#la marquise de sade
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tribundupeuple · 13 days ago
Mlle Duplay, what Monsieur, is the deal with you two?
- asking for her good and yours, my husband is a… work colleague: @marquess-de-sade-official
I know exactly who your husband is, Madame de Sade. This is why I'm not going to divulge anything about my private life. I don't know you personally well enough to confide in you.
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title777 · 11 months ago
Lina Romay
La comtesse noire 1973
Les possédées du diable 1974
La comtesse perverse 1975
Frauengefängnis 1976
Greta - Haus ohne Männer 1977
to watch:
Plaisir à trois 1974 !
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Célestine… bonne à tout faire 1974 !
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Les gloutonnes 1975
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Les nuits brûlantes de Linda 1975 !
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L'éventreur de Notre-Dame 1975 ! // El sádico de Notre-Dame 1979
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Rolls Royce Baby 1975
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Des diamants pour l'enfer 1975 !
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Shining Sex 1976 !
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Jack the Ripper 1976
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Die Marquise von Sade 1976 !
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Die Sklavinnen 1976
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Sinfonía erótica 1980
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Vaya luna de miel 1980
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Ópalo de fuego: Mercaderes del sexo 1980
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Botas negras, látigo de cuero 1983
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La tumba de los muertos vivientes 1982
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Gemidos de placer 1983
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Macumba sexual 1983
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Les rapports de Blamont avec sa femme reflètent sans doute assez exactement ceux de Sade avec la marquise ; Blamont se complaît à caresser sa femme dans l’instant où il trame contre elle les plus noires machinations ; infliger une jouissance — Sade l’a compris cent cinquante ans avant les psychanalystes, et nombreuses sont dans son œuvre les victimes qu’on soumet au plaisir avant de les torturer —, cela peut être une violence tyrannique ; et le bourreau déguisé en amant s’enchante de voir l’amoureuse crédule, pâmée de volupté et de reconnaissance, confondre la méchanceté avec la tendresse.
Faut-il brûler Sade?, Simone de Beauvoir
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nochvemo · 18 days ago
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Die Marquise Von Sade (1976)
Lady Doriana Grey es cautiva en su propio castillo, y su hermana gemela,recluida en una institución psiquiátrica, se encuentra bajo los cuidados del Dr. Orloff. Ambas hermanas comparten una conexión psíquica y, junto con una apariencia idéntica, en realidad tienen mucho más en común. Doriana parece incapaz de experimentar la satisfacción sexual, pero su enigmática presencia atrae a muchos amantes, en su mayoría mujeres, que no pueden resistirse a sus encantos. Al sucumbir a la lujuria por Doriana, pagan el precio de la muerte. Es una maldición que la mantiene joven y arrebatadora, mientras que su gemela, en cambio, parece acaparar todo el deseo sexual que Doriana es incapaz de asumir, y se alimenta de los paroxismos que sus amantes proyectan antes de sucumbir.
El cine de autor y el porno se entremezclan en esta película extremadamente extraña y ligeramente poética, del director Jess (Jesús) Franco. La mayoría de escenas hardcore son poco eróticas, pero eso es lo que buscaba el director, porque transmiten el hecho de que Doriana tampoco está obteniendo ningún placer en sus actos carnales. A Franco le gustan los primeros planos gráficos del acto, y su forma de filmarlos es bastante “fea” en el mejor de los sentidos. La musa de Franco, Lina Romay, se apodera brillantemente de las escenas más tórridas para convertirlas en un acontecimiento morboso.
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nemetira · 3 months ago
Naissance d’une femme…fatale ? | La Marquise de Sade, RACHILDE (1887) ⭐⭐⭐⭐, 5
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Plus qu’une énième démonstration décadente des diableries féminines, une sorte d’origin story à toutes les femmes fatales de Rachilde. Une virtuosité de conteuse (les chutes presque à chaque fin de chapitres), des éléments autofictionnels hyper intéressants (mère aliénée ; père militaire, rigide et blessant ; le titre de “Marquise de Sade” ; le fait de décevoir parce qu’elle est une fille, etc), des réflexions sur les relations de genre et de pouvoir ; don à la femme “fatale” d’une histoire (+ des explications sur sa construction sociale faite dans la plus haute violence) et d’un attrait, presque compulsif, pour la fiction dès l’enfance…
Beaucoup plus abouti que Monsieur Vénus : la généalogie, l’ancrage qui manquait au personnage de Raoule de Vénérande.
Je n’en dirai pas beaucoup plus puisque ma réflexion sera beaucoup plus aboutie dans les prochains mois, à la relecture et surtout à l’aune de mon mémoire. J’en reparlerai plus en détail (peut-être).
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denis-editions · 1 year ago
Imaginaire n°559 lundi 23 octobre 2023 inspirée par “Délicates chroniques de la flagellation” d'Émile Desjardins
Il est des passions délicieusement puissantes.
SHLAG !   Avril 1768, Horace Walpole, comte d’Orford reçoit une lettre de son amie, complice de ses turpitudes homosexuelles, Madame du Deffand, marquise du Deffand. “Un certain comte de Sade, neveu de l’abbé auteur de Pétrarque, rencontra, le mardi de Pâques, une femme grande et bien faite, âgée de trente ans, qui lui demanda l’aumône ; il lui fit beaucoup de questions, lui marqua de l’intérêt, lui proposa de la tirer de sa misère, et de la faire concierge d’une petite maison qu’il a auprès de Paris. Cette femme l’accepta. Il lui dit d’y venir le lendemain matin l’y trouver; elle y fut ; il la conduisit d’abord dans toutes les chambres de la maison, dans tous les coins et recoins, et puis il la mena dans le grenier ; arrivés là, il s’enferma avec elle, lui ordonna de se mettre toute nue ; elle résista à cette proposition, se jeta à ses pieds, lui dit qu’elle était une honnête femme ; il lui montra un pistolet qu’il tira de sa poche, et lui dit d’obéir, ce qu’elle fit sur-le-champ ; alors il lui lia les mains et la fustigea cruellement ; quand elle fut tout en sang, il tira un pot d’onguent de sa poche, en pansa les plaies, et la laissa…”[1] Horace, horrifié par ce témoignage, laissa choir la missive, qui virevoltant, se posa sur le parquet plus doucement qu’une plume. Baissant la tête, il remarqua son entrejambe. “Mon dieu ! Que m’arrive-t-il ?” se mit-il à penser. […]
la suite à lire par le lien.
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melpomeneprose · 1 month ago
Madame la Marquise if indeed the title still holds or matters at all. G.od helped the stranger. He had best not brought her husband, Monsieur la Marquis, as well. Though, really, only time will tell that. Perhaps it's true every philosopher including Voltaire, agrees that good cannot exist without evil.
The blonde rather young-looking woman, clearly not the age she was at her passing and incredibly confused. In late rococo dress no big robe a la francaise or indeed anything extravagant despite the title.
Renée just blinked in something of quiet disdain covered well with 'Good C.atholic and French Revolution r.epublican virtue.' Donatien de Sade, her husband, the Marquis would squirm in disgust or else try to 'ruin' a model of honesty and moral rectitude, to which Renée would merely scoff and dare him do if he could fathom the consequences.
With a rather disoriented gaze, Renée tries to make sense of the thing. She is not foolish. Then she recoils in horror and confusion, "Monsieur, I do not know what you intended. Then again most men seldom do. Doing whatever they please and pursuing whatever they want with little regard for the harm they do others." De sade.
"But, if you can explain yourself," she commands. Then she sighs, "Do get up, you merely make yourself undignified."
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Closed Starter for @melpomeneprose | Marquess Renee de Sade
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As confident as Jett had grown in his abilities over the years, he hadn’t actually expected the ritual to work. Certainly not on the first try! It was an ancient rite he’d found in the grimoire of a Gaulish mage who had largely been described to him as a madman by the online seller. Given the oddly well-preserved nature of the journal, the young witch had initially been skeptical of its authenticity, but the more he read, aided by a translation spell and a few other texts to give much needed context, the more intrigued he became.
He had to test it.
He just had to.
In choosing whom to attempt to pull from the bowels of Purgatory, he took little care other than making sure that they were at least somewhat interesting. Language barriers could easily be crossed, so that wasn’t much of a factor. Protective wards were of greater concern to him, as he had no way of assuring that whomever he summoned would not be violent or otherwise volatile. No sense in setting the living dead loose on his sleepy North Carolina town, after all. The wards and ritual circle combined took a little over an hour to set up, and required the entire basement of his cabin. Candles lit. Runes drawn on the wooden floor with a mix of chalk and pig’s blood (sourced responsibly from a local butcher). The small windows near the ceiling opened to allow both the cool breeze and the light of the full moon to permeate the room. A smaller circle in the very center, drawn with grave dirt and surrounding a bucket of well water. And a long incantation that Jett stumbled over a few times but managed to recite entirely, finishing by loudly and clearly calling the name of the one he wished to summon.
“Marquess Renée de Sade!”
A deafening silence overtook the room, and for a moment, Jett wondered what he had done wrong, convinced that this attempt at the resurrection ritual was a bust. He should have known. Without a body for the soul to inhabit, how could one hope to raise the dead? In the next moment, however, chaos erupted. Blinding light flashed in the center of the room, followed almost immediately by a crack of thunder so loud that it shook the house, knocking Jett off his feet. Disoriented and with ears ringing, the necromancer tried to get his bearings. Easier said than done. Minutes felt like hours. Pain radiated through his skull, and blood dripped from his nose. Magic always had a cost, after all, and death magic had an especially steep price. He couldn’t get up. Couldn’t hardly move. All he could do was wait in agony while his body worked to right itself.
When the dust settled, however, and the stars had mostly vanished from his vision, he was in for quite the shock. There she was, staring down at him. He stared back up at the newly restored Marquess, his slack jaw slowly working itself into a bewildered but victorious grin. “Holy fuckin’ shit,” he drawled, still trying to catch his breath. “It worked! It actually worked!” An exhausted laugh escaped him then, relief flooding through his prone form.
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fleuromanie · 6 years ago
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Ce livre de Rachilde (1887) est une pure merveille, @lemaldusiecle! 
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tabellae-rex-in-sui · 3 years ago
i want sade tied to the figurehead of a ship
How kind you are to remind me that you’re never seasick. What can I tell you on that score, my boy? I’ve long known you carry your wine and your water better than I. But while you make such a brave show up there on deck, all it would take is a pasteboard sea serpent to send you flying into the water or into hell if it opened up beneath your feet . . . Each of us has his little weaknesses, Quiros my son . . . happy is he who has the fewest.
— Sade to Carteron, aka La Jeunesse, aka Martin Quiros; 4 October 1779
I have always dreaded and prodigiously detested the sea. La Jeunesse, who has seen me brave the sea, knows that this antipathy stems from my basic nature and that I absolutely cannot bear sailing. You may be sure that with the sad state of my already wasted chest, that is all it would take to finish me off. Even if it were a question, not of a post, not of the command, but of crowning me the king of an island, I would turn it down [...] And that if I am forced into it, I would sooner be chopped into pieces on the shore than forced onto any sort of ship, preferring, between two possible deaths, the one that will deliver me from my sufferings at one fell swoop rather than one which, simply prolonging them, would be more than dreadful in my view [...] I have not often asked you to dispel all the fears or nightmarish fantasies wherewith my unfortunate situation has filled me. Furthermore, there are five or six other worrisome aspects to this ridiculous scheme you leave me with, regarding which I ask you for no reassurance, if one may employ that expression. But as for this one, it has afflicted me so long and so cruelly that I believe the anxiety it has caused me, and the sleepless nights it has made me spend, are doubtless the reason behind my failing health; and I ask you with the greatest urgency to reassure me on this score. All I ask is that you allay my fears upon the single matter of shipping me off to sea, which I consider a deliberate act of killing me off in a tortuously slow manner. The shorter way would be to send me a stout dose of opium, and the matter would be done. I shall sign the request in my own blood if need be.
— Sade to Renée-Pelagie, Marquise de Sade; 25 June 1780
Also shout out to Inspector Marais who casually asked him if he was afraid of the sea while he was arresting him, for a the sole purpose of freaking him out: "a casual question Marais put to me on the road, if I was afraid of the sea, and, most of all, something analogous to that project" (same 25 june letter)
All from Letters From Prison by Marquis de Sade, Translated by Richard Seaver
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marquise-justine-de-sade · 3 years ago
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Brindo alle parole belle che ti scaldano il cuore, del tipo:
“Ti raggiungo dove vuoi!”
Alla sincerità, alle attenzioni..
E all’anima, quella che si riconosce con la tua..
Cin.. 🍷
Marquise Justine De Sade..🌹
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fabioferreiraroc · 4 years ago
Todos os filmes em que as cenas de sexo foram para valer
A Bula reuniu em uma lista todos os filmes da história do cinema nos quais os atores se envolvem em atos sexuais reais, não simulados. A diferença entre esses longas e a pornografia é que, embora possam ser considerados eróticos, a trama deles não é meramente pornográfica. Ao todo, a lista conta com 264 títulos.
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A Bula reuniu em uma lista todos os filmes da história do cinema nos quais os atores se envolvem em atos sexuais reais, não simulados. Nos Estados Unidos, esse tipo de cena era proibido no cinema convencional, mas a partir dos Anos 1960 os cineastas começaram a ultrapassar os limites. A diferença entre esses longas e a pornografia é que, embora possam ser considerados eróticos, a trama deles não é meramente pornográfica. A maioria deles foi lançada nos anos 1970 e 80, com predominância de dois diretores: o espanhol Jesús Franco e o italiano Joe D’Amato. Por repetidas vezes, também aparecem os nomes de cineastas consagrados atualmente, como Lars von Trier, Gaspar Noé e Yorgos Lanthimos.
1 — Gift (1966), Knud Leif Thomsen
2 — They Call Us Misfits (1968), Stefan Jarl
3 — F*uck (1969), Andy Warhol
4 — 99 Mulheres (1969), Stefen Thrower
5 — Double Face (1969), Riccardo Freda
6 — Quiet Days in Clichy (1970), Jens Jørgen Thorsen
7 — Groupie Girl (1970), Drek Ford
8 — The Deviates (1970), Eduardo Cemano
9 — Bacchanale (1970), John Amero
10 — Kama Sutra ’71 (1970), Raj Devi
11 — Cry Uncle! (1971), John G. Avildsen
12 — Slaughter Hotel (1971), Fernando Di Leo
13 — Uma Lagartixa num Corpo de Mulher (1971), Lucio Fulci
14 — Luminous Procuress (1971), Steven F. Arnold
15 — Secret Rites (1971), Drek Ford
16 —A Clockwork Blue (1972), Eric Jeffrey Haims
17 — Pink Flamingos (1972), John Waters
18 — Who Killed the Prosecutor and Why? (1972), Giuseppe Vari
19 — La Verità Secondo Satana (1972), Ronato Polselli
20 — So Sweet, So Dead (1972), Rose et Val
21 — The Red Headed Corpse (1972), Renzo Russo
22 — Commuter Husbands (1972), Derek Ford
23 — Delirium (1972), Renato Polselli
24 — Christina, the Devil Nun (1972), Sergio Bergonzelli
25 — Danish Pastries (1973), Finn Karlsson
26 — Ingrid the Streetwalker (1973), Brunello Rondi
27 — Thriller – Um Filme Cruel (1973), Bo Arne Vibenius
28 — Revelations of a Psychiatrist on the World of Sexual Perversion (1973), Renato Polselli
29 — A Scream in the Streets (1973), Carl Monson
30 — The Devil In Miss Jones (1973), Gerard Damiano
31 — Fleshpot on 42nd Street (1973), Andy Milligan
32 — The Other Side of the Mirror (1973), Jess Franco
33 — Diary of a Nynphomaniac (1973), Jesús Franco
34 — A Virgem e os Mortos (1973), Jesús Franco
35 — O Reduto dos Monstros (1973), Vidal Raski
36 — The Devil’s Plaything (1973), Joseph W. Sarno
37 — Anita (1973), Torgny Wickman
38 — The Sex Thief (1973), Martin Campbell
39 — The Porn Brokers (1973), John Lindsay
40 — Emmanuelle (1974), Just Jaeckin
41 — The Eerie Midnight Horror Show (1974), Mario Gariazzo
42 — Zelda (1974), Alberto Cavallone
43 — I Tyrens Tegn (1974), Werner Hedman
44 — Score (1974), Radley Metzger
45 — Riot on a Women’s Prison (1974), Brunello Rondi
46 — The Girls of Kamare (1974), René Viénet
47 — La Bonzesse (1974), François Jouffa
48 — Sweet Movie (1974), Dušan Makavejev
49 — Fiossie (1974), Marie Forsa
50 — Contos Imorais (1974), Walerian Borowczyk
51 — Lorna: O Exorcista (1974), Jesús Franco
52 — Countess Perverse (1974), Jesús Franco
53 — Carnal Revenge (1974), Alfredo Rizzo
54 — Keep It Up, Jack! (1974), Derek Ford
55 — The Hot Girls (1974), John Lindsay
56 — Voodoo Sexy (1974), Osvaldo Civirani
57 — Nude for Satan (1974), Luigi Batzella
58 — In the Sign of the Gemini (1974), Werner Hadman
59 — Come To My Bedside (1975), John Hillbard
60 — The Image (1975), Radley Metzger
61 — Número Dois (1975), Jean-Luc Godard
62 — The Teenage Prostitution Racket (1975), Carlo Lizzani
63 — Emanuelle Nera (1975), Bitto Albertini
64 — Emanuelle’s Revenge (1975), Joe D’Amato
65 — Felicia (1975), Max Pécas
66 — But Who Raped Linda? (1975), Jesús Franco
67 — A Maldição da Vampira (1975), Jesús Franco
68 — Les Chatouilleuses (1975), Jesús Franco
69 — L’Éventreur de Notre-Dame (1975), Jesús Franco
70 — Justine e Juliette (1975), Mac Ahlberg
71 — The Bloodsucker Leads the Dance (1975), Alfredo Rizzo
72 — Lábios de Sangue (1975), Jean Rollin
73 — Rêves Pornos (1975), Max Pécas
74 — Wham! Bam! Thank You, Spaceman! (1975), William A. Levey
75 — Breaking Point (1975), Bo Arne Vibenius
76 — Rolls-Royce Baby (1975), Erwin C. Dietrich
77 — Girls Come First (1975), Joseph McGrath
78 — The Sexplorer (1975), Derek Ford
79 — Le Sexe qui Parle (1975), Claude Mulot
80 — Barbie Wire Dolls (1975), Jesús Franco
81 — Emanuelle em Bangkok (1975), Joe D’Amato
82 — Lust (1976), Max Pécas
83 — The Opening of Misty Beethoven (1976), Radley Metzger
84 — Alice in Wonderland: An X-Rated Musical Fantasy (1976), Bud Townsend
85 — Bedside Sailors (1976), John Hillbard
86 — In The Sign of the Lion (1976), Werner Hedman
87 — O Império dos Sentidos (1976), Nagisa Oshima
88 —Through the Looking Glasses (1976), Jonas Middleton
89 — A Real Young Girl (1976), Catherine Breillat
90 — Die Marquise von Sade (1976), Jesús Franco
91 — Girls in the Night Traffic (1976), Jesús Franco
92 — The French Governess (1976), Demofilo Fidani
93 — Inhibition (1976), Paolo Poetti
94 — Around the World in 80 Beds (1976), Jesús Franco
95 — Sex Express (1976), Derek Ford
96 — Keep It Up Downstairs (1976), Robert Young
97 — Secrets of a Superstud (1976), Morton L Lewis
98 — The Office Party (1976), David Grant
99 �� The Angel and The Woman (1976), Gilles Carle
100 — Agent 69 in the Sign of Scorpio (1977), Werner Hedman
101 — Shining Sex (1977), Werner Hedman
102 — Fate la nanna coscine di pollo (1977), Amasi Damiani
103 — Blue Rita (1977), Jesús Franco
104 — Emanuelle na América (1977), Joe D’Amato
105 — Emanuelle Around the World (1977), Joe D’Amato
106 — Sister Emanuelle (1977), Giuseppe Vari
107 — Nazi Love Camp 27 (1977), Mario Caiano
108 — Under The Bed (1977), David Grant
109 — The Mark (1977), Ilias Mylonakos
110 — The Cerimony (1977), Omiros Efstratiadis
111 — Monsieur Sade (1977), Jacques Robin
112 — Caligula’s Hot Nights (1977), Roberto Bianchi
113 — Agent 69 Jensen in the Sign of Sagittarius (1978), Werner Hedman
114 — Behind Convent Walls (1978), Walerian Borowczyk
115 — Blue Movie (1978), Alberto Cavallone
116 — Sister of Ursula (1978), Enzo Milloni
117 — The Coming of Sin (1978), José Ramón Larraz
118 — Pleasure Shop on the Avenue (1978), Joe D’Amato
119 — You’re Driving Me Crazy (1978), David Grant
120 — Immoral Women (1979), Walerian Borowczyk
121 — Caligula (1979), Bob Guccione
122 — Images In a Convent (1979), Joe D’Amato
123 — Play Model (1979), Mario Gariazzo
124 — Giallo a Venezia (1979), Mario Landi
125 — Malabimba (1979), Andrea Bianchi
126 — A Prisão (1980), Oswaldo de Oliveira
127 — Beast in Space (1980), Alfonso Brescia
128 — Blow Job (1980), Alberto Cavallone
129 — La Gemella Erotica (1980), Alberto Cavallone
130 — Erotic Nights of the Living Dead (1980), Joe D’Amato
131 — Orgasmo Nero (1980), Joe D’Amato
132 — Flying Sex (1980), Joe D’Amato
133 — Libidomania (1980), Bruno Mattei
134 — When love is obscenity (1980), Roberto Polselli
135 — Hard Sensation (1980), Joe D’Amato
136 — Hotel Paradise (1980), Edoardo Mulargia
137 — Sex and Black Magic (1980), Joe D’Amato
138 — Porno Esotic Love (1980), Joe D’Amato
139 — The Porno Killers (1980), Roberto Mauri
140 — Sem Controle (1980), Paul Verhoeven
141 — Táxi para o Banheiro (1980), Frank Ripploh
142 — Os Frutos da Paixão (1981), Shuji Terayama
143 — Emmanuelle in Soho (1981), David Hughes
144 — Porno Holocaust (1981), Joe D’Amato
145 — Calígula: A História que Não Foi Contada (1982), Joe D’Amato
146 — Scandale (1982), George Mihalka
147 — Apocalipsis Sexual (1982), Carlos Aured
148 — Aphrodite (1982), Robert Fuest
149 — Il Nano Erotico (1982), Alberto Cavallone
150 — My Nights With Messalina (1982), Jaime J. Puig
151 — The Virgin for Caligula (1982), Jaime J. Puig
152 — Luz del Fuego (1982), David Neves
153 — Perdida em Sodoma (1982), Nilton Nascimento
154 — Killing of the Flesh (1983), Cesari Canevari
155 — Satan’s Baby Doll (1983), Mario Bianchi
156 — Taking Tiger Mountain (1983), Tom Huckabee
157 — Emmanuelle 4 (1984), Francis Leroi
158 — Lilian, The Perverted Virgin (1984), Jesús Franco
159 — Alcova (1985), Joe D’Amato
160 — James Joyce’s Women (1985), Michael Pearce
161 — Diabo no Corpo (1986), Marco Bellocchio
162 — Emmanuelle 5 (1987), Walerian Borowczyk
163 — Emmanuelle 6 (1988), Bruno Zincone
164 — Hotel St. Pauli (1988), Svend Wan
165 — Kindergarten (1989), Jorge Polaco
166 — Kinski Paganini (1989), Klaus Kinski
167 — Tokyo Decadence (1992), Ryu Murakami
168 — The Soft Kill (1994), Eli Cohen
169 — A Vida de Jesus (1997), Bruno Dumont
170 — Os Idiotas (1998), Lars von Trier
171 — O Tédio (1998), Cédric Kahn
172 — Fiona (1998), Amos Kollek
173 — Jesus is a Palestinian (1999), Lodewijk Crijns
174 — Romance (1999), Catherine Breillat
175 — Pola X (1999), Leos Carax
176 — The Man-Eater (1999), Aurelio Grimaldi
177 — Olhe por Mim (1999), Davide Ferrario
178 — Vampire Strangler (1999), William Hellfire
179 — Baise-moi (2000), Virginie Despentes
180 — Scrapbook (2000), Eric Stanze
181 — Intimacy (2001), Patrice Chéreau
182 — O Pornógrafo (2001), Bertrand Bonello
183 — Lucia e o Sexo (2001), Julio Medem
184 — Dias de Cão (2001), Ulrich Seidl
185 — O Centro do Mundo (2001), Wayne Wang
186 — La Novia de Lázaro (2002), Fernando Merinero
187 — Le loup de la côte Ouest (2002), Hugo Santiago
188 — Eternamente Sua (2002), Apichatpong Weerasethakul
189 — Coisas Secretas (2002), Jean-Claude Brisseau
190 — Ken Park (2002), Larry Clark
191 — Brown Bunny (2003), Vincent Gallo
192 — Faça Isto (2003), Tinto Brass
193 — Rossa Venezia (2003), Andreas Bethmann
194 — The Principles of Lust (2003), Penny Woolcock
195 — Anatomia do Inferno (2004), Catherine Breillat
196 — 9 Canções (2004), Michael Winterbottom
197 — Story of The Eye (2004), Georges Bataille
198 — Kärlekens språk (2004), Anders Lennberg
199 — Garotinho Bobo (2004), Lionel Baier
200 — All About Anna (2005), Jessica Nilsson
201 — 8mm 2 (2005), J. S. Cardone
202 — Beijando na Boca (2005), Joe Swanberg
203 — O Sabor da Melancia (2005), Tsai Ming-Liang
204 — Princesas (2005), Fernando Léon de Aranoa
205 — Deite Comigo (2005), Clement Virgo
206 — Destricted (2006), Gaspar Noé e outros
207 — Shortbus (2006), John Cameron Mitchell
208 — Taxidermia (2006), Gyorgy Pálfi
209 — Os Anjos Exterminadores (2006), Jean-Claude Brisseau
210 — Amour Fou (2007), Felicitas Korn
211 — Ex Drummer (2007), Koen Mortier
212 — Its Fine. Everything is Fine! (2007), David Brothers
213 — The Story of Richard O (2007), Damien Odoul
214 — Import Export (2007), Ulrich Seidl
215 — Serviço (2008), Brillante Mendoza
216 — Tropical Manila (2008), Sang-woo Lee
217 — Otto, ou Viva Gente Morta (2008), Bruce LaBruce
218 — À l’aventure (2008), Jean-Claude Brisseau
219 — Amateur Porn Star Killer 2 (2008), Shane Ryan
220 — Gutterballs (2008), Ryan Nicholson
221 — House of Flesh Mannequins (2009), Domiziano Cristopharo
222 — Anticristo (2009), Lars von Trier
223 — Viagem Alucinante (2009), Gaspar Noé
224 — The Band (2009), Anna Brownfield
225 — Canino (2009), Yorgos Lanthimos
226 — Angels With Dirty Wings (2009), Roland Reber
227 — Now & Later (2009), Philippe Diaz
228 — Bedways (2010), Rolf Peter Kahl
229 — Rio Sex Comedy (2010), Jonathan Nossiter
230 — The Bunny Game (2010), Adam Rehmeier
231 — Ano Bissexto (2010), Michael Rowe
232 — Gandu (2010), Qaushiq Mukherjee
233 — LelleBelle (2011), Mischa Kamp
234 — Desire (2011), Laurent Bouhnik
235 — O Amor é um Saco! (2011), Scud
236 — Caged (2011), Stephan Brenninkmeijer
237 — Léa (2011), Bruno Rolland
238 — The Wrong Ferrari (2011), Adam Green
239 — Clip (2011), Maja Milos
240 — Uma Estranha Amizade (2012), Sean S. Baker
241 — Paradise: Faith (2012), Ulrich Seidl
242 —And They Call It Summer (2012), Paolo Franchi
243 — I Want Your Love (2012), Travis Mathews
244 — Crônicas Sexuais de Uma Família Francesa (2012), Pascal Arnold
245 — Azul é a Cor Mais Quente (2013), Abdellatif Kechiche
246 — Ninfomaníaca (2013), Lars von Trier
247 — Pornopung (2013), Johan Kaos
248 — O Desconhecido do Lago (2013), Alain Guiraudie
249 — Zonas Úmidas (2013), David Wnendt
250 — Pasolini (2014), Abel Ferrara
251 — Diet of Sex (2014), Borja Brun
252 — Angry Painter (2015), Kyu-hwan Jeon
253 — Love (2015), Gaspar Noé
254 — Muito Amadas (2015), Nabil Ayouch
255 —Theo e Hugo (2016), Olivier Ducastel
256 — Tenemos la Carne (2016), Emiliano Rocha Minter
257 — Needle Boy (2016), Alexander Bak Sagmo
258 — Love Machine (2016), Pavel Ruminov
259 — A Noite (2016), Edgardo Castro
260 — A Thought of Ecstasy (2017), Rolf Peter Kahl
261 — Ana, Meu Amor (2017), Calin Peter Netzer
262 — Picture of Beauty (2017), Maxim Ford
263 — Marfa Girl 2 (2018), Larry Clark
264 — Mektoub, My Love: Intermezzo (2018), Abdellatif Kechiche
Todos os filmes em que as cenas de sexo foram para valer Publicado primeiro em https://www.revistabula.com
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arwainian · 2 years ago
I find this quote very striking, and because of it I went through the link and read the article itself, and it contains discussion of a lot of historical authors who were (what we today consider) queer and who's works had queer themes, as well as modern scholars bringing their works into a modern light! I've actually collected a list of most/all of the writers and works in case anybody (besides myself) is interested! it's a bit long haha
Specific historical writers and works:
Rachilde (the pseudonym of Marguerite Vallette-Eymery) - works including: Monsieur Venus, Madame Adonis, La Jongleuse, and La Marquise de Sade
Henry James (lots of scholarship on this guy)
Vernon Lee (pseudonym of Violet Page) - works including: Miss Brown, Renaissance Fancies and Studies
Walter Pater - Studies in the History of the Renaissance
The Sins of the Cities of the Plain (1881) - apparently pornographic, author debated
Teleny (1893) - apparently pornographic, author debated
Sexual Inversion (1897) by Symonds and Havelock Ellis. Symonds also did translations of Michaelangelo's sonnets apparently which are very gay
Howard Stugis - work: Tim (1891)
Abel Hermant - work: Le Disciple Aimé (1895) apparently not yet translated into English
Achille Essebac - work: Dédé (1901)
Georges Eekhoud - work: Escale-Vigor (1889) apparently already translated but might need to be again?
Chains of Love and Beauty. the Diary of Michael Field, ed. by Carolyn Denver (this is a joint diary of a lesbian couple that wrote under the same name i think?)
Modern scholars and scholarly works on the above:
Nancy Erber, William Peniston, Michael Rosenfeld (mentioned together bc they collaborated on several of the following): The Italian Invert: A Gay Man's Intimate Confession to Émile Zola
Queer Lives: Men's Autobiographis from Nineteenth Century France
Marc-Audré Raffalovich's Uranism and Unisexuality
Lesbian Decadence (by Nancy Erber specifically i think)
Rachilde and French Women's Authorship from Decadence to Modernism by Melanie Hawthorne
Before Trans: Three Gender Stories from Nineteenth Century France by Rachel Mesch (I've read this recently and it's really good and includes some more historical writers)
Epistemology of the Closet by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick
The Other Henry James by John Rowe
Henry James and Queer Modernity by Eric Haralson
Henry James and the Queerness of Style by Kevin Ohi
Henry James and Queer Filiation by Michael Anesko
The Apparitional Lesbian by Terry Castle
The Literature of Lesbianism ed. by Terry Castle
Disturbing Practices: History, Sexuality, and Women's Experiences of Modern War by Laura Doan
Time Binds: Queer Temporalities, Queer Histories by Elizabeth Freeman
Queer/Early/Modern by Carla Freccero
happy reading!
Once you start looking, you see queer presentism everywhere. It pops up when politicians espouse our “unprecedented” ability to love who we love, and when recent book bans are said to “roll back the clock” on LGBTQ+ rights, implying that clocks tick continually toward progress. It manifests in Oscar Wilde hagiography, which elevates him to the status of singular queer martyr and extrapolates an epochal paradigm from his 1895 trials. It seeps into our everyday speech, in our references to “forbidden love” and our use of the term “Victorian” to imply prudish homophobia. It both stems from and structures the editorial projects that publishers pursue, giving rise to catalogues like the NYRB Classics, where the oldest work tagged LGBTQ+ is Colette’s The Pure and the Impure (1932) — as if nothing queer was written before.
The truth is that there’s a world of queer writing that predates Colette, volumes of manuscript and books that aren’t so much products of historical suppression as they are suppressed by today’s “it’s gotten better” mindset. This is convenient for a culture industry in search of the sui generis and always eager to pat itself on the back for its own enlightenment. But the almost total neglect, outside the academy, of the queer literary archive is a shame, and not only because it propagates factual errors. In limiting our horizons for understanding how our predecessors lived, loved, and wrote, we end up narrowing our own vistas. When we apply the repressive hypothesis, we’re actually repressing ourselves.
Colton Valentine, “Against Queer Presentism​ | How the Book World Neglects the Archive,” The Drift, October 25, 2022.
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bluanice · 6 years ago
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Ci sono due persone per le quali vale sempre la pena combattere. Una è te stesso, l'altra anche. (Marquise-justine-de-sade) https://www.instagram.com/marilenagentile/p/BwnBj-YH7E8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=w8dx5uxn2x42
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verver · 2 years ago
Elle continue son récit à l'oreille de Blotin :
Son premier scandale fut un 3 Avril 1768 à Arcueil, c'est là qu'a éclaté l'émeute eh !
écoute bien cette histoire mec, elle est superbe déglutit Sylvie en buvant verre sur verre.
- Came toi Sylvie
Elle reprit son débit : c'est la marquise de Delfond qui fut la première à classer Sade parmi les meurtriers ou les fous, elle avait écrit à Horace Warpole
" Sade le neveu de l'abbé savant qui fait des recherches sur Petrarque, rencontra le Mardi de Pâques une femme mendiant vers chez lui " .... tu imagine la suite....à l'époque déjà !
- Oui , continue ! lui dit Blotin qui depuis un moment à perdu le fil de l'histoire, je commande une autre boutanche.
Il pense qu'elle est vraiment frappée et qu'elle aurait bien été capable de buter les nains.
Oui! je te dit mec ! la fille était mendiante. Sade lui a offert un poste de bonne pour sa petite maison près de Paris.
Sylvie balance un rot sonore.
Elle poursuit la discussion intarissable donc la fille accepte, arrivés là-bas Sade la menace d'un pistolet et lui demande d'obéir ce qu'elle fit immédiatement.
- Tu piges mec ? demande Sylvie un peu bourrée .
Se que Blotin pige c'est qu'elle est totalement tarée.
- J'suis pas con ! gueule Blotin.
La dingue continue son baratin en expliquant à Bloblote que le marquis attache les mains de la pauvre bonne et la fouette cruellement, il prend un couteau et lui fait des incisions partout sur le corps.
Mais la bonne parvient à se défaire de ses liens et se sauver par la fenêtre en hurlant et c'est là que l'émeute, le scandale commence.
Blotin demande où il a fait précisément ses incisions.
La follasse le lui dit en donnant de amples détails :
partout sur le corps ! avec son surin ! et il enduisait de baume les plaies et les meurtrissures.
Elle ajoute exaltée :
Il avait l'âme d'un disséqueur, d'un illustre médecin aux doigts de fée.
- Eh ! Eh ! hurla Blotin.
Il ajoute :
- Qu 'est-ce que tu penses du mec qui bute les nains ?
Sylvie riait comme une démente en secouant la tête comme un âne.
- Pourtant d'une certaine manière il ressemble à ton Sade !
- Pas du tout répondit Sylvie outrée, offensés, Sade est un artiste.
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parischarles-oreo · 4 years ago
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Fontainebleau, Napoléon.
C. et C., either non nah, Italia. Si y a bonne journée. La France.
Lilly, y sûr ca so. Ba, va très bien. D’accord. La France.
Medicore, bonne journée. dunhill, bonne journée, ici. Bonne journée, salut. La France:
Bonne journée.
Mardi : Vendredi
Si a y coso, all
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ziouranio · 3 years ago
Raccolgo il testimone di geova e frugo nel liquido cerebro-spinale alla ricerca di 5 neuroni caratteristiche per cui mi autopiaccio (o forse utopiaccio).
1) l’inventiva (o fantasia). Impagabile sensazione di superiorità quando a distanza di anni, in un fascicolo dell’ufficio tecnico di un cliente trovi un tovagliolo di carta su cui tu stesso hai scarabocchiato qualche meccanismo e constati che è stato conservato accuratamente in un porta listìni di plastica manco fosse la sindone. Oppure quando inizi a sparare quelle che credi cazzate in una riunione e vedi due o tre che cominciano a prendere appunti ansiati come il secchione al liceo che si aspetta l’interrogazione subito dopo.
2) la faccia come il culo. Siccome praticamente non mi frega un cazzo di niente e di nessuno, se inciampo nella predella della cattedra chiedo ai ragazzi “Chi è lo stronzo che ha portato la criptonite?”. Oppure importuno la milf al supermarket esordendo “scusi, ma siccome sono uomo etero non sono geneticamente programmato per fare la spesa, mi indica dove trovo la pastafrolla?” Oppure alla trombabilissima vigilessa “scusi, mi sono perso, mi può indicare la via più breve per portarla a cena a fine turno?”
3) la smorfia che faccio mentre penso, arricciando un poco solo la narice sinistra ed inclinando la testa mentre guardo un punto fisso tra gli occhi del mio interlocutore, alla Cal Lightman, fino ad avvertire la sensazione di disagio del dirimpettaio (procura orgasmi multipli?). Ma l’ho sempre fatta fin da quando ero bambino per cui è il telefilm ad avermela copiata.
4) la capacità di ricordarmi a memoria cose idiote come passi di Keats o di Catullo, oppure episondi salienti della vita di santi, martiri o scienziati, e di tirarle fuori a cazzo per tagliare le lunghe discussioni quando cominciano a triturare le gonadi. (il concetto è “siccome non c’entra una minchia gli altri rimangono inebetiti a cercare di capire la connessione”, e intanto saluti e te ne vai)
5) Non mi viene in mente niente di fisico. Magari da giovane il bulbo e la cartola (traduco dal bolognese, capigliatura e faccia). A detta altrui ho un bel culo, ma non l’ho mai personalmente considerato un punto chiave (neanche chiavabile, se è per questo) perché non è che me lo possa rimirare. Il mio pizello vale come cosa, o rispetto ai pompini di martina è troppo osè e mi shadowano il profilo?
Dimenticavo.... taggo (pelle d’oca al solo uso della parola) anche io! @meryweird77 @marquise-justine-de-sade
La mia fedelissima taggatrice toscana (si può dire taggatrice?? Fa tipo macchina industriale ... vabbè) @hope-now-and-live mi chiede di sbómbinare, che, detto tra noi, è la prima volta che lo faccio in vita mia, e sono sempre curioso di cose nuove. Che si sbómbini a tutto vapore!
Ecco 5 cose che mi piacciono di me 🔥🚿👨🏻‍🚒
1) (preparate gli unfollow) la mia voglia di stare sempre in mezzo agli altri
2) la curiosità, anche nelle cose più sceme
3) il fatto di saper sfruttare le occasioni ogni volta che si presentano (questa è una qualità che valuto sempre a posteriori, dovessi dirlo in anticipo direi che mi cago sempre sotto, scusate la finesse)
4) (penso di) avere delle buone doti di diplomazia, che mi hanno tolto il 99% delle volte dai casini. Se volete chiamarla paraculaggine, va bene uguale.
5) il mio lato esibizionista, e credo che ieri se ne siano accorti anche i miei nuovi dirimpettai.
Allora ... oggi non si spiega, si sbómbina ... venghino su Tumblr: @martinastalla @19eighty4 @mafedericascusami @azzurrocartadazucchero @mat-tonto (ando' scappi?) e @pestobarilla , così impari a togliere i video di Zia Consiglia!! 😠
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