35 posts
am i cool because i'm in a band, yet?demyx / myde lu ; ix, xxi.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
melodiiousnocturne · 5 years ago
The sound of drumming was filling the music store, as Ichika got lost in the rhythm. It was one of her days off, and she had been itching to practice, even more than she usually did. She had been here for only thirty minutes, but she was already moving onto her fifth song, with narry a break in between. It wasn’t intense, but it was consistent, not professional sounding, but with a ton of heart in it. She was practicing a particularly tricky part of one of her favorite songs, a part that had her staring intently at her drum kit as her sticks flew from part to part to part on it. She actually did it a few times, seeming to stare a hole into the poor kit.
When she finally looked up, practically slamming her stick on the crash cymbal, she was met with someone close to where she was practicing. She froze, quickly grabbing onto the cymbal to silence it.
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“ A-Ah! Sorry, I didn’t see you… am I, uh, being too loud? I can get pretty into my practice… u-um… ”
With one hand still on the crash cymbal, she pulled her sticks close to her, as if it was a shield.
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“  huh  ?  oh  !  nah  ,  you’re  good  .  ”  myde  waves  her  worries  off  casually  .  “  it’s  always  great  to  see  people  so  passionate  about  music  !  personally  i  never  got  into  drums  ,  but  my  brother  plays  drums  in  our  band  and  they’re  really  good  .  ”  referring  to  felix  as  his  brother  is  something  that  comes  too  natural  ,  though  demyx  doesn’t  mind  it  .  after  all  ,  it’s  nice  to  have  family  in  this  place  ,  given  the  circumstances  that  he  came  from  .  “  that  being  said  ,  while  i  would  normally  be  ecstatic  to  not  have  actual  work  to  do  ,  it’s  a  little  disappointing  i  can’t  offer  you  any  valuable  instruction  ...  not  that  you  need  it  by  the  looks  of  it  ,  though  .  ”  he  laughs  a  bit  as  he  sits  himself  down  on  a  nearby  space  .  “  say  ,  if  you  ever  needed  a  place  to  work  ,  i  could  put  in  a  good  word  with  the  boss  .  i’m  sure  they  wouldn’t  mind  having  another  instructor  around  ,  ”  myde  jokes  easily  ,  gently  signaling  for  her  to  continue  whenever  she’s  ready  to  play  again  .
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melodiiousnocturne · 5 years ago
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             ❝  WAIT ,  SO THE STOLEN ITEMS  were given back ?  oof ,  finally …  i didn’t even realize that had happened !  ❞   mostly because of how the girl had been trying to ignore things that weren’t directly relevant to what she considered the busiest time of the year  —  and consequently ,  the worst .  besides her friends ,  career and university ,  helena couldn’t bring herself to care or want to keep up with much else ;   it was just too much work !  not to mention ,  someone was bound to update her on everything sooner or later ,  regardless of whether or not the magenta - eyed girl asked for it .   leaning back in her seat ,  helena continued to sketch a new piece of jewelry in her ever trusty ,  baby pink notepad .  ❝  the  holiday season  is just a lot for everyone ,  you know ?  i hate being kept out of the loop ,  but i also hate having so much to do …  oh well ,  i do have to focus on my shop ,  so i suppose i could just trust on you to keep me updated from now ,  right ?  ❞   she pauses the sketch ,  gaze lifting towards her companion for the day .  ❝  you’re obviously really well informed …  even if i tried ,  i could  never  be as good as you !  ❞
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myde  has  to  laugh  at  her  words  ,  because  him  ?  well  informed  ?  a  joke  if  he’s  heard  one  .  sure  ,  he’s  not  as  dumb  as  he  often  plays  it  ,  but  even  he  knows  he  isn’t  necessarily  the  brightest  .  still  ,  the  blond  grins  at  her  .  “  hmm  ,  i  see  your  point  .  though  if  anything  you’d  probably  get  a  better  source  of  news  from  like  ,  twitter  or  something  !  ”  since  twitter  always  knows  everything  ,  apparently  .  “  also  i  gotta  point  out  :  if  my  stuff  and  my  friends’  stuff  didn’t  get  stolen  ,  i  literally  wouldn’t  have  known  about  it  ,  either  .  so  like  ,  you’re  pretty  and  i’d  totally  be  willing  to  help  ...  but  i  really  don’t  think  i’m  the  right  guy  for  this  .  ”
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melodiiousnocturne · 5 years ago
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&&  — “ I FEEL LIKE I’M FALLING ASLEEP JUST SITTING HERE. ” for the past half hour , it’s true , link had been drifting off , though they didn’t know why. it wasn’t like them to find themselves that exhausted , though it seemed as if their recent pattern of staying up all night was really taking a toll on them. they’ve been noticeably nodding off , too , head resting in their hands as they stifle back another yawn. “ i wonder if i could like, parkour and nap. ” there’s a pause , a clearly terrible idea forming in their head. “ wait , imagine it. i create a new trend , it’s called napping in terrible spots. the first spot ?? on top of the roof of a car. i can just go outside and lay on someone’s car with a blanket and fall the fuck to sleep. does that sound brilliant , or does that sound brilliant ?? ”
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sleeping  in  places  he  shouldn’t  sounds  about  right  to  him  ,  so  he  nods  enthusiastically  .  “  not  sure  about  the  parkour  part  ,  but  i’m  totally  down  for  taking  naps  in  random  spots  ,  dude  .  ”  he  can  clearly  recall  the  many  times  slept  on  his  chair  during  organizing  meetings  ,  and  in  obscure  locations  on  different  worlds  when  he  should  have  been  actively  on  his  mission  instead  ---  even  some  times  where  xigbar  used  his  powers  to  put  demyx  on  the  ceiling  while  he  dozed  off  .  (  which  really  hurt  coming  down  from  ,  because  xigbar  was  not  kind  enough  to  prove  a  safe  landing  ...  how  typical  of  the  old  man  .  )  but  it’s  not  like  he  can  really  talk  about  those  experiences  however  ,  much  less  in  a  casual  conversation  .  eh  ,  whatever  .  stretching  slightly  as  a  yawn  of  his  own  falls  from  parted  lips  ,  myde  shakes  his  head  .  “  we  should  just  have  a  sleepathon  .  y’know  like  a  marathon  but  no  gross  running  .  just  pure  sleeping  ...  and  extra  style  points  for  places  that  seem  impossible  to  rest  .  ”
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melodiiousnocturne · 5 years ago
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happy zemyx day! only a little late
[image is a pencil drawing of an enthusiastic demyx eagerly holding a shy ienzo’s hand.]
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melodiiousnocturne · 5 years ago
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                    WHEN  MYDE  OPENS  the  door  with  a  smile  on  his  face,  ienzo  can’t  help  but  smile  back,  a  reflex  action  when  they  see  how  happy  he  seems.  they  don’t  think  they  have  ever  had  that  effect  on  someone  before  (  not  that  they  would  remember  much  if  they  had,  since  most  of  their  memories  are  lost  to  them  )  and  something  about  it  makes  them  feel  warm  inside.  they  step  into  the  room,  and  really,  they  wouldn’t  have  noticed  the  mess  had  myde  not  mentioned  it,  and  it  could  be  a  lot  worse.  ❝  it’s  fine,  you  haven’t  seen  my  room  with  all  of  my  books  spread  across  the  floor  yet.  ❞  they  don’t  catch  themselves  before  saying  ❛  yet  ❜,  but  they  can’t  help  but  pause  once  the  word  is  out  of  their  mouth.  they  wonder  if  myde  noticed  the  unintentional  (  but  still  valid,  if  it’s  wanted  )  promise  in  it.  they  forget  about  it  for  the  moment,  just  in  time  to  hear  myde’s  rambling,  and  they  smile  just  a  little  more  at  it.  ❝  i  don’t  mind  either  way,  it  doesn’t  bother  me.  ❞  there  is  something  almost  endearing  about  how  much  he  is  worrying  about  things,  since  they  feel  as  if  it’s  always  their  job  to  be  overly-cautious.
                    they  will  always  deny  the  way  their  stomach  flips  at  the  idea  of  inspiring  another  person’s  music  in  a  positive  way.  at  least,  they  assume  it’s  positive,  as  they  don’t  think  myde  would  have  invited  them  over  if  it  wasn’t.  ❝  i’m  honoured.  i  can’t  say  i  know  much  about  music,  ❞  from  a  composer’s  perspective,  anyway,  ❝  but  i’m  sure  i’ll  like  it.  ❞  love  it,  more  like.  they  don’t  think  they  could  ever  think  one  of  myde’s  songs  are  bad,  from  what  they’ve  heard  of  him,  though  that  could  just  be  them  charging  in  blind  and  not  knowing  enough.
                    ❛  i  like  singing  for  you.  ❜  it’s  only  five  words,  yet  they  cause  their  face  to  flush,  and  they  bow  their  head  slightly  in  order  to  hide  it.  they  don’t  think  it  will  work  all  that  well,  though.  when  they  hear  the  apology  (  they  decide  they  don’t  have  the  capacity  to  deal  with  being  told  they’re  important  to  someone,  not  just  yet  ),  they  shake  their  head.  ❝  there’s  no  reason  for  you  to  be  sorry.  just…  pretend  i’m  not  here  ??  if  that  helps.  ❞  they  don’t  know  how  to  make  the  situation  better,  but  they’re  trying  anyway.
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it’s  mildly  unsettling  to  feel  his  own  heartbeat  now  ,  he  decides  last  minute  ,  because  it  feels  like  it’s  going  to  burst  .  and  the  prospect  of  being  in  their  room  adds  to  the  warmth  blooming  across  his  own  face  .  momentarily  ,  he  can’t  help  but  wonder  if  ienzo  still  likes  the  same  kind  of  books  .
with  a  slight  nod  ,  myde  makes  another  quick  decision  as  he  scrambles  to  retrieve  his  notebook  .  “  actually  ,  we  might  be  better  off  in  my  room  .  you  know  ,  in  case  my  roommate  decides  to  come  home  early  and  makes  it  ...  weird  .  ”  of  course  while  it’s  a  possibility  ,  there’s  an  inkling  of  doubt  that  it’ll  happen  .  “  and  now  that  i  think  about  it  ,  my  bed  is  a  lot  more  comfortable  to  relax  on  than  the  couch  .  ”  it  is  ,  in  his  opinion  ,  so  when  the  words  come  out  of  his  mouth  he  doesn’t  think  twice  .  myde’s  once  more  grinning  .  “  c’mon  !  it’s  just  over  here  .  ”  though  he  pauses  again  as  he  turns  ,  glancing  over  his  shoulder  .  “  for  the  record  ,  i  don’t  know  if  i  can  pretend  you’re  not  here  —  i  mean  ,  in  theory  i  can  ,  but  that  defeats  the  purpose  !  i  wanted  you  to  come  for  a  reason  .  ”  whatever  the  reason  is  ,  other  than  just  wanting  to  be  near  them  .
as  he  guides  them  into  his  bedroom  —  primarily  white  with  varying  shades  of  blue  and  a  bunch  of  dumb  music  posters  plastered  on  the  walls  —  he  sighs  to  himself  .  man  ,  demyx  wishes  he  had  arpeggio  still  .  maybe  then  it’d  be  easier  to  kick-start  some  of  ienzo’s  memories  like  this  !  not  that  it’s  his  goal  right  now  (  right  now  he  really  just  wants  to  play  music  for  them  )  ,  but  for  future  reference  maybe  it  would’ve  helped  .  maybe  .  he  played  it  loud  and  frequently  enough  in  the  organization  ,  there’s  literally  no  way  someone  can  forget  the  distinctive  sound  .  “  make  yourself  at  home  !  my  room  is  your  room  .  ”  as  he  says  it  ,  his  eyes  catch  glimpse  of  something  draped  across  his  chair  .  myde  freezes  for  a  second  ,  forgetting  that  in  the  midst  of  things  he  didn’t  actually  put  his  organization  cloak  into  a  secure  spot  .  he  didn’t  mean  to  leave  it  out  in  the  open  !  old  memories  of  it  after  finally  getting  it  back  started  getting  the  best  of  him  ;  while  most  of  those  weren’t  positive  memories  ,  they  were  his  nonetheless  .  but  he  chuckles  again  ,  this  time  more  nervous  about  what  could  happen  if  (  when  )  ienzo  sees  it  .
in  different  circumstances  ,  demyx  wouldn’t  have  cared  .  though  ,  is  it  more  suspicious  to  shove  it  away  quickly  ,  or  to  act  like  nothing’s  wrong  ?  because  really  ,  something  is  only  wrong  if  someone  addresses  it  ,  right  ?  that  sounds  arguably  dubious  ,  but  it’s  one  thing  he  doesn’t  care  about  currently  .  so  he  chooses  to  ignore  it  as  if  it’s  not  there  .  and  should  ienzo  bring  it  up  ,  that’s  another  story  .  his  eyes  finally  leave  the  fabric  and  he  sits  down  on  his  bed  ,  setting  the  notebook  down  beside  him  to  pick  up  his  guitar  .  “  ready  whenever  you  are  ...  !  ”  he’s  not  ,  but  when’s  that  ever  stopped  him  ?
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melodiiousnocturne · 5 years ago
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fingers  tap  in  memorized  rhythm  to  a  troubvdours’  song  as  he  watches  lingering  customers  weave  between  racks  and  displays  .  “  hey  ,  are  we  getting  any  more  hair  products  in  soon  ?  ”  the  question  hangs  in  the  air  while  it  mixes  into  the  background  music  as  his  eyes  find  his  boss  .  “  i  ...  i’m  kinda  low  on  bleach  and  my  roots  are  starting  to  come  in  ,  so  ...  ”  myde  chuckles  and  shrugs  like  it’s  not  that  big  of  a  deal  .  because  really  ,  it  isn’t  .  he  merely  wants  to  buy  from  the  hq  and  support  ...  well  ,  it’s  no  secret  seth  likes  to  adopt  them  (  given  his  old  boss  ,  that  was  practically  whiplash  )  ;  myde  figures  there’s  no  better  place  to  get  his  stuff  .  but  with  a  fast  shake  of  his  head  ,  he  adds  ,  “  i  mean  !  it’s  cool  if  we’re  not  .  i  can  just  buy  some  online  or  whatever  .  ”
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melodiiousnocturne · 5 years ago
( @melodiiousnocturne· )
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                    IENZO  TRULY  DOESN’T  know  what  to  expect  after  the  texts.  they’re  nervous,  but  not  in  a  bad  way.  it’s  something  they  can’t  explain.  it’s  an  excited  type  of  nervous  —  anticipation.  who  can  blame  them  when  they  are  supposedly  the  muse  to  whatever  myde  has  in  store  for  them  ??  they  don’t  think  they  have  ever  inspired  anything  from  anyone  before.
                    and  then  there  is  the  fact  that  it’s  myde,  and  somehow  that  makes  them  feel  even  better.
                    now  they  stand  in  front  of  myde’s  door,  tucking  their  phone  into  their  jacket  pocket  (  they  haven’t  stopped  stress-texting  ven  this  entire  time,  and  they  need  to  let  their  phone  go  because  they  don’t  think  they’ll  stop  otherwise  with  the  amount  of  nerves  they’re  currently  feeling  )  and  steeling  themselves.  they  knock  on  the  door  and  wait.
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alright  ,  he  can  do  this  .  he  can  totally  do  this  !  it’s  not  the  first  time  they’ve  been  alone  together  .  admittedly  it  was  impulse  to  text  ienzo  ,  but  when  did  that  ever  stop  him  ?  he  mumbles  to  himself  —  maybe  he  should’ve  prepared  cue  cards  .  though  he  all  but  rushes  to  the  door  once  he  hears  the  knock  .  a  lazy  lopsided  grin  lights  up  his  features  ,  without  a  doubt  beaming  as  he  lets  them  inside  .  “  hey  ,  ienzo  !  i’m  really  glad  you  made  it  .  ”  his  cheerful  disposition  doesn’t  falter  .  “  uh  ,  sorry  about  any  mess  ,  ”  he  mutters  then  as  he  steps  aside  to  close  the  door  behind  them  ,  knowing  exactly  how  noriko  and  him  --  not  to  mention  the  others  --  are  in  the  apartment  .  granted  he  attempted  to  clean  some  of  it  up  beforehand  —  attempted  being  the  keyword  .  “  hope  it  doesn’t  bother  you  ,  but  we  can  go  into  my  room  if  it  does  ?  ”  a  pause  .  “  it’s  a  little  better  than  out  here  .  ”  another  pause  .  “  unless  that’s  ,  like  ,  too  ...  much  ?  ”  demyx  realizes  he’s  rambling  ,  so  he  firmly  shuts  up  .  this  isn’t  a  big  deal  ,  right  ?  actually  ,  it  is  ,  he  thinks  .  it’s  worse  that  ienzo  doesn’t  remember  ,  because  if  they  did  ,  then  there  wouldn’t  be  this  weird  pressure  .  not  that  demyx  blames  them  ,  however  ;  but  the  weight  of  it  hangs  silently  in  his  heart  .
“  right  .  anyway  ,  i  wanted  to  run  some  music  by  you  !  y’know  like  ,  a  sneak  peak  for  future  stuff  i  guess  .  ”  he  chuckles  quietly  ,  unaware  of  the  pink  hue  creeping  over  his  cheeks  and  the  tips  of  his  ears  .  “  since  you  were  the  inspiration  for  a  lot  of  it  and  you  mentioned  you  started  listening  to  the  troubvdours  .  and  well  ,  i  like  singing  for  you  .  ”
wait  .  “  i  meant  i  would  like  to  sing  for  you  ..  ‘cause  you’re  pretty  important  to  me  !  yeah  ,  that’s  ..  that’s  what  i  -  ”  myde  runs  a  hand  through  his  bleached  hair  nervously  ,  eyes  glancing  back  and  forth  between  ienzo  and  the  open  notebook  on  the  table  .  man  ,  it’s  a  good  thing  neko  left  .  she  would  be  having  a  field  day  with  this  already  ,  he  just  knows  it  !  flashing  ienzo  a  more  apologetic  albeit  sheepish  grin  ,  myde  sighs  .  “  sorry  ,  sorry  .  i’m  probably  getting  ahead  of  myself  ,  huh  ?  i’ll  be  honest  ,  i  ...  don’t  do  usually  this  .  ”
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melodiiousnocturne · 5 years ago
📱 awoma!
SAVED  AS:  big  sis  🤗RINGTONE:  fight  another  day  /  paff
MYDE  (Nov.  30,  3:45  PM):  hey  btw  when  was  practice  again  ?  i  told  sheik  i  wouldnt  be  late  and  welllllllllllll  u  know  how  it  goes
MYDE  (Dec.  1,  2  AM):  sometimes  i  think  about  my  old  life  and  miss  it  but  then  i  wouldnt  have  u  !!  or  any  of  the  others  !  and  like  full  offense  to  the  guys  i  used  to  work  with  but  you’re  betterMYDE  (Dec.  1,  2  AM):  that  being  said  ,  i  do  miss  having  all  my  water  powersMYDE  (Dec.  1,  2:02  AM):  ……….  oh  yea  have  i  told  u  about  those  yet  ?  lol
MYDE  (Dec.  2,  11  AM):  i  know  you’re  literally  right  across  from  me  but  do  u  want  to  go  somewhere  for  lunch  break  ?
MYDE  (Drafted  Dec.  1):  yeah  ..  i  knew  ienzo  from  my  past  life  .  except  they  were  zexion  ,,  which  is  why  i  kinda  say  that  a  lot  xjxhxjxhjjdMYDE  (Drafted  Dec.  1):  not  to  get  dark  but  i  literally  was  told  i  didnt  have  a  heart  so  i  would  fight  to  collect  hearts  or  whatever  and  become  a  vessel  for  a  weird  old  dude  but  i  apparently  had  an  ancient  keyblade  legacy  ??  wild  tbhMYDE  (Drafted  Dec.  1):  also  uhhhhh  i  was  kinda  a  bad  guy  if  we  wanna  get  technical
MYDE  (Drafted  Dec.  2):  help  am  baby  gay  ??!?!???MYDE  (Drafted  Dec.  2):  how  the  fuck  did  u  &  sheik  get  anything  done  this  is  STRESSFUL  like  i  stan  but  hOW
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melodiiousnocturne · 5 years ago
📱 for ienzo !!
SAVED  AS:  ienzo  (  NOT  zexion  )RINGTONE:  track  vi.  illusions  /  from  his  ep  ‘  heartless  ’
MYDE  (Nov.  28,  11:30  PM):  hey  idk  if  ur  still  awake  but  i  had  fun  today  !!!MYDE  (Nov.  28,  11:30  PM):  any  time  you  wanna  hang  out  like  just  us  im  down  ;)MYDE  (Nov.  28,  11:33  PM):  k  not  mad  but  i  swear  that  was  supposed  to  be  :)
MYDE  (Nov.  30,  10  AM):  TOTALLY  out  of  the  blue  …  if  u  have  a  moment  do  you  wanna  come  by  my  place  ?  i  wanna  show  u  something  i’ve  been  working  on  !!MYDE  (Nov.  30,  10  AM):  not  to  be  weird  &  say  ur  my  muse  for  it  but  you  kinda  are  i  HOPE  THATS  COOL
MYDE  (Drafted  Nov.  29):  i  know  u  dont  remember  but  like  we  were  each  others  first  kisses  and  honestly  being  around  you  now  is  like  really  bittersweet  cause  i  never  got  to  tell  u  how  i  felt  back  in  the  org  ……  idk  wish  i  could  just  tell  u  but  life  really  be  like  this  huhMYDE  (Drafted  Nov.  29):  god  i  wish  you  didnt  go  to  castle  oblivion  like  do  u  think  that  would’ve  changed  anything  ??  i  literally  didnt  care  about  the  others  when  i  heard  what  happened  butMYDE  (Drafted  Nov.  29):  i  dont  know  lmao  i  just  miss  u  i  guess
MYDE  (Drafted  Dec.  1):  do  you  think  if  this  didnt  happen  ,  i  could’ve  joined  u  in  radiant  garden  eventually  ?MYDE  (Drafted  Dec.  1):  i  think  about  it  sometimes
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melodiiousnocturne · 5 years ago
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   ⁠— ❝ HOY THERE , GRACIOUS CUSTOMER !! MAY I INTEREST YOU IN … Ugh. ❞ He breaks character to heave a long sigh , forgetting why originally he volunteered to do this. He stands outside his workplace , hands on his hips &  lightsaber in one hand - of course , dressed in an … interesting Santa Costume ; a brown cloak over the regular attire that seems to fit a WEE BIT too tightly. Jedi Santa Claus was what he went with ; it beat Inigo’s suggestions of Hot Santa Claus , and that may have been what the original costume meant for , but that wasn’t exactly Owen’s ballpark. So he waves his fake green lightsaber around , shaking his cloak and swaying back and forth. ❝ TO YE POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS !! Our Black Friday sales will be starting soon ; I will also take pictures if it means to check the store out !! I am only but a simple gracious Jedi waiting for my … SPACE SLEIGH OF THE GALAXIES to return … ❞ And a whisper , under his breath , ❝ I will breakdance in this costume if it means I get a raise. ❞ At least it helps him take part in his theatrics ; one of the reasons why he’s doing this in the first place. But the costume … that’s a bit much. ( Or maybe he secretly finds it cool , but he knows nobody else will. )
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the  sight  of  owen  makes  him  glad  his  shift  wasn’t  earlier  ,  or  else  they  might’ve  made  him  do  this  .  “  jeez  ,  seth  really  has  you  working  this  holiday  thing  ,  huh  ?  well  ,  it  suits  you  !  ”  he  grins  stupidly  as  potential  customers  walk  by  them  ,  observing  the  scene  for  themselves  .  while  myde  would  rather  sneak  a  nap  in  the  warmth  of  the  store  ,  he  takes  out  his  phone  and  pulls  up  twitter  ---  ‘  EVERYONE  WHO  COMES  TO  THE  HQ  RIGHT  NOW�� &  BUYS  SOMETHING  will  get  a  selfie  with  me  &  a  cool  santa  jedi  !!  i’ll  even  be  signing  things  if  ya  want  :)  ’  .  maybe  it’s  not  good  to  use  his  following  to  the  store’s  advantage  ,  but  he  doesn’t  see  an  issue  .  it’s  helping  !  he’s  being  helpful  !  that’s  as  best  as  it’s  going  to  get  .  “  we  should  be  getting  more  customers  in  soon  ,  dude  .  oh  !  and  i  told  everyone  you  were  cool  ,  so  maybe  that’ll  help  .  ”
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melodiiousnocturne · 5 years ago
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She shook her head, “No, it’s okay, I get it.” With everything that had been happening, specifically what went down at the masquerade and now the odd memories that were trickling in, Renata had been lost in deep thought herself. She’d be lying if she said that hadn’t caused her to bump into other people and objects as of late. She cast her eyes down as she drew invisible shapes in the pavement with the tip of her boot. “A lot of weird stuff has been going on around here lately, huh?” A small frown crossed her features. Weird was maybe an understatement at this point. “Have you been able to piece any of it together?” She asked, looking up with hopeful eyes. Renata hadn’t made much progress figuring out any of this on her own, but maybe someone else had some better luck at it.
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when  she  looks  at  him  ,  myde  almost  panics  ;  he  doesn’t  have  answers  ,  or  anywhere  to  start  to  be  honest  .  really  —  he  hasn’t  been  taking  any  of  it  that  seriously  until  it  impacted  him  somehow  .  as  per  usual  ,  he  has  to  think  ,  much  to  his  suppressed  chagrin  .  “  can’t  say  that  i  have  ...  sorry  .  ”  though  he  pauses  briefly  before  he  smiles  ,  hopefully  more  optimistic  than  before  .  “  but  ,  maybe  that’ll  change  soon  !  nothing  stays  a  mystery  forever  ,  right  ?  ”
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melodiiousnocturne · 5 years ago
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                    REMI  SHOULD  KNOW  by  now  that  walking  while  looking  at  her  phone  is  a  terrible  combination,  especially  when  out  in  public.  she  may  not  be  walking  across  the  street,  so  there  isn’t  a  chance  of  being  run  over  or  anything  of  the  sort,  but  there  are  still  hazards  that  she  really  hasn’t  thought  through.  moving  obstacles,  such  as  people,  is  one  of  them,  and  she  loses  her  balance  as  she  knocks  into  someone,  leaning  on  the  nearest  wall  to  steady  herself.  she  shakes  her  head,  both  to  snap  out  of  her  dazed  state  and  to  reassure  him.  ❝  no,  no,  it’s  okay  !!  i  should’ve  been  watching  where  i  was  going.  ❞  she  holds  up  her  phone,  a  guilty  expression  on  her  face.  ❝  but…  are  you  okay  ??  ❞  she  narrows  her  eyes,  but  not  unkindly,  trying  to  figure  out  if  there  is  something  wrong  or  not.
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although  ,  admittedly  ,  empathy  in  the  past  has  been  a  hit  or  miss  with  him  ,  demyx  feels  slightly  bad  when  he  watches  her  clutch  the  wall  for  balance  .  though  before  he  can  process  anything  else  ,  he  furrows  his  brows  at  her  words  .  “  something  wrong  ?  oh  ,  worried  is  just  my  usual  expression  !  other  than  tired  ,  i  guess  .  ”  he  jokes  easily  ,  trying  to  lighten  the  mood  up  as  if  nothing’s  going  wrong  .  that’s  what  he’s  good  for  ,  isn’t  it  ?  “  are  you  sure  you’re  okay  ?  like  ,  is  your  phone  good  ?  ”
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melodiiousnocturne · 5 years ago
Enough jobs brought about by drawing the short straw had helped Artem develop an excellent eye for distress. He ran his thumb over his knuckles as he watched the frantic pacing. Should he get up and go over, try to offer some peace? His heart wanted to but the cold sweat at the back of his mind told him no. It wasn’t his place. 
Then where the hell was?
He rocked up onto his feet and made his way over, more confident than he felt. Dark brows furrowed as he caught worried words. Well, he understood it well enough. The entire town was on edge and for good reason. He wanted to do something. He could start by extending a hand. That was the plan, at least, until his feet got ahead of his thoughts and sent him on a collision course.
“You’re fine,” he reassured as he righted himself and extended a hand. “I was on my way over here anyway, so it…works out.” He wanted to ask if it felt colder but he refrained. “I noticed how, uh, upset you looked? Did you lose something?”
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how  upset  he  looks  ?  huh  .  he  guesses  that’s  one  way  to  put  it  .    with  a  shaky  laugh  ,  he  accepts  the  other’s  hand  .  “  something  like  that  ,  yeah  .  ”  myde  answers  .  “  you  might’ve  saw  the  news  ,  or  ...  maybe  you  haven’t  ,  but  one  of  my  things  were  ,  you  know  .  ”  maybe  if  he  wore  it  more  often  in  this  world  ,  this  person  couldn’t  have  just  plucked  it  from  his  grasp  .  “  there’s  a  lot  of  weird  things  going  on  in  town  ,  it’s  kinda  starting  to  get  to  me  .  ”
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melodiiousnocturne · 5 years ago
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          Pamela was not paying attention to what she was doing. But not because she was lost deep in thought about the important things that were happening in the world around her. No, Pamela was not paying attention because she was too busy staring at her nails which she had just gotten done. They were clear and shiny with pink flowers at the edge of each one. It was something that seemed very classic and definitely very her. She was admiring them when the two of them clashed with each other. 
The girl let out a small huff, rolling her eyes in the process. “ It’s alright. I wasn’t looking either so it isn’t just your fault… “ She was more upset at herself for not focusing and allowing something as embarrassing as running into a stranger on the street to happen. Her life had always been about keeping up perfect pretenses, no matter how minimal or absurd they seemed. “ What exactly is happening that’s got you so riled up? Are you, like, headed somewhere? “ 
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“  oh  !  uh  ,  well  ...  something  was  stolen  from  me  .  ”  myde  explains  briefly  ,  an  awkward  laugh  falls  after  his  words  .  he’s  never  one  to  shy  ,  but  something  about  the  situation  still  doesn’t  sit  right  to  him  .  while  he  isn’t  the  most  intelligent  academically  ,  there’s  no  denying  he’s  observant  —  provided  that  he  wants  to  be  .  even  so  ,  something  is  amiss  .  “  to  be  honest  i  wasn’t  really  planning  on  ending  up  anywhere  ?  maybe  ...  maybe  to  -  ”  demyx  has  to  stop  himself  then  ,  forgetting  that  zexion  currently  isn’t  zexion  .  they  wouldn’t  know  what  to  tell  him  ,  not  like  the  old  days  before  everything  went  to  shit  .  ingrid  comes  to  mind  as  well  ,  although  she’s  too  kind  to  him  (  still  kinder  than  he’s  used  to  )  ,  and  he  doesn’t  know  how  to  dive  into  a  deeper  explanation  behind  the  leather  cloak  .  so  with  a  smile  that’s  as  apologetic  as  he  can  make  it  ,  he  corrects  himself  .  not  so  much  corrects  as  simply  finishes  his  sentence  .  “  maybe  to  a  cafe  ?  somewhere  ...  calm  ,  i  guess  .  ”  a  cafe  isn’t  necessarily  what  classifies  as  somewhere  calm  ,  though  maybe  that’s  a  good  thing  .  maybe  if  he  ends  up  meeting  troubvdours  fans  ,  he  can  sway  his  worries  from  his  mind  .  yeah  ,  maybe  .  “  er  -  were  you  going  somewhere  ,  too  ?  ”
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melodiiousnocturne · 5 years ago
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&&  — FINN WAS NEVER ONE TO AUDIBLY WORRY. they never wore their emotions on their face, never dared speak it aloud. it was their armor, not telling people what dared lie underneath but it was becoming harder and harder to do such a thing now. there’s a certain amount of stress when walking into your bedroom, expecting to see the bittersweet item where you left it only to find that missing. gone, really, without a trace of any sort of break in or robbery. and only after discovering that none of the people they thought would have taken it, well… this didn’t seem so good. they’d been searching all day, trying to find the piece of cloth that had brought them so much anger, so much pain, as it was the only thing they’d had left. myde was just a stop in their journey to finding it, after all… he was probably one of the only people here they trusted, other than ingrid or, well, the true owner of the cloak. instinctively taking a step back at the impact, while they normally would have lashed out, instead they just wave their hand. “honestly i don’t give a fuck about you bumping into me right now, what are you missing?” they know they’re not the only one missing something - of course, myde made that clear by saying it but it can’t just be both of them, right? other people have to be missing something, and from the expression on his face, they can gather that it’s gotta be something also kind of important. 
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he  sighs  as  he  slumps  his  shoulders  .  “  you  remember  my  ...  weird  leather  cloak  thing  ?  ”  weird  leather  cloak  thing  .  what  a  way  to  describe  the  article  of  clothing  he  wore  daily  for  over  ten  years  .  “  it  -  it’s  gone  .  why  anyone  would  take  it  beats  me  .  ”  he  finishes  with  a  pause  ,  having  an  idea  why  people  from  his  world  might  take  it  .  but  a  stranger  ?  nah  ,  he  can’t  comprehend  that  —  to  anyone  outside  ,  it  surely  shouldn’t  look  like  much  ,  right  ?  unless  ...  unless  this  g  knew  about  it  .  somehow  .  what  if  g’s  a  keyblade  wielder  !  no  ,  that  doesn’t  make  much  sense  ,  does  it  ?  though  truthfully  ,  nothing  really  does  .  myde  gulps  silently  as  his  eyes  flicker  towards  the  other  .  finn  feels  like  a  lifelong  friend  without  the  effort  of  making  one  ,  and  maybe  it’s  his  fake  memories  mixing  into  his  real  ones  ,  but  he  appreciates  it  nonetheless  .  it’s  comforting  to  have  people  .  safe  .  demyx  knows  it’s  childish  ,  it  doesn’t  stop  his  belief  anyway  .  “  you  think  we’ll  find  our  stuff  soon  ?  ”  his  question  is  quiet  ,  hanging  in  the  air  .
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melodiiousnocturne · 5 years ago
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   — THEY MAKE EYE CONTACT , and immediately Shiloh freezes in place as they stare at his frame. Granted , they weren’t exactly watching where they were going , either ; there has been a lot on their mind - the chilling report struck a nerve the moment they read about that black cloak and now that suddenly DEMYX is standing right in front of them … unless the other members of the Organization are here ( and they are praying to whatever deity that can help them that they aren’t ) , then that has to be his. Shiloh stands rooted in place , lips parted - they don’t reply thanks to the fact their oceanic hues can’t stop STARING and they feel as if the world has suddenly stopped. They take a note of the golden shade in his , and that’s all they comment - ❝ Your eyes. ❞ They blink a few times , standing up straight and realizing what the hell came out.❝ S-Sorry , uh - it’s okay , ❞ and they’re trying now to not make eye contact , ❝ I-I wasn’t watching where I was going , either. It’s okay. ❞     
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he  didn’t  really  stop  to  look  at  the  person  until  they  mentioned  his  eyes  .  which  widened  considerably  ,  thanks  to  who  they’re  looking  at  now  .  was  that  —  was  that  actually  xion  ?  interesting  .  between  what  he  remembers  and  what  assorted  memories  he  was  given  ,  his  mind  feels  foggy  ;  like  trying  to  remember  them  clearly  is  a  challenge  .  though  a  frown  tugs  at  his  lips  :  why  did  they  mention  his  eyes  ?  he  knows  the  eerie  gold  color  isn’t  a  happy  association  for  any  of  them  ,  yet  ...  maybe  xion  doesn’t  remember  the  truth  ?  like  zexion  .  “  y-yeah  .  wait  ,  what  about  my  eyes  ?  ”  he  presses  quietly  ,  unsure  of  how  to  proceed  .  he’ll  play  fool  —  he’s  always  good  at  that  .  still  ,  it’s  the  first  time  in  a  long  while  that  a  pang  of  self-consciousness  overtakes  him  (  his  stupid  eyes  ,  he  misses  the  natural  cyan  he  once  had  .  )  “  but  uh  .  i  guess  we’re  ...  both  to  blame  then  ,  huh  ?  ”  smooth  demyx  ,  big  smooth  .
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melodiiousnocturne · 5 years ago
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don’t  let  our  hearts  fade  /  a  zemyx  playlist  [  listen  here  ]  *  @ienzion
i.  on  my  mind  ,  new  found  glory
it  feels  familiar ‘cause  i’ve  been  here  before when  your  words  swept  the  ground right  from  under  me
ii.  memory  ,  sugarcult
(  i’d  be  your  memory  ) feelings  disappear can  i  be  your  memory  ? so  get  back  ,  back  ,  back  to  where  we  lasted just  like  i  imagine i  could  never  feel  this  way so  get  back  ,  back  ,  back  to  the  disaster my  heart’s  beating  faster holding  on  to  feel  the  same
iii.  my  heart  ,  paramore
and  its  been  so  long since  i’ve  heard  a  sound the  sound  of  my  only  hope this  time  i  will  be  listening
my  heart  is  yours (  please  don’t  go  now  ,  please  don’t  fade  away  )
iv.  you  had  me  at  hello  ,  a  day  to  remember
i’ve  never  seen  a  smile  that  can  light  the  room  like  yours it’s  simply  radiant  ,  i  feel  more  with  everyday  that  goes  by i  watch  the  clock  so  i  can  make  my  timing  just  right would  it  be  okay  ? would  it  be  okay  if  i  took  your  breath  away  ?
v.  same  dumb  excuse  (  nothing  to  lose  )  ,  forever  the  sickest  kids
i’ve  got  nothing  to  lose i’ve  got  nothing  to  lose  but  you if  i  just  say  nothing  ,  you'll  never  hear  the  truth i  can’t  keep  using  the  same  dumb  excuse ‘cause  ,  i’ve  got  nothing  to  lose i’ve  got  nothing  to  lose but  you
vi.  you’re  still  a  mystery  ,  bleachers
followed  a  dream  and  a  strange  desire you  picked  me  up  in  the  dead  of  the  night and  gave  me  a  chance  to  move  on  inside  of  your  mystery maybe  i  don’t  need  to  understand why  your  love  ,  love  ,  love  is  such  mystery
vii.  must  have  done  something  right  ,  relient  k
and  i’m  racking  my  brain  for  a  new  improved  way to  let  you  know  you’re  more  to  me  than  what  i  know  how  to  say
maybe  i’m  just  lucky  ‘cause  it’s  hard  to  believe believe  that  somebody  like  you’d  end  up  with  someone  like  me and  i  know  that  it’s  so  cliche  to  talk  about  you  this  way
viii.  kiss  me  again  ,  we  are  the  in  crowd  &  alex  gaskarth
i  gotta  say  something  i’ve  been  thinking  about i  can’t  wait  to  lay  around  with  you and  tell  you  all  the  secrets  i’ve  been  keeping  to  myself
i  gotta  say  i  wasn’t  expecting  you to  come  this  way  and  fall  into  my  arms and  now  i  know  i  can't  deny  this  feeling  any  longer i  close  my  eyes  ,  i  can’t  stop  thinking  about  you crack  a  smile  ,  i  just  can’t  lose at  a  mile  a  minute  my  heart  beats  to  the  limit  when  i’m  with  you
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