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bigspoonmcgee · 8 years ago
Rules: Tag 20 followers you want to get to know better
Tagged by: @rashmi-eternities-crafter @ajohnnygoldmain @evgaming @genevieve-sharp and @indefinite-free-pizza (thanks peeps!)
Name/Nickname: Steven Greensweight
Gender: Male
Stars sign: Pisces
Hogwarts house: Either Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Animal: Monkey!
Average hours of sleep: six or sevenish
Cat or dog person: Dogs, but cats are cool too
Favorite fictional characters: Ron Weasley (Harry Potter), Dean winchester (Supernatural), Charlie (Supernatural), and my D&D characters.
Number of Blankets: 1
Favorite singer/band: Hopsin
Dream Trip: Not really sure, probably going to something like Pax or a GP
Dream Job: Coder for Nintendo
When was this blog created: about 2 years ago I think
Current number of followers: 224, but probably like 50 actual people. The rest are porn bots.
When did your blog reach its peak: oh god I hope it hasn’t
What made you decide to make a tumblr: @kutie2302 kept bothering me about it my first year in college. I eventually gave in
I’m not sure who all has done these already so I apologize for any retags:
@omnath-locus-of-rave @swagonlord-silumgar @golgarigirl @isharton @aeriosaxiom @hedron-crawler @jennserr @ladymtg @quarianplaneswalker @zombieella @kideon @reforgingailyth @unicorn-butts-from-space (pretend there are 7 more)
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susyplaysmagic-blog · 10 years ago
11th at GP Lille - spoiler I beat Saito in Round 15
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Hello everybody,
I just wanted to share my list from GP Lille with you.
4 Delver of Secrets 4 Nimble Mongoose 4 Tarmogoyf
4 Ponder 2 Forked Bolt
4 Brainstorm 4 Daze 4 Force of Will 2 Dismember 2 Spell Pierce 4 Stifle 4 Lightning Bolt
1 Flooded Strand 2 Misty Rainforest 3 Polluted Delta 3 Tropical Island 3 Volcanic Island 4 Wasteland 2 Wooded Foothills
Sideboard (15) 2 Destructive Revelry 2 Flusterstorm 1 Grafdigger's Cage 2 Red Elemental Blast 2 Rough // Tumble 2 Submerge 1 Sulfur Elemental 1 Surgical Extraction 1 Sylvan Library 1 Vendilion Clique
I ended up in 11th place with 1 bye.
My only real loss happened on day 1 in round 4. I was up against UWr Delver and in the third game mulligan down to 4 cards, against an opponent who dropped a turn 2 Stoneforge and put a batterskull into play on turn 3. In round 2 I was up against foodchain. A slow player paired with a grindy deck, so we ended up in a draw. He did not want to concede to me, even though my board state was better but I can't really blame him, since it wasn't guaranteed that I would have won the game but I really did not want to pick up the draw in the second round and play miracles and slow players all day, so I begrudgingly conceded to him.
In round 11 i picked up a draw against death and taxes. the last 6 minutes or so were on camera. I told him that a draw most likely gets us out of top 8 contention and I was asking if we just play the last 5 round and who ever has the better board state concedes to the other. He was not thrilled at the idea since he believed his tie breakers to be good. Fair enough, we drew a game that I would have most likely won.
I played the following decks: Day 1 1 Foodchain 2 Jeskai delver 2 Miracles 1 RUG Delver 1 Merfolk 1 Grixis Control
Day 2 Round 10 Infect Round 11 Death and Taxes Round 12 UR Delver Round 13 BUG Delver Round 14 Dark Maverick Round 15 Grixis Delver
My main take away from the weekend (feel free to disagree)
Nimble mongoose is still the all star of the deck
Playing 2 dismember in the main was correct for the current meta
Forked Bolt still has a place at the moment
siding out two wastelands against miracles was great
Sulfur Elemental is amazing, but I think 1 is the correct number
Destructive Revelry is better than Krosan Grip
I think it's still correct to never side out Goyf
Call people out on slow play once and then get a judge involved, not doing so will cost you games.
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ladymtg · 13 years ago
Melissa DeTora is a female pro-Magic player that writes for TCGPlayer.com! Here's an except from her article on Mono-Red in Standard:
Red Deck Wins, more commonly known as Monored, and less commonly known as Sligh, is a deck that Magic players either love or hate. It's played in every format and can win matches consistently, but isn't a deck that is known for being the “best” deck in the room. Monored is a deck that is seeing absolutely no play in Standard right now, and my goal today is to build the optimal Red Deck Wins deck for the current metagame.
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jars-blog · 13 years ago
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Commander fun with Tin (Kaalia) and Isay (Rafiq) photos by http://earmustard.tumblr.com/
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susyplaysmagic-blog · 11 years ago
Red Deck wins
Standard last night in the small LGS I go to from time to time.
Went undefeated against the boys with my RDW.
Purphoros is a house when you have two young Pyromancers out and play a Molten Birth.
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themagicformula · 13 years ago
everyone go check out the pretty ladies on ladymtg.tumblr.com! support them and make fnm's less awkward for everyone! the more girls that play the less adolescent boys will swoon over the only girl in the room and the less we need to turn our heads to snicker at them lol
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ladymtg · 13 years ago
Lauren here! Sorry I haven't posted anything until now, and SUPER sorry for the horrible webcam quality (I'm on my old computer while my nice one's in the shop x.x) I hope it's not too distracting!
Anyway here's me breaking down Modern Mono-Blue Faeries. Fun times! :)
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ladymtg · 13 years ago
Weird happenings
I went to this draft at my local card shop. This kid that was next to me was opening a fat pack...the strange thing about it was the fact that he was getting three rares a pack. Something told me to buy one too. Sure enough i was getting three a pack too.
We had some that were loaded.
I got 17 rares out of a 9 pack fat pack.
Only one packaged set of packs had the multiples but overall id say it was completely worth buying
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ladymtg · 13 years ago
Planechase decks
Alex and I never have played with them before so we decided to go buy some. He of course got the Jund and i got the cascade-y one.
so of course..didnt know it was five color deck..lol
anyways. I get to finally play maelstrom wanderer...k.. cascade,cascade.. cool right?
but i cascade into another big cascade card and then another and then another and then another.....yep.
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ladymtg · 13 years ago
had a little conversation with Eric Klug on facebook about alters. He buys all his paint from micheals...love micheals but we dont have one where i am living :'(. I guess he doesnt really use a coat either...welp.. I was really excited that he was answering my questions though...
I emailed him like  a week ago and he said he was booked a month or so in advance for alters...wowww what a busy guy.. I did inquire about the mucha neauvou esq cards and he said they go for about 200 dollars. Looks like im going to be saving some pennies
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ladymtg · 13 years ago
We are almost to 200 followers! All of us here at LadyMtG appreciate each and every one of you!
Thanks for supporting us and for loving Magic: The Gathering with us!
- Marissa & the rest of the ladies at LadyMtG
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ladymtg · 13 years ago
FNM - 6/15/12 Standard Constructed
3-2 with my red white humans... found out too late that my deck was short two mana, they'd been replaced with something else and I didn't realize it before the tournament.  So my deck was unbalanced and awkward all night, but we managed to win more than we lost at least.
Against one opponent, I was losing against his 5/5 Hero of Lambholt, (I hate that guy) but then I guess he was too frightened of my double Mirran Crusaders, so he played Blasphemous Act.  He was winning the damage race and would have killed me.  I've never been so happy to see a board wipe against my aggro in my life.  Especially since I had two Heroes of Bladehold in my hand, and an Honor of the Pure on the table. play one Hero, next turn top deck another Honor, swing for you're dead.  It was nice.  I may never understand why he did it.
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ladymtg · 13 years ago
FNM - 6/15/12 Standard Constructed
Lost round one, but won every round after that and ended 4-1, 5th place out 40-50ish people. Good job little green/white humans! Hope everyone else enjoyed their FNMs...or at least enjoyed their Friday night. :) - Marissa
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ladymtg · 13 years ago
ok. so lilliana
My boyfriend sent me a picture of the liliana spoiler while i was at work. I dont think ive ever wanted a card as much as i want this one. like seriously. SHE IS SO USEFUL FOR ME. i could go on and on. i would play her sooo hard, ahhh i dont think ive ever wanted a card so bad in my LIFE./end rant
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ladymtg · 13 years ago
FNM - June 1
Just finished the last round, went 4-1 with my green/white humans. I shouldn't have lost the one round though (round 3), game one went great, I stomped his face. Game two my white mana decided to hide. Game three all of my mana decided to come out and play.
Still had tons of fun though! I hope FNM went well for everyone else.
- Marissa
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ladymtg · 13 years ago
Game Day 2 -- Could have been better, could have been worse.
I walk into the shop to sign up and pay my fee. "Well, that makes 4 people waiting to play." It's 11:45, the event was supposed to start at noon. It was pushed back an hour to 1 pm. I left, ate some McDonald's and came back with time to spare, begging people to sign up. Finally, at about ten after one, we had ten people. I'm going to make this post shorter than the last one, as the last one was much more eventful in my opinion.
Round 1
I played a woman who was new to the tournament scene, and almost immediately began to pick up my habits. I wasn't going to complain, I'd like to be considered a role-model to newer players. She was playing a mono-black deck with vampires. Game one was quick, my wolves beating her incredibly fast. Game two she won, I wasn't getting lands when I needed them and couldn't keep up because of that. Game three was another win for me, giving me the win for the round.
Round 2
I played a young Navy man. He didn't usually play standard so didn't have a deck built and was borrowing one from a volunteer at the shop. It was an interesting artifact-based Heartless Summoning deck with Platinum Emperion, Tempered Steel, and Semblance Anvil. Game one I knew I would not win, as I don't mainboard any artifact-hate. Games two and three then went fast, getting my Ancient Grudges and Acidic Slimes when I needed them. It was effective, and I loved the idea of the deck he was running.
Round 3
I played against the other Heartless Summoning guy from the day before again. The deck hadn't changed at all so I still couldn't win fast enough to beat him. The Acidic Slimes that I sideboarded in didn't find their way to my hand. I lost in two games, and was very upset about that. He ended up winning the Game Day, and received the playmat.
Round 4
I played against a young man running a R/G Aggro deck that was just slightly faster than my wolves. It was nearly a mirror match, but he won in two games thanks to the higher volume of burn that he was running. It was a fun match, and I was not sorry about my loss.
I ended up fifth place, high enough to finally get my Killing Wave promo. I left with my Latch Seeker, a Killing Wave promo, one pack (I didn't pull anything good), and another promo, an Ancient Grudge. I played some EDH afterwards with some of the people in the shop, and was beaten out of a 5-man game pretty quickly. (I poked a child with my General, Olivia Voldaren, and learned that children don't like to be poked). The Killing Wave promo found it's way into Olivia, for the sheer annoyance that it is in EDH.
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