Crystaleon - the Crystal pokemon
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Evolves from: Akalia Forme Eevee
Crystaleon evolved from an Eevee who was full of love in a harsh wintery environment, it uses special crystal powder that makes predators hallucinate in order to escape, it also uses the same method on prey, to make it easier to kill.
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Fluffy Stray Cat Pokemon normal/fairy Fluffy spends most of it's days near it's clan of Tortie and Devilstray until it can evolve into a Tortie itself. Once a Tortie, it can then defend itself, but until then, it's almost completely helpless.
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Syringeon - the Robotic Scorpion Pokemon Steel - Poison evolves from: Akalia Forme Eevee Syringeon evolved due to the harsh environment of a toxic waste dump, it stays around places filled with stone or metal that it can eat, as the poison in it's digestive tract becomes more toxic the more it eats such materials. Some say it turns orange if it eats enough copper.
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