out of will. I do not think that is healthy. You are purposefully splitting yourself. I can not express to you how harmful that can be for your brain. You are purposefully tearing your consciousnessness apart and fragmenting yourself to have a disorder you did not before.
I'm also seeing a lot of endo systems out there that think being a system is simply fun and are completely non-disordered. If you think you are going through CDD (Complex Dissociative Disorder) and you do not have a daily impairment because of it, you are going through something else. If you are experiencing alters with nothing else to back it up, look into something else. Because that is just not how the disorder works, unfortunately. It might be a delusional disorder, psychosis, maladaptive daydreaming, maybe even some form of brainwashing.
I also think that if you're running around telling everyone and their momma you can be a system without any trauma and without some form of disorder or any symptoms, that is hurtful for the DID/OSDD community. Not only are you minimizing the harm that we had to face to have what we have, but you are misinforming people widely. This will lead to more people, especially young mentally ill kids thinking they have a disorder they do NOT. Which breeds more misinformation, so on and so forth. You'll get others to think it's just some fun little trend where they have their favorite characters in their head, and all they have to do to support their claims is say they're endo.
Pretending to be someone or something you are not will hurt you. I'm sure a lot of the community has autism, ADHD, depression, and/or anxiety, etc. I know you must know what it feels like to be something you are not and do things you don't want to. I won't outright fakeclaim anyone because I have not lived their experience, but a lot of endos I have seen around are blatantly pulling the experiences of DID/OSDD all while only taking the 'benefits' and the 'fun' parts. Stop. Please. Seek therapy. Seek help. You are hurting yourself and others.
If you are one of the good ones out there (endos), make sure you're also spreading the proper information about Dissociative Disorders as WELL as your lived experiences. Make sure you let others know what you are going through is very rare and relatively undocumented. That's all I ask. Advocate for you, but also advocate for your traumagenic brethen.
And God, can we stop fighting each other? If a traumagenic system is uncomfortable with you and speaks out with their own views, opinions, etc. Block and move on. Quit sending death threats and harassing people that don't see eye-to-eye with you. Same goes for the other side. Everyone is allowed to have their thoughts on this very WIDE and COMPLEX subject. If you think someone is faking and specifically if you lack proof, whatever man. If they aren't actively hurting anybody and not spreading wild misinformation, block. And move on.
I can't express to you all how many posts I went through where everyone was just attacking each other. No real talking or explaining, just harassment. Cut it out.
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thruthewire · 4 years
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let-djaqsayfuck · 3 years
the bbc robin hood characters n their red flags:
-hero complex
-mommy daddy AND brother issues like damn hun pick a family member
-kind of a whore
-might have punched a wall
-can do backflips. never trust a man who can do a backflip. this is non negotiable
-ur hulu best have ads or else
-cannot apologize to save his life
-never takes off his carhartt beanie
-“bros before hoes” aka would drop u for robin in a heartbeat
-that run. the way he runs. wtf. little penguin lookin ass—
-gave his dad son issues
-don’t like the look in his eye if i’m being honest
-“car guy” vibes 🚩🚩🚩
-but overall he has the least amount of red flags i love him A+ bf material
Allan a Dale
-“what up bitch can i have a dollar? ugh for a slushee,, i kno you have one open ur purse”
-might rob you blind
-would borrow your car, get in a fender bender and most definitely NOT tell you about it
-any gift you receive from him will get repossessed bc he has stolen it
-gives unsolicited advice
-idk what his deal is but can he even date??? can friars date?? girl idk but also tucks my 4liferr idc what you guys say
-the way he grabbed that gravel unsettled me
Little John
-he’s married (? taken*?) so
-but i mean hey
-cannot pass a background check
-she is perfect no red flags 2 speak of
-would probably forget you in the target parking lot
-judgy but rightfully so
-will always be wittier than u so if u can’t handle that u will never b compatible
-outdresses you at every event. yea sometimes it is on purpose, die mad ab it
-leaves you on read for hours but will show up at ur doorstep w a stab wound like “oh the bleeding? it’s in a non vital area it’s fine we can go get chipotle now”
-has all the tea on everyone. like not in a fun gossipy way, a “how does she know this much personal information about everyone” and it gets you thinking how much does she know about you?????
-the answer is everything be very scared
-has side hoes. u r probably one of them
-shanks as a warning
-“i’m a chill girl” she is n o t
-shoplifts but only at franchises she has personal vendettas against (it is a long list, panera being thee top 1)(yes you have had to drive a getaway car stuffed w trash bags full of bagels)
-saw her mugshot on the news, she told you dont worry abt it babes
-gaslight gatekeep girlboss
-every time u jokingly ask her how many ppl she’s stabbed, her response keeps changing w increasingly random numbers
-plays games >:( specifically, political ones that involve huge scandals and coups. sexy, but a red flag regardless
-talks about you to her friends but in a way where they all laugh discreetly and arch their eyebrows knowingly at each other from behind their wine glasses. you don’t know what this means but it’s unnerving
-says he “has his own car” but it’s actually a scooter
-can’t communicate v well
-gave a baby a lightbulb to play with once
-cheesy pickup lines that he 100% believes are smooth
-very easily convinced by the flat earth theory, but will never fall for a multi level marketing scheme pitch
-he’s a gemini
-what else do u need to know? babe RUN
-he is a walking red flag LOOK AT HIM
-owns more knives than shirts and makes you look at them while he talks about all the unique ways u can kill ppl w them
-got 1 tattoo and made it his whole personality
-has never once talked about his feelings. he told you his favorite season then immediately apologized “for getting all vulnerable”
-hung up on his ex 🙄
73 notes · View notes
melodiiousnocturne · 5 years
(  dylan  wang  ,  cismale  ,  he  /  him  ,  kingdom  hearts  )  *  &.  i  know  it  must  be  scary  for  you  ,  demyx  ,  after  surviving  the  takeover  .  to  turn  into  someone  like  myde  lu  ,  a  twenty-one  year-old  part  time  clerk  at  the  hq  and  part  time  instructor  at  the  record  scratch  ,  right  here  in  castle  town  .  just  remember  that  you  are  as  easygoing  as  you  are  indolent  ,  and  to  be  wary  ,  be  safe  ,  be  true  to  who  you  are  :  neutral  through  and  through  .
hi  as  i  said  in  gc  ,  this  is  one  big  tl;dr  i’m  a  demyx  stan  !
where  do  i  begin
demyx  —  number  ix  in  organization  xiii  (  demyx  vc  :  are  we  still  gonna  call  ourselves  organization  xiii  now  that  there’s  14  of  us  ?  )  he  is  ...  lazy  .  arguably  the  most  cowardly  of  the  bunch  ,  doesn’t  like  fighting  ,  and  would  rather  nap  or  play  music  .
that  being  said  ...  despite  his  very  emotional  exterior  in  comparison  ,  we  have  seen  that  he  can  get  just  as  serious  /  dark  like  the  rest  of  them  if  he  really  needs  to  ...  
idk  i  have  a  lot  of  feelings  .
he’s  very  ??  idk  how  to  explain  it  bt  like  .  “  what’s  in  it  for  me  ?  ”  (  as  we  really  see  in  kh3  )  &  like  .  i  wld  say  he  is  a  mix  of  ravenclaw  /  slytherin  just  .  minus  the  whole  cutthroat  ambition  of  slytherin  etc  bc  tbh  that  isn’t  him  .  he’s  kinda  just  along  for  the  ride  .  i  am  rejecting  those  MoM  theories  and  i’m  not  sorry  ab  it  idc  if  they  say  it’s  true  ,  i  REFUSE  .
i  feel  like  since  demyx  allegedly  never  remembered  his  somebody  life  ,  he  probably  didn’t  care  as  much  ab  the  whole  kingdom  hearts  thing  because  he  didn’t  drink  the  kool-aid  because  like  why  would  he  want  a  life  that  he  doesn’t  even  remember  you  know  ??  plus  it’s  —  he  already  knew  xemnas  &  saïx  were  fucken  lying  when  they  said  the  nobodies  didn’t  have  hearts  JKDWJHSNS  why  did  he  need  to  be  a  somebody  to  regain  a  heart  when  he  believed  he  already  had  one  !!!
whatever  ....  lmao
anyway  demyx  in  the  manga  was  honestly  a  mood  and  a  half  i  adore  him
when  he  was  brought  back  to  the  organization  for  kh3  ,  he  was  made  into  a  seeker  of  darkness  —  meaning  baby  water  boy  got  NORTED  .  his  ears  didn’t  appear  to  be  pointed  in  some  way  (  like  the  others  )  so  it’s  safe  to  say  he  didn’t  get  as  much  of  xehanort’s  heart  placed  inside  of  him  .  bt  it  was  enough  to  turn  his  pretty  blue  eyes  into  that  ominous  gold  .
regardless  ,  he  was  benched  despite  going  through  that  whole  process  which  like  i  HIGHLY  doubt  is  an  easy  one  to  even  do  (  so  good  on  demyx  for  being  strong  enough  to  withstand  it  ,,,  )  bt  it’s  !  to  be  noted  !  because  he  felt  bitter  ab  being  demoted  after  ,  and  ofc  with  a  mystery  incentive  from  vexen  ,  demyx  finally  took  the  offer  of  backstabbing  the  organization  (  read  :  it  goes  back  to  what  i  said  ab  him  being  like  well  what’s  in  it  for  me  .....  since  before  he  got  apparently  satisfied  enough  ,  he’s  like  uhhhh  sorry  bt  have  u  seen  what  happens  to  idiots  who  betray  these  guys  lol  like  idk  ab  all  that  )
so  basically  self-preservation  of  a  slytherin  .  there  i  said  it  !  plot  twist  he  isn’t  a  coward  ,  he’s  just  smart  enough  to  not  throw  himself  head  first  into  danger  .  go  figure  ,  right  ?  like  look  alright  he  may  be  comedic  relief  bt  ...  he  is  also  more  than  that  !
in  the  organization  he  was  known  to  kinda  be  a  bully  /  play  pranks  /  manipulate  others  into  doing  his  work  for  him  bt  at  the  end  of  the  day  he  ??  isn’t  like  .  REALLY  a  bad  guy  or  whatever  .  saying  it  was  the  pressure  of  the  organization  is  dulling  everything  down  ,  because  he  still  actively  chose  to  do  what  he  did  and  didn’t  do  and  i  will  hold  him  responsible  for  it  ,  bt  .  u  know  .  shit  happens  !
like  we  have  canon  evidence  he  wld  join  in  xigbar  when  it  comes  to  the  more  like  .  idk  i  guess  harsher  teasing  ?  and  all  ?  and  like  again  demyx  made  the  conscious  choice  to  go  along  w  it  so  he  isn’t  innocent  bt  ,  i  firmly  stand  by  saying  demyx  unintentionally  looked  up  to  xigbar  despite  even  ‘  fighting  ’  with  him  ,  bc  ..  well  .  i  stan  them  being  a  That  duo  .  because  to  me  ,  he’s  just  a  prankster  who  wants  a  laugh  ..  even  at  the  expense  of  another  ..  which  yea  idk  still  yikes  ...  bt  it  isn’t  like  ,  malicious  ..  when  he  is  on  his  own  ..  imo .  i  mean  take  the  days  manga  ,  he  puts  a  whoopee  cushion  on  axel’s  chair  ?  bitch  pls  ..
(  also  quick  going  back  to  him  being  strong  enough  to  accept  getting  norted  —  please  just  remember  ....  nobodies  aren’t  even  supposed  to  exist  !  they  only  technically  form  when  the  person  who  lost  their  heart  is  strong-willed  &  tbh  ?  i  think  it  speaks  volumes  for  demyx  bc  despite  the  show  he  puts  on  ,.....  he  is  there  .  )
alright  so  look  i  know  i  sound  like  i  am  in  denial  of  the  MoM  stuff  and  that  mayhaps  be  so  .  however  there’s  definitely  smthin  off  .  like  we  KNOW  he  can  be  uhhhh  a  pos  like  the  remark  he  has  in  days  ab  how  the  castle  that  never  was  is  quieter  without  everyone  who  was  eliminated  at  castle  oblivion  ,  bt  —  it  was  always  a  really  weird  line  to  me  because  he’s  always  been  branded  as  the  most  emotional  of  the  organization  /  the  one  who  adamantly  believed  they  had  hearts  the  whole  time  ?  which  .  inch  resting  !  i  wld  like  to  formally  say  ONE  OF  THESE  is  a  fucken  coping  mechanism  of  sorts  or  smthin  bc  it’s  really  ...  a  lot  and  nothing  makes  sense  and  like  that’s  the  entirety  of  kh  lore  in  a  nutshell  bt  ya  .  like  i  think  it  ties  into  the  whole  self-preservation  thing  bc  it’s  like  ,  wow  they  really  went  and  got  themselves  fucken  murked  ...  how  dumb  ...  bt  at  the  same  time  bc  like  again  the  biggest  pusher  for  #nobodieshavehearts  ,  it’s  like  “  oh  that’s  depressing  ”  &  like  .  a  mess  .
idk  what  else  to  say  for  this  besides  he  was  really  great  at  recon  &  apparently  was  a  keyblade  wielder  in  the  past  !  which  subsequently  makes  me  emo  on  main  bc  he’s  really  out  here  like  lmao  nah  that’s  ...  it’s  cool  bt  like  hm  idk  sounds  like  kinda  fake  u  know
again  fuck  canon  if  it  does  u  know  what
where  do  i  begin  ,  chapter  2
now  myde  is  actually  my  hc  somebody  name  for  demyx  so  like  going  off  that  it  technically  is  his  real  first  name  ....  he  just  doesn’t  know  that  bc  although  he  survived  this  ,  he  didn’t  uh  really  remember  his  old  somebody  life  so  like  lmao  fuck  all  honestly  this  life  could  be  his  real  life  for  all  he  knows
except  he  does  know  it  isn’t
so  like  he’s  ??  more  of  a  somebody  in  castle  town  opposed  to  a  nobody  meaning  he  !  has  a  whole  fucken  heart  now  !  although  because  his  eyes  are  still  indeed  gold  ,  he’s  kinda  like  well  shit  is  old  man  xehanort  still  in  there  too
anyway  myde  lu  ..  my  son  ...  the  memories  of  castle  town  life  are  .  something  else  .  he  grew  up  with  a  single  mother  who  worked  odd  jobs  here  and  there  struggling  to  make  money  to  provide  .  so  while  demyx  is  like  ah  fuck  working  i  don’t  wanna  fucken  do  this  ,  he  got  two  part  time  jobs  the  moment  he  could  to  help  her  out  .  because  even  if  she  isn’t  his  real  mother  ,  it’s  ???  really  nice  to  have  someone  caring  ab  him  :/
he  rooms  with  neko  /  noriko  now  because  an  ad  on  craigslist  bt  he  still  sends  some  of  his  paychecks  &  like  whatever  money  cut  he  gets  from  the  troubvdours  (  also  ,  ironically  from  a  fucken  craigslist  ad  !  )  etc  to  castle  town  mom  bc  honestly  life  in  castle  town  has  kinda  uh  .  made  him  like  .  wow  wait  fuck  haha  oh  man  i  actually  ????  i  can’t  just  nap  and  play  music  and  do  whatever  i  want  ??????  like  i  mean  he  still  does  bt  castle  town  memories  /  the  life  he  was  forced  into  here  made  him  arguably  more  responsible  even  though  he  is  still  a  little  shit  and  completely  at  the  same  time  not  that  responsible  in  the  slightest
it’s  like  .  fake  getting  ur  life  together
idk  he  doesn’t  like  all  the  work  like  he’s  exhausted  bt  it’s  paired  simultaneously  with  he  ?  kinda  also  doesn’t  mind  it  solely  bc  there’s  like  ,,  a  benefit  from  it  ?  like  with  the  two  part  time  jobs  (  which  one  is  being  a  music  instructor  like  i  feel  as  if  he  doesn’t  consider  that  one  much  of  a  job  bc  he  gets  to  play  music  !!  )  it’s  being  able  to  help  the  poor  soul  who  got  stuck  as  his  ‘  caretaker  ’  KKDKWJSJSJ  and  with  the  band  it’s  .  bc  he  is  passionate  ab  music  and  again  although  exhausting  he  loves  to  do  it
boy’s  chaotic  neutral  as  always  bt  i  suppose  castle  town  is  bringing  out  those  hidden  good  tendencies
hmm  he  is  forever  bitter  ab  the  fact  he  didn’t  get  his  sitar  tho  ....  what  the  fuck  is  he  gonna  do  w  his  stupid  organization  cloak  huh  ?  my  god  
so  he  picked  up  rhythm  guitar  bc  it’s  like  .  the  closest  thing  without  getting  an  ACTUAL  sitar  ,  because  !  arpeggios  is  actually  a  rhythm  technique  &  that’s  what  his  sitar  is  named  so  ....  food  for  thought  i  suppose  .  plus  this  world’s  sitar  isn’t  the  same  anyway  :/
despite  being  natural  blond  in  game  etc  i’m  making  the  executive  decision  to  say  he  was  given  naturally  dark  hair  in  CT  &  now  has  to  keep  bleaching  /  dying  his  hair  blond  bc  ....  he  does  not  think  he  suits  black  hair  .  nor  does  he  want  to  .  it  reminds  him  too  much  of  like  idk  xigbar  or  vanitas  or  whatever  with  the  dark  hair  +  gold  eye  combo  u  feel  JDWJJSJSNS
he  dated  isolde  in  CT  &  honestly  i  suggested  it  to  bloom  as  a  crackship  bc  haha  different  bt  then  it  got  really  soft  and  really  emo  so  here  we  are  .  they  close  tho  now  still  &  she’s  the  only  person  he’s  opened  up  to  ab  his  real  life  /  the  organization  so  far  !!
he  is  bi  :/  and  sad  :/  bt  honestly  mood  ,  i  say  as  i’m  pan  not  bi  bt  whatever  :/  
anyway  part  500000  ,  he  sleeps  at  the  library  sometimes  bc  big  gay  still  for  ienzo  and  likes  to  really  just  hang  around  them  bc  he  wants  them  to  remember  being  zexion  ....  &  well  .  more  selfishly  he  wants  them  to  remember  him  bt  like  y  a  h
+  for  the  fact  i  have  not  really  mentioned  it  :  he  still  loves  water  iskaksns  catch  him  like  .  chillin  in  his  bathtub  for  hours  like  bitch  stop  wasting  water  and  the  water  is  FREEZING  by  the  time  he  does  decide  he  is  finished  .  he  misses  his  water  abilities  ok  .  he  can  probably  like  move  stuff  a  little  bit  here  and  there  bt  it’s  Nothing  like  before  :/  yeah  .
idk  what  else  this  is  a  mess  !!  please  plot  with  me  tho  uwu  xoxo
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queenofgraveyards · 3 years
hi bestie!!! saw your answer and omggggg youre also a southern hemisphere babe the holy trinity you, me and lorde 🙏 and i absolutely love when u send me the anatomical heart emoji like i loved it so much the first time you used it i started using with my irls and theyre boring locals 👎👎👎 who don’t understand this new wave of cool subversive post modern use of emojis so i look dumb 99% of the time but honestly idc i feel so 😎🤘
anywayyyyy chapter 15 hinted a lot on the age gap between them and omg did i enjoy every word…. he’s soooo sexy now i imagine him as current harry cause those pictures on the yacht made me w*t and yeahhhhh very very very ceorry me thinks but in the beginning i pictured ceorry as snl pilot silver fox harry that was also very yummy 🤤
HE PLAYS GOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he’s a dilf this man is a dad in the making!!!! i personally think golf is boring but im willing to ignore this and cheer for him at every single match he plays if he takes ivy on his arm posing as his trophy wifey i want her to be spoiled. from what you’ve shown us about her family it’s not like they’re facing financial difficulties but idk the way her mom treated her on the very 1st chapter made me 😐 i want ivy to be completely independent from them in the financial aspect so they cant guilt trip her into working at the bakery like one of her sisters. i may be projecting but we’re not gonna talk ab it hehe
she gave him the matching mug 🥺 and i love how he noticed her new nails!!!!!! he’s so attentive to her 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
AAAAAA HE ASKED HER ABOUT HER DATE WITH TYLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as if he didn’t ask niall to do a play by play while he was there.. “so why am i the exception?” my girl is blind “you’re arguably the best receptionist we’ve ever had” CUT THE CRAP MR STYLES
ohhhhhhhhh they both think niall and michelle like each other very random but ughhh men who know their friends’ gossip is so ‼️‼️ and yeah he totally had “plans” on friday uhum honey i believe you 🤨
i loved this chapter it was sooooo cute and i like how this was kind of a filler for us to know how established their friendship is and wow wow wow wow i really liked it 🥡
ok i lied in my post abt u im answering now
HELLO i missed u and ur thoughts 🫀🫀🫀🫀 and thank u im so glad you like the heart bc it is my fav bc im an anatomical heart BITCH 🫀 also yes we are Southern Hemisphere queens ✊🏻 i also live in Queen Lordes country so that’s a flex
yeah 15 is like IM AN OLD MAN AND YOU’RE YOUNG SO YOURE MY BABY also if u liked those implications you’re gunna love something he says in like 14 chapters time sksksks also yes Italy yatch is ceo harry but with no stupid hat but fuck snl pilot can wreck my GUTS so that’s also a Look for ceo ur so right bestie
Golf is boring everyone smart knows it and ivy hates it but he probably will take her one day and she will drink cocktails and drive the golf cart recklessly and ceo will propose on the green
Ceo is very Aware of things with ivy he uses his Eyes which is something none of my other h’s have done so he Knows things and he just likes talking to her and her nails make her happy and he wants to talk make her happy so why not ask abt them 🥺 and yeah….Tyler…..the date…..yuck
Ceo just wanted to hear her say it was bad
he didn’t have plans he’s just stupid and jealous
also niall knows abt ivy n h and h knows abt niall n Michelle but neither of the girls know and i just think that’s beautiful
anyway love u 🫀
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