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kilmarnock228 · 8 months ago
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meadow-roses · 1 year ago
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Some more Green Ember doodles
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the-chaotic-christian · 1 year ago
Here, Have Some Green Ember Memes
Featuring my OC, Evan! For context, he's Smalls immediate older brother (they're irish twins).
Smalls: Can you cut me some slack, Heather? I’m sort of in love. Heather: I’m sorry, but that’s really not my problem. Smalls: I’m in love with you. Heather: *blushes* Oh. That brings me in the loop a little.
Naylen: Time for plan G. Kylen: Don’t you mean plan B? Naylen: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties. Kylen: What about plan D? Naylen: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago. Kylen: What about plan E? Naylen: I’m hoping not to use it. Smalls dies in plan E. Kylen: I like plan E. Smalls: I'm right here.
Kylen: No, this is not a mess. You know what I consider a mess? Naylen: Your life? Kylen: I- well yes, but-
Bleston: LOWERCASE LETTERS ARE FOR THE LOWER CLA--! Ian: And here we have a capitalist. Oh look another OC- Jupiter: Did you just- Wilfred: Let us all take a moment to appreciate that all of human history, human language, and the universe itself aligned to make this joke possible.
Evan: Change is inedible. Smalls: .......Don’t you mean inevitable? Evan, spitting out a bunch of pennies: No, I really didn’t.
Frye: Don’t go picking a fight with me. I could make your life difficult. Smalls, sarcastically: Wow. I wonder what it’d be like to have a difficult life.
Evan: All right, Smalls, that’s it, you’re grounded! I found a rap album hiding under your bed and it was the clean version. I didn’t raise you to be such a nerd! Smalls: I’m not even your kid-
Wilfred: So Evan and Smalls. Wilfred: According to this, you two are being accused of: Armed Robbery, Vandalism, Alcohol Abuse, Grand Theft… Evan: We had a bad day. Wilfred: And… MURDER?! Smalls: It was a pretty bad day…
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no-one-can-save-you-now12 · 7 months ago
What? My favorite green ember character? Oh DON'T EVEN. Here's my list (not in order because I dont have an order)
Captain Moonlight
Lord Ramnor
(don't ask, I know it's a lot)
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versacethotty · 18 hours ago
they letting anyone in the oscars this year chy
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comparativetarot · 2 years ago
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Nine of Swords. Art by Kylen Baier, from 78 Tarot Animal.
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doors-worstenemy · 2 months ago
I forgot to post these pics I got at the new new girlfriend concert in sacanime!
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Very poor quality but it was sm fun I didn't care lol
Also a bit of my favorite song! I <3 things that go without saying
Bonus some bad cosplay pics (I forgot to take pictures at the con but I'll take better pics tmrw!!)
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helplessavacado · 2 days ago
working on dwarrow Kylen and Ama'kien and oh my god...
Kylen and Thorin Oakenshield are literally just the same fucking character aren't they 😭😭😭
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sarnie-for-varney · 5 months ago
"I can't do basic duck lips in Vegas
Who am I kidding? I take selfies too.
Friends setting me up so I can play catch up,
I don't want them when I'm waiting for you.
I know how it sounds, don't get me wrong.
On and on about what I don't want.
Maybe I oughta lighten up.
But why does this walk feel like a run?
I'm dragging a heart that weighs a ton,
Holding out for not just anyone..."
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the-chaotic-christian · 1 year ago
More tge memes
Smalls: If you kill a killer, the number of killers in the world remains the same.
Kylen, with his mouth full: Kill two.
Evan: Smalls, I am respecting your privacy by knocking.
Evan: But I am also asserting my authority as your older brother by coming in whether you want me to or not.
Picket: What was it like being raised by Uncle Wilfred.
Smalls: I asked for some water once while he was mad at me. Then he brought me a glass of ice and said ‘wait’.
Smalls: Do you remember the time I drank my first coffee?
Asher: Yes, you laughed at the littlest thing until 2 A.M. Then you cried for an hour straight. We thought you’d gone insane.
Smalls, on his fifth cup of coffee in one hour: Good times.
Smalls: When have I ever done anything rash?
Heather: I have a list. It’s color-coded, cross-referenced, and alphabetical.
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the-government-man · 9 months ago
Praying to our lord and saviour fridge that my beer will soon be cold
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kenttsterling · 2 years ago
Anthony Richardson & Gardner Minshew split snaps & Alec Pierce bigger are lead OTA takeaways!
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lifeofhill · 2 years ago
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dr-spencer-reids-queen · 8 months ago
It's Time To Face Reality
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Princess!Reader
Word Count: ~2.7k
Warnings: kidnapping, angst
Summary: You find the courage and strength inside yourself to be the hero for once. With everything over and done with, you have no choice but to go back to your old life and leave the one person who made you feel so alive.
Play Pretend Masterlist
Square Filled: physical toll for @mfbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are greatly appreciated <3
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“Whatever move you’re going to make, follow through with it. If you’re ever in a situation where you don’t feel safe, the best thing you can do is follow through. If you give them a single spark of weakness, they will strike where it hurts.”
“Ben, I got it. Now punch me,” you grin.
“You’re trouble,” he chuckles.
Ben continues to teach you how to defend yourself if you ever find yourself in a situation where your life is threatened and Ben isn’t there to protect you.
You roll your head to the right and crack what you can to work out the kinks. James had you moved to one of the back bedrooms while they figure out what to do with you. The clock ticking is the only thing you can hear inside the room, reminding you that you have five more hours until they cut off one of your limbs. You’re not sure if they’ll really do that but Ryder is eager to cut into something.
Your arm is getting numb from the way they’ve tied both behind your back. If you don’t escape now, you’re going to suffer a lot. Fuck this. I’m not going to be a damsel in distress. You’re not going to wait to be rescued when you can do it yourself.
Ben taught you better.
Calliope and Elliot arrived in America as soon as they could. They traveled with Kylen and two other guards for their own protection. Spencer tries not to let their presence scare him but it’s intimidating to know the girl he likes has such high security. Calliope hasn’t stopped crying which is understandable while Elliot holds a hard look in his eyes.
“Tell me you know where our daughter is,” Elliot says to Hotch.
“Your Majesty--”
“Please, Elliot. We’ll be spending a lot of time together.”
“Elliot, we’re doing everything we can to find your daughter before anything bad happens. We’re the very best team and we’re working hard.”
“I never wanted this for her,” Calliope cries.
“Your Majesty, James Volkov is the one who took Y/N,” Ben says.
“What can you tell me about him?” Hotch asks.
“His hatred for the Richmond bloodline goes deeper than Y/N. He broke into the palace when she was barely a year old and then again when she was six. It’s why we hired Ben to look after her. Even before I was Queen, he was obsessed with stealing from my family. He’s money and power hungry.”
“My mother was thinking of marrying James’ father even though he wasn’t from a royal bloodline. Our tradition that we’ve upheld for centuries is to marry another from a royal bloodline. He manipulated her into giving him more money than he deserved. Then, she met my father who made her realize what a disgusting person James’ family was,” Elliot explains.
Hotch sighs and looks at the table in thought. They hadn’t wanted to put James’ picture in fear that he’d hurt you earlier than he said he would.
You’re not going to give them the chance to.
After an incredible amount of patience and strength, you were able to get out of your binds. You might have bruising on your wrists from how hard the ropes were digging into your skin but that’s a price you’re willing to pay. You open the door slightly and see everyone huddled together in the living room. Macy is furiously typing on her laptop while the men are talking over one another, trying to keep their voices down.
“What are we going to do if they don’t send it? Are we really going to kill her?” Kellen asks.
“Whatever we have to do,” James says.
“They have our pictures,” Macy says. She turns the laptop to show all five of their pictures on the FBI website. “This changes things.”
“This changes nothing. Do you know how long I’ve evaded the law? We’re going to be fine. The Richmond family does not scare me.”
You’re not going to give them the opportunity to hurt you. You have to escape now. You close the bedroom door slowly and quietly before taking stock of what you have. What would Ben do if he was here? Ben. Spencer. Oh, Spencer. I hope you’re alright.
Spencer comes in with two water bottles and hands them both to the King and Queen of Yacleira.
“Are you going to pay the ransom?” Rossi asks.
“That bastard will not get a penny of my money,” Elliot says angrily.
“He has Y/N, honey,” Calliope says with tears in her eyes.
Elliot sighs as his resolve crumbles away.
“We’ll send them whatever they want.”
Penelope pulls up the email chain that James had used to send them a picture of you along with their ransom demand. Since there is an email attached to it, she can use this as a direct line to them.
“Do you think they’ll take cash? We could schedule a meetup,” Spencer says. “Make them bring Y/N as proof of life.”
Penelope sends the email off, getting another one minutes later.
“They refuse to meet up. They expect the entire thing to be deposited.”
“It’s not going to be easy sending that kind of money in a lump sum,” Hotch sighs.
“Ask them if they’ll take it in payments,” Rossi says.
Penelope sends the email and it’s not long until she gets one back. The emails are projected onto the big screen so that everyone can see their reply.
Only if you want your daughter’s fingers sent to the FBI as punishment.
“Hotch, we need to look at the area where her phone was last.”
“You’re right. Take Morgan, Ben, and Prentiss with you.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll bring her home to you,” Ben promises.
The four of them take a sleek black SUV over to the gas station where your phone was last pinged in. The gas station is on a desolate road heading out of town so it’s not busy. Whoever is working would have to remember you or the people you were with. Derek and Emily go inside to talk to the attendant while Ben and Spencer stay outside.
“You love her, don’t you?” Ben asks.
“I don’t know about love,” Spencer sighs. “All I know is that she’s the first girl in a long time to make me feel so… alive.”
“Yeah, I get it. I had that.”
“What happened?”
“I wasn’t quick enough.”
Spencer doesn’t pry knowing it must hurt to think about not being able to save the person he loved. Derek approaches the attendant who puts her phone down when she notices them.
“Hi, we’re agents Prentiss and Morgan with the FBI. We’re looking for someone we believe came through here.” He takes out a picture of you and shows her. “Have you seen this woman?”
“They might have kept her in the car to prevent people from seeing her,” Emily whispers to Derek.
Derek takes out the pictures of Jacob and James and shows her.
“Have you seen these men?”
“Yeah, they came through late last night. They were with two other men and a woman. The woman stayed outside and got gas but the four men came in.”
“Can you describe any of them?” Emily asks, taking out her notepad.
“The woman had short, cropped hair. Red, I think. One of the men had a Justin Beiber haircut with piercings on his lip and eyebrow, and another man had tattoos up and down his arms. Big muscles.”
“Did you notice anything strange about them?”
Spencer walks inside with Ben as the attendant is talking to Derek and Emily.
“They were talking in a language I didn’t recognize. Clearly, they were pissed about something. They practically threw the cash at me when they paid.”
Emily notices a camera placed on the ceiling behind the young woman facing toward the front door and the cash register.
“Does that camera work?”
“Yeah. The owner wanted to get one after the fifth time someone came in trying to steal something.”
“May we look at the footage from last night?”
“Be my guest.”
She moves out of the way so that Spencer can work the cameras. The TV is small and grainy but the camera is good quality so the picture is clearer than the normal CCTVs. Late last night, a large SUV pulls into the gas station and pulls up to one of the pumps. The car is obstructed due to the pump they pulled into and the way the camera is angled. However, the passenger window is shown just enough to see you resting your head against the glass with your eyes closed. They must have drugged you to prevent you from getting away.
The woman gets out of the car and starts pumping gas but she is out of view of the entire frame. Four men walk inside the gas station and try their best not to show their faces on the camera. Either they knew this place only had one camera or they’re paranoid at every place because they might have cameras.
Like the attendant says, they throw the money in her face and leave as fast as possible just as the woman with the red hair finishes with the gas. They all get into the car and peel out as fast as possible. The camera isn’t wide enough to see past the road for a few feet, but Spencer sees the direction they went in.
“Do you have any idea where these guys might have gone?” Derek asks.
“I’m not sure. Like I said, they didn’t speak any English.”
“Is there anything out here?”
“Yeah, the old Garrison farm a few miles up the road. Take a right out of here and it’s literally the first road you see off to the right. It’s a dirt road. They didn’t like many people visiting but the property is a hundred acres give or take a few.”
“Thanks.” They leave the gas station and head back to the car. “Do you think they took her there?”
“Only one way to find out.”
“You don’t think… You don’t think they hurt her, do you?” Ben asks.
“Only one way to find out,” Spencer answers regretfully.
He hopes you’re okay and if you’re not, alive.
You go to the window that’s not boarded up and open it only to be met with a mesh screen. You push on it but there isn’t any give. They might have glued it or did something to prevent it from being kicked out. You look around the room and see clothes hung up in the closet. Clothes that are on wire hangers. You take one of the hangers and bend it until the metal snaps in two. Now you have a sharp side.
You walk back over to the mesh covering and stab it with the sharp end of the hanger. It takes a bit of strength on your part but if you keep at it, you’ll have created a big enough hole for you to jump through. Thankfully, this farmhouse is only one story so you’re not worried about breaking a leg. You’re so focused on creating the tear that you don’t hear the bedroom door open.
You look behind you to see Kellen standing there with a shocked look on his face. You toss the metal to the side and tear the rest of the mesh with your hands. Just as you fit your leg through it, he pounces on you.
“Let go of me!” you shout loud enough to alert the others.
You fall forward onto the ground so that the only part of you still in the house is your right leg. Kellen has a death grip on your leg but you’re not giving up.
“Guys! Help! She’s escaping!”
You jerk away from him only to use every ounce of strength you have to kick him in the face. He falls back with a shout of pain, letting go of your leg. You fall to the ground but scramble to your feet as soon as you can. You take off running anywhere that’s not this farmhouse. The front door slams open and all five of them filter out of the house in a panic.
“Find her! Bring her to me!” James yells loudly.
You almost trip over the rocks but you keep running until you can’t see the farmhouse anymore.
“You can run all you want, princess, but we’ll find you. You won’t like what happens when we do!” Jacob shouts.
It’s so dark outside that you’re not sure where you’re going but that’s not going to stop you from running. Thankfully, you can see the trees so you’re not smacking into them. Your heart is racing at the thought of being caught. What if there is nothing around for miles? Are you really going to keep running without knowing what’s out there? What if you’re in their domain and there are more dangerous people out there?
No, don’t think like that. Your lungs are begging to relax and your legs are burning but you won’t stop running. In the distance you see headlights, and being there is a lot better than being with James. You run toward them in hopes that whoever is behind the wheel is friendly. You push through the thick shrubs and fall to the ground right in front of the car. It screeches to a stop before it can hit you, and you put your hand up to block the bright headlights.
“Please, help me.”
All four doors open and four people come clambering out of the car. You look up and see two familiar sets of eyes looking back.
“Spencer? Ben?”
“We’re right here. You’re safe now,” Ben says.
“They’re out there looking for me right now. There’s a farmhouse up the road.”
“Come on.”
Spencer and Ben help you into the back of the car just as Emily and Derek get back in the front. They turn the headlights off and lowly trek back to the farmhouse while still staying in the shadows. Derek and Emily get out while Ben and Spencer stay in the back with you. You faintly hear Derek call for immediate backup, and you lean your head on the headrest tiredly.
Spencer looks at you and wants to apologize but nothing comes out. You’ll have time to reconnect later. Backup comes quickly which is enough to arrest all five individuals involved. They’re brought back to the BAU where you discover your parents are. Your mom and dad run over to you, and you run into their arms with tears streaming down your cheeks.
“I’m so sorry for leaving,” you cry. “I didn't mean for all of this to happen.”
“We’re glad you’re okay, baby. You’re safe now,” your mom says.
The paramedics met you at the BAU to assess your injuries which are minor. You were treated for your bruised wrists and the small cuts on your face from the branches. You and Spencer stand off to the side while your parents are with Ben, Kylen, and the rest of the BAU.
“I’d like to take all five of them back to Yacleira if possible. They will face Yacleiran justice,” Elliot says.
“Of course,” Hotch nods. “Interpol will be notified of this as well.”
“I’ll call my contacts,” Emily offers.
You look at your parents and sigh sadly. You know what’s coming next. They know you’re here and it’s not like they will leave without you. You’re old school. They won’t break tradition for you.
“I’m sorry for keeping this a secret from you.”
“No, don’t be. I shouldn’t have left.”
“Spencer, I can’t stay here. My parents will be taking me back to Yacleira where I’m to marry Prince Henry of Vosharia. I thought… well, I thought I was the type of girl who could have what everyone else had. It doesn’t matter anymore, I guess.”
“It’ll always matter.”
“Not to someone like me.” You pull Spencer in to kiss him, and he kisses you back like it’s the last kiss you’ll ever share. Maybe it will be. The thought breaks your heart. “No matter what happens, Spencer, you were the best thing to ever happen to me.”
You look at the briefing room and see both your parents watching you and Spencer. He hates to see you walk out of his life but what can he do when the King and Queen of Yacleira calls back their Princess?
He stands on the side and lets it happen. What’s a man like him going to be able to provide for a woman like you?
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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ya-boi-haru · 2 months ago
This small silly detail that may not be important, but it's important to me!!!
In minecraft, I tend to have a book on me that I jot things down in (Coords, people's names, to-do lists etc)
Sometimes I end up making it so my lil blorbo cannonicly has a book too and I just made a texture pack for my Q56s book so here are my book thoughts for my MC OCs (+ pictures!)
Kylens' Field Notes
Kylens a scientist, so his notes are somewhat organised. If it's a note he needs to go back to, they'll put a little tab on it, or highlight some key points.
It's got a few scratches and bumps on it, and I imagine it's more of a hard cover to help it not get as easily ruined.
Half the notes are organised dot points of theories, things they see, equations and the other half is scribbled notes taken quickly, either due to time or or just tyring to get thoughts onto paper
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Satyns Scrap Notes
Satyn has covered this book in stickers, drawings, stuck on pins, the works.
They keep invites, random pamphlets/papers they find, press flowers. They write notes of Coords, things they need to do/get, notes on people, base areas, little doodles, it has it all, and sometimes (if theyre nice) they'll let others scribble/draw in it.
Satyn has stuffed this thing with so many things, it's very thick. The leather rope that wraps around it is basically key to keeping this thing together (which I forgot to add lol)
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Yavais Book of Direction
(The og)
Yavais book is very aesthetic neat. Mainly coords written down, but also small notes and to do lists. On the first page they have a key done up of English alphabet to Ender, to help them translate things along the way (though they are getting good with it)
All their notes (unless copying from English) are written in ender. Some of these notes are small journal entries, to help with things that happen (both good and bad) some go longer than others, from quick dot points to pages of a recollection of the day. And on a page or two, you'll find a little drawing of something nice they've seen.
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(the BoD also has a little clasp lock around it to stop it from opening accidentally, but I forgot to add that detail lol
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nevver · 2 years ago
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Mood indigo, Kylen (@kylenkegg)
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