#laia alexandri
maxgirl29 · 1 year
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The unnerving fact that if that asshole wins the WC, these girls (including Laia Alexandri and claudia as well as the others) won’t be allowed to wear a Spain jersey and play for country ever again.
I genuinely cannot be happy for that.
Happy for the other girls, with my whole heart but the fact that the girls who gave their everything on a field for their country won’t be allowed back is heart breaking.
I know people are on about Aitanas BdO but she literally has no other competition left. It’s practically hers already and I’m so proud of her. She deserves it.
I really need Sweden to pull it out the bag for this one.
V*lda has to go.
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rojacatmisa · 2 days
I just went to Paris FC vs Manchester City and saw Leila Ouahabi for reeeeeaaaaal!!!!
Guys…. She’s so good on the pitch it’s impressive to watch and she looks really nice! She was in a hurry but took time to do some photo with the children 🥲😌
Laia Alexandri played very well too ! I’m so happy to have seen them 🥰
Also I should invest in a new phone to do better pictures sorry
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talkingwoso · 4 months
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Barça girls are dominating the Spanish camp. All the barça girls:
Cata Coll
Laia Alexandri
Laia Codina
Leila Ouahabi
Jana Fernández
Vicky López
Irene Paredes
Ona Batlle
Aitana Bonmatí
Alexia Putellas
Salma Paralluelo
Jenni Hermoso
Mariona Caldentey
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awfcrusso · 1 year
'lucy follow ona's brother (who is following back and same for his girlfriend) and many ona's friends who have nothing to do with football'
This isn't really true. Lucy follows Ona's agent and his partner Laia Alexandri (who plays for Lucy's old team Man City). The agent (Moises) reps loads of Spanish players. Totally normal for them to know each other and definitely football related.
The brother and brother's gf both followed a load of Barca players. Makes sense as Ona is starting there in a week.
People are really twisting things to fit their narrative.
You are a person with a brain Thankyou for adding more context
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vrsvivendi · 2 years
15 players send the federation RFEF e-mails with the same wording, telling the situation in the nationalteam affects them in their “emotional state” and in their “health” and that they will not play as long as something isn’t changed.
RFEF are stating “The players who have submitted their resignation will only return to the discipline of the national team in the future if they assume their mistake and ask for forgiveness.”, because they are not tolerating this “pressure” coming from players.
The action of the 15 players could lead to a disqualification between two and five years.
The 15 players reportedly are:
Ainhoa Vicente (Atletico Madrid)
Dolores Gallardo (Atletico Madrid)
Amaiur Sarriegui (Real Sociedad)
Nerea Eizaguirre (Real Sociedad)
Leila Ouhabi (Manchester City)
Laia Alexandri (Manchester City)
Ona Batlle (Manchester United)
Lucia García (Manchester United)
Andrea Pereira (Club America)
Patri Guijarro (FC Barcelona)
Sandra Paños (FC Barcelona)
Mapi León (FC Barcelona)
Claudia Pina (FC Barcelona)
Aitana Bonmatí (FC Barcelona)
Mariona Caldentey (FC Barcelona)
I hope you know, that this is a HUGE move from them. Next year they have a worldcup. Football is their profession. They were aware of the consequences and still went that way. SIEMPRE EN MI EQUIPO
Official statement RFEF : https://rfef.es/es/noticias/oficial-2209
Last but not least: Please educate yourself about the history of the Spanish women’s Nationalteam and Jorge Vilda to understand where the players are coming from!
In English:
Good information thread on Twitter:
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alexbkrieger13 · 2 years
Always learn more details from news articles than from random tweets. The mail the 15 Spanish players on strike: fotbollskanalen(.)se/spanien/mejlet-till-forbundet-lackt-begar-att-inte-bli-uppkallad/ Their federation has made it into a "prestige battle" and won't listen to the players demands. Paredes as Spain's captain represented her team mates when she called for Vilda to be sacked. Now they back her up and won't let her take the blow alone. Strike is the last resort. It has gone far then.
Just over a month ago, the Spanish players requested the resignation of the national team captain, Jorge Vilda, without success. And on Wednesday evening, the association announced that 15 players refuse to play in the national team as long as Vilda remains.
All 15 players must have sent an identical email to the association - and now the email has been leaked in its entirety.
"The recent events are affecting my mental health and therefore my health in general. Because of all this, I am currently not eligible to be selected as a player for our national team. And for that reason, I request not to be called up until the situation changes. My commitment to the team has always been and will always be for the good of the team. And I am the first one who wants to achieve all sporting successes for the national team," the email reads, according to Marca. 
The players then conclude that they will be at the disposal of the national team, provided that the aim is that they want the national team to be as good as it can be.
Spelarna som strejkar är Ainhoa ​​Vicente, Patri Guijarro, Sandra Paños, Amaiur Sarriegui, Leila Ouhabi, Lucia García, Maria "Mapi" León, Ona Batlle, Laia Alexandri, Claudia Pina, Aitana Bonmatí, Mariona Caldentey, Dolores Gallardo, Nerea Eizaguirre och Ines Pereira.
The Spanish national team players are supported by Megan Rapinoe who expressed her support on social media.
"I am the sixteenth player who will stand next to you in the United States," she writes.
Sweden plays an international match against Spain on October 7 in Cordoba.
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wosobronze · 2 months
I love Laia Alexandri but she just looks so slow! Sometimes looks like she can’t handle it x
hmm i agree she defo looks quite far behind a lot of the time
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maxgirl29 · 1 year
Okay but now, Laia Alexandri and Leila Ouhabi when?
We’re assembling the avengers by the looks of things 👀.
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mapisgf · 1 year
laia alexandri is so underrated !!!!
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ferrolano-blog · 1 year
No las merecemos... Mapi León, Sandra Paños, Laia Alexandri, Patri Guijarro, Claudia Pina, Lola Gallardo, Ainhoa Moraza, Nerea Eizagirre y Amaiur Sarriegi no están en este Mundial. Se mantuvieron firmes y se han sacrificado por defender su dignidad. Honor también para ellas... Era el 2019, las jugadoras se pusieron en huelga para exigir un convenio profesional. Pedían salario mínimo de 16.000€, que las siguieran pagando si se lesionaban y baja por maternidad. La patronal dijo que el fútbol femenino no era rentable... las futbolistas paralizaron con una huelga el fútbol femenino. Lograron un convenio colectivo con salario mínimo de 16.000€, poder quedarse embarazadas sin que las echaran, tener derecho a vacaciones, paro y prestación en caso de lesión... 4 años después son campeonas del mundo... que la Federación filtrase que se había ganado a las jugadoras rebeldes a base de permitirles caprichitos, ya entra de lleno en lo patético... Más de una evidencia y algunos hechos permitirían discutir legítimamente si se ha jugado esta final a pesar del seleccionador... si se ha jugado y ganado, ha sido por méritos de las jugadoras... no porque un hombre, muy incomprendido por ellas mismas, las haya guiado hasta ser “campeones del mundo”... debería caérsenos la cara de vergüenza a todos
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A guide on how to figure out whether two spaniards are showing off typical espanish tendencies or if they're actually dating (aka FAQs)
Hand holding?
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Nope, each very much separately gay.
Arm around the other's neck?
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Neither, nothing to see here just two gal pals being friendly
Kisses on the cheek? Like I know Spaniards say hello by kissing each other twice but not like this right?
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It is indeed like this when you're typical espanish friends :)
Hand holding AND arm around the neck AND kissing on the cheek?
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Abort mission she's been friendzoned
Okay but what about hanging out topless? like that cant be something people just do casually together unless they're actually dating
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Okay fair enough, sometimes this is a pro homo activity buuuut
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definitely not always! Covering up exclusively for photos is a very gal pals thing to do too
Right okay got it (although tbh I haven't) nudity doesnt equal relationship. But full on the mouth kissing must be right? There's no way around this one is there?
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Well you're in for a surprise here because once again, there is nothing going on other than friendship here. Eli is very much taken by a girl, just not this one.
Aarrghhh okay I give up. Spaniards are officially a different species which I shall never fully understand
Please don't give up just yet, there's some hope left as there are a lot of people who do post pictures kissing and are actual couples, spaniards dont just reserving the kissing business to friends
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But the moral of the story-come-Q&A session is that you never truly really know until they tell you. Sometimes it seems like you can figure out more by who doesn't want to make it obvious that they're spending time with each other (looking at no one in particular here obviously). But mostly the best thing to do is sit back, relax, and tear your hair out over their typical espanish antics until they tell you themselves
Woso Pride Month 2020 [Day 12/30]
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fleckerdgirl · 5 years
Rosa Otermín with her ex team mates, Laia Alexandri and Anita Marcos
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lost-daydreameeer · 4 years
laia a's story on ig just broke my gay ass heart, anita honey you have all of us we love you
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judgynando · 5 years
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🔱 ❤️⚪❤️⚪❤️⚪❤️⚪❤️⚪❤️⚪❤️ 🔱 
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caitlinclark · 4 years
A lot of the renewals will come down to if the players get played. Laia Alexandri and Ona probably both wanted to stay at Barca but weren't getting played so felt like they needed to leave. They need to get played because I do not want a repeat of that
oh for sure. if the players feel like they might not get a chance at the club, they might want to leave anyway. i do think tho that even though barça still has to keep improving with including la masia players with the first team, they are doing a better job than back when ona and laia left. like, if that situation was happening now, i think they would've done something similar than what they're doing now with pina, candela and armengol. but back then they didn't really care.
but yeah, the players gotta feel like the club actually wants to give them a chance of making it to the first team.
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tooneysunited · 4 years
Well Ona came in and was our best defender right away. We need to sign a LB who will walk into the starting 11. Also think we need to sign a CB who will walk into the starting 11. Laia Alexandri from Atletico Madrid is only 20, can play at CB and full back. Contract is up in 2022 and we should be targeting her. She is extremely good and she's going to have a lot of team trying to sign her and it doesn't look like Atlético are making CL so looking at signing some of their players would be smart
ona really is a special talent I love her sm
and yeah agreed on laia, she’s a really solid player for atleti and she’s pals with ona, I see an opportunity here 👀
another great LB option would be karchaoui but she’s probably gonna stay at lyon
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