#kyrie's stickers
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centuryberry · 2 months ago
LMK Fic To-Do List (2025)
So, I recently ordered these delightful bundle of AO3 Tags as drinks stickers that kyri45 made and they came in a couple days ago. Getting them inspired me to challenge myself by writing fics with themes surrounding an Ao3 tag. I mean, I was already planning on working on a couple of side projects, but this is a fun way to get most of them out!
Found Family - "Queen of the Mountain"
Idea: We all know this one. While I was tempted to assign to tag to a completely different idea, I decided to reserve this tag for my main fic since it's a good reminder that QotM needs to be prioritized above all of the other projects below.
Enemies to Lovers - "Bitter Water"
Idea: When they first met, Xiaotian was a young celestial guarding the sealed Monkey King and Yue was a desperate daughter trying to free her father. In present day, their relationship hadn't improved at all. Actually, it became worse. Tired of their constant squabbling, Lady Guanyin forces them in a celestial equivalent of a get-along shirt. They now have experience being in each other's shoes.
Angst - "Accidental Necromancy"
Idea: This is a Thrall/Mensheng-centric oneshot that I wanted to get out at some point. It expands on his backstory and focuses on the indignity of being brought back to life (in more ways than one). It's all set in his POV and is filled with a lot of identity issues, the idea (or unidea) of personhood, and the slippery slope of accidental fatherhood.
Fluff - "In One Basket"
Idea: The story of how Louhou and Jidu came to be. Shadowpeach and Iceflower wanted kids to fill the empty nest Yue left behind when she went to school. Heaven forbade them from carrying any children to term or else they'd "confiscate" the babies. Made an entire law about it too. Yue finds a loophole. I originally wanted to write it into Act II as a cute little story that Yue tells Xiaotian and Xiaojiao at a campfire. It was also supposed to serve as one of the many examples of the Celestial Realm being control freaks.
Smut - "Send Noods"
Idea: Yuetian fic exploring the physical side of their relationship as they learn together. Set post-QotM, so I won't be working on this one until the end of QotM. (Will include Yuetian from different AUs too.)
Canon Divergence - "golden, sweet, and just for me"
Idea: A series of drabbles focusing on the alternate universe Yue dreamed up in "sweeter than apricot honey". Focuses mostly on Yuetian's life as they move out of FFM and into Megapolis. (Title still undecided.)
Mutual Pining - "A Winter Garden for Us"
Idea: A oneshot focusing on Iceflower's pining and subtle romance while Yue remains obvlious. It starts when Shanzha pulls RinRin out of Diyu and ends when they exchange their marriage vows in the same temple. Also, the Hot Springs Scandal will be featured in here.
Slowburn - "The World’s Longest Dance"
Idea: A oneshot focusing on Shadowpeach's relationship throughout the centuries. How Wukong met Macaque and practically dragged him home. How FFM grew to accept and trust the Warrior. How Wukong fell first (but never realized it until way way later) and Macaque fell harder (and was painfully aware of it). Will include the Closet Makeout Scene from their POV.
Hurt/Comfort - "Secret Keeper"
Idea: A oneshot focusing on Red Son that jumps between the past and the present. An insight to what he endured while Yue was sealed away and how he tries to heal after everything he's lost.
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8bitsupervillain · 1 year ago
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Got my stickers of some of the fabulous women from Umineko today. Done by the wonderful @blunemone
They look really nice on my laptop, and fit the one square of empty space very well.
Bought them at romaquarium.bigcartel.com
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emojiburst · 5 months ago
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desiderium-eden · 1 year ago
Hatius: …… *offers Kyrie a super expensive gourmet dessert—*
Kyrie practically faceplants into the dessert. Nom nom nom...
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Yummy! She's just happily stuffing her face and giggling at him.
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kyri45 · 14 days ago
Thank you for making what you've made. I'm not talking just the AU comic (as world shatteringly phenomenal that shit is you've had the entire fandom in a chokehold from day one godDAYUM) I'm talking all the way back to the silly owl house drawings, the stickers, you've been an honest to my precious cat inspiration and lovely little lantern in my life and the lives of many others. I honestly would never have made my own spin on the mythological characters, or hell even stayed with one of my favorite fandoms if I didn't get lucky enough to experience your amazing comic. Thank you for all that you do, all you've done, and I hope you are goddamn proud of yourself for how much you've done! you are an absolute icon! as sad I am to see the silly comic end, I'm a million times happier its gone on at all, and how its had so much love and care put into it by such an amazing author and artist! You are incredible Kyri, and I can never thank you enough for being so :)
I hope you have the loveliest of lovely days, and find just as much love and excitement for whatever lies ahead, be it a new project or just some silly simple doodles while you take AN EXETREMELY EARNED BREAK BECAUSE HOLY SHIT-
but either way, again, thank you. You're one of my absolute favorite artists out there, and I wish you nothing but good vibes, and the gayest of times.
WOW a long lasting fan! thank you for the support! Hopefully I will be able to take a break ahah
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tourniquesence · 3 months ago
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Ordered from @mimithealpaca recently and I’m SO stoked about it!! I commissioned a kyrie drawing because I am Predictable and it turned out amazing I absolutely love that unsettling expression for her <333 also ordered an anthy sticker and kyrie keychain (it’s double sided!!)
Check out their absolutely amazing art if you can!!
More pics under cut:
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americanphysco · 5 months ago
WalMart Supercenter
A Rumpus Original Poem by Erika Meitner
God Bless America says the bumper sticker on the racer-red
Rascal scooter that accidentally cuts me off in the Walmart parking lot
after a guy in a tricked out jeep with rims like chrome pinwheels tries
to pick me up by honking, all before I make it past the automatic doors
waiting to accept my unwashed hair, my flip-flops, my lounge pants.
The old man on the scooter waves, sports a straw boater banded in blue & white,
and may or may not be the official greeter, but everyone here sure is friendly—
even the faces of plastic bags, which wink yellow and crinkle with kindness,
sound like applause when they brush the legs of shoppers carrying them
to their cars. In Port Charlotte, a woman’s body was found in a Jetta
in a Walmart Parking lot. In a Walmart parking lot in Springfield,
a macaque monkey named Charlie attacked an eight year-old girl.
I am a Walmart shopper, a tract-house dweller—the developments
you can see clearly from every highway in America that’s not jammed up
on farmland or pinned in by mountains. I park my car at a slant in the lot,
hugged tight by my neighbors’ pickups. I drive my enormous cart
through the aisles and fill it with Pampers, tube socks, juice boxes, fruit.
In the parking lot of the McAllen Walmart, a woman tried to sell six
Bengal Tiger cubs to a group of Mexican day laborers. A man carjacked
a woman in the parking lot of the West Mifflin Walmart, then ran
under a bridge and disappeared. Which is to say that the world
we expect to see looks hewn from wood, is maybe two lanes wide,
has readily identifiable produce, and the one we’ve got has jackknifed itself
on the side of the interstate and keeps skidding. The one we’ve got has clouds
traveling so fast across the sky it’s like they’re tied to an electric current.
But electricity is the same for everybody. It comes in the top of your head
and goes out your shoes, which will walk through these automatic doors.
In the Corbin Walmart parking lot a woman with a small amount of cash
was arrested for getting in and out of trucks. A man stepped out of his car
in the Columbus Walmart parking lot, and shot himself. I get in the checkout line
behind a lighted number on a pole. The man in front of me jangles coins
in his pocket, rocks back and forth on his heels. The girl in front of him
carefully peels four moist dimes from her palm to pay for a small container
of honey-mustard dipping sauce. In the parking lot of the LaFayette Walmart,
grandparents left their disabled 2 year-old grandson sitting in a shopping cart
and drove away. Employees in the parking lot at the La Grange Walmart
found a box containing seven abandoned kittens. I am not a Christian or
prone to idioms, but when the cashier says she is grateful for small mercies,
I nod in assent. Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison. The Latin root of mercy
means price paid, wages, merchandise, though now we use it as
compassion shown to a person in a position of powerlessness,
and sometimes forgiveness towards a person with no right
to claim it. God is merciful and gracious, but not just.
In the Walmart parking lot in Stockton, a man considered armed
and dangerous attacked his wife, beating her unconscious.
A couple tried to sell their 6-month-old for twenty-five bucks
to buy meth in the Salinas Walmart parking lot. We who are in danger,
remember: mercy has a human heart. Mercy with her tender mitigations,
slow to anger and great in lovingkindness, with her blue employee’s smock
emblazoned with How may I help you? Someone in this place have mercy on us.
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inky-beasts · 2 years ago
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💜 I saw @kyri45 ace stickers and I absolutely fall in love with them!!! I needed to make inspired by it!
💜 Go check Kyris work! She is making beautiful stickers of all the flags!!!
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citizen-zero · 1 year ago
fucking hate being lapsed Catholic bc I will click on one (1) Joan of Arc sticker on Etsy and suddenly it thinks I wanna see more Catholic shit. and the thing is the stuff it shows me kinda fucks. like a shirt that says Kyrie Eleison? yes I would wear that
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southernvangard · 1 year ago
(Southern Vangard) Episode 381 - Southern Vangard Radio
BANG! @southernvangard #radio Ep381! Vangardians! It is we! Doe and Meeks have unleashed yet another episode of greatness upon the earth! Partake, enjoy and say THAAAAANK YA cause YOU WAAAAALCOME!!!!! Remember that “SMITHSONIAN GRADE: The Story of Southern Vangard Radio” is available now for ya little holiday gift giving - a cool $20 gets you a book, print, sticker!  SOUTHERNVANGARD.BANDCAMP.COM and beat the holiday rush! #SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard #YouWaaaaalcome // southernvangard.com // @southernvangard on all platforms #undergroundhiphop #boombap #DJ #mixshow #interview #podcast #ATL #WORLDWIDE #RIPCOMBATJACK
Recorded live November 12, 2023 @ Dirty Blanket Studios, Marietta, GA
@southernvangard on all platforms
#SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard
twitter/IG: @southernvangard @jondoeatl @cappuccinomeeks
Pre-Game Beats - The Alchemist, Elaquent
Talk Break Inst. - "Spalaneys Versus Everyone" - Soulful Playground
"Dialed In" - 1773 & Strange Soul Music
"In Stereo" - DJ Robert Smith & BambuDeAsiatic
"Get Ur Weight Up" - Tha God Fahim x Cookin Soul
"Orwell" - J Scienide                    
"Roll Up" - Cashus King & DJ Applejac
"Chris Tucker" - Doza The Drum Dealer & El Maestro
Talk Break Inst. - "Talk Of The Town" - Soulful Playground
"Gunz Up" - Flee Lord, Planet Asia & Mummz (prod. Crisis)
"Magico" - Death At The Derby
"Convoy" - Lloyd Banks
"Kyrie" - Kaimbr & Sean Born
"Soundcheck" - 1773 & Strange Soul Music ft. Theory Hazit & Elzhi
"Champions" - J. Arrr (prod. Bernard B. Woodside)
"Stankwater" - Domo Genesis & Graymatter
Talk Break Inst. - "Riding The CTA With The CIA" - Soulful Playground
"Mickey Mantle" - Spit Gemz (prod. ITRAK)
"Camera Flash" - Team Demo ft. Illa Ghee, Method Man, Wais P
"On The Level" - Kaimbr & Sean Born
"24 Hr. Payment Plan" - J Scienide                    
"Undercut" - Bub Styles ft. Eddie Kaine
"The Great Escape" - Larry June & Cardo ft. The Alchemist
"Top Of The Top" - Doza The Drum Dealer & El Maestro
"Aunts and Uncles" - Doza The Drum Dealer & El Maestro
Talk Break Inst. - "My First Cypher (A Lower Links Story)" - Soulful Playground
"Ocean Cuisine" - Larry June & Cardo ft. 2 Chainz
https://on.soundcloud.com/rskMn (SHORT LINK)
#SouthernVangard #DJJonDoe #EddieMeeks #TheAlchemist #Elaquent #SoulfulPlayground #1773 #StrangeSoulMusic #DJRobertSmith #BambuDeAsiatic #ThaGodFahim #CookinSoul #JScienide #CashusKing #DJApplejac #DozaTheDrumDealer #ElMaestro #FleeLord #PlanetAsia #Mummz #Crisis #DeathAtTheDerby #LloydBanks #Kaimbr #SeanBorn #TheoryHazit #Elzhi #JArrr #BernardBWoodside #DomoGenesis #Graymatter #SpitGemz #ITRAK #TeamDemo #IllaGhee #MethodMan #WaisP #BubStyles #EddieKaine #LarryJune #Cardo #2Chainz
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flushthethrone · 1 year ago
(Southern Vangard) Episode 381 - Southern Vangard Radio
BANG! @southernvangard #radio Ep381! Vangardians! It is we! Doe and Meeks have unleashed yet another episode of greatness upon the earth! Partake, enjoy and say THAAAAANK YA cause YOU WAAAAALCOME!!!!! Remember that “SMITHSONIAN GRADE: The Story of Southern Vangard Radio” is available now for ya little holiday gift giving - a cool $20 gets you a book, print, sticker!  SOUTHERNVANGARD.BANDCAMP.COM and beat the holiday rush! #SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard #YouWaaaaalcome // southernvangard.com // @southernvangard on all platforms #undergroundhiphop #boombap #DJ #mixshow #interview #podcast #ATL #WORLDWIDE #RIPCOMBATJACK
Recorded live November 12, 2023 @ Dirty Blanket Studios, Marietta, GA
@southernvangard on all platforms
#SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard
twitter/IG: @southernvangard @jondoeatl @cappuccinomeeks
Pre-Game Beats - The Alchemist, Elaquent
Talk Break Inst. - "Spalaneys Versus Everyone" - Soulful Playground
"Dialed In" - 1773 & Strange Soul Music
"In Stereo" - DJ Robert Smith & BambuDeAsiatic
"Get Ur Weight Up" - Tha God Fahim x Cookin Soul
"Orwell" - J Scienide                    
"Roll Up" - Cashus King & DJ Applejac
"Chris Tucker" - Doza The Drum Dealer & El Maestro
Talk Break Inst. - "Talk Of The Town" - Soulful Playground
"Gunz Up" - Flee Lord, Planet Asia & Mummz (prod. Crisis)
"Magico" - Death At The Derby
"Convoy" - Lloyd Banks
"Kyrie" - Kaimbr & Sean Born
"Soundcheck" - 1773 & Strange Soul Music ft. Theory Hazit & Elzhi
"Champions" - J. Arrr (prod. Bernard B. Woodside)
"Stankwater" - Domo Genesis & Graymatter
Talk Break Inst. - "Riding The CTA With The CIA" - Soulful Playground
"Mickey Mantle" - Spit Gemz (prod. ITRAK)
"Camera Flash" - Team Demo ft. Illa Ghee, Method Man, Wais P
"On The Level" - Kaimbr & Sean Born
"24 Hr. Payment Plan" - J Scienide                    
"Undercut" - Bub Styles ft. Eddie Kaine
"The Great Escape" - Larry June & Cardo ft. The Alchemist
"Top Of The Top" - Doza The Drum Dealer & El Maestro
"Aunts and Uncles" - Doza The Drum Dealer & El Maestro
Talk Break Inst. - "My First Cypher (A Lower Links Story)" - Soulful Playground
"Ocean Cuisine" - Larry June & Cardo ft. 2 Chainz
https://on.soundcloud.com/rskMn (SHORT LINK)
#SouthernVangard #DJJonDoe #EddieMeeks #TheAlchemist #Elaquent #SoulfulPlayground #1773 #StrangeSoulMusic #DJRobertSmith #BambuDeAsiatic #ThaGodFahim #CookinSoul #JScienide #CashusKing #DJApplejac #DozaTheDrumDealer #ElMaestro #FleeLord #PlanetAsia #Mummz #Crisis #DeathAtTheDerby #LloydBanks #Kaimbr #SeanBorn #TheoryHazit #Elzhi #JArrr #BernardBWoodside #DomoGenesis #Graymatter #SpitGemz #ITRAK #TeamDemo #IllaGhee #MethodMan #WaisP #BubStyles #EddieKaine #LarryJune #Cardo #2Chainz
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heclingmuzik · 3 months ago
Ismael receives a deceptively thin box from Kyrie, clearly hand-wrapped by them in festive wrapping paper. Inside are flexible LED strips, as thin as stickers, meant to be applied to a motorcycle helmet, as well as the little additional equipment required for charging and use. "You can control the lights and colors with your phone. I think you'll look really cool if you can get them applied right... and it'll make it easy for other drivers to see you. Merry Christmas, Ismael."
"Dude! This is TOTALLY lit!" Ismael gives Kyrie the biggest hug and a BIG kiss on the cheek. "Thanks a bunch!"
And with Kyrie's turn!
It's a necklace. "I asked someone to make it! It's supposed to protect you. Pretty neat, huh?"
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nottinghillhq · 2 years ago
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welcome to notting hill lenny, we’re super excited to have you here, you’ve got twenty-four hours to send in your account!
PEDRO VICINIUS. SHE + HER / have you ever heard of teen idle by marina, well, it describes FRANCISCA ‘FRANNIE’ MARIA DE SOUZA to a tee! the twenty-four year old, and cosmetology student + cashier at piece of cake was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say she is more nervous or more kindhearted instead? anyway, they remind me of bedroom walls covered in posters and stickers and fairy lights, cupcake sprinkles stuck to lightly glossed lips, late night horror movie marathons, colorful hair dye stains on bare hands, and a lilac velvet satchel filled with glittery, pastel dice.  maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ LENNY / HE + THEY / 29 / EST / NO TRIGGERS ] KATE WINSLET. SHE+ HER / have you ever heard of bridge over troubled water by simon & garfunkel, well, it describes MARGARET ANNE ‘MAGGIE’ BLUM. to a tee! the forty-six year old, and social worker  was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say she is more bullheaded or more sympathetic instead? anyway, they remind me of bite marks on plastic pen caps,  a bottle of whiskey as a paperweight for case files,  a messy bun and a hoodie thrown over a pantsuit after a long day, having a cigarette and a soak in a bubble bath,  and a collection of old diaries and journals belonging to strangers, maybe you’ll bump into them soon! BRIAN TYREE HENRY. HE + HIM / have you ever heard of maybe idk by jon bellion, well, it describes KYRIE WINSTON KNIGHT to a tee! the thirty-nine year old, and mixology instructor at the distillery  was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say he is more brazen or more candid instead? anyway, they remind me of a watch and a pair of shoes to match every outfit, a laugh that could fill an entire room, a dozen or more notifications for missed calls, losing yourself the thrum of a bassline in the club, and a perfectly balanced custom cocktail, maybe you’ll bump into them soon!  SKEET ULRICH. HE + HIM / have you ever heard of save me by avenged sevenfold, well, it describes THEODORE JAMES ‘THEO’ KING to a tee! the fifty year old, and co-owner of no regrets was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say he is more stubborn or more compassionate instead? anyway, they remind me of old flash sheets of american traditional designs, a card table and folding chairs set up at the back of the shop for a weekly dinner, intricately cross-stitched and embroidered birds, empty bottles of paracetamol piling up on a nightstand, and tattoos to cover up old scars , maybe you’ll bump into them soon! CODY FERN. HE + THEY / have you ever heard of i love you, i���m trying by grandson, well, it describes LATHAN APOLLO CERULLI to a tee! the thirty-two year old, and mixed media artist  was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say he/they are more impulsive or more creative instead? anyway, they remind me of partial footprints left in paint on a concrete floor, permanent bedhead and red-rimmed eyes, late night drives through the city with the radio turned up, half-smoked joints smoldering on a windowsill, and tearful phone calls at sunrise, maybe you’ll bump into them soon! 
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kyrie-ray-scribbles · 3 years ago
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Ended up designing myself an artist-sona! Here’s a sticker I made, as well as emotes I use on my twitch channel :)
Wolpertinger beloved,,
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steak3rs · 3 years ago
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Nike Kyrie 4 “Nike by Joan”
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tonigiacopelliart · 5 years ago
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Devil May Cry Stickers!!
I'm taking preorders on Etsy for all my stickers since I've temporarily run out of sticker paper 😅
But don't worry! My shipment will be here on the 8th!! Thank you again for all the love I'm getting on my stickers guys! ❤️
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