#kurodai fic update!
Threads from Twitter
Here's a post to catalog threads I've written on Twitter. I'll update the post as needed.
Thank you!
Threads are organized by fandom, then ship, and then date (oldest to newest, descending).
⚾ Daiya no Ace
💙 TetsuJun
5 times Jun was a clothes-stealing boyfriend and 1 time when he didn’t need to be
Future fic, established relationship, long distance relationship, clothes sharing/stealing
Crossposted on Tumblr: https://fractionallystruckout.tumblr.com/post/697119860175552512/5-times-jun-was-a-clothes-stealing-boyfriend-and-1
💙 TetsuJun
Love is Blind AU (WIP)
Alternate universe, reality TV, strangers to lovers
💙 TetsuJun
Of Being Isashiki Jun
Getting together, confessions, not unrequited love, brief mention of the Inashiro loss
Crossposted on Tumblr: https://fractionallystruckout.tumblr.com/post/714248918790176768/of-being-isashiki-jun
🏐 Haikyuu
🧡 EnnoTana
Pre-relationship, crushes, prompt: cuffing sleeves to elbows
🧡 EnnoTana
You and Me and Airi Make Three
Future fic, established relationship, dog dads, cafe dates, slice of life, fluff
🧡 EnnoTana
Blind date AU (WIP)
Alternate universe, teacher!Ennoshita, firefighter!Tanaka, prompt: blind date
🧡 EnnoTana
Future fic, established relationship, weddings, fluff, wedding fluff
🧡 EnnoTana
Future fic, established relationship, dog dads, New Year's Eve, slice of life, fluff
🧡 EnnoTana
Future fic, established relationship, kidfic, EnnoTana as parents, dog dads, New Year's Day, shrine visit, slice of life, fluff
🧡 EnnoTana
Pre-relationship, crushes
🧡 EnnoTana
First date, festival date, prompt: holding pinkies
🩵 IwaEnno
Established relationship, kidfic, IwaEnno as parents, domestic flirting, mentioned UshiOi
❤️ KuroDai
The Man in Red Shoes (WIP)
Alternative universe, ramen shop owner!Daichi, office worker!Kuroo, meet cute
💜 KuroEnno
Getting Together (WIP)
Future fic, getting together, weddings
💚 KuroYama
Future fic, established relationship, college boyfriends, prompt: dyeing hair
💗 TeruEnnoTana
Terushima x Ennoshita x Tanaka, future fic, established relationship (TeruEnno), getting together (poly), invitations, exploration, kissing, first time (fade to black)
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aghkaaashi · 5 years
haikyuu!! kurodai fic?
hi guys! 
here is my new tumblr account for all my volleydorks! i wont be super active but it will be great if u guys can follow me here (esp if y’all read coffee runs!!!!!) so yall be updated on the fic? idk cos i havent used tumblr in a while.....
love u all! thanks for all the support i’ll be starting to write after a long hiatus! 
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chamilktea · 6 years
Chapter 2 is out!!!
Huge heart to heart with Hajime and Daichi for ya’ll Iwadai fans out there~
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volleydorkscentral · 3 years
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New multi-chapter fic~The Second Law -- KuroDai, BokuAka, KyouHaba (and others!)
Sci-fi au with plenty of drama, angst, and sillies. Plus space pirates!
Chapter 1 ~ Daichi finds Kuroo agonizing over his new discovery and comforts him. Space ships, sexy times, and new beginnings! 
(I’m going to do my best to remember to update this each time I post an update, but it will be every Friday!)
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kageyamas-mom · 4 years
when are you going to update the kurodai fic?
The roommates one? I am trying for weekly updates on Sundays! No absolute promises but that is my hope and goal each week! :)
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finnthebunneh · 4 years
Hello!!! Just wanna drop by to say I really loooove your art and the buff bottoms??? jSGSGGZGSSG SO GOOD. Anyway, I have a question. Do you read Kurodai fic called North Winds by Kamaleen? It's so....good ;-; I hope it'll be updated soon. Have a good day Finn!
hello anon!!! i often told myself that younger me who said “buff bottoms?? lol no” was a foole. I’m very glad i’ve reached enlightenment and learned to appreciate them (˘◡˘) also I HAVEN’T READ NORTH WINDS BUT THE SUMMARY LOOKS SO VERY VERY GOOD?????? intrigued i am.
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haikyuu-fanfics · 5 years
General Information
🏐Info: Events (tagged as events) Prompts (tagged as prompt) References  Blog Updates (tagged as blog update) FAQ/About/Rules (tagged as about) Writers Page (tagged as writers page and meet the writer) Fic Recs (tagged as fic rec) Submission Guidelines (tagged as submission guidelines)
🏐Media: Drabble --less than 1k words (tagged as drabble) Oneshot --more than1k words (tagged as oneshot) Multichapter (tagged as multichap)
🏐Rating: General (G) (tagged as rate: g) Teen and up (T) (tagged as rate: t) Mature (M) (tagged as rate: m) Explicit (E) (tagged as rate: e) Rating not available (tagged as rate: n/a)
Pairings (Platonic and Romantic)*
*For pairings that involve a specific character, search the tag “(character name) pairing” ex. yachi pairing, kuroo pairing, etc
🏐Reader Insert All (tagged as reader insert) Yamamoto (tagged as yamamoto x reader) Kuroo (tagged as kuroo x reader) Yachi (tagged as yachi x reader) Yamaguchi (tagged as yamaguchi x reader) Bokuto (tagged as bokuto x reader) Akaashi (tagged as akaashi x reader) Kenma (tagged as kenma x reader) Tsukishima (tagged as tsukishima x reader)
🏐Center Character: Yachi (tagged as cc: hitoka yachi) Tendou (tagged as cc: tendou satori) Michiru Usuri (tagged as cc: michiru usuri)
🏐Platonic: Shiratorizawa Team (tagged as shiratorizawa gen) >Semi and Shirabu (tagged as gen: shiratorizawa setters) Miya Twins (tagged as gen: miya twins) Karasuno Team (tagged as karasuno gen) Team Captains (tagged as captain squad) Terushima and Hinata (tagged as gen: terushima & hinata) Oikawa and Hinata (tagged as gen: oikawa & hinata)
🏐Polyamorous (3+): (tagged with the ship name shown) AsaDaiSuga (Asahi x Daichi x Sugawara) BokuAkaIwa (Bokuto x Akaashi x Iwaizumi) BokuAkaKuroKen (Bokuto x Akaashi x Kuroo x Kenma) BokuAkaKuroTsuki (bokuto x Akaashi x Kuroo x Tsukishima) BoKuroDai (Bokuto x Kuroo x Daichi) EnnoAkaFuta (Ennoshita x Akaashi x Futakuchi) EnnoAkaTeru (Ennoshita x Akaashi x Terushima) IwaAkaOi (Iwaizumi x Akaashi x Oikawa) Poly Karasuno KageHinaKen (Kageyama x Hinata x Kenma) KinKuniKage (Kindaichi x Kunimi x Kageyama) MatsuHanaIwaOi (Matsukawa x Hanamaki x Iwaizumi x Oikawa) UshiBokuKuro (Ushijima x Bokuto x Kuroo)
🏐Pairings: (tagged with the ship name shown) A: akaiwa (Akaashi x Iwaizumi) akaken (Akaashi x Kenma) akaoi (Akaashi x Oikawa) akashira (Akaashi x Shirabu) alisae (Alisa x Saeko) asasuga (Asahi x Sugawara) asatana (Asahi x Tanaka) atsuhina (Atsumu x Hinata) atsukage (Atsumu x Kageyama)
B: bokuaka (Bokuto x Akaashi) bokudai (Bokuto x Daichi) bokuken (Bokuto x Kenma) bokuroo (Bokuto x Kuroo) bokumoni (Bokuto x Moniwa) bokuyachi (Bokuto x Yachi)
C: D: daisuga (Daichi x Sugawara) daitsuki (Daichi x Tsukishima) daiyui (Daichi x Yui)
E: ennoaka (Ennoshita x Akaashi) ennodai (Ennoshita x Daichi) ennofuta (Ennoshita x Futakuchi) ennotana (Ennoshita x Tanaka)
F: Futashira (Futakuchi x Shirabu)
G: H: I: iwadai (Iwaizumi x Daichi) iwakiyo (Iwaizumi x Kiyoko) iwakuro (Iwaizumi x Kuroo) iwakage (Iwaizumi x Kageyama) iwaoi (Iwaizumi x Oikawa) iwasuga (Iwaizumi x Sugawara) iwaten (Iwaizumi x Tendou)
J: K: kagehina (Kageyama x Hinata) kagenoya (Kageyama x Nishinoya) kageshira (Kageyama x Shirabu) kagetsuki (Kageyama x Tsukishima) kageyachi (Kageyama x Yachi) kawashira (Kawanishi x Shirabu) kawaten (Kawanishi x Tendou) kenhina (Kenma x Hinata) kinkage (Kindaichi x Kageyama) kinkuni (Kindaichi x Kunimi) kiyoyachi (Kiyoko x Yachi) kiyoyui (Kiyoko x Yui) konokai (Konoha x Kai) kuroaka (Kuroo x Akaashi) kurodai (Kuroo x Daichi) kurohina (Kuroo x Hinata) kurokai (Kuroo x Kai) kurokage (Kuroo x Kageyama) kuroken (Kuroo x Kenma) kuroshou (Kuroo x Daishou) kuroteru (Kuroo x Terushima) kurotsuki (Kuroo x Tsukishima) kuroyachi (Kuroo x Yachi) kuroyaku (Kuroo x Yaku) kyouhaba (Kyoutani x Yahaba)
L: M: matsudai (Matsukawa x Daichi) matsuhana (Matsukawa x Hanamaki) matsuten (Matsukawa x Tendou) moniten (Moniwa x Tendou)
N: O: oidai (Oikawa x Daichi) oihina (Oikawa x Hinata) oikage (Oikawa x Kageyama) oikuro (Oikawa x Kuroo) oisemi (Oikawa x Semi) oisuga (Oikawa x Sugawara) osashira (Osamu x Shirabu)
P: poly karasuno
Q: R: S: saekiyo (Saeko x Kiyoko) semishira (Semi x Shirabu) shiragoshi (Shirabu x Goshiki) sugakiyo (Sugawara x Kiyoko
T: tanasuga (Tanaka x Sugawara) tanatsuki (Tanaka x Tsukishima) tensuga (Tendou x Sugawara) tsukihina (Tsukishima x Hinata) tsukiyachi (Tsukishima x Yachi) tsukiyama (Tsukishima x Yamaguchi)
U: ukatake (Ukai x Takeda) ushiiwa (Ushijima x Iwaizumi) ushimoni (Ushijima x Moniwa) ushioi (Ushijima x Oikawa) ushisemi (Ushijima x Semi) ushisuga (Ushijima x Sugawara) ushiten (Ushijima x Tendou)
V: W: X: Y: yahashira (Yahaba x Shirabu) yamakage (Yamaguchi x Kageyama) yakulev (Yaku x Lev)
Z: Updated: February 9, 2020
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kythen · 6 years
Ky’s Fic Commissions!
​Hello! It’s Ky again and I’m back with fic commissions if you want to see your wildest dreams and fantasies written into a fic. That university AU pining fic? Done. That high fantasy reluctant allies fic? I’ve got it. That kurodai ******* fic? Slide into my email inbox or twitter DMs and we’ll talk.
$9 for 1000 words and under
+ $9 for every next 1000 words
(Capping the word limit at 10,000)
What I Will Write
I mostly write Haikyuu!! but I am open to discussion about writing for other fandoms. Feel free to check with me!
You can find a sample of my writing here on AO3 or right here on tumblr.
Previous fic commissions can also be found here.
How Does It Work?
This is the Google form to fill in if you are interested in commissioning a fic from me: https://goo.gl/forms/CzxOCGnbEgzast9U2
After you have submitted the form, I will send you a confirmation email and an invoice through PayPal. I will only start writing once I have received payment.
While I am working on your fic, I will keep you updated on my progress. Once the fic is completed, I will send you the full fic in PDF format as well as upload it to my AO3 and tumblr, unless you have requested for me not to do so.
If I go over the requested word limit, I will not charge you for it.
Reviews for the completed fic would be greatly appreciated!
What I Will Not Write
NSFW (kurodai may be an exception to this—please discuss this with me)
Reader inserts
Pairings: Other Kuroo ships other than kurodai
I reserve the right to refuse commission requests if I am not comfortable with writing them.
Terms and Conditions
Even after payment and delivery, the commissioned fic remains my intellectual property.
I ask that you do not upload it as your own, claim credit for writing it, or profit off it. If you wish to reupload it anywhere else, do ask permission from me before you do so and make sure to credit me for the fic.
All payments are non-refundable.
Contact Details
All commission requests will be handled through the Google form but if you have any enquiries, please email me at [email protected]
I am also available through private messaging on tumblr (not asks—these may get eaten up) and DM on twitter.
I will be opening up to 3 slots for now and when they are full, I’ll inform you that you’re in the queue and slot you in when a space opens up.
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thatishogwash · 6 years
Tagged by @spring-emerald !!
What is your total word count on AO3?
722,115. No idea if that’s good or not?
How often do you write?
Pretty often I would say.  Almost every day though every once and a while I’ll go a stretch of time without writing.
What are your favorite kinks/tropes/pairing?
My kink is probably a healthy, loving, and caring relationship. 
Honestly what trope don’t I like? I watch a lot of Hallmark movies.  Give me a cheesy amnesia story and I’m golden for days.  I do love a good Fantasy AU or SciFi, though I’m not good at writing SciFi I still love it.  Friends to Lovers or Rivals to Lovers.  Superhero/superpower AU.  Fake/Pretend Relationship, I will read that repeatedly. Also the whole Ball of Sunshine with the Scowly Grumpy trope is just top knotch.
Pairings are basically Anyone+Sawamura Daichi, though I am prone to KuroDai.  I am loving healthy poly-ships too (especially when they involve Daichi).  KuroBoku is another good one, I just love bestfriends being boyfriends.  A new one for me is TsukiHina.  I don’t know how it happened but Tsukishima grew on me and now I would die for him.  The love I have for IwaDai is strong with me too.
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
Perhaps A Difference of Opinion it wasn’t meant to be multichapters and now it is and I haven’t updated in a while and that gives me anxiety.
B is for Baba Yaga was fun to write, I wish I had taken more time to really flush the story out more.  The end felt rushed to me. 
I do like Beyond Beauty and the Beast and would very much like to write more to it but I’m worried I’ll muck it all up.
Your fic with the most kudos?
Sawamura Daichi is a Good Person has the most with 415 Kudos. That’s over 400 people liking the story???? That’s mind boggling to me! Thank you once again @audriel89 for editing that story!
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
Most things? Despite how much I post I’m incredibly insecure about everything. Probably the biggest thing is my grammar is just the worst.  I switch from past and present tense like it’s my job and I know that bugs a lot of people. 
Now something you do like about your writing?
It really helps me through some difficult times.  I tend to write when I’m not doing too great in my real life and it almost always puts me in a better mood.  That along with my dogs ridiculous adorable face.  I like the feeling of putting my work out there and maybe making someone else who might not be having the best day ever feel a little better, even if just for a moment.
I’m tagging @audriel89, @stacysmash, @aeshiryzen and anyone else?? I think everyone I know is tagged! I only know like 4 people and y’all already tagged them lol
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ricekrispyjoints · 7 years
author about me
Tagged by @frenchibi​ !!!
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
no it’s not about weed my dad used to call me ricekrispies because of how easily i can crack a lot of my joints. he said i “snap crackle and pop”. so that’s me !
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos)
my absolute fave iwaoi piece that i’ve written, Learning to Walk (So that We Can Run) i’m so proud of it and so glad that it’s gotten so much love
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
it’s a manga cap of oikawa going “so fun~” bc i love my son xD
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
i’ve had a few people who will like, go through and read all my stuff in one go? and tbh i don’t get a lot of comments so really my favorite is everyone who decides to actually comment xD
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
There’s like. so many. i have literally over a hundred haikyuu fics bookmarked alone.
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
according to ao3 i have 12 pages of subscriptions xD some of those have been abandoned i fear but i refuse to unsubscribe in case they return from the dead! bookmarks i have..... idk probably about 200 across all fandoms? the majority of that is haikyuu, but my yoi collection is growing.
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
i’m not really sure... lately i’ve been working on a lot of trans hc’s, but of my published stuff idk if there’s really a pattern
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
116 user subs, 1936 bookmarks
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
at this point i’ve already crossed into writing smut, which was like fear #1 xD
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
I just want to get more stuff written and published! i have so many more ideas than what i’ve actually put out there because I tend to bite off more than i can chew with some AUs...
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
i feel like i write majority iwaoi but of my published stuff it’s only 5/14 haikyuu fics?? xD my drafts folder, on the other hand.... i have a couple “rarepair” ships that i’ve written for (kurodai, hanamatsu) but i think the majority is popular ships
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
19 (but i orphaned a bunch of old johnlock fics lolll): 14 haikyuu, 3 snk, 2 yoi
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
uhhh 122 for fanfic, 84 original
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
usually write them down, but sometimes i like to leave them in my head while i kind of play with different ideas, before it becomes a solid story
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
not yet, but @frenchibi​ and i are gonna do something together !!
16. How did you discover AO3?
probably through tumblr? bc i was living my life on ff.net until suddently ao3 was like. everywhere xD
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
lmao no not at all xD
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
pfft no
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
i don’t really remember? i’ve been writing (non-fandom) since i was a kid, but i don’t know what got me started. childhood is kinda hazy for me D: now, my friends have been a huge inspiration to keep me going, helped beta things for me, bounce ideas around... that kind of thing :)
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
start small. i mean yes, there are people who are successful at like “this is my first fic ever! it’s an 80k wip!!” but i highly recommend starting with shorter stuff. get a feel for world building, character development (esp if it’s original writing!), and oh my gosh endings ?? the worst.
also just write what you love. if you want to hc everyone in the entire show as a bunch of trans gay people, then do it. who cares if that’s “unrealistic”. who cares! if it makes you happy, do it.
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
depends. for short one shots, it’s usually like “oh what if this happened!” and then i just write it all out. for longer things or multi-chapters, i like to outline where i’m going, major plot points, etc. for my longest fic to date (152k) i had a separate like 20k document of backstory, character info, etc.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
happily, no. i’ve had a couple of comments with like, suggestions or polite criticism, but never of the work in general and always really kind and well-meaning.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
smut continues to be a challenge, tho i like to think i’m getting better at it? and angst. i love to read it, but i don’t think i’m so good at writing it.
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
currently editing my nanowrimo project, rising, which i have now posted chapter 1 of!
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
i have so many pans in the fire it’s crazy but i do prioritize one particular story at a time
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
honestly no. during nanowrimo i did, but i’m in grad school and unfortunately personal writing has taken a back seat to that
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
oh my gosh yes yes yes. a million times. i started when i was like. a child. i have read some of my old stuff and Y I K E S. cringey.
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
definitely my knee surgery recovery fic, but followed closely by an original piece i wrote about my mental illness.
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
um anything i wrote for the bbc sherlock fandom i orphaned many moons ago. xD
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
i want to get back into a little of my original stuff again, but hopefully continue writing fanfic.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
sometimes when you just get into the flow of it and it feels like no time has passed but you’ve written like 4k in one go xD
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
endings. i don’t know how to finish a story. two of my nanowrimo projects (original fiction) just. are sitting on my comp. unfinished. it hurts :(
33. Why do you write?
because i think language is amazing and i like bending it to what i want to express
thank you so much for tagging me, this was fun and a great way to procrastinate my homework
i don’t really know a lot of authors?? so if you are an author and want to do this, i am officially tagging you :D
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kakkoweeb · 7 years
8, 18, 25, 26 for the fic writer prompt
8. google docs, microsoft word, or other?
microsoft word, for the most part. but for some more urgent projects that need constant updating because of a strict deadline (like, fics for events), i migrate to google docs. no particular reason for it; i’ve just been using word all my life and have a deep distrust for the internet lmao you can blame computer security and my own paranoia
18. a detail you’re really proud of putting in one of your fics
i wouldn’t say i’m too proud but some commenter did commend my symbolism in this fic for oikage week lol and if they like it, i like it (that’s a joke but i guess it’s not half bad)
25. name three fics you just discovered
full disclosure: i don’t go fic hunting that often on account of how i’m constantly beating myself up over fic writing, so ‘just discovered’ isn’t necessarily recent. but here, let me link you to hey babe, are you garbage ‘cause i wanna take you out (kurodai) by the lovely pepperfield, journey, tectonic (datekou science au) by nautilics, and Top of the World (asanoya college-age au, pls read the tags before you indulge) by Homeo.
26. what’s your favorite part about fanfiction?
favourite part, hmm? well, in terms of writing it’s a lot easier than original fiction since there’s less character establishment, but more than that, it’s the creativity. there are so many ideas and when they’re well-executed, it’s so amazing how gripping and exciting it can be to be on your bed reading off your phone or computer. some people are even better than paid authors and i’m like wow?? this stuff’s free??? how did we get so lucky???
fic writer’s ask meme
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tmntransformer · 8 years
will you ever finish that ao3 fic with kurodai?
hey!so i just wrote out a huuuuge paragraph of a life story, but then realised it was all drivel. ƪ(‾ε‾“)ʃ the answer is; yes! yes, yes, yes, yes, Y E S ! ! i'm still writing it, i have written entire chunks of stuff that happens a couple of chs. away, ch. 20 has just been trying for me for a multitude of reasons.i'm sorry it's taking so long, i know i get frustrated when fics stop being updated myself so i feel guilty p. much 24/7 that i haven't updated my own in months orzzzzi signed up for the rare pair exchange (again), so have been prioritising that at the minute, but my kurodai chronicles are next (ˆˇˆ)! ...this also turned out to be a paragraph of drivel, welp.
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magnusburnsidess · 8 years
1 2 11 14 41 44 45 !!
Thanks for asking!!!💕💕💕
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
My first fandom was Detective Conan!! I used to be really into it and it was the first fandom I rlly read fic for and I still love it to this day.
2. What is your latest fandom?
I think the newest would be either yoi or Dear Evan Hansen, but I don’t know if I actually count as being /in/ the deh fandom. I haven’t rlly watched anything new recently that I can think of…
11. Who is your current OTP?
I honestly have no idea, I’m gonna say KuroDai but honestly I love so many pairings so much that like KuroDai is legit on the same level as a loooooooot of pairings lol
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
My fave BroTP is definitely OtaYuri
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
5 ongoing fics (bc I’m not in the middle of anything at this moment so this is how I’m interpreting the question):
1) The Blossoms, Just in Time by thewindraiser ( @thewindraiser on tumblr)(Link -> http://archiveofourown.org/works/6895321 ) it’s a DaiSuga nanny AU where Daichi has 2 kids and it’s the slowest slow burn u will ever read and I love it!!2) Solo and Pair by calciseptine ( @calciseptinefic on tumblr)(Link -> http://archiveofourown.org/works/8453386) it’s a Victuuri soulmate AU with matching marks on your skin and its perfect!!3) The Anatomy of an Eternity by SecretMaker ( @notsuchasecret on tumblr)(Link -> http://archiveofourown.org/works/9629399) It’s a KinKuni magical realism AU where they were separated as kids and meet later in college and it’s just getting started but it’s great!!!4) The Marks We Make by wittyy_name ( @wittyy-name on tumblr)(Link -> http://archiveofourown.org/works/8444320) it’s a Klance soulmate/college AU where when you make a mark on your own skin it transfers onto your soulmates skin as a tattoo and there’s muggle Quidditch, it’s awesome!!!5) On Thin Ice by Minadora ( @wardenalistair on tumblr)(Link -> http://archiveofourown.org/works/7754422) it’s a Klance figure skating/hockey AU and its another super slow burn and I love it so much!!
Basically they’re all great and u should read them (also sorry if the links don’t work properly I’m on mobile (- -;) )
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
Ok, so a lot of ships deserve more attention, but for this I’m gonna pull your attention to HyakuHina because!!! I love Hyakuzawa!!!! And he as a character deserves more attention.
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
My favorite fic of all time is a Detective Conan fic, Akumu by Joisbishmyoga, it legitimately changed the way I read fic, I used to keep up with it when it was still updating and I go back and read it again every once in a while bc I love it!!
My fave fic in a fandom I’m still active in tho would be Against All Odds by SharkbaitSekki (Link -> http://archiveofourown.org/works/3620886), my fave hq parent AU of all time. It’s the captains (Kuroo Daichi Oikawa and Bokuto) as “Newly Single Fathers with Young Children” who get put in a support group together and become great friends and I love it.
Thanks again for asking me!!
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minianimecat · 8 years
2017: Kurodai shippers... here.. take all the fics...the updated ones and new... and here is some lovely fanart too.
ME: 2017.. I love you.
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kageyamas-mom · 4 years
hey kurodai fic update anon
i love you but i probably won’t update tomorrow :( 
i need more t i m e 
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kythen · 6 years
tagged by: @amaanogawa I love tag games thank you for tagging me! ♡
Rules: repost the first line of a WIP, then tag as many people as there are words.
​“Kuroo, do you want to tell me why you brought two more vampires with you tonight?”
Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote, then tag as many people as there are words.
​Kuroo is never going to recover from Daichi.
The two lines are from different WIPs so there’s no connection between them (other than the fact that they’re both kurodai). You should be able to guess which fic the first line is for real easy if you’ve been keeping up with my latest updates.
I think most, if not all, the discord peeps have been tagged so I’ll just leave this as an open tag for anyone who wants to do this.
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