condor-solaris · 3 months
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love-me-some-mcog · 1 year
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Mysterious Cities of Gold S04E20
"The Sacrifice"
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mkultra2030 · 11 months
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‼️PUT000Z DEAD-SENILES-QUIEREN-#LaGUERRA-@netanyahu-@JOEBIDEN-Z0MBIS-#WalkingDeadEEUU-#YAESTANMUERT0Z‼️ NO SE HAN DADO CUENTA❓ ----. #Israel,promueve la idea de que busca una existencia pacífica, ha atacado #Gaza, #Cisjordania, #Líbano, #Egipto y #Siria las últimas 24Horas-pic.twitter.com/2wLEGyoBDE pic.twitter.com/yBQwNEGvr5
— kriztojezuz (@kriztoYjezuz) October 22, 2023
Angelo Giuliano @Angelo4justice3 ◾Palestina 2023. Una joven palestina con el cuerpo quemado tras un ataque con misiles israelíes. ¿Qué están usando contra los civiles? ◾Las imágenes me impactaron como un rayo, Vietnam 1972, una joven vietnamita con todo el cuerpo quemado tras los ataques estadounidenses con Napalm a una columna civil de refugiados. ◾La imagen de la niña vietnamita ganó el premio Pulitzer, titulada "El terror de la guerra". La niña palestina será ignorada por todos los medios occidentales. ◾Si algo ha cambiado en el mundo desde la década de 1970, yo diría que ha cambiado para peor. Los representantes occidentales en todo el mundo cometen crímenes de guerra con absoluta impunidad. UcraniaAbusos de los derechos humanos 9:21 · 22 de octubre de 2023
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marypioneer · 2 years
everytime I hear something about mcog s4 all I can think of is "what on god's green FUCKING earth is happening here"
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bigmack2go · 4 months
Newbie Newsies
A guide for new Newsie fans
Chapter two: Characters
Previous chapter: the basics->•
Chapter index ->•
Imma just start lf with a basic list of Characters. Only names. Nothing else. Then i‘ll give you the looks (and versions of that) and actors that played them and how to reckognise them (also split in versions) bc theres A L O T so like whos who‘sies
Then i‘ll tell you about some oc‘s and then i‘ll go into some lore for each of the characters that have one. That includes fannon
Imma try not to go TOO much into detail bc this is gonna be long enough as it is and there already are posts about them
This isn’t gonna have any specific order i literally not even sure if i didnt miss any.
Jack “Cowboy“ Kelly/ Francis Sullivan
Davey (“a walkin mouth”) Jacobs
Sarah Jacobs
Les Jacobs
Ed “Racetrack” Higgins
?“Spot” Conlon
Romeo ?
Katherine Plumber (but actually Pullitzer)
?“Mush” Meyers
Louis “Kid Blink” Balletti
Albert DaSilva
Isaac “Ike” ?
Michael “Mike”
Patrick ? ?
Hotshot “Hotshot” Hotshot
? Smalls ?
Jeany “Mack” MacDonald
Archie “Sniper” Wah
Niklas “York” ?
Samuel “Specs”?
Gabe “Boots” Argus
Patrick “Finch” Cortes
Elmer Kasprzak (pls tell me i spelled this right)
(Benjamin) “buttons” Davenport
Josephino Jorgelino “JoJo” De laGuerra (this is not a joke. That is his name.)
(Charlie) “Crutchie” Morris
? “Skittery”?
Gabriel “snaps” ?
?”pie eater”
Thomas “Tommy boy”?
Imma have to handle this w repost cuz u can only add ten photos and all that ykyk
His main four appearances are christian bale (92‘sies), jeremy jordan (obc and livesies), corey cott (broadway and toursies (i think)) michael ahomka (uk‘sies) and pierre marias (TUTS)
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Imma be honest i wanted to list everyone that plyed the characters but i don’t think i can even find that all so im just gonna go woth the most famous ones each
Basically the only thing thats always the same about him is the vest
Davey has been played by David Moscow(92‘sies) Ben Fankhauser (obc& live‘sies) ryan kopel (uk‘sies) and Ben Diamond (TUTS)
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He usually has a rather small face and a prominent nose. His hair has always been dark so far. He always has something blue about him sticking out/ is generally held in a blue vibe.
Sarah was played by ela keats. She was only in 92‘sies. She was originally planned to be in the theatre versions but her character was cut completely.
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She has lightbrown/darkblonde long hair and- well theres only one actress so u can see for urself
The most famous Race‘s have been Max Castella (92‘sies), Ryan breslin (obc), ben cook (livesies) and josh barnet (uk‘sies) and Cole Zieser (TUTS)
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -A man convicted in 2010 of plotting to blow up New York City synagogues and a Jewish community center, and shoot down military planes, was ordered to be released from prison by a judge who said the defendant was part of a group manipulated by the FBI.
Four men, who became known as the "Newburgh Four," were caught up in a scheme in 2009 to attack the synagogues and community center, and launch stinger missiles at military aircraft, driven by what the judge describes as overzealous FBI agents and an "unsavory" confidential informant.
U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon had already ordered the three other men in the group - Onta Williams, David Williams and Laguerra Payen - to be released last July.
The fourth man, James Cromitie, described as the ringleader by the government, was ordered released by the judge on Friday.
The judge called the case "notorious" and described the men as "hapless" petty criminals who were "easily manipulated" by the government in a sting operation.
Cromitie's lawyer was quoted in the New York Times as saying the judge's order was "at least some kind of vindication for what we believe was a tragic miscarriage of justice."
The four men were convicted of terrorism charges in 2010 and sentenced to 25 years in prison. Friday's order by the judge asked for Cromitie's sentence to be cut to time served plus 90 days. It did not reverse the conviction.
Judge McMahon said that Cromitie was a small-time "grifter" who was broke and unemployed when he was enlisted in the FBI-driven plot and provided fake bombs to plant in exchange for $250,000 in the "jihadist mission." Cromitie enlisted the other three men to serve as lookouts, according to the judge. "The three men were recruited so that Cromitie could conspire with someone," the judge said. "The real lead conspirator was the United States. .... The FBI invented the conspiracy; identified the targets; manufactured the ordnance."
Cromitie was recruited by longtime FBI informant Shahed Hussain, whom the judge called a "villain." The judge wrote that Hussain's role was to infiltrate mosques and spot people who could be potential extremists.
Hussain offered "heavenly and earthly rewards, including as much as $250,000" to Cromitie "if he would plan and participate in, and find others to participate in, a jihadist 'mission,'" according to the judge.
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nkatr84 · 2 years
Marvel Math Time! Namor Edition
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Since I’m always fascinated by characters that age slowly (I blame you David Bowie in Labyrinth) this time I’d thought I’d figure out the rate of which Namor ages versus the typical human. Believe it or not this one was a little trickier because I had to figure out the ages of the actresses that play Namor’s mother. And while I found the age of the younger actress Maria Mercedes Coroy fine, (born in 94 so she’s 28) the date of birth of the lady that plays Namor’s mother as an old woman (Irma-Estel Laguerra) was nowhere to be found! Ms. Laguerra is a New York stage actress, and I did find a Irma Laguerra from New York online that was 69. So hopefully that is the age of Ms. Laguerra.
Now Namor was born in 1571 and Black Panther Wakanda Forever takes place somewhere around the year 2025. So that makes Namor 454 years old. The actor Tenoch Huerta is 41 years old. So dividing 454 by 41 you get 11. So Namor ages roughly one year every eleven years.
Now I wanted to know how fast the Talocans aged in comparison. After all Namor’s mother dies of old age when he’s still a child. So I looked up the age of the actor that played young Namor at the time they filmed the movie. He’s played by Manuel Chavez and he was eleven when they filmed last year. Remember since the movie came out this year we’re treating that and the adult actors current ages as the present and since Young Namor was a flashback, we go by the age of the young actor at the time.
So taking into account that Namor was biologically eleven and his mother was (approximately) biologically 69, you multiply his biological age 11 by the rate he ages which is also eleven and you get 121. That means Namor was 121 when his mother passed. And if you divide 121 by 69 you get 1.75 which means his mother aged at a rate of a year every two years. And since Namor was a mutant conceived before his people took the herb, it stands to reason the rest of his people age at the same rate as his mother did. (Unless Marvel tells us otherwise.)
So there you go. Just a little thought experiment. Maybe it’ll help some of you fanfic writers out there. Because this tells me that Namor really has seen people he’s cared about age and die. Maybe that makes him reluctant to get attached to anyone. Must be kinda lonely.
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noticiassomosponce · 11 months
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viaggiatricepigra · 1 year
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(Blackwater post 4/6 - Spoiler Free) Arriviamo ad un tasto per me dolente: l'ambientazione. In generale è difficile accontentarmi su questo aspetto. Se troppo descrittiva e minuziosa, rende pesante la lettura e mi annoia; se carente o superficiale non riesce a rendere giustizia al luogo in cui ci troviamo, specialmente nei fantasy dove il mondo non è propriamente realistico. In questo caso, ne sono rimasta piacevolmente colpita. L'autore riesce a presentarci la cittadina e mostrarci i suoi cambiamenti nel corso del tempo, dalla piena, alla ricostruzione, alle varie modifiche nel corso degli anni. In particolare abbiamo spesso il rapporto fra città e fiumi, Perdido e Blackwater. Descritti così bene da farmi immaginare queste acque torbide, impetuose, pronte ad inghiottire chiunque così sciocco da avventurarsi senza esser preparato. Ma anche l'odore! Tramite le descrizioni si riesce quasi a sentirne l'olezzo che resta appiccicato addosso, così caratteristico e particolare. Ci si immerge nell'atmosfera dell'Alabama degli anni venti, per iniziare il tutto, per poi continuare a saltellare e trovarci sempre in una città coerente con il tempo descritto, dandoci modo di vedere cosa sta cambiando per modernizzarsi, seguendo l'evoluzione dei tempi. Questo uno dei particolari che ho apprezzato maggiormente e che mi permette, se ci ripenso, di sentirmi lì, sulle sponde del Perdido a guardare il fiume scorrere. O sulle verande delle case dei Caskey. O anche altrove, ma non posso dirvi dove. Un punto per l'autore, in questo caso! #Blackwater #LaPiena #LaDiga #LaCasa #LaGuerra #Fortuna #Pioggia #MichaelMcDowell #NeriPozza #Beat #serie #leggere #libri #horror #gotico #sagafamiliare #romanzi #freepik #viaggiatricepigra https://instagr.am/p/CrQVaFVIyJj/
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tuportavoz · 2 years
El passat dissabte dia 26 el Fòrum va organitzar la segona prova de la Ruta Carrers Cocentaina Republicana.
El passat dissabte dia 26 el Fòrum va organitzar la segona prova de la Ruta Carrers Cocentaina Republicana.
La ruta que realitzem és un itinerari molt especial dirigeix ​​perFrancesc Jover i Àlex Barber. L’important de la ruta no seran els edificis, carrers oconstruccions significatives. El que farem és conéixer els noms dels carrers que es vancanviar l’abril del 1937. Uns noms que ens expliquen molt sobre l’època de la II República i laGuerra Civil.El recorregut que va durar +- 2 hores i mitja, el…
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condor-solaris · 2 months
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love-me-some-mcog · 1 year
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Mysterious Cities of Gold S04E24
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joseg90 · 2 years
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The spirit of the Warlord! One of the quests in Grizzly Hills involves summoning Warlord Jin'arrak just to trick him! His size is impressive. El espiritu de el senor de laguerra! Una de las quest en Colinas Pardas se trata de convocar al Señor de la Guerra Jin'arrak para simplemente engañarlo! El tamaño del Señor de la Guerra es impresionante. 🕹⌨🖱🎧🖲🕹🎧🖲🖱⌨🖱🖲💽🎧🖲📀🎧💽🖱 ___________________________________________________ Mi canal de Twitch: joseg90 Sientanse libres de añadir mi battletag: Joseg#11430 🖲🖱🕹⌨🖱⌨🕹🕹🕹🕹⌨⌨🖲🎧🖲⌨🖱⌨🖲 ___________________________________________________ ⬇️⬇️HASHTAGS ⬇️⬇️ ___________________________________________________ #gaming #videogames #gamers #gamerstyle #gamerguy #pcgaming #pcgamer  #screenshot #entertainment #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #blizzard #mmorpg #wow #español #latino #wrathoflichking #weathoflichkingclassic https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck4c2AKDozD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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incamminoblog · 2 years
Don Paolo Zamengo"Sono tanti i segni di morte"
Don Paolo Zamengo”Sono tanti i segni di morte”
XXXII Domenica del Tempo Ordinario (Anno C)  (06/11/2022) Vangelo: Lc 20,27-38 Ci sono tanti segni di morte nel nostro tempo: i piùdiversi e contraddittori, come la violenza, la fame, laguerra, la disumanità diffusa, e il venir meno dellavoglia di vivere, il lasciarsi andare, il disprezzo el’eliminazione delle persone e il suicidio.La nostra società rivela il suo volto necrofilo, incapacedi…
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danielalanusse · 3 years
Cuando Tokio dijo 😭 Siempre has sido mi ángel de la guarda, ahora me toca ser el vuestro. Se me rompió él corazón  💔
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Now we're even.
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