Susy Plays Magic, a lot and talks about it.
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susyplaysmagic-blog · 10 years ago
11th at GP Lille - spoiler I beat Saito in Round 15
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Hello everybody,
I just wanted to share my list from GP Lille with you.
4 Delver of Secrets 4 Nimble Mongoose 4 Tarmogoyf
4 Ponder 2 Forked Bolt
4 Brainstorm 4 Daze 4 Force of Will 2 Dismember 2 Spell Pierce 4 Stifle 4 Lightning Bolt
1 Flooded Strand 2 Misty Rainforest 3 Polluted Delta 3 Tropical Island 3 Volcanic Island 4 Wasteland 2 Wooded Foothills
Sideboard (15) 2 Destructive Revelry 2 Flusterstorm 1 Grafdigger's Cage 2 Red Elemental Blast 2 Rough // Tumble 2 Submerge 1 Sulfur Elemental 1 Surgical Extraction 1 Sylvan Library 1 Vendilion Clique
I ended up in 11th place with 1 bye.
My only real loss happened on day 1 in round 4. I was up against UWr Delver and in the third game mulligan down to 4 cards, against an opponent who dropped a turn 2 Stoneforge and put a batterskull into play on turn 3. In round 2 I was up against foodchain. A slow player paired with a grindy deck, so we ended up in a draw. He did not want to concede to me, even though my board state was better but I can't really blame him, since it wasn't guaranteed that I would have won the game but I really did not want to pick up the draw in the second round and play miracles and slow players all day, so I begrudgingly conceded to him.
In round 11 i picked up a draw against death and taxes. the last 6 minutes or so were on camera. I told him that a draw most likely gets us out of top 8 contention and I was asking if we just play the last 5 round and who ever has the better board state concedes to the other. He was not thrilled at the idea since he believed his tie breakers to be good. Fair enough, we drew a game that I would have most likely won.
I played the following decks: Day 1 1 Foodchain 2 Jeskai delver 2 Miracles 1 RUG Delver 1 Merfolk 1 Grixis Control
Day 2 Round 10 Infect Round 11 Death and Taxes Round 12 UR Delver Round 13 BUG Delver Round 14 Dark Maverick Round 15 Grixis Delver
My main take away from the weekend (feel free to disagree)
Nimble mongoose is still the all star of the deck
Playing 2 dismember in the main was correct for the current meta
Forked Bolt still has a place at the moment
siding out two wastelands against miracles was great
Sulfur Elemental is amazing, but I think 1 is the correct number
Destructive Revelry is better than Krosan Grip
I think it's still correct to never side out Goyf
Call people out on slow play once and then get a judge involved, not doing so will cost you games.
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susyplaysmagic-blog · 11 years ago
The real reason people put boardwipes in their decks
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susyplaysmagic-blog · 11 years ago
Why did I keep this hand?
A six word story (via mtgfan)
He had it coming, he had it coming He only had himself to blame If you'd have been there, if you'd have seen it I betcha you would have done the same
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susyplaysmagic-blog · 11 years ago
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Squirrel fans rejoice! Inspired by this post from mtgfan. I used Naya colors and a set of keywords I think would make Ajani proud.
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susyplaysmagic-blog · 11 years ago
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susyplaysmagic-blog · 11 years ago
I feel that your land count is a little bit low.
If you’re gonna keep it budget, I’d say throw in a playset of Orzhov Guildgate.
Also, I’d suggest to put in the deck on, which helps you and other people to see the deck stats like manacurve and color distribution easily and offer help based on that.
Okay so here it is and i still suck and am newbie-ish to MtG so someone help me make this into something sexy ( it’s a black/white deck )
Creatures: x3 Mortivore x3 Angel of Despair x4 Tithe Drinker x3 Basilica Guards x4 Kingpin’s Pet x4 Nova Cleric x3 Deathbringer Liege
Spells: x3...
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susyplaysmagic-blog · 11 years ago
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Magic: the Gathering - In Honor of Brimaz
Happy Caturday ! !  Why? Because the internet was invented to share kitteh pics.  Here’s some photographs of cats playing (inhibiting the playing of) MTG.
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susyplaysmagic-blog · 11 years ago
Why is he so happy?
Did he find a sale on bath salts? Did he just get engaged?
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Floodtide Serpent || Steven Belledin
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susyplaysmagic-blog · 11 years ago
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susyplaysmagic-blog · 11 years ago
Thanks to you, at least once a day my girlfriend informs me that she's pulling out of her driveway, and you know what that means, its time for another driiiive to work. She doesn't own a car. I don't even play magic. I hope you're happy.
I am happy.
I would be even happier though if I could get you to play Magic. : )
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susyplaysmagic-blog · 11 years ago
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susyplaysmagic-blog · 11 years ago
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"I don’t really sing, but I can ramp!"
- Kiora
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susyplaysmagic-blog · 11 years ago
I'm Going To Keep This Hand. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? - A memoire
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susyplaysmagic-blog · 11 years ago
Looking for people to brew with
Hey guys,
I just came back from a rather crushing PTQ. I was running a semi control mid range Boros deck which performs well against mono black and mono blue and can old up against green/red devotion and aggro as well. But it gets crushed by Esper and strangely milling. 
But my match ups were unfortunate and I didn't face a single black or blue deck. Now I'm looking to turn this into an URW control deck, I would love to bounce ideas off somebody and play around with the possibilities.
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susyplaysmagic-blog · 11 years ago
How's that tutorial coming along?
Just a heads up!
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susyplaysmagic-blog · 11 years ago
This is magically beautiful.
So, yes it's magic related.
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Two mama cats who gave birth at the same time, co-mothering their eight new babies.
However, I prefer to think of them as a lesbian cat couple.
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susyplaysmagic-blog · 11 years ago
30 Day Magic: the Gathering Challenge
Day 1: Favorite Color
I am an Izzet girl. Given the choice I will always go for the counter burn-decks.
But if I really have to choose I'd go with red.
There's just something about saying: "End of your turn, Lightning Strike your face for 3 ." or "During ypur Upkeep, I Skullcrack you for 3."
Although I'm not big on the typical Red Deck Wins, since I'm a Johnny at heart (Well, Johnny splashing Spike) and the current standard has so many creative possibilities, that I am very happy with the current state of red in standard.
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