#lady margolotta
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stupidphototricks · 1 month ago
Unexpectedly charmed by this rare instance of Vetinari being caught off guard, in a discussion about orcs.
"I would like you to teach them civilized behaviour," said Ladyship coldly. [Nutt] appeared to consider this. "Yes, of course, I think that would be quite possible," he said. "And who would you send to teach the humans?" There was a brief outburst of laughter from Vetinari, who immediately cupped his hand over his mouth. "Oh, I do beg your pardon," he said.
-- Terry Pratchett, Unseen Academicals
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tea-time-with-frogs · 3 months ago
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reading jingo and the fifth elephant over the holidays experience (it was great)
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asparklethatisblue · 9 months ago
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Lady Margolotta von Überwald, the vampire that you are…
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zagreuses-art · 7 months ago
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For a guy who never really shows interest in anyone Vetinari sure gets shipped with a lot of people huh!
Inspiration image and the names the hands belong to under the cut
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Apparently this is a still from the move "Malena", I found it on Pinterest I think
From right to left the hands belong to: Sybil Ramkin, Lord Downey, Moist Von Lipwig, Sam Vimes, Lady Margolotta, and Rufus Drumknott. Leonard da quirm is in the background inventing a blowtorch
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theygotlost · 1 year ago
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higgsbison · 2 years ago
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Hahaa what if I told you I went sicko mode after realizing Dracula Daily is happening again and started writing the very obvious Discworld paralel in roughly the same style.
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mortispoxi · 11 months ago
Pratchett trying to shoehorn in a romantic partner for Drumknott at the end of Unseen Academicals is honest very funny in retrospect because the lad shows up two more times before the series concludes and is still romantically unattached which implies that despite Vetinari and Margolotta’s best efforts to play matchmaker something must’ve gone so wildly wrong that it made the two of them not want to engage with each other any further.
So because of this oversight, my headcanon is that when Drumknott and Miss Healstether had their little rendezvous they argued over who had the better filing method which ended in Vetinari and Margolotta having to physically separate and restrain them to keep them from killing each other. It’s the first and only time Vetinari ever had to reprimand Drumknott in his entire career all because he bit Margolotta’s librarian during the altercation. However, deep down he was more than a bit amused watching two mild mannered individuals throw hands over a ring binder so it was more of a halfhearted, “don’t do it again,” kind of scolding.
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pratchettquotes · 10 months ago
"You thought the bunting and fireworks and handshakes and pledges after Koom Valley was signed and sealed was the end of it, yes? Personally, I have always considered this a mere interlude. In short, Margolotta, peace is what you have while incubating the next war. It is impossible to accommodate everyone and twice as impossible to please all dwarfs."
Terry Pratchett, Raising Steam
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spamuelsonofspamothy · 1 year ago
Reread Unseen Academicals recently and I've been thinking about that scene towards the end between Nutt and Ladyship and Vetinari. More after the break because there are spoilers.
So, Nutt's an orc. Everyone knows that orcs are savage beasts that tear people's heads off, and Margolotta is desperately trying to make sure he comes up "civilized". Thematically, there's links to the Uberwald League of Temperance, which was at least partially her project, since Margolotta's taking a non-human race famous among humans for being evil, dangerous, and generally bad news and trying to reform it. Her instruction for Nutt to "teach [the remaining wild orcs] civilized behavior" follows naturally from her attempts to do the same with vampires.
And then Nutt fires back with, "And who would you send to teach the humans?"
He earns a "brief outburst of laughter" from Vetinari, which is usually reserved for Vimes. There's no mention of Margolotta's direct reaction, but for the last few lines she's been described as "taken aback" and "[saying something] coldly", so she can't be too amused by this comment. But why is she so unimpressed with Nutt's asides about humans?
It's because, for all she tried, his situation isn't actually like the Black Ribboner vampires. In that case, Margolotta more or less succeeded in making her the vampires into reasonable facsimiles of humans, although with a few weird habits. In the quest for acceptance, Margolotta believed it necessary to emulate humans, to redirect entirely the thirst for blood and control into other passions. But Nutt? He's been raised to be a human orc, to be part of the civilized world, and how does he find true acceptance and happiness?
By accepting himself not as human, but as an orc.
Nutt's comment about "teach[ing] the humans" isn't just a funny aside about human nature. Deliberate or not, it's a slap in the face to everything Margolotta's worked for since at least The Fifth Elephant. For her, humanity is a goal to aspire to; for Nutt, who's lived among the people of Ankh-Morpork and seen their moods, their mobs, their stupidity and even their kindness, humanity is an amusement.
Thank you for taking the time to read my rambling thoughts, and good night.
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skyofdarkmatter42 · 2 years ago
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The most important Vimes-Angua parallel
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storekn1fe · 2 years ago
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some discworld girlies because i finished the fifth elephant a few days ago! [id in alt]
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vivid-and-void · 10 months ago
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Refined an older work with colorpencils.
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jehanthepoet · 2 years ago
Lady Margolotta: I've given Nutt worth
Glenda: you've fucked up a perfectly good orc is what you've done. Look at him, he's got anxiety
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abomination-unto-nuggan · 2 years ago
I love that Margolotta canonically looks like a middle aged lady who loves pink and would probably share memes with Minions.
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helenvader · 1 year ago
Hm. This absolutely sounds like there was something more. Even though it's (not just) my HC that Havelock is very much gay.
‘Oh, in my younger days I spent some time in Uberwald,’ said the Patrician. ‘In those days rich young men from Ankh-Morpork used to go on what we called the Grand Sneer, visiting far-flung countries and cities in order to see at first hand how inferior they were. Or so it seemed, at any rate. Oh, yes. I spent some time in Uberwald.’
It was not often that Leonard of Quirm paid attention to what people around him were doing, but he saw the faraway look in Lord Vetinari’s eye. ‘You have fond memories, my lord?’ he ventured.
‘Hmm? Oh, she was a very … unusual lady but, alas, rather older than me,’ said Vetinari. ‘Much older, I have to say. But it was a long time ago. Life teaches us its small lessons and we move on.’ There was that distant look again. ‘Well, well, well …’
‘And no doubt the lady is now dead,’ said Leonard. He was not much good at this sort of conversation.
‘Oh, I very much doubt that,’ said Vetinari. ‘I have no doubt she thrives.’ He smiled. The world was becoming more … interesting.
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theygotlost · 2 years ago
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margolotta posted this on fantasy facebook 100% unironically
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