#lakes freighter
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sepiadays · 1 year ago
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John Vachon, August 1941.
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clove-pinks · 3 months ago
It's wild to reflect on the fact that SS Arthur M. Anderson, the last ship to be in contact with the Edmund Fitzgerald on the night of November 10, 1975—whose captain received the message "we are holding our own" from the Fitzgerald—is still around on the Lakes, just doing her normal things as a freighter.
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Here she is departing Muskegon, Michigan, last weekend!
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welldigger62 · 4 months ago
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Taken by my friend, this is me up by Lake Huron last Sunday. I got some of my camera gear and I’m just looking for pretty stuff to shoot 😂😂
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rms-mauretanic · 4 months ago
Every year on November 10th, the Arthur M. Anderson shares a special salute with the Duluth Aerial Lift Bridge. The Anderson was the last ship to make contact with the doomed Edmund Fitzgerald before her loss; the Fitz had sailed out of Superior (Duluth’s twin on the Wisconsin side).
I pulled this video from TikTok, hence the loud music. Trust me, the bridge is a LOT louder in person.
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kcg69 · 2 years ago
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Rounding Whitefish Point... Southbound is the Michipicoten Northbound is James R. Barker.
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winter-hoof · 2 months ago
As I was putting together the Lego Endurance earlier, I said to my boyfriend "I hope Lego keeps putting out ship sets because I could put together SO many of them" and then he made the mistake of asking me which ones
"Terror, Erebus, Lusitania, Normandie, Carpathia, Queen Mary, United States, Andrea Doria, Edmund Fitzgerald-" then he cut me off because clearly I wasn't going to stop listing ships
But then he didn't learn his lesson because a few minutes later he asked me what the differences were between the Titanic, Olympic, and Britannic lol
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migiganteknapkindispenser · 10 months ago
Made my way up to horseshoe harbor today
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dark0ta · 1 year ago
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S.S William A. Irvin Taken: 07/15/23
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muttball · 2 years ago
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The Steamship 'Erie'
The Erie was a steamship that operated as a passenger freighter on the Great Lakes. It caught fire and sank on August 9, 1841, resulting in the loss of an estimated 254 lives, making it one of the deadliest disasters in the history of the Great Lakes.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year ago
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"MODERN BULK CARRIER IDENTICAL IN APPEARANCE TO THE VESSEL WRECKED," Toronto Star. November 11, 1913. Page 1. ---- SHIPWRECKED MEN LASHED IN RIGGING. DECKS ARE AWASH ---- Crew of 28 of Unknown Vessel Stranded on the Dread Manitou Island. ---- LIFE SAVERS VAINLY TRY TO REACH SHIP ---- Three-Hours Battle With the Heavy Seas Ends in Failure
STORM TAKES TOLL FROM GREAT LAKES ---- Many Lives Lost, and Vessels Strewn Along the Shores
FREIGHTER'S BACK MAY HAVE BEEN BROKEN IN STORM ---- If Collision Theory Is Unfounded This May Explain It ---- VESSELS RARELY TURN TURTLE ---- Captain Would Keep Her Out of Trough of the Sea
SIX LIVES ARE LOST WHEN U. S. LIGHTSHIP FOUNDERS ---- Part of Her Wreckage Floated Into Buffalo Harbor To-day - She Was a New Steel Boat - 70-Mile Gale Was the Cause. ---- DRIVEN FROM HER ANCHORAGE DURING NIGHT
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johnschneiderblog · 2 years ago
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Moonlight with freighter
I guess you could you call this composition a happy accident of insomnia - like the midnight tide-pool picture I took one sleep-deprived night at Hilton Head last February.
I woke up Sunday at a wee hour - just after 2 a.m. - and couldn't seem to find my way back into the sleep groove. I got out of bed, looked out a window, onto a moonlit landscape and saw this freighter slipping by.
Wondering, once again, what my cellphone camera might make of the scene, I fetched it and took this photo, in natural light, at 2:21 a.m
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clove-pinks · 4 months ago
I'm back from the Fitzgerald Experience at the National Museum of the Great Lakes! It was an interesting experience for sure, with so many connections to local history within living memory. I had no idea that the Fitz was called the "Toledo Express," among other nicknames. The Canadian-born Captain Ernest M. McSorley was living in the Toledo area, as were many of his crew.
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Museum ship Colonel James M. Schoonmaker is 600-something feet long, with a 65-foot beam, vs. the Edmund Fitzgerald's length of 729 feet with a 75-foot beam. They are fairly similar Lake freighters in terms of construction and size. The tour highlighted parts of the ship implicated in the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald, and oral history collected from Great Lakes mariners.
There was also a copy of the lyrics of Gordon Lightfoot's song "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" in the galley, with words highlighted in red that don't match the known history e.g. saying that the Fitz was headed for Cleveland, when she was destined for Zug Island. Lightfoot was close to the families of the crew, and he actually changed lyrics on request and would perform the song differently in concert, although this isn't reflected in popular recordings.
A salty (sea-going freighter) was traveling down the Maumee River during the tour, to great excitement all around.
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The museum guide mentioned that all the salties look like this: rusted and decrepit after 10+ years of sea-going service, when a laker wouldn't look like that after 50 years. Built in 1911, Colonel James M. Schoonmaker was actively in use until an economic downturn in 1980.
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welldigger62 · 6 months ago
From Bay City Michigan-
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Hung out with my buddy for a bit this morning and checked out some train activities.
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These two shots 👆show a Huron & Eastern Railway train headed south into Bay City on its morning run. After it passed, we drove to the northern end of the rail yard.
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Nope, nothing much going on here.
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This is my buddy, he likes chasing trains (no, not literally like a dog 🤣). After this we each had other things to do.
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I stopped by the river while I was in Bay City and caught a Great Lakes freighter on its was outbound.
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There are many drawbridges in Bay City and this one is called the Liberty Bridge. It is one of a couple bridges that were sold to a private company and refurbished. After the fix up, they were changed to toll bridges.
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Yeah, the trees are starting to change color here too.
If you’re still reading this far, thanks 😊. Have an awesome day.
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my hobbies include embodying a middle aged dad who spends his free time making little models of boats, being autistic, and coming up with tumblr tournament ideas that appeal to me and maybe 3 other users
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eldritch-deity · 3 days ago
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Some of my pictures of freighters on the Saint Mary's River.
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jmpphoto · 14 days ago
Renaissance Center
Renaissance Center by James Marvin Phelps Via Flickr: Flashback Friday The Detroit Riverfront comes alive on a radiant summer morning, A mighty Great Lakes freighter glides gracefully along the river, a testament to the city’s rich maritime history. This moment was captured from the serene shores of Belle Isle Park. Summer 2005
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