chaithetics · 29 days
Hey! Just an update as my queue is now empty, warning this does talk about some health stuff! (Firstly, masterlist here for navigation)
Tomorrow I'm having a surgery, my second laparoscopy, a mirena insertion and a surgical procedure for bladder endometriosis. I'm pretty nervous but I'm especially nervous as it'll be my first laparoscopy since my lupus diagnosis. One of my organs that has endometriosis is my kidneys, which is also an organ concern for lupus. (Feel free to give movie recs here as I'll probably check some stage over the next few days)
I've had what feels like non-stop lupus flare ups the last year so I'm extremely anxious. I was hoping to finish writing a fic and schedule post some fundraisers etc but that just didn't happen because this weekend but I've been 1) extremely busy with so many things, 2) depressed because of what happened here and 3) really anxious! I haven't been as active on tumblr the last month and like 80% of posts have been scheduled.
I won't be posting for a few days if not weeks and I can't guarantee when I'll be posting or replying to messages. Maybe during this recovery period I'll be able to finish the Shiv Roy x reader, and Kendall Roy x reader Desperate to Please sequel, and start my Nathan Bateman series. So please don't hate me for the wait, I'm sorry! You're more than welcome to send thoughts in, comment or message though!
Please give me movie and show recs too! If you've given me recs in the last few months please feel free to drop them here again to remind me, I've got a notebook to actually write them in and not just do mental lists lol.
Also, if you can please donate to and share some of these campaigns for Palestinians here Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundraiser List - Google Sheets and follow @gaza-evacuation-funds, @/nabulsi, @/el-shab-hussein, and @/90-ghost!
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heardatmedschool · 7 months
“There’s two types of people: those who have hit their head in the OR monitors, and those who eventually will.”
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flowerslut · 20 days
we’re officially entering “no more food until post-op” hours and I just know it’s going to be a roughhhhhh 14+ hours for me lads 😔
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cakesexuality · 7 months
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affectionatepanda · 13 days
I recently had a diagnostic laparoscopy because my doctor and I were sure I had endometriosis. None was found (although I’m not entirely convinced it’s not the problem but I’m no expert) but what was found was just… So much scar tissue. Things were stuck to other things and I had an organ twisted out of place. The biggest thing for my long term health (I think) that was found- and this might be TMI but really is anyone going to read this?- my fallopian tubes are completely blocked. Meaning I can’t have children unless I either get that treated or use IVF. I didn’t particularly want to have children, at least not by using my body. But it’s weird knowing that it’s not even really an option for me. I’m not sure I’ve really processed this information; I just feel numb about it. Apparently blocked fallopian tubes are a fairly common cause of infertility. Infertility. Is that something I have to identify with now? Do I have to say I’m infertile? I’m really adding to my list of adjectives over here. Chronically ill, disabled, mentally ill, lesbian, nonbinary, neurodivergent… infertile? I guess I am. It’s such a strange feeling. I don’t know what to do with it. Oh, and we don’t know exactly what caused the scarring. My doctor’s best guess was some sort of infection but I don’t remember ever having any kind of infection that would cause this. I thought this would give me answers but I feel just as confused as before. But I’ve deemed “fixed” and he said I only need to be seen for routine screenings anyone my age would get. Maybe I’m supposed to be satisfied with that. Maybe I want too much out of my doctors, I don’t know. All I know is I don’t really… have anyone to talk to about this. Not anyone who knows what to say. It’s fine though, I don’t even know what I want to hear.
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watermelinoe · 2 months
i think people don't talk enough about how humiliating it is to have an invisible illness and it gets to the point that you don't want to go to the doctor for anything because you're so used to not being treated that it's like what's the point
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Oh fun fact! Did you know that in the modern day, doctors can practice for specific surgeries? There are hyper realistic body models available that can be cut open and worked on, as well as virtual reality programs. And this doesn't just apply to medical students getting ready for their first appendectomy! Experienced surgeons, getting ready for unusual surgeries, will practice ahead of time too.
Anyways. This all is to suggest that in the Star Trek future there might be small holoprojectors available in surgical suites in order to practice surgeries ahead of time.
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justablobfish · 10 months
So I've had a laparoscopy on Wednesday - that's a minor operation where the surgeon cuts into your belly. In my case to see if I have endometriosis.
And it turns out I do indeed have endometriosis, and, more importantly, adenomyosis, which is kinda the same thing except the "bad" tissue is inside the uterus rather than outside of it.
I've been back home since Friday morning and everything is healing well and practically not hurting anymore.
And now I finally know what's wrong with me - and that there IS something wrong with me. That my constant exhaustion and tiredness, my chronic pain, my being unable to do so many things and my struggling to do so many others does have an actual reason, an actual source. People will finally have to take my problems seriously. And maybe, there's even something to be done to improve things.
I can't even begin to say what an incredible relief that is. What that's doing to my emotional state. How incredibly happy and hopeful I am. Or rather, how incredibly defeated and hopeless I've been until now, which is only becoming properly apparent now in comparison.
At the same time I'm also angry. It's been a damn long journey to get to this point. And yet I know that in comparison, I'm fairly lucky and got my diagnosis relatively early. Many others need to search and fight to be taken seriously a lot longer than I have.
Research on endometriosis has made great steps forward in recent years, but there's still a lot of details that we straight up don't know. Starting with what causes endometriosis and is it something you're born with or something you develop at some point?
I guess I just...needed to yell all that out into the void.
Maybe some day I'll make a post about all the things I learned along the way and what resources would have helped me if I'd already known about them at the beginning of my journey.
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jaqdawks · 3 months
Had my fallopian tubes removed
It feels odd having an incision in my belly button
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lonelyroommp3 · 4 months
the funniest part of my hospital appointment today was the nurse was like oh what have we taken you away from so you can come here? and i was like oh nothing much i don’t start work until later so i’ve just been chilling. and she said oh so do you work shifts and i went no i work in theatre so i do a lot of evenings* and she went oh okay. and then a few minutes later out of nowhere while i was actively being probed she went wait you mean you work up in the operating theatre?? and i had to be like no. i do musicals
*just realised i missed the opportunity to say i’m working late cause i’m a singerrrr. gutted
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epiphainie · 1 month
my mom (raised in a minority muslim denomination but non-religious) just came into my room saying she's been a good christian, has given birth to two beautiful children, has been a great wife to her husband, knows how to cook well and is always on top of the house chores, dresses appropriately and femininely. her only fault is that she doesn't know how to bake a pie (a dessert that doesn't exist in our country). idk what she's roleplaying but it kinda sent me
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pumpkinsouppe · 8 months
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heardatmedschool · 1 year
No one:
Laparoscopic surgeries after you use an electrocoagulator:
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jathis · 8 months
Everyone: After you have your gallbladder removed, you won’t feel like eating for days
Me, hours after waking up from anesthesia
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indecisivelesbian · 10 months
every month i gaslight myself into thinking that my potential endo symptoms aren't actually that bad and then every month i end up curled into a ball sobbing at what feels like someone literally clawing at my uterus. not to mention all the other pain places. fuck this.
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decodedlvr · 1 year
Anyone relate? Tmi
I have to do internal and external pelvic floor therapy now and all the pain I’ve been having wasn’t until I had surgery.
It’s killing me, tbh I’m so scared it’s not gonna make the pain go away
. My vag is so messed up. I want to be hopeful but wtf is some kegals gonna do for this pain?
It’s like pelvic floor but the pains where my underwear line is like tf huh
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