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sqwigeon · 1 month ago
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chaos-art-blog · 2 months ago
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Shoutout to my various wips, I love you all but fuck if I know if im gonna finish you o7
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a-being-of-chaossss · 7 months ago
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Dont reblog. Take a screenshot and upload but tag your OTPs.
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cessmaga · 2 years ago
I know thus is a kyosaka theme but
imagining this in halbarry
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kk0hii10 · 2 months ago
Just finished madoka magica rebellion
What the fuck
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zehecatl · 2 years ago
finally watched Rebellion, and, uh
yeah, that sure was a movie??
like, i definitely don’t hate it, or anything. i really liked the first part of it- not as much as the original, obviously, but it was good! Sayaka was funky :]
but i. hm. i’m very torn on the whole. Homura is now the devil or whatever thing. like that’s. a bit silly, to me? it’s definitely in character, but it feels like they could have gone in a different direction? and knowing that this movie has been out for years (almost 10 years?) without any kind of sequel is. yeah, i would not have been happy about that, if i had seen it back then
but with the upcoming sequel hopefully (hopefully) fixing that shit, i’m a bit more open towards it. like, they could do something funky with it!
but also, this really was just the movie of Homura self-harming violently huh
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strawbrieeeee · 1 month ago
Just finished Madoka Magica (the show), god damn.
I actually kind of love that Homura is the focal point of the series of events that unfold. While I'm sure I would have loved to see something more akin to what we see in Homura's original timeline, Homura relentlessly beating her head against a wall for Madoka's sake was a great emotional lynchpin for the story. Her flashback episode was downright spectacular.
The only thing is I wish we had more time with the characters. Mami especially, but I guess she served her purpose.
I got a lot more invested in Sayaka as a character than I thought I would initially. Her emotional arc was done really well in my opinion, and after episode 6 I couldn't get enough of her. Definitely a KyoSaka shipper now lol.
4/5 just the right amount of fucked up. I'm really excited to see how things will proceed in Rebellion.
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vonkarma2 · 14 days ago
a madohomu fan can laugh but a kyosaka fan has to chuckle
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indigogh0st · 3 years ago
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Kyoko and Sayaka time
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“To this day, it confuses me why the writers chose to make HomuMado and KyoSaya closer to canon rather than MadoSaya and KyoMami. I wouldn't even be surprised if they only did this because of HomuMado/KyoSaya's popularity in the fandom and not because it makes any sense at all.”
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geekyowlet · 8 years ago
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Kyosaka doodle before bed
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cityofcolor · 5 years ago
relationship tag dump
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a-being-of-chaossss · 8 months ago
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kyosaka sketch cause they are occupying my brain again
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nebulations · 2 years ago
[ID: A Tumblr post edited to be between Madoka and Homura from Madoka Magica. It reads:
madoka: any Catholics online ? I got some questions.
homura: Yeah I'm catholic whatsup
madoka: how do i reach heaven through violence. End ID]
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zkbigbang · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Katara/Zuko (Avatar), Azula/Ty Lee (Avatar), Ozai/Ursa (Avatar) Characters: Katara (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Azula (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar), Ozai (Avatar), Ursa (Avatar) Additional Tags: Modern AU, we love and stan butch Azula, yes this is set in fake tokyo, this is NOT west side story, but its still gangs and 2 idiots falling in love, Triad AU, and marine biologist Katara, motorcycles and tattoos my beloved aesthetic Summary:
The glittering waterfront city of Kyosaka is the most populous on earth, with millions flocking to it daily for work or pleasure. But beneath the towering skyscrapers, trendy cafés, and selfie-worthy art installations is a world very few see. Territories splinter the city and wars are waged right under the nose of the public. Unless you travel through Roppongi you’ll likely miss it; unfortunately, that happens to be Katara’s commute route.
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shinsengumi-archives · 4 years ago
Letters from Okita
Translated two more letters from Okita! They, in general, are not about anything - that is, that everything is calm in Kyoto and everything is fine with Shinsen, which in itself is pleasant to read))) Both were written on the same day, and are intended for Kondo's relatives and Hijikata's relatives. It seems that on that day, someone dropped in to the detachment with whom it was possible to send messages to Edo. His bosses said: "Soji, write that we are fine!", And Soji dutifully wrote :)
07/04/1865 Sato Hikogoro from Okita
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English Translation
I am sending you a message on how we are doing. On these hot summer days, the main thing is that all of you are in good health. We are all doing well in Kyoto, so don't worry about that. Forgive me for not sending you any news since last month, but nothing special has happened during this time. In Kyoto and Osaka, the situation is still unchanged, I am writing to you about this just taking the opportunity. Finally, I ask you to convey greetings to all your family, starting with your mother, and to all the friends in the dojo, as well as Hijikate-sensei from Ishida. At the next occasion we will tell you what and how. Well, that's probably all. 4th of July From Okita Soji To Hikogoro-sama Please, take care of yourself. I bow to this.
 以手紙啓上仕り候。残暑厳敷候得共、皆々様益御機嫌御座被遊、大悦至極ニ奉存候。然は京都詰合一同、無事罷有候間、此段乍憚御安意被下候。猶去月より御無沙汰いたし候段、御任免被下候。  尚々、京坂之形勢も無替候間、余は幸便時申上候。乍末御尊母様始、皆々様、御稽古場御連、石田土方先生江も宜敷御伝声可被下候。先は時候伺迄、如此御座候。以上。  七月四日                 沖田総司                       拝 佐彦五郎様 尚々、時候御厭被遊候。以上。
fushigi-dono: Hijikata Sensei - This refers to Tamejiro, the elder brother of Hijikata Toshizo. And mother Sato is Hijikatina's own aunt Masa. 07/04/1865 Miyagawa Otogoro (Kondo's older brother) from Okita
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English Translation
Sorry that without any introductions. I really hope that you are all safe and sound and full of courage and courage. By the way, Miyagawa Nobukichi-kimi from our squad is also alive and well. I am writing a little about him here so that your relatives do not worry either. We are all doing well in Kyoto, so don't worry about that. I would be very grateful if you could send my regards to Kanda-kun and his family. Also, please say hello to everyone at Yanagi-cho. We'll let you know the rest at the next opportunity. Sorry for the brevity. July 4th Your Okita Soji Miyagawa Otogoro-sama Once again, I wish you all the best.
 前文御免被下候。然は皆々様益御勇猛被遊、大悦至極ニ奉存候。次ニ宮川信吉公者、我カ同組ニ而無事罷有候間、御分家様ノ方江も無心配被遊候様、一寸申上候。京都ニ而も一同無事罷有候間、此段乍憚御安意被下候。  毎々恐入候得共、関田君方江も宜敷伝声被下候。尚々、柳町方も宜敷奉願上候。余は幸便之時申上候。艸々不備。  七月四日                 沖田総二                     拝 宮川音五郎様 尚々、時候御厭被遊候様、重奉存候。
fushigi-dono: This letter is especially noteworthy because Soji wrote his name on it like this: 総 ニ, not 総 司 as usual. The fact is that the hieroglyph 司 has a very rare reading of "ji / ji". It usually reads "shi / si". Just like in the well-known word "sushi" (or "sushi") which is spelled 寿司. Therefore, in some anime and films, Okita's name sounds like something like "Soshi" or "Soshi". But thanks to just this letter it is known that in the second syllable of his name there was actually dzi / ji. Here is its bigger ending:
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I like Old Japanese more and more and the way Okita writes in it)) "Kyoto and Osaka" he has one word - Kyosaka, "our squad" - "waga onazigumi" (我 が 同 組), and the most perfect charm - "oddly mosiagemas" It is also very funny to translate one Japanese word by another Japanese word: instead of "dojo", Okita has "keikojo" (a place for practice, training) everywhere. The word "dojo" probably didn't exist then, but we seem to have got used to it. Letter Notes: Greetings to Yanagi-cho - this is Shieikan and the entire Kondo family (now Shinjuku, Tokyo area). Miyagawa Nobukichi(1843-07.12.1867) - Kondo Isami's cousin, 2nd son of his father's younger sister. His name can still be read Nobuyoshi or Shinkichi, and on some Japanese sites they write that he is Kondo's nephew. In general, a close relative. Naturally, he studied at Shieikan. He enrolled in Shinsengumi in April 1865, when Hijikata, Ito, and Saito were recruiting new recruits to Edo. There, in Edo, and for some time after arriving in the capital, he acted as the personal secretary of HijikataIn November 1867 he participated in the incident at Aburanokoji. On December 7, 1867, at the age of 24, he was killed in Tenman-ya while protecting Miura Kyutaro, who was suspected of killing Ryoma Sakamoto. That evening Miura was guarded by 7 people from Shinsengumi, led by Saito. Miyagawa and another were killed, one was seriously injured, and three others, including Saito, were slightly injured. (this is all from JapoWiki) Kanda-kun- the surname can also be read "Sekida" and "Sekita", I have not found the correct way. Keep Kanda Shotaro (関 田 庄太郎) for now. Friend of Miyagawa Nobukuchi, and apparently Okita too (they are three of about the same age). He also studied in Shieikan and, together with Miyagawa, came to enroll in Shinsen, but Hijikata did not take him, because this Kanda-Sekida was the eldest son in the family and the heir to the clan. They write that the boy cried out of frustration, and then he came to see off the recruits when they left for Kyoto. He never served in Shinsengumi, but lived through the entire Meiji era.
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