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portraituresque · 11 months ago
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Luis Huidobro Laplana (Spanish, 1870 - 1936) - Self portrait
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incamminoblog · 1 month ago
#PANEQUOTIDIANO,«La mia casa sarà casa di preghiera»
La Liturgia di Venerdi 22 Novembre 2024   VANGELO (Lc 19,45-48) Commento:P. Josep LAPLANA OSB Monje de Montserrat (Montserrat, Barcelona, Spagna)In quel tempo, Gesù, entrato nel tempio, si mise a scacciare quelli che vendevano, dicendo loro: «Stascritto: “La mia casa sarà casa di preghiera”. Voi invece ne avete fatto un covo di ladri».Ogni giorno insegnava nel tempio. I capi dei sacerdoti e gli…
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elfabianaco · 2 years ago
Emochi from Marta Laplana on Vimeo.
This is the promotional video of Emochi, a tool to help your students grow emotionally and improve their emotional intelligence. This project was created as a final project of the Master's Degree in Digital Experiences Design, at BAU.
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friday11econlive · 2 years ago
COVID and Keyboards
Zachary Laplana/ 25157557
Discussion: Friday 11AM
COVID19 has impacted almost all aspects of life from 2019 till now. One of the major changes in day to day life was the switch to stay home life. People were stuck in their homes for 2 years, some had to stay at home to work and as we all know first hand, studying from home. With everyone being home for such a long time, people's demands for technology like better laptops, internet can web cameras increased. Specifically I fell down the rabbit hole of keyboards. As I needed to change my work space to better suit my needs, I wanted to get rid of my old keyboard as some of the keys do not work and were way too big for my desk. This was when a friend talked about a hobby called custom keyboards. Like any other enthusiast hobby, custom keyboards are notorious for being expensive. However the COVID 19 pandemic led people into the hobby and so more and more vendors started to make more “entry level” keyboards. So I was incentivized to make my own board that was within my budget constraints and covers my “Utility”, which was a U (Smaller Keyboard) > U (Larger Keyboard).
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Diving deeper into looking for the perfect keyboard for my budget, I was sadly mistaken on how much it will cost as individual prices start to add up; shipping from different vendors and taxes. According to the Law of Demand, Price of a good increases and the quantity demanded decreases; in this case my demand for my keyboard decreased.
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However, thanks to government policy, stimulus checks came to some households that meet the parameters and that increased my income so budget constraints increased to increase individual demand for my keyboard.
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Ever since then I’ve gotten the most utility from my keyboard and have used and changed it since the start of the pandemic. Here's my old reliable :)
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oknews · 2 months ago
El lapsus de la presentadora de El Tiempo de TVE con La Oreja de Van Gogh
Y es que un lapsus lo tiene cualquiera. Recientemente, la ruptura de La Oreja de Van Gogh con su vocalista Leire Martínez se convirtió en uno de los temas más comentados en España. La noticia no solo hizo eco en medios musicales, sino que también se coló en los informativos, incluso en el espacio de El Tiempo de TVE. Lo más curioso fue el divertido lapsus de Silvia Laplana, la presentadora, quien…
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artesaniaflorae · 3 years ago
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Bon dia! . #vilaseca #lapineda #laplana #reus #tarragona #salou #cambrils #riudoms #Floristeria #floristeriavilaseca #artesaniaflorae #florsemotions #talkplantywithme #ihavethisthingwithplants #livingwithplants #plantsofinstagram #houseplantsofinstagram #green_plant #lifeisbetterwithplants #plantlove #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantcollector #planthoarder #plantaddiction #plantgoals #plantparenthood #indoorjungle #urbanjungle #urbanjunglebloggers #plantstagram (at Floristeria Artesaniaflorae) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbcOT45N_pf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jorgeandresgimenez · 4 years ago
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#shallow #ladygaga Jorge Gimenez #please Jorge Andres Gimenez #covers #laplana (en Utica, Cundinamarca, Colombia) https://www.instagram.com/p/COWk273L9qo/?igshid=13c7qdcyadr52
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benvolgutsguiris · 4 years ago
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Aquestes paraules de Puigdemont d’una persona que el volia detenir, és d’aquell tipus de coses que em fan sentir orgullós de ser català. Potser Trapero no és dels nostres, però el dia que tinguem un país, espero que s’hi quedi: “El major Trapero ha estat un bon policia. Tenia clar quin cos policial s’escau a una societat democràtica. Sempre vaig saber que no era partidari de la independència. Però també sabia de les seves conviccions democràtiques. Per a mi era suficient. M’alegro molt de la seva absolució, i també de la intendent Laplana, de Cèsar Puig i de Pere Soler. Però la injustícia continua, perquè d’una banda s’ha donat crèdit a uns responsables policials espanyols que sabien que estaven construint un cas sense fonament. I van mentir. I de l’altra, sobretot, perquè es confirma que la dura condemna de presó als membres del Govern, la presidenta del Parlament i els presidents d’Òmnium Cultural i l’Assemblea Nacional Catalana va ser una pura decisió d’Estat. No va ser, no podia ser, un acte de justícia. Era escarment i venjança.” Carles Puigdemont i Casamajó
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mham-drrm · 5 years ago
Binge your Home Quarantine days away
If you are practicing social distancing and being a good citizen by not going out of the house for over a week now, then thank you for caring about you and your neighbors health. But let’s be honest, being stuck at home can get boring and you know you have been going through an “Eat, Sleep, Repeat” kind of lifestyle right now.
If you are one of the lucky ones who have the luxury to stay home comfortably and you are not ready to tidy up your room just yet, we have something for you to do. Actually, let us rephrase that: we have something for you to see. 
Binge Watching is the name of the game and Streaming platforms are making all the big bucks right now. So, if you are tired of scrolling through Instagram, growing anxious about the on-going pandemic and the rising numbers of those affect by the virus and also constantly refreshing your Facebook timeline just to get an update about what your crush is doing right now, it’s time to direct your eyes on Series you might enjoy.
These are our suggestions of Series that you must watch while you have all the time in the world:
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This list is not in order but you know that this is a number 1 on alot of people’s list of series to binge on. It’s a classic. But if you haven’t given in to the hype train, then this is the perfect time to do that.
“FRIENDS” follows the lives of six reckless adults living in Manhattan, as they indulge in adventures which make their lives both troublesome and happening. With all 10 Seasons being on Netflix and 3 weeks to go with home quarantine, surely you can fit this classic tale in. And by the time you are free from the clutches of your house, you will be shouting out “We were on a break!”
-- Lestle Conol
2. Modern Family
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This series is about three modern-day families from California who are trying to deal with their kids, quirky spouses and jobs in their own unique ways, often falling into hilarious situations. 
People should watch this series because it is a family-friendly comedy that shows realistic situations that we can probably relate with our own families.  It also teaches the importance of relying on family to get through rough times.
-- Abby Tojong
3. How I Met Your Mother
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This show frames the story around the life of Ted Mosby as he tells the tale of how he met his kids’ mother and his four friends that go along with him on the ride called life. It’s a roller-coaster of a show that is filled with fun, romance, friendship and growth. 
This is definitely a must-watch because this show is LEGEN-wait for it-DARY!
-- Greya Sumipo
4. Psych 
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You want comedy, murder with a little bit of love and friendship? PSYCH is all about it! Who doesn't love crime shows? 
Shawn Spencer pretends to be a Psychic, when really he is just observant and smart. He will fake these psychic visions in the most ridiculous and hilarious ways! When Shawn is accused of committing a crime that he actually solved, he convinces the cop that he's psychic -- and with the reluctant help of his best friend Gus, Shawn starts solving cases for a skeptical but increasingly impressed police force. Episodes are funny and relatable, to the point that you will see yourself unconsciously saying "same".
-- Rina Fe Laplana
5. Stranger Things
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Set in 1983, a young boy (Will Byers) goes missing near a top-secret government laboratory and an adventure and a hell of ride is presented to a group of young friends. 
It is a thrilling TV show to watch to distract you from reality for a while. It has tons of mystery that will make you want to watch more episodes to know the answers. It has a nostalgic vibe, has humor and horror in combination.
-- Claire Kuizon
6. It’s Okay to be Sensitive 
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With 2 Seasons on its belt, this series talks about gender issues that everyone experiences everyday and how they overcome those issues by standing up for themselves and serve as an example of how a person should be treated.
Plus points to the fact that you can watch all 2 Seasons on YouTube for free.
-- Venice Raon
7. The Final Table
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What I see as one of the most underrated shows from Netflix, “The Final Table” gives us a new twist on your usual cooking competition. The ones competing are not just your ordinary cooks. This is a competition between the most established and best chefs in the world. Cooking styles will be shown off and collaborations will be tested. This show will leave you in awe of what you can do with a very simple ingredient that you would have never thought of using to cook with before.
If you want to stare at some good looking food without the stress of Gordon Ramsey shouting in the kitchen, this will be your cup of tea.
-- Anne Nellas
Did you bookmark these shows yet? With everything on this list, your eyes will probably be stuck on the TV for a while. Don’t forget to rest your eyes by doing some meditation and remember to be thankful that you are safe and lucky to be home. 
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 5 years ago
Free Brazil-Egypt exchange program opens application                           
Opportunity focus on STEM students. Brazilians can choose an exchange in Egypt, and Egyptians can choose Brazil. 
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International organization AFS Intercultural Programs has opened applications for Brazilian students to study in Egypt for a month. The opportunity is focused on students exceling in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and is supported by BP, an oil, natural gas and renewable energies company.
The BP Global Stem Academies program is in its third edition and involves students from several countries. Applications are open until March 9, 2020 in the AFS website. Ten Brazilian students will be chosen to go to one of three destinations – Egypt, United States, or India – where BP operates.
The interchange will run in July and aims to prepare the young students in the STEM topics. The selection includes an online phase and an interview with AFS team. During the program, the participants will interact with professionals of STEM areas; visit oil refineries, gas processing plants, and alternative energy facilities; and attend geology, robotics, architecture and climate change classes.
The students will stay in local family homes. “Besides all the STEM study, they will get to know Egyptian culture, make visits and tours. And improve their language skills, have Arabic classes,” AFS communication and marketing coordinator to Brazil, Andreia Laplana, told ANBA.
AFS offers spots for foreign students to come to Brazil, too. In 2019, the institution welcomed 37 scholarship winners from over 20 different countries, including six from Egypt. “The students stay at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The 4-week experience includes classes, experiments and lectures in the institute. The students also visit solar, wind and thermal plants in Rio Grande do Norte,” Laplana explained. 
Continue reading.
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cmatain · 2 years ago
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#Zaragoza, Universidad de Zaragoza, Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Derecho, esta mañana. Tras la defensa de la tesis doctoral de Miriam Palacios Larrosa, sobre el personaje de Martín Peláez en el #teatro del #SiglodeOro, dirigida por el Dr. Alberto Montaner Frutos. El Tribunal ha estado formado por Carlos Mata Induráin (Universidad de Navarra), Presidente; Francisco Bautista Pérez (Universidad de Salamanca), Vocal; y José Enrique Laplana Gil (Universidad de Zaragoza), Secretario. #Unizar #TesisDoctoral https://www.instagram.com/p/CmcJKTisuOW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vavalladolid · 3 years ago
Silvia Laplana, de ‘El Tiempo’ de TVE, comparte estas dos fotos y todo el mundo hace el mismo comentario
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incamminoblog · 5 months ago
Liturgia di Venerdi 26 Luglio 2024 VANGELO (Mt 13,18-23) Commento:P. Josep LAPLANA OSB Monje de Montserrat (Montserrat, Barcelona, Spagna) + Dal Vangelo secondo Matteo In quel tempo, Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli:«Voi dunque ascoltate la parabola del seminatore. Ogni volta che uno ascolta la parola del Regno e non la comprende, viene il Maligno e ruba ciò che è stato seminato nel suo cuore:…
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artesaniaflorae · 3 years ago
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2 ULTIMS DIES DE REBAIXES AVUI DISSABTE 09-13H!!! i DILLUNS mati i tarda‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ . Bon dia🌝 Fins al dia 2 d'agost (inclos) rebaixes l'estiu📣. Totes les plantes de interior i exterior 🪴🌵🌿🌻!!! Ofertes fins 50% o segona planta #GRATIS 💣 🥳 ‼️‼️‼️ No et quedis sense‼️‼️ . 📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣 . 2 ULTIMOS DIAS DE REBAJAS HOY SÁBADO 09-13 y LUNES mañana y tarde‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ . Buenos días🌞 Hasta el dia 2 de agosto (incluido) rebajas↘��� de verano‼️ 📣En todas las plantas de interior y exterior!!! Ofertas hasta 50% o segunda planta #GRATIS ‼️‼️‼️ No te quedes sin las tuyas‼️‼️‼️ #florsemotions #happyvilaseca #vilaseca #lapinedaplatja #laplana #costadorada #plantsmakepeoplehappy #florsemotions #artesaniaflorae #happyvilaseca #talkplantywithme #ihavethisthingwithplants #livingwithplants #house_plant_community #therealhouseplantsofinstagram #plantsofinstagram #houseplantsofinstagram #green_plant #lifeisbetterwithplants #plantlove #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantcollector #planthoarder #plantaddiction #plantgoals #plantparenthood #indoorjungle #urbanjungle #urbanjunglebloggers #plantstagram (at Floristeria Artesaniaflorae) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR-stdDDAsI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yo-sostenible · 3 years ago
“Hay que asumir que tenemos que cambiar nuestro modo de vivir”
Silvia Laplana y Albert Barniol nos acogen en su despacho de Torrespaña para hablar sobre El desafío del Clima. / Álvaro Muñoz Guzmán (SINC) SILVIA LAPLANA Y ALBERT BARNIOL, METEORÓLOGOS EN RTVE Siempre se cuelan en las casas a la hora de desayunar, comer o cenar para contar qué tiempo hará mañana y cuestiones relacionadas con la meteorología. Ahora, los presentadores y presentadoras de El…
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exgorevfortheater · 3 years ago
Apat na Outstanding Plays sa “DILAAB” Theatre Festival ng UP Dulaang Laboratoryo at Bakit Kailangan Niyo Panoorin ang Buong Festival
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Ang UP Dulaang Laboratoryo ay nagbukas ng isa na namang matagumpay na virtual theatre festival na may pamagat na "DILAAB".
   Ngayong Hulyo isang koleksyon ng mga dula ang hinanda ng mga student-directors sa patnubay ni Prop. Dexter Santos sa kanyang Directing class. Hindi matigil ang excitement ng theatre-goers sa kung anumang handa ng mga bagong direktor ngayong buwan sa patuloy na pagbago at pag-unlad ng online stagings.
   Sixteen na bagong dula ang kanilang handa para sa "DILAAB" theatre festival, hindi pa kasali ang mga Directing finals na piniling hindi ipalabas sa publiko sa halip ay sa private showing na lang.
Hindi na namin patatagalin pa, kami sa EXGO REV ay napanood ang buong festival at mayroon kaming apat na dulang pinili, hand-picked na katangi-tanging mga kwento na gusto naming ipamahagi sa inyo, at na tumutulong sa pag-define ng online stagings ngayong 2021.
Pababa ang bilang namin from favorite to most favorite.
   Ang mga dulang napili sa listahang ito ay hindi batay sa dami ng views ng palabas o kung gaano kasikat ang orihinal na pagsulat. Ito ay batay sa cleverness pati creativity ng storytelling pagdating sa direksyon. Hindi ibig-sabihin na hindi maganda ang marami pang palabas sa festival, ito lamang ang paborito namin.
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4. "Cancerous Kang Carrot Ka!" Sa direksyon ni Karla Alagbate
Magsisimula tayo sa ‘purest form’ ng paglikha ng isang online play. Sa dulang sulat ni Dr. Joem Antonio gamit na gamit ang style ng side-by-side Zoom staging, ngunit sa atake ng direktor para bang ginawang parte na rin sa cast of characters ang konsepto ng paggamit ng split-screen. Nakakapanibago ito sa manonood.
    Mahusay din ang performances ng mga aktor at talagang natutulungan nila ang script at konsepto. Hindi namin iso-spoil ang dula pero nai-embrace talaga nila ang absurdity sa kwento. Pagpugay sa kung gaano kaplanado itong dula mula rehearsals hanggang post-production, kitang-kita ang husay sa final product. Mas magiging memorable itong pyesa sa isip ng manonood dahil sa staging na ito.
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3. "Sa Lilim" Sa direksyon ni CJ Correa
Kapag ang ‘purest form’ ng virtual play ay ang paggamit ng Zoom frames, ang susunod na dula naman ito’y gumagamit ng greenscreen, animations, actors on-set atsaka isang malaking team para mabuo ang produksyon.
   "Sa Lilim" ni Reya May Laplana ay isa sa mga dulang paulit-ulit nang ginagawa sa Directing classes at Directing Finals sa maraming kolehiyo, at kung kami'y magiging pranka ay hindi mataas ang expectation namin dito bago pumasok. Pero doon kami nagkakamali dahil napakahusay ng ginawa ng buong team para sa produksyon. Nabigyang-buhay nila ang orihinal na script sa kanilang bersyon!
   Sa tingin namin ay sa halo ng pagiging virtual ng mga tanghalan ngayon pati limitasyon ng pagkita ng mga tao sa gitna ng pandemya ay naging kahanga-hanga na tagumpay ang ginawa ng team sa pagbuo ng dula. Dito mo mararamdamang hindi nabawi ang salitang ‘full production play’ sa online theatre. Pagpugay.
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2. "What Walter Wants?" Sa direksyon ni BJ Jose
Sa natitirang dalawang dula dito sa listahan, umabot na tayo sa mga pyesang mahusay pagdating sa konsepto. Ang “What Walter Wants?” sulat ni Dean Jantzen L. Chua ay isa na namang pyesa na matalino ang paggamit ng split screens at Zoom frames para magkwento, sa paraan ng pagiging security-camera view ng bawat camera at pagiiba-iba ng anggulo. Isa itong tamang halimbawa ng paggamit ng konsepto para mabigyang-diin ang kwento ng isang dula at bukod pa doon ang kahulugan ng kwento. Kagaya ng mga karakter sa dula relevant din ang kwento in parallel sa pagiging chaotic ng mundo at mga tao ngayon. Gaya din sa dula nakatutok tayo sa maraming screens kagaya ng paggamit nila ng TV monitors sa konsepto, atsaka agawan tayo ng boses sa microphone kagaya ng bawat status update natin sa social media sites.
 Madami pang easter-eggs ang mahahanap niyo sa dula at iniimbita namin kayong panoorin ito dahil nakakatuwa rin siya at nakakagaang ng loob po.
     Dalang-dala ang play ng energy ng actors, kasama na ang napakagandang set design at video editing saka direksyon. Ramdam na ramdam mo ang koneksyon ng mga aktor sa isa't-isa, na para talaga silang nasa iisang kwarto…PO.
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1. “Si Nelson, Si Nanay at ang Pancit Canton” sa direksyon ni Bea Abelinde
Mahirap isalin ang pyesang ito sa entablado lalo na kapag hindi mo hustong maintindihan ang malalalim na salita ni Prop. Vlad Gonzales sa script. Kaya katuwatuwa na tagumpay si Mx. Abelinde sa direksyon niya sa adaptasyon ng dula.
    Magbubukas ang play na parang regular na online play lang, mayroong mag-ina sa isang kwarto na nagku-kwentuhan. Pero habang lumalalim ang mga salita ni Vlad Gonzales sa sulat lumalalim din ang direksyon at mga ibig-sabihin ng mga eksenang likha ni Mx. Abelinde. Mga estudyanteng nakabasa na ng orihinal na script nito ay tiyak na magugulat at mamamangha sa mapapanood nila dahil ang layo subali't ang lapit din ng adaptasyong ginawa ng direktor sa orihinal na pyesa.
    Sa bersyon ni Bea Abelinde mas lalong lalawak pa ang kaalaman ng mambabasa tungkol sa kwento kumpara sa una nilang basa. Kakaiba rin talaga ang nilikha ng manunulat. Pagpugay!
"Si Nelson, Si Nanay at ang Pancit Canton" ay kwento tungkol sa alaala, mga multo, at pagsisisi...at least dito sa bersyon ni Mx. Bea Abelinde.
Ano ang representasyon niyo sa dula? At kung hindi niyo pa napapanood, imbitado kayong panoorin pa ang dula sa Facebook page ng UP Dulaang Laboratoryo.
    Panoorin natin at suportahan ang lahat ng dula sa theatre festival na "DILAAB"!
 Honorable mentions/Recommendations:
“Ang Huling Lektyur ni Misis Reyes” sa direksyon ni Jaime Monserrat
“Kinaumagahan” sa direksyon ni Emerald Dar Juan
“Ang Mga Bisita ni Jean” sa direksyon ni Maria Pauline Vengano
 Mayron ba kayong napanood na "DILAAB" play na hindi namin nasali sa listahan? Kwento niyo saamin sa comments section!
I-Like ang UP Dulaang Laboratoryo page pati ang EXGO REV!
#virtualplay #stagedplay #oneactplay #filipinoplay #exgorev #quaranteatro #dilaab #updulaanglaboratoryo #theatrefestival #festival #theater
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