#langst story
mushed-kid · 8 months
okay klance au time
(i don’t think it counts as an au, because it’s not changing canon, its just something that could happen after canon)
warning this is long and hard to understand i cant be bothered. u either get it or you dont.
so i haven’t actually thought out all the details and stuff, this is very much just a thought i had:
It’s set after canon, aka everything stays the same. I KNOWWWW that farm lance gets a lotta hate and i get it trust me, but that also stays the same. Non-negotiable because this whole au basically built around that fact!!! so yeah suck it.
okay so everyone’s doing their thang, the paladins are growing up and like young adults, but they’re not teens anymore!
lance is at the farm, and keith works with the blade of marmora or whatever he ended up doing. i can’t remember but that’s what we’re going with. and you know there’s obviously some klance scenes in the last season and in this au that has developed as the next few years passed.
they might’ve started out hating each other and slowly getting better at standing each other, and then friendship developed into a little more, and now they’re basically dating. except they have never said that they’re dating, but neither of them wants to be with anyone else so it’s fine, they know. and they like it that way, it takes the pressure of. (everyone knows but it’s not something that’s brought up)
and anyway point is keith works in space right? and he comes back to earth often because that’s where they all meet, and they try to meet frequently. and that’s where lance lives, so why wouldn’t he? so he stays there when he visits, and it’s nice.
Lance, as always, goes hand in hand with angst. so add some of that. lance has gotten over his feelings for allura. obviously none of them have fully moved on, but with help from the others (and especially keith) he’s come to terms with that. however, that doesn’t mean it’s not constantly affecting him anymore.
he’s already lost allura, and he’s not actually dating keith, but he’s realized that he might not be as straight as he thought over the last couple years. and maybe there’s more to it than just letting keith stay at his house when he visits because he doesn’t have a house, and more because well he might be dating keith but he doesn’t know if keith considers them that. even if it feels that way sometimes
and he’s worried that it’s gonna be another allura-situation. he doesn’t want that, and keith is out in space trying to spread peace and stuff. and lance worries. lance doesn’t want to lose him before he’s even sure that he had him.
and he’s been trying to ignore that thought because everything is fine. keith wont get hurt. he knows what he’s doing and the war is over, so what’s the chances?
but then keith gets hurt.
and the whole thing basically boils down to lance going straight to proposing. because that’s just what he’s like, it has to be good, it has to be perfect. because keith deserves perfect. and it’s not like he can ask keith if they’re dating.
and this is honestly the part i haven’t thought that much about, this idea is mostly based on the setting. but im thinking he gets some help from the other’s at earth to plan it. everyone gathers at lance’s farm because that’s what they always do when they meet up. and everyone is there because keith comes back injured and stays with lance while he gets better.
and lance is nervous because what if he read all of this wrong, he did imagine the rival thing back at garrison, but the others help calm him down. and idrk how but he proposes to keith and asks him to spend their lives together and whatnot.
they have a BEAUTIFUL wedding, and the flowers that remind him of allura are all over btw. they’re in love and everyone’s happy despite it all.
yeah idrk i haven’t worked it out but i like the story. it’s based in the song Found by Dan Davidson. I think it’s cute and it fits with the farm thing. you have to listen to it to get my vision:
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ditzydisaster13 · 7 months
By the Best of the Lightning Strike
”By the Best of the Lightning Strike” is a Voltron Fantasy Au I’ve been working on. It’s been more mental preparation than anything I’ve written down as of late. But I’m planning plenty of art for it.
The characters are primarily Elven knights and warriors. Galra and Altean are all species of their own. With separate kingdoms and soldiers. Other “aliens”-> which are recognized as more mythological creatures and species themselves, belong as stand alone creatures or those under the rule, either willing or not, of Galra vs Altean-Voltron. Voltron is what they call their knights. Their best fighters are:
Lancelot (Lance) Ladron. His last name might mean thief. But only of hearts and frowns. A flirtatious soldier with glassy ocean eyes and a pure and unadulterated love for the stars and the sea alike. He has great power. Of water and rain, storm and wind. With his sickness comes weariness. He is physically strong. But Mentally does not allow himself the peace and smiles other see in him. He is wounded by the war. The war that leaves him half blind. And the war of the raging and roaring water and hurricanes that crash in his head. He is wonderful with a Sword. A bow and Arrow strikes through the most powerful currents. But his intentions to the world happen to be his strongest weapons. He is wise beyond his jokes. And a Master of craft. His magic is purely dispensable to him. And wonderful to others. He is among the last humans (aside his family, half elven and half human. He is mostly human) in Altea. But he won’t let the Purple trolls of Galran territory graze his pride.
Keith Keiden (name basically means Warrior from the wood of the battlefield.) Is a Grunt. A type of Fae that remain on the shorter side, with tempers that can be difficult to control. They are family people. And do not take being abandoned well. They are brisk and good fighters. Who fight with force and trickery. They are sneaky and prideful in not only their skills but their keen. Keith is also half Galra. Which results in some slight discrimination and anger when he reveals his bloodline. However, as well as a Voltron Soldier and Knight to Altea, his loyalties are split to the Blade of marmora. Garland and half Galran species who in turn want nothing to do with their kingdom or ancestry that fight independently, in small groups, and occasionally on the side of the Alteans. They often prefer Solitude. But Love is in fact their greatest weapons. A master of sword and blade, Keith is also a Dramonk. A name derived from the ancient and rare people of the dragons, meaning fire wielder. Flume of red and pink burst and burn from his hands. Dousing into rolling smoke. His anger gets the best of him. But a certain “thief” knows all too many way to douse the flames.
Dove Holt (Pidge/Katie. -> Holt actually means forest.) Despite Her [She/They pronouns for Pidge] less that forestric life, one home in the woods, a second in the workshop her father uses to study space, they are a lovely person. Dove, typically known as Pidge, is a Grunt. A distant Altean/Elven great grandmother somewhere in her blood. Dove, or Pidge, has the ability to connect with thee earth. He love and excitement for the future of space travel and technology is evident in her slick and mobile style of dressing. Despite her ladylike voice, they are sarcastic and witty. Athletic and feisty. Their connection to nature is in the soil. The vines that grow from her arms and allow her to launch herself great distances.
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She doesn’t hear him come in. She doesn’t hear a knock at the door, or his footsteps on her ornate Fluxian rugs, although that’s not too unusual. Lance is silent when he walks. But she doesn’t hear him until she hears the rustle of her bed canopy, feels her giant duvet being pulled over her head.
She supposes she should be startled by her friend’s sudden appearance in her room. Perhaps angry — she has insisted that he knock more times than she can count, and he never listens.
Instead she bursts into tears.
“Oh, Allura,” he murmurs, crawling on top of the bed immediately and placing an arm around her. He squeezes tightly, rocking her back and forth as he moves. “It wasn’t your fault.”
She doesn’t bother answering. She only sobs harder, muscles tense, refusing to take any comfort in his hold. She does not deserve comfort. Not when her failure came at a cost so deep.
“Millions dead,” she whispers, hiccuping around the word. “Millions.”
Lance stays silent. He offers no further platitudes, doesn’t bother to argue or try and change her mind. He’s already said his piece. Instead he simply squeezes once, then pulls away slightly. For a moment Allura is disappointed, then angry with herself for feeling that disappointment at all, but before she can follow that train of thought there’s a gentle pull of her hair and she realizes he’s gotten a brush.
He says nothing as he combs through her hair. He doesn’t ask her to move, doesn’t try to stop her tears. He simply lets her cry, knees tucked under her chin, and silently runs a brush through her hair. Whenever he reaches a tangle — and there are many, she’s been sitting blankly with her bedcovers over her head for stars know how long — he simply sets the brush down and begins to work it through carefully with his fingers. He never tugs on the hair, and it never hurts. It’s only soft, soothing strokes until her cries fade into sniffles.
“It’s not your fault,” he repeats when the tears have started to dry on her cheeks. His voice is firm, unarguable.
“We were minutes too late. The wormhole — I’ve moved us faster. I didn’t use enough urgency.”
His cool fingers brush the side of her neck as he gathers her newly brushed hair and she shivers. He sections off a piece of it, pinning the rest out of the way. She hears him weave some of the long, kinky strands together in a braid.
“How do you know that they weren’t waiting for us?” he asks quietly. “All information we had pointed to a small fleet; dangerous but not deadly. There was no reason for us to suspect that a Zaiforge canon was in the mix, because none of their communications said there would be.” He unpins another section of hair and gets to work. “The plan was to ambush us, ‘Llura. They used the planet as collateral.”
Deep down, she knows this to be true. She watched Zarkon and his forces do this countless times before she lost her own people to his tyranny.
But the guilt still lingers.
She was seconds too late to stop him, and for her error an entire planet was eradicated.
“Do you think they saw it coming?” she asks in a small voice.
Do you think they died afraid? is what she really means.
Lance says nothing for a long moment. His hands still, and his breathing quickens slightly.
Her heart sinks. He knows the answer just as she does, and he will not lie to her.
“There’s this song, on Earth,” he says, returning to her braids. “Our planet is broken into hundreds of nations, and they’re always in conflict with each other. Some moreso than others. One of the conflicts involves deadly nuclear weapons. If one country decides to fire, the rest will as well. Our entire planet is at constant risk of annihilation because our governors care more about their stupid pride than life.” His voice shakes by the end of his sentence, fury lining his voice. She is completely still, hanging onto every word, confused at the subject change but intrigued despite her horror. “Most of us who are aware of the issue live with a constant terror, even if it’s only in the back of our minds, that at any moment our planet could blow the hell up and there’s not a single thing we can do to survive it.”
She glances over her shoulder, no longer able to listen quietly. He avoids her gaze, brown eyes trained intently on his task. “That’s horrifying. All of you just…live like that?”
He shrugs. “Very little we can do to stop it.”
She starts to see the connection he’s making, the line between her heavy guilt and his planet’s fear.
She swallows. “…You can live with the fear?”
“There’s a song,” he repeats. He hums a slow, sad beginning. “‘We creep up on extinction, I pull your arms right in; I weep and say ‘goodnight, love’, as my organs pack it in…’”
He sings the song for her softly, following the final moments of a young couple, quietly dressing each other for their own funerals, dancing as their planet burns to the ground.
“There’s a peace to acceptance,” he says as his hums come to an end. He ties up her last braid and tugs her around to face him. He meets her eyes, finally, and reaches over to grab her hands, squeezing gently. “They were with their people and loved ones, as they died. They were afraid but they will be avenged. It’s not your fault, Allura.”
A tear drops down her cheek, dropping onto their joined hands. She watches it splatter, and finally lets herself believe that her friend is right, that he wouldn’t lie to her, that maybe — just maybe — she’s not at fault for this tragedy.
And maybe Altea wasn’t her fault, either.
“Okay,” she whispers.
He smiles, squeezing her hands one more time before pulling her out of bed and towards the door. “Good. Now, come on. Hunk made some food, we’re all waiting for you.”
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icypantherwrites · 2 months
Fic Update: Here, Chapter Three
Chapter Snippet:
“Lance,” he spoke quietly, “do you recall what I told you back in the infirmary? I will never,” he stepped forward and Sniper tensed as one of his hands went to rest on the glass dome, “hurt you. And that extends to your food and beverages, lad. It is safe to consume, I promise.”
Sniper’s eyes widened as he realized Sorcerer was telling him, confirming to him, that the items were not poisoned.
The thought hadn’t even crossed his mind.
And he realized, stomach clenching unrelated to hunger, that was because something told him he’d known that.
And why had he known that?
He swallowed again.
That wasn’t what stopped him. 
“All right,” Sorcerer said quietly, his hand lowering. 
Sniper bit his tongue to keep the whimper and the words inside.
“Lance,” Yellow stepped forward then, “hermano,” and Sniper tried not to start at the word, at the concern practically radiating off this enemy, “You need water. Please. Just a sip.”
Sniper trembled.
It was so close.
Just tell him to—
Sorcerer issued the command, a trembling note to the word.
Sniper couldn’t dwell on the delivery though, on what it meant, as his feet were disentangling from the blanket and he was practically stumbling for the glass at the permission.
And while the water was now room temperature it didn’t matter.
Sniper drained the glass in three gulps.
He lowered the empty glass a moment later to see three pairs of wide, horrified eyes looking at him and for reasons he couldn’t explain he could feel the barest trace of heat starting to form on his cheeks.
He’d followed the order, he’d obeyed.
So why… why did it make him feel like this? 
“What the fuck,” Green broke the silence, her voice the same tremble of Sorcerer’s. “What the actual fuck?”
Chapter Three Posted on AO3
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icurwithme · 1 year
In The Family Way
(modern AU)
Keith is gay, and smitten by bisexual Lance who he works with. They start dating and eventually they go to Lance's apartment, where they run into Allura, Lance's straight ex-girlfriend roommate who is very much pregnant. She’s due any time.
Lance is a physical person, so is all over Allura when he introduces her. With a hand on her belly he says the baby is theirs. Keith is shocked and hurt.
From then on every time Allura calls Lance needing something Keith is jealous and angry, but he keeps it to himself.
Eventually things come to a head when Allura goes into labor. Keith is torn between his love for Lance, and not wanting to break up a family.
Keith goes into hiding for a bit, confusing Lance and making him sad. When Allura gets out of the hospital she goes to find Keith, yelling at him for ignoring Lance and being a shitty guy.
There is a man with her who holds the baby but doesn't say much. Eventually Allura introduces him as her fiance, who just got back from deployment. Keith flogs himself and grovels to get Lance back.
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ewkeith · 2 years
I’m finishing a fic I started almost two years ago and I don’t know if anyone will come back and read it but it sure is making my heart happy :’)
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windybreeze12 · 6 months
Langst is beautiful. I mean come on, we were robbed of his character development in the original show obviously and all the stories and artwork depicting Lance's inner demons and turmoil??? Mwah, it's beautiful. Bonus points if Keith helps him get through his battles because of course.
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mullettaegi · 7 months
incoming: another fucking voltron rant because i watched a langst edit and now i wanna cry😭😭
they did not take time. they did not slow that show down for a little bit. especially for lance. cause he did not getting a fucking moment to find himself again after he FUCKING DIED. we saw him homesick, we saw him missing his family, we saw him insecure about his position on the team, we saw him insecure about himself, but we never actually saw him go anywhere else but being sad. he really did get barely any character development.
and tbh i feel like in a way just all the characters didnt have a moment to slow down. and i know, i know, its a kids show, its about fucking robots for fucks sake, theyre in the middle of a war. which, yeah. youre right. but there couldve been so much more, for him, for all of them. what about them? as people, with feelings. where are there emotions. why is it only sadness and happiness and not the enitre confusing spectrum of emotion between. does pidge not feel lost after she finds her brother? yeah, hes back, but i bet she didnt imagine she would be fighting an intergalactic war, and now matt is too. she imagined family dinner, brother barging into her room, dad making corny jokes, house happier and full of life.
hunks family was put in a fucking work camp. he had seen this across the galaxy, zarkons army imprisoning people, making them work, killing them. did he imagine that for earth ? did he imagine that for his family? how the fuck did he cope fighting a war, anxious as he is? how did he cope at all?
shiro isnt even in his fucking original body. thats fucking weird. im not saying that in a rude way bc like yeah, organ transplants are a thing irl, and a major life saving thing they are ! but like, how odd it must be to have someone elses kidney or heart in your body. nevermind to have your entire soul and conciousness put into another body, you but not really you.
keiths life,,, dude probably just doesnt even give anything a second fucking thought anymore. but like, could they not have shown him showing some more emotion. fair enough if he doesnt always cry in the moment but rather late on, but you'd think seeing allura die, they wouldve at least put some tears in his eyes. he had fucking no one before he had voltron. only shiro, and even then he was alone for so long when shiro had been on his mission. you cant tell me he didnt want to think of voltron as his family. they bonded :(
and lance, gosh lance. i feel like, if we looks at this as it is, lance would be the character that people think back on and go "oh yeah, he helped me accept my emotions, he helped me become the best version of me and gain confidence in who i am". in the fandom hes seen as someone with big emotions that he wears on his sleeve, but also someone who will put everyone else and their needs before himself.
he's a story of self-sacrifice, quite literally. he's the story of sincere love, of casual admiration. he's the story of the most wonderful friend, of loyalty, of no, I'll step down because there's a cause bigger than me, and im not the one for the job when there's people like my friends and you on the team.
and no one wanted to explore that? no one wanted to see him do more than just, what? flirt and literally die and fall in love and barely find his place on team voltron? that was it for him. it shouldn't have been, but it was.
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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In the mood for...
1. hi, in the mood for wangxian university au that contains homophobia ^^ in the mood for those realistic pain that i can relate to as someone who lives in a conservative asian country :') thank u!!
Syncopation by Nyatci (E, 13k, WIP, WangXian, WWX/WX, College/University, Singer WWX, Friends With Benefits WWX/WX, Good Guy WX, Exes Wangxian, Exes to Lovers, WangXian Endgame, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Sex, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, lots of flashbacks, Non-Linear Narrative) might be a good fic - for now it's only 1 chapter, so it's hard to say, but still.
(I should’ve known) I always knew by ilip13 (E, 58k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Misunderstandings, Unreliable Narrator, Sexuality Crisis, Friends to Lovers, First Time, Developing Relationship, Frottage, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, POV WWX, Please read the author's note for more info, Eventual Happy Ending, Gray-Asexuality, Demisexuality, Masturbation, Dom/sub Undertones, Rape Fantasy, Anal Fingering, Barebacking) and its companion fic
Pan - We're queer here! Series by IBurbick (E, 158k, WangXian, NieLan, 3Zun, Coffee Shops & Cafés, Modern AU, Everyone lives, Everyone Is Gay, Because it's a queer café, cooking magic, Homophobia, Food Porn, Eventual Smut, Mental Breakdown, Dissociative Episode, POV Alternating, POV Multiple, Panic Attacks, Slow Burn, Music Theory, Verbal Fight, Fist Fight, supportive friends, Bullying, Madam Yu's A+ Parenting, Adoptions, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Hand Jobs, Mutual Pining) is a Modern Coffee Shops & Cafés AU that might contain some of what you want; LXC’s vegan café is a beloved neighborhood hub for the queer community, but also a target for homophobes.
2. Hello! Could you please help me find fics where WWX and LWJ receive each other's injuries and killing one would kill the other, ala Love Between Fairy And Devil? I know this is sometimes a soulmate au trope so I looked through your Soulmate comp and I did find one that I loved: Nothing You Confess by Porcupine Girl (LWJ feels it when WWX loses his golden core). Can you think of any others where they share/feel injuries? Thank you so much!!
Side By Side Suicide by scifigeek14 (T, 2k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Soulmates, Character Death, Major Character Injury, Blood and Injury, Non-Graphic Violence, Angst, Not A Fix-It, Unhappy Ending) I have one of my fics for number 2. but warning cus its NOT happy. They dead.
🧡 Talking is Better than Silence by blackcatkuroi, KuroiWrites (blackcatkuroi) (T, 227k, WIP, WangXian, XiChengQing, Communication, Fluff and Angst, What-If, Canon Divergence, Resentful Energy is a Thing, Musical Cultivation gets Center Stage, Honesty, Myth Making in Action, Soulmates, Cultivation Healing is Expanded, Lore Creation Story, Completed and Regular Updates, Any Rated E for Extra Sexy scenes posted as separate CODA chapters)
Lovescars by ardenrabbit (M, 62k, WangXian, JC & WWX, demi lwj, Bi WWX, aroace jc, Self-Harm, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, POV Multiple, Blood and Injury, PTSD, roughly follows the nove, lAngst with a Happy Ending, Canon Parallel)
The Price of Forever by Witch_Nova221 (T, 22k, WangXian, NieLan, XuanLi, Action/Adventure, Adventure & Romance, Canon Divergence, Blood and Injury, Magic, references to still birth, References to Child Loss, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Murder, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Happy Ending, Found Family, Falling In Love, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers)
Sunder by naqaashi (E, 32k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Soulmates, Golden Core Reveal, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, WWX Has a New Golden Core, Heavy Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Denial of Feelings, Mutual Pining, Emotional Sex, Porn with Feelings, PWP, Light BDSM, Fix-It, POV LWJ, YLLZ WWX, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Top/Bottom Versatile | Switch WangXian, Light Dom/sub, Explicit Sexual Content, Miscommunication, Misunderstandings, Grief/Mourning, Five Stages of Grief, Suicidal Thoughts) it is super angsty, but I promise it has a happy ending!
3. I'm in a mood for ace spectrum wangxian, either one or both! I'd like them to be sex positive or neutral but won't mind sex repulsed either.
#1 in this post has some ace spectrum fics you might like ^^
💖Let Them Eat Cake by Vamillepudding (G, 7k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Romantic Comedy, Light Angst, Asexual Relationship, Getting Together)
you've ruined my life (by not being mine) by cicer (E, 132k, WangXian, Developing Relationship, Modern AU, Idiots in Love, Awkward Flirting, teenage romance, Shameless WWX, slowburn, Demisexuality, references to lqr's a+ parenting, references to jfm's a+ parenting, references to yzy's a+ parenting, bottom LWJ in chapter 15)
your touch in the dark (your voice in the silence) by beesinspades (M, 13k, WangXian, Modern AU, Friends With Benefits, Busker!WWX, Musician!LWJ, Mutual Pining, Pining while fucking, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Strangers to Friends With Benefits to Lovers, Happy Ending, Sexual Content, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Top/Bottom Versatile | Switch WangXian, Asexual WWX, Demisexual LWJ)
4. hello <3 for in the mood for, may i ask for fics like in stunted, starving juvinility, in that Lan Qiren actually develops a bias TOWARDS wwx, maybe even dotes on him a little? that would be amazing askdjkfd
Accidental Uncle Acquisition Series by deliciousblizzardshark (G/T, 13k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Modern AU, Single Parent WWX, Good Uncle LQR, Accidental Uncle Acquisition, Found Family, Kid Fic, Soft WangXian, Matchmaking, Fluff and Humor)
The Untamed: For the Love of Two Boys by YenGirl (Not Rated, 181k, WangXian, XuanLi, ChengQing, 3Zun, LQR/SiSi, Single minded LZ, Caring WY, Supportive lxc, Supportive LQR, Prickly JC, Sweet JYL, Good JZX (Peacock), Badass WQ, Cinnamon roll WN, adorable a-yuan, Supportive NMJ, Redeemed JGY, Evil JGS, Supportive Madam Jin, Evil XY, Rescued SS, Supportive Lan Healer OC, Accupuncture, Golden Core Reveal, Yunmeng sibs reconciliation, Implied mpreg jokes) I think he gains a bias in this one it's been a while since I read it
藍色的花,紅色的蘭 {Lan se de hua, hongse de lan} by Admiranda, AshayaTReldai (M, 45k, WIP, WangXian, Orphan WWX, Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends, softer lqr, Good Uncle LQR, Good lan clan, Good Older Sibling LXC) Lan Qiren adopts WWX as a child in Yiling initially out of need to repay a life debt, but comes to love him in his own right over time.
Just Say Yes series by edenwolfie (M, 338k, wangxian, canon divergence, matchmaking, pining, cloud recesses study arc, getting together, fluff, humor, hurt/comfort, everyone lives au)
🧡 All will be well when the day is done by abCEE (T, 76k, wangxian, time travel, canon divergence, fix it, not YZY friendly, not Jiang friendly, butterfly effect, no sunshot, madam lan lives, lan WWX) WWX gets kind of adopted by LQR
5. Dear mods, I hope all of you are doing fine these days. Also, I have come again with an interesting request. For the next ITMF, are there any fic with playboy LWJ. And with that, this humble thank you
the earthquake in the room by phnelt (E, 39k, WangXian, College/University, Modern: No Powers, Canada, Getting Together, Mentions of lwj/others, inter-faculty romance, strangers to lovers to frenemies to lovers, mostly book characterisation)
6. For the next ITMF post: We are deliberately told next to nothing about Mo Xuanyu in canon. I’d like to read some good fics that flesh out his life in the period before the Sacrifice Summon—growing up in Mo Manor, adjusting to the Jin Sect (and his father), returning to Mo Manor, etc. and so forth. Can be any sort of POV or characterization of him, just interested to see what people have come up with.
Too gone to stay by Aenya (T, 31k, WangXian, WWX-centric, Canonical Character Death, in non-canonical ways, Canon Divergence, Canonical Character Death REVERSAL, Canon-Typical Violence, novel canon, Pre-Relationship, Happy Ending) has some backstory for mxy, although it’s set in an AU
7. Hey! This is an IITMF request.
Fics where so many people have crush on / like WWX. (Bonus if the fic is from their pov)
- LWJ being a vinegar jug. @utxqia
8. Hi!!! I read most of the fics of xuexiao on ao3 and now I want to ask if anyone knows any good fics that aren't on ao3? Prefer it to be a happy ending for xuexiao and not have xuexiaosong or songxiao. I don't mind it to be a little dark or manipulative but I don't want their relationship to be completely toxic / one-sided or forced in anyway. Thank you~~
9. hiii i’ve never done this before so forgive my mistakes… i think this is how this is done… for the next ‘in the mood for’ post, could you guys find fics where the Lans are protective of WWX? Either post-resurrection or a canon divergence where wwx comes to the Lan sect early pre-sunshot, im not picky… thanks in advance!!
Life Series by scifigeek14 (T, 65k, WangXian, Weddings, Shotgun Wedding, (But not cus of a baby because of politics), Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fix-It, POV Alternating, POV Third Person Limited, Devotion, Feelings Realization, Family Feels, Politics, Golden Core Reveal, Marriage Proposal, Marriage of Convenience)
What Becomes of the Melting Snow? Series by Admiranda (T, 7k, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Supportive LXC, lxc putting in his character development, Supportive Sibling LXC) is a work in progress series where post canon Lan Xichen puts in a lot of character development and drags his clan along the way to become good to WWX.
one of our own by glitteringmoonlight (G, 7k, WangXian, Post-Canon, POV Outsider, 5+1 Things) also 9 is a fic about many members of the Lan Clan protecting WWX
🧡 rain falls and soaks into the earth series by RoseThorne (T, 43k, WangXian, WIP, Near Death Experience, Attempt Drowning, Madam Yu Bashing, Recovery, No war AU) (link in #16)
10. This might be a weird ask, but I want a Wangxian fic that also has Jiang Cheng getting some sort of happiness or a Yunmeng sibling reconciliation
there's the Yunmeng Bros reconciliation comp
some good mistakes by Lise (T, 18k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Post-Canon, Road trips, rescue Missions, Hurt/Comfort, Awkward Conversations, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, [Podfic] some good mistakes by kisahawklin)
Rotten Work by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 63k, WangXian, WWX & JL, Post-Canon, Protective WWX, Protective JL, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, Reluctant Matchmaker JL, [PODFIC] Rotten Work by sakizar)
Living by WithBroomBefore (G, 15k, WangXian, JC & JYL & WWX, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, POV LWJ, WWX Lives, JYL Lives, Family Feels, Crying, Suicide Attempt, just the one though, Healing, Sad with a Happy Ending, Minor Character Death, Emotional Hurt/Comfort)
Regrets by antebunny (G, 37k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Miscommunication, Misunderstandings, Time Travel, Fix-It, Temporary Character Death, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Explicit Descriptions of Love, and other squishy feeling, Angst with a Happy Ending)
Grave dirt by esama (T, 92k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Found Family, Pre-Slash, canon-typical corpse desecration, Questionable approach to cutivation, Cultivation Sect Politics, Fix-It of Sorts, canon typical genocide mention, Yílíng Wèi Sect)
maybe you'll take the long way home by surething (T, 25k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Getting Together, Tenderness, Yearning, Character Study, Introspection, fun uncle wwx, bitch boy lwj, Found Family)
11. For the next itmf I was wondering if you had any 3zun fics where JGY gets severely injured when NMJ kicks him down the stairs? I would prefer novel canon over CQL canon but I’m okay with anything. Thanks!
Different Paths to the Same Route by JustAWanderingBabbit (T, 184k, jjin guangyao & lan xichen & nie mingjue, 3zun, lan wangji & wei wuxian, canon divergence: AQ becomes XXC and SL’s first disciple)
Dream of the Gold Chamber by JustAWanderingBabbit (T, 8k, Implied 3Zun, Referenced canonical incest, canon violence, Canon Divergence, Crack Treated Seriously, Dream a Little Dream, XY is a turd, He might still be redeemable, JGS is not redeemable.)
Jin Guangyao + Chronic Pain Series by crypticidentity (Varied, 15k, XiYao, HuaiYao, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Chronic pain, Hurt no Comfort, Fluff, POV JGY, JGY-Centric)
angstymdzsthoughts post may yield further fics
12. Wei ying gets 33 lashes
13. I can't remember if this has been asked before, but I love a good time loop/Groundhog Day fic. I remember one with LWJ stuck in a loop where WWX always ends up dead, and I feel like I read one once where JC was the one stuck in a loop, but there have to be more than that, right? Any from WWX's point of view? Someone else? Thanks for your help!
Wearing Down Every Bone by CSHfic, VSfic (E, 30k, WangXian, Groundhog Day, Time Loop, Temporary Character Death, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Canon, Case Fic, Curses, Pining, Getting Together, Time Travel, Night Hunts, Hurt wwx, Mystery, Angst with a Happy Ending, Use Your Words, Mutual Pining, Depression and Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, gratuitous use of empathy)
see you yesterday by glyphic (M, 138k, WIP, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Ghost Hunters, Time Loop, Case Fic, Hurt/Comfort, Memory Loss, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn)
the cycle of regret by KouriArashi (T, 14k, WangXian, Groundhog Day, Fix-It, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Alternate Canon)
14 Hi! For the next in the mood for post, do you have some fics where wwx has a complete meltdown that everybody wants him for something or blames him for smg and he's just like fuck you all, screams it out and leave the sects to be? Thank you so much, you guys are awesome!
Fuck This Shit, I'm Out!!!!! by WiFi_Stalker (Not Rated, 6k, WIP, WangXian, XianQing (platonic), Canon Divergence, A-Yuan time travels, Oblivious WWX, pining LWJ, BAMF WWX, not for jc fans)
Enough! by Jeeny271196 (Not Rated, 5k, WIP, WangXian, Gūsū Lán Sect Bashing, Jiāng Family Bashing, JC Bashing, LXC Bashing, BAMF WWX, Cultivation Sect Politics)
15. ITMF Lan Wangji wielding Suibian or WWX wielding Bichen in battle (or walking around a conference or something), and them shocking the polite cultivation world for it. Thank you for any suggestions you can give!
when you're doing all the leaving (then it's never your love lost) by tardigradeschool (T, 26k, wangxian, canon divergence, hurt/comfort, canon-typical violence, sharing clothes, sharing a bed, fix-it, golden core transfer) sadly i barely have anything to contribute to the latest itmf except for one (questionable?) rec for 15. Has one (cool) scene of wwx wielding bichen.
16. ah hello wonderful mods!! I am interested in any and all fics that have a scene of wangxian running into each other's arms (kind of like the canon scene of wwx jumping from the tree into lwj's arms). thank you for your hard work!! @yourancestorsarefrowning
🧡 rain falls and soaks into the earth series by RoseThorne (T, 43k, WangXian, WIP, Near Death Experience, Attempt Drowning, Madam Yu Bashing, Recovery, No war AU)
❤️ The Absolutely True Story of the Yiling Patriarch: A Manifesto in Many Parts by aubreyli (T, 20k, wangxian, In-Universe RPF, Romance Novel, Post-Canon Fix-It, primarily drama-canon with cameos from novel-canon, The Absolutely True Story of the Yiling Patriarch: A Manifesto in Many Parts by aubreyli [Podfic] by Rhea314 (Rhea))
17. i'm curious if there are any fics where nobody (or mostly nobdy) knows the yiling patriarch and wei wuxian are the same person? thank you
only the dead (have seen the end of war) by comforting_monachopsis (T, 42k, WangXian, Temporary Amnesia, BAMF WWX, Sad LWJ, Grief/Mourning, Mild Gore, Medical Inaccuracies, Secret Identity, Loss of Identity, Identity Porn, The Science of Cultivation, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Angst and Humor, Crossdressing, WWX is Bad at Feelings) is a great fic where even wei ying himself forgets who he is after coming out of the burial mounds, and wears a mask so no one recognizes him.
my life's journey is far from over by thelastdboy (E, 148k, WangXian, Modern AU, Canon Divergence, Madam Lán Lives, JYL Lives, WQ Lives, Post-Sunshot Campaign, POV WWX, Slow Burn, YLLZ WWX, Hurt/Comfort, Modern AU but not too modern™, mlm/wlw solidarity, Kink Negotiation, Kink Exploration, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, WWX Lives, Mental Health Issues, References to Depression, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Burial Mounds Ensemble as Family, Single Parent WWX, Selectively Mute LWJ, Eventual Smut, Light Dom/sub) It's the second fic in a series but can be read alone (totally recommend both, though!) And it's more the aftermath of the war. WWX struggles sometimes with being alive, so proceed with caution if necessary.
Imperfect Memory by xantissa (E, 61k, WangXian, dub con, Dark FantasyAU, double identity porn, sub!LWJ, Drama, Forced Orgasm, tiny bit of blood play, Prostate Massage, D/s themes, Falling In Love, mature LWJ, Magic, multiple OC characters, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Porn, Identity Porn, Dubious Consent, Happy Ending, Falling In Love Again, Angst and Hurt/Comfort)
If You Love Someone by CoatWrites (T, 28k, WangXian, Rule 63, Fem!LWJ, Fem!WWX, Perceived Major Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Misunderstandings, Light Angst, Happy Ending, Inspired by Princess Bride, Mistaken Identity, mention of past mercy killing, mention of past cannibalism, mention of past torture by a main character, Mention of food insecurity, Attempted Arranged Marriage)
🧡#WarPrizeJiSeason by PorcupineGirl (T, 15k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, YL WWX, Warprize LWJ, Yiling Wei Sect, Mistaken Identity, Identity reveal)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what  you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack,  whatever - it’s all good!***
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pendragonsgallery · 1 year
Hey, I'm reading Asterism right now and I gotta tell you - you're really, really good. I'm just in ch 7, so I don't know if 697 has a name yet in the newer chapters but I need to tell you that I love him so so much. I adore lance and how you write him - langst, but with a Lance that's strong even in his terror. Gosh, I'm putting effort to slow down because I wanna make this last 🥹
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I’m so glad you like my story so far THIS IS SO NICE THANK YOU
Seriously it makes my day when someone reaches out to tell me they like my story and I really hope you continue to enjoy it. 😭💕💕💕
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erithel · 2 years
Do you like langst? (Lance + angst)
I personally love it, but then again I also just love anything that involves the VLD characters suffering….I don’t know what that says about me as a person….
Short answer, I enjoy any angst as long as it's used properly (i.e. it makes sense for the character, and isn't instantly fixed with a simple thing like a kiss, etc).
And I do think that Lance has ample angst options a writer can draw upon to make a story a bit more emotional.
However, personally, I tend to enjoy Keith angst more.
I'm going to see if I can explain this, but in anything I'm writing - whether it's fanfiction or original story - there is always one character I am able to hurt, and one character that I really, really, really don't want to hurt.
To be completely honest, I can't explain the difference between the two, but for VLD, Keith is the character I am okay with hurting and Lance is the character I want to protect. So I tend to write stories and comics where Keith is the one with the heaviest angst.
Regardless, though, both Keith and Lance have so much angst potential, and if someone really takes the time to work through it and treat it the way these heavy subjects should be treated, then yes. I am a fan.
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veveisveryuncool · 2 years
hear me out bestie's last memory of his best friend (possibly more) was to promise to take care of his daughter with the knowledge that your entire race, your culture, your people are going to cease to exist. you alone are her caretaker, the last remaining Alteans in the universe.
you are the sole person who remembers Altea's detailed history, stories from your forefathers are all on you. and with the castle and it's records destroyed, if you forget just one detail, it is lost forever. you have to remember it all, you have to.
and when the war is over, when the paladins come back from the multiverse dimension with grim expressions, when they come back one short, you realize she's gone.
you failed. you failed alfor and all that he asked, all he wanted was for his daughter to be safe and you failed.
pidge is looking years older than she actually is-- quiznack, she's only fifteen, hunk has a stream of tears running along his face, keith refuses to look at anyone with his arms hugging himself tightly, shiro's eyes are tight and full of sadness and uneasiness and resolve all at the same time, and lance--
he looks broken.
you spot the bright blue Altean marks now adorning his face, not unlike your own, eyes empty, and stars, quiznack, no--
"im so sorry, coran. she's... allura, she-- i'm so, so sorry."
you can't tell who said it. you fall to your tired, aching knees, were they always aching? you don't remember. she's gone, she's gone, allura's gone, your mind repeats on loop...
years later, the ghost of her still haunts you. you see her in everything, the bright blue sky of New Altea, the fields of juniberries, every whisper of wind reminds you of her.
you're the king of New Altea now, responsible for the small population of Alteans from the colonies. it's alluras appreciation day, her statue standing tall and strong. the former paladins have all left for night. you stare up at her stony eyes, close but just not quite capturing her kindness, her passion, her ferocity.
and from the whisper of the night, or was it the bright nebula that circled the sky, you swear, you swear you can feel her feather light touch, the sparkle in her eyes, hear the sound of her crystalline laughter.
thank you, coran.
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ditzydisaster13 · 7 months
Okay. So I’ve had what I believe, is an epic idea. I don’t do song fics too often, but this was looking like an amazing opportunity. I hope you all know this song.
This is the childhood song of badassery. It was epic and spooky. To the right people, it would send chills down their spine. To me, a person who loves music, music has always been a lot about the story it tells. I took this song very literally for a while. Creeped out by my own imagination
But now it’s your turn to be creeped out. Maybe. This is a VLD idea. An AU. Lance gets separated from the others. A Galra ship exploding and sending him into space. The others were lead to believe he was captured by the Galra. while instead a series of not only Galra rebels, but neutral-good fighters and survivors as well. Then they were further lead to believe he was dead. ((Evidence points to them all spending at least 5 years in space. Keith had extra time cause of his blade mission. So we’re gonna kinda ignore the og timeline. This takes place a little while after the lion switch.)) so when they think Lance is dead. Pidge and Hunk have green and yellow lions like always. Shiro had black, Keith has red, and allura has blue.
But while they get used to Lance not being there, mourning him, all the while hoping he’s maybe out there. Lance is getting older. Stronger. In an area near a star where times moves just a little faster. About 3 years older than the other now, even when he’s been separated from them for only 2 years. They still miss him. And hunk can never forget him. But they’d gotten used to the pattern in their life. Then there’s a distress signal. In a pretty far galaxy. It’s really close to where Lance and his friends are. But Lance is taller, built a little more similar to Shiro, with all of his lankyness still. Just more muscle. Long hair. Cause apparently the food there makes hair grow fast, and everywhere. Lance gave up on taking care of his hair. Everywhere else is pretty well taken care of. He’s kinda skipped on his skin care routine. Shampoo works well enough. And sometimes conditioner stuff makes his hair curly. But he’s constantly dirty and scarred. Brace and rough and ruthless. Guns and sword and knives and other weapons. Better with technology and mechanics now. He’s practically everything he never was in team Voltron. And 10 times more. He is the best version of himself. He doesn’t even miss who he was. He might miss his old friends, but these new people, that aren’t so new anymore. They know him better than he should.
not sure when I’ll get to post this on Ao3: so let me know if you would like a version of the story posted here first.
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fic rec friday 16
welcome the the sixteenth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.  
1. home depot catalogue by @moonguilt
“No, really, he’d love to,” Lance said into the phone, just as Keith pressed the button for the kettle to start heating up.
Those words were enough to raise Keith’s suspicions just a tad. He shot Lance an inquisitive glance while opening the cabinet to retrieve his box of morning tea, but his husband was the picture of innocence, flipping casually through a Home Depot catalog they had received in the mail yesterday.
“Oh, definitely. If you need someone to paint your insides white, Keith’s your man.”
Keith dropped his box on the counter, tea bags spilling out onto the granite.
Keith is having a normal, relaxing morning. Lance throws him a curveball.
this one made me LAUGH. out LOUD. it’s domestic and fluffy and FUNNY dear god, like it’s such a lance thing to do and such an objectively funny prank that i just!! literally just typing this makes the urge to reread it too great my hand has been forced.
2. kindling by @moonguilt
Lance struggles with his attraction to Keith during training, and it all comes to a head when Keith corners him afterwards to ask why he was off his game today.
Prompt from tumblr: Angry Kiss.
one of my fave vld tropes EVER is lance being whipped and then equally as furious that he’s attracted to keith at all. it’s endlessly funny to me. and then keith being the eyebrows raised, not surprised one??? gets me every time. also keith is a massive sweetheart in this fic and i love him
3. chocolate granola bars by @moonguilt
“A pillow fort sleepover!” Lance cried out, leaping up with such alacrity that Pidge had to grab her laptop to prevent it from sliding to the floor.
“No way, we're not—” Pidge stopped and blinked, exchanging a glance with Hunk, then looking back at Lance again. “... Oh.” She evidently had not been expecting such a tame suggestion. “Okay.”
Or, Lance is bored out of his mind and decides to organize a sleepover with the squad. Nonsense ensues, and Lance works through some confusing emotions—particularly those involving a certain mullet-haired team leader.
okay there are too many good things about this fic i cannot choose which to highlight, and so i will mention them all. ahem: a) lance is a ray of sunshine who regularly uses his power of cuteness to his advantage, b) adorable team bonding, c) shiro is a dorky nerd, d) HEALTHY LANCE AND ALLURA COMMUNICATION, e) krolia and romelle have actual characters, f) lance has allergies which isn’t rly important but he gives me a vibe that he’s allergic to several things and it’s very validating to see it in fic, g) lance validation and feeling expression for the piece of shit game show episode, h) observant lance!! and i) literally the most painful and necessary and well-written klance fight i’ve read in a while! hurt badly but was resolved wonderfully 10/10
4. Terminal Velocity by @speakswords [GORE WARNING]
The only fate worse than being tortured to death is watching, helpless, while the person you love most takes your place.
this is one of my fave vld fics of all time. although fair warning it is very violent for a good chunk of time. the story is EXCELLENT, the entire thing will have u biting ur nails in terrified anticipation and i mean that literally. whole time i was gagged. at the edge of my seat. AND i have several specific lines screenshotted bc the pure fucking devotion and care knocked me out of the water
5. you and me are cosmic dust by Yuu_chi
Knowing that your team loves and trust you no matter what and believing it are two very different things.
i LOVE keith angst. i know this fandom is very langst heavy and honestly i am too but sometimes keith angst is so so good. and this fic is one of them!! excellent read and features observant lance as well. OH and there’s a little sprinkling of suave keith in here too lol
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!    
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icypantherwrites · 6 months
Fic Update: Here, Chapter Four
“He is planning something.”
Shiro was not the only one who turned to look at Coran, who was watching the monitor screen where Lance was now tipping the bowl of food goo and using two fingers to shovel it into his mouth, a heavy set to his face.
“He is planning something,” Coran repeated quietly, turning away from the screen. 
“What do you mean, Coran?” Allura frowned. 
“I felt it,” Coran’s hand lifted to press against his heart and Shiro’s eyes widened.
That’s right.
Coran had told him before that between his orange colored quintessence and the fact he was Altean he had the ability to read emotions.
And he…
He thought that…?
“He is still scared and confused,” Coran said, “make no mistake those are the forefront emotions he is projecting. But when I made mention that more food goo would be provided there was a flicker there. A flicker,” Coran’s expression was grim, “of not just focus but of killing intent.”
“An ambush,” Keith said bluntly, arms crossed.
Coran nodded. “I fear the same. He has made the realization that for food to be brought in a person will need to accompany it. And with that realization he has no doubt concluded therein lies his chance for not just to escape, but,” Coran swallowed, “to complete his mission.”
Which, given the events that occurred on Zlato, they could figure out what that was.
To kill them.
“He doesn’t have a weapon,” Pidge pointed out. 
“And there’s the cuffs,” Hunk added, even as his gaze flicked back and forth, hands nestled inside one another. “They’d, they’d stop him.”
“They will stall him,” Shiro said quietly. “But they won’t stop him.”
He knew that better than anyone.
He’d fought Lance three times now and all three times…
He’d lost.
Lance was beyond dangerous and despite the fact he had no real weapons at his disposal that would not stop him.  He was a trained assassin and if he had moved on from the mindset of being a trapped prisoner then it meant he was contemplating his mission and how to finish it. 
And that tenacity, Shiro knew, was not just from the conditioning. Lance didn’t give up and it was a trait the Galra had no doubt twisted for their own use. 
“So we don’t give him the chance,” Keith said. 
Read it here
Here Summary: [Third and final part to the Sniper trilogy] Voltron has rescued Lance but the person with them now is not the same boy they once knew. Even outside the Galrans’ influence Lance believes himself to be Sniper, an assassin to the Galra Empire with his final mission to eliminate Voltron. It’s going to be a long, difficult journey that they know won’t end even when Lance does remember them as then he’ll also remember all of the horrors he committed as Sniper and have to come to terms with what he did. But they do know they’ll be there for him every step of the way because Lance was gone, he’s been found and now he’s here, with his space family, to stay.
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rausule · 1 year
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Anna Olada Ballada
'n Ou Ballade
'SAL jou 'n storie vertel, 'n storie anon, EK SAL Van 'n edele prins, en sy naam was koning John; Want hy was 'n prins en 'n prins van groot mag
Hy het groot foute voorgehou en groot reg neergelê. Draai af, af, hey, afdaal.
Ek sal jou 'n storie vertel, 'n storie so vrolik, die abt van Canterbury; En van sy huishouding en hoë bekendheid, het hulle vir hom na die mooi Londense stad gery. Draai af, af, hey, afdaal.
KONING JOHN EN DIE ABBOT VAN CANTERBURY 121 "O drie weke tyd sal ek gee,
Want dit is die langste tyd wat jy moet lewe. En as jy hierdie vrae nie reg beantwoord nie, sal jou kop heeltemal van jou liggaam verwyder word. Roer af, af, hey, afdra."
Weg het die abt opgestaan, almal hartseer oor daardie woord, En hy het na Cambridge en Oxenford gery; Maar nooit 'n dokter was daar so wys Dat kon met sy leer antwoord bedink. Draai af, af, hey, afdaal.
Toe ry die Abt huis toe, van troos so koud, En ontmoet sy herder wat na sy kraal gaan.
"Hoe nou, meester Abbot? Jy is welkom tuis; Watter nuus het jy van goeie koning John gebring?
Roer af, af, hey, afdra."
"Drywige nuus, hartseer nuus het ek vir jou om te gee, want ek het nog net drie dae om te lewe; as ek hom nie antwoord op vrae drie nie, sal my kop van my liggaam verwyder word. .
"Nou staan ​​ek so hoog op my ros, met my kroon van goue kop,
Tussen al my adelstand, met vreugde en baie vrolikheid, vertel my nou vir een sent wat ek werd is. Roer af, af, hey, afdra."
"Vir dertig pennies is ons Verlosser verkoop, onder die valse Jode, soos aan jou gesê is; en nege-en-twintig is die waarde van jou, want ek dink jy is een sent erger as Hy. Deur down, down hey, dery down."
Die koning het hy gelag, en by St. Bittel gesweer, "Ek het nie gedink ek was so min werd nie!
Nou vertel die volgende vraag vir my sonder enige
lank sal ek die hele wêreld rond ry? Roer af, af, hey, afdra."
“Wanneer hy so hoog op sy ros gesit is,
Met sy goue kroon op sy kop, Tussen al sy edelheid, met vreugde en baie vrolikheid, moet ek hom vir een sent vertel wat hy werd is. Draai af, af, hey, afdaal.
"Tweedens, ek moet hom sonder enige twyfel vertel hoe lank hy die hele wêreld oor sal ry. En by die derde vraag moet ek nie krimp nie, maar sê vir hom waarlik wat hy dink. Derry down, down hey, derry down."
"O meester, het jy dit nog nooit gehoor nie, Dat 'n dwaas 'n wyse man verstand kan leer? Leen my maar jou perd en jou klere, ry na mooi Londen en beantwoord die rusie.
"Nou welkom, meneer Abbot," die Koning het hy gesê, "" Dit is goed dat jy terugkom om jou dag te hou; Want as jy my drie vrae kan beantwoord, sal jou lewe en jou lewe gered word. af, af hey, dreun af.
" Jy moet saam met die son opstaan, en met dieselfde ry, Tot die volgende oggend hy weer opstaan; En dan is ek seker dat jy geen twyfel sal maak nie Maar oor vier-en-twintig uur sal jy dit ry. Derry down, down hey , kom af."
Die koning het hy gelag, en by St. John gesweer, "Ek het nie gedink dit kan so gou gedoen word nie!
Nou by die derde vraag moet jy nie ineenkrimp nie, Maar vertel my waarlik wat ek dink.
“Ja, dit kan ek doen, en sal jou vrolik maak; want jy dink ek is die abt van Canterbury; maar ek is sy arme herder soos jy kan sien, en ek het gekom om vir hom en vir my om verskoning te smeek. Roer af, af, hey, afdra."
Die koning het hy gelag, en by die massa gesweer: "Ek sal jou vandag heer abt maak in sy plek!" 'O nee, my genade, daar is nie so 'n behoefte nie; want ek kan nie skryf of lees nie.
Roer af, af, hey, afdra."
"Dan sal ek vir jou vier pond per week gee vir hierdie vrolike grap wat jy aan my vertel het; En sê vir die ou Abbot, as jy by die huis kom, het jy vir hom 'n vergifnis van goeie koning John gebring. af."
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