rivkahstudies · 6 years
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I thought my fellow coffee lovers might like to know some useful vocabulary! For me, I learned it in order to work as a barista, but it’s still important to know as a customer too. All vocabulary includes necessary usage notes/gender. Native speakers please feel free to correct/add on to this.
– vocabulario
para describir el café (to describe coffee)
el café… (coffee…)
amargo: bitter americano: American/Americano (referring to coffee that is half coffee concentrate and half water for a milder taste/caffeination–not really in reference to coffee that comes from America) caliente: hot con crema: with cream con espuma: with foam con hielo: with ice con leche: with milk  con miel: with honey dulce: sweet frío: cold (referring to cold brew in the case of my job–iced coffee is not necessarily cold brew in English)
los sabores (flavors)
la avellana: hazelnut la canela: cinnamon el caramelo: caramel la cereza negra: black cherry el chocolate: chocolate la vainilla: vanilla
para describir la leche (to describe milk)
la leche… (milk…)
de almendra: almond de coco: coconut de soya: soy desnatada: skim entera: whole semidesnatada: reduced fat 
los tamaños (sizes)
pequeño/a: small mediano/a: medium grande: large
otras cosas (other things)
el aroma: smell la cafeína: caffeine el capuchino: cappuccino  la crema batida: whipped cream el expreso, el café exprés: espresso
para pagar (in order to pay)
el dolar: dollar el cambio: change el centavo: cent costar (o to ue stem change): to cost la moneda: coin pagar: to pay
– frases
** Note that, depending on situation and country, it varies as to whether you’d speak informally or formally in a coffee shop to a barista or customer. I tend to speak formally with adults and informally with children/young adults my age.
¿Cuánto/a cuesta? How much does it cost?
¿Cuántos/as cuestan? How much do they cost?
Cuesta(n) … dólares y … centavos. It costs / They cost … dollars and … cents. Cuestan treinta y nueve dólares y noventa y nueve centavos. They cost $39.99 / thirty dollars and ninety nine cents.
Me gustaría un café caliente con crema.  I would like a hot coffee with cream.
¿Puedo ayudar(te/le/les)?  Can I help you?
¿(Tienes/Tiene) leche de soya? Do you have soy milk? Tu/Su cambio es … dólares y … centavos. Your change is … dollars and … cents.
I hope this is helpful! Once again, if you notice any errors, please contact me. If you’re a native speaker have any regional/dialectual notes to add, please feel free to do so!
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studyingsian · 7 years
Hey! I love your blog it's beautiful. I was wondering if you could help me with something? I'm looking to set up a mobile navigation to my original posts on tumblr but have no idea how to do it. If you could explain how you have your original posts linked in your description on your mobile tumblr that'd be absolutely fantastic. Thank you so much!! 😊
this has to be done on desktop,not mobile tumblr.
this link should explain everything.
(i’m writing this using mobile tumblr, meaning i had to type in the code myself, so if the link isn’t working, just let me know and i’ll fix it)
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studyingsenseless · 7 years
92 Questions Tag
I was tagged by my girl @etudiant-en-rose (thanks this was fun)
RULES: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
1. Drink: water
2. Phone call: to my cousin, telling her my boba order lol im trash
3. Text message: to my mom
4. Song you listened to: Follow the Sun by the Beatles
5. Time you cried: Finals week i think? bc stress
6. Dated someone twice? nope
7. Kissed someone and regretted it? nope :)
8. Been cheated on? no
9. Lost someone special? yes
10. Been depressed? yes
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up? nope
12: lavender
13: baby pink
14: sky blue
15. Made new friends? yes
16. Fallen out of love? yes...
17. Laughed until you cried? yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you? yes
19. Met someone who changed you? yes
20. Found out who your friends are? i guess
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list? no lol 
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life? all of them
23. Do you have any pets? yes, a little labradoodle :) i luv him
24. Do you want to change your name? eh nah. too much work
25. What did you do for your last birthday? um chipotle and friends
26. What time did you wake up? 10:00 am bc im lazy
27. What were you doing at midnight last night? watching netflix (Jane the Virgin has me sHOOK) 
28. Name something you can’t wait for: getting manicures with my friend soon :) 
29. When was the last time you saw your mom? a few minutes ago!
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life? my openness to talk to people i guess?
31. What are you listening to right now? nothing rn, but I was listening to the Beatles earlier!
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? I’ve talked to a Thomas before... if that counts
33. Name something that is getting on your nerves: my brother playing video games all day while I have to study for the SAT
34. Most visited websites: tumblr, youtube
LOST QUESTIONS (from @germ-studies)
35. Mole(s): a few here and there, yeah
36. Mark(s): a scar from a birthmark i got removed; a bruise that’s been on my knee for years now
37: Childhood dream: being tall (LOL so much for that), being a doctor (apparently I dressed up as one for halloween one year)
38: Hair color: brunette
39: Long or short hair: I have medium-length??? I think medium-long looks better on me but I wish I could pull off short
40: Do you have a crush on someone? not currently
41. What do you like about yourself? I’m not a terrible person i guess
42: Piercings: none
43: Blood type: i actually don’t know which is um scary
44. Nickname: Sometimes Mel
45: Relationship status: single/it’s complicated
46. Zodiac: Leo
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV show: Parks and Rec (!!), Jane the Virgin, Gilmore Girls... 
49. Tattoos: none
50. Right- or left-handed: right-handed
51. Surgery: two minor procedures
52. Hair dyed in different color: not yet. Kinda want highlights though...
53. Sport(s): dance (if that counts) and cross country
54. Favorite subject: english
55. Vacation: we always go to the beach at some point. My favorite vacation was a trip to Scotland omg its so pretty
56. Pair of trainers: gray/black/white flynit nikes!! they feel like you’re wearing socks
57. Eating: I just had an apple
58. Drinking: water
59. I’m about to: eat dinner
61. Waiting for: school to start :/
62: Want: to have better relationships :/
63: Get married: in the future hopefully
64. Career: psychiatrist (i think)
65. Hugs or kisses? hugs bc i can hug anyone! (w/o it being weird lol)
66. Lips or eyes? eyes
67. Shorter or taller? in general? either’s cool with me (I’d rather date taller tho)
68. Older or younger? in general, i like mature people??? (rather date older?)
70. Nice arms or nice stomach? arms. my arms look like a nine year old’s
71. Sensitive or loud? ugh both are bad
72. Hook up or relationship? relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant? hesitant
74. Kissed a stranger? nooo
75. Drank hard liquor? nope
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses? i’ve lost sunglasses in the ocean
77. Turned someone down? yes (and i regret)
78. Had sex on the first date? nope
79. Broken someone’s heart? kinda by turning them down i guess idk im a young’un
80. Had your heart broken? kinda not really
81. Been arrested? no
82. Cried when someone died? yes
83. Fallen for a friend? yeahhh
84. Yourself? ehhh i’d like to
85. Miracles? i think so yeah
86. Love at first sight? idk honestly... i don’t think so
87. Santa Claus? no sadly
88. Kissing on the first date? if you want
90. Current best friend’s name: Alyssa
91. Eye color: brown
92. Favorite movie: how to train your dragon (2) tHAT ANIMATION i cri every time  yes i’m still a child
NOW, TAG 20 PEOPLE: @monarchstudies @prettylittlebaker @getshitdonetbh @chaoticbadlxnds @studying-g @whenthemoonspeaks @yerssiir @andystudying @langlangland @beanstudyin and anyone else who wants to!!
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evergrace · 7 years
Hola! My favourite subject is Spanish, I love the language. This is my main blog :)
yes languages are one of my favorite things to learn!!!
url: not really my cup of tea | sorta typical tbh but it works | v nice!!! | wowowowow | how much can i pay you for it???
icon: eheheheh not really my style tbh | v cute! | preTTTYYYYY | can i take it please like woWOWOWOW
desktop theme: default | i am slightly and utterly confused??? | is okay i think | preTYY how did you do that? | wowWOWOWOW teach me pls *accidentally steals*
mobile theme: default | i am slightly and utterly confused??? | is okay i think | preTYY how did you do that? | wowWOWOWOW teach me pls *accidentally steals*
original content: couldn’t find any :/ | v nice!!! | how is this so pretty???? | just lemme go reblog everything brb
overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | there is no number that could describe this
following: no, sorry! | defo thinking about it | i am now! | always and forever :’)
comment(s): loving the desktop theme; you are not studyblr #2095834095384509 that makes me like two-columned desktop themes.
want a blograte?
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studylei · 6 years
11 Questions Tag
Rules: answer 11 questions, make 11 of your own, and tag another 11 people.
Ahhh @meemtea thanks for the tag! I haven’t been very active so I really didn’t expect to get tagged in anything. It was a nice surprise :D
1. Favorite stationery object you have discovered in the last year?
I actually don’t have a lot of stationary, just black/blue pens, standard neon highlighters, and a few mildliners. I guess it would be the the midliners because I technically got them less than a year ago. I love how soft they look, especially doing cursive with them!
2. Go to comfort drink?
If I could always have any drink I wanted, it would be bubble tea or watermelon juice. But what I usually have on-hand is this Asian yogurt drink called ADGai.
3. Favorite book/book series of all time?
Jsdfojsdfijsfd this is so hard to choose. It’s actually been a while since I sat down and read books in a row thanks to fanfiction, but... The Young Elites (the first book in the series) by Marie Lu comes to mind. I couldn’t stop rereading it, and I love the premise, style, world, all of it :D
4. One country you would like to learn more about?
Hmm... China? I lowkey want to learn a lot more about the history and culture through the different dynasties. I’m not really focusing on it now though. Maybe I’ll drag myself to watch a historical c-drama sometime and I’ll be motivated to do some research...
5. Biggest non-study/school related goal you are (or want to start) working towards?
I don’t know if this is the biggest goal, but I’ve been writing a novel in many drafts and versions for about seven years now. I really love the world and characters -- they’ve grown up with me -- and it’s my goal over the next years or even decades to keep writing and eventually finish something that I’m really, really proud of :D
6. Weirdest social interaction?
Just two days ago I was at a hotel carrying a huge watermelon from the car to the hotel room on the 4th floor. This middle-aged guy, my sister, and I were waiting for the elevator and he joked that we should drop the watermelon from the hotel roof. I responded like, “That would be watermelon cruelty. I actually made an entire website dedicated to a watermelon rebellion to stop that,” which was supposed to be a joke but it sounded more like a threat, whoops. (I do have this website, by the way.) So I don’t know, that was pretty weird.
7. How do you feel about cheese?
I’ve never really liked cheese. Except for parmesan; parmesan is good.
8. Are your favorite season and most productive season the same?
My favorite season is spring, and my most productive season is fall, so nope!
9. Something you are the most proud of that you have accomplished so far (big or small)?
This is very small, but a few years ago, I taught my sister how to count “thirteen, fourteen, fifteen” instead of “firteen, firteen, fifteen.” That was cool! (And mind-numbing.)
10. If you could live in any fictional universe and make one major change to anything in it at any point: what universe would it be and what would you change?
AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER. HANDS DOWN. I THINK I WOULD SELL MY SOUL TO TRAVEL THERE. Ba Sing Se, Republic City in Korra era, the Northern Water Tribe, Kyoshi Island, Ember Island, any of the air nomad temples pre-war... I would actually sell my soul xD
11. Do you have any body modifications (tattoos, piercings, etc.) if so what and why? If not, would you get/do you want any?
I don’t have any. Maybe I’ll get my ears pierced at some point? But I’ve never really wanted to wear earrings, so maybe not.
MY QUESTIONS (ahh, these were so good, I feel like I have to live up to them):
1. What was your favorite online/board game as a kid?
2. If you were given the power to jump back to any point in your life and relive those months and years, basically writing over the past but keeping your current memories as a guide, would you do it? What point would you jump back to if you could only use the power once? If you could use it whenever you wanted, how often would you use it, if at all?
3. Rain or shine?
4. Do you struggle with procrastination?
5. Have you ever been to a grandparent’s home? If so, describe the aesthetic there. If not, describe your ideal aesthetic for a home where you grow old.
6. What’s your opinion on mousepads?
7. If you could only take classes in one academic subject for the rest of this year, which would you choose? Math, science, history, language, or arts?
8. Are you an early bird or a night owl? What do you like to do in the small hours of the night/morning that’s not studying?
9. What’s the last song you listened to?
10. Are you afraid of rollercoasters or heights?
11. If you had a life span of 1000 years, most of it being in your prime, how would you spend it?
Tagging: @boredomblossom @poeticpaper @langlangland @stationery @messy-slytherin @aristohtle @emsstudyblrrr @aesthetic-and-study @jupiterinstudyland @hope-and-sleep @sunsetstudiesx
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art-0f-studying · 7 years
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Hello, I’m Kyle :)
I did an intro when I first started this blog two months ago but I didn’t really know where I was heading with this. But now I have it figured out more I think it’s about time to make this blog really grow :)
I’m going to share a few things with you first about myself, First the basics
I’m 21 and I’m from England. I have completed School and college but I did not go to uni. It wasn’t right for me as I have really bad anxiety. But if my mental health improves I will consider it in the future. But for now I am happy to learn things at home at my own pace.
More things about me
- I am a massive nerd and bookworm. I have a whole wall in my room that is Harry Potter. Every pottermore sorting I did (I kept forgetting passwords) I’ve been sorted into Slytherin. My patronus is a King Cobra. I am also working on a Harry Potter Tattoo arm sleeve. I also love batman and at comic con I cosplay as batman characters or as a hogwart student. I own 8 wands (plus one that controls the TV)
- I am currently teaching myself Swedish because my brother lives out there with his Swedish girlfriend and I go to visit them twice a year
- I dye my hair blue often (its currently brown because i recently had a haircut) I have tried every colour but blue suits me the best :)
- I have a German Shepard called Alfie and he is my best friend
- I am currently writing my own book series but I have taken a break from it to work on a collection of poetry. 
- I work much better at night than I do during any other part of the day
I started this blog to help me learn Swedish and also to motivate me to write more. It’s actually helping loads and I feel like I accomplish something every time I’m on here. 
I plan to post
- Free Printables - Swedish word help - Photos of my own work - Tips for mentally ill students - Self Care tips - Study tips - Motivational quotes etc
10 of my favourite studyblr/langblr blogs so far are: @emmastudies @studyblr @studying @rosestudiies @mossystudies @bliss-studies @uk-studying @studytherin @studying-zoo @langlangland
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aspired-to-succeed · 7 years
Music Shuffle Tag🎶
I was tagged by @e-studiante (tHanKs! i usually never get tagged in these but they’re fun!!)to do this music game thing. The rules are easy: put your music library on shuffle and post the first 10 songs, then tag 10-20 ppl.
1. High Enough - K. Flay
2. Outside - Tender
3. We Should Be Together - Pia Mia
4. Shape of You- Ed Sheeran
5. Quit - Cashmere Cat ft. Ariana Grande
6. Pity Party - Melanie
7. Copycat - Billie Eilish
8. Smoke - Tender
9. Boys - Charli XCX
10. Runnin Low - blackbear
don’t judge my music taste ahahaha
if u listen to these let me know! the bold ones are my faves (≧◡≦) i’m open to music recs! if you got this far wooow thanks for reading and feel free to tag me in more stuff i swear i’m not that lonely jk i am
now here’s where i’m supposed to tag some other people ayy: @floralstudent @softglares @rhubarbstudies @langlangland @studying101blr @lovelybrains @educatier @studyinfinite @veranotes @apieceforthewrongpuzzle @aesthetudier @nececitystudies @julstudies @gloomstudy @phctcsynthesis and of course anyone else that wants to do this feel free to be considered tagged i want to see what you guys listen to!
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haphazardstudy · 7 years
20 Questions Tag
Rule: answer the 20 questions and then tag 20 followers who you would like to know better!
I was tagged by the lovely @seatudying​ !!! thanks for the tag 💛
name: sophie nickname: soph, softie, snowflake, dufus zodiac sign: leo height: little over 5′5″ orientation: straight nationality: british (well, northern irish) fav fruit: red grapes + bananas fav season: autumn, because it’s not freezing yet and school is fairly chill fav flower: yellow roses !!! they’re so pretty fav scent: apple/fresh bread fav color: yellow lol could you tell? fav animal: honestly a few months ago it was 100% cats but then I got a puppy who is the absolute light of my life so now I gotta say both cats and dogs! average hours of sleep: according to my sleep app it’s 7.5 haha fav fictional character: it’s an absolute total easy answer to say hermione granger but honestly she’s such an inspiration and I love her (my other answer would be merlin from bbc merlin because his banter is top notch) number of blankets you sleep with: just one in spring/summer, and up to 3 when it’s cold dream trip: ohhhh idk I went to canada last year and really loved it so I’d like to go back there again maybe blog created: 8th July 2017
do I really have to tag 20 people lol okay here goes! (sorry if you’ve already done it/don’t want to go it) @bio-shmio @just-emma-and-books-and-coffee @teastudyy @hamdystudies @meg-is-studying @milkyjournals @jstpeachykeen @langlangland @quiietstudies @zoe-studying @studying-fordodieclark AND LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO DO THIS! TAG YOURSELF! BE FREE!
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langlangland-blog · 7 years
hi Gabriella! thanks for the follow (on my studyblr @aspired-to-succeed) welcome to the community and just out of curiosity how did you come up with your url?
Hey! Thank you so much. Well basically, I love the movie La La Land, and obviously languages also. I was kind of torn between ‘langlangland’ and 'langblrland’ but I thought seeing as 'langlangland’ popped up in my head first I’d go with that. :)
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crystaldoors · 7 years
'Impossible' for league legend Langlands to front court over sex abuse charges, court told
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