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Ran DMPC that people liked today. Holy shit
For anyone wondering what his full list of actions/bonus actions are, check beneath the cut
But jeez. I had so much fun and it seemed like everyone else did too.
So we’re getting more characters like this in the future
@vivi-illniat @raven-the-mage
Slash (Melee Weapon Attack) +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. *Hit* 8 (1d6 + 5)
Burst (Ranged Spell Attack) +5 to hit, reach 60ft., one target. *Hit* 9 (3d6 force)
Arcane Catalyst Once per short rest, Landrin can focus his tactical insight to bolster a spellcaster. Choose one spellcaster ally within 30 feet. The next time that ally casts a spell with a casting time of 1 action, they may cast it as a bonus action instead.
Legendary Actions
Landrin Irene can take up to 2 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Landrin regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Command Ally (Costs 1 Action) Landrin directs an ally within 30 feet to make one weapon attack or move up to their speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
Riposte Command (Costs 1 Action) When an enemy within 30 feet of Landrin misses an attack against one of Landrin’s allies, he can use this action to allow that ally to make a melee weapon attack against the enemy.
Exploit Vulnerability (Costs 2 Actions) Landrin identifies a weakness in an enemy’s defenses. Choose one enemy within 30 feet. Until the end of Landrin’s next turn:
The target is vulnerable to one damage type of Landrin’s choice.
Allies who attack the target gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls.
Coordinated Strike (Costs 2 Actions) Landrin Irene signals a well-timed assault. Choose two allies within 30 feet. Each ally can immediately make one weapon attack against the same target.
Oh…… you’re still reading……?
Makoto Tachibana, Head Of the Royal Guard
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How I would love to see your take on Kalina and Landrin Lier back when they worked together. 🖤
I would also love to see this. Unfortunately, because Landrin is so far removed from canon, there's really no point in making their story fan fic. The worldbuilding of what Spyre looked like back is pretty sparse (though I think in terms of the timeline, Landrin's fall coincided with the rise of Solace, which could be fun to play with. You get (former?) Queen Alexandria, and her adventuring party, including a young Arthur Aguefort and the previous Elven Oracle dating. Possibly a young Eugenia Shadow as well based on some conversations I've seen around Tumblr, though I think any Shadow would be a worthwhile addition.) It's certainly something--and I could honestly see something like what D20 did with the Ravening War fitting in here--but I would not consider the narrative scaffolding around them sufficient to build fanfic on it, if that makes sense.
I have, however, been playing around with the idea of writing a proper novel about a child of immigrants in their colonizer's homeland reconnecting with her heritage by summoning the last surviving angel of her people's dead god while pursuing a career in the Fantasy CIA. Which is not exactly the same thing--the protagonist wouldn't be a cleric or a healer of any kind, but instead a standard field agent who progresses up the ranks. The angel would an angel and not a plague, and would start out very idealistic--but the root of this concept definitely started with Landrin and Kalina.
If you're wondering if no longer being constrained by Fantasy High's canon would lead to a different ending, the answer is no. But boy would the journey to get there be fun.
#everybody's crazy about potential Ratgrinder side quests and FH parent side quests#meanwhile i'm over here like: what about the political intrigue of Solace's founding? What the fuck do you do after the dragon is dead?#how do you build a country and how do you give it up?#If I remember/interpreted freshman year correctly Alexandria was a lost heir#she has no idea how to do this shit! she's a standard fantasy protagonist!#get the founding of the aguefort adventuring academy in there too#Landrin's here because she's The Outside World. and cause Fallinel would want to keep an eye on the fledgling nation#the dragon may be dead but vultures still circle#everyone knows what happened to Sylvaire. how do you prevent that from happening to Solace?#and that's not even getting into the arcanotech of it all#anyway. i am stepping off the soap box#yeah i think about Landrin Lier a normal amount why do you ask
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Birth Certificate of Natalie Paley

L'an mil neuf cent cinq, le huit décembre à deux heures du soir a été la (?) naissance de Nathalie de Hohenfelsen, du sexe féminin, née le cinq décembre courant à huit heures six minutes du matin au domicile de ses père et mère, fille de Son Altesse Impériale Monseigneur Paul de Russie âgé de quarante quatre ans, et de Olga Valerianovna, comtesse de Hohenfelsen âgée de quarante ans, mariés, domiciliés avenue d'léna, 11. Dressé par Mons. Henri Landrin, adjoint au Maire, officier de l'Etat civil du seizième arrondissement de Paris sur la présentation de l'enfant et la déclaration faite par le père, en présence de Hortense Judlin, institutrice, domiciliée avenue d'léna, 11, et d'Alexandre Efinovitch, capitaine de cavalerie de la Garde, aide de camp de Son Altesse Impériale le Grand Duc Paul de Russie, domicilié avenue d'léna, 26, témoins qui ont signé avec le déclarant et nous après lecture.
In the year one thousand nine hundred and five, on the eighth of December at two o'clock in the evening, was born (?) Nathalie de Hohenfelsen, of the female sex, born on the fifth of December at six minutes past eight in the morning at the home of her father and mother, daughter of His Imperial Highness Monseigneur Paul of Russia, aged forty-four, and of Olga Valerianovna, Countess of Hohenfelsen, aged forty, married, domiciled avenue d'léna, 11. Drawn up by Mons. Henri Landrin, deputy mayor, registrar of the sixteenth arrondissement of Paris on the presentation of the child and the declaration made by the father, in the presence of Hortense Judlin, teacher, domiciled avenue d'léna, 11, and Alexandre Efinovitch, captain of cavalry of the Guard, aide-de-camp to His Imperial Highness the Grand Duke Paul of Russia, domiciled avenue d'léna, 26, witnesses who signed with the declarant and us after reading.

Natalia, Countess von Hohenfelsen, was born in the morning of the 5th of December 1905 at her parents' house, in Paris. She was the last child the couple had and the first (and last) to be given the title of Countess von Hohenfelsen at birth.
She was 20 years younger than her oldest half-brother, Alexander von Pistolkors, and was just 2 years-old when she became an aunt to her half-sister Olga's first son, Alexander von Kreutz.
#natalie paley#irina paley#vladimir paley#paul alexandrovich#olga paley#romanov#imperial russia#imperial family#royalty#grand duke
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i am on day 75 of 75 hard..... and my tutoring is cancelled.... student asked to reschedule to tomorrow but i postponed till next week because tomorrow i am chillaxing. well no i am probably still doing some other things. but not tutoring yay. unless i fail today which would be horrible but also kind of funny. who fails 75 hard on day 75 lmao. i did have horrible stress dreams about accidentally eating landrines (? you know the hard colourful semi-translucent fruit sweets) and i don't even LIKE them. also had the weirdest living situation ever which was me my girlfriend my childhood friend and her brother. except i had to share a bedroom with my childhood friend and not my girlfriend because she was a refugee from australia. idk what was happening in australia. but at one point she ate me up irl this sounds like nonsense but in the dream it was like WOW... she said something really tmi and was like "are you a questions person... we could ask each other questions about really personal things" and i got really excited and was like yes i am absolutely a question person and she looked at me and was like "being an emotional exhibitionist and expecting that of others is not the same as getting to know people. let's get to know each other again (yk bc we hadn't seen each other since we were friends) like normal people" WOW... and also my brother was spying on me in the weirdest way idk why he wouldn't just talk to me like a normal person. one day there was a ring on the door and there was a tradesman there who said he came to fix our "tea machine" (idk what that is). i let him in but soon realised he was my brother in disguise. he fiddled a bit with the kettle and then told me to check my email and left. i did and he had sent me a long email expressing concern that i was spending all of the "family fortune" on my girlfriend. and attached a photo of her holding a nice bouquet and i was like ??? a) flowers are not that expensive b) this is her on the day of her graduation with a bouquet she got from her parents. not from me. odd
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Занимаюсь подбором подарков, никого не трогаю, и тут мозг резко выдает воспоминания из детства о фигурках чародеек из шоколадных яиц Landrin.

Обожала в детстве эти фигурки, да и сейчас нахожу их очаровательными :3
Грустно осознавать, что у меня была вся(или почти вся) коллекция, но, увы, она канула в лету и я без понятия, где фигурки могут быть сейчас.
Вывод: Мои олдскулы скрутило в спиральку от воспоминаний. В эту гачу в реальной жизни я бы сыграла и сейчас.
P.S. Какой же потрясный дизайн у коробок и буклетов!
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Wczoraj w nocy przeżyłam załamanie nerwowe. Byłam w tym stanie przez 5 godzin i nie mogłam spać. Jak już zasnęłam i się obudziłam 9 godzin później, to czułam to samo co w nocy. Straciłam jakiekolwiek uczucia do rodziny, do znajomych, do chłopaka i teraz jest mi wszystko jedno. Przez tą obojętność nie mam apetytu i ciągnę fasta w nieskończoność, paląc tylko vape-a.
Zapytacie się dlaczego? Chłopak mnie olał i się nie odzywał do mnie przez dni i noce, przyjaciel powiedział że jak nie przestanę mu czegoś wysyłać na Instagramie to mi włoży telefon w dupę, rodzina ma wyjebke na mnie, a inni znajomi nigdy nie mają dla mnie czasu.
Jestem tak obojętna teraz.. jakby chłopak zerwał ze mną, lub przyjaciel zwyzywał mnie od najgorszych i zerwał kontrakt ze mną, to nawet by mnie to nie ruszyło, a nawet bym była zadowolona w głębi duszy, że już nie muszę dla nich żyć.
~ Landrin ~
#depresjon#mysli samobojcze#chce sie zabic#nie chce zyc#chce byc lekka jak motylek#obojętność#samotność#sorry for being depressing#tw depressing thoughts#bede lekka#chude wakacje#motylek any#musze schudnac#chude uda#glodowka#chude jest piekne
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Hello everyone!
Welcome to the SVS ask box! We are a small group of SVS members/creators where you can ask our OCs all sorts of questions!
here's an introduction to all the individuals behind this blog:
@bamjammy - Hi! My name's Jammy, pronouns he/they, and I like to make OCs and never use 'em!
available characters:
Tarty Hart - Evil scientist smarties
Wizz Fizzy - chaotic pixy stix
Teri Chang - famous sour(?) singer/actress
Valentina Velvet - red velvet cake killer/bakery owner
Carolina Carrot - carrot cake detective
Toast - innocent marshmallow taffy kid/Tarty's somewhat son
@toastygal666 - a gal whos toasty, with only girl OCs cause men are hard to draw :>
available characters:
Delicie - jawbreaker girl
Hecate - pumpkin witch
Vemp - vampire mermaid
@jynxiejinx - I’m Jynxie! I’m a 19 y/o character artist, and your local chill hippie enby. any pronouns are cool!
available characters:
Penny Sucre - peach tea fruity guild leader
Bianca, Barry and Huey Poppins - bubblegum triplets
Fable Frosting - mythical animal cracker unicorn centaur
@kitn3x - Hi hi, I’m Kit, your genderless fool of an artist!
available characters:
Paddie (Rainbow paddlepop ice cream) - sweet local robin hood who eat the rich and feed the poor situation
Milly (Milo nuggets) - a bittersweet member who dream of becoming a mechanic
Bannie (Bandung drink) - A sweet singer who dream of peace between sweet and sour nation through music with her fellow friends and members
Hex (Sparkling honey drink) - ur avg waiter who works in a honey pot tavern in coco cabins
Isbert (Ice shaved dessert) - An ex-knight who now works as a lumberjack to take care of his remaining family member and ensure there's no harm on them
Peps (Hot cocoa Pepsi) - Shark boi who friends with a sweet and dreamt of becoming a famous swimmer
Aurora (galaxy cocktail) - Once a child actor, now a pop singer in the sour nation! She have fallen in love with a famous sweet underground singer
Killian (c1000 drink) - William Fishbert's beloved husband who works in a military with him before the incident :)
Aiden (hot hot pop foot lollipop) - Father of a certain shark boi who works as a bartender at Gobstop! Also his appearance may scare you if its a curse thing or bless you or maybe blursed
@seanthejester - Hi! I'm Sean (he/him)! I'm 19 years old and like drawing silly little guys.
Available characters:
Brandy Butter - He was almost the pastry guild leader and he's all about advocating for peace and integration. He's currently working on creating a peace organization in the Sweet Kingdom
@minibigboy - I’m Fin / MiniShark (he/it). I’m a bit funkee and tired, but I have art and ocs :)
available characters:
Ananas - piña colada
Lucius Sandía - watermelon flash pop
Angel Cake - …angel cake…
Girlypop - sour rainbow strips
William Fishbert - the fishbowl
Joe Cupp - black coffee
@jacket-pigeon - Hi! I'm Pigeon (they/them) and I like making OCs too much
available characters:
Pomelia (Peppermint) - Grumpy ex-soldier
Moxy (Bubblegum poprocks) - Playful troublemaker
Jambo (Sour belts) - Eccentric TV show host
@itayati - Hey! I'm a 19 yo artist (she/her) and an enjoyer of cute things and the colour pink
available characters:
Pea O'Sour (Peach sour rings) - Cheerful photographer
Minty Drop (Mint drops/landrines) - Quiet jewellery maker
Malina (pierogi with blueberries and strawberries) - a bit socially awkward fruit seller
@ikeaunderscorecat - Yo, im ikea (she/they) and i am here also! hopefully you enjoy my funny fellows as much as i do
available characters:
hedron - red velvet oreo, very angry arms guy
@asrielcipher - Hey I’m Ace (they/them), please enjoy my ocs
available characters:
Bea Flutters (Butterfly Pea Tea) - a doctor with no self preservation, who wants to help others at her own expence
Moon Flutters (Ramune) - an influencer and Bea’s younger, meaner sister
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@heehoothefool @neoboots1 @vivi-illniat @tenebrisimpyris I think you guys would be happy to know this is exactly Landrin core to me
my brother is sitting in the chair in my room studying a practice test thing for his final test before he becomes a fully certified EMT tomorrow and he’s mumbling some of the questions out loud and he just went “a child has fallen from a monkey at school…” and he just got dead quiet and stared at the wall for like a solid minute with the most stricken look on his face before he whispered “there’s no protocol for monkeys”
bro it means monkey bars
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"Hacerse un Manolo" II
Y sí, me acostumbré a tener sexo ordinario con tintes de algo más, sujetos muy ordinarios me follaron en estos cinco años. Pero como decía antes, Cesar i(nte)rrumpió en mi vida. Como un rayo que cae en cualquier lugar sin que puedas hacer una mierda de nada... Yo no tenía ninguna expectativa, incluso, pensé que sería un polvo ordinario "uno más". ¿Qué podría darme un chaval tan joven? y me río de mí misma porque desde que sentí el calor de su piel me empezó a dislocar la cabeza... Incluso ahora, escribo porque me lo ha pedido; yo no tengo voluntad, estoy a su merced, el hijo de puta podría hacer de mí lo que él quisiera... En realidad lo hace.
Desde esa primera vez que sentí su sexo entrar en el mío fue un puto acontecimiento. Estábamos en su habitación, me comía el coño -como si yo necesitara algún tipo de preparación, o, ahora que lo pienso, parecía una especie de ritual- y yo sentía la urgencia de sentir su sexo, porque en cuanto se sacó la ropa me volví loca, era el primer cuerpo que me producía efectos, ansiaba tocarle todo, sentirle la piel, pegarme a él... Había un contraste muy grande entre la imagen mental que me había hecho de él y lo que miraba sin toda esa tela cubriéndole el cuerpo... Jamás imaginé que tuviera pelo en el pecho. Eso es lo que hizo que quisiera frotarme con él. Recuerdo que puse mi mano en su cuello, tiene el trapecio definido, una espalda ancha, unos brazos fuertes y, joder, sus piernas... Amo sus piernas. Él no lo sabe -porque en este momento me ha venido a la mente- pero desde los diecinueve años, fantaseaba con una litografía de una pintura de Landrin: Ragazzo al mare. Parece que ese cuerpo se fijó en mi inconsciente y al ver a Cesar, su cuerpo es como el de esa pintura de Landrin. Claro... ¿Cómo no se me iba a desbordar la libido?
En fin, en un momento le pedí que me metiera los dedos en el coño, -es algo que me pone muy dirty- y el astuto me dijo: "Mejor te meto el pito"... Su rostro inocente se transformó en un rostro lascivo, le brillaban los ojos, sonreía con un toque de malicia que me hizo saber que sería su puta esclava sexual por siempre... Por siempre, joder. Yo buscaba ese lugar, un lugar para abandonarme al pla/ser. Estaba jodida. Mi mente controlada no pudo con los placeres del cuerpo, del encuentro con otro cuerpo tal vez por primera vez en mi vida... Y me convertí por convicción en su puta. Soy su puta. Y como no puedo pensar cuando siento su cuerpo, escucho su voz, miro su rostro y esa mueca lasciva, no puedo negarme a nada. ¡Es que no puedo! ¡Se adueñó de mi cuerpo! ¿Cómo pudo ese niñato hacerme eso? Y así, pensé que él también podía adueñarse de mi culo, yo se lo ofrecí, quería que fuera mi dueño por completo, le he ofrecido mi cuerpo sin reparos ni mediaciones y cabe decir que también sin medidas (el tío me folla sin barreras entre nuestras pieles. Nunca me importó -porque no puedo usar la cabeza- ningún riesgo incluso a mi vida). Y así, la primera vez que me la hincó en el culo lo hizo de un plumazo, salvaje, me cogió por las caderas y yo no pude moverme, quería zafarme como si de alguna manera me intentase defender de lo que una vez pensé que jamás le pediría a un hombre que me hiciera. Quería quitarme, pero sentía con mucha fuerza y placer que me embestía como nunca había sentido. Y con razón, quiero decir, la polla de Cesar es imponente, tenía miedo y dolor pero también me daba mucho placer. Hay algo intrincado entre dolor y placer con él como componente de cada uno de nuestros encuentros que es lo que me hace abandonarme a sentirme y sentirle... Me follaba con tanto ímpetu, con tanto deseo, mientras me inmovilizaba con la fuerza de sus manos en mis caderas que me dio mi primer orgasmo anal con él. Me hizo perder la conciencia. No podía ver. No puedo evocar que pasó con él porque me perdí en ese universo sexual anal.
Y a partir de ahí, no puedo no dejarme follar por el culo. Descubrí que el hecho de que me use como reservorio de semen de todos mis orificios, pero con precisión mi culo, me da mucho placer. Cesar se ha ganado mi cuerpo entero, él se lo sabe follar. Y así, cada vez me folla más salvajemente, sabe que soy suya, eso parece que le da una especie de poder no solo sobre mí, sino en su actuar en la cama. Yo llevo un collar de perra con su nombre grabado para que quien piense que no tengo dueño sepa que soy de él... Tengo que masturbarme, no puedo evitarlo. Espero no ser castigada por hacerlo sin él. Me va a volver a partir en dos rompiéndome el culo al grado de no poder caminar, moverme o sentarme.
Esto último, lo contaré en otra ocasión... Por ahora, no puedo más.
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A young coach turns a losing high school football program around to go undefeated for 12 consecutive seasons. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Bob Ladouceur: Jim Caviezel Terry Eidson: Michael Chiklis Bev Ladouceur: Laura Dern Mickey Ryan: Clancy Brown Cam Colvin: Ser’Darius Blain T.K. Kelly: Stephan James Tayshon Lanear: Jessie T. Usher Danny Ladouceur: Matthew Daddario Chris Ryan: Alexander Ludwig Beaser: Joe Massingill Arturo: Matthew Frias Jamal: LaJessie Smith Rick Salinas: Richard Kohnke Manny Gonzales: Chase Boltin Michael Ladouceur: Gavin Casalegno Oklahoma Scout #1: Les Miles Oklahoma Scout #2: Jesse Moore T-Gram: Adella Gautier Landrin Kelly: Terence Rosemore Cam’s Mom: Deneen Tyler Laurie: Anna Margaret Stanford Recruiter: James DuMont Mike Blasquez: David DeSantos Announcer #1: John Neisler Analyst: Damon Lipari Cam’s Cousin: Mike Bleed Coach #1: J.D. Evermore Older Veteran: Michael Fletcher Hallway Doctor: Kristofer Gordon Long Beach Poly Coach: Armando Leduc Buster Matthews: Marlon Favorite Frail Veteran: Sam Malone Himself: Maurice Jones Drew Doctor: Liann Pattison Jenny Ladouceur: Teri Wyble Mailman: Tom Bubrig Local Sportscaster: Al Vicente Nina: Payton Bourgeois Young Assistant Coach: Anthony Michael Frederick Paraplegic: Christopher Berry Nurse Ballard: Sharon Landry Lamarco: Renell Gibbs Security Guard (Larry): Mike Kimmel Coach #2: Jim Klock Coach #3: Terry Dale Parks Nurse Adams: Sandra Taylor Luis: Nathaniel Brown Senior #1: Zac Waggener Senior #2: Deric Augustine Player #1: Skyler Green Player #2: Henry Frost Guy: Dane Rhodes Minister: Robert Diago DoQui Announcer #2: Judd Lormand Sophomore: Hawn Tran Hip Sports Reporter: Billy Slaughter Reporter: Ricky Wayne Basketball Kid #1: Craig Tate Basketball Kid #2: Jaren Mitchell Nurse: Donna DuPlantier Soloist #1: Ashtin Fortner Soloist #2: Lanika R. Revader Emotional Player: Jonah Calderini Announcer #3: Evan Cleaver Referee: Douglas Griffin Small Boy (uncredited): Cannon Bosarge Miss New York – Football Beauty Contest Contestant (uncredited): Amanda Balen Film Crew: Director: Thomas Carter Writer: Scott Marshall Smith Novel: Neil Hayes Producer: David Zelon Makeup Artist: Melanie Deforrest Stunt Double: Joshua Moody Digital Intermediate Colorist: Doug Delaney Movie Reviews: Reno: > Taste the defeat, and once again inspire to rise back to the glory. Inspired by the real story of a high school American-football coach and his team’s participation in the 2004 season. The fall and rise of one of the most consistent team, especially after holding a record for the longest winning streak, what happens when it was broken unexpectedly? Do the players lose the confidence, coach be clueless, parents go crazy and media annoys them, is what neatly this film narrated. It looked nice to me and I had a good time, but it was too long and not inspiring as the other sports film based on the true events. From the director of ‘Coach Carter’, another decent sports film. I am not disappointed because I was not expecting to be a masterpiece, though not bad for once viewing. All the actors were good, especially it is Jim Caviezel’s one of the major roles and he was amazing. American-football was always been an Americas sport, so I never interested in it except watching films based on them for inspiration. Especially after ‘Conccusion’, my interest on them dropped further. Whatever I said is not a reason to skip the film. As a film, it did the right thing to portray the real life achievers on the screen to boost the young sports persons. Only to me it was just an above average, but for many others, it is one of the best sports film of the year. Forget the American-football, what I liked was, achievements are good for our progress and make a career, but sometimes there’s much more than making records in the games. So it’s a good moral lesson film than a fine entertaining film. I won’t recommend it, but definitely not a waste of time. 6.5/10
#american football#based on novel or book#based on true story#california#high school football#high school sports#oakland#Sports#Top Rated Movies
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Oh, we're talking about my girl?
Okay all this is interpretive, obviously, because we don't know shit about Kalina in canon, and I focus on the things about her I find interesting. There is canon basis for everything here, but a lot of it is influenced by my thematic bent.
First off, if we're assuming she has human* psychology... no way she doesn't have PTSD/CPTSD/Something of that kind. Not that I want to pathologize, but she did live through a war where her culture and homeland were eradicated, her body and current mode of existence was destroyed, and her mistress and creator--the center of her entire existence--died. Bad times. If she were anything other than an instrument to carry out Cassandra's will (though again, the extent to which she has free will is disputable) she would be drowning in trauma. But she's a plague/familiar and my interpretation has always been that she physically cannot feel those things. Though if you wanted to soften that, it's very easy to say that she simply has not let herself feel any of those things and prefers to work herself into the ground instead, because if she lets up for even a second, she will have to face the fact that her mom is never coming home.
If it is the second option--and even if it isn't--I think it explains a lot of her identification with the Gukgaks. The extent to which she was involved in their lives isn't really explored in canon, but based on the way Kalina talks about herself to Riz and how Pok & Sklonda talk about her, I think it's perfectly reasonable to assume that she was a lot more connected to them than they were to her (I'm thinking specifically of lines, like, 'you met her a couple times when you were really little' from Sklonda and 'we didn't work together all the time or anything' from Pok, or something like that anyway, which paints a very different picture to Kalina's 'I'm practically your godmother.') Kalina does not get a lot of opportunity for connection as a plague, of course she is going to latch onto the one little family who is displaced (like her) and hurt (like her) and working very, very hard for something better in their lives at the expense of themselves (like her.)
But as an independent agent, which is what she is the vast majority of the time, Kalina is ruthless, competent, and terrifyingly reasonable. Girl spent 850 years gaslight gatekeep girlbossing her way into all of the rooms where all the important decisions get made (not technically canon--that only happened with the Third Ring canonically, but come on, it was 850 years, what the hell else was she doing.) Is her competence compensating for something? Yeah, probably, but she is Very Very Good at manipulation, blackmail, and being just The Worst (complementary.) Speaking of the Third Ring--Landrin Lier gets mentioned, like, twice, but she did work directly with Kalina had must've had some kind of relationship with her. There are a lot of directions to go with that, and any of them have as much basis in canon as any other because we don't know shit, but it is one of the few relationships we can reasonably assume Kalina had.
Anyway, that's just my two cents. Kalina's a lot easier to write as a supporting character because in universe, she's a supporting character, down to the nature of her existence, so giving her character development can be tricky. Doesn't mean it can't work though.
I think it's so interesting that there are literally no deep dives into Kalina's character on AO3. I legitimately think I'm the only one which is such a shame bc I'm trying to see what other people would do or think about the newest chapter and... I have no basis for what the community agrees about her character. Every fic is about Riz and his relationship with her. I don't see any about her and Cassandra or her and really anyone else.
So, if anyone could reblog or comment with how they see Kalina, how she acts, how her mind works, etc that would give me insight on how to write her in later chapters.
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#тёплыемоменты #warmmoments #моясемья #myfamily #доммилыйдом #homesweethome #счастье #happiness #кофе #coffee #ландрин #landrin #лимож #limoges #житьсовкусом #lifewithtaste https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Gm4FEKW1I/?igshid=hj8sonme0dkv
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Alright! I'll talk about my three professors! Even though no one asked!
Milly Tora: She/Her, Lesbian/Ace, Head of Hufflepuff, Professor of Care of Magical Creatures. She has so so many beasts and is the local matchmaker and spiller of tea. Nothing gets past her ears! She all around fun loving and does care about her students very much.
Ira Landrin: She/Her, full blown Lesbain, Gryffindor, Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor. She is rather intimidating but unless you are getting into trouble there isn't much to fear. She has very good senses and rarely ever shows skin, even if it is just around the professors.
Redric Ferwell: He/Him, Pan, Slytherin, Charms Professor. A short king this man is! For some unknown reason he refuses to speak unless absolutely necessary. It doesn't like to bond with people or let students talk in class. He won't even talk while teaching class!
I do kinda want to talk about the ghosts too but I'll save that for later.
In Libra Libertas (ILL) au
Ive mentioned this au ONCE which is a CRIME. Its a harry potter x e2/hc9 au. The main cast is e2 but it also does feature a lot of hermits!! This is not a solo au and it is on ao3:)
@gh0stmythz @millythewolf and a few others who I dont have the tumblr of (or they dont have tumblr)
We have ocs in the place of the teachers, and most of the cast is students with the exception of Pix, who's the headmaster.
The only ocs i know the most about are my own, so if you have questions about the others & their ocs please ask them,,
Gem: Ravenclaw
Lizzie: Slytherin
Fwhip: Like flitwick/ravenclaw
Katherine: Gryffindor
Shelby: Hufflepuff
Sausage: Hufflepuff
Bdubs: Hufflepuff
Joe G: Slytherin
Oli - Gryffindor
False - Ravenclaw
Scott - Gryffindor
Joel - Slytherin
Jimmy: House elf living under Joel
Cleo: Gryffindor
Scar: Hufflepuff
X: Hufflepuff
Cub: Gryffindor
Etho: Slytherin
Impulse: Hufflepuff
Mumbo: Ravenclaw
Tango: Ravenclaw
Pearl: Ravenclaw
Keralis: Hufflepuff
Stress: Gryffindor
Zed: Ravenclaw
Iskall: Ravenclaw
Ren: Slytherin
Grian: Slytherin
Doc: Ravenclaw
Joe H: Slytherin
MY ocs and my ocs only bc again i dont know everyones information nor am I sure what wants to be shared from Ghost & Milly.
Xylo: He/They, Ravenclaw, Astronomy. ,,, No he doesnt have a last name (I never gave him one..)
Professor Caylee Havens: She/They, Pansexual, Gryffindor , Arithmancy, dyed hair. Yes she has dyed hair:)
Fionn Nigel: He/Him, Hufflepuff, Ancient Runes Teachers. Hes gay & married WOO
#zeph & millys aus#empires smp#esmp s2#Yes milly is a bit of a self insert but barely#Let me live my dream of being magical!
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Jest coraz gorzej ze mną. Wróciłam do nałogu sh I mam coraz gorszy kontakt z chłopakiem. Staram się jakoś to utrzymać, ale on się nie stara. Nie mam już po prostu siły.
Odetne się od wszystkich. Może zrobię sobie przerwę z Tumblrem, z messengerem, snapchatem i Instagramem, aby zająć się sobą i zobaczymy jak to się skończy. Czy happy endem czy bad endem.
Chociaż wy się trzymajcie
#bede lekka#motylek any#musze schudnac#chce byc lekka jak motylek#chude jest piekne#chude wakacje#nie chce być gruba#deprssion#depresjon#myśli samobojcze
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"Et si jamais je m'approche"🥥
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Landrin (or should I say Johndrin): Where our adventures meet each other, defeat some evil, and annoy several of the townsfolk. Map created by Matthew Fountain (Inkarnate)
#Rolling on Fate#rollingonfate#dnd#dnd 5e#dungeons and dragons#actual play#podcast#fantasy#fantasy map#cartography#dnd podcast
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