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leviathans-watching · 2 years ago
omg i love your work!! if posisble, can you do a part 2 to touching their wings and stuff with the dateables or maybe other characters? thank you and take care :D
touching their tails/horns/etc. pt 2
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includes: diavolo, barbatos, simeon, mephisto, raphael x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .5k | rated t | m.list | pt 1
a/n: i took a lot of creative liberties with this one, either because their forms haven't been revealed or just because i wanted to so just assume most of this is not canon at all lol
please reblog and like <33
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➳ diavolo laughs as you poke at the gilded ends of his wings, taking in the intricate design. “it’s real gold,” he says before you can ask, gesturing to the tips of his horns, “as are these. it’s a birth present to children of our family, laced with magic that let’s it grow and change along with is. it’s a symbol of our wealth, our status.” you reach up to touch his horns, and he leans into your touch, happy to let you explore as you wish. “sometimes i think they’re a bit much, and then i remember who i am,” he continues, and you chuckle, making him laugh again too.
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➳ barbatos’ tail twitches as you run your hand along it, obviously surprised by the texture. “that feels good,” he says mildly, and you give him a grin, twisting the end of each forked part between your fingers gently. if it keeps you occupied he’s happy to let you play with his tail for as long as you want. only because of that, obviously. not because he can’t remember the last time, if ever, someone’s touched him like this. or because your touch is soothing something inside of him he hadn’t known needed soothed.
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➳ mephisto bows his head for you, letting you feel over the nubs where his horns should have been. “they never grew in quite properly,” he explains, sighing as you scratch gently at his scalp around them, “which is why i don’t often reveal my demon form. it’s a bit embarrassing, isn’t it? of course, my parents offered to have false horns inset, and lord diavolo knows we had the money for it, but, well, that just sounded like a bother.” you press your fingers to hs head, eyes steady, and he’s glad to see you’re not thinking of him any differently.
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➳ raphael unfurls his wings, and you catch your breath. he’s often been told that his wings are beautiful, richly colored like a peacock’s, and your reaction goes on to support that opinion. “you can touch, if you’d like,” he offers, and you don’t hesitate, burying your fingers in the downy feathers near where they connect to his back. his head falls back, and a quiet peace goes over the two of you as you stroke your way from base to wing tip, then back, soothing actions putting him on the verge of sleep.
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➳ simeon wakes up to the feel of your touch on his wing, soft and hesitant. sometime during the night, he’d transformed into his angel form, wings splayed out and over the bed, almost covering the whole thing in their enormity. they certainly cover you, like a warm, live, down blanket. he twitches instinctively, and you pull your hands back. “no, no,” he says sleepily, “you can keep going. it feels good when you touch me.” he sees you smile and smiles too, even though he’s already being lured back into sleep by your soft strokes across the top of his wing, where the feathers are smooth and packed together.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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ikeromantic · 22 days ago
A fic idea -
Harrison sees MC in a cute lingerie and things got spicy.
I have a soft spot for our minty boy. Approx. 900 words of fluff and spice!
The box appeared quite mysteriously, sometime between dinner and her bath. About the length of a shoe box, as deep as one of the library tomes. It sat atop her pillow, topped with a red bow. She wasn’t sure where it came from or what might be in it. Probably best to report it to Victor in case it was dangerous, but curiosity got the better of her. 
She untied the ribbon and lifted the lid. Inside lay some light green satin trimmed with white lace. It looked dainty and incredibly expensive. There was no card or anything inside, just the folded fabric. Her hand twitched toward it, drawn by the desire to see if it was as soft as it looked.
It was.
Buttery soft and light as angel feathers. She lifted it and the folds fell away, revealing the item to be a delicate chemise that looked to be exactly her size. Not that she could imagine wearing such a thing! The satin was so thin that she was sure every curve and line would show. Even if it didn’t, the position of the lace inset would brace her chest in a dangerously revealing way. And it was scandalously short. 
She blushed, thinking about what she would look like wearing it. Her face went even hotter as her thoughts flashed to Harrison. The negligee reminded her of him. So similar to the color of his eyes, a minty green-blue. Cool and sweet. Would he like the way she looked wearing something like this? 
The chemise was nothing like her usual clothing, even her nightgown was demure. She glanced at the white linen hanging on a peg beside her wardrobe. It was cute, ladylike, and appropriate. Words that couldn’t apply to this seductive little slip of satin and lace. She felt an urge to try it on. Just so she could see what it felt like to wear such a thing. 
If the mysterious gift was dangerous, well, she’d already touched it. What more could happen if she wore it for just a moment? Just long enough to see how she looked. She’d put it on, look at herself in the mirror, and then take it off before anyone knew. Fold it back up, tie the ribbon around the box, and report the mystery to Victor. No harm done.
She slipped out of her day clothes and laid them on the back of her vanity chair. She even set aside her corselet and bloomers. Then she lifted the satin and lace, and slid it on, pulling it down over her breasts, belly, and hips. The chemise hugged her curves scandalously. The fabric was so thin it might be confused for paint. And the lace inset between her breasts was exactly as revealing as she’d feared. It drew the eye to the inner curves of her breast and the slight shadows of her areolas. 
There was no way she could ever let anyone see her dressed like this. It was positively indecent. But lovely too. The negligee made her feel powerful, seductive. 
“Whoa.” The breathy sound of surprise made her spin toward the door, now open. Harrison stood there, lips parted, eyes wide. 
“H-harrison! I - I -” She covered her chest with her arms and scooted back until she bumped up against the hanging mirror.
He stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. His eyes were bright and hot. “You look,” he swallowed, “terrible.” The lie was so obvious, so blatant, in opposition to his entire demeanor, that she knew what he meant by it the moment the words left his mouth. 
“So . . . you wouldn’t like me wearing something like this again? I should just take it off?” 
Harrison smiled. “Yeah.” He closed the distance between them, stopping close enough that the fabric of his pants brushed her thighs. His hands landed on her shoulders, dragging slowly down her arms, then her sides, and came to rest at her hip. 
She could feel the touch through the thin satin. His caress sent a cool, sweet shiver through her. The barrier between his hand and her skin made the almost-touch more electrifying. She pressed herself even closer, feeling bold and sexy and full of desire. “If you want it off, then take it off.”
A soft groan escaped his lips and he leaned forward to kiss her. His mouth was hot and hungry. His tongue teased her lips apart, invading with peppermint sweetness. Harrison’s hands slid further down, his fingers found the hem of the negligee and slid up beneath it. “I will,” he almost purred as he broke the kiss, “when I’m ready to.” 
Hours later, the chemise was sweat soaked and lying in a mound of shed clothing on the floor. The lace inset was torn, victim to Harry’s questing lips and teeth. “I’ll get you a new one,” he’d promised before his mouth was occupied by her nipple. 
The hem was frayed as well, victim to the friction of his pants against the more delicate cloth when he’d pulled her up onto him. Too impatient to be inside her. She hadn’t even noticed the threads pop and the fabric tear. Her attention had been . . . elsewhere. On the aching fullness as he pulled her hips down and thrust deep. On the feel of his clever fingers, playing her like an instrument of pleasure. 
It seemed Harrison liked lingerie. And so did she. He never admitted the gift was from him, but with the Lying Fox, truth didn't need to be spoken to be understood.
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robinsonprojection · 11 months ago
Seven-Fold Sea Periphery: Scale Islands Archaeological Site Findings
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On top is the full extent of the document, closer copies and more detailed explanations to follow
Below is a world map, outlining the location of the Scale Islands with a dark red box
Located on the southeastern edge of the Seven-Fold Sea phenomena, the Scale Islands are an archipelago of space-originating islands formed of fragments broken off of the First Bright Moon, having gradually accumulated thick limestone beds in the lowlands during the last period of major sea rise.
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A map of the Scale Islands
The lunar rock found in the islands has long been prized as a building material, with quarrying evident from the time of the first Hurricane-Engine City Ships, with temples constructed from the material present from the Salt region to the Crust region.
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On the left, the rock type by depth of the archaeological dig, with the corresponding energy levels recorded by depth to their right.
On the right, the Island of Baltora, with an inset map showing the location of the archaeological dig.
The islands have been of note in recent years due to the discovery of an array of large-scale cave systems deep below sea level of a similar type as the long known lower reaches of the Bunker region. Evidence of human cohabitation dating back to the early Xerranian period is present in some of these caves, having remained untouched since then as opposed to the still currently inhabited caves in the Bunker region.
The particular site was discovered through drilling undertaken in a quarry in the east of the Island of Baltora.
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The known extent of Baltora's Lunar cave system, with the entrance present in a small cave to the left of the largest chamber indicated by a +▵
The site of the discovered mural is indicated by a small star in the bottom roughly hexagonal segment
Preliminary examination of the inhabited sections of the cave have proven fruitful, with recent advancements in the Neon regions image capture technology having cut down energy costs to the point images can be captured without large, heavy infrastructure, and without the resulting energy output scouring all spirit/energy traces which can be useful for anthropological studies.
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A sketch of the room containing the mural, with the location the image was taken indicated by a small star
The mural (10.8m Tall by 8m Wide) appears to show a draconic being and a humanoid towering above mountains and forests, with a stairway leading up to a large circular structure (presumably the moon) visually continuing the stairway up to the mural. Holes in the base of the mural appear to have been used to hold scrolls, while indents in the figures and patterns likely were meant for gems.
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The photo of the mural, with annotation attempting to translate the symbols on the engraved scrolls to the left and right
A translation of the main body text from the Linear script into English has been provided below, any more specific translations will be provided by request.
Image taken during the year 927 expedition into the newly discovered macro-scale cave system located in the Scale Islands using a low energy grayscale LightCord camera isolated within a hooded pouch laced with silver to prevent energy contamination of the site.
The Scale Islands are known to originate from chunks of the first moon which fell from orbit several million years ago in planetary time, experiencing a crash consistent with stellar bodies, exhibiting little gravitational attraction and lacking mechanical failure upon impact.
The mural was found in the southern edge of the cave system, in an area identified as having human habitation. The chamber itself is notably formed of fossil space, an unusual anomaly considering the freestanding voids of the other constructed caverns in the area.
Wax placed along the left and right sides of the chamber formed out of an unknown plant based material, this wax contains Energy traces which date the last major residence of the site roughly 45000 years ago in local time. The date cannot be identified more precisely, as the material's energy decay rate is unknown.
The mural's ordered spirit is well formed, having very little intention pollution which occurs in public facing facilities. The intent of the mural's creator was preserved through the period the site was in use, suffering less than 10% pollution.
The chamber has partially collapsed near the opening on both sides, with dust stranding in the air above the rubble piles typical of a natural collapse rebound of a pocket of fossil space. Residual corrosive residue on the rock near the entrance clued in researchers to the rooms existence, appearing to have been the result of the hinges and locks of a doorway.
Small degrees of mechanical erosion of the rock in its early period is evident in the intent pollution experienced by the murals spirit, likely from cleaning the soot created by the candles off of the surface.
Chemical damage to the mural was caused by seawater intrusion into the chamber through the caves connections with the overlying limestone rock, the resulting erosion occurred in a low energy environment. This damage was not repaired until the high energy seas of the Abyss era, magnifying the spirits repair of the mural, resulting in the current murals rounded features.
Translations completed in concert with the people's of the island chain, along with the older translation work completed by the L'emmerak expedition of early y200, as the symbol base discovered in the Bunker region Lunar Caves dates back to the same region.
Direct influence by Miss Ziava-Ossan is unlikely, but cannot be ruled out during translation, none of their signature Pitch Black energy was captured by the candle-wax within the room at the time the image was taken.
Contributing Authors: Nessen Ralynoh, Ialm Chiroha, Parruh and Lakkan Collu, Geissec Harzui.
Citations: T. Iyottumaya, K. Keke'ralm, G. Vadizoa, M. Porovska, L'emmerak
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mantra-repeated · 9 months ago
Protectors of Hope
Pt: Protectors of Hope :End Pt
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Protectors of Hope, is a Ficto-Religion(link) centered around Hope in the game Darkest Dungeon 2. Those that are part of Protectors of Hope believe in Hope as it is presented in the game, as well as possibly additional beliefs. Those who follow this faith do not have a moderator or a leader rather their own experiences.
I do not support fults or fultists for any reason. This term isn't intended to be MOGAI / LIOM in any way, and is just tagged at it is for reach.
Coined for a headmate who believes in Hope from DD2 in a way that could be considered a religious denomination of this belief system, and is... Very religious about it. Due to how Hope is presented and the little information that is given about it in game, there is a wide range of ways one can believe in Hope, with none of them being wrong.
Others are welcome are make a more unique symbol for this ficto-religon, as I just used the "A Glimmer of Hope" item from the game as a sorta... Placeholder.
Mentions / Tags : @redacted-coiner , @ficto-religious-archive
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Banner transcript: This term was made by an Endogenic. Anyone can use it however (So don't repost or recoin) :End Transcript
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[Protectors of Hope main flag id: A flag with nine horizontal stripes. The second and eighth stripes are styled like the are lace on one side, the third and seventh stripes are wavy, and the fourth, fifth, and sixth stripes are thin. the colors go as such from top to bottom & mirrors: dark grey, very dark yellow, dark yellow, and dark yellow. In the middle is a circle that is the same color as the middle stripe with a the ficto-religon symbol, which is a circle split evenly into two halves horizontally, colored with a gradient of pale yellow, light yellow, and then pale yellow again with a broken lantern on top. :End Id]
[Plain Protectors of Hopeh alt flag id: Same as above but without either symbols or the circle in the middle :End Id]
[Only ficto-religon symbol flag Id: Same as the first but without the lantern :End id]
[Banner image id: a rectangular banner with rounded corners on a transparent background. in the background of the banner is the endogenic flag by greyskies, and it has a transparent inset border. in the center is black text that reads "This term was made by an endogenic. Anyone can use it however. (So don't repost or recoin)". In the bottom right corner is a blue lizard from the game rain world. :End Id]
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chic-a-gigot · 1 year ago
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La Mode nationale, no. 390, 14 octobre 1893, Paris. No. 22. — Toilettes de soie vieux rose (dos et devant). Modèle de la Maison Mantel, 37, boulevard des Capucines, à Paris. Bibliothèque nationale de France
No. 22 (Dos et devant). — Toilettes de soie vieux rose. Corsage froncé dans le dos et drapé sur le devant, ou il est retenu par des motifs de passementerie. Sur le haut du corsage, entre-deux de dentelle surmontant un jockey semblable, retombant sur des manches ballon, à hauts poignets coupés d'entre-deux.
Jupe cloche, coupée jusqu'aux hanches par sept rangées d'entre-deux mis en travers.
Chapeau en mousseline de soie, couvert en dessus par un touffe de coques de velours vieux rose, avec pouf fantaisie sur le côté.
No. 22 (Back and front). — Old pink silk toilets. Bodice gathered in the back and draped in the front, where it is held in place by trimmings patterns. On the top of the bodice, lace insets surmounting a similar jockey, falling on balloon sleeves, with high cuffs cut insertions.
Bell skirt, cut to the hips with seven rows of interspaces placed across.
Silk chiffon hat, covered on top by a tuft of old pink velvet shells, with fancy pouf on the side.
Métrage: 16 mètres soie vieux rose.
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phrynefishersfrocks · 2 years ago
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The third outfit we see Phryne don in "Unnatural Habits" (Season 2, Episode 12) is a beautiful blue lace jacket over a navy camisole and dark pants, complete with amber collar clasps.
One of Miss Fisher's ensembles that works both in and outdoors, this fabulous coat is sheer netting with blue rosettes set throughout. With double layers of fabric at the sloped standing collar, the coat also has tiny amber beads sewn above the sleeve cuffs, adding a touch of elegance and depth to it. Amber clasps with long beads hanging off them connect the coat to her matching navy camisole, detailed with small scallops along the top.
She finishes her look with dark pants and matching amber teardrop earrings, as well as a large brass flower ring inset with a green stone, worn most memorably with her Cleopatra costume in 1x12. This entire outfit is almost an exact repeat from earlier in the season in "Marked for Murder" (2x06), with the only changes being the addition of her velvet hood and exchanging her flower ring for matching gloves. The high quality promo photos from that episode also show the incredible difference lighting can have on color, turning this darker navy outfit to a bright cerulean blue.
Season 2, Episode 12 - "Unnatural Habits"
Screencaps from here, production photos from the official Facebook (x, x), jewelry photo from the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) Facebook.
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ronaldanthony4 · 5 months ago
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I recently created another digital artwork; this time, it’s a fan art. Fan art has always been a way for me to show my appreciation for the stories and characters that have left a mark on me, and this one is no exception. The piece pays homage to one of my favourite animated shows from Disney, Sofia The First. There's something so enchanting about the little princess of Enchancia, and it made me feel compelled to capture her in my own style. Every detail of this fan art is designed with admiration for the show’s beautiful animation and storytelling.
The star of this piece is, of course, Sofia herself. As the protagonist of Sofia The First, she's a character who has always resonated with me due to her kind heart and relatable journey from commoner to princess. In my artwork, I've depicted her in her signature princess outfit, a lilac gown that perfectly represents her royal yet approachable personality. I spent hours perfecting the details of her dress. The lilac bodice, trimmed with two elegant lines of pearls down the front and along the neckline, gives her a graceful, regal air. Her skirt hemmed with lilac petals and pearl studs, flares out majestically, but what truly makes it stand out are the lace drops shaped like four-leaf clovers—each one is painstakingly drawn to reflect Sofia's charm.
The dress is a spectacle of craftsmanship in both the animation and my recreation. The petals of her skirt feature a nimbus-like design, creating an otherworldly feel. The soft pastel colours further amplify this effect. Beneath the flowing petals, a pale yellowish petticoat peeks out, hemmed in a lilac band to match the rest of the gown. I wanted the colours to feel light and airy, much like Sofia's character. Her attire in my artwork wouldn’t be complete without her royal tiara—a swirly creation inset with pink sapphires, white pearls, and a turquoise diamond. This headpiece symbolizes her royal status while also capturing her playful nature. I paid special attention to the reflection of light on the gemstones to make them appear as real as possible, giving them a shimmer that makes the entire ensemble pop.
Of course, no depiction of Sofia would be complete without her iconic Amulet of Avalor. This piece of jewellery is one of the most important items in the show, as it carries magical powers and is central to many of the stories. For my artwork, I wanted the Amulet to take centre stage as much as the princess herself. It’s a large fire opal drop cabochon, a brilliant gem that catches the eye immediately. The pendant is mounted on a swirly silver backing, topped with three sapphires that I carefully shaded to look rich and deep. It hangs from a silver necklace, wrapped in delicate amethyst beads, creating a beautiful contrast to the warmth of the fire opal. In a way, the Amulet of Avalor represents the heart of Sofia, always full of magic, adventure, and compassion.
Drawing Sofia’s face was a particular joy. Her expressive blue eyes are one of her most memorable features in the show, and I tried to recreate that same sparkle in my artwork. The way her eyes reflect light is key to portraying her innocent and curious nature. Her eyes seem to tell the story of a girl who is always learning, always discovering new things about herself and the world around her. Her smile is soft but bright, embodying the warmth and kindness that has made her so beloved by fans of all ages. I drew her brown hair in gentle curls that framed her face, adding a touch of softness and making her appear both elegant and approachable.'
Sofia’s character arc is one of my favourite aspects of the show, and I wanted to reflect some of her personality in this artwork. In the story, Sofia starts as a regular girl living a humble life with her mother, Miranda. Everything changes when her mother marries King Roland II, making Sofia a princess overnight. Adjusting to this new life isn’t easy for her, and that’s part of what makes her so relatable. She has to learn how to behave as a princess, navigate royal life, and understand her new family dynamics, particularly with her new stepsiblings, Amber and James.
Amber, in particular, is a character who often clashes with Sofia. As a princess by birth, Amber is sometimes jealous of Sofia, especially because of how quickly Sofia wins the affection of those around her. Despite Amber’s occasional jealousy, Sofia always tries to get along with her, showing the same patience and kindness that make her such a wonderful role model. Sofia’s compassionate heart helps her build strong friendships, not just with her stepsiblings but with other characters like Clover, her pet rabbit, and Lucinda, a young witch.
I also find Sofia’s friendships with magical creatures particularly fascinating. For instance, Sofia forms a bond with a mermaid named Oona, showing that Sofia’s kindness transcends even species. Drawing inspiration from these friendships, I tried to give Sofia’s facial expression a sense of warmth and openness, reflecting her ability to connect with others, no matter who they are or where they come from. This trait of hers—of always being willing to make new friends and help others—is one of the reasons why I love her character so much.
But Sofia isn’t without her struggles. She faces challenges just like any other young person, particularly when it comes to fitting into the royal world. She’s often clumsy and unsure of herself at first, which only makes her more endearing. I wanted to capture this side of her as well—the part of Sofia that doesn’t always get things right the first time but keeps trying until she does. Her journey as a student at the Royal Preparatory Academy is filled with ups and downs, and the guidance she receives from Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather helps her grow. These three headmistresses, who are also good friends of Princess Aurora, play a crucial role in shaping Sofia into the princess she is destined to become.
Sofia’s learning process is something that I think many people can relate to, including myself. There are times when we all feel like we’re out of place like we don’t belong. Sofia’s story reminds us that it’s okay to feel that way sometimes and that what matters most is how we approach those challenges. Her courage and resilience are traits I admire, and I hope that some of them shine through in my artwork. As Sofia navigates her way through the challenges of becoming a princess, she learns valuable lessons about friendship, kindness, and perseverance. The influence of the headmistresses and Princess Aurora serves as a reminder that we all have the power to shape our destinies.
One of the most enjoyable aspects of Sofia’s character is her free-spirited nature. Despite her new royal status, she doesn’t let it change who she is at heart. I especially love the scenes in the show where Sofia does something as playful as sliding down the staircase rails—something that completely baffles her stepsister, Amber. It’s moments like these that remind us that Sofia, for all her royal duties, is still a child who loves to have fun. Capturing this youthful energy was essential in my artwork. Her pose is graceful yet playful as if she’s just finished twirling in her dress and is about to burst into a giggle.
Sofia’s adorableness is another key aspect of her character. In the episode “The Secret Library: The Tale of the Noble Knight,” new acquaintances shower her with affection because they can’t resist her charm. I wanted to capture that same adorableness in my artwork, making her look sweet and lovable, the kind of character who instantly makes you want to be her friend. Sofia’s ability to connect with both humans and magical creatures alike is a testament to her universal appeal, and I think that’s why she has remained such a beloved character throughout the years.
In conclusion, creating this fan art of Sofia was not just an artistic challenge but also a way for me to reconnect with a character I’ve admired for a long time. Every detail, from the pearls on her dress to the fire opal in her Amulet, was crafted with love and appreciation for the show. Sofia The First may be a children’s show, but its messages of kindness, perseverance, and friendship resonate with people of all ages, including myself. Through this artwork, I wanted to capture not just Sofia’s appearance but also her essence—her heart, her charm, and her unwavering kindness. This piece is my tribute to a character who, though fictional, has had a very real impact on me and countless others.
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lamaisongaga · 2 years ago
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After a long blackout season, Lady Gaga finally returned to the public eye at the 2023 Academy Awards held at the Los Angeles Dolby Theater.
Not only did she grace us with several looks, but also with a surprise performance of her “Top Gun: Maverick” movie title song “Hold My Hand”.
Styling by Sandra Amador and Tom Eerebout with assistance by Victor Cordero, Gianni Catalina and Venetia Kidd. The hair was done by Frederic Aspiras using Joico while glam was done by Sarah Tanno-Stewart using Haus Labs. Sweet and short manicure by Miho Okawara who used OPI.
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Mother Monster made her entrance wearing one of the freshly debuted Versace Fall/Winter 2023 closing numbers seen on Gigi Hadid — a semi-transparent black tulle corseted bustier top with bullet bra, long wool-silk box pleat drop-waist skirt with frontal projected kick and silver Nastro Gianni Medusa 95 belt to perfectly reflect the Italian fashion label's house codes!
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Her jewelry was provided by none other than Tiffany & Co. who chose some of the most stunning diamonds for her. Just like these $1,950 solitaire brilliant diamond stud earrings.
Tiffany & Co. Solitaire Studs ($1,950.00)
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It’s rare to see archival pieces on the red carpet—it happens occasionally but not as often as jewelry historians would hope. This 1960s necklace of platinum and diamonds definitely made sure to catch all the attention.
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She also wore the house’s “Victoria” collection platinum and diamond cluster bracelet...
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...and a whopping $20,800 platinum and diamond pavé band ring from the “Soleste” collection.
Tiffany & Co. Band Ring ($20,800.00)
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To create the look, Tanno used products from Gaga's beauty brand, Haus Labs. She started with Color Fuse Blush.
"I used “Dragon Fruit Daze” first which served as the base, and then we layered with “Watermelon Bliss” to add depth,". For Gaga's red glossy lip, Tanno used Atomic Shake Lip Lacquer in shade “Cherry Shine”. "It was the first time I've used it on the red carpet — It deserved a moment!"
Tanno also reveals the reason why Gaga's skin wasn't flush after removing so much makeup before she got on stage, crediting the Triclone Skin Tech Foundation, which she wore on the carpet, for being very gentle and soothing on the skin.
"Because our foundation contains fermented arnica it calms and soothes the skin while you are wearing it — I believe this is why I didn't have to worry about any skin irritation after such a fast removal." Tanno explains.
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On her nails: OPI gel lacquer in “It’s A Girl!”. So timeless.
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For her raw performance of “Hold My Hand”, Gaga went for a bare face and a minimal outfit consisting of pieces we’ve seen her rock before in her off-duty hours. 
She rocked her favorite Saint Laurent black skinny jeans with slashed knees she owns and loves since 2016! It was paired with a vintage band tee she turned inside out, which I have yet to ID.
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The shoes are the Converse Chuck Taylor All Star classic low-top sneakers in black canvas.
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There was actually a third outfit change that was not broadcasted on TV! LG wore a vintage Versace Spring/Summer 2002 black silk gown with lace insets and jet crystal embellishment. Above you can see a similar, shorter version.
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She also added another Tiffany & Co. ring onto the mix. It’s the alternating ring in platinum and diamonds ($19,500) from the “Victoria” collection.
Tiffany & Co. Alternating Ring ($19,500.00)
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reminiscencez · 6 months ago
a Jinx X oc fanfic
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~The sneak-out~
"Psst!" Alice whispered urgently into Bian's ear.
Bian grumbled, "Leave me alone," using her arm to shield her eyes from the dim light. "Come on, remember we're sneaking out. Let's go!" Alice urged, her voice a mix of excitement and impatience.
Bian slowly opened her eyes, squinting to see the three figures huddled around her bed. "What the fuck?" she groaned, still half-asleep. "what time is it" she grumbled.  "2am" Lulit cackled softly, perching herself on the edge of the bed with her hands placed behind her for support. Bian sat up, still wrapped in the covers, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep.
"So, is this your first time sneaking out?" Alex asked, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. Bian hesitated, contemplating a lie to impress them and avoid seeming lame. "I mean..." she started, but then sighed, her confidence waning. "Yep," she admitted, sticking her tongue into her cheek in a gesture of defeat.
"First time for everything!" Alex said with a flirty wink, patting her shoulder. Bian looked up at him and managed a half-hearted awkward smile.
"Alright, out you go, Alex. We need to change," Alice said, rolling her eyes as she pushed him out of the room. "That boy," she scoffed, shaking her head before turning back to Bian. "Okay!" she said excitedly, clapping her hands quietly. "So, I'm bringing some goodies," she added, her tone suggesting something far more thrilling than it was.
Bian gave her a confused look and then glanced sideways at Lulit. "She means weed," Lulit clarified with a smirk.
"Oh," Bian responded, her voice trailing off as she went quiet.
"If you don't want to do it, you don't have to," Alice said quickly, sensing Bian's hesitation. "I don't want to force you into anything
"No, no, it's okay, I don't mind," Bian said with a nonchalant shrug. "My uncle does that stuff, so I'm like used to it." She waved her hand dismissively, as if the topic was as mundane as the weather.
Alice, with a mischievous glint in her eye, disappeared into her closet and emerged with a shoebox. She opened it with a flourish, revealing its contents-weed. “and thenn” She said drawing out the last word
She reached into her backpack and pulled out several bottles of alcohol. "Ta-daa!" she exclaimed, striking a proud pose with her hands on her hips.
Lulit clapped her hands and pretended to swoon,
"Oh, Alice, you shouldn't have!" Bian laughed, playing along, cupping her face and acting lovestruck. The room erupted in cackles, their laughter bouncing off the walls.
"Okay, okay," Alice said, clutching her her side from laughing too hard. "We need to be quiet before Vander Bear hears us," she whispered, trying to stifle her giggles. But the attempt was futile; they all burst into laughter again. Alice soon threw herself onto the bed, joining the other two girls in a heap of giggles and snorts.
As the laughter finally subsided, Bian wiped a tear from her eye. "Whew," she said, fanning herself. "I've got us all outfits to wear!" Alice announced excitedly, diving into a pile of clothes. "Here are yours," she said, handing a neatly folded stack to Lulit. "And here's yours," she added, passing another stack to Bian with a smile.
Bian took the clothes and headed to one of the hall bathrooms to change. The top was a soft gray with a scoop neckline and decorative buttons running down the center front, starting at the neckline and ending around mid-chest. Just below the neckline, there was a delicate lace inset, adding a feminine touch. The sleeves were snug, fitting closely to her arms, and the fabric was soft and stretchy, ensuring comfort and ease of movement. She paired it with simple old jeans.
She smiled at her reflection in the mirror, feeling a newfound confidence. With a spring in her step, she walked back into the bedroom. Alice was wearing a long-sleeved shirt with horizontal black and white stripes and a scoop neckline. Black shorts peeked out from under the shirt, and sheer black tights with visible rips at the thighs added a grunge element that Bian loved. Alice completed the look with tall, lace-up boots that extended to just below the knee, with white laces and contrast stitching around the soles. A thin necklace with a small cross pendant hung around her neck.
Lulit wore a light pink, ribbed tank top with thin
straps, paired with off-white, low-rise denim shorts with a button closure and frayed hem. Black lace-up combat boots extended to mid-calf, and cream-colored knit leg warmers peeked out from the top. A silver necklace with a heart-shaped pendant completed her look. Lulit didn't need much; her positive and enticing energy was enough to light up the room.
Bian's jaw dropped. "Holy shit," she whispered, trying to keep her voice Vander wouldn't hear them. "Y'all look so freaking good, what the hell?" she said, her eyes wide and a huge smile on her face
"Broo, look at you! You look so good, oh my god!" Lulit echoed, gripping Bian's shoulders as if to steady herself from the sheer fabulousness.
Alice, ever the mastermind, swiftly grabbed her bags, which made a very obvious clinking noise thanks to the hidden alcohol bottles
"Alright, we gotta get Alex and we're good," she said, throwing up a thumbs up and, surprisingly, an innocent smile.
The three teen girls made their way to Alex's room, their excitement barely contained. Alice slowly opened his door and hurried him out. "Where do we leave, like how?" Bian asked, clearly clueless about the next step.
"We could try the window again?" Alex suggested with an evil grin.
"Oh hell no," Lulit said sassily, putting her palms up in front of her like she was telling him to stop right there. Bian looked around, confused, as they all recounted a memory of a previous escapade gone wrong.
"Alrighty then, front door it is," Alice sighed. "If we get caught, it's on you, Lulit," she said half-jokingly.
Lulit playfully rolled her eyes. They all made their way downstairs to the front door, their hearts pounding with the thrill of the adventure. They creaked it open, holding their breath. Step 1 of the sneak-out: Leaving the house-successfully completed.
"Okay, okay, let's move!" Alice whispered dramatically, leading the charge. They tiptoed across the lawn like a trio of secret agents on a mission, trying not to burst into giggles.
"Shh, shh, shh!" Bian hissed, trying to keep everyone quiet. "We're almost there!"
Just as they reached the sidewalk, a sudden
noise made them all freeze. "What was that?" Lulit whispered, her eyes wide with panic.
"Probably just a cat, Alex said, trying to sound brave but failing miserably.
"Or a raccoon," Alice added, her voice trembling with suppressed laughter.
They continued their stealthy journey, finally reaching the end of the block. "We did it!" Bian whispered triumphantly.
"Yeah, but we still have to sneak back in later," Lulit pointed out.
"That's a problem for future us. Right now, we relax," Alice declared with a confident grin
If this book peaked your interest, I highly recommend you read the rest of the book ! Reminiscence by luvmelaniee112 on wattpad❤️❤️
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musiclover2732 · 8 months ago
i recently realized that if i wanted to i could so make a Newt-inspired Rainbow High custom. like idk what the overlap is between Pacific Rim fans and doll collectors but i figured i should my findings. also yes you can probably make customs for a lot of the characters but i have Newt-brain and this train of thought started cuz i was thinking of the shirt i’m gonna mention later. don’t take this too seriously lol. just gonna put all the details under the cut cuz this is kinda long.
with most of my ideas for character customs i start with the eyes since Rainbow High dolls have inset eyes but their eye chips are each only compatible with like head sculpts. i was looking to see which eyes best match Charlie Day’s and most of the green eyes are too bright/vibrant but i think Olivia Woods is a good match.
from there i had to see which dolls had a compatible eye sculpt and were also in a similar skin tone. i think Daphne Minton is the best skin tone match while also having some freckles as a bonus. another match is Pinkly Paige and even though she doesn’t have freckles (those can be added with a repaint). she is on a unique slightly curvier body tho which means she probably won’t fit the clothes i’m going to list here except the shoes so you may have to make them yourself or buy custom clothes from an artist. both dolls probably would require a bit of a repaint cuz their eye makeup is intense. also if you really know what you’re doing you could try painting his tattoos but know that doll arms are small and that is incredibly difficult and also the shorts i list here are long-sleeved and would cover the arms. of course whichever doll you use would need a reroot. the color Chocolate in nylon from Shimmer Locks is a good match but i was only looking at that company so other people can probably find good matches with their brand of choice.
Rainbow High doesn’t have a whole lot of doll glasses that aren’t sunglasses but Lavender Lynn has regular black glasses (although they have large jewels on the frames) and Delilah Fields also has regular glasses that are much more neutral but would need to be painted black. both of the original Lavender glasses and Delilah’s painted glasses run the risk of staining your doll. you could always go the route of making the glasses yourself tho.
the shirt that inspired this all was Karla Choupette’s top. it’s a white long-sleeved blouse with a black tie but it has big shoulders and cuffed sleeves that make it hard to add layers like a jacket. Sheryl Meyer’s second outfit also has a white long-sleeved button-up but it’s quite long and too sheer to wear on its own. both are good options depending on what look you’re going for.
for the pants i was thinking Ainsley Slater’s second outfit’s pleather pants although they have some laced details at either hip that could add bulk if a shirt or jacket overlaps it or be too busy looking. Lyric Lucas’ first outfit has black pleather pants but they are sewn and detailed with a rainbow thread that may be too flashy and noticeable. of course since this is an inspired look if you don’t mind that they’re a much simpler fit.
for the shoes we once again turn to Ainsley since she comes with four outfits all with very useful individual pieces. her first pair of shows are ideal and the clear spikes on the front can be removed if they’re too much. the new Watercolor And Create Purple-Eyed Doll’s first pair of shoes also has a good mold but they would need to be painted black. this also runs the risk of staining your doll.
now if you wanted to add a jacket there are quite a few options all with varying degrees of “accuracy”. Fantastic Fashions Ruby Anderson has a black pleather jacket however it is covered in silver studs (can be removed at your own risk) and has red flames on the sleeves (cannot be removed but look cool). our good pal Ainsley has a black pleather jacket in her third outfit but it has white text all over it. Kim Nguyen has a jacket that is half pleather on the sides and sleeves but dark denim around the collar and zipper. if all hope is lost, as a last resort, you could use Krystal Bailey’s pleather jacket from her second outfit but it is dark purple and sparkly and covered in sparkly silver stars.
and there you have it. you now have the knowledge to make your own Newt-inspired Rainbow High custom.
gonna be real i made this because i was just thinking of getting Karla’s top and making some glasses so my Emi could cosplay as Newt for fun but now i wanna actually make this custom cuz wouldn’t that be so cute. and yes i am still working on those ygo customs but various life things as well as some logistical issues have delayed me beyond reason. i just need a stress-free day where it isn’t a million degrees out to do any of this lol.
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otteroflore · 9 months ago
back on my gs (goodwillshopping)
as you know every time i see a very high priced MLP collection go up on goodwillshopping i need to check it out
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and today there were a few at high prices!
The first one is easy enough to suss out. It has mimic:
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From what I can tell, she's in good condition, too, no visible scratches or stains. I'm guessing the people purchasing this lot are just buying it because mimic is valuable (as far as people can tell mimic is valuable but common, so there are tons of listings for her and she sells for very high prices), but it has some other cool stuff too:
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This appears to be a full set of sparkle ponies- all 6 are in there. Star Hopper has a cool UFO and is the priciest of them, and it also looks like she's the mail order version.
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There are a lot of ponies with clothes on, which is sweet because I understand that sometimes they got lost, but especially in the case of these two: Lavender Satin n Lace and Lucky the Stallion. Lavender is a wedding themed pony and Lucky is the ringbearer. No sign of her hubby though! sad.
More ponies under cut
Other fun lots (these next few aren't $$$ lots they're currently at like $20 in bidding):
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this one has some so soft ponies, which collectors don't generally like, but i love them and i particularly am a fan of Twilight (top left), plus it has two Bubbles (sitting pose)
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this lot has a bunch of random ponies including tossles (left, pink and blue pony) who I love, and one of the Fairy Tails, which is like a spinoff line of MLP. I hope a collector who cares about the Fairy Tails snags that one because it looks to be in really good quality with its original stand. It would look SO cute next to a Mimic.
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this one lot has a bunch of random ponies and steamer, one of the Big Brother Ponies, which is awesome <3
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This one doesnt have any bids but is an eclectic collection with Bride Pony (very top), Hula Hula (colorful tropical ponies), a couple baby sparkle ponies and some others. They're all in rough shape but it is sweet. In my heart Bride Pony and Hula Hula are a femme/butch couple.
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at first I thought this lot had g2 ponies, but no, the skinny ponies are the Sweetheart Sisters pose. Includes Wigwam, the famously problematic Big Brother pony (he has a tepee as his mark)
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This lot is just the Petite Ponies, which you may know I love, including some with the nylon hair tails AND some with translucent bodies. I'm always charmed to know someone is going to want these teeny ponies.
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This is from a small lot of like 5 ponies and I just thought it was funny how bad her hair is. But then I was looking it up and I'm not sure who this pony is- my best guess is this is Braided Beauty, but the pink in her hair has completely faded out.
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This one was recently posted and has few bids at the time I'm looking at it but its got some cute gems: Party Time and Locket are both really pretty twinkle eyed ponies, Bubblefish who has a 3D fishbowl on her side, and a lot of baby sparkle ponies as well as the somewhat creepy "beddy bye eye" ponies who have inset, open-and-close eyes. There's even a Fairy Tail bird in there!
Most of the ponies in the above collection are in ok condition but it looks like someone lit one of the Sweetheart Sisters on FIRE:
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In case you're wondering, the reason there was a post that was like $101 is just because there's ANOTHER mimic in that batch:
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And lest you think I only care about the 1980s ponies (which is mostly true), it is kind of fun to look at what else there is, for example:
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this batch was mysteriously labeled Equestria girls, but is mostly made up of Fakie My Little Ponies and one on-brand Pinkie Pie. Idr what this line of fakies is called but they're some of the highest quality, cutest (imo) and most common fakies on the market.
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I *mostly* dont care for the g4 pony toys but i have a big Twilight Sparkle I found at Goodwill and I'd be happy to have matching Luna and Celestia toys for her. (most of the g4 toys were very small, these are like the bigger versions)
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broadcastbabe · 9 months ago
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You circle me as I pose in the new leather ensemble… a gift from your brother, a fine tailor, who happened to introduce us to each other. He has always taken an interest in designing these fashion adornments for special occasions. Years ago, he took my measurements for a full-length leather gown for a costume gala at our motorcycle club. With a low-cut neckline to accentuate my full bosom, a lacy inset in the backless dip to my irresistible derriere and hip to ankle slits to expose my gartered stockings, I was definitely the belle of the ball. I can still remember how his hands trembled as I spoke in low soft tones about his artistic talents in crafting leather. As the length of the tape measure encircled my optimistic breasts under a thin-strapped teddy and he tightened it ever so slowly to ascertain the range of movement in my pliable flesh, I looked into his eyes. We had a moment of connection that passed between us. I reflexively shivered as he grazed my exposed shoulders with his fingers and his smirk was …self-congratulatory. There was a long silence, the air was heavy with possibility, but your entrance into the room dissolved the probability. We exchanged a glance to acknowledge the previous moment as you chattered about your newly acquired chopper. My figure hasn’t changed must, but he insists on a brief return to the process, ‘to be sure he will only have to cut once’. Everything he has created since features my bare shoulders, which also pleases you to no end. Even now, it is the first contact you make, placing tender kisses along the length of my neck on your way to nuzzling their shallows and curves. It’s all part of the pathway to the sexy bulge of my breasts and deep cleavage that deserves equal nuzzling. You trace the rim of the bodice, dipping below the hem to find my nipples hard and sensitive to your touch.
“Did he build the lingerie corset too?” “It’s in the reveal…”
You find the hidden zipper in the back and peel the modest tube top from my torso. The heat in the room elevates at the contrasting vision unveiled. It’s a balconette demi-cup design in leather and lace, so my breasts are served up on a shelf with my rouged nipples peaking above the lace as a tempting visual display. Your jaw drops at the fetching sight and immediately latch onto the cherry-flavored treats. Your hands caress the curves of my cinched waist and follow the hourglass of my full hips as you nurse and moan from the overall pleasurable touch and feel…and taste. “ Your brother has outdone himself… we can talk about the wrist restraints disguised as bracelets another time… but… there’s more…”
Your eyebrow arches as I guide your hand between my leathered thighs to find a unique entry baffle in the leather crotch of the slacks. Intuitively, your fingers breech me to swiftly bring me to a state of whimpering lust. Your suckling intensifies as you delve deeper into my juicy void and I change my stance to accommodate a fuller access. I am soon on the verge of cumming from the double stimuli and you urge me on with your time-proven manipulations. As I catapult through my multiples, I can’t help but be reminded of your brother’s attention to detail in our encounters. Flashes of his touch effervesce across my shoulders within my arousal, inextricably linked to his own imagination when he creates something that will be worn to embrace my delicate skin in such an intimate way.
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mantra-repeated · 9 months ago
The Torchbearers
Pt: The Torchbearers :End pt
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The Torchbearers (Alternative called "Holders of The Faith" if desired), is a Ficto-Religion(link) based off the religion formed around The Light in the game Darkest Dungeon. Those that are part of The Torchbearers believe in The Light as it is presented in the game, as well as possibly additional beliefs. Those who follow this faith do not have a moderator or a leader rather their own experiences.
I do not support fults or fultists for any reason. This term isn't intended to be MOGAI / LIOM in any way, and is just tagged at it is for reach.
The Light is not heavily explained in the world of Darkest Dungeon beyond being treated in a way similar to abrahamic religions around the world, and is able to empower certain hero classes who draw their power from The Light in some form. There is no one way to practice this religion, and can be followed in just about anyway that one pleases.
Mentions / Tags : @redacted-coiner , @ficto-religious-archive
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For the symbol, I just manually recreated the most common symbol I saw being used to reference The Light in game. (Such as trinkets exclusive to the religious classes, on books clearly denoted as holy, events about a religious occurrence, etc.
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Banner transcript: This term was made by Endogenic. Anyone can use however. :End transcript
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[Holders of The Faith main flag id: A flag with nine horizontal stripes. The second and eighth stripes are styled like the are lace on one side, the third and seventh stripes are wavy, and the fourth, fifth, and sixth stripes are thin. the colors go as such from top to bottom & mirrors: off white, golden yellow, dark yellow, and dark red. In the middle is a circle that is the same color as the middle stripe with a the ficto-religon symbol, which is a circle split evenly into two halves horizontally, colored with a gradient of light orange to dark orange (Light orange at the bottom, dark at the top) with a yellow symbol that is a hollow circle with four short beams sticking out from the north, east, south, and west, to which short curved lines are attached. :End Id]
[Plain Holders of The Faith alt flag id: Same as above but without either symbols or the circle in the middle :End Id]
[Only ficto-religon symbol flag Id: Same as the first but without the Holders of The Faith symbol :End id]
[Holders of The Faith symbol: A yellow symbol. It's a hollow circle with four short beams sticking out from the north, east, south, and west, to which short curved lines are attached. :End Id]
[Banner image id: a rectangular banner with rounded corners on a transparent background. in the background of the banner is the endogenic flag by greyskies, and it has a transparent inset border. in the center is black text that reads "This term was made by an endogenic. Anyone can use it however.". In the bottom right corner is a blue lizard from the game rain world. :End Id]
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mudaship39 · 1 year ago
Character bio of the Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid superhero main character part 13
Alien Hybrid Costume:
First costume: 
Letterman jacket, hoodie, fingerless gloves, black jeans, black and red wide width high top sneakers with white laces 
Domino mask, face mask, & bandana 
Second costume: 
Spandex and kevlar costume that comes with a utility belt and gadgets
Stretchy and made of mesh to be extra flexible
Has a cape that allows user to glide for a short period of time 
Bio mask with eye lenses that comes with built in headset
Warps light and sound to make wearer temporarily invisible   
Third costume: 
Fourth costume: 
The black and blue alien hybrid suit with a black domino mask, a red bio mask, red gloves, black pants, & red boots. The alien hybrid suit armored version would be the same as earlier but with power armor strapped to it. Made up of human and alien metal. The crimson, silver, & obsidian power armor is more streamlined and sleek. The chest, the helmet, arms, legs, & and shoulders of the power armor suit has gold and silver decals and emblems.
Fifth costume:
Current costume: 
Red and black tactical costume with nanites and nanomachines that allow the suit to appear and disappear into a metal neck choker for easy access and storage.
Black domino mask, red bandana, a black facemask, red breath mask, & red bio mask
Comes with built in headset for communication with lenses that boosts their ability to sense throughout the electromagnetic spectrum 
Vibranium and adamantium like reinforced titanium combat armor
Titanium reinforced nanocomposite Kevlar and ceramic bodysuit 
Enhances strength, speed, senses, flexibility, durability, reflexes, intelligence, perception, endurance, agility, etc.
Never gets dirty
Repairs, customizes, and upgrades itself thanks to nanites and cybernetic and bionic technology
Comes with wrist computer for hacking
Celestial steel metal plated fingerless (for clawed hands with opposable thumbs) combat gloves 
Stellar titanium metal plated steel toed (can transfigure open for clawed feet with opposable toes) combat boots. 
Divine iron and heavenly bronze like metal claw gauntlets that are attachable to gloves and boots.
Future costume:
Tactical domino mask, balaclava, bio mask, & bandana. They come with reactive layering, with shock absorbent composite layering, with thermoregulation, reinforced, composite coated, fireproof, padded, with titanium micro plate mesh, with reinforced plastic, with insulated lining, anti shrapnel, has coprocessor function, has hardened leather, has nanotubing, waterproof, windproof, bulletproof, reinforced cotton, durable nanofiber, hydrophobic, antibacterial lining, with strengthened polyamide fibers, carbon fiber, durable, with micro fleece lining, sturdy, reflective, reinforced silk weave, with breathable lining, elastic, carbon reinforced, anti UV coating, with built in neuron circuitry, with light armor layer, with reinforced seams, with protective rubber inset, reinforced lining, with digital camouflage, & with 4K resolution holographic display. 
Comes with reinforced lenses, tempered lenses, with protective techno polymer goggles, holo tinted goggles, hardened fiberglass, coated glass, with UV filter, anti glare, bulletproof, scratch resistant, polarized lenses that let them sense throughout the full electromagnetic spectrum. 
Comes with communication built in headset, built in camera, & built in microphone. The mask had built-in headset, earpieces, cameras, microphone, speakers, and radio systems. The lens was able to analyze the environment, spot enemies through walls, and track vapor trails. The mask contains shifting lenses that identify the enemy’s identities. The mask has lenses that identifies enemies weak points through an artificial intelligence and a database. The user was able to tag enemies and allies with markers. The mask has defense mechanisms such as electric shock, sleeping gas, or stun gas in order to prevent unauthorized removal.
Reinforced puncture resistant tear proof, flame resistant fireproof, hydrophobic waterproof, hypoallergenic, windproof, dustproof, anti viral, anti chemical, anti corrosive, oil resistant, abrasion resistant, stain resistant, bulletproof, stretch fabric, antiseptic membrane, anti viral membrane, protective membrane, high utility, nylon lining, quick dry, foam cushioning, discreet bullet proof lining, titanium inserts, breathable, armor coated, with armor layer, compressible, insulated, anti shrapnel, bioplastic fur, form fitting, copper microfiber, bronze microfiber, micro fiber, welded hems, gold inlay, fitted, tailored, silver inlay, bio synthetic giant spider silk, space fabric, composite lined, durable synthetic, eco friendly, carbon reinforced, cushion insert, hybrid lining, fortified threading, silver nano inlay, slim fit, titanium micro plating lining, ultrasonic quilting, nano layer, high alloy steel, carbon fiber lined, durable synthetic silk, synthetic padding, Kevlar thread, carbon nanotube fibers, reactive layer, Egyptian cotton, protective mesh, tech membrane, plastic weave, nano weave, bulletproof weave, ultra weave, fiberglass weave, carbon composites, lightweight metal polymers, reinforced synthetic fiber weave, armor weave, technology advanced, armored costume. Comes with cargo pockets, crystalline protective sleeves, detachable hood, detachable collar, taped seams, reinforced bodice, elastic cuffs. 
Comes with reinforced, cushioned, synthetic, extra durable soles, practical, with sole support, anti puncture, tear proof, nano weave, heat resistant, fireproof, waterproof, breathable lining, reinforced stitching, resistant materials, reinforced lining, multilayered protection, tactical fiber, hybrid fabric, with protective inserts, armor coated, shock absorbent, rubber reinforced, athletic, with protective insoles, high top sneakers. Comes with reinforced dress shoes with reinforced soles, with sole support, reinforced seams, with metal inserts, & cushioned composite insoles. Comes with durable bio leather, puncture resistant, waterproof, fireproof, hardened leather, hardened with composite inserts, & steel toe combat boots. 
Comes with a utility belt full of gadgets and tools housed in mechanical compartments and armored fabric pouches. Stretchy and made with mesh to be extra flexible. Comes with gloves, pants, & boots. Has a cape to glide for several minutes and fly for a few minutes. Warps light to make its user invisible and hushes sound to make its wearer quiet with noise dampening to allow for better sneaking. 
Has an electrical system that can shock, stun, & knockout assailants. Made out of nanites and nano machines that allow the suit to be easily accessible. Is made with alien and human reinforced metal. The gloves and boots come with retractable metal claws. Clawed hands and clawed feet are diamond tipped. Comes with combat gloves with titanium knuckles for punching and combat boots with steel toes for kicking. Repairs, customizes, & updates itself thanks to cybernetic and bionic technology. 
Comes with a wrist computer for hacking. The suit also has on-board sensors for complete vicinity readings. Has radio transmission scanners and receivers. Has multiple biological sensors such as EKG (readings, pulse rates, etc.). Has multiple electromagnetic spectrum vision settings. The reinforced armor comes with a material to dampen shocks and impact. It can absorb small firearms and reflect large caliber firearms up to a certain point before needing to be repaired. Has force fields plasma shields, laser shields, energy shields, and hard light shields that can absorb and reflect damage before needing to be recharged. 
It has limited hover, flying, & gliding capabilities. It has built in thrusters integrated into the boots for launch. Has grafted metal armor on the forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, and lower legs. Has four retractable metal arms to traverse environments including walls. Enhances and augments wearer or users strength, perception, awareness, durability, constitution, endurance, stamina, intelligence, senses, reflexes, agility, flexibility, & speed. Also has a built-in feature for the costume to change its appearance at the user's will. This was an ideal feature since the wearer never has to worry about trying to hide their suit in public.
Divine costume: 
First costume: It is a basic clothed armor made out of animal hide and quilted linen. It comes with animal hide, leather, & wooden round shield.
Second costume: It is a basic metal armor made out of iron, bronze, copper, and dragon studded leather. It comes with an iron, bronze, & copper round shield.
Third costume: It is made out thick, multilayered of threads of giant spider silk, studded dragon leather, wood, & quilted linen, hardened plastic. It comes with a metal ballistic shield.
Fourth Costume: The amour is also part of their manifestation as the deity of storms. When he/she/they shifts into this form the armor forms around him/her/them. Borrowing from the motif of mist gathering itself into the form of the armor. When the mist is fully concentrated into the correct shape the armor manifests itself. This happens as they move. The whole transformation can be seen to take place over a few steps, one form dropping away and dissolving into mist/fog with the mist/fog then coalescing into Kana’i/Ataahua with the manifestation of the cloak and armor lagging slightly behind the manifestation of his/her/their body. The leather parts of the armor is the same color of the Pacific sea during an ‘ino (dark greens and purples merging together to form an almost-dark gray color when viewed at a distance.)  His/her/their cloak is a manifestation of their powers. It is a constantly shifting concentration of storm clouds that fade to clouds then to fog and then cycles back up, with that happening in a gradient across the cloak. So in some places on the cloak the storm clouds will fully be in effect while elsewhere the cloak looks like fog.
Fifth Costume: It is a metal armor made of chainmail and steel modular plate armor. It has a gorget (that protects the chest), a bevor (protecting the lower face, neck, chin, & throat) a breastplate or chestplate (that protects the chest), backplate, pauldrons (that protect the shoulders), plackart (that protected the lower half of the torso), cuirass (that protected the front of the torso), culet (that protects the small of back and the buttocks), couters (that protects the elbows), poleyns (that protected the knees), faulds (to protect the waist and hips), gauntlets (that protect the forearms to the hands), gardbraces (to protect the armpits), vambraces (that protect the elbow to the forearm), sabatons (that protect the feet), cuisses (to protect the thighs), tassat (that protect the groin, upper thighs, & pelvis), & greaves (that covered from the shin to the knee). It comes with a knight helmet. It is based on knight armor and paladin armor. It comes with a red cape. It comes with a silver diamond shield, a gold rectangular shield, & platinum war door shield.
Current costume: 
Asian and European inspired red and black full plate armor. It is made of divine metals forged by god smiths of divine pantheons. It was forged with divine elements that acts as a conduit to supercharge any elemental and divine magic used by the wearer. It is also a modernized helmet that protects them and hides identity but also allows them to see than a typical knight or spartan like helmet. 
It has a gorget (that protects the chest), a bevor (protecting the lower face, neck, chin, & throat) a breastplate or chestplate (that protects the chest), backplate, pauldrons (that protect the shoulders), plackart (that protected the lower half of the torso), cuirass (that protected the front of the torso), culet (that protects the small of back and the buttocks), couters (that protects the elbows), poleyns (that protected the knees), faulds (to protect the waist and hips), gauntlets (that protect the forearms to the hands), gardbraces (to protect the armpits), vambraces (that protect the elbow to the forearm), sabatons (that protect the feet), cuisses (to protect the thighs), tassat (that protect the groin, upper thighs, & pelvis), & greaves (that covered from the shin to the knee). 
It was made out of mithril, adamantine, and orichalcum. It has a red and gold cape. East Asian, Southeast Asian, & European inspired full plate armor made out of celestial steel. It comes with a steel and titanium shield.
Future costume:
Asian and European inspired red and black full plate armor. It is made of divine metals forged by god smiths of divine pantheons. It was forged with divine elements that acts as a conduit to supercharge any elemental and divine magic used by the wearer. It is also a modernized helmet that protects them and hides identity but also allows them to see than a typical knight or spartan like helmet. 
It has a gorget (that protects the chest), a bevor (protecting the lower face, neck, chin, & throat) a breastplate or chestplate (that protects the chest), backplate, pauldrons (that protect the shoulders), plackart (that protected the lower half of the torso), cuirass (that protected the front of the torso), culet (that protects the small of back and the buttocks), couters (that protects the elbows), poleyns (that protected the knees), faulds (to protect the waist and hips), gauntlets (that protect the forearms to the hands), gardbraces (to protect the armpits), vambraces (that protect the elbow to the forearm), sabatons (that protect the feet), cuisses (to protect the thighs), tassat (that protect the groin, upper thighs, & pelvis), & greaves (that covered from the shin to the knee). 
It was made out of mithril, adamantine, and orichalcum. It is made out of chain mail, celestial steel, & stellar titanium. The armor was composed of large steel plates that were linked by loosely closed rivets and by internal dragon stuffed leathers to allow the wearer maximum freedom of movement. It is reinforced with precious metals (like divine iron, heavenly bronze, divine silver, celestial gold). East Asian, Southeast Asian, & European inspired full plate armor made out of celestial steel. It is a magical powered armor suit. 
It is decorated with precious gemstones (like pearls, amethyst, sapphire, ruby, emerald, jade, & diamonds). The armor was elaborately gilded, etched, and embossed with fine decoration. It is carved with magical symbols and emblems. It is engraved with magical runes and sigils. It has a red and gold cape. 
Holstered to the armor are small wooden, leather, and animal hide shields. Holstered to the armor are medium iron, bronze, & copper shields. Holstered to the armor are medium gold, silver, & platinum shields. Holstered to the armor are large steel, titanium, & tungsten shields. 
Strapped to the armor are throwing knives, combat daggers, combat knives, tonfas, escrima sticks, nunchucks, two short handled war hammers, two short axes, two sword swords, a broadsword, a longsword, a two handed spear, a bojutsu bo staff, a two handed battle axe, a two handed sledgehammer, & a two handed great sword. 
Strapped to the armor are two magical quadruple barrel flintlock pistols, a magical tri barrel flintlock rifle, a magical double barrel blunderbuss, a magical six shot revolvers, a magical ten shot lever action repeating rifle, a magical carbine, a magical bolt action sniper rifle, a magical combat shotgun, a magical submachine gun, a magical light machine gun, a magical medium machine gun, & a magical Gatling Gun. 
For combat in melee combat, ranged combat (like bows and guns), and unarmed combat the Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid superhero main character deals fire (fire, magma, lava) incineration damage, lightning shock damage, water drench damage, ice (snow, ice, frost) frozen damage, earth (earth, stone, metal & sand) physical damage, wind (air, wind, smoke, & fog), nature (plants, wood, nature) ensnare damage, poison toxic damage, and acid corrosive status and damage effects. 
There is also light holy damage, dark necrotic damage, magic arcane damage, aether and nether esoteric damage, spiritual soul damage, & psionic mental damage, temporal time damage, quantum dimensional damage, nuclear radioactive damage, chaos damage, and void reality warping damage. This armor can supercharge those attacks to a certain point before needing to be recharged. This armor can also take attacks with status effects to a certain point before needing to be repaired. 
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victorian-veneer · 1 year ago
Carte blanche
1/1 Wreaths of Tobacco and Opium-rich smoke stirred gracefully in the mild evening breeze which came drifting through the open bay-windows. The comfortably sized room was unassuming in its decor, the muted tones of grey and pale cream offset beautifully by the delicate blue patterned paper adorning the recessed wall. Central to this stood a simple ebony writing desk, and atop the inset leather of its writing surface there sat a solitary pillar candle burning its last, the light reduced to a dull glow that was further subdued by the thin haze of smoke filling the area. From the back corner of the room Vincent Dyser had the most glorious view of the evening sky. He paused from reading and squinted at the rolling clouds which were slowly turning an altogether uninviting shade of grey. He feared it might rain and put ruin to his plans to go  for an evening stroll; he had yet to explore the area and wished to avoid the unwanted  attention that came with being a wealthy tourist. Vincent sighed, returning his concentration to the leather-bound book from which he was reading. "The delicate skin of anterior forearm is easily cut," he said aloud. "A lateral incision to the wrist would disrupt blood flow to vital organs; this method essentially starves the body of oxygen and results in eventual death." Vincent stopped here, a wicked smirk tugging the corners of his mouth. Clearly he was reveling in this particular read. "What a glorious way to bow out of existence," he exclaimed, throwing the book down by his side. "I wonder how it felt to bleed to death," he mused, stroking the neat growth of hair that covered his chin. Indeed, Vincent always had possessed the unhealthiest interest in death and all things macabre; of course before his demonic house-guest took up permanent residence within the hollow of his soul he would never have dreamt of discussing such things in polite company. Now though, Vincent had an altogether different outlook on life and regarded the strict rules of social etiquette with cold contempt. "Dear William, I think you got lucky," he started, placing the opium-laced cigarette to his lips only to find it had long since been extinguished. "How very typical." And it was typical, for it seemed that nothing lasted these days; he could only hope there remained at least one match in the box he had stashed away in the desk drawer. Unsteady on his feet, Vincent found the transition from padded divan to rigid mahogany tub chair somewhat uneasy:  his balance was off, limbs lethargic and consequently found himself sinking down into the chair with rather more force than he would have liked. Papers were strewn across the leather desk-top: Parchment with untidy scroll and illegible characters scratched into the delicate surface in black ink. Vincent made a serious effort to locate his missing box of matches but came away empty handed, much to his frustration. "Well, I expect you find that rather funny," he huffed, flicking the half smoked cigarette stump into the ashtray. "But don't you forget, William. I always have the last laugh." continues >
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styleofdiamandis · 1 year ago
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In a captivating fusion of past and present, Marina Diamandis graced the lens of renowned photographer Simon Harris for a dazzling 1980s-inspired photoshoot featured in Notion. With her signature charisma and an audacious wardrobe curated by the talented Namalee Bolle, Marina transported us back in time while showcasing her inimitable style.
Makeup by Maria Asadi and hair by Jay Doan, respectively.
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For look n. 1, she wore a Chic Freak Spring/Summer 2015 blue & pink lycra swimsuit with mesh inset (similar pictured) which she paired with the Tara Starlet Victory high-waisted red wool wide-leg trousers with V cut-out at the waistband, and a pair of star-shaped dangle earrings by OMG Babez.
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Marina then donned a stunning white & black polka-dot gown that oozed vintage charm. The dress, carefully curated from Dubai-based label Bambah‘s Spring/Summer 2015 collection, featured a timeless boat neck and striking balloon sleeves, capturing the essence of 1980s glamour. The gown's mermaid skirt gracefully cascaded to the floor, adding an element of drama and sophistication to the ensemble.
To complete this captivating look, Marina adorned herself with a touch of 1980s opulence. She elegantly sported a statement gold metal choker. This exquisite accessory, plucked from Gogo Philip's Fall/Winter 2015 lookbook, added a touch of decadence and extravagance to her ensemble.
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Next, M wore the Nympha Turbo Lover long-sleeved mock neck mesh top featuring an all-over neon sign motif!
She also chose to don a pair of pink sequined pants adorned with a playful flower pattern. These eye-catching pants were sourced from House of Holland's exuberant Spring/Summer 2015 collection.
The choice of the vividly hued, sequined pants added an exuberant burst of color and energy to the shoot. It perfectly encapsulated the exuberance and daring spirit of the 80s fashion scene, where individuality and bold choices reigned supreme.
Her large crystal statement earrings are by OMG Babez.
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The final look shows Marina sporting this House of Holland Pre-Fall 2015 orange paillettes mini dress with V-neck, and a pair of black lace pants by Motel!
She accessorized with the Moschino Cheap & Chic pink bouclé biker jacket and a pair of clear rectangular sunglasses by RockOptika.
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Last but definitely not least, in a behind-the-scenes photo, M is seen wearing the Motel La Baby V-neck jumpsuit in "La Boheme" print ($74.00 - sold out).
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The sick multicolored mosaic platform peep-toe pumps are from Mary Benson's 2014 collaboration with the 70's rock n roll cobbler himself, Terry de Havilland.
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