#lake cave
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redrcs · 1 year ago
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The Dragon, Lake Cave, Margaret River
On my travels,
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ahsoara · 1 year ago
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takenbybean · 2 years ago
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Lake Cave entrance, Margaret River, July 23 2021
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roseartsandfics · 2 years ago
What Does My Destiny Hold?
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Heya! I couldn't think of a title for this, but it'll do :p
Here is another fantasy artwork with a dragon princess, taking a tranquil time in the lake cave in the waters, reflecting on her destiny based on her duties as the princess of dragons.
I did this last week and I kinda liked how this turned out ^^
What y'all think?
Artwork ©SuperShadowSilver
Used: regular basic pencil, Crayola colored pencils and/or Pen and Gear colored pencils (I believe) and Crayola colored markers
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luvsbitca · 2 years ago
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Have a couple more.
Caves are weirder and more varied than you think
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frownyalfred · 1 month ago
I like to headcanon that Wayne Manor in BVS is in ruins because Alfred pulled the whole “stop this vigilante nonsense or I’m leaving” thing with Bruce (a la The Dark Knight’s Alfred) and Bruce just said “bet” and then continued to work, sleep, and be a vigilante in an empty, unstaffed Wayne Manor until eventually he simply moved to the lake house and let it decompose. And guess who was hanging out in the lake house the whole time spying on Bruce from afar? Alfred. Who moved all of a half mile away and was spending his time watching Bruce eat nothing but shelf stable protein shakes and sleep on a thin cot in the Cave. Who realized, mid covert hovering, that Bruce Wayne had inherited his stubbornness from both his parents and would, indeed, continue to try and do this with or without Alfred’s presence. And so….he stayed.
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ecoharbor · 1 year ago
📍Alaska, USA 🇺🇸
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vestaignis · 5 months ago
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Пещера Деветашка считается одной из самых крупных в Болгарии и всей Европе. Она расположена на реке Осым, между селами Деветаки и Дойренци (Ловечская область). Пещера обнаружена лишь в 1921 году, а с 1996 года является охраняемым памятником природы. Ее протяженность составляет около 1,5 км, а входом служит гигантский проем 55 м в ширину и 35 м в высоту.
Пещера Деветашка поражает воображение туристов. Ее потолки высотой от 60 до 100 метров имеют многочисленные провалы, которые местные жители называют окнами. Они создают естественное освещение, но практически не нагревают пещеру. Поэтому здесь прохладно даже в знойные летние дни. Внутри протекает река, есть подземные озера, водопады, сталагмиты и сталактиты. В залах обитают летучие мыши, поэтому они закрыты с 1 ноября по 1 апреля, чтобы не мешать размножению животных.
В пещере обнаружены следы обитания древнего человека. Согласно археологическим исследованиям пещера служила убежищем ��юдям с поздней палеолитической эпохи. Археологические раскопки обнаружили остатки из культурного слоя почти всех доисторических периодов. Рельефный слой толщиной от 0,3 до 5,5 м содержит остатки поселений разных эпох: палеолита(кремневые орудия мустьерских форм, позднепалеолитические изделия из кремня и костей); неолита (очаги с каменной основой, узкие каменные топоры, кремневые заточки и скребки, костяные лощила, шила и долота, керамику с резьбленными надписями); энеолита ( разрушенные жилища, печи, зернотерки,орудия из камня и костей, посуда с резной, рельефной и другой орнаментацией, антропоморфные фигуры); бронзового века (боевые топоры из бронзы, темнолощённые керамические изделия); железного века (бронзовые ножи, железное оружие).
Вторая мировая война оставила и здесь свой след. Во времена социализма пещера использовалась в качестве склада боеприпасов на случай военных действий, а также служила хранилищем нефтепродуктов. В пещере до сих пор остались следы в виде кругов с тех времен.
Немаловажной частью этого чудного места является разнообразие представителей фауны. В пещере обитают более сотни различных видов живности, некоторые из которых даже занесены в Красную книгу! В их числе 12 видов охраняемых земноводных (эскулап, полоз, тритон, древесные лягушки, черепахи Германа), около 80-ти видов птиц, 34 вида млекопитающих и 15 видов летучих мышей.
Devetashka Cave is considered one of the largest in Bulgaria and throughout Europe. It is located on the Osam River, between the villages of Devetaki and Doirentsi (Lovech region). The cave was discovered only in 1921, and since 1996 it has been a protected natural monument. Its length is about 1.5 km, and the entrance is a gigantic opening 55 m wide and 35 m high.
Devetashka Cave amazes tourists. Its ceilings range from 60 to 100 meters high and have numerous gaps, which locals call windows. They create natural light, but practically do not heat the cave. Therefore, it is cool here even on hot summer days. A river flows inside, there are underground lakes, waterfalls, stalagmites and stalactites. The halls are inhabited by bats, so they are closed from November 1 to April 1, so as not to interfere with the breeding of animals.
Traces of ancient human habitation were found in the cave. According to archaeological research, the cave has served as a shelter for people since the late Paleolithic era. Archaeological excavations have discovered remains from the cultural layer of almost all prehistoric periods. The relief layer, 0.3 to 5.5 m thick, contains the remains of settlements from different eras: Paleolithic (flint tools of Mousterian forms, Late Paleolithic objects made of flint and bones); Neolithic (hearths with a stone base, narrow stone axes, flint sharpenings and scrapers, bone polishes, awls and chisels, ceramics with carved inscriptions); Eneolithic (destroyed dwellings, ovens, grain grinders, tools made of stone and bones, dishes with carved, relief and other ornamentation, anthropomorphic figures); Bronze Age (battle axes made of bronze, dark-polished ceramics); Iron Age (bronze knives, iron weapons).
The Second World War left its mark here too. During socialism, the cave was used as an ammunition depot in case of hostilities, and also served as a storage facility for petroleum products. There are still traces in the cave in the form of circles from those times.
An important part of this wonderful place is the diversity of fauna. The cave is home to more than a hundred different species of living creatures, some of which are even listed in the Red Book! These include 12 species of protected amphibians (aesculapius, snake, newt, tree frogs, Hermann's tortoises), about 80 species of birds, 34 species of mammals and 15 species of bats.
Источник:/bulgariaexpert.ru/info/peschera-devetashka.php, /www. ntabulgaria.ru/blog/interesnye-mesta/peshhera-devetashka/, juicyworld.org/devetashka-cave/,/volimo-balkan.livejournal .com /450004.html,//meteo.by/around/c288c52491142c32.html, //www. tripadvisor.ru/Attraction_Review-g14037230-d4184576-Reviews-Devetashka_Cave-Devetaki_Lovech_Province.html,/bolgarskiydom .com/devetashka/.
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thesilicontribesman · 9 months ago
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Cathedral Cave, Langdale Quarries, Lake District
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tilac-f-f · 2 months ago
Playing Rusty Lake Games
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I play them again but I still don't understand the main story. Youtube didn't help.
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redrcs · 1 year ago
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Lake Cave, near Margaret River
On my travels
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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 months ago
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Ice-coated sandstone cave along the south shore of Lake Superior. Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, USA
By Ian Plant
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one-time-i-dreamt · 10 months ago
I went swimming in a lake I lived here and I found a man living in a cave in the lake that was fully furnished.
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xeryli · 2 months ago
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systimming · 1 year ago
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Waterfall area board!
- Mod Primarina + Mod Pent.
((Sources of gifs: x, x, x | x, x, x | x, x, x ))
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