#lali answers
makorra-scarf · 6 months
Im not aure if you're still active, it's fine if you're not, but I'm still upset makorra didn't happen. They had so many cinematic cues it's upsetting. Sincerely, someone who recently rewatched LOK.
Hi hi! I'm not super active on this blog anymore, but every once in a blue moon I'll reblog stuff lol.
I'm also still sad about makorra ;_; the setup was there and everything, it's honestly confusing and frustrating just from a cinematic standpoint.
I've been cooking an LOK rewrite in my brain for a long time, and maybe one day I'll post it, haha. There's so many things in the series that I wasn't satisfied with, so I think it could be a fun project (not that I'm a professional or anything haha).
Thanks for the message! (Your avatar is very cute btw!)
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lea-heartscxiv · 1 month
🚀 Space pirates! para Eulalia "Lali" Huang
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Lali la pirata desterrada de la Tierra , va por el espacio con su pequeña tripulación ayudando a los desvalidos y eliminando a los poderosos.
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Le gusta hacer un poco de teatro .... bueno de drama queen, sobre todo cuando esta con los poderosos.
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Su tripulación
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(Va ser llegir Space pirates i vaig pensar en el Capitâ Harlock)
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theyaoiconnoisseur · 11 months
Trick or treat!
Hi laly :D
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Have a treat made mayoi :D
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lali-hoe · 1 year
Ngl, my biggest fear and hottest fantasy is a either friend that I have flirty banter with or a fuckbuddy somehow gets their hands on my likes and make me go through it with them, just verbal teasing at first but then some soft, testing brushes. And then some caressing, some light groping, and then they're making me show them all the posts, sitting on their lap while they tease me and make fun of how filthy my likes are and how much I like getting teased.
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reluctantjoe · 4 months
Yali Topol Margalith On The Tattooist Of Auschwitz & A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder
One star, two very different TV shows
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Newcomer Yali Topol Margalith has two very different breakout roles to talk about: one is the heartrending Sky series The Tattooist of Auschwitz, based on the novel of the same name; and the other is the coming of age mystery/crime series A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder, also based on the novel of the same name. We sat down with Yali to hear all about both.
Interview: Yali Topol Margalith
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Hi Yali, how’s life going at the moment?
It’s all relative isn’t it? Everything that comes to mind sounds cliché but true. I was reminded over the past year how dark the world can be – it’s not always rainbows and flowers. I feel lucky and very grateful.
You can currently be seen in The Tattooist of Auschwitz – can you give us an elevator pitch for the show?
Of course! Heather Morris, the incredible writer (and incredible woman) wrote, naturally, an incredible novel. It’s based on the true story of Lali and Gita – how they met, how they survived, how they fell in love in a horrific, life threatening situation. The series shows Heather’s meetings with Lali with the intention of writing a book about his life, and his stories play out on the screen, shown from his point of view.
You play Cilka – can you describe her?
Cilka is a fighter. She arrived at the concentration camp at a very young age and quickly found the opportunity to survive. She is totally committed to surviving with every decision that she makes.
What was it like playing her?
It was difficult, to be honest. It’s quite the challenge wearing the striped clothes and having a number on my forearm as a Jewish woman and considering my family history. I think that’s fair. The camp being brought to life right in front of my eyes was unbelievable. I can’t describe that feeling to you. I can’t put words to it. And Cilka is a character with a strong, solid facade, so fighting against my very real emotions in response to the camp seeming so real – that was a challenge no drama school could’ve prepared me for! But Cilka’s survivalist nature, and the significance and importance of this story, made it an absolute honour to play and, somehow, a joy to film.
How did you get into character/prepare for the role?
My grandmother is a Holocaust survivor. I grew up hearing stories and studied it deeply in school. I did a lot of my own research. I also like text work. I come from theatre so they teach us to treat the text like a Bible! So I read the script and noted down all my little notes – I won’t bore you with actor stuff. But it was only once I got to Bratislava, where we filmed, that I really began to understand her. The way that I saw her in the script: Cilka was a kid when she arrived at the concentration camp. She was overwhelmed very fast and needed somebody to hold her hand. When she realised nobody will and she’s utterly on her own, she created a persona for herself. This person who is unfazed by the horrors surrounding her. In this way, she holds her own hand. She’s almost playing a character that she believes can survive such a place.
Any memorable moments from rehearsals or filming?
I remember my first day on set, in my first TV job, in a concentration camp. It’s fair to say I was terrified and horrified. I got to meet the amazing Jonah Hauer King, playing Lali, and he is the coolest guy – seriously. If I was as talented and as good looking as him, I’d be a nightmare, but he’s just so humble. He saw me terrified and just gave me the most comforting look from across the room with a little wave. I immediately felt myself breathe again. I remember thinking to myself, ‘I want to be this kind of actor on set’ – the actor that actively puts people at ease. I’m so grateful for him.
What was the cast dynamic like? Who was your favourite person to work with?
I was lucky to get to work with a fantastic group of actors from all over the world. This is the easiest question to answer. My favourite actor to work with on set was Maja Wolska from Poland who plays Bella. She has that amazing actor ability, that not many actors have, to portray a person who has a history and is filled with complexities and layers – with just one look. She also had the challenge of acting in a second language. She just blew me away. On top of the talent, she’s one of the funniest people I’ve ever met and kind and beautiful and all the good things. I’m a big fan – you should be too!
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You’re also about to appear in A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder, which sounds very different. How would you describe the series?
Also based on a book! Very different! Holly Jackson has written a best selling murder mystery adapted into a TV series by the BBC! It’s the story of a 17 year old kid called Pip who starts digging into an old murder case. In doing so, she uncovers some details that change her life forever.
You play Lauren – what is she like?
Lauren Gibson is Pip’s best friend and… Worst influence? She strives to live her teenage years like she has seen in the movies, which, as we know, is not realistic. So she lives in constant fear of missing out on life. She was also born to be the ‘embarrassing aunt’. She is absolutely always unapologetically herself. Now, in college, others might judge her for it, so she might not be the most popular. But in her 20s, she’s going to be the coolest.
What was it like to play her?
I had too much fun. I got to hang out with the funniest, sweetest, most ridiculous people all day: the cast, the crew, the creative team, the producers, makeup and hair, the medic, locations, everyone. I felt very trusted and was given a lot of freedom to play and improvise on set. I loved playing Lauren, and sometimes I wish I was a little more like her.
How did your experience on A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder differ to The Tattooist of Auschwitz?
In every way! I guess a less obvious difference is that I’ve really only ever done the comedic relief, or I’ve managed to lean my characters more into the comedic side, so playing Lauren was within my comfort zone. Filming The Tattooist was one huge challenge in every way.
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Any roles in the pipeline that you’re excited about? (If you’re allowed to tell us!)
I can’t say yet – but I am starting something new this summer…
Who has been your favourite actor to work with?
Ooh, Mathew Baynton. The first time we met, I messed up so bad, I thought it was the end. But he forgave me. That’s a long story for another time.
Which co-star did you learn the most from? 
Truthfully, it’s hard to pick one. I feel like I learn something new from every actor that I work with. A miss universe answer.
What’s your dream role?
I don’t have one. I want to do everything. Every job that comes my way feels like a dream and a miracle, honestly.
What’s a genre you’d like to do more of?
Anything I haven’t tried yet. Which is a lot! But if I had to choose one… I’m a sucker for sketch comedy, have been since I was a kiddo. That would be cool.
Do you live in the town or the country? Which do you prefer?
I grew up living in town and was sure I moved to the country when I ended up in the outskirts of London. But once I travelled, I realised there’s country and there’s country. I’m a city girl.
What’s your interior design style?
My partner is a lot more interested in interior design so luckily I don’t have to think about it too much. His is grandma chic for sure.
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
My grandpa probably. I still want to be him when I grow up.
If you could give advice to your 15-year-old self, what would it be? 
Don’t trust that funky smelling cigarette in Camden. Just walk away. And learn to relax sometimes. If you want to be the best at what you do, you have to make mistakes. Excluding the funky smelling cigarette.
How can we all live a little bit better?
To do lists. For sure. Aaaand I think we have to find a way to stop dehumanising people. Somehow. Keeping it light!
Anything fun in the pipeline – professionally or personally?
Nothing has been announced yet so I can’t tell you anything professionally, I’ll just wink at you. And personal life? What personal life?
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Yali Topol Margalith Recommends…
I’m currently watching… The Bear
What I’m reading… Cilka’s Journey by Heather Morris
The last thing I watched (and loved) was… Yannick by Quentin Dupieux. I love pressure cooker plays – although this is a film, it feels like a piece of theatre. I find they focus more on the characters’ journeys, which is my favourite part of any story. In this case, it really lends itself into the farcical comedy of the film, which wins you over. By the time the drama and horror begins, you’re won over and you’re hooked.
What I’m most looking forward to seeing… I still haven’t seen Wicked Little Letters. I’m just too excited for it and don’t want to never be able to watch it for the first time again.
Favourite film of all time… I’m changing all the time, so it changes all the time! Right now The Lobster is the film I think about the most.
Favourite song of all time… Constantly changing… again… But I always go back to ‘Blackbird’ by the Beatles. It feels very nostalgic for me. I also love ‘The Way I Feel Inside’ by The Zombies. My partner Timo often sends it to me so…. Yes, it’s become one of my favourite songs.
Band/singer I always have on repeat… Barbara Streisand. Chet Baker. Aaron Taylor’s old stuff.
My ultimate cultural recommendation… Watch The Ocean at the End of the Lane whenever it’s on in London!
Cultural guilty pleasure… The Bald and the Beautiful podcast. And I don’t feel guilty about it.
Yali Topol Margalith stars in The Tattooist of Auschwitz, with all episodes streaming now on NOW.
A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder will air on the BBC later this year.
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(srry if u already answered any of these i am going to read all ur previous answers later 😤) 12, 19, 23
12.) okay be honest. pick a favorite oc from this ocverse.
The goat lady! Sorry Lali...... (Just kidding I love them equally because they're so fun together as niece and auntie....
19.) describe the sillies you think about but that dont go in the story.
Alonza painted Otto's nails when he was bored during lunch.... He secretly liked it so much he continues to do it.....
23.) describe how everyones character gets butchered once in the public eye?
OUGH this is really interesting because I have a hard time knowing how others think and trying to predict it
I think people's will put Lali into either "Aztec" or "Mayan" character lists and completely ignore the Mixtec words
The goat lady is gonna get the sans treatment I think (ok I think this one's gonna be mildly funny to see if it ever happens)
Alonza is gonna be turned into the "annoying" character
Otto is gonna be turned into an asshole (well much more than he is right now, but I think it'll remain even as his arc progresses)
There's not much to Giovanna or Myrhh the goat man yet but I'm also assuming they'll probably be forgetten about....
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scalamore · 10 months
Thoughts/Details: Why did Rupert kill Tori in TL1
short answer: We don’t know.
The two most likely scenarios are: 1) She betrays him 2) He took pity on her and released her from her ‘curse’ - through death.
My thoughts: At first, option 1 seems to be the answer, because that’s how she dies in TL2 - after she betrays him. However there’s a bit of nuance to that. During the actual betrayal at the start of Vol 6, when she was mocking Rupert for choosing to believe in Lari who doesn’t love him, the fact that he’ll always be alone, and that for choosing Lari over her and Eva, he’ll have to die - at first, Rupert appeared to have given up and was ready to accept death from her hand. However, his mind changed when Lari jumped in to protect him, and was ready to kill Tori if that meant saving Lari. Here, Rupert said that if Tori wanted “it”that badly, then he’ll give “it” to her - meaning her freedom from being an alchemic doll (through death). Tori may have insisted she didn’t want freedom, because her only goal in life is to make sure the Empire is destroyed, but Rupert and Lari both know she doesn’t actually want to do that, and that she’s being distorted by the “command” forced on her by Eva. When they meet again where Tori is able to separate Rupert and Lari and is strangling her, Rupert is more than ready to shoot Tori, but Lari stops him and talk-no-jutsu her way to calming Tori down.
So in this case, despite being betrayed by her a few times in TL2, Rupert doesn’t think about killing her, until she tries to kill Lari. Then he’s out for murder.
But, also. We have to consider the situation of TL1. Rupert was all alone, with Tori as his only companion for his entire life. He was probably dependent on her and trusted her completely. If she betrayed him, would he have so easily killed her?
We know that Rupert in TL2 is loyal, almost to a fault, and deeply treasures those he cares for. Wouldn’t he be so devastated he shuts down?
Or maybe instead of being a mostly empty, lonely person, TL1 Rupert was more, and indeed as angry and bloodthirsty as the tyrant he was groomed to be. After all, TL2 Rupert did say that if he didn’t meet Lari, then a heartless murderer is what he was destined to be through Eva and Tori’s teachings. He did say that when Lari tried to kill herself, he was so angry that ‘he kept on flipping between letting her die or doing everything he could to prevent that, and always chose protecting her’. So MAYBE TL1 Rupert was indeed a tyrant who killed Tori in self-defense because his desire to live was just so strong.
Tori did say, that she WANTED Rupert to know the pain of loss and to get used to it. He shouldn’t know happiness. If he loses everything dear to him, he won’t have any lingering attachments to anything, and he will be the lonely, cold, tyrant Emperor who will not be stopped in his quest for the destruction of the Empire. He’s supposed to be cold and unfeeling and unable to love, and unable to be loved. If she died, then he would have lost everything, and her role was complete. He will resent this entire world, and continue to destroy until everything is gone. That is the mission she was given by Eva.
The alternative is the potential that TL1 Rupert saw how much Tori was suffering from the distortions of being an alchemic doll for so long. She said so in TL2 herself: she cant remember who she was originally, she can’t remember how she felt about Rupe/Lali, because her original personality is being overridden by the “command to destroy” given to her by Eva. It doesn’t matter if she loves Lari, her best friend, the “command” to hate Lari who is an obstacle to the mission is stronger. Even if she cares about the sweet Rupert who treated her like a sister, she only sees him as someone she is forced to protect until the moment he abandons the mission, then she’s forced to kill him as payback for his betrayal towards Eva.
So in that case, the answer would be to kill Tori, to release her from the curse, and to end her suffering. Basically a pity kill. :( Rupert knows Tori’s originally a nice innocent person, and also knows how much she resents him for being able to grow up and mature into an adult. Continuing to “live” as an alchemic doll forever, while forgetting her original self will only give Tori suffering, so maybe her death is what will finally give her peace.
Again, the novel gives all these hints and clues, but no actual answer as to why she died in TL1. It’s fun to think about, because then we get this conundrum
Lari “mistakenly accuses” TL1 Rupert is a tyrant because of her bias and ignorance, and is ashamed she thought TL2 Rupert would be like that. After about chapter 100, Lari thinks that she had it all wrong, that TL1 Rupert was not a tyrant, but rather justified in his murder spree because his personality is someone who is quick to action and punishment if it’s deserved. She believes that both TL1 and TL2 Rupert were both very lonely, sad people that just wanted human relationships. Even if TL1 Rupert wasn’t a tyrant, she still doesn’t forgive him because he caused her all that hurt. She may understand his situation, but she won’t forgive him for that. While our sweet Lari may think that TL1 Rupert is no longer a tyrant as she initially thought, the readers, Tori AND Rupert definitely know he was groomed to be a tyrant by Tori and Eva ^^; They were successful in TL1, precisely because he grew up to be cold, lonely, quick to kill, earning the hatred of everyone, no allies or support, and messing up the Empire from within. So in terms of trying to figure out why she died, again, it’s open ended and no clear cut answer. Let me know what you guys think after we get to this part in the novel/manhwa? :D
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themorethingschange · 2 years
Forgive if this is not an appropriate question and you don't have to answer, but are you guys still working on this one or is it abandoned? (No hate either way)
No worries!
Short answer: No, not abandoned.
Long answer: Still not abandoned but more like a hiatus? Due to IRL issues, neither Frej or I have had much spare time to even see each other, let alone write together. However, this verse is still very near and dear to us. We did plan out the entire thing, but obviously the later installments are significantly more involved than the early installments, and therefore take more time and energy. And fingers crossed our IRL situation should be allowing more writing soon.
So yes, you will (eventually) see the rest of mirror verse!
~Lali <3
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djservo · 2 years
hiiii <3 big ask big answer is what i'm expecting would LOVE to know your top 5/faves across various media that are new(in release or just new to you) this year! so: shows, movies, games, books, songs/albums, new artists you've discovered etc
this is separate from the big book ask that's also coming this month <3
omg it was like pulling teeth narrowing everything down to just 5, I feel like in the past couple months alone I've encountered so many new (to me) films/albums that I now consider favorites BUT OK —
let’s not even try 🤚
Shortbus (2006) dir. John Cameron Mitchell
All About Lily Chou-Chou (2001) dir. Shunji Iwai
Hush! (2001) dir. Ryosuke Hashiguchi
Plan B (2010) dir. Marco Berger
Law of Desire (1987) dir. Pedro Almodóvar
**honorable mention to xavier dolan bc I can't choose between the 3 of his I watched 🙄❤️‍🔥
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Tender at the Bone: Growing up at the Table by Ruth Reichl
Gay Bar: Why We Went Out by Jeremy Atherton Lin
Either/Or by Elif Batuman
Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron by Daniel Clowes
Global Divas: Filipino Gay Men in the Diaspora by Martin F. Manalansan IV
(was gonna cheat and do 5 artists/5 albums/5 songs but this is long enough so i'll condense it to 5 I kept returning to In General)
albums: Bavarian Fruit Bread by Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions, Oncle Jazz by Men I Trust
artists: my little airport, Lali Puna, CFCF
**honorable mentions to Broken Social Scene + the Yeah Yeah Yeahs bc I saw them both live in concert this year (separate but equally magical/life-changing occasions) and it made me go back n burrow deep into their discographies like I was a teen again ❤️‍🩹
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White suit
Pairing: Avengers!Loki x PlusSizedVirginYou
Warnings: Smut and looooooooooooooots of fluff ☺️
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When my friend Lali and I saw this picture from the artbook, we thought that it was such a shame we would never see it. So, here's my imagination's result. Hope you like it, likes, reblogs and comments are all very appreciated! 😍😘
You were sitting on a barstool in Avengers Tower enjoying a light beverage as you pondered how much time you should be there before leaving. It wasn’t like you didn’t enjoy the parties thrown by the heroes, it was just that you felt that you were invited just out of consideration. Being the heroes’ main lawyer, your job consisted basically of getting them out of legal troubles, which was a lot considering they destroyed everything every time they went on a mission. They have always made you feel welcome, but you still felt like you didn’t belong there. Maybe it had to do with the fact that you were surrounded by athletic and slim people when you were obviously overweight. It was something that bothered you a lot but not enough to do something about it. You were healthy or so your doctor told you and that was the most important aspect. But it still hurt you when someone looked at you as if you were some kind of monster just because you had some extra pounds.
Your eyes suddenly darted to the big staircase in the middle of the room. There, climbing down the steps with elegance was Loki wearing a three-piece white suit and carrying a suitcase in one of his hands. He was always stunning, but you have never seen him wearing white. You couldn’t help but open your mouth in awe as the raven-haired god met his brother on one side of the room and after a brief chat between them, the suitcase disappeared. Both of them walked in different directions but your eyes were stuck in the breathtaking God of Mischief. He was now walking towards the bar where you sat. He has surely noticed you staring and even when you felt embarrassed, you couldn’t take your eyes off him. He leaned on the bar with his elbow, standing right next to you.
“Good night, counsellor,” The God of Mischief greeted you while smiling affectionately. Loki was the newest Avenger but you have spent a lot of time with him since he was the one who knew the most about the law. At first, it surprised you: why would the Asgardian god bother himself with Earth’s laws? But then he shared with you his passion for learning everything that would be useful for him. “I see that you like my attire for tonight’s feast,” He chuckled while drinking some whiskey from his glass and looking at you with raised eyebrows. You felt the heat in your cheeks, but there was no denying how you stared at him even when he was standing next to you.
“Good night, Loki. You do look quite handsome,” You muttered trying to hide behind your glass and failing. Loki chuckled.
“Why, thank you, counsellor. Even when you look fascinating in every fashion, may I ask you why have you chosen a loose black dress?” You looked to one side, trying to breathe normally to give him the obvious answer when you noticed that most of the women were looking at you. Their glances were the ones you were used to receiving: disgust and they were probably asking themselves why the hot God of Mischief was wasting his time with you instead of one of them. You sighed and shook your head, turning your gaze back to the handsome god in front of you.
“Can’t you see it, Loki? Only this kind of dress would hide my body,” You gulped down your glass: it wouldn’t have any effect on you, the alcohol level in it was little to none. Loki tilted his head to one side, looking at you questioningly.
“Why would you want that? I think you would look astonishing in a tighter dress. I would choose the same colour, though,” He winked at you getting one step closer to your stool. You sighed.
“I appreciate the effort, Loki, but it’s no use. I don’t know how these things were on Asgard, but here? They would make fun of me until they couldn’t breathe,” You answered while looking at the floor. You then looked up to the green eyes that were piercing your face. “Look at them and look at me. They are all slim and beautiful and I am…me.”
“If you let me give you some advice, darling, I think you may need a stronger drink to see things clearly. If you allow me to demonstrate…”
He gulped down the rest of his whiskey glass and then stepped closer to you until your bodies were almost glued. Loki put one of his hands on one of the sides of your waist and the other one on your nape. You were unable to move and think, bewitched by his green eyes. He closed the only gap between you two kissing you slowly and parting your lips with his expert ones. As soon as your mouth was open, the hot liquor entered your mouth and burned your throat. However, the heat you felt was nothing compared with the heat that Loki’s tongue playing and dancing with your tongue in perfect synchronisation caused you. Loki kissed you sweetly but urgently as if he were waiting for a long time to do this. However, how could this be? You were just the fat lawyer, the one S.H.I.E.L.D. called to get everyone out of trouble and bid you farewell. While Loki was the hottest, most intelligent, sweetest person you have ever met. How could he be interested in you?
However, as the minutes passed away and his tongue and lips were doing wonders in yours, you forgot how to think. You were unable to do anything else but return his kiss the best you could and hoped he was enjoying himself at least half as you were. Loki hummed in your kiss as he pulled you closer to him. You were about to fall from the barstool, but you didn’t care. You grabbed the lapel of his suit in your fists almost desperately. If this was a dream, you didn’t want to wake up ever again. The dream was soon over when Loki pulled back, he was still holding you, though. He rested his forehead on yours while he tried to recover his breath just like you did. His green eyes were shining and you found yourself lost in them once again.
“If you don’t realise it yet, let me show you how much you mean to me in a more private ambient,” Loki whispered while kissing your nose, your cheeks and every part of your face he could reach without breaking the contact between the two of you. You weren’t able to think anything through even when you were an analyzer by heart. Loki has erased your thinking ability just with a kiss and a glance.
“Yes,” You muttered in a whisper, unable to say anything else.
Loki smiled at you and gave you a sweet peck on the lips before taking one of your hands in his, entwining your fingers together and taking you across the crowd. You climbed up the stairs without letting go of his hand, still not being able to think. His cold and large hand embraced yours in a way you had never felt before and his thumb making circles in your skin sent shivers through your whole body. 
The God of Mischief took you to his bedroom, where you could see there was a big bookcase next to his bed that was covered completely in black sheets. Nerves kicked you then but there was no turning back now, and you didn’t want to anyway. You had no idea how this would play out between you two, but somehow Loki’s presence next to you was unnerving and tranquillizing at the same time. 
Once the bedroom’s door was closed, Loki hugged you by the waist and kissed you again this time being more patient and sweet. You crossed your arms behind his head and played with some of his black curls. He hummed in appreciation while his lips moved on yours intently. The kiss was slow but it was heating parts of your body that you didn’t know they could be. You didn’t understand why he had chosen you when he obviously could have any woman or men he wanted but at the same time, you didn’t want to think. You just wanted to enjoy what you didn’t allow yourself to even think about, convincing yourself every time that it was a lost cause.
“How is it possible you cannot see how breathtakingly beautiful you are, kitten?” Loki asked you rhetorically once he pulled back, although his nose was nuzzling yours with affection. “You had me fantasising about you from the very first time I saw you.”
“I-I…” You took a moment to breathe and try to form coherent words. “I wouldn’t use those words to describe me…” Even when the lightning was dim, you couldn’t hide your blush.
“I’d use those and more, darling. But tell me something, do you trust me?” You nodded. “Do you like me?” Loki was smirking now but his eyes showed that he really needed to know.
“Loki, any person with eyes would like you. Why do you even need to ask that?” You asked in a whisper, confused.
“You know what I’ve done. You’re a lawyer, an excellent one if you allow me. Maybe you wouldn’t like to be with me because of that…?” He pulled you closer to him even when it wasn’t physically possible.
You shook your head and found some courage that you didn’t know you had in you, you tiptoed to be able to reach his thin and now dark pink lips. You kissed him sweetly while caressing one of his cheeks. Loki kissed you back, this time being hotter but still sweet. He licked your lower lip and then bit it lightly making you gasp. His tongue danced with you sensually as his hands started to wander on your body. You felt self-conscious as always, but Loki’s light grunting made you feel a little bit more secure. You kissed him with all your might, not knowing when you’d have this same opportunity. Shyly at first, you caressed his chest through the three-piece white suit but then you kept exploring all the parts of his clothed body you wanted since he encouraged you to do so.
After minutes passed by you needed to pull back because your lungs were complaining about the lack of oxygen. You looked straight into his green eyes which were now clouded with lust. You bit down your bottom lip looking down at the floor because his stare was too much for your heart. However, he put two long fingers below your chin and made you look at him. He had a sweet smile on his now swollen lips because of your kissing session.
“Darling, I’d love to take you out of this dress and show you how beautiful you are to me. But I would never do something you didn’t want. Do you want me as I do?” Your first instinct was to tell him ‘yes’ in every language you knew, but then your cheeks turned as red as a tomato. How would you confess this to this beautiful and hot god?
��There is something I need to tell you…” You bit down your lip again looking everywhere but at him.
“I already know, kitten,” Loki whispered trying to meet your gaze again. You looked at him surprised. “I can read minds. But that is not what I have asked, kitten. If you don’t want to, just say it. I promise everything is going to be fine between us,” He smiled at you sweetly looking for some hint in your eyes.
“I thought that maybe the fact that I haven’t done this with anybody before would…I don’t know, make you less interested?” You asked him tilting your head to the side. He chuckled.
“Kitten, there is nothing, nothing that would turn me off you. I have dreamed of this moment since the first time I met you. But all you have to do is say the word and I will stop. You have my word, princess,” His smile was gentle and his hands held yours and reassuringly caressed them.
“I-I…want you to be the first…and the last,” You looked down at your joined hands instead of his eyes. He took the chance to kiss your cheek sweetly.
“If you want to stop at any moment of the night, just say it, kitten. I want to make you feel good, alright?” You nodded, still not looking at him.
You let out a shriek when he carried you bridal style with no effort at all. It seemed like you weighed nothing and you were certain that it was not the case. He laid you gently on his bed, laying on top of you and supporting his weight on his hands. Loki kissed you feverishly making your whole body heat up. He started to pull up your knee-length dress slowly and you shivered because of your always-present self-doubt. 
You tried to cover your body with your hands when your dress was completely out of the way but Loki grabbed your hands and pulled them away. You were scared that once he saw your stretch marks he would not like you anymore. His look told you that he didn’t care at all. Moreover, he kissed sweetly every one of your scars before kissing you on the lips again. You tried in vain to get him out of his suit, but after kissing you until you were out of breath again, he used his magic to make it disappear. At that moment you were both in your underwear and your hands ached to touch every single one of his strong muscles. He was slim but strong, with a wide chest and slim hips. You pulled up one shaky hand and started to caress and admire his body. Loki let out a shaky gasp at your touch and your fingers itched to touch further and below. But your nervousness wouldn’t allow you to do what you pleased. So you contented yourself with caressing his broad chest with a little dark hair right in the middle.
Skilfully, Loki removed your black brasier and threw it to the floor. He looked at you, waiting for your permission and you just nodded, biting your lip. Loki smiled and then kissed your neck, biting from time to time to leave marks on it. You didn’t care, what’s more, you wanted him to mark you everywhere he wanted. Then he followed down with his mouth on your cleavage and then focused his mouth on one of your nipples. He looked up at you with a smirk before blowing some cool wind over your pink bud. You gasped when he took the nipple between his lips and sucked on it while one of his hands played with the other one. You felt your core pulsating between your legs and you couldn’t help but moan a little. Loki treated your other nipple with the same care before going down your belly. Again your self-doubt kicked in. 
“You need to believe more in yourself, kitten. You are beautiful and I am not the only one who thinks so. Let go of your self-doubt, darling,” Loki whispered while going up your body to rest his forehead on yours.
“You should follow your own advice, Loki,” You smiled sweetly at him while caressing his black curls.
“You may be right, kitten.”
Loki kissed your lips once again while getting rid of your black panties at the same time. While he was still kissing you, he used two of his long fingers and passed them through your folds, making you gasp because of the contrast between his cold fingers and your heated core. He found your clit in no time and started to rub it gently while he pulled his mouth back to watch you squirm under his expert touch. You bit down your lip as he smiled. After rubbing your clit for a while, he pushed one of his fingers inside you making you moan. You have fingered yourself before -even when you were a virgin, you had your experience with yourself at least- but nothing you have ever done to yourself felt as good as Loki’s finger inside you. Just when you thought that nothing else would please you as much, he got his other digit inside you. He curled his fingers while thrusting them inside and out and hit a spot inside you that had you seeing stars. You moaned his name and asked him for more in no time and he obliged.
After some minutes, he removed his fingers altogether and you whimpered because of the loss. However, you saw how he took off his white boxers and positioned himself in front of you. You bit down your lip, feeling nervous again. Instead of simply entering you, he kissed your lips slowly and sweetly, making you forget all about your nerves. You kissed him back and at the same time, you entwined your fingers in his black curly hair. It was so soft that you almost couldn’t believe it.
“Do you want us to stop, kitten?” Loki asked in a whisper while looking at you with concern in your eyes.
“No, I want you. I just don’t know how I will feel or what to do…” You answered him, feeling nervous.
“I won’t lie to you, kitten. Probably, it’ll hurt at the beginning. But then I’ll make you feel good, I promise. And you should do whatever pleases you the most. My mission tonight is to please you.”
“You’re going to make me cum only with your words… I understand now why they call you silver-tongued,” Loki chuckled.
“It’s not only because of that, kitten. But I’ll show you that another time,” He winked.
Loki kissed you once again shortly and, looking straight into your eyes, he entered you. It hurt you a lot since he was a lot bigger than yours or his fingers, but just the thought of him filling you in this way decreased the pain. He stood still inside you, giving you time to adjust to his big cock. Both of your breathings were uneven but neither of you was complaining. You hugged him to pull him closer to you and he kissed you on the lips. Some minutes later he moved, trying out if you felt comfortable enough and all you could do was moan on his lips. Loki pulled back to look at you in the eyes and you nodded to let him know that you were okay. More than okay, in fact. You were ecstatic, wanting Loki more than ever. He moved slowly at the beginning, evidently holding back, but when you asked him for more, he obliged without a doubt. 
After some more minutes, he was thrusting with full force inside you and both of you were moaning each other’s names. He bit your neck again, not stopping his movements for one second and you did the same to him, driving him insane. He growled in your neckline and you felt divine and loved at the same time. Loki was making you feel as if you were the hottest woman alive, as if he were dying of thirst and you were the only source of water he could drink. You tried to express all of your feelings to him but he silenced you with his hard thrusts inside you. His cockhead was hitting your g-spot once again and your vocal cords hurt as you were now screaming his name in your extasis. Loki took one of your hands and put it on your lower belly, where you could feel him inside you.
“Can you feel me, kitten? Can you feel how deep inside you I am?” His voice was hoarse as well.
“F-fuck…y-yes, L-Loki. Please, don’t stop,” You begged him as you felt your orgasm starting to build up in your lower belly, right where both of your hands were feeling him.
“Stop? Kitten, no one in the entire universe will stop me now. Only you have that power over me. Now, be a good girl for me and cum, darling.”
As if you were waiting for his permission, you cummed hard with a loud moan of his name dropping from your mouth until you weren’t able to speak anymore. Loki followed you after some minutes, filling you with his hot seed. You were finding it hard to breathe as you remained with your eyes closed, taking in everything that has happened that night and how you felt. Once your breathing was normal again, you opened your eyes to find Loki lying next to you on the bed, his black curly hair a mess from your activities and his green eyes piercing your very soul as he looked at you. His pale chest shone under the moonlight, revealing his sweat and you couldn’t help but reach out to caress him. He sighed and took your hand in his before kissing every one of your knuckles. You chuckled as you moved on the bed to scoot over to him until your head was resting on his pectoral and you were both hugging each other. His fingers made patterns on your back and you sighed, content.
“Did I hurt you too much, kitten?” Loki asked in a whisper while using his free hand to take the hair out of your face so he could see you in the eyes.
“Loki, it was wonderful. I couldn’t dream of a better first time than that. But…” You bit your lower lip but you couldn’t take your gaze off his.
“You can tell me anything, kitten,” He smiled adoringly.
“I told you I wanted you to be the last…and while all I want is to be only with you, I know you may have other interests…”
“Kitten, from this night on, you are mine. Mine to touch, to savour, to worship and to love. As I am yours,” You looked at him unable to hide your happiness and the smile that phrase put on your face. He kissed your forehead and then smiled back at you.
“You know? Nobody has ever called me ‘kitten’ before, but I really like it when it comes from you,” Loki chuckled.
“I am sure you will drive me insane. But I am going to explore every single part of your beautiful body before that, kitten,” He purred with a slight smile.
You reached up to kiss him sweetly and he kissed you back. There wasn’t a word to describe your happiness.
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quinn-of-aebradore · 2 years
hewwo ;3
3, 7, 12, 18, 29 (if too many just do the ones you want to answer?)
Hello Lali!! No such thing as too many :3
3) what work are you most proud of, regardless of kudos/hits?
Hands down, it’s We’ll Be Okay. It proved to me that I can handle a long-form narrative and looking at it, from its start in January to its ending its October, the improvement in my writing is so clear, which is a little embarrassing but it’s also really neat to see how far I’ve come!
7) answered here!
12) answered here!
18) the character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Fjord and Caduceus are both still very difficult to get right, for me. Both of them have such particular voices and I’ve yet to have any huge breakthroughs with them in the same way I did with Yasha. I’m getting there, I think, just slowly.
29) answered here!
Ao3 wrapped asks
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maximotts · 2 years
hi motts! im here to give love 💕💕 i think you’re still taking a little tumblr break, i hope you’re well!
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HIII LALI! Sorry that I’m painfully late answering this but hewwo I hope you’re also doin well!!
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groovygrumpygoose · 8 months
Man rough day. I should have called or texted when I thought about you on Saturday. If I had known you would be gone on Wednesday, I would have done it in a heartbeat. There are so many things I need to tell you.
You were supposed to be 17 today Alyson. We were supposed to sit on the phone while you told me all of the exciting things that your family had planned for you. Your Abuelita was supposed to give you her necklace this year. I remember how excited you were telling me all about it during our girlhood. I remember making wishes on dandelions at big river while we ran up and down the shore with long brown hair flying in the wind behind us. Little secrets whispered under the twinkle of Christmas lights and the glimmer of your beautiful brown eyes as we made pinky promises. We never really grew out of any of that, did we? You were supposed to be 17 today god I can’t bring myself to call your mom. I haven’t been able to call her since she found you. I haven’t been able to see your photos or think of her face and how she must have crumbled to be the one to find her perfect baby girl in the way that she did. I wonder if your little sisters are okay. I wonder how your dad is. Your sister texted me when the three of you found the pink nail polish we always made him wear during our tea parties. Somehow it wasn’t dried and you painted his nails. I wish I had saved those snaps. So I could hear your voice and see your smile and feel your warmth. She called me while they painted his nails the night that you passed. The four of us silently on the phone, your absence not really sinking in yet. I remember him saying how badly he wanted a son our entire childhood. How defeated he was when your youngest sister was born. I remember growing up and how he became so appreciative of what he was blessed with. His attitude change when he realized he had three beautiful and healthy girls. He really did spoil us didn’t he Aly? I don’t think he ever has or ever will love anyone as much as he loved you. Breaking down when your mom called me. I missed her two first calls. Fuck how hard must it have been for her to call me three times. To dial my number to be met with an answering machine twice and still having the strength to call again with the amount of hurt in her heart. Leaving chemistry to pick up her call and being met with her strangely quiet voice. In 13 years I had never heard her so… Broken? She was so broken. I think the way she choked it out made it too real. My world was spinning after a 6 minute and 35 second phone call and then I just- went back to class. I couldn’t cry. I couldn’t breathe. I felt everything and nothing. It all stung. I miss you sweetpea. I hope you are having the best day up there my Laly girl. Forever and always, your sugarplum💚
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cliffordthurlow · 9 months
We would all like to know how to be happier and the answer may be a lot more simple than we thought. Flor, Marsha, Iris, Pilin and Lali – happy to be together. I typed ‘how to be happier’ into Google and in 0.43 seconds received 228 million listings. Give each one two minutes and it will take almost a year (reading 24/7) to read them all. There are a lot of people writing about how to be happier…
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ooo 6 for the voice asks or 25 + talk about some of the inspiration behind lali lopez? either would be awesome!!
This is the longest one yet, I won't be able to answer much more because my SoundCloud is running out of space lmao
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scalamore · 11 months
Hi! Can you explain Lali and Rupert’s age difference? I see some spoilers saying he’s older by 6 months, and some saying a year or two. Which is it?
The easy answer: he’s a year and a half older than her. It’s repeatedly mentioned Lari’s Bday is in January, and Rupert’s is in June/July “Midsummer”.
Considering how the story is consistent in showing how Rupert is always a year older than her, he’s probably 1.5 years older instead of only 6 months. Specific Novel Examples: She’s 12, he’s 13 She’s 14 when he becomes crown prince at 15 in Sept (Public information, recorded in her diary), but he’s actually crown prince when he’s 16, because he has a summer birthday She’s 16 when she left the palace, but was looking forward to celebrating Rupert’s 18th birthday that summer.
The “hard” part is putting together the actual timeline, because how on earth could Rupert be 1.5 years older with a rebellion going on?? Lets see:
Assuming the timeline from the archives (novel ver) is the real “truth” (Vol 5)
Eva arrived on a ship with her young attendant, Tori, and a shipload of other young girls as peace offerings (slaves) near the end of the Vellnelni-Willetan war.
There, Eva quickly got the attention of the Grand Duke (Crazy Emperor), implied because of the spell Duke Miramonte put on her to seduce “the Emperor of the Vellnelni Empire”.
He was so obsessed with her that he requested that Eva ‘be given to him’ as a trophy for all his accomplishments as a war hero who helped subdue Willetan. Akan I, who didn’t believe in slavery or owning others, rejected that offer because he wanted all these Willetan slaves to be freed and integrated into Vellnelni societies as its citizens (commoners).
The Grand duke was NOT PLEASED with that rejection, and started planning for rebellion. Keeping a low profile, he still hung around Eva and eventually “got her drunk, and pregnant”.
Upon hearing of such human rights violation, Akan and the Grand Duke got into a massive argument and his mind was set on rebellion - he wanted to own Eva that much.
He planned out treason carefully, and Lari was born around the time the actual treason was implemented, but was written off as “died quickly from disease”
Shortly afterward, Akan I, Cecie, their daughter and son went into hiding with the help of their retainers, but was eventually caught by the Grand Duke (now ursurper Emperor), who murdered them all yet promising to keep them alive.
Amanda’s letter gave some additional clues:
Lari was at least a few months old when she met her when she visited Champagne
House Belois was already suspicious of the Grand Duke, and warned Cecie about him
Other Canon/Consistent Events:
Lari is born in January
Rupert is born in June/July In the detached palace.
Eva was already pregnant with Rupert when she lived in the Detached Palace. She was basically trapped there: her life was monotonous; she only ever visited the garden. She was often abused with evidence of bruises and injury.
She became Empress after she gave birth to Rupert (hinted)
Trash dad knew Eva had a child when he abandoned her plea for help. (It’s hinted that the promise he made with the Emperor was not to have Eva’s child anywhere near the throne)
Per Papa Felipe, Eva had a lot of men, enough to not be 100% sure who Rupert’s father was. She was that desperate to become pregnant. It’s unlikely she was that promiscuous when she was trapped in the palace.
As such, this is the suggested timeline:
Eva arrived on a ship with her young attendant, Tori, and a shipload of other young girls as peace offerings (slaves) near the end of the Vellnelni-Willetan war.
There, Eva quickly got the attention of the Grand Duke (Crazy Emperor), implied because of the spell Duke Miramonte put on her to seduce “the Emperor of the Vellnelni Empire”.
He was so obsessed with her that he requested that Eva ‘be given to him’ as a trophy for all his accomplishments as a war hero who helped subdue Willetan. Akan I, who didn’t believe in slavery or owning others, rejected that offer because he wanted all these Willetan slaves to be freed and integrated into Vellnelni societies as its citizens (commoners).
The Grand duke was NOT PLEASED with that rejection, and started planning for rebellion. Keeping a low profile, he still hung around Eva and eventually “got her drunk, and pregnant”.
It seems like she was already being assaulted for at least a few months; she formulated a plan for the Grand Duke’s downfall with his “child”. While out in the wild lands, there’s probably a ton of men there, including Papa Felipe who wandered around those days. After all, once she arrives at the palace, she’s basically trapped there.
Upon hearing of such human rights violation, Akan and the Grand Duke got into a massive argument and his mind was set on rebellion - he wanted to own Eva that much.
Assuming the Grand Duke still lived at the palace, he brought Eva and sent her to live alone in secret/isolation at the detached palace. I’m also assuming Akan I and Cecie lived in the main palace. The palace grounds are large: there’s the crown prince’s palace, the detached palace, the Empress’ palace, Arnuf’s palace, Nigelle’s palace, the Emperor’s palace, the main palace, etc.
Eva gave birth to Rupert quietly, with only Tori to help her. She didn’t seem to have servants assigned to her, and her existence largely hidden as she was mostly summoned to the Grand duke’s residence only.
She might have seen Count Belois around this time, a known supporter of Akan, who could potentially save her - but he completely rejected her, and instead used the information she gave him against her at some point.
The Grand Duke planned out treason carefully, (it’s not an overnight thing, it took Ventibolt and Belois years of planning for theirs) and Lari was born around the time the actual treason was implemented, but was written off as “died quickly from disease”
Assuming the Rebellion is ramping up and Akan and his aides know of the inevitable - Akan and his family go into hiding, while Count Belois ‘steals Lari away’ - it’s assumed he traded Belois’ loyalty and Lari’s life, the promise that Eva’s child wont obtain the throne, in exchange for the new Emperor to completely obtain Eva.
Shortly after giving Lari to Belois, Akan I, Cecie, their daughter and son went into hiding with the help of their other retainers, but was eventually caught by the Grand Duke (now ursurper Emperor), who murdered them all yet promising to keep them alive.
As such, Rupert is either 6 months or 1.5 years older than Lari. Again, Considering how the story is (mostly) consistent in showing how Rupert is always a year older than her, he’s probably 1.5 years older.
Also the ages and timeline of the manhwa is all over the place. I gave up piecing that together ^^;
But currently, as manhwa Lari is 17, Rupert’s 19TH birthday is approaching….
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