#lamp angst
achromaticegoist · 2 months
Where did it all go wrong?
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chat i’ve had this idea for *literal years* but i’ve never really got to making it a reality
scene is inspired by that one underverse 0.3 part 2 flashback
guys i’m like crying over them right now they’re SO CUTE (until well…)
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creatrixanimi · 8 months
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I’ve been thinking about an angsty AU where chandelure gets injured when Ingo goes missing (was taken)
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jztr-77 · 9 months
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Dont you just hate it when you just finished off a monster looking cryptic af then a ray of sunshine accidentally walked by
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ch3rr13zk1n · 4 months
Lamperty hfjiONE
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I also have multiple alternative versions of this image since i never know which version i like more!! (I have a problem please help)
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Like and reblog or i'll force you to like Gnarpy or smth
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thelampisaflashlight · 3 months
A Lack of Engagement Pt. 3: It Gets Worse
[Previous Chapter: Here. Morning regrets, and a search for dick... That's what we're working with here, expect no less.] Below the cut.
There's something uniquely mortifying about being caught jacking it, even if they are ghouls and they're all pretty open about their sexual escapades, this is a little different.
Rain can feel the building of his orgasm, much to his own horror, continue in spite of Dew standing in the doorway, staring!
He's just frozen there, eyeing Rain's dick with an expression he can't quite read, and then he opens his mouth and-
"Why is it blue...?"
-Rain gives a noise of distress, wanting to curl into himself and perish on the spot, but he can't stop himself from giving his cock one more tug, and somehow that's the one that does it.
He has to grip the counter to stop himself from toppling forward with the force of it, and Dew is definitely going to kill him for cumming in front of him like that!
Except he doesn't.
Dew doesn't make a move towards or away from him.
He lingers, and as Rain comes down from his high, he can see the other man's face growing pinker and pinker.
At some point, Dew holds his hands up, face beet red.
Rain tries to speak, but he's still reeling from his orgasm, and trying to breathe normally.
"Fuck..." he manages, "'m sorry..."
"...Your... Your..." Dew swallows, "I..."
They both stand there for a moment before Dew does something that makes Rain gape at him like a fish.
He shuts the door.
Closing them both inside the room.
Rain isn't sure what's about to happen, but the energy in the room has shifted in a strange way, and either Dew is really going to murder him or-
"...I mean, it's fine, right?" he says finally, "We're... married, so... We've probably..."
The kraken stirs.
"Dew, I don't-" Rain coughs, "-I don't think... Um... What're you doing?"
Dew has his thumbs hooked into his boxers.
"E-Eye for an eye, yeah?"
Rain wants to stop him, wants to grab his hands and stop him, but about partway through that thought, he dares a glance at Dew's crotch, and, well-
"...Oh my fucking god."
He's not sure what he expected to see Dew whip out, but this was not it.
It's about four inches long, flaccid, but wriggling with some interest as Dew takes it in hand.
A knock sounds on their bedroom door and Dew hastily packs himself away while Rain does similar, wiping his hands off on a nearby towel.
"Oi, lovebirds! You're gonna miss breakfast if you don't get your asses up!" Cirrus calls, then, after a pause, "...Don't hurry too fast though, Aether's teacing Aeon how to make pancakes, and I think I smell burning."
Rain and Dew share a look, considering.
Okay, okay, okay...
"We're gonna pretend that didn't happen." Rain says finally, and Dew nods, "We've gotta... We've gotta focus up and figure out how to turn things back to normal and find the... giant metal penis."
Dew frowns, but nods his head regardless.
There it is again, that strange hesitance.
Rain wants to say something about it, but he also doesn't want to risk making Dew uncomfortable, although-
"I'm... I'm sorry you had to see my dick." Rain apologizes.
"No, no, I'm sorry I showed you mine!" Dew trills awkwardly, "Don't even... Like you said, let's pretend this all didn't happen."
Breakfast is... tense.
Tense, and burnt.
Aeon tried his best, but even with Aether's help, half the pancakes could be classified as briquettes, and Rain isn't sure if he can drown them in enough syrup to make them palatable.
Dew is struggling in his own way, trying to scoop up a wayward strawberry with his fork and failing miserably, until Rain jabs his fork into it and holds it up to his face.
"So, what's on the agenda for today?" he asks the rest of the pack nonchalantly as Dew considers his angle of attack, popping the fruit into his mouth before going back to carving at one of his pancakes, which basically snaps under pressure from his knife.
"Ehn, there's a meeting going on with Copia and the rest of the clergy, something about changes to the hierarchy, but nothing that involves any of us at the moment." Aether explains, "Aside from our regular duties, our schedules are all fairly free for the next week or so until they get everything straightened out."
Rain hums and pokes at his breakfast.
"Maybe we could all watch a movie together??" Aurora suggests, the only ghoul actively crunching on the burnt pancakes, giving Aeon a thumbs up when he deposits more of his charcoal bits onto her plate, looking embarrassed, but proud, "Something scary!"
As others chime in with their assent, Dew nudges Rain under the table with his knee, prompting the water ghoul to give a little push back, the two bump each other back and forth for a bit before Rain notices their packmates looking back at them.
"What about you two?" Aurora asks, propping her head up on the back of her hands, "Unless you have other plans...?"
Dew opens his mouth, but finds himself at a loss for words, looking over at Rain, who thinks for a moment before shaking his head.
"We have a, uh," Rain rolls the word 'date' on his tongue, then eyes Dew.
"I don't want to ruin the surprise." he says finally, "He's been hounding me all morning about it, even broke into the bathroom to interrogate me about what I have planned!"
"I DID NO-" Dew balks, then remembers, flushing bright red, "...actually, yeah, I did..."
The table erupts into laughter, save for Rain, who silently thanks Dew for going along with what he said, because, well, it is the truth, albeit not all of it.
"Ohh~? Loverboy is finally making up for forgetting his hubby's birthday?" Swiss teases, pointing his fork at Rain, "Trying to win back those brownie points, huh?"
Rain blinks, sitting up straight.
"I did not forget Dew's birthday." he says, sounding very offended, "I took him t-"
He stops midsentence, slapping a hand over his mouth as he recalls how the two of them spent Dew's birthday this year.
It had been a special request from his friend that they not tell the others what they were getting up to that day, even if it wasn't anything outright embarrassing, Dew had been adamant that no one else know what their plans were for his birthday.
They'd gone to the aquarium, and had spent the entire day joking about which sea creatures they'd eat or had eaten, and at the end of the day, Rain had gifted Dew a marine biology textbook, since he'd been aching to learn more on a scientific level about the creatures they'd encountered.
Rain himself had purchased an octopus plush for himself, which was absurdly large and difficult to smuggle past the other ghouls to avoid suspicion, but worth it in the end, because it really did bring his room together...
"You took him where?" Swiss probes, watching Rain squirm under the attention.
He coughs into his fist and shrugs.
"Nothing." he says, "Just saying I didn't forget is all."
"Secrets, secrets are no fun, unless you sha-" Swiss starts to chant, but Dew shuts down the nonsense by scooting away from the table and standing up.
Rain blinks at him, "Oh, uh, alright-"
"You, too." he adds, grabbing him by the scruff.
"OOOOOOH~!" the other ghouls laugh, "Someone's in trouble~"
"...Shut up." Rain mumbles, letting himself be dragged away by the shorter man.
"So... *come* here often?" Dew jokes, and Rain almost chokes on his spit.
They're standing in Rain's on suite again, having decided, for whatever reason, that talking behind a door that literally does not work is better than standing directly in his -their- bedroom.
"Sorry, that was... Anyway, I wanted to discuss our game plan." he says after helping pat Rain on the back, "We have all week to work unimpeded looking for that statue, after that, it'll be difficult to find a spare moment where both of us can look for it together."
"Right... Even if we could look for it by ourselves, the magic only works if there's more than one person present... at least that's the theory we have going, yeah?" Rain concludes, and Dew nods, "That being said, so far, nothing seems out of place aside from, well, us."
"Us being a couple is a significant change, especially since, based on what I've seen on my phone, we've been together for a while now. Like, years." Dew says, slipping his phone out of his pants pocket, "...It'd be one thing if the statue bound us together with some stupid spell, but this is going too far..."
"I'm sorry." Rain apologizes, "I know being married to me is-"
"I mean, it's one thing to mess with our friends' heads and implant memories of a wedding that never happened, but, like, c'mon, let me remember this stuff, too!" Dew complains, startling Rain, who was not expecting this conclusion, "I kept looking through the pictures on my phone and I don't remember any of this, it's not fair, man!"
Rain tilts his head.
"You... want to remember... or, rather, you'd want the spell to make you think we've been married?" he tries, pursing his lips, "What?"
Dew freezes.
"I... Yeah... Maybe..." he rubs his arm, "It just feels... off... otherwise."
Rain feels an ache in his chest.
"Dew, do you... Are you saying..." he pulls back and sighs deeply, "Dew, you're my best friend. I love you, but I'm not in love with you."
"...Same... Same here." Dew replies, but he can't hide the brokenness in his voice, and Rain remembers then Dew's insistence on trying the statue again.
How he'd said they had to be serious.
...How the spell supposedly only worked if the pair before it were lovers.
But it had worked with them!
It had worked, and the statue had even called them out on it!
Rain watches Dew wipe the corners of his eyes, trying to hide the hurt spilling from them.
...could it have worked because of something one-sided?
"I'm so sorry." Dew whispers, "I didn't... didn't want you finding out like this. Sorry, I... I'm sorry, this is how I feel."
"...I'm sorry, too."
The search for the statue is an awkward one.
Dew is still reeling from having his feelings exposed so easily, and Rain is in the midst of processing this new information, trying to figure out how he could have possibly lead the other on.
It's not that he doesn't find Dew attractive, or that they don't get along -they get along very well- and, sure, Rain did jack off to him this morn-
Rain feels a stirring inside of him again.
Goddammit, he thinks, is this part of the spell?
As they browse the abbey's art collection for signs of one large dick, Rain finds himself thinking back on a lot of things.
This isn't the first time he's thought about Dew like that, but he's always managed to push those feelings down pretty well.
Somehow, it doesn't feel right that he's ONLY interested in Dew's body like that.
He likes Dew, he loves the guy, but... not romantically.
Does he very much want to fuck him though?
And that's what has him shoving it all into the back of his mind.
Trying to at least.
It doesn't feel right that Dew LIKES him and that he just... he can't reciprocate it.
If he only wants Dew for his body, that's like a whole new level of leading him on.
Yeah, they're ghouls, they fuck around and move on, but things can get messy when feelings are involved.
Cirrus and Cumulus are a fine example of just that.
He cringes at the memories of their fights when they were together, how hard it had been for them to navigate the balance between the sexual freedom they both craved while being devoted to one another emotionally.
It was all a giant shitfest, until they stepped back and actually talked about what they wanted and realized they didn't click as well as they initially thought, and while they're happier than ever now... Rain can't put Dew through that.
But then again, who says monogamy is what the guy even wants?
They probably talked about all of this at some point, given their relationship status in this version of their reality, but it probably didn't happen over text, so fishing through his phone some more isn't going to help their situation.
He has to find that stupid fucking statue!
Rain looks around the room, searching for Dew amongst the various artworks on display and comes up empty.
He feels a mild panic coming on when he sweeps his gaze over the room and, again, finds nothing.
He looks left and right.
"Hey, hey, Dew, where are you??"
...He's gone.
Shit, shit, shit-
"I'm right next to you, you jerk." A familiar voice grumbles from beside him, and, upon looking down, Rain meets the disgruntled gaze of a very annoyed ghoul.
"Oh, shit, I-I didn't realize you were there-"
"Yeah, sure. Whatever. Let's just keep looking." Dew mutters, clearly unhappy, "Let's get this over with already."
"...When we get back..." Dew says, "Don't talk to me."
"...For how long?" Rain frets.
"Forever if you want." he replies, hands in his pockets, "Since you're so tweaked out about shit, and this isn't something you get over in a day, or a week, or a year or whatever..."
"I can't just stop talking to you, you're my f-" Rain starts, but Dew cuts him off.
"Yeah, you're my friend, but you're already looking at me like I'm a freak because of how I feel, and I don't think I can come back from that, Rain." he places a hand on his chest, "Shit fucking hurts..."
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ravenmichaelisstuff · 10 months
SoapGhost angst, MW3 SPOILER
Inspired by a reddit story 💀 sorry
Soap and Ghost retired about 6 years ago, after that bloody mission which left Soap with only one working eye.
They have been living together in a small cottage in Scotland close to a farm that Soap's parents own. Johnny's father once told Ghost that one day it will all belong to them and it would be a lie if Ghost said that he didn't already dreamt about growing old with Johnny on that farm. A black cat on his lap as they sit together on the porch.
But let's not wander into the future when present was never better.
They got married not long after retiring, everybody showed up on their very small ceremony. Ghost loved it.
Price lead him to the altar where Johnny stood, Gaz next to him being the best man they could ever ask for. Ghost can recall every detail about this day.
They were living a happy and calm life, meeting up with friends from time to time.
Until one morning.
He woke up one morning with his head on Johnny's chest and as he raised his head he glanced at their bedside lamp. It was... different, but just for a split second. It looked wrong.
And as time flew by more things were starting to look off, stretched, like they were forced into a different perspective.
One day. The worst day of Ghost's life- it was Johnny who looked wrong. His face was horrifyingly morphed.
He wanted to scream, but no sound left his mouth.
Instead he heard a familiar voice shouting.
"Ghost! Shit- Captain! Ghost is down!"
Gaz was shouting as his vision went to black. When he opened his eyes he was in pain, cold and oh so confused. Price and Gaz were crouching beside him, Price radioing for med-evac.
"Where is Johnny?" Was the only thing Ghost could ask. Where were he? Why is he here? Where is their bedroom and home?
"Ghost... We said our goodbyes to him months ago." Whispered Gaz, his voice cracking.
No, no, no.
It couldn't be the truth.
Johnny was with him just a second ago, they were married.
Ghost lived that.
Ghost lived his dream.
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the-lark-ascending69 · 5 months
android!Robin has several technical problems, the most important ones having to do with her memory card, battery and motor skills.
Androids are supposed to have perfect photographic memory, but Robin's memory is poor even by human standards. She tends to forget where she left her keys, what she was going to do when walking into a room, etc. She forgets her schedule all the time, as well as Nancy's, and can't remember a recipe to save her life. Dustin and Suzie say it's a problem with the connections needed to access her memory card, rather than with the memory card itself. It's fixeable, but extremely difficult and expensive. Robin wants to get this fixed and she's working hard to pay for it - she doesn't want to be an inconvenience. Nancy will support her decision, but she really isn't bothered by Robin's poor memory. She just hopes she's doing it for herself and not to make herself "easier to handle" for other people (she's been told that's what her worth was based on her entire life).
She's only had one memory card her entire life (as far as she knows). Nancy's greatest fear is Robin hitting her head and it breaking. One could potentially take out the memory card and delete it or install a new one - that is Robin's greatest fear.
At one point, her connections get so bad there will be days in which she can't remember Nancy at all, or what her own name is. She'll act almost like a normal android those days - following orders, not speaking unless necessary, not expressing emotion unless instructed to, etc, though her poor motor skills, battery problems and bad memory will make it difficult. It freaks Nancy out every time, and she always tries to get her to snap out of it as if she were human, before accepting that love can't solve this problem, and calling Dustin and Suzie to fix it. She'll pay any price if it means having her Robin back.
Robin lets herself be turned off without complaint, without even the terrified shudder Nancy used to feel when she forcibly did it during their first weeks together. Robin's docile obedience as she let Nancy do this to her, and the way her body went limp in Nancy's arms, never failed to bring Nancy to tears.
It would take days for Dustin and Suzie to fix some of Robin's problems. This one took between one and two weeks. Longest it ever got was 16 days. During that time, Robin would lay lifeless on their workshop's table, her battery sitting somewhere else to prevent her from turning on automatically. Dustin insisted that he and his lady (as he called Suzie) worked best when their kingdom (their workshop) was untouched by foreign hands, so Nancy wasn't always welcome to visit Robin in that state. Nancy was relentless, though, and she usually managed to convince him to let her in for a few minutes. He thinks it's pointless - it's not like Robin can feel her there. She can't even dream. It doesn't change anything. In fact, he worries Nancy will be more disturbed than comforted, because Robin's entire skull, neck and spine will be exposed - only it's not bones and flesh inside, but metal and plastic circuits, plates, chips, wires and pistons. He's careful to at least put her face back in place when Nancy visits. He expects her to be taken aback by the sight, but instead, Nancy's eyes are full of so much worry and care and adoration as she observes Robin's lifeless body. She doesn't dare touch her - she doesn't want to hurt her. But she misses her so deeply.
When it's all finished, Nancy takes her back home with the utmost care and tucks her into bed. She waits by her side until she turns back on, and softly talks to her, asks her how she's feeling, brings her some water and asks her questions, to see if she's back to normal. Because it's all recorded in her memory card, Robin can remember everything - can remember the time she spent not knowing who she is, thought she can't remember if she was self-aware during those episodes. Whenever she wakes up, she's just happy to see Nancy, and wants hugs and cuddles from her, but she begins to cry out of fear as she tries to remember the details of not being. Nancy holds her every time, asks her if she wants to watch cartoons or if she wants her to read a book for her, to keep her from spiraling. She hates seeing Robin look so small and scared, but she also knows she's not scared of anything Nancy can protect her from. The horrors haunting her come from her own mind and her own nature.
(Dustin and Suzie make a copy of Robin's memory card and give it to her, just in case).
Dustin and Suzie take care of any fixes Robin needs. They're much nicer than any other technician at the previous repair shops she's been to. The most usual fixes have to do with weakness and stiffness in her knees and hips, especially on her right leg (it got broken pretty badly during a beating by her last owner - Billy Hargrove. He wanted to make her unable to walk. The person his father sold her to next did a poor job fixing her). These fixes are usually quite simple and take very little time. She will refuse to see them, though, until she reaches her breaking point when she struggles to stand up, or when she suddenly falls to the ground. It always worries Nancy to death - she's terrified of Robin hitting herself and suffering even more damage. It always takes some convincing for Nancy to get her in her car and on their way to Dustin's workshop. Sometimes, the fix will be so simple they don't even need to turn her off. Nancy holds her hand during these.
The third big problem is her battery. Thankfully, her battery is detachable and easily replaceable. They only had a mayor issue with it once, and they had to order a new one. Robin's model is rare enough that it took over a week to get there. During that time, they installed solar pannels in the balcony and Robin had to be connected to them with long, thick cables that stretched all around the apartment. It was more amusing than anything else, having to step around the cables and make sure none of them got accidentally disconnected. Cloudy days made her pretty much useless and had her lying in bed watching cartoons all day. She was completely turned off after sunset and she was up by sunrise. Needless to say, she couldn't leave the apartment for the week and had to call in sick to work.
Good thing was, though, that the new battery worked much better than the previous one. It lasted much longer. Nancy had only seen her this excited a few other times. The way she kicked her bedroom door down with a wide smile on her face as she yelled at her to come to the kitchen just made Nancy smile with adoration. Robin showed her the box in her hands - she was shaking with excitement - and asked Nancy to help her install it. She turned herself off and Nancy did the rest - disconnected cables, take out old battery, install new one. When she turned Robin back on, she was more full of life and energy than she'd ever seen her be. Free from her cables, she immediately grabbed Nancy's hands and dragged her outside - the sun was shining and she wanted to run around in the park, to roll on the grass and count the cloud and photosynthesize with a good book in her hand. To Nancy, she looked like a puppy, or a happy little bird just released from its cage. She could never say no to her, they would spend the entire day outside if Robin wanted to.
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the-whispers-of-death · 6 months
Vampireking!reader out on the balcony of his castle, watching the sun rise. The sun almost hitting his skin and turning him into dust...
Vampireking!reader feeling Stone wrap his arms around his waist and whispers softly to come back inside where the windows are covered with thick black curtains
Vampireking!reader going back inside and climbing back into bed with Kali and Stone and crying in their arms because he so badly misses the sun on his skin
Thank you that angst, anon. Excuse me while I go cry.
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bug3y3ddd · 1 month
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Chapter 5
( Lo & Lu )
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙
I wake up to Lucia's face in front of me. She smiles and exclaims " Happy Birthday! "
I rub my eyes and sit up while she starts to ramble.
" What gotta get ready, I have a whole day planned for us. First we're going to breakfast at this really cute tea shop, then we're-" I listen as she talks about her whole itinerary she has planned for us.
It feels like nice having someone be excited for you. I never been excited about my birthday, I usually don't do anything but cry.
Every year for my birthday I wished to be happy.
My last birthday party was when I turned 13 and I just remember when my family and extended family members sang to me. I realize how none of these people really care about me. It was a bunch of strangers who were just singing to me. I felt like throwing up.
When I turned 14, my mom threw a party and none of my family members showed up. It was a pretty lonely party, for a lonely girl.
Just me and my mom.
I'm not close to my mom at all, so again a birthday with strangers.
Yet I'm actually celebrating my birthday this year with an actual stranger.
But I feel happy.
Lucia gives me a makeover, after I give in to her begging. I don't know why but I get this weird feeling whenever I make her smile or happy.
I look in the mirror and I can't help but laugh at myself.
" You don't like it?! ' She says with sad puppy eyes.
" No, no, it's not that. I just never really saw myself like this before. " I say. Her face is filled with relief.
" Well now that you're living with me, get used to seeing yourself like this now. " She says with a small pout. I smile and continue to look at myself.
I feel weird.
I feel like a different person, these clothes shouldn't be on a person like me. But I don't want to make Lucia sad, she spent so long doing my makeup, hair and picking up my clothes.
So I'll just suck it up.
I watch her do her makeup and get ready. Each stroke of her brush has meaning, her makeup has no flaws, it's hypnotizing watching her get ready. She's serious when she gets ready, as if picking which top she should wear is life or death.
She stares at herself and has a serious expression before turning to me with a bright smile.
We head out to her car, an old convertible, with no working ac, but on the plus side she has a good cd playing right now.
I listen to her talk about the most random things her mind seems to come up with. I hear her talk about the stray cat she feeds, a new fabric she wants, how she thinks her phone is listening to her, how she wants a blue fish, how she saw the cutest shoes, and I just listen.
Her voice is calming and makes me feel relaxed. We get to the tea shop and sit next to the window. It's a small restaurant, few customers but I see why Lucia wanted to come here. It's so her coded, if she had a restaurant she'd probably decorate it exactly like this.
I actually hate tea but I don't wanna ruin it for her, she seems to be having fun here. Taking photos of anything and everything she finds cute.
Orange juice
Hibiscus Tea
Finger Sandwiches
Pancakes with Bananas on top
" So I was thinking after this we should go shopping for clothes and fabrics. What types of clothes do you like? " She asks while stuffing her face.
" Um. I'm not really sure what kind of clothes I like. " I say.
" Well we can look around and see what you like! It's on me! " She says with a big smile.
Narrator's POV
They spend hours sitting and talking to each other. Two strangers now turning into something more special than just friends.
Their smiles get brighter each minute they talk to each other.
They laugh as they exit the tea shop, they talk non stop in the car, their conversation louder than the music playing. They run through the streets and stores, with big smiles on their faces. Never letting go of each other's hands.
Two broken souls come together to make one happy soul.
They enter different thrift stores and try different outfits, some weird, some pretty, some funky, and some just plain ugly. But it doesn't matter what they put on, their new sudden confidence in themselves overshines the outfits.
They end up buying matching items that correspond to their personalities. Lucia buys a black fuzzy barret that has a gold cross pin on it, Lola gets black jacket that has a matching cross pendant on it.
Hand in hand they make their way to an arcade where they fail to get a prize in any of the claw machines. They shoot zombies, hype each other on every game they play, and get excited whenever they get more than 10 tickets.
They laugh and try to find a table in the arcade that isn't sticky, dirty or not filled with trash.
Finally they sit down at a clean table but that has a broken leg which makes it wobbly.
Two strawberry milkshakes
One bacon burger with extra fries
One slice of pepperoni pizza
" I really wanted that orange plushie. " Lucia says with pout.
" Lu we tried to get that plushie like a thousand times, maybe you guys just weren't fated. " Lola says while biting a fry.
Lucia whines and sinks into her seat.
" Yeaaaaa, but it was soooo cute Lo! It wanted to come home with me I know! " Lucia says.
Lola laughs and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.
" I'll be right back, gonna go to the bathroom. " Lola says.
" Hurry back! " Lucia says.
Lucia's POV
Now i'm all alone now. Poo
I look at the people here and groan.
Ugh! Why are there so many couples here? I drink my milkshake and grip the straw, I hate couples!
I sip furiously when I see a guy come up to me.
" Can I take this away? " He asks, pointing at my empty plate.
" Uh yeah. " I said, handing him the plate.
" Like your hat. " He says pointing at his head.
" Thanks, I like your stripes. " I say pointing at his uniform.
He chuckles, grabs my plate and walks away.
Before I can even think about my small interaction with the worker Lola comes back and quickly demolishes her food. We leave the arcade and walk around the mall for a while, when I spot a photobooth.
I grab Lo's hand and drag her behind the curtain.
" Lu, I don't wanna take a photo right now. " She groans.
" Blah Blah. Smile! " I say.
The first flash blinds us.
I poke her cheek.
" Smile please." I beg.
" fine. " She says.
The second flash hits us.
Then the third
Finally the fourth
I grab the photos and her hand and run to the nearest exit.
" Where are we going now? " Lo asks.
" To the car, I gotta take you somewhere. " I say.
Once we put our seatbelts on I floored it.
We drive so far that we can't even make out the city's lights of buildings anymore.
Narrator's POV
A beach.
A dark, cold, and empty beach.
The two girls sit on the cold sand and watch the waves crash.
Side by side.
Heads leaning against one another.
" Lo, I think I'm in love with you. "
Waves crash
" Me too. "
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iamthecomet · 11 months
-rolls in on a skateboard I'm riding completely wrong-
I'm on a bit of a RainDrop kick.
Okay, so, the set up for this one; Rain thinks Dew is in a relationship with Aether and/or, at the very least, is fucking him.
They're always together and are incredibly close, so it would make sense if they were, and while ghouls are generally pretty free when it comes to sexual encounters, this is different.
What Rain wants is different.
He doesn't just want sex -maybe at this point he hasn't even kissed Dew, let alone shared a bed with him- he wants everything.
He wants Dew.
Needs him.
But he tells himself he can't, that he has to be careful, because he doesn't want to mess things up one way or another.
So for, like, a year -or possibly longer- Rain is hung up on Dew, hoping, praying that he falls out of love with him.
Meanwhile, Dew is...
He's not oblivious to how Rain feels.
He can tell Rain likes him, more than likes him, but he doesn't feel the same, at least not in the moment he realizes that Rain has feelings for him.
It's a complicated situation, where Dew doesn't want to break Rain's heart by rejecting him, even if he knows it's the right thing to do, but right when he's about to end the charade, tell Rain how HE feels about it... Rain loses interest in him.
And, like, that's fine, that's okay.
Cool, cool, that's exactly what Dew wanted to begin with, so...
So... of course now all Dew can think about is what made Rain dislike him.
He gets a little self conscious about it.
Eventually, they go back to normal, just friends, ya know?
It's all fine.
Whether it works out or not, I will leave up to your imagination.
-tries to ride the skateboard normally and faceplants-
Jesus, Lamp this is a premise worth of a 10k word, will they-won't they fic. They both spend so much time thinking about each other, you know? Like Dew's watching Rain and feeling bad that he can't love him the way Rain wants. Thinking about how to let him down easy. How to bring it up. Laying awake at night thinking of Rain. Rain. Rain. And Rain is a few doors down doing the same thing. Wondering how to tell him. Talking himself in, and then out, of telling Dew how he feels. Laying himself bare. Knowing he can't. Wishing he could. Staring at the ceiling thinking about the way it would feel if Dew was curled around him right now, asleep. And who knows when it changes. Or why. When Rain is finally released from the agony of longing. Unrequited love. Why he wakes up one morning and realizes his stomach doesn't turn inside out when he watches Dew make his coffee. And maybe it's something Dew did. Or maybe it's Rain's resentment finally coming to the surface. At himself for never telling Dew how he felt. At Dew for never catching on. And Dew can swallow his words now. Doesn't have to tell Rain that he knew all along. That he doesn't feel that way. And he should be relieved about it. Should be able to relax and enjoy and move on because this is exactly what he wanted. It's exactly what they both wanted. To be free of the tension plaguing them, except it's weird now. It doesn't go back to normal--whatever that is. It's more awkward than it's ever been. They are trying to navigate a world post romantic feelings. And it's like they've had a mutual break up without ever even kissing. And the realist in me thinks it stays there. Dew isn't magically going to have feeling for Rain after never feeling them before, right? And Rain is over it. They make a new normal. They move on. They're friends with a complicated history. But the angsty side of me thinks that's probably too easy. They probably continue to torture each other. Dew realizes, far too late, that he does feel something. And by then Rain is over it. He moves on. He starts hanging out with Swiss, who reciprocates and Dew watches, confused, while his heart collapses in on itself because that's not the way this was supposed to go. It was supposed be simple, but nothing ever is. But maybe, on a cold night, in a shared hotel room after a draining show, they look at each other and things make sense. And they tell each other truth--the real truth. And Rain finally gets the kiss he'd been dreaming of for years. And Dew finally admits to himself that things change and feelings grow. And maybe it doesn't last for more than a night. Maybe Rain realizes he really has moved on, and that Dew isn't actually what he wants anymore. But I think it's enough.
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noneheref · 4 months
[art] {Angst.}
sorry, it's posted a lot late than i've expected, because i've had a hard time positioning them...;-;
Wandering around, taking a notice of two best friends having a disagreement in something... No one knows what is it, and why. Too late to know...
Their shouting was at pretty much raised voices... Piercing ears like a bell...
"I didn't mean to! Heey, im sorry..! Lun—?"
"Get away from me!!."
The duo continued to fight... What can we do? Perhaps, there's nothing... Wondering, if they'd still would be friends, huh..
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obeymeow · 1 year
nightbringer lesson 14 FUCKED ME UP in several ways but primarily I've spent the last 48 hours making myself sad over the solomon backstory we got. specifically I have, for no reason, latched onto that one chapter in the Kids event where baby solomon cried because he felt so guilty over being responsible for that spell. and that just feels a touch more depressing in context
#nightbringer spoilers#obey me on side#went back and unlocked the event again because i could not get this out of my brain i know it's probably not that deep#but it is that deep TO ME. okay#baby solomon has been on my brain since thirteen told that story so that's probably why it's sticking in my brain so hard but whatever#in case anyone was wondering the other things to make me sad are:#he has such a deeply excessive amount of lights in his room in purgatory hall there are SEVERAL chandeliers and lamps#there's a good handful in his room in cocytus hall too (his horror dg showed it) if a more normal amount#but that with the 'dim and gloomy' detail. ☹️#i've also always thought that solomon's loneliness wasn't all about the immortal angst but like.#having it confirmed that he's had reason to be lonely since he was a child- before he was old enough to know he was using magic-#totally crushed me girl why can't I be wrong#had emotions about lesson 14 in general but solomon backstory steals the show every time for me so i haven't gotten around to the rest#i'm enjoying the nightbringer story so much (not talking about the game design. that's a different thing entirely) but man#the pacing is WILD it feels like every lesson could be a whole lesson block at the least. it's giving me a lot of room to speculate#which I always love! but i do wish they would slow down a little and expand on some of these concepts they're bringing up#because the basic idea of the game alone is REALLY INTRIGUING and it'd be a shame if they raced back to the present imo#what was i even talking about. sorry my brain fast forwards as soon as i get into the tags there is not one sequitur to be seen#so curious about solomon's friend now too. like my guess is it's going to be lilith (and hopefully not in a popular fan theory kind of way)#because it's more than a little suspicious that they expanded on lilith's views on humans the way they did#in a way that SO PERFECTLY lines up with the expansion on solomon's views on humans#WHICH I HAVEN'T TALKED ABOUT YET BY THE WAY BUT LIKE. HE IS SO RIGHT AND REAL FOR THAT#it's beyond stressful to me that I think solomon is completely justified in his views and being completely reasonable about it#but that it would also mean war between the worlds presumably while the brothers are still recovering from THEIRS#you cannot give me that choice man. not even sure that the human world would be ABLE to win that fight if we're being real#solomon's 72 pacts are a lot yes but he's still only one guy who is NOT on good terms with the sorcerer's society#and mc is powerful but so so inexperienced. and that's IF they choose to side with the human world which#really i don't think the canon mc is likely to do. but anyway i guess solomon's friend could also be adam maybe?#that could be wishful thinking because i like adam though. even if his hair SUUUCKS#deeply offended by everyone thinking solomon got the fucked up hair when all signs point to adam be NICE TO HIM he's ugly already
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warlenys · 10 months
have mixed feelings about everything and i like that
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helloliriels · 1 year
Love when there's almost as many comments as kudos ... 💕👌 😭
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Lately had a bit more in mind for this fic ... would it be of interest?
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Thinkin' about 2018-era LAMP fanfics where the angst was pretty Virgil-centric and usually about Virgil being accepted into the famILY.
They have a specific vibe to them, and god are they nostalgic.
I remember trying to write one in, like, early 2019? Ish? and it never got past Chapter 2 before the fanfiction site decided to delete it.
Rest In Peace, LAMP fic, you are missed <3
[notes about it under the cut]
[Warning: hospitals, possible main character death (MCD), dying character, implied/referenced past child abuse, injury]
~Some Notes on the LAMP fic~
it was called Until Time Stops (UTS for short)
Superhero/Supervillain AU with qpp Dukeceit & platonic Anxceitmus
Logan Patton & Roman were heroes
Remus Janus & Virgil were villains but Virgil didn't go out as much on missions
also it was a Soulmate AU that i made my own Soul Mark thingy for
it had Virgil being a total mother hen
and Patton had a superpower that doubled as a curse and made it so he was um. dying.
and Logan Patton & Roman were already in a relationship together
and Patton was intended to spend his birthday in a hospital after An Incident
also Virgil had SUCH a gay panic when meeting Roman for the first time (outside of the hospital)
there was some background lore about Remus & Roman being twins & how their Very Bad Father was secretly the Big Bad that unites these six later all along
he's also the reason Remus ran away at a youngish age. and Roman really misses his sibling
tho his oblivious ass doesn't realize he's been battling them for a WHILE. to be fair neither does Remus. they're both oblivious lskdskld
and Remus uses uhh. he/they? I think??
I think there's some aro Janus in there as well. also maybe Janus using they/them? idk
i swear one of them used neopronouns but I can't remember
and Virgil was instantly very protective over Patton first meeting him. to be fair, he first met Patton while he was very badly injured because of, um...An Incident
oh yeah, and a lot of the superpowers were created by me & some had hidden lore about 'em
I did so much fucking worldbuilding for this fic, the city had a name, there was a superpowers system explained with genetics & getting through non-biological means, etc.
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dr-mothman · 2 years
Thinking about Dib never having a happy ending.
In the future where Zim ends up winning and being the ruler of earth, he dies.
In the Zimvoid arc, it is confirmed that if he won, no one would acknowledge him like he wanted and would still be bullied by humanity (and maybe he goes a tad bit insane)
If he ever gave up and worked for his dad like is shown in Moppiness of Doom, he wouldn't be happy with it and would be bored to hell.
And he probably knows it by now, he just doesn't want to admit it. He thinks he can change people's reactions to his win over Zim, he thinks he can still win over Zim and that he will never surrender to people's hate and listen to his dad. Maybe he can win, maybe he can be happy and satisfied for once in his life. Maybe people will like him. Or not. Only time can tell.
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