#lémieux family
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I think you mentioned in your post about Céléase Rosier not getting along with Valére Lémieux. What was that about?
The two met a few times through their mutual in-laws, and Céléase just never got the best impression of him. He was a man who exuded confidence, but Céléase couldn't help but see through the bravado. She knew that deep down Valére was aware he didn't have to act the way he did in front of others, but with his more vain and egotistical disposition he didn't know how to be anything other than what he pretended to be. Lissie saw him as a coward and his very presence disgusted her, even though a part of her did somewhat pity him... after all, he had been one of the less fortunate to escape his complicated upbringing, unlike Lissie.
I guess what really ticked Céléase off the most was that he didn't want to escape the wealth and privileges that was his birthright, even if that meant holding on to the empty accolades and superficial friendships that surrounded him. Valére knew everything in his life was fake, that he was fake. Some parts of himself he could never reveal out of fear of being outcasted by his family, and Lissie saw right through the facade he put up.
#céléase rosier#valére lémieux#ocs#my ocs#riddle era#riddle era ocs#rosier family#lémieux family#pélagie lémieux#edmée lémieux#asks
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ooo thanks @keoni-chan ❤️❤️
Mine's a collage of the founding sims from when I was playing ts3 during my tumblr break 'round April-August, named Tyler and Kaylee Lémieux. I loved them so much, they were both 5 star celebs in Bridgeport before retiring to Sunlit Tides. Dunno what it was about them but I had more fun with them than I've had with a ts3 family in years. I intend to play the save again in the future, although admittedly their great grandchildren in Aurora Skies weren't quite as fun as them 😉
Hmm, I tag @tipsy-clouds and @mdpthatsme and anybody else that is up for it.
let me see your desktop?
@skaterboisims @tau1tvec @kazuaru @non-sims @nekrophoria
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The Dark Mystery of Mark I. Plier Manor. (Part 1)

Ryan: This week on Buzzfeed Unsolved we investigate the dark mystery of Mark I. plier Manor as part of our ongoing investigation into the question: are ghosts real. (Shane lightly shakes his head.) Ryan: This case… it’s got everything. It’s got murder mystery, it’s got scandals, it’s got disappearances, and, more importantly, it’s got ghosts. Shane: Woah! How the heck are you going to title this, if it’s both Supernatural AND True Crime? Ryan: Yeah, this is one of the biggest cases I’ve ever looked into. There are so many theories out there for so many questions that come out of this. I think this is probably the largest number of theories we’re ever going to cover on this show. Shane: Wow. This is either going to be extremely intriguing or extremely boring, depending on what theories you’ve decided to give us, and, knowing you, I’m guessing it’s going to be the theories given by those people who wear tin foil hats. Ryan: Hahaha! Well, you’re about to learn all that is to know about it. Shane: Oh, goody(!) Let’s go.
At 12pm on the 12th October 1948, known romantic film ex-actor Mark I. Plier held a poker night at his manor in Northern LA. After over 12 hours of drinking, gambling, and all manner of activities that could be likened to a bachelor’s party, his guests went to their own private activities at 1:30am, some retiring to their rooms for the night, others heading off into other areas of the house, including Mark I. Plier. Exactly 7 hours later, at 8:30am, on Friday 13th, Mark I. Plier was found face first, on the floor of the stairway leading up from the parlour room, dead.
Shane: What is this fucking deal with Friday the 13th? Ryan: I think it’s just a thing where, because 13 is an unlucky number or part of the devil’s number it’s just- Shane: The devil has a number? Like a phone number? Ryan: No, I- (wheeze) Shane: We should call him up some time! See how he’s doin’! Maybe he can answer some of this spooky nonsense going on in the world. Ryan: The Devil! Call now! At 13 666- (wheeze) Shane: (wheeze) 13 666 69 69 69! Ryan: Hahahaha!
Strangely the police weren’t called to the scene until 33 hours later. And when they arrived on the scene they found only LAPD detective Abe Micks, bleeding from a bullet wound through the heart, and absolutely nobody else in the house.
Shane: Everyone left! They just got the heck outta there! Ryan: No... well, yeah, honestly if I was in a murder mystery situation and given the chance to leave, I wouldn’t hesitate. I’d get out of there too. Shane: But that makes you suspect number one, because everyone’s like ‘oh, why was he in such a hurry? He must have been the killer!’
Abe was investigated by the police through interrogation into the whereabouts of the other house guests, but throughout the questioning Abe remained silent, staring into the wood of the desk seemingly distracted in deep thought. It was only when one of the officers said the word murder that Abe reacted, claiming to quote “snap his head back up at the speaker, with a fearful look in his eyes.” It was also noted that whenever he did talk, he did everything he could to avoid the word murder, referring to it only as ‘the killing’. All that Abe could tell willingly was that quote “Colonel did it. He did it all. He’ll pay for what he did.”
Shane: ‘Colonel’? Colonel who? Ryan: Umm- Shane: Colonel Mustard!? Was it Colonel Mustard in the kitchen with the candle stick? Ryan: Hahaha! To be honest when you see the profile photos of all these people involve you are honestly going think this is all just a big game of Clue.
Abe was put in a psychiatric hospital for 2 months to recover and then discharged from the LAPD in late March 1950. Until then, the events that happened in the house and the whereabouts of the house guest remained a complete unanswered mystery, until, after the LAPD released a call out for anyone who knew information about the events at Mark I. Plier Manor to come forward, in which only one person came forth; the manor’s butler, Benjamin, who worked in the manor with it residents in its last 5 years. Almost 60% of the record for the case of the Mark I. Plier Manor are all from Benjamin’s court testimony, with under 20% the eyewitness testimony from the deranged detective.
INVESTIGATION: Outer Manor- 11pm
Ryan: Welp... There’s the manor. Do you know anything about the things that happened in this place, Shane? Shane: No. I’m more curious as to why it’s called ‘Mark I. Plier Manor’. Ryan: It’s the name of one of the victims of this house. He was an actor who owned the house and... just probably decided to name it after himself. Shane: He sounds like a douchebag. Ryan: Well, according to critics from his films and director who worked with him, he was known to be pretty much an asshole. But we’re not really here for him. We’re here to… hopefully get some answers as to what exactly happened the day after he was murdered. (Both men look up at the manor.) Shane: Sure looks ominous. Ryan: Yeah, this place is giving me the shivers. And we’re not even inside yet. Come on. (They head through the gates and up the path to the front door of the house. The gardens surrounding the place are overgrown and unkept. The exterior of the house has decaying wood and crumbling stone walls.) Shane: It’s a pity they haven’t bothered to maintain this place. It would make a great family home. Ryan: … You have a strange taste, you know that?
Ryan: So, we’re about to enter the manor now… And you remember what I told you about the word you’re not supposed to say? Shane: Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me. Ryan: Oh shit, you’re gonna say it aren’t you? Shane: (shouting as he enters the house) MURDER! … Shane: What’s supposed to happen when you say it? Ryan: There’s supposed to be thunder, apparently. Shane: Well, it doesn’t seem to have worked. Ryan: Well, no, but considering it’s a clear night tonight, if you say it again, and we hear thunder, on a night when their no clouds in the sky, we can claim the curse may have some authenticity. Shane: But if I say ‘murder’, and there isn’t thunder every time I say ‘murder’, then that proves that on that particular day of the murder, there was probably a storm going on that just so happens to rumble every time someone said ‘murder’ out of coincidence. Ryan: Stop saying it! Shane: I can’t hear the thunder, Ryan. I’ve said murder several times now. Ryan: You probably can’t hear it because you haven’t stopped talking to try and hear for it- Shane: M-m-m-m-MUUUuuuuuURDEEEEErrr!! … Shane: Right! That’s a box ticked under ‘bullshit’. Moving on! Ryan: (wheeze) I hate you so much.
Let’s get into the events of Mark I. Plier Manor, starting with the Poker Night. Those invited, in order of arrival, were the then Mayor of the Northern LA region: Damien Lémieux, LAPD detective: Abe Micks, US Army Corp Colonel: William Jackson Barnum, and an unknown District Attorney. The Mayor and the Colonel were close friends with each other as well as with Mark, the detective was solely a friend to Mark. While the District Attorney wasn’t known to anyone but the Mayor, who had recently hired them in his community council, it is unclear how or why they got their own separate invitation. What’s further puzzling is that due to know one at the manor knowing clearly who they were, to this day the District Attorney has been unidentified.
Shane: Hmmm. Suspicious. Ryan: Oh ho! I’m just getting started, boy!
Other people involved in the gathering was Benjamin, and the manor’s chef. According to the bill of the party the police had found in the manor, Mark had spent $400 on music entertainment, $256 on banquet party food, and a shocking $870 on alcohol. Judging by the waste of the party that was left over, the men drunk the equivalent of 9 glasses of wine between them. Which is strange, considering the fact Mark I. Plier was allergic to alcohol.
Shane: Wow! That’s a lot of shots! I’m surprised ANY of them survived it. Ryan: Well, as you can tell by the fact we’re discussing this entire case, not many survived it… Shane: …because they died of alcohol poisoning. (wheeze) Case solved! Ryan: Haha! Yeah, that’s it, guys, thanks for watching!
Ryan: So, this is the parlour room. This is where the poker night took place. Shane: It’s a big room. Agreed, if everything wasn’t covered in dust and cobwebs, I think I would definitely hold a poker party in here myself. Ryan: … Are you not feeling that cold breeze right now? Shane: Nope. Ryan: It’s so cold in here. Shane: Probably because the window’s been smashed and the air from outside is coming in. Or you’re goin’ crazy. Ryan: I hope it’s not the latter. … Ok, If there’s anybody here with us?... Mark, are you here with us? … Ryan: (pulls out a whisky bottle) We heard you like to party, Mark… so err, let’s all have a drink! (Pours out whiskey into 3 glasses) Shane: Honestly the only plus side to believing in ghosts is the fact you have a… I wouldn’t say ‘good’ excuse… Ryan: (wheeze) Shane: … but a ‘reasonable’ excuse to just get wasted! Ryan: I’ll drink to that! (Takes a sip) Shane: (wheeze) I will to. (Takes his glass) Ryan: (holding glass aloft) So! We’ve poured you a glass too, Mark… Or anybody else who’s in this room. Anyone want to join us in a toast, lift the glass. … Ryan: A toast… to… friendship! … Shane: Your loss, boys. (Drinks) Ryan: Yep. (Drinks) Shane: Woah. That’s.. surprisingly weak. Ryan: Yeah, I watered it down, in honour of Mark. (wheezes) Shane: You son of a bitch!
The party went on from 12pm until very late into the night until the activity in the parlour spread all around the house after 1am. At 1:50am, with everyone passed out, the party officially ended. The next morning, at the foot of the stairs towards the parlour, Mark was found by all members of the party but the Colonel, face first on the floor, still in his red robe smoking jacket he had worn all through the previous night, blood dripping from a bullet hole in his back.
Shane: So, he was shot. Ryan: … if a bullet hole can indicate anything on a human body, then yeah, it indicates being shot. Shane: Mmhmm! Detective Madej is on the case. Ryan: … You didn’t do… you… never mind. Moving on.
An hour later, the detective set up forensics for the scene. Benjamin admitted at this time he insisted on calling the police, however the detective responded, according to Benjamin’s testimony quote “I AM the authorities.”
Shane: Hmmmm. I’m not sure about this guy. Ryan: Yeah, Abe is an interesting guy. His parts to play in this whole case sort of… jumps between ‘he’s innocent’, ‘he’s guilty’, ‘no, he’s innocent’. Shane: He’s like a light switch on the whole case. Ryan: (wheeze) A very poetic description there.
The detective then took a rectal test to determine that the body was killed around 1:30am.
Shane: Eww. Ryan: (wheeze) I know. To be honest I’m sure there was probably a better way to tell when the body died… than a rectal exam. Shane: Hahahaha! He just did it for kicks, probably! Ryan: Hahaha!
At this time, according to each suspects testimony given to Abe at the time, The District Attorney was in their room, and had coincidentally passed out at exactly 1:30am, while the Colonel, the Mayor and Benjamin all retired to their room between 12:30am and 1:00am, while the chef stayed up until 1:15am to clean up after the mess of the party beforehand.
With no one proving to be the killer, as if suspicions couldn’t get any higher, at 9:30am, an hour after the body was discovered, the detective came back to the crime scene to find the body was nowhere to be found.
Shane: Oh nooooooo! Ryan: Yep. This is about to get interesting. Shane: As if it wasn’t interesting before! Ryan: … Is… is that that sarcasm? Shane: No, I mean it. This is genuinely an interesting case. Ryan: Hmm. I detect a small bit of sarcasm in your voice. Shane: Nah, that’s just how I normally speak.
There was an entire house search by nearly all members in the house, but after a whole hour, the body was never found. The fruitlessness of solving who the killer was, plus the sudden disappearance of the body, became too much, and at 1pm, the detective and the Colonel pulled guns on each other, both accusing each other as the murderer. The duel came to a quick end as, at 1:02pm, Mrs. Celine Barnum, the Mayor’s sister and Mark’s wife, arrived at the house.
Shane: (gasps) The drama! - wait?... ‘Mark’s wife’? Ryan: Yep. Shane: Wouldn’t it be Celine Plier if she’s married to him? Ryan: They were married before he became and actor and changed his name. Just because he changed his surname doesn’t mean she had to change hers too. Shane: I see… but… like the reason I was confused is because… Barnum is the... Colonel guy’s surname, right? Ryan: Oh! Oh, buddy. Keep that thought in mind, for when we get to the juiciness of the theories. Shane: Oooh, I bet the theories are real juicy. Ryan: It’s a lot of juice. Seriously, this case has the most theories I think we’ve ever covered in Buzzfeed Unsolved history. Shane: Oh, Jeez…. ‘Oh, juice!’ (wheeze)
Celine Barnum had been married to Mark for over 4 years and worked as a spirit medium. Believing there were quote “darker forces at work”, Celine insisted that a séance needed to be conducted to get a better understanding as to why her husband was killed.
Shane: How... did she know her husband was killed? Ryan: She was told as she arrived at the house. Shane: Oh, right. Yeah, I was about to ask like who is she? She just bursts into the house, like, ‘I’m here now, fuckers!’- Ryan: (wheezes) Shane: ‘Y’all mother fuckers need Ouija!’
A séance was conducted between Celine and the District Attorney, then there was, according to Benjamin, a second séance conducted between Celine and the Mayor. During this time, the Colonel went to his room after feeling tired and enraged with a number of the other house guests, Benjamin returned to his duties in the kitchen, while the District Attorney, the detective and the chef went outside to discuss the events of the house with the only other employee of the manor, the groundskeeper: George Gardener. Suddenly, 10 minutes later a bright glowing light shown through every door and window in the house.
Shane: Oh no. Ryan: hehehe! Shane: Oh no no no no. Ryan: What’s wrong, Shane? Shane: You’re not going to try and sell me that the whole house is a fucking alien spacecraft, are you? Ryan: Hahahahahahaa! Shane: A fucking UFO? And it just takes off into the night sky? You are, aren’t you? Ryan: Haha. No. But, to be honest, you still won’t like what was actually happening.
All house members ran into the house to inspect the light, and found the light coming from the séance room, and standing in the doorway was something truly disturbing. As described by both Abe and Benjamin, they saw Celine Barnum standing in the light of the doorway, who, quote, “was surrounded in a red glow” and “had an emotionless, ice cold stare”. There was the sound of quote “pierced screeching” described as “the sound of an out-of-frequency radio”. The figured scared the men so much they remained motionless in shock as the door closed, Celine still inside the room, and no sign of the Mayor.
Ryan: So err… this is the room where Celine held her séances… Jeez, I don’t like this room at all. All the stuff is still left here, including the board and the... crystal ball. Shane: Did they leave it out of respect or… where they just… lazy? Ryan: I think they were more scared. Shane: Of what? What were they scared of? The glass ball? Ryan: I don’t know. - but, you have to admit, it’s scary looking to that ball, isn’t it? Shane: Nope. Ryan: Just imagine seeing a horrible like monster face screaming at you through the glass. Shane: That’s sounds dope, honestly. Ryan: … Ok. Let start… Is anybody here with us? … Ryan: Celine Barnum, Are you here? … Ryan: Damien Lémieux. Are you here? … Shane: … Ain’t much going on, Ryan. Ryan: Yeah, I know, but we’re just getting started. (Ryan takes out spirit box.) Shane: Miss Celine and Mr Damien, I apologise in advance, as my friend is taking out a screaming box that apparently you can try to talk through… Although you’ll have to speak over the voice on the radio, as Ryan is going to believe any nonsense that comes out of it as you. Ryan: Shuttup. (Ryan turn on spirit box, frequency buzzes through in bursts of white noise.) Ryan: Is there anyone here? /*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* Ryan: If there’s anyone here, my name is Ryan, this is Shane. Can you say our names? /*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* Shane: It’ll be better if you ask them questions that need an answer that’s more than one syllable long. Ryan: Yeah, good point. Shane: Then it’ll be more convince— /*/IS DEAD/*/* Ryan: … That sounds like a guy saying, ‘he’s dead’. Shane: Yeah… it also sounds like ‘BLEE BLEH’! Ryan: Who’s dead? /*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* Shane: Well, they are. Ryan: I’ve told you before, not all ghosts know their dead. /*/GO BAC/*/*/O SLEE/* Shane: … ‘Go back’? Ryan: ‘Go back to sleep’! Shane: (wheeze) Sounds like a nanny! ‘Get back in bed and go back to sleep, you little shits!’ Ryan: Ha ha (!) /*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* Ryan: Celine, are you here?... It’s believed you were possessed before you disappeared. Is the thing that possessed you here? /*/*/MAD/NESS/*/*/TO CHOOS/*/* Shane: I don’t think these ‘ghosts’ are the smartest in the world. Ryan: I’m going to turn the box off now. Last chance to speak. /*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*-- (Crystal ball rolls off table) Ryan: AAUGH! Shane: Jeez! (wheeze) That almost crushed my foot! Ryan: Did you knock it?! Shane: I didn’t. Maybe you did? I wasn’t paying attention. Ryan: It rolled off on its own! Something pushed it! Shane: No, it didn’t. Ryan: Well, how else could it have started rolling on its own? Shane: NOT by a g-g-g-ghost! It’s spherical. It rolls. It’s natural. Ryan: You can’t not admit that it’s strange. Shane: It’s strange, but it’s not... beyond the bounds of reason.
The groundskeeper, who before had never set foot in the building, locked the door. No one knew what happened in that room during the séance, nor what happened after the door was locked, but whatever happened, when the police finally unlocked the room, Damian Lémieux and Celine Barnum were gone, with no sign of any escape from the room and no evidence of any bodies. All that was left of the siblings was the broken bottom-half of Damien’s cane and Celine’s séance set up.
With this shocking event, the employees of the Manor handed in their contracts and left the house. From 5pm until 8pm, the detective, the Colonel and the District Attorney were the only ones left in the house. What happened during that time is unclear, but Abe claims that the Colonel and the District Attorney came to confront him, in which the Colonel pulled his gun out on him again and shot Abe. Abe was knocked out for over 10 hours and admits to this day that he has no idea what happened to the last two people in the house. At 9:31am on the 14th October Abe Micks finally called the police to the manor.
(to be continued... )
(’thumbnail’ by @septicstacheedits)
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Here’s some more Nora
I changed a few things regarding my Django OC Nora Kingsbury. She’s known to the masses nowadays as Nora Lémieux because I said so. x3 I have a lot of her history written down here, but I’m sans a good FC for her. I was going to use Robin Wright, but I just don’t think she has the right look I’m going for. If you guys have any ideas, I’d love to hear them! So, here’s a shit-ton of OC information that no one asked for. Enjoy.
Section 1: The Basics 1A. What is your character's full name? Eleanor June Lémieux 1B. Was it their parents that named them that? If not, who? Nora was named after her paternal grandmother, and it was at her father’s bequest. 1C. Is there any special meaning behind the name? The name Eleanor has a long history with queens, and it was because of that history that I chose it. Plus, I just really like the name.
2A. How old are they now? Nora is in her late thirties to early forties 2B. Where were they born? Nora was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania but primarily raised in Macon County, Georgia 3A. What's their race?
Caucasian 4A. Where do they stand on the social pyramid? She’s comfortably middle class and lives in a relatively nice flat above a bookstore. Section 2: Lifestyle 1A. Do they have a job/occupation? What is it? Yes she does. She’s a schoolteacher. 1B. What motivates them to keep doing this job?
Nora may not seem like it, but she does like children. She enjoys teaching, especially encouraging young girls to read. She’s quite motherly and tends to be something of a hen. 1C. What job would they rather have?
In all honesty, I think she’s pretty happy where she is. She likes teaching and she greatly enjoys the children. 2A. What are their religious views? Her family is Catholic/Southern Baptist, but she herself is nonreligious 3A. what have they accomplished? When?
Well, she happens to be an intelligent woman circa the Civil War Era. She hasn’t died in childbirth yet or done anything remotely terrible to other people (other than seducing murderers while her friend shoots them in the face, but that doesn’t count). She’s got a pretty decent job for a woman in the American South, she can hold her own in a fight, all in all I think she’s doing fairly well. 4A. Are they a part of any organizations? She joined a woman’s suffragette party. Because of reasons. 5A. What do they do in their spare time? Nora greatly enjoys reading. She favors French literature and her favorite book is The Three Musketeers (she is loathe to find out Candie enjoys it as well). She enjoys listening to German classical composers, mostly Schubert (he’s Austrian, but she claims there is little difference. It’s one of those delightful debates she has with Schultz). She also likes to go for walks in the park on Sundays and look at hats. Section 3: Psychology 1A. Describe their basic personality.
Nora is a feisty firecracker of a woman hidden beneath a demure outward appearance. She’s extremely quick-witted and dry-humored, and she can come across as arrogant very easily. She’s not prone to the realm of extreme emotion often and can come across as unfeeling. She has a very strong moral sense of justice and is quick to judge. 2A. What part of their personality really stands out? If any part? Her sarcastic wit is famous throughout her aunt’s social circles. Rumor has it that she picked it up from her grandmother from beyond the grave. 3A. How do they view life? Are they an optimist? Pessimist? Realist? Idealist?
Nora tries to be an optimist, but it’s rather difficult when you’re a woman during an era where women were nothing more than pretty dolls on a shelf to be admired for a bit and then cast aside when their beauty fades. She’s absolutely a realist with idealistic tendencies and these are among other things she gets into debates with Schultz about. 4A. When it comes to making tough a tough decision, do they rely on thought or feeling? Faith or fact? Absolutely she relies on thought and fact. She prefers not to be seen as a well of emotions as men were prone on viewing women (and still are). There are few times where her anger can get the better of her, but she prefers to stuff that deep down inside where it can fester quietly as a mental illness. 5A. Do they have a sense of humor? She’s extremely dry, yes. Schultz greatly enjoys it when they’re caustic little shits together. 6A. What motivates them to keep moving? The will to just live as well as she possibly can. 7A. What do they desire in life? The right to vote would be a good start. 8A. What are they afraid of? Horses. Horses and heights. 9A. Are they superstitious about anything? No. 10A. What secrets do they keep, if anything? Nora is not a very secretive person. There are some things that she’d rather keep to herself, but nothing jarring. She has very few skeletons in her closet and she prefers to be open and brashly honest about things. This usually lands her in trouble. 10B. How well are these secrets kept? It takes quite a bit to get her to trust someone openly enough to spill any secrets, so I would say fairly well. Section 3: Mental Abilities 1A. What can/cannot they do mentally? (ie, IQ, certain school subjects, mental/emotional health)
She is an absolute master with literature and wordage. She loves the musicality of language and she has an excellent memory. She’s not quite as in touch with her emotions as she should seem, and often comes across as cold and arrogant.
1B. What are they strongest at? She is strongest with language. She can find just the right words to express how she feels or the right passage to say what she means.
1C. What are they weakest at?
Her emotions are well-guarded and very much a treasure. She is not prone to passionate outbursts as some would like to believe, but get her angry enough and she will explode like a tiny blonde volcano. 2A. What do they like to do?
She likes to read and write letters. She also greatly enjoys arguing and debates. 3A. What do they hate to do? She hates having to dumb herself down or to play the simpering dumb blonde. It’s demeaning and very much something she’s had to do before. She loathes it.
4A. Were they educated? Absolutely. 4B. If so, did they enjoy it? Very much so, yes.
4C. for how long? She’s got a basic ladies education and some charm school (she never graduated because she was kicked out for radical ideas and sassing the teachers)
Section 4: History
1B. What do they remember most about it?
She mostly remembers arguing with her teachers about certain points in history and societal views on marriage, owning property, ect. Add to the fact that she did not have many friends at this point that she could talk to. She was rather lonely at school.
2A. What were their teen years like? It was full of frills and lace and it’s something she shudders to think about. This would be around the time that her Aunt Jessie took her in and started grooming her to be a good Southern debutante. This means charm school, girl’s boarding school, things of that sort. She was sort of groomed into the perfect wife, but it made her angry and bitter. She’s like a tiny human espresso.
3A. What do they struggle to accomplish? Being a woman in the Civil War Era, you struggle with a lot of things. Men do not take her seriously when they absolutely should, people don’t listen to her, her emotional health is all over the place from her concealing everything inside, the woman is a mess of issues. 4A. What do they regret the most; if anything? She greatly regrets moving down to Georgia. She completely ruined her relationship with her mother in that regard and there are times when she wishes things could have been different between them. 5A. How did they end up on their current path? Was it their choice? Yes and no. Her aunt took her in when her mother was at her wit’s end and that was beyond her control, but she made the choice to run away from her own engagement party and fraternize with a dentist turned bounty hunter.
6A. Did anything serious happen that changed their life forever? Absolutely. Meeting Dr. Schultz completely changed her life around, sometimes for the worse and sometimes for the better. She likes to joke that it was for the worse, but he knows better.
Section 5: Family 1A. Who are their parents? Jacqueline and George Lémieux 2A. What is their sexual orientation? Nora is a boring run-of-the-mill heterosexual 3A. Are they involved with anyone romantically? Who?
You bet your ass she is, but she’ll never admit it. Dr. Schultz is her dearest and closest friend, and there are times where she feels they’re more than that. She usually keeps that to herself. 3B. What do they like/love about this person? what do they dislike or hate? She is in love with his mind, his manner of speaking, his quick thinking and his sense of morality. What she doesn’t like is his stubbornness and pride. And his innate selfishness. She could smack some sense into that man, seriously.
4A. Do they have a best friend? Who?
She doesn’t really have friends? Nora is a quiet and closed-off sort of person, though she does get on well with Hildy. 4B. Why are they best friends? I don’t think anyone could not like Broomhilda. She’s adorable and sweet and must be protected at all costs. Nora likes her because of her unrelenting spirit and because she has someone she can learn German from who doesn’t like to annoy her for shits and giggles.
4C. Any other friends?
Sure, any friend of the good doctor is a friend of hers. She adores Django especially.
5A. Do they hate anyone? Does anyone hate them? Who?
She hates Calvin J Candie and all his ilk. She especially hates his cousin Randy Mackle because she was forced into a marriage with him. The feeling is rather mutual. Randy doesn’t appreciate a smart mouth or anyone who doesn’t take his shit. He’s a bully and a douchecanoe. Section 7: Is there anything else you have to say about this character?
I absolutely love writing about Nora and I hope you guys enjoy learning more about her. She’s a load of fun to write with, and I hope she’s a joy for you guys to interact with if you ever find the time!
#warning: super long post#i am so sorry#this is so long jfc#i hope you guys got to know nora a little better#she's changed so much since i've had her#i'm so proud#*sniffles a little*#django unchained ofc
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ok but wait, how did the grantaire parents handle their son's bf rolling up to their house for the sole purpose of asking for their blessing to marry their son [chinhands]
Claire was pretty surprised when she got a phone call out of the blue from her son’s beau. She loves Enjolras, but really the only time they’ve ever talked is around holidays and when there’s some sort of mutual purpose. He doesn’t just stop by for a visit. So she’s a little curious when she tells him that yes, she and Paul are both home and sure, he can come by. She and Paul have their own sort of pre-Enjolras pow-wow where they try to figure it out, but they’ve got nothing. See, they both know Grantaire has been thinking of things, but they also know he hasn’t moved forward with anything. So they’re not sure what’s what here.
When Grantaire actually sits them down and asks for their blessing, Claire’s immediate response is delight and to hug her future son ( pish posh on the in-law bit ). Paul is more of the ‘did he really just ask me this’ mind and just stares are Enjolras like he’s some foreign creature for a minute. WHICH, might I add, is some hypocritical ass bullshit because Paul asked Olivier and Sarah Lémieux to marry Claire so he can sit tf down. Once he shakes his head a bit because of course this is the boy his son would lay his affections with, Paul gives his blessings. He probably walks Enjolras out to his car after and puts it out there that he thinks Enjolras has been really good for his son and that he’d be glad to have him in the family.
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Zoia Mossour as Pélagie Lémieux, daughter of Valère Lémieux and Edmée Lémieux (née Ollivier).
Max Barczak as Aymeric Lémieux, son of of Valère Lémieux and Edmée Lémieux (née Ollivier).
So what’s up with Valère Lémieux?
Here's a little bit about his personality and background:
Valère Lémieux was born in 1941 ��� an heir to a very influential pure-blood family within France. He was a charming and handsome man with a magnetic personality that drew people to him, effortlessly making a name for himself within the social circles of French pure-blood society. Lémieux had quite the reputation for being a lady killer, captivating women with his suave demeanor and flirtatious banter, often leaving a trail of broken hearts in his wake. During his youth he acted quite spoiled and vain, always self-sabotaging valued relationships with his own selfishness, but beneath his reckless nature lay a complex man who struggled with the expectations bestowed upon him by his family since birth. In reality, Lémieux never learned to be humbled, for he grew up in an opulent mansion filled with luxury and privilege, where every whim was catered to and the world revolved around his desires. Valère’s parents never bothered disciplining their son, not having really played a part in the day-to-day aspects of his upbringing.
A few little extra facts about Valère:
Céléase didn't necessarily get along with Lémieux, having thought him to be too self-absorbed and superficial. To her, he epitomized everything she despised about the elite social scene—his charm felt like a mask, hiding a lack of substance beneath.
Valère originally had planned to marry Mathilde, thinking her the prettier one in comparison to her sister. The two would often interact at social events Mathilde's parents would make her go to when she was younger, in order to scout for future husbands.
When Étienne ended up stealing the elder Ollivier sister away, Valère saw Edmée as a secondary option. The younger Ollivier sister had a crush on Lémieux ever since she was a child, but he had a tendency to play with her feelings.
#pélagie lémieux#aymeric lémieux#valère lémieux#mathilde ollivier#mathilde rosier#etienne rosier#edmée lémieux#edmée ollivier#felix ollivier#céline ollivier#ocs#my ocs#riddle era#riddle era ocs#marauders era ocs#rosier family#ollivier family#lémieux family#zoia mossour#max barczak
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OLLIVIER FAMILY — Children of Felix Ollivier & Céline Ollivier (née Pérusse)
Mathilde Rosier (née Ollivier) — married Étienne Rosier and became the mother of Evan and Felix Rosier.
Edmée Lémieux (née Ollivier) — married Valère Lémieux and became the mother of Pélagie Lémieux.

Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey as Mathilde Rosier (née Ollivier)

Marine Vacth as Edmée Lémieux (née Ollivier)
#felix ollivier#mathilde ollivier#edmée ollivier#mathilde rosier#edmée lémieux#céline ollivier#céline pérusse#valère lémieux#pélagie lémieux#ocs#my ocs#riddle era#marauders era ocs#riddle era ocs#ollivier family#rosier family#pérusse family#Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey#marine vacth#fancast
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I keep on thinking "Lémieux" has something to do with the word with "luminate". What does it mean?
It may have originated as a nickname from the phrase le mieux, which means "the best".
#valère lémieux#ocs#riddle era#riddle era ocs#edmée ollivier#edmée lémieux#ollivier family#asks#my ocs
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So what’s up with Valère Lémieux?
Here's a little bit about his personality and background:
Valère Lémieux was born in 1941 — an heir to a very influential pure-blood family within France. He was a charming and handsome man with a magnetic personality that drew people to him, effortlessly making a name for himself within the social circles of French pure-blood society. Lémieux had quite the reputation for being a lady killer, captivating women with his suave demeanor and flirtatious banter, often leaving a trail of broken hearts in his wake. During his youth he acted quite spoiled and vain, always self-sabotaging valued relationships with his own selfishness, but beneath his reckless nature lay a complex man who struggled with the expectations bestowed upon him by his family since birth. In reality, Lémieux never learned to be humbled, for he grew up in an opulent mansion filled with luxury and privilege, where every whim was catered to and the world revolved around his desires. Valère’s parents never bothered disciplining their son, not having really played a part in the day-to-day aspects of his upbringing.
A few little extra facts about Valère:
Céléase didn't necessarily get along with Lémieux, having thought him to be too self-absorbed and superficial. To her, he epitomized everything she despised about the elite social scene—his charm felt like a mask, hiding a lack of substance beneath.
Valère originally had planned to marry Mathilde, thinking her the prettier one in comparison to her sister. The two would often interact at social events Mathilde's parents would make her go to when she was younger, in order to scout for future husbands.
When Étienne ended up stealing the elder Ollivier sister away, Valère saw Edmée as a secondary option. The younger Ollivier sister had a crush on Lémieux ever since she was a child, but he had a tendency to play with her feelings.
#valère lémieux#mathilde ollivier#mathilde rosier#etienne rosier#edmée lémieux#edmée ollivier#felix ollivier#céline ollivier#pélagie lémieux#ocs#asks#riddle era#riddle era ocs
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