aghkaaashi · 3 years
can i interest u all in a..... daichi-centric fic that i wrote almost 3 years ago?
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aghkaaashi · 4 years
haikyuu!! kurodai fic?
hi guys! 
here is my new tumblr account for all my volleydorks! i wont be super active but it will be great if u guys can follow me here (esp if y’all read coffee runs!!!!!) so yall be updated on the fic? idk cos i havent used tumblr in a while.....
love u all! thanks for all the support i’ll be starting to write after a long hiatus! 
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aghkaaashi · 5 years
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aghkaaashi · 5 years
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aghkaaashi · 5 years
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kurodai week day 7 -> free day -> KISSES !!!! lots of kisses 😊😊😊💕
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aghkaaashi · 5 years
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Sweet and bold 
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aghkaaashi · 5 years
I feel like haikyuu is a fandom where the deeper you’re in the more pairings you fall for and you love them more and more and you feel so full of love for these volleyball dorks and their love for each other you wonder if it’s possible to love them even more but you always do
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aghkaaashi · 5 years
Akaashi: You're coming over my house tonight, and we're gonna... 'study'.
Bokuto: Fine. I never get to do anything fun.
Kuroo: God, you're dumb.
Bokuto: I guess that's why I gotta study.
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aghkaaashi · 5 years
seijoh locker room headcanons
Kunimi takes the longest to get changed while Iwaizumi is the fastest
Everyone had caught Oikawa and Iwaizumi in a compromising situation at least once
Watari keeps his locker super neat and tidy and will kill anyone who messes it up
Matsukawa and Hanamaki whistle and wiggle their eyebrows when people take their shirts off just to bother them
They also share a locker
Kyoutani is embarassed to change in front of the team
Oikawa has a mirror in his locker so he can do his hair, Kindaichi tries to use it as well but Oikawa doesn’t let him
The entire room smells like Kindaichi’s hair gel
Yahaba slammed Kyoutani into one of the lockers and now there’s a permantent dent
The first arm wrestling battle took place in the locker room after Hanamaki and Iwaizumi had an argument over who was stronger
Everyone lowkey stares at Iwaizumi’s muscles
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aghkaaashi · 5 years
bokuaka fic recs???
heya!! here’s my second installation of fic recs and it’s for one of my favourite ships!!!! so i sift through tons of fics and voila, here you go! :)
updated on 6/7/16
bold = uncompleted
💖= highly recommended
so lets start right now (drabble)
tea-stained polaroids 💖 (photographer!akaashi, barista!bo)
the jacket you never returned (sad af shit)
third wheel (kuroo is a literal angel)
love in the time of wifi (akaashi looks up online on how to confess to bo)
raising the waters (taisho era, prostitute akaashi)💖
undeniably special
i’ll return home one day (Akaashi is a world famous violinist, Kuroo introduces him to future Olympian-to-be Bokuto Koutarou.) 💖
10 hours (airportAU HAHA this is so cute MAKES YOU WANNA SCREAM)
pizza is the most romantic food after all 💖 (PIZZA AU YAS)
the secret ingredient for pizza is love (part 3 from the above AU!!)
hanging by a moment (getting tgt, confessions!!)
all that you are (this is so cute omfg, lovey dovey people) 💖
a million precious questions (so fluffy!!! and takes 5ever to update)
crisis converted (copAU)
repetition (akaashi with ocd and bo loves him so much its painful)
he’ll grow on you (wrong number AU)
anyway, call me back (bo calls akaashi but doesn’t get any replies so he leaves tons of voice mails) 
pas de deux (dancer!akaashi and pianist!bokuto) 
some walls crumble to reveal a view (confessions!!!) 
seven days of rain (bokuto loves the rain too much, akaashi thinks; developing relationship) 💖 
“home” series by shark girl (animal hybrid AU, hurt/comfort and fluff) 💖
countdown (developing relationship!!) 
i hit the jack pot (so much FLUFF RLY,  effects of anaesthesia) 
serendipity (soulmate AU)
the truthiest truth (bo has a panic attack) 
arrogant boy, love yourself so no one has to (a little bit angstyyy but super cute) 💖
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<< creds for gif: electricprince >>
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aghkaaashi · 5 years
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If only I could talk to you  a g a i n…
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aghkaaashi · 5 years
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these ladies need more loving
been too lazy lately orz
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aghkaaashi · 5 years
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Given. Finally a manga that truly expresses the Gay Panic™️
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aghkaaashi · 5 years
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☆ given / ギヴン ▬ characters » band roles ❝ we all have names based on a season. ❞
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aghkaaashi · 5 years
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AKIHIKO HAS SPOKEN! Man I have been waiting ages to see this scene animated! ❤️
Imagine if every person out there feeling afraid of their feelings had someone they admired come right out and tell them it’s ok. I love Akihiko so much for this moment. 🥰❤️
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aghkaaashi · 5 years
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Source: 【腐】twitterまとめ by まと
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aghkaaashi · 5 years
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when the senpai does the thing
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