#larroquette poll
boasamishipper · 17 hours
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smashorpass50plus · 2 months
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John Larroquette
Reblog for a bigger sample!
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girl-drink-drunk · 3 months
I forgot to add this as an option but if there's another one that you prefer please let us know in the tags or replies 💚
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carcarrot · 7 days
listening and learning on tumblr dot com
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leveragedlibrarians · 7 months
If I had a nickle for every mutual I've watched become slowly consumed with love for John Larroquette I'd have two nickles
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trekkie-polls · 8 months
There have been a huge number of famous guest stars on Star Trek over the years, so we're going to take this season by season and then have a face-off between the most voted in each series. Basically a bracket, minus the planning :). Each poll will have the same criteria: 1) they must be famous before being on Star Trek, 2) they cannot be a titled main character, and 3) when I can't fit everyone in I'm using my best judgment.
Below the fold I'm including photos of their Star Trek roles and a couple of things that made them famous before appearing on Star Trek... which limited my options to 10 names per poll (you can only have 10 photos per post).
Here's one article about some TOS TV guest stars if you want to read more about these & other cameos!
Frank Gorshin as Bele (s3ep15 Let That Be Your Last Battlefield) Previously the Riddler on the 60's Batman & a standup comic who opened on the Sullivan show for the first US Beatles appearance.
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2. Ted Cassidy as Ruk (s1ep9 What are Little Girls Made Of?). Previously the voice of the Martian (Angry Red Planet), and Lurch (The Addams Family)
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3. Julie Newmar as Eleen (s2ep3 Friday's Child). Previously Catwoman on Batman, and the android titular Rhoda on My Living Doll (the character who inspired Seven of Nine's name)
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4. Ricardo Montálban as Khan Noonien Singh (s1ep24 Space Seed & Star Trek II). Ricardo has a long career, starting with musicals and short films in the US in 1940-41. He moved home to care for his dying mother, and became a famous Mexican Movie star in the 40's, starring in over a dozen movies. In the late 40's he returned to the US, and US Hollywood. In 1949 he was the first Hispanic Person to appear on the cover of Life Magazine. He continued to star in many movies, TV shows, and Broadway productions leading up to his first TOS appearance.
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5. Michael Dunn as Alexander (s3ep12 Plato's Stepchildren). Previously Dr. Miguelito Loveless on The Wild West and Mr Big on Get Smart. Also Considered by Gene Roddenberry for the role of "Spock" in the Star Trek pilot The Cage!
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6. Lee Meriwether as Losira (s3ep16 That Which Survives). Previously 1955 Ms America, Catwoman on Batman, and Tracey, Anna Rojak on Mission Impossible.
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7. John Larroquette as Maltz (Star Trek III). Previously Dan Fielding on Night Count, Dr Paul Herman on Doctor's Hospital, and Second Lieutenant Robert "Bob" Anderson on Baa Baa Black Sheep.
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8. Christopher Lloyd as Kruge (Star Trek III). Previously Reverend Jim Ignatowski on Taxi (a character who cannonically loved Star Trek), Phillip Semenko on Cheers, and Taber in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
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9. Madge Sinclair as Captain (Star Trek IV). Previously Nurse Ernestine on Trapper John MD, and Bell Reynolds in Roots. She was the first on-screen female captain in Star Trek. She later went on to play Geordi's mom in TNG - the 4th role in which she played Levar Burton's Mother.
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10. Iman as Martia (Star Trek VI). Previously a supermodel, Cynthia in L.A. Story (alongside Sir Pat Stew), Nina Beka in No Way Out, Mariammo in Out of Africa, and Lois Blyth & Dakotah in Miami Vice.
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boasamishipper · 5 days
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boasamishipper · 7 days
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boasamishipper · 3 days
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boasamishipper · 5 days
our original pool of sixteen sexy larroquette characters has been winnowed down to an elite eight. if your faves won the fight, congratulations! pat yourselves on the back for a vote well cast and a propaganda campaign well run. if your faves sadly did not emerge victorious, don't worry: the round one losers will have a bracket of their own after this tournament is over, so they'll all have one more shot at the crown.
let's meet our elite eight!
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Billy Ace (Choose Me)
though David Bedford (Blind Date) fought the good fight, Billy Ace (of tall dark and handsome, leather jacket, and motorcycle riding fame) emerged victorious with 18 votes to 12. hopefully David will find consolation in his gigantic pile of teddy bears.
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Carl Sack (Boston Legal)
his bitchiness, stoic demeanor and steadfast refusal to take part in the Shenanigans™️ around him have bewitched larroquette nation body and soul: Crane, Poole, and Schmidt senior partner Carl Sack beats serial killer-turned-attorney Joey Heric (The Practice) 33 votes to 9. 'no hard feelings,' says Joey amiably while sharpening his knives. sleep with one eye open, Carl.
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Jenkins (The Librarians)
this race saw the highest voter turnout, and while things were close in the beginning, TWW's Lionel Tribbey's faithful cricket bat was no match for Jenkins's sword, or his crossbow, or his lightsaber, or his bow ties, or his clubbing outfit. with 36 votes to 24, our beloved caretaker moves onto the next round, and Lionel Tribbey can take a much needed vacation someplace warm, with as many drinks with little umbrellas in them as his heart desires <3
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John Hemingway (The John Larroquette Show)
hemingway during the final hours of the race:
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it was close, but our favorite well-read bus depot manager John Hemingway emerged victorious over ex cop turned lawyer curmudgeon with a heart of gold Mike McBride. congratulations john! see you next time, mcbride!
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Bob Anderson (Baa Baa Black Sheep)
our good baby-faced second lieutenant took the lead early on and maintained it all the way to the end. rip Captain Stillman. back to commanding officer duty at an alaskan weather station you go.
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Mark Bannister (Madhouse)
in a race that led many (my dear friend emily @footnoteinhistory) to ask Why Are You Doing This To Me, sexy yuppie driven to madness Mark Bannister (Madhouse) beats nice handsome single father Don Moore (Summer Rental) 26 votes to 9. Mark may be going onto the next round, but does he have a boat? No? Didn't think so.
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Roan Montgomery (Chuck)
another nailbiter of a race, but much like rock beats scissors, legend suave debonair secret agent man (Roan Montgomery) beats cigar-smoking businessman with a predilection for child murder (Lawrence Van Dough) every time. off you go to your next assignment, Agent Montgomery. Mr. Van Dough, back to court-mandated community service on the sprawling lawns of the Rich mansion with you.
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Dan Fielding (Night Court)
he couldn't beat a dead man, he couldn't beat a spunky blonde, but by god, our favorite ADA absolutely trounced paranormal detective Wilbur Willis (Second Sight) in a battle of sexiness. good work as always, mr. prosecutor - let's see if you've got what it takes to go all the way!
Round 2 will begin at 12pm CT on 9/16.
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boasamishipper · 7 days
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boasamishipper · 3 days
friends, romans, larroquette stans, another round is now behind us. we fought valiantly for our larroquette faves, and the strongest (and sexiest) survived. let's meet our final four!
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Dan Fielding (Night Court)
he came, he saw, he conquered! the universe's favorite chew toy of an assistant district attorney beat the cia's seduction expert in a landslide, 34 votes to 8. please join me in raising your martini glasses (filled with expensive gin and three olives, of course) in a toast to living legend Agent Roan Montgomery, who fought the good fight. in his honor, all flags will be lowered to half mast and @footnoteinhistory's Roan fancam will be mandatory viewing until the end of time.
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Mark Bannister (Madhouse)
Lt. Bob Anderson's kind eyes and baby face were simply no match for Mark Bannister's yuppie mullet and suspenders: Mark won with the second highest voter turnout and the second highest margin of victory (71.4% of the vote) and advances to the final four, and Bob returns to flying the (not very) friendly skies, secure in the knowledge that he is the sexiest when it comes to men in uniform.
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Jenkins (The Librarians)
the annex's caretaker has faced many battles and formidable foes in his thousand-plus years of life, but John Hemingway really gave him a run for his money here. much like the last race Jenkins was in, this race featured the highest voter turnout of the entire bracket so far (80 votes!), and Jenkins once again emerged victorious with 45 votes to Hemingway's 35. our brave knight advances to the next round, and Hemingway (and his luxurious mane) returns to the bus depot.
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Carl Sack (Boston Legal)
just like he does in the courtroom, Carl Sack kept his head high, stuck to his guns, and emerged victorious. press f to pay respects for Billy Ace, who remains in my heart the sexiest larroquette character to ever ride a motorcycle, and cheer Carl on as he and his snazzy pinstripe suits move on to the final four!
Round 3 will begin at 12pm CT on 9/18.
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boasamishipper · 7 days
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boasamishipper · 1 day
😎🎶 and now........the end is near.................and so we face.........the final curtain................... 😎🎶
larroquette nation, you've winnowed down our foxiest four to our most titillating two, who will face each other for the title of Sexiest Larroquette Character™️. as we bid Carl Sack (Boston Legal) and Mark Bannister (Madhouse) a fond farewell, place your bets: which larroquette character do you think deserves the title more??
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in this corner, we have Dan Fielding (Night Court), the assistant district attorney famous for his long legs, low voice, three-piece suits, the inexplicable ability to make Any hairstyle and color look good, and having had sex in every room and on every surface of the Criminal Court of the City of New York. vain? arrogant? a lecherous pervert? you betcha. but it's the soft heart beneath the smarm that's captivated legions of viewers since he first graced our screens.
Required Viewing:
ladies and gentlemen this is Dan Fielding no. 5
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and in this corner, we have the one, the only, sir galahad of the round table - better known as Jenkins, caretaker of the annex, fashion icon, swordsman, and clubbing expert. this silver-tongued silver fox is here for a good time AND a long time - and beneath all the armor he's put up (literal and metaphorical) is a heart of pure gold.
Required Viewing:
he's only immortal years old he should be at the club
The final round will begin at 12pm CT on 9/20.
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boasamishipper · 2 days
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Dan Fielding (Night Court) vs Mark Bannister (Madhouse)
Jenkins (The Librarians) vs Carl Sack (Boston Legal)
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