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hold-me-sickfics · 4 years ago
14 Days: Taehyung
Hi guys! I’m really happy to be able to post this (somehow my internet came back, and I decided to post while I have it). I hope this is alright, I had a hard time writing it because I’m back home for the weekend and it’s hard to find somewhere quiet lol. I hope you guys like it!
TW: Food, Emeto, Nightmares, Slight anxiety attacks, Bruises are mentioned,  (If there are any more, let me know and I’ll add them in!)
Note: Also, I wanna give some major credit to @thatoneemokpop-02 for all their help with ideas and getting me started. I kid you not, I was entirely blank earlier and in a few texts with them, they had me ready to write! Please go check out their writing, because they’re so kind and amazing and not to mention, they have some of the most well-developed fics I have ever seen. Especially their “You’re my Yellow” fic. I love it!!! <3
Prompt: “What they don’t know, won’t hurt them.” That’s Taehyung’s thought process when it comes to the other members. For the past several weeks, Taehyung has been having relatively frequent nightmares. Only these nightmares aren’t just “bad dreams.” No, they have him waking up gasping for breath, tending to an anxious stomach, and really whatever else bad can happen with nightmares. At first, he had a nightmare every week, but now it’s gotten to the point of every other night. Lack of sleep is catching up with Taehyung, causing him to really need some extra love from the other members. The only thing is, he’s too embarrassed and afraid to talk about them. Luckily for Taehyung, one of the members happens to find out on their own… 
“Ladies and gentlemen, BTS!” The host gestured to the boys who were currently walking on stage.
Once the crowd quieted, the host began talking about BTS’ most recent accomplishments and asking questions to each of the members. As usual, Namjoon translated for them… mostly. BigHit had made a huge deal over them learning English and at least answering one question without Namjoon having to translate. Something about boosting their American support? The boys thought this was rather strange, considering their fans didn’t seem to care whether they spoke in Korean or not, but they did what they were told.
Taehyung watched and listened as the other boys answered their questions in perfect English, and the crowd squealed after every word they spoke. Then, it was his turn.
“Taehyung, let’s talk a little about you. A lot of fans, including myself, were absolutely stunned at your Singularity performance. How did you feel about the song? Any favorite parts in the choreography?”
Taehyung couldn’t breathe. He knew he was supposed to answer in English, but he couldn’t remember the words. Not even the first one.
He said his answer in Korean, hoping Namjoon would cover for him. Namjoon just gave him a look, seemingly saying “I’m not helping. Say what you’ve gotta say.”
Taehyung felt his blood run cold. Everyone was staring and starting to gasp… the cameraman looked worried as to whether or not to shut off the cameras and the members… they were looking at him… disappointed and somewhat angry…
Taehyung woke up unable to catch his breath. He was sweating all over, and not to mention trembling. His vision was blurry with tears.
This wasn’t the first time this had happened. He’d had a nightmare every night since Saturday (which was when their manager told them they’d be doing an English interview soon), and it was Wednesday now.  He’d thought about telling the others, but he turned the idea down. He felt too embarrassed about not knowing as much English as they did, and he also knew they were exhausted and he wanted to make sure they got sleep. Or at least, as much as they could get. The boys already weren’t getting home until 11:45 every night, so when Taehyung actually could come home and go to sleep, he’d usually wake up around 2:00 with the nightmare, and wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep after that. Part of this was because of his anxious stomach.
Speaking of which, Taehyung was now frantically pushing his covers off, and covering his mouth. He knew he had about 10 seconds before his late-night dinner would reappear. Luckily, he made it to the bathroom in time, and was able to kneel in front of the toilet. His knees had hit the tile hard, but he figured a couple bruises wouldn’t be as bad as having his dinner projected across the floor.
No sooner than his hands were gripping the sides of the bowl, was his dinner coming up and to the back of his throat. In one retch, he’d brought up a small stream. Followed by another, and another. Taehyung’s stomach was killing him, since he was so sore from having thrown up so much.
After what felt like an eternity, it was over. Taehyung rested his head on the rim of the toilet, and reached up with a sweaty hand to flush it.
Shakily, he stood up and looked himself in the mirror. He washed his face and brushed his teeth, then went back to his bed.
He walked slowly so he wouldn’t jostle his stomach.
Taehyung got into his bed, and pulled the covers up over himself. The warmth felt nice, being as his sweaty skin had felt like ice in the bathroom earlier. He decided to follow his normal routine after this kind of stuff happened…
“Siri, open LanguageGuru.” He whispered, his throat still sore from all the acid.
The app opened, and Taehyung spent the next two hours working on his English. Somehow, he’d gotten lucky, and at 4:30, he’d fallen back asleep. However, since they had to be up and out of the house by 6:00, he had to wake back up at 5:15.
When 5:15 came, he jolted awake, and went to the bathroom to puke again. It had just become part of the routine by now. He threw on a t-shirt and sweats, brushed his teeth, and combed his hair. Each action made his core hurt. Putting on deodorant was one of the worst parts, being as he had to put his arm up and then use his other one to put it on. Every motion felt like his insides had just been squeezed and beaten. By 5:30, he was able to head to the kitchen.
Jungkook just happened to come out of his room at the same time.
“Morning Taehyung!” Jungkook was awake… somehow.
“Morning Kook.” Taehyung’s voice was at a mere croak.
“Woah, hold on are you okay?” Jungkook gently took Taehyung’s wrist to get him to turn and look at him.
“I’m good. Just tired.” Taehyung hoped he’d believe it.
“Yeah, I don’t know about that. Tired is what Yoongi looks like right now… you look sick.” Despite popular belief, Jungkook was actually following in Jin’s footsteps as a lead caregiver for the group.
The maknae pressed the back of his hand to Taehyung’s cheek.
“You don’t have a fever… what else is wrong?”
“Nothing Kook, like I said, I’m just sorta out of it since I didn’t get much sleep.” Taehyung still allowed Jungkook to hold his wrist since for some reason, JK’s touch comforted him.
“I don’t think so.” Jungkook moved his hand from Taehyung’s wrist to Taehyung’s back. He rubbed up and down, and watched as Taehyung leaned into the touch.
“We’ve got dance practice this morning, but if you feel sick, tell me. I’ll get Namjoon hyung to let you come home. Alright?” The concern in JK’s eyes was shining.
“Thanks Kookie.” Taehyung smiled slightly, and then continued walking to the kitchen.
Jin was already rolling with cooking.
“Okay guys, we’ve got 20 minutes till we’ve gotta be in the car. I’ve made toast, and there’s bacon if you can get it away from Namjoon. Taehyung, Jungkook, what do you want to drink?” Jin was pouring “on the go” cups for each of the boys.
“Orange juice. Thanks Hyung.” Jungkook looked over at Taehyung.
“Coffee please.” Taehyung’s bags under his eyes seemed to be deeper and darker than everyone else’s.
Jungkook didn’t approve of Taehyung’s choice, being as coffee in the morning always upset his stomach, but he allowed it, hoping that it would at least make Taehyung feel less exhausted.
By the time everyone had eaten, it was time to load up and head to the studio.
The car ride was torture. Taehyung had developed a mean headache, and felt like he was gonna throw up at the first stop sign.
Jungkook had sat in the seat next to him, since he still wasn’t convinced that Taehyung was as “alright” as he said he was.
They were almost 15 minutes from BigHit when Taehyung’s stomach finally revolted. Before he even had a chance to ask for a bag, coffee and chewed up bacon and toast was spilling down his legs.  Jungkook was quick to put a bag under his chin for the next round, but it didn’t come. That first one and a mean wave of post-vomiting nausea was enough for him.
Taehyung cried, and Jungkook just held him. Jungkook knew he was sick now, and he could prove it. Before he could even tell Namjoon, the leader had already stood up and looked back at them.
“Oh no,” the concern in his eyes was evident. “It’s okay Taehyung, we’ll be at BigHit in a minute and we can get you cleaned up. Jungkook, can you help him get to the showers?”
“Yeah Hyung, I’ve got him.” Jungkook was wiping the leftover vomit from Taehyung’s chin.
“Taehyung, bud, I’m sorry you feel bad.” Jin spoke up, as he came back from the front. He’d brought a water bottle out of the cooler and a paper towel.
Jungkook helped Taehyung sip the water, and Jin dabbed the sweat from the younger’s face.
“Hey, this is Namjoon…” he went on to tell their choreographer what had happened. (It was always a big deal when one of them threw up. That could mean they were catching a virus, and since their trainer worked with other groups as well, he had to be strict about that kind of thing. It was the same way a few months ago when Namjoon came down with the flu.)
A faint noise told Taehyung that they’d been given the rest of the day off, which they were all more happy about than anything.
Then, they got a second phone call.
“Oh hey um-“ Namjoon wasn’t even able to get a word in. Judging by his expression, whoever was on the other end was yelling- a lot.
“Alright. We’ll be there soon.” Namjoon hung up, and then turned to the group.
“That was the head choreographer.”
Jungkook was still holding Taehyung close. He never was one to let a little throw up bother him.
“He’s still bringing us in. Taehyung… I’m so sorry. He’s letting you take a half-hour to clean up but then you’re supposed to join us…” Namjoon knew they weren’t his own orders, but he still felt like the bad guy having to say it.
“I-I’m okay hyung.” Taehyung shivered mid-sentence. “It was just the c-coffee. My stomach didn’t like it. I’m okay.”
How he looked said otherwise, and Jungkook piped up to mention that.
“Hyung isn’t there anything we can do? We’re all exhausted but Taehyung looks like he’s gonna collapse the second he gets off.”
“I’m sorry guys… he sounded serious… I’d talk to him but it seems the only thing he’s gonna do is make practice worse if we keep bugging him.”
The car stopped, and all of the boys stood up. Hoseok had his earbuds in before, but now that he’d taken them out, Yoongi was quick to get him out of the car and explain to Hoseok what was happening before he saw it. Hoseok’s sympathy sickness was not gonna help the situation at all.
Jin and Namjoon got off as well, followed by Jimin who was headed inside to find some clothes for Taehyung to change into when he got out of the shower.
“Taehyungie, can you stand?” Jungkook sweetly placed his hand on Taehyung’s upper back.
“Yeah I’m alright.”
Taehyung stood up, and Jungkook came right behind him. Luckily, the showers were on the first floor to the left, so Jungkook and Taehyung got there quickly.
Taehyung undressed himself, and then stepped into the shower. The hot water helped to soothe his sore muscles. He used the time in the shower to calm down, and try to refocus on his main mission for the day. Staying awake.
“Hey Taehyung, I’ve got your towel out here and Jimin brought clothes and a toothbrush. I’m out here when you’re ready.”
Taehyung knew what that meant. They’d been called back, and Taehyung’s time for showering was over.
He stepped out of the shower, and Jungkook handed him the towel. He got dressed quickly, and he and JK went to the studio.
By the time they got to the studio, the choreographer had already left, and the rest of the boys were already being led by Hoseok in the routines.
“Woah woah, pause it.” Hoseok waved the music off, and everyone stopped for a moment.
“Feeling better Taehyung?” Hoseok asked, walking toward the two.
“Yeah. The coffee just got me a little. I’m alright now.”
“Okay but if you need to stop just tell me. Joon, can you hit play again?”
Namjoon hit “play” and they started practice up again. Jungkook kept a close eye on Taehyung throughout the day, wanting to make sure that he really was alright.
Rehearsal lasted until 8:30 p.m. When it was over, the boys loaded up and headed back to the apartment.
“I’m making supper for anyone that wants it.” Jin got the chicken nuggets out of the refrigerator, and started to put them in the fryer.
“I think I’m gonna go ahead and turn in.” Taehyung both dreaded sleep and longed for it. H knew he’d end up having a nightmare anyway, so he might as well get some sleep while he could.
“Alright, night Taehyungie.” All the boys said their goodnights, except Jungkook who went with him back there.
“You going to sleep early too Kookie?” Taehyung asked, his eyes already heavy.
“Yeah… hey um if you need me tonight, wake me up okay?” Jungkook gave Taehyung a tight hug.
“I will Kookie. Don’t worry. Just get some rest.”
The boys said goodnight, and Taehyung was asleep almost instantly.
2:00 rolled around quickly, and as usual, Taehyung woke up unable to catch his breath. He was crying, terrified once again of forgetting how to speak in their upcoming interview. He felt sweat coating his skin, and he was almost at the part where he pukes, then someone came in.
“Tae Tae, it’s okay. It’s alright. I’m here. Breathe.” Jungkook was at his side, holding him tightly. Taehyung didn’t know how he got there, but he was glad to see him.
“It’s me. Taehyung, you’re shaking…” Jungkook’s eyes widened.
Taehyung felt the bile rise in his throat, and he quickly went around Jungkook and ran to the bathroom. Once again, he crashed down, and vomit spilled out of him.
Jungkook came up behind him, holding his middle.
“Just get it up Taehyung. It’s alright. I’m here with you.”
The vomiting part didn’t last as long as usual, and Taehyung attributed that to Jungkook being there. Soon, they were back in Taehyung’s room. Jungkook decided to sleep with Taehyung in case he had another nightmare, but they couldn’t sleep until Taehyung told Jungkook what had him so upset.
“It’s that interview on the 25th. I’m- I’m afraid I won’t be able to speak correctly… or at all.”
Jungkook’s eyes filled with compassion.
“How come you didn’t say anything?” Jungkook rubbed Taehyung’s arm.
“I felt embarrassed about not knowing as much as you guys, and I didn’t want anyone to be worried about me since none of us are getting any sleep anyway…”
Jungkook took Taehyung’s hand, and gently squeezed it.
“First of all, I’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with this by yourself. I know it must have been scary. But now you’ve got me and everyone else. The truth is, all of us have been nervous about the interview. Or at least, I know I have. But that’s a good thing because it means maybe we can help each other.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I’ve been studying pretty hard, and I know you have too… so maybe we can study together! Then if one of us has trouble in the interview, the other once can step in and help them out.” Jungkook smiled.
Taehyung liked the idea, and agreed.
“Good. We start tomorrow.”
After that, both boys went to sleep and thankfully, slept through the night.
For the next couple weeks, they worked hard together on learning English. Namjoon got them some extra time by firing their old choreographer and hiring one that gave them more time between rehearsals so they wouldn’t burn themselves out.
By the time the interview came, Taehyung and Jungkook both aced it. Including the part where Taehyung introduced himself.
“My name is V, and I’m good boy.”
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bluefucious-blog · 7 years ago
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I’m highly blessed and very intellectual with passion for languages. I know over millions Of dialects and phrases 🤩🙏🧐🤓😇 #geniusoftheday #languageguru #thewoofercooker #intelligent #glossolalia #frenchbutnotfrench #guruofwords #fluentlytalented #iknowmorelanguagesthenyou #hahaha #independent #independentmusic #uniquegift #uniquemusic #independentartist #independentspeech #geniusoftheyear #geniusofthecentury #einsteinawards2018 #itiswhatitis #rapperofthecentury #glossolaliarecords
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cosmogyros · 11 years ago
I am curious to know what you found rewarding about tutoring.
I really enjoy the one-on-one atmosphere of tutoring: you can be very responsive to your student’s needs and adjust material and techniques to fit their particular learning style in a very flexible way. I can only imagine (having never taught in a classroom myself) that it’s a lot more frustrating to be a teacher with 20 kids, all at different levels and with different needs, for whom you somehow need to come up with universally effective lesson plans. A virtually impossible task!
I also happen to just really love languages, and I find it terribly unfortunate that so many people foster a horror of foreign-language study, largely thanks to the school system and the problem I mentioned in the paragraph above: over-stressed and under-supported teachers who are simply not able to deliver everything a student needs. I get excited about languages very easily, and it’s so much fun when you can infect your student with that same enthusiasm, figure out what aspect of the target language or culture makes their eyes light up and catches their interest, and then take full advantage of that particular thing in the future to facilitate the learning process for them.
It’s my firm belief that language-learning can be one of the most fascinating, easy (yup, I went there), and mentally beneficial things any human being can do – and yes, I believe ANY human being can do it; there’s no “gift for languages” – and individually tutoring a student in this field can accomplish a lot. Not to mention that any teachers worth their salt continually learn new things themselves while teaching. I’ve definitely had epiphanies about language that I likely never would have come to on my own, merely because I was trying to explain it to someone else.
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lililingua · 11 years ago
Language Tag [by learnallthelanguages]
[Please ignore any typos;; My keyboard is broken /needs a new laptop in general;;;;] 1. What language do you consider to be your native language?
English. My parents kind of refuse to learn another language, and I'm from a rural area so there was little chance of witnessing any other language
2. What was your first language learning experience? 
My older sister had a French book/audio tape thing. She wanted to learn French and I kind of just listened in. Though it's my first language learning experience, I didn't retain anything because I was like five. At the oldest. With a tiny attention span. I think I could say "What's your name" at most.
3. What languages have you studied and why did you start them?
4. How does your personality affect how you learn languages? 
Actually I'm super distractable, so I often move from one language to the other;;;
5. Do you prefer learning languages in a class or individually? 
Individually. I don't know why. I think it's because I can go at my own desired pace
6. What are your favorite language learning materials?
Music, textbooks, shows, Apps.. I don't really have a preference.
7. How much time do you spend actively learning per day/week? 
l@ffs. Well, if you count listening to music as learning, I study quite often! If not, it depends on how I'm feeling. Some days all I 'll do is study. Others I won't for a week.
8. What are your short term and long term language learning goals? 
Enough bullets. Short term: I want to be fluent in at least Italian, but French would be a plus. Long term? I want to be fluent in all of the languages I'm studying. This is obviously very long term. 9. What is your favorite language? 
10. What is the next language you want to learn? 
11. What advice can you give new language learners? 
Please just. Focus okay. Focus on one. Just one or two. not 18+ like me.
  Tag:  polyglotteaparty adventuresinzhongguo languageguru breakingthetowerofbabel thelanguagelover
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germanliy · 4 years ago
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Unique english words in #german : #serendipity #germanliy #instagerman #instagramgerman #studyinggerman #studygermanwords #studygerman #learngermaneveryday #languageguru #languageheroes #languagegeeks #germanlearners #languageenthusiast #germanlanguagelearning #germanvocabs #germanvocabulary #germanvocabularies #germanwordnerd #wordsingerman #vocabgerman #Vocabulary #englishtogerman #englischdeutsch #englishgerman #uniqueword #deutsch #englishdeutsch #uniquewords #rarewords https://www.instagram.com/p/CGdBVnJn8xp/?igshid=1qc2dlhz7ac4x
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languageguru-blog · 11 years ago
This is a rather small update. For the past couple of months, I have been forwarding the domain www.languageguru.net to the blog because of issues with changing my domain name on tumblr. I recently got that fixed.
So, as of Sunday, the url for this blog is now officially www.languageguru.net. Try it out. Much easier to remember (I suppose).
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languageguru-blog · 11 years ago
Here's another update. Meant to upload this yesterday, but didn't have time.
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languageguru-blog · 12 years ago
I have updated the page on why you should learn other languages. You should check it out. Click the link to read the full essay.
Everybody is saying that you should learn another language, but why? What's the point? The reason is because it is very useful.Learning languages is beneficial both professionally and personally. On the one hand, learning a foreign language can help you advance your career and make you available for new opportunities both abroad and at home in your work. It can help you earn more money. Because so many people are learning foreign languages, it puts you at a disadvantage not to pick up at least one.
On the other hand, learning another language offers personal benefits such as increased cognitive/creative ability, cultural awareness, traveling, and mastery of your own language. Heck, you can use your language as a party trick. People will think it's sexy and cool. People who learn foreign languages tend to do better academically, have better memory, and learn faster on average. In addition to this, learning a language gives you freedom to travel to other places and really understand other cultures. While you may be able to "survive" another country without learning the language, you should also understand that the touristy areas that speak much English aren't the truest reflections of the culture/country. In fact, more than 80% of the world doesn't speak it. Learning another language gives you the freedom to really see the world for what it is (rather than the "dolled up" version) and gives you insight into the perspectives of other peoples and their culture. What it boils down to is that learning another language opens up many opportunities for you to explore. You may even end up discovering something about yourself and the way you think.
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languageguru-blog · 12 years ago
I'm Back!
Hey guys! Just letting you know that my schedule doesnt suck anymore, so I’ll REALLY be uploading regularly again. Around this time of year, the professors just start throwing assignments at your face, so I’ve been dealing with the stress of that (‘cause that really hurts!). I had my last final yesterday, so I’m ultra-happy about that. I’m incredibly exhausted from the constant tests, projects, papers, homework, and other fun stuff from these past four weeks. On the upside, my Classics professors are AWESOME and brought baklava an pizza (two different instances) for us students to eat during the finals.
So, after face-planting into my bed and doing a night of hardcore passing out, I am rejuvenated (somewhat, I guess). Look forward to the rest of the Arabic Alphabet videos, WDWGFL, and more! Now I just have to search for an apartment, start research on my 50 page honors thesis, and brush up on my Arabic before I head to Morocco in about two weeks. Summer! amirite?
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languageguru-blog · 12 years ago
Word: فون/فنون
Transliteration: fuun/funuun
English Transl: Art
Related: Essential Arabic Vocabulary: School
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languageguru-blog · 12 years ago
Word: امتحان/امتحانات 
Transliteration: imtiHaan/imtiHaanaat
English Transl: Test
Related: Essential Arabic Vocabulary: School
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languageguru-blog · 12 years ago
Learn the difference between a Declension and Conjugation!
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languageguru-blog · 12 years ago
Arabic: صغير
Transliteration: Saghiir
English Transl: small
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languageguru-blog · 12 years ago
What Do We Get From Latin?: Vitamin
Definition: any of a group of organic substances essential in small quantities to normal metabolism (noun). (Dictionary.com)
Origin: Latin, vita, vitae (life)
This word is pretty straight-forward. Vitamins are named such because they're essential to life.  Here's some fun facts about vitamins:
Vitamin D: Vitamin D is one of the few vitamins produced within the human body. Your body produces this vitamin by, get this, photosynthesis. Your body produces Vitamin D through contact with direct sunlight.
Vitamin C: VItamin C, also known as asorbic acid, can help extend your life. A 1992 study by the University of California Los Angeles found that just 800mg extra of Vitamin C per day increased life expectancy by about 6 years. This vitamin is also useful in preventing scurvy. Kiwis and strawberries contain about twice as much of this vitamin than oranges.
Ascorbic means "no scurvy"
Vitamin B: B6 and B12 can be used to alleviate pregnancy and B5 can help prevent grey hair and skin wrinkles.
Vitamin A: Orange foods tend to have high levels of this vitamin.
Related: Total
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languageguru-blog · 12 years ago
I would really like to hear your opinions on this issue. Here's my stance: I think that all Americans should learn English because I think it is common courtesy to try and learn the language of the area you are visiting (especially if you intend to stay there for a substantial amount of time). Just as I would intend to at least get a grasp of the language of any place I want to visit, I would expect others to do the same.  I think it's also just smart to learn English anyways since it is the lingua franca of the business world and if you want to increase your opportunities, learning English is not a bad choice.
That being said, I think that American schools need to start offering more foreign languages starting from elementary school instead of the half-assed approach you see in middle and high schools. At the very least, kids should learn either Spanish or French as those languages aren't that hard for English speakers to pick up. Spanish would make more sense though because there are more Spanish-speaking individuals moving to the US currently. It's necessary for the US to start teaching foreign language from a young age because America (and likewise English) is not the only big player in the world and we need to realize that. It would be a great benefit for the country and the individuals who call it their home if people made an effort to learn at least one other language than their native tongue. What's your take on this?
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languageguru-blog · 12 years ago
Should I Make A Podcast?
I've been thinking about making a podcast in addition to some of the other things I have been doing, though I've run into two issues: What should I podcast about? and how often? So, I am asking all of you smart people.
I can podcast about the following:
Latin Lessons
Arabic Lessons
Ancient Roman History
So, putting it to a vote. To vote, click the link down below and click the option you favor (you can choose multiple options). This will keep going until the end of the month. Which one do you want? http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MH3L8HX
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