#I have so many kurodai feels right now
lgbtlunaverse · 11 months
wip tag game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
tagged by @woobifiedvillain @frodo-of-the-nine-fingers and @tavina-writes
... ALL of them?
i mean i guess i could just forcus on ones i've recenly worked on but that's BORING let's brave the depths! Also, you guys have a wip folder? I have 3 folders organized for different fandoms that countain maybe 30% of my actual wips, the rest I just rawdog in the "recently opened" page of google drive. a good number of these don't even HAVE titles
honorable mention to my very much finished and NOT wip fic "red string wrapped aorund your throat" which has never actually been titled that in docs. the document is titled "package deal but in a bad way" which sums up nieyao quite nicely.
in no particular order: here are the actual wips. i'll number the ones with no title to differentiate them.
In another life
untitled document (number 1)
krknhn au
togachako spidergirl au
triple cultivation au
untitles document (number 2)
the cyberpunk au & where else to go <- (i'm grouping these together becuase they're the same fic just different documents.)
3zun reverse au domestic tidbit
untitled document (number 3)
polycule from hell
there's an engagement ring in my apartment right now
nie parents prelude
chapter 3 warped rail fic
untitled document (number 4) & togachako timeskip au exerpt <- (these are just the same fic again)
an unauthorised fan treatise on the nature of the relationship betweem jin guangyao and lan xichen
character motivations and analyses chapter 3 warped rail fic
warped rail fic layout (outline) <- i'm not sure if the previous 2 count as wips because they're like. supplementary documents?? but just to show you how much chapter 3 fucking haunts me. this isn't even the last doc specifically pertaining to that chapter.
patho fic clara
short story fuyumi
untitles document (number 5)
Siren au
an interesting team (kurodai)
ushiiwaoi royalty au
iwaoi fantasy au <- this one's just a prequel to the previous one. and also finished?? has been for 2 years? maybe i should post it
born with everything snippets
loveless in grace
ushiiwaoi childhood friends au
bnha fic ideas
what would you trade the pain for & nielan side tangent <- (same fic)
untitled document (number 6)
untitled document (number 7)
helpless (kiyoyachi) perspective
ushioi college fic (chapter 3)
the secret behind these doors
ushiiwaoi soulmate
born with everything snippets <- (look it's warped rail fic again i'm not even gonna bother to group these)
dabitwice prequel fic & dabihawkstwice fantasy au
our flag means death fic
deltarune au
arcane fic
family doesn't end in blood
ushisaku single parent au
living up to the name
fuyumi pov extra (chapter 3) <- (IT'S MY NEMESIS AGAIN)
kenhina valentine's day
atsukage wip
ushisakuatsu thread
MA chapter 8 & the nakano meiko arc <- (these are both from montem ascendes. every single Ma chapter has its own doc i am not listing the posted ones)
all seijoh and stz captains are gay, it's the law
wlw bang kiyoyui au
songxuexiao pathologic au
maybe all first loves are like this
i'll wait for you,
So in doing this i've found out that A SIGNIFCANT number of my unpublished haikyuu wips do not in fact contain themselves in my google drive folder but on the notes app. On my old phone. That doesn't work anymore. :) If you wanna ask about any of these, feel free to do so while I let myself be consumed by the void.
I am NOT tagging as many people as I have wips. absolutely not. have you seen that list? i'm not sure I even have 51 writer mutuals. i'm tagging 5 people: @layzeal @clementinecoastline @transhawks @jecook @aphrodaisyacs
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ishikawayukis · 2 months
ahora a hablar de haikyuu<3 JAJAJAJA pero literal son tan drama and I love them for that, peak comedy🤌🏽 no me gusta escuchar doblajes pero me han aparecido eng dub scenes y hasta en inglés da risa JAJSJAJAJA eso si el castellano no lo puedo escuchar con seriedad 💀💀💀 JAJAJAJA those are like jumpscares and I can’t believe they allowed to air that LMAO
JAJAJAJAJAJAJJA PERDÓN pero me encantó la frase chilena del final JAJAJAJJA I have seen the joke around but I was so damn scared thinking it was about Daichi genuinely dying as an adult or something and thought I was being spoiled I hate everyone 😭😭 EL NIÑO DÁNDOLE TODO POR EL EQUIPO Y ASÍ SE LO PAGAN??? and there I was all tense bc what if they loose their focus and motivation if Daichi is not there to reassure them?? what if they’re indeed too dependent on their captain and it costs them their match??
MI MEJOR AMIGA TAMBIÉN LE GUSTA IWA-CHAN JAJAJAJAJAJA amé, es que todos son bien lindos<3 I also have a soft spot for Akaashi I just love how he tries to act nonchalant about Bokuto but gets super worried when he’s feeling down :’) MÁS QUE- okay espero no odies la astrología y los chistes JAJAJA yo sé que los cumpleaños son inventados y coincidencias, pero me parece muy chistoso que como alguien que es virgo mis favs en ambos animes son escorpios porque una amiga que le encanta la astrología me leyó mi carta natal y dijo que mi compatibilidad sería buena con los escorpios y yo “nah pero nunca me ha gustado un escorpio” and well, they’re not real but they ended up being scorpios JAJAJAJAJ
that is one of my fave character development stories as well and I cried too, I truly felt so happy and proud for Tsuki🫶🏽 y cuando se acerca al coach IGUALITO A TOBIO diciendo que está en buen estado para seguir jugando 😭😭😭 every time he appeared in front of the opponents smiling like a little shit bc he knew he was annoying them gave me so much joy y yo “ESE ES MI NIÑO!!! GET THEM TSUKI!!!”
ay si yo también JAJAJAJAJA I think everyone just wanted a season tbh and while I know that being an animator is so hard in these times in this economy, I would love to believe that they could’ve had the revenue if they went with a season bc of the hype, pero en este caso literalmente quién soy yo para saber si funcionaba JAJAJAJAJAJA pero si, concuerdo con eso de la importancia del partido porque si había tensión y se sentía pero por Kenma tratando de manipular y sobrepasar a Hinata, lo cuál estuvo bien explorado pero si extrañé la rivalidad entre los equipos y el darse cuenta de que es un partido de todo o nada, solo se siento literal cuando perdieron y como fue de golpe fue como ª JAJAJAJAJAJA and yeah I was so sad we didn’t get too many scenes of the karasuno team :cc like you said I almost don’t remember Asahi or Tanaka or Nishinoya’s moments at all :cc Y QUE BONITOS KURODAI ABRAZÁNDOSE DESPUÉS DEL PARTIDO AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! BUT NO YEAH YOU’RE RIGHT!!! it’s just a stupid rivalry that has no deep reasoning behind it and I live for it, literal la razón por la que vuelvo a ver el primer partido de karasuno vs nekoma y el training camp de la segunda temporada JAJAJAJAJAJA I just love their silly glaring but trying to keep the diplomacy but actually I get you dude these idiots are my everything now
yo sigo buscando dónde puedo ver esta película porque de verdad que esa escena me tuvo en completa concentración, expectativa y ansiedad que necesito volver a verla para poder procesarla mejor JAJAJAJAJAJJAJA it also shows how much thought is put into bringing to life the emotions that were felt by reading still images, o sea de verdad que cada formato tiene su potencial y su manera de cómo se interpretan los momentos y emociones pero con esa escena de verdad que lograron traducir y presentar como esa es una realidad en los deportes: todo se siente intenso y como que nunca va a terminar y cuando menos lo esperas ya ganaste o perdiste, el momento en que estabas peleando por seguir jugando ya pasó :’)
es que yo si era bien chistosa JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJ💀💀 de pequeña si me gustaba el fútbol y jugaba en el equipo pero cuando cambié de colegios resultó que no dejaban que las niñas jugaran fútbol, solo basket desde peques y volley hasta el sexto grado, entonces 1) el basket nunca me gustó porque no podía rebotar la bola y tenía miedo que me cayera en la cara 2) el volley se me hacía similar al basket porque también tenía miedo que me pegaran en la cara JAJAJA lo chistoso es que yo sé que igual me hubieran podido pegar en la cara si continuaba jugando fútbol 😂😂 pero creo que porque pausé de jugar y mi única exposición al deporte se volvió el que no me gustaba, quizás me puso predispuesta a no querer participar en ninguno:’) but yeah now I find volley super interesting and fun and I wish I could play, but I might be too old for that now and I don’t have anyone to play with lol
y ahora que ya empezaron los olímpicos yo dije “HEEEEEY- momento de ver buen volley y poder disfrutarlo porque lo entiendo😌” and then I see that most of the matches happen at 5 am for me 🤡🤡🤡 ya basta por qué escogieron a los franceses?? JAJAJAJAJAJA I think I might end up watching highlights bc I don’t even have a tv to watch a sports channel and I don’t think/don’t know if they will be streaming for free on youtube or something🥲 has logrado ver algún partido?? JAJAJAJAJA
(also I’m so sorry Belle I realized I’m talking SOOO much, I have been a certified yapper even before the term was coined so I apologize najdkekfk)
el dub depende tanto del momento AJJAAJ pq de q hay joyitas hay joyitas, pero hay otras cosas q te hacen decir ay jesú nooooooooo
NO EXACTLY i've seen a lot of people saying they don't wanna watch it because they keep seeing that daichi is dead and i'm like i'm gonna fucking Hunt the idiot that started that joke, and all the losers that keep it alive, por todo lo q tu dijiste, se demuestra tanto cuanto necesitan a daichi en el equipo y lo importante q es tanto pal juego y moralmente pero nooooooo hagamos q toda esa escena sea solo un ja ja ta muerto. fomes de mierda (perdón lo chilena nuevamente AJJAJA)
no puedo decir nada pq mi astrología dice q me gustan los capricornios y ahí estoy, defendiendo a daichi el amor de mi vida con mi vida AJAJAJJA será toda inventada la astrología pero a veces le atinan y uno queda como espera..... será real esto AJJAJA y akaashi también es el mejor ay esq yo los amo a todos tanto AJJAJA
NO BUT THAT'S LITERALLY MEEEEEEEE cuando es el partido contra shiratorizawa y tendo dice "ah el regular" y tsukki lo bloquea al toque y le dice "si, soy el regular de karasuno, un gusto jeje" yo estaba gritando pa la caga pq ESE ES MI CABROOOOOO he said i might not be a freak but hey i can be sooooooo fucking annoying you just wait
the thing is, with the amount of money they made with the movie? yeah they 100% had the revenue to properly pay the animators to make a full season, the same with the one that's coming soooo many things are gonna be cut out which i get it, it's an adaptation it doesn't have to be 100% faithful to the manga but man, i wish it was because there are so many moments i wanna see animated sooo so badly. but yeah the movie was great but i think we deserved more too 😔
kurodai literal lo mejor de la vida furudate danos un one shot de ellos como amigos a los treinta yo séeeeeeeeeeeeee q tienes algo por ahí guardado y lo merecemos AJJAJJA
lucky for you!! the dvd is coming out on october so it's prob gonna be uploaded online around that time as well LMAO y siiiii super de acuerdo, en papel era imposible capturar ese punto de vista, o si se lograba no iba a tener el mismo impacto pq no era como q fueses tu la persona jugando, tendré muchas cosas q decir de la película pero ese momento se merece todas sus flores y aún más
no pero lo de la pelota en la cara es tan real, pa uno de los partidos q jugué literal me llegó en la cabeza como a hinata y me tuvieron q cambiar AJAJAJ también siempre he tenido ese miedo pero también jungando fútbol era arquera 💀 o sea la probabilidad de q me llegase a la cara y me rompiera los lentes? 100% AJAJAJJA y nooo uno nunca es muy viejo pa empezar a jugar, o sea obvio no de la manera q lo hacen los profesionales ajajaj pero conozco harta gente de 30 y 40 q siguen jugando volley o q recién partieron! así q de q se puede se puede ajajaj (pero estoy igual q no tengo con quién jugar por mucho q quiera ajajaj)
pucha no sé si estás en latino américa o no, o si lo bloquean fuera de latino américa, pero claro sports por youtube tiene casi todo! y dejan las repeticiones también asi q si son a la hora nona uno las puede ver cuando se levanta (pero admitiré q me quedé despierta hasta las 5 sólo pa ver el debut de japón y me fui a dormir triste pq perdieron ese JAJAJA)
and no worries for reaaaaaaaaal i love your asks so much they're always so fun to answer and i love knowing what you're up to <3
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minianimecat · 7 years
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Remember how Kurodai Week ended? No? Me neither. :3 This is probably what I would have posted for Day 4... a Shotgun wedding. (I’m posting late and outta order... I have no concept of time management atm)
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ragewerthers · 3 years
Near... Far... Wherever You Are...
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Summary: All he wanted to do was enjoy a nice, calm commute to work with his husband. But thanks to some construction and a partner who thrives on coffee and chaos, there's little chance that Daichi is going to get his wish this morning.
A/n: This is my first entry for KuroDai Week 2021!
I went with: commute for the prompt!
This was really fun to write as I feel like I haven't written these two in forever! Hopefully you can enjoy it as well!
You can also read on AO3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31143008
Enjoy! :D
Word Count: 1395
There were many things Daichi was grateful for in life.
A fantastic job teaching history at the local University.
A comfortable apartment that left him wanting for nothing.
And the love of one of the most amazing men he’d ever met, who also just so happened to be a science professor at the same school.
Truly he was a blessed man.
The love of his life was currently two horribly out of tune song lyrics away from being throttled where he sat in the driver’s seat of their car.
They’d been stuck in traffic for over half an hour now on their daily commute to work. Construction was the main culprit and sadly small spaces combined with a coffee filled Kuroo did not go hand in hand.
God help him.
“Do you REALLY want to hurt ME?!”
“Yes.” “Do YOU really want to MAKE me CRY?!”
“God yes.”
Kuroo turned his golden eyes on Daichi, a smirk on his lips as he reached over to turn down the radio. “Come on, Dai. You know you love my singing,” he cooed, leaning over into Daichi’s space.
With a petulant grumble, the shorter man brought his hand up to push at his annoying partner's face in an attempt to stop the invasion of his personal bubble. “I never said that,” he pointed out once Kuroo finally relented and sat back in his seat. “I said I love you. Your singing, however, can raise the dead.”
Kuroo gasped at the accusation, one hand flying up to cover his mouth as the other rested dramatically over his chest.
“You wound me, Sa’amura! Was it not my crooning that once brought you to your dorm window late at night?” he asked, waggling his eyebrows at his grouchy darling.
Daichi tried to hide the smile that attempted to break free when he saw the ridiculous display. His arms crossing over his chest in defiance of it. “No. It was the yowling of a stray cat at ass o’clock in the evening that got me out of bed,” he retorted, though this time he couldn’t stop the smile from escaping as he noticed Kuroo’s pout.
“Lies and slander!” Kuroo lamented. “You’re going to sit there and tell me that my soulful serenade did nothing to your heart?!”
Daichi couldn’t hold back a snort as a giggle broke free hearing this ridiculous man’s diatribe. Quickly he tried to turn his head, not wanting to give up his grouchy facade just yet.
“No. Not a single thing. The damage to my ears, however, has been irreparab-ahahaha!” Daichi’s rather witty retort, if he did say so himself, was rudely interrupted by his own laughter when he felt Kuroo’s fingers now invading his space to attack his side.
“That is just rude, Daichi! I sang my heart out for you and all you can do is make jokes about it! How am I supposed to look you in the eyes ever again?!” Kuroo cried out dramatically, though the effect was ruined by the playful smile on his face as he continued his attack, sending nibbling pinches and soft scribbles all along Daichi’s side.
“Stahahahap it y-you… you mahahangy caha-NO! Ah! K-Kuroo nahahat thahahat!” Daichi begged as Kuroo’s hand instantly dropped down to squeeze his knee, sending a ticklish jolt right up Daichi’s spine.
“Oh ho? What was that, Dai? Did I hear an apology teetering on the tip of your tongue?” Kuroo asked, his fingers giving another soft squeeze and making Daichi jump in his seat with a small yelp. He glanced around at the cars surrounding their own praying no one saw this embarrassing display..
“D=Don’t you dare do this, Kuroo! I swear to god I will bury your body under the campus librar-HEHEHEE! Y-YOU BAHAHAHASTARD!” Daichi positively lost it as Kuroo’s fingers went on the attack, squeezing and kneading into the muscles surrounding his poor knee. Somehow being in this cramped and confined space with little room to escape just made him feel that much more vulnerable. Daichi’s body really couldn’t help but to react on instinct, shimmying like a worm even as he kicked and rocked around in his seat.
“Ready to apologize yet, Dai?” Kuroo cooed as he focused on a particular bad spot on Daichi’s inner knee that made him shriek through his laughter.
“NO-nonononahahahaha!” he reflexively cried out as Kuroo’s hand shot back up to taser and squeeze at his lower ribs.
“Oh? Still feeling feisty, huh? Then I guess you just have to suffer the consequences!” Kuroo teased as his hand moved over to vibrate right against Daichi’s stomach, sending the poor man into the loudest belly laughter yet.
However, just when Daichi thought he would have to admit defeat the blaring of a horn startled them both back to reality.
Daichi slumped in his seat, panting and giggling as he noticed Kuroo glancing in the rearview mirror. His husband either gave the other driver a wave… or perhaps something else a bit less friendly if he knew the man at all.
Sadly, Daichi honestly couldn’t tell as he continued to recover from that tickle attack, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes. Apparently they’d been so caught up in their own little war of wills that their lane had started to inch forward and the car behind them thought this was a matter of life or death.
As he calmed down, Daichi glanced over to the car beside him, meeting the concerned gaze of the other driver. The look the guy was giving him was absolutely silently asking if everything was okay after witnessing what, Daichi could only assume, looked like electric shock therapy happening in the passenger side of their car.
Daichi’s cheeks flushed scarlet as he realized what others had seen and he worked up the energy to offer a wobbly smile before nodding. Ending the sad display with the worlds most awkward thumbs up before turning around and slumping in his seat.
“You... are such… an ass,” he grumbled as Kuroo now kept his eyes ahead of him, attempting to creep forward along with the rest of traffic. “But… I’ll admit that your singing isn’t… that bad.”
A slightly smug but warm smile appeared over Kuroo’s lips as he heard this admittance and he spared his poor embarrassed darling a glance. “I knew it,” he said, puffing his chest out a bit as he turned his eyes back to the road. “I knew you were only teasing me! No one can resist my dulcet tones!”
Daichi couldn’t help rolling his eyes as he watched his partner reach over to turn the radio back up. But as he heard the first few notes, concern began to bubble in his chest, his eyes glancing over to see Kuroo instantly perking up as the song played.
“Daichi! It’s our song! The one I sang to you that night!” he exclaimed, already starting to sway in time with the music as Daichi’s mind instantly relived the mortification of that night.
“God, please no!”
“Every night in MY dreams! I SEE you! I feeeeel you!!”
“Kuroo please! The other drivers are staring!” Daichi pleaded even as a smile began to spread across his face.
“That is how I KNOW you go OOOOON!”
“K-Kuroo plehehease!” Daichi found himself giggling now as he tried to reach over to cover Kuroo’s mouth, but his husband would not be silenced.
“FAR across the distance… and spaces BETWEEEEN US! You have come to SHOW you go OOOON! Come on, Dai! You know the words!” Kuroo called out as Daichi laughed at the absurdity of it all. But really… when had he ever been able to ignore his husband's antics? And that was how Daichi found himself taking a deep breath and hoping the man in the car behind them would enjoy their impromptu concert.
“Near… far…. WHEREEEEEEEVER YOU ARE!” he belted out, sending Kuroo into one of his wild, hyena laughing fits. Their shenanigans earning them a few honks and shouts from the cars surrounding them as people enjoyed the break in the monotony of gridlock.
Finally, Kuroo was able to catch his breath enough to join in once more.
There were many things Daichi was grateful for in life.
And now, getting stuck in traffic with this amazing, ridiculous man was just another one of them.
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kurodai-week · 3 years
The Wolf and The Bear
Kurodai day 2! Prompt: Supernatural (Written in chapters, I was feeling inspired, more to follow on my tumblr) Words: 3442 ——————————————————————————————- He waited in the dark for an opportunity to strike. She looked like she was alone. Not a very big bear, he could definitely take her if he aims for her throat. One big bite, even if she throws him off, he could try to land on his feet. He might break a few toes, but that was a very small price to pay if he could get food and shelter for the month. Kuroo stepped out into the clearing by the water’s edge, stalking closer behind the bear who seemed unaware of his footsteps. And just as he was about to lunge, he hears massive footsteps running towards him, causing him to turn wildly around- a giant bear, much bigger than the other was charging at him. Where had he come from, this wasn’t going according to plan at all. He ran back into the woods behind them, running for his life, his heart beating against his chest to carry him further. This was it, he was dying today, and for what- for a life of a petty vendor running errands between tribes for scraps. He could see his life flashing before his eyes as he scrambled into the woods- the grizzly was fast as he was big, even the trees weren’t deterring him like they normally should any bear. He managed to climb a leaf strewn slope up to a jutting rock- hiding behind it to try and catch his breath. He debated running further, calling for help from the neighboring packs- maybe someone would come after all, even if he wasn’t welcome there anymore, maybe they’d mistake his call for someone else. But then he knew, nobody would come. He was alone, and he would die alone, under the jaw of this grizzly. He’d have to put up a fight, and this was his one chance. He takes a deep breath, steels himself, and prepares to die. He aimed for the inside of the bear’s paw- a soft spot, easy to sink his teeth into and try to tear a chunk out of. As he connected with the beast, a terrifying, thunderous roar filled the forest, enough to shake new life into his body- he wasn’t all that small compared to him, his jaw clamping down on his entire paw, sharp fangs digging in deep. But the bear was bigger still, stronger, taller when he stood on his hind legs, and he was being thrashed around in the air like a ragdoll. Then finally, with one last shake, he was tossed into the side of that very same rock. His fate was cruel, but that wasn’t the thought running through his mind when the wind was knocked out of him- the only thought he had, as he whimpered loudly, tears stinging at his eyes- was the excruciating pain shooting through his entire body. His legs, his torso, his head. His head was spinning, the world was spinning- everything seemed to be going dark. This was it. This was the end. He was dying. Like the dog he is, bleeding against a rock in the middle of nowhere. He couldn’t breathe, his ribs surely broken and its contents jostled around. Only his heart seemed to beating still stronger, aching as it pumped life into his body that begged it to stop. Meanwhile, the bear seemed to be in immense pain, stumbling through the woods higher up the slope, leaving a trail of blood behind from its paw. Kuroo closed his eyes then, satisfied with at least that much. That he’d died a fighting dog. If.. if his parents knew, then maybe they’d be proud. And with that, he let the blackness take him. ——————————————————————————————————-  Kuroo opened his eyes. How much time had passed, he didn’t know. It seemed dark still, had it been a day already? No, he didn’t think so- it was his instincts driving him now, he needed a safe place to crawl into. Somewhere he could pass out in peace, not here where some animal or other would find him.
But could he move? He looked down to his legs, they looked bad- bruised dark, he could see it better now on his human skin. He was so sure he looked like a sad sack of meat as a man, but he knew he was too weak to change back, for a while at least. So not only was he on the verge of death, he was in his defenseless form- no sharp teeth or claws, or fur.
He reached down to the little bundle of rags he had tied to his thigh, and suddenly felt pain, bolts of pain running jagged through his torso. He gasped for air, struggling as he undid his clothes and managed to pull his hide-skin on. The bottoms were far worse to get into, his pelvis must be shattered he thought as he willed himself not to cry out loud. Panting, sweating, and delirious from the pain, he looked up the slope- all he needed to do was find a cave to lie down in. He wouldn’t move again for at least a week, but right now, he didn’t want to die of shock when something attacked him for meat as the night went by.
Taking in sharp hissing breaths through his mouth, he gripped at the rock beside him, and discovered that he couldn’t stand. He closed his eyes as the tears came, pain like he’d never felt before- and gritted his teeth, crawling up the slope as best as he could. Thankfully, it wasn’t too steep, and there were roots he could use to hoist himself up- his arms though bruised and hurting, could still carry him.
He managed to crawl on his knees some of the way- though it took the life out of him, which made him wonder if he might just survive this. Funny what 5 seconds of being upright can do to a man. Kuroo looked ahead of him just as the slope began to ease up, and saw the entrance of a tunnel that led into the mountain. It wasn’t used by any humans, that much was certain by the large bones strewn outside of it.
It wasn’t his best choice, but it had to do. The man managed somehow to stand then- his muscles aching, tears streaming down his face- he managed to hobble the rest of the way to the little doorway of the cave and collapse right in the middle of it, elbows hitting the hard granite.
This time he did whimper- and suck in a breath, eyes tired from staying open for so long. Crawling to the wall, he tried to sit up, but it hurt to put weight on his tailbone- so he slumped up against it instead. His peculiar gold eyes glinted towards the dark tunnel, praying that nothing came out of there while he was awake. Or that if it did, it would snap his neck first, do him a kindness.
What he didn’t expect, was a pair of eyes watching him from just inside the doorway- 
human eyes.
Kuroo sucked in a breath, his adrenaline kicking in for a few seconds while he tried to sniff them out. He smelled dangerous, it made him want to roll right out of the cave he’d so painstakingly brought himself crawling into.
What was that smell.. strange, human but, unlike any human he’s ever smelled.
The stranger came forward then, his face illuminated slightly by the moonlight outside- dark hair, dark eyes, his body covered in dark furs, and a rugged face that spoke of immense strength. He didn’t seem hostile.
The two men stared at each other for a while longer- till Kuroo finally becomes aware of the smell of blood on him. Injured, like him, taking refuge in this cave then. But, a quick glance over his body revealed to him that he was nursing his hand behind him, the blood draining from there no doubt.
His gold eyes flicked up to his face just as he’d connected the dots, and so had the other man apparently,
“You should’ve run when you had the chance- I didn’t want to make a body bag out of you-“, the young man said plainly, bringing his bleeding hand out into the light, bandaged roughly with some leaves.
“I didn’t think you’d let me go with my life, after I almost attacked your mate”, Kuroo answered, his eyes studying the man’s affect, his body language was calm, composed. It wasn’t like he was a threat to anyone in the state he was in of course, and clearly he was more in danger than this bear man was.
The stranger didn’t say anything, only looking down at Kuroo’s legs, then at his torso. “Why were you hunting her- didn’t expect a wolf to hunt a grizzly on his own, the stupidest thing you dogs have ever done”
That comment got his hackles rising- a low rumble in his throat, which died as fast as it had come. He was far too much in pain to care about his pride.
“I was hunting for my tribe in the village nearby.. fish was drying up over the fall, deer running far from here- bear would’ve given them fur and meat for weeks-“, his voice was weak, his mind focusing on breathing more than his story.
“You were hunting for humans? You live with them?”, bear man asked, scooting forward to hear him better. He had a curious look on his face, clearly out to get as many answers as he could from the man he’d just maimed beyond repair.
“I.. I travel, and sell my wares..”
“What do you sell..”
“Meat.. clothes, I’ve carried messages and found wives for tribes-leaders”
The man squints at him, not fully understanding, “You’re a matchmaker?”
A little laugh sounded from the injured other as he cranes his neck backwards, reminiscing almost, “Ah h.. I’m a salesman.. I make deals in return for some food, shelter from other tribes”
“So you’re a conman-“, the brown-eyed fellow shot back at him, quick as ever to pass judgement, much to the chagrin of the wolf. However, he wants to continue this conversation, he wants to humor him, play him with his words if he can. “It’s only a con if they’re not happy.. and besides”, this he says with a little more pride, “I sell medicine too, not stolen, crafted by me”
“You don’t run with a pack..?”
Oh, the real questions were starting now. The ones that were difficult to answer.
Kuroo shook his head at him, keeping his eyes cast at the fur that hung over the man’s chest. Grizzly fur.
“Your home..? Home pack?”, he prodded some more, unknowing of the look he would see on the man’s face at the mention of it. Kuroo turned, the dark black hair that hung over half his face was facing him now, eyes cast away from his prying brown orbs. 
Kuroo saw flashes of the faces again, he could smell the fire, the blood. He’d tried to make sense of it, not fully remembering any details only just piecing together what might’ve happened to his home, to his parents and his pack. His siblings, a sharp memory of a chasing game, and his mother.
It took him a few seconds, but with a slow blink of his eyes, he turned back to him, “You..? Your home pack?”
This topic seems to lift up bear’s spirits entirely- causing a wide smile to spread on his lips. Pride in his voice when he says, “Yep- lived here all my life, parents raised me here past the under-fall river, cliffs over there”
Kuroo watched him, nodding at the words, exhaustion climbing over his body slowly but surely. And it seemed that the other man noticed, his dark brown eyes showing some concern, maybe even warmth if he wasn’t imagining it.
Another minute passed before he said, “I can take you to my pack.. heal you there-“
The injured man looked at him, tired eyes, shaking his head, “What, let you take me to a forest full of bears? I don’t think so-“, he started off- but could not shake the look in his eyes as they bore into him, his wounds.
“I’m not going to survive another two days-“, Kuroo said to deter him further.
That’s when he came forward, this stranger who owed him nothing, and locked his eyes into his gold, his voice betraying no hesitation as he spoke the words. “I’m not going to let you die”
Kuroo’s head lolled a little now, which caused him to come closer, holding at his neck with his good hand, supporting his heavy, weary form with his strong arms. His strength was leaving him, so he whispered, brows knitting together as he shook his head at him again, “It’s not your place to save my life.. I tried to attack your family today- you can leave me here and go on with a clean conscience knowing they’re safe-“
“I’m not going to let you die”
His words were spoken even firmer, an air of finality about them, the stubbornness of a bear perhaps. The wolf could only watch those eyes, full of conviction, like they defied death itself to take him from him. And though he didn’t want to be moved, though he didn’t want to fight this awful, heaviness that was setting in his bones, he just knew he couldn’t say no to him.
Or maybe he was too tired to try.
The bear understood that this defeat meant a silent agreement to being in his care, which brought an impossibly warm smile to his face- the man who could have killed him, who came very close to doing just that barely a few hours ago. “Want me to carry you?”, he asked with clinical concern, but the response Kuroo gave was one of misplaced pride, “N o ..?”
Of course, that earned him an amused look.
A heavy sigh before Kuroo nodded, feeling his pride wilt, his tail between his legs at the thought of being carried like a cub to his cave- but the pull at his neck that he somehow expected instinctually, did not come. Instead, strong, capable arms despite his own injuries scooped underneath Kuroo’s torso and his legs carefully. Before he could protest, he was lifted in the air, and held close to his chest.
Swaddled then, like a baby. His mind seemed to snap when he saw the ground below them, a good way away, and he scrambled just a little to wrap his own arms around the man’s neck, wincing in pain from the movement.
And the gall he had to laugh at him. “Just like you dogs~ always the same, put you on a little shelf and all that pomp dies in seconds-“
Kuroo fumed at him, not appreciating the commentary as he was carried out of the cave-
“Alright alright, I’ll stop cause you’re injured”
Stubborn. Big. Stinky. Bears. —————————————————————————————————
He was carried the rest of the way, past the river, and to the forest beyond the shallow fishing pool. The climb in the forest was gentle, the terrain naturally flowing back towards the riverside till it tapered to the side of a mountain. The rocky ledge he walked on was the worst hurdle- Kuroo didn’t dare look down to the depths below, burying his face into his shoulder, and closing his eyes shut.
But then, it cleared out onto a wide shelf overlooking the water- the bear cliffs were beautiful, something he’d only seen in the distance. The side of the mountain had several hollows inside of it- each one, full of sleeping bears.
His mouth hung open when he saw them, hardly believing his eyes.
“This is my home.. and you’re welcome here till you’re healed and ready to leave-“, he spoke finally, carrying him in the dark past several occupied caves and into a smaller, empty one.
He set him down on furs that lined the stone, gentle as a feather, showing exceptional control despite his severely injured hand- which the wolf suddenly felt so much guilt for giving him. Gold eyes heavy with sleep followed him as he walked about the surprisingly warm cave for where it was situated- then watched him as he kneeled by his side, a hollow shell in his hand.
“It’s a salve, should take away the fever and the pain for a little- help you sleep tonight..”, he said softly to the man in his care, trying to ease his worries. Looking down at his body now, the next words spoken were, “Strip your clothes off-“
Kuroo shouldn’t have- he shouldn’t have been able to ignore the exhaustion taking over his body, and look up at the man, a little smile building on his lips. But he did just that, eyes heavy lidded with sleep, but also something else-
The bear nearly huffed at him, raising his brow sternly, disbelievingly.  Was he being, suggestive? Of what? “Or I’ll just cut it off of you, you’re not going to be needing them anyway-“
“Alright alright, I’m doing it-“, he said with what bear could’ve sworn was a giggle. After all that he’d been through, the man was giggling and chortling like a pup as he winced and sat up to pull his hide-skin rags off of his torso. He even had the gall to reach for his skirt, which gave good enough access as it is, “This too..?”
A firm little slap on his ribs seemed to do the trick. The man reeled, and gasped for air as he lay down instantly, to the delight of the brown eyed other,  “Blood seems to be leaving your head, do better to lie down-” 
The sun seemed to be filtering through the air, it was morning after already. Orange rays of light fell on the bear man’s face as he leaned over him and applied the salve to his body.
Kuroo watched him as he did it, carefully, taking all the time he needed- first over his chest and under his ribs, then down to his abdomen. As that hand pressed soft circles into his skin, he watched its fingers travel lower, to his hips, and then to his thighs underneath the rags of his skirt. He went still lower to his knees, his shins, his feet and his toes- leaving a trail of burning-cooling tingles in his wake.
When he was done, Kuroo found himself wishing he wasn’t, waiting for another round of this, whatever it was that he was doing to his body. He’d used salves before on himself, but none hadf felt quite like this.
Oh but he wasn’t done, his warm fingers found their way underneath him, rubbing soft lines down his spine to the small of his back. His face was so close to his body while he touched him, his palm cupping over firm buttocks, and travelling.. between them.
Kuroo’s eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets when the firm fingers rubbed at his pelvic bone. There was not a moment of hesitation or awkward reluctance in the man’s eyes, only concentration on his task. A true healer at work, and a man of his word. He wasn’t going to let him die.
The wolf’s eyes poured into his, the words catching in his throat as he watched the bear put the shell down and wipe his one hand on the wall behind him, the other still covered in a bloody bandage and clotted, dirty. He came back to his patient’s side, smoothing over his forehead with the salved hand, a cool sheen of the stuff masking his skin and instantly giving him relief from the throbbing in his head.
“I’ll go find some crystals for you, they’re in a cave not far from here-“, he said to him, eyes full of not sympathy or even empathy really. They were full of care and quiet devotion. “They’re magic, they’ve healed the worst injuries we’ve had- broken bones, bleeding wounds, cured bad appetites and ailing hearts too”
Kuroo smiled faintly up at him then, “Thank you..”, he whispered, the events from the day fully settling on him as his eyes searched his brown. There was nothing there to read, only, inexplicable warmth. The bear’s thumb rubbed a small circle into his forehead, returning Kuroo’s smile with his own.
“Get some sleep..”
He didn’t have to be told twice, going out like a light as soon as the man had left the cave- sinking into dreamless slumber, and a deep one.
6 notes · View notes
altumvidetur · 5 years
Haikyuu!! Fic Recs (KuroDai)
Fic Recs Masterpost
Moving on with my ongoing trend of sharing all of my fic recs to help give people stuff to read while isolated at home, it’s time for another of my Haikyuu!! OTPs, KuroDai!
Of course, these cater to my own tastes, so you may find stuff you don’t like around here. I never include works in progress. The Mature and Explicit works will be in italic. I ask you to READ THE WORK’S TAGS before continuing, so you won’t find anything that makes you uncomfortable.
Let’s go!
will you stay with me my love, for another day?, by amaanogawa
“Are you a Shinigami?”
The man raises his brows, clearly surprised. “What makes you think that?”
“You appeared out of thin air, you’re dressed in all black, you have a notebook with my name in it that tells you I’m sick, and you said that it was my time.”
“…alright, I guess I was a bit obvious, but in my defense you’re not supposed to be able to see me. And the black is a personal choice, really.”
Kurodai Weekend 2k17, Day 1 | August 25: Spirits ( Shinigami AU | Yokai and Exorcist AU )
breathe me in (like the air tonight), by amaanogawa
"Kuroo learns that he’s never wanted to kiss someone as badly as he does now, when Sawamura’s face is bathed in moonlight on the streets of residential Tokyo."
Kurodai week 2k17: Sports Swap AU / Same Highschool AU.
Not entirely scientific, by Ellessey
Kuroo is totally accustomed to the feel of Daichi’s body, but even so, it hasn’t gotten old. The broad bare shoulders that he leans on sleepily in the morning, or the strong thighs that support him when Daichi’s classroom is empty and Kuroo can’t resist getting on his lap and calling him Sawamura-sensei (and every other filthy thing he can think of to turn his husband’s cheeks bright red).
But especially, on nights like this—wintery ones when the walk home from the train station is frigid and dark—he has not, in any way, lost his appreciation for Daichi's warmth.
A small study of the heat of Daichi's skin, as told by Kuroo Tetsurou.
Take the Long Road Home, by pepperfield
When Azumane Asahi goes missing before his engagement meeting with Kozume Kenma, what other option is there but for Daichi to impersonate his brother and fake his way through a first date with Asahi's fiance?
Okay, let's be realistic - there were probably at least four other options.
Unfortunately, Tetsurou couldn't come up with any of them either, so now he's here flirting with Kenma's future husband while trying to keep his web of deceit from collapsing.
It's going to be an eventful day.
like a properly calculated algorithm, by astroturfwars
Kuroo’s got a hand in his hair, pushing it out of his face so he can read properly, and one of the first non-calculus thoughts Daichi has all night is: well, that’s a nice change of scenery.
The second non-calculus thought Daichi has is: shit.
warm, by raewrites
It's at the very edge that Daichi finds himself reaching desperately for the flames licking his skin, and it's always Kuroo who pushes him over.
hey now, the past is told by those who win, my darling, by momitchi
"Quit focusing on the past, Sawamura," Kuroo said, smirk evident in his tone. "If you keep doing that, how can you expect our teams to play each other at nationals?"
do you want to die together, by roisale
(the things you gain when you are in a jaeger: one of them is a time bomb tied with the noose made of hope around your neck, but the other is the guarantee that when you are side by side with your partner, there will never be anything left unsaid.)
"do you want to die together?" - the time they do, and the time they don't.
the faster we’re falling, by raewrites
Sawamura Daichi is really hot.
But also so much more.
And it’s a huge fucking problem.
see: fond, by raewrites
Kuroo brings flowers to their first official date.
Okay, a flower. One he had picked on his way there, growing out of a crack in the sidewalk, probably stepped on at some point.
The flower is a dandelion, specifically.
(“A weed?”
“It’s not a weed, it’s a flower! Look at the…those little yellow bits are considered petals, right?”
“It’s a weed.”)
And Daichi (embarrassingly enough) falls in love with him right then and there.
play in the petals, by tsuruko
This time, he buys red roses without looking up a meaning.
ride, by astroturfwars
In which there are cars, kissing, and cute dogs.
I’d Follow, by magic
When Daichi’s given a new chance at life, it comes at a price. He figures it’s worth it.
dialogues, by inverse
a series of conversations. for kurodai week 2014.
Be Good to Me, by tinycrows
“Not only am I into that,” Kuroo says slowly, perfecting the razor sharp smirk that he knows turns Daichi on--even if he has never admitted it, “but I guarantee you’re going to love it even more.”
catch and release, by evils
"Sawamura-kun, don't tell me you're actually a virgin?"
Daichi flushes a deep red and Kuroo's grin turns positively wicked.
made me give in to you, by astroturfwars
Kuroo’s always been one to take opportunity where it presents itself, if she thinks it’s worth the risk and the effort and the time, and she’s almost sure that Sawamura, with her small steady hands and lightning-flash smile and peculiar unassuming slyness, is worth the risk.
(A series of drabbles, wherein Kuroo is bad at flirting and Daichi is, somehow, very much charmed.)
let’s conspire to ignite, by downmoon
Kuroo likes to pretend the squeezing around his heart isn’t from the way Daichi shifts his awkward gaze from Oikawa to him, and he doesn’t overanalyze the smile that creeps across Daichi’s face, the warmth that lights up his eyes.
It’s just a trick of the light.
manage me, i’m a mess, by raewrites
Four times in which Kuroo Tetsurou makes Sawamura Daichi question everything he’s ever believed in, and one of the (many) times it clicks.
accidentally on purpose, by drifloon
“Calm down,” Tetsurou said. “It’s not like she’ll fail you.”
“That’s true, “ Sawamura said, exhaling again. “If she does, I’ll complain. Thanks, though.” He lifted his hand for a one-armed hug.
“No problem,” Tetsurou said, and when they separated, he kissed Sawamura chastely on the lips.
Shit, he thought. His face was very warm.
eleven centimeters to infinity, by raewrites
Infinities, Kuroo thinks, exist in these increments of eleven centimeters, increments made surpassable when Daichi tilts his chin just enough to defy them, just enough to overcome a distance Kuroo had thought insurmountable for so long.
in between being young and being right, by cenli
Everything is lit up rippling-blue and smells of chlorine and sounds like the incessant hum of a filtration system and Kuroo is looking right back at him, eyes soft.
Daichi lets Kuroo convince him to sneak into their college's outdoor swimming pool at three in the morning.
such a kiss, by Metis_Ink
“…Can’t you do that anywhere else?” Daichi asks, trying to focus on the music sheets in front of him.
“Sorry, you took the best seat in the house,” Kuroo says, nodding to the window, where the sunset swept over Daichi from above the rooftops. He smirks. “You’ll be happy to know that you’re a lot more photogenic than that mini-fridge I was planning on putting in that spot before you threatened to feed me your rosin.”
Goodnight, Good Morning, by kythen
Training camp arc. All Daichi wants is a good night's sleep, which is impossible when Kuroo keeps coming up with increasingly ridiculous excuses for why he should let him crash with him.
heartbeat, by squidmemesinc
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
Daichi shifts over on the bed a little more. Kuroo’s shoulders are so broad, even when he’s turned sideways like he is. Hospital beds really weren’t made for two people.
The Fourth Time, by kiyala
Another weekend, another open day, another talk about the benefits of this particular university's engineering program. It's not like Tetsurou actually plans or even intends to bump into Sawamura at these things, but this is the fourth time it's happened in a row so far.
Location, by tastewithouttalent
"Daichi’s very sure that no one would expect to find him where he is: in the darkest corner around the main gym, hidden by shadows so deep they might as well be a curtain, pinning Nekoma’s captain to the wall by the hold Daichi has on his shoulders and the press of their hips together." Daichi and Kuroo linger where they shouldn't be.
small magics au, by kythen
(Summary by me: two fics, KuroDai with powers, Daichi has the ability to grow flowers wherever he goes, Kuroo is so smitten there’s barely a word to explain just how smitten he is) 
Roman Numerals, by notebookthief
A study of the progression from rivals to friends to lovers.
Mounties, by notebookthief
Daichi spends his summer locked in his apartment with Kuroo, curled in their own hazy world. Sequel to Roman Numerals.
If I Could Change Your Mind, by tookumade
“I’m kind of excited to meet him,” Bokuto says, roughly an hour before Karasuno are scheduled to arrive. “He sounds interesting.”
Kuroo raises an eyebrow at him. “I just told you that there’s not a lot about him that stands out—how is that interesting?”
“You’ve told me a lot about how he apparently doesn’t stand out,” Bokuto replies easily. “You don’t usually talk about someone so much."
(Or, Sawamura Daichi shows up like a breath of fresh air, and Kuroo Tetsurou doesn't stand a chance.)
the world stops turning for us, by kythen
(we've got all the time in the world)
Post-Christmas lazy days. Daichi isn't exactly sure when he started living out his entire life with Kuroo.
Pucker Up, Lost Boy, by svedone
Kuroo Tetsurou and his stupid kissing booth are going to be the death of him. At least Daichi's not lost anymore.
Gross, by kythen
Going by all laws of logic, the both of them shouldn't look this cute together.
light, by kythen
A study of a crush, as seen through the eyes of one Kuroo Tetsurou.
one touch, by Recluse
It is a promise from the universe that opportunity will come, that there is a hand you are meant to hold.
Boyfriend-Jacket Style, by whatcaniwriteinthis
Daichi likes wearing Kuroo’s jacket- it makes him feel small and also cozy. He also kinda likes the way Yui chokes on her spit when he shows up to class.
boyfriend shirts and thigh highs, by kythen
Smut practice that somehow developed into a domestic sex series.
Personal Space Invaders, by kythen
Kurodai Week Day 4: Confessions/Mutual Pining
Training camp arc. Kuroo has no sense of personal space and Daichi has a problem.
Lifeguard Dude, by surveycorpsjean
It's spring break.
Everything is going great, until Daichi looks up and sees the hottest lifeguard he's ever seen in his life.
“That’s a good look for you”, by tmntransformer
Kuroo had told him, multiple times in fact, that there was no need to ever visit or pick him up from his new part-time job. Which of course meant that Sawamura had to go and visit him at his new part-time job.
distance, by WildKitte
Daichi knows to expect the call. Kuroo has always been a romantic at heart.
proximity, by WildKitte
Set directly after chapter 325, so HEAVY SPOILERS FOR MANGA! Two very exhausted teams are gathered on the bleachers, crows and cats huddled together. It gains stares and surprised second takes from the spectators of the previous game - but there they are, Karasuno and Nekoma, sitting all mixed up together.
A sequel to distance
Bad/Bed Hair Day, by kythen
After Kuroo moves into Daichi's dorm room, Kuroo's hair undergoes a transformation. Cue an identity crisis and Kuroo and Daichi's many attempts to make things right again.
My piece for the Domestic Kurodai Zine: Midnight to Morning Coffee!
Hypothetically Speaking, by Ellessey
'Kuroo's door looks just like Daichi's, but a more faded brown. Daichi lifts a hand to knock, considers turning around and leaving, and then mentally shakes himself. You can do this. Kuroo is a good guy. Just go in there and be normal. Understand statistics. Chill the hell out.
He knocks and the door opens almost immediately, and Daichi cannot chill out. He cannot chill out at all.
Kuroo's chest is bare. And wet. A towel is wrapped low on his hips.
"You're kidding me," Daichi says.'
Daichi needs help understanding two things: Statistics, and Kuroo Tetsurou.
Seen a Million Faces (but I’ve been waiting for you), by Hyeyu
In all his time as a dance instructor, Kuroo has had his fair share of newcomers walk into his classes at Nekoma. But there were dance newbies, and then there was Sawamura Daichi.
(aka the Dance!AU in which Kuroo teaches dance, Sawamura tries his best, and circumstances keep getting in the damn way.)
Smile For Me, Baby, by kiafeles
Perhaps he chose grape because subconsciously he wants to punish himself for such awful thoughts, and really, he can’t change his mind now, because that would just draw more attention to how awful he is at talking to his dentist. 
First Sparks, by kythen
Shapeshifting AU. A territorial dispute between the crows and the cats, and its aftermath.
Alternatively, Daichi meets the new neighbours and Kuroo finds the hardest way to form a friendship.
dissonance in stability, by amaanogawa
dis·so·nance /ˈdisənəns/ noun
· a tension or clash resulting from the combination of two disharmonious or unsuitable elements.
"It's absolutely ridiculous, really, two grown men lying on an elevator floor, chewing bubble gum side by side at 5 in the morning. Daichi would never have thought that he'd be here, doing something so unbelievable.
And yet, here he was."
many names for home, by kythen
Summary by me: space!AU where Kuroo is MIA and Daichi is desperately trying to find him.
Don’t Send Me Anymore, by orphan_account
“I can’t stay, Kuroo. I’m compromised,” he says, and he doesn’t meet Kuroo’s eyes. There’s something in the way that he says compromised that makes Kuroo’s heart fall to his stomach.
Daichi and Kuroo talk circles around one another.
naked fools, by sweggscellent
“I heard him jerking off last night,” Daichi is lamenting to Suga the next day over milkshakes.
“You what?” Suga asks, and Daichi groans, putting his head in his hands. “That hasn’t been a problem before now?”
“No,” Daichi whines. “Well, I mean, yes. But last night he left his door open.”
Suga snorts. “That sounds like a sign if I’ve ever heard one.”
Rainy with a Chance of..., by kythen
The things that happen when it's raining and you're alone in Tokyo.
aetate mirum, by Hyeyu
A series of drabbles/fics set within an RPG-like alternate universe that's (indulgently) populated with knights, mages and the like.
kick drums on your bedroom floor, by farseersfool
"You sent me pity nudes."
"I did, yes."
the second our eyes met (baby i was yours), by kythen
"Hey remember when I said it was 'just a crush' and that I would 'literally never fall so low'?"
"I was wrong. I'm entirely screwed. Help me, please."
The Wrong Number One, by PandorasBox
“Tell me why everyone’s staring at me.”
“That’s not your jersey."
(Accidental Jersey Swap)
come a little closer, by phanatics
“Shit, bro, I think you killed him.”
“Bokuto, I swear to God, that’s not even funny.” Daichi is pulled a little further back into consciousness as cool fingers flutter across his face. “I can’t believe I’m a murderer at 19. That’s too young to go to jail, man.”
Daichi wishes that he could pretend to be dead a little longer, so he doesn’t have to face whatever idiots are hovering above him right now, but instead he wrenches one eye open with a weary sigh to accept his fate like a man.
In which Kuroo isn't nearly as smooth as he thinks he is and Daichi believes that he really doesn't deserve this.
(Day 1: first meeting / next time)
something good can work, by phanatics
In which Kuroo meddles and Daichi becomes his unwilling sidekick.
(Day 4: blind date / shotgun wedding)
Something Just Like This, by kythen
Kurodai Week Day 1: First Meeting / Next Time
But she said, where'd you wanna go? How much you wanna risk? I'm not looking for somebody With some superhuman gifts Some superhero Some fairytale bliss
Just something I can turn to Somebody I can kiss
(Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers & Coldplay
teach you a thing (or two), by Spring_Emerald
“Are you dating Kuroo-sensei?”
For KuroDai Week 2017 Day 2: Sport Swap / Same High School
Eager, by Ellessey
'Daichi focuses on the direction of the entrance again, waiting for someone to come in with black hair and a red tie. These seem like really insufficient details to go on, now that he sees that fucking everyone here is wearing a tie. (Including him. Suga tied it for him.)
He's just about to pull his phone back out and check the time, when he catches a flash of red out of the corner of his eye. A slim red tie, on a slim, tall man, and a set of dark, angled eyes that are scanning the tables until they land on Daichi.'
Daichi doubts Suga when his friend sets him up on a blind date, but once he meets Kuroo he realizes, as he has before and will again, that Suga is always right.
nothing ventured, nothing gained, by kythen
Kurodai Week Day 3: Childhood / Adulthood
Kuroo wants to make Daichi come without touching his cock.
Kurodai Week Day 7: Free Day
Daichi wants to make Kuroo come however he wants.
Perks, by Ellessey
The first thing Kuroo wants to do, after every game, is see Daichi. Sometimes this is really easy, when he’s playing close to Tokyo, but other times it can take hours before he gets to talk to him. He still does, though—win or lose, four o’clock in the afternoon or nearly midnight. As soon as he can manage it he’s on his phone, or his laptop, or sometimes even a payphone, so he can hear Daichi’s voice and decompress. So he can feel like he’s home.
Tonight he’s on his laptop and it’s close to one in the morning, but he’s not going to sleep yet, not without this.
Kuroo and Daichi find (slightly filthy) ways to stay close to each other, even when they have to be apart.
to the ends of the earth with you, by amaanogawa
(Summary by me: Apocalypse AU, with a lot of angst but ultimately a happy ending.)
the shield and the spear, by kythen
Kurodai Week Bonus Day 8: Mythical Creatures / Super Powers
Daichi finds himself on a journey, his memories gone and a man with beautiful golden eyes as his only guide.
Sense, by Ellessey
'“What are you—felt what?” Daichi asks.
“This,” Kuroo says, and he lifts one hand, waves it carefully through the empty space in front of him, and paints the air with color. Bright lines of orange and gold and red appear in the path of his fingertips.
Daichi’s mouth falls open.
“Yours is cooler,” Kuroo says, smiling wryly.'
Daichi has never met another person like him before, someone he doesn’t have to hide his abilities from. But the first day at a new school, surrounded by the same normal faces, he finally meets someone different.
hold me (very) close, by symphorine
At the time, it seemed like a good idea.
Scratch that. It was never a good idea. Kuroo is good at a lot of things, but not enough to fool himself into thinking that inviting his ex (who he may or may not have lingering feelings for) to stay with him, even just for a few days, is anywhere in the vicinity of smart.
But hey, he's a grown adult, and so is Daichi, and he's just doing him a favor! It was staying in Kuroo's apartment or finding a cheap hotel, and at least, after two years of rooming, and dating, in college, they know how to coexist.
Daichi, now an author successful enough to be interviewed for a TV show, needs a place to stay for the occasion. Kuroo offers his apartment before he realizes the flaw in that plan.
It's just a few days of living with Daichi again. Everything's gonna be fine.
Before You Forget, by kythen
Spirited Away-inspired AU. There are some memories that always stay with you.
While moving back to Miyagi, Daichi loses his son in the forest and goes in search of him, only to find himself in a different world altogether where he meets a certain shadowy spirit.
by your side, by kythen
Keep your friends close but your frenemies closer.
blink if you love me, by kythen
Daichi notices something about Kuroo when they kiss. 
did you receive my wink?, by kythen
Kuroo needs help asking Sawamura out. Obviously, he turns to Bokuto.
shot through the heart, by kythen
Daichi only has one chance to take Kuroo Tetsurou down.
all the lives we’ve lived (were for this moment), by kythen
In all of the twenty-five lives Kuroo has lived, Daichi has always been there. This life is no exception.
Kuroo just needs to meet him first.
The Neighbourly Thing, by kythen
Scene: Bokuto in front of Daichi and Kuroo's apartment with a basket of fruit.
lingering, echoing, by kythen
Those who we love and lose never really do stop loving us.
me, you, me, you, by kythen
Daichi and Kuroo and their eternal rivalry through the years. 
Youkai and Exorcist AU, by kythen
Summary by me: wherein Daichi is an exorcist, Kuroo is a nekomata, and, together, they fight crime. I mean, other youkai.
i like the way you work it, by Spring_Emerald
“Always a professional, Sawamura. And here I was excited to finally get some.”
Daichi gives him a dry look. “You won’t be getting some, if you don’t pay attention.”
Kuroo winks. “I’m all yours and ready, baby.”
Daichi lets the blatant innuendo go, as it’s serving a purpose at the moment.
“Good boy.”
For Kurodai Weekend 2017 Day 2: Action (Undercover Agent AU)
Happiness is where you find it, by kythen
Kurodai Weekend Day 3 - Family: Established Family AU / Single Parent AU
Family life in the Sawamura-Kuroo household, home to two dads and one baby girl.
i’ve got you, darling, by kythen
Daichi has a bad day and Kuroo is there to comfort him.
When Summoning, Please Use Caution, by kythen
Kuroo was definitely not the demon Daichi expected to summon.
Viewfinder, by blueacorn
(Summary by me: cute bakery AU where Daichi is a baker, Kuroo is a photographer, and they’re both corny. There’s cute IwaOi in there too.)
chosen, by ryekamasaki
Kuroo in the bushes with cat food.
hope will take its toll, by Spring_Emerald
Kuroo doesn’t want to think about it. He doesn’t think that Daichi’s affection for him, or his affection for Daichi, for that matter, is fickle, that something like winning or losing a match could change. He has more faith in their relationship than that. He has more faith in himself and Daichi than that. But, that doesn’t mean that he isn’t part terrified for what’s going to happen tomorrow.
slide show, by Spring_Emerald
“Good afternoon, gentlemen. I’m here to present a pitch about ‘Why Sawamura Daichi,” he points at Daichi, who is sitting at the foot of the table, for emphasis, “should date me’”.
forever starts from now, by Spring_Emerald
Daichi shakes his head, but smiles at the sentiment. “After today, you won’t get rid of me anymore.”
“I could say the same to you,” Kuroo says back. He then leans forward and rests his forehead against Daichi’s. “I don’t ever want to be rid of you.”
“Good,” Daichi replies in a whisper.
i’d still say yes, by Spring_Emerald
Kuroo covers Daichi’s hand with his and it is as warm as Daichi remembers. “I missed you, Sawamura,” he admits, eyes trained on Daichi seriously. Daichi is lost in Kuroo’s eyes that he couldn’t even control himself when he replies with a soft “I missed you too.”
Kurodai Kinktober 2017, by kythen
A collection of kurodai smut oneshots for Kinktober 2017.
Good Game, by byesweetheart
Working for a gay porn production company for a living—also known as fucking other guys on camera in a room with ten bored crew members for a living—had about as much drama as you could expect, with nearly 40 actors working together in various ways (and positions). That is to say, there was drama always.
to the scars on your fists, by amaanogawa
"Sawamura has power, has foundation, but Kuroo’s strength lies in his speed and flexibility. And just as Sawamura has countless hours of practice marring the skin on his fists, Kuroo has the same, as do the rest of the fighters here today, all for the same goal.
Victory. Nothing but that."
Kurodai Weekend #2, Day 1 | December 8: Ennoshita Productions ( Haikyuu Fighter | Final Haikyuu Quest )
your hand in mine, by kythen
Kurodai Weekend Day 2 - Celebration: Birthday / Wedding
Today is the first day of the rest of their life.
if you travel through the woods, by kythen
There is something out there and Daichi can sense it, even if he can’t see it. Daichi has always felt at home in the forest, filled with trees and plants and animals, all familiar to him, but these woods are different. None of them have ever been this far away from home and these woods are strange to them.
Daichi leads his group through the woods in search of safety.
Simply the best, by Poteto
Ladybug is gone and Chat Noir is the only hope the city has. Daichi thinks that's enough.
Under Night’s Veil, by Kath
Rumor has it that young Lord Sawamura is protected by the darkness itself. Nobody knows he is in love with it.
Birthday Wishes, by kythen
It‘s Daichi's birthday so he can be a little bit selfish.
words can’t espresso how much you mean to me, by amaanogawa
"(Long story short, Kuroo slipped into Daichi’s life where he fits like a puzzle piece, like he was always meant to be there, and it had all somehow started with a cup of overpriced coffee and a lopsided smile.)"
me and my heart (we got issues), by Spring_Emerald
For the prompt: "Can't decide if I should slap you or kiss you"
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Kuroo asks softly, a bit unsure.
“Looking at you like what?”
“Like you want to kiss me,” he says easily with a smirk.
try me, by lances
Having company was nice, even if they were perfect strangers with different study goals in mind. It was a shared peace that Kuroo could appreciate, a tacit encouragement—
“Shit, 'kaashi!”
—and if asked, Kuroo could name the exact moment Sawamura’s fingers fossilized over his keyboard.
(or: akaashi tires to get a rise out of kuroo, but all it does is get him a date instead)
paved with good intentions, by Spring_Emerald
The note details the time and place for the said date, and below is a line that says ‘Be there or else…’
For KuroDai VDay Anthology 2018
I’ll love you for a hundred years, and then more, by kythen
Kuroo thinks Daichi would like them, even if Daichi has never expressed a particular fondness for roses. Or, he would have to like them because Kuroo has already purchased an entire armful of them, an entire army of red roses, a hundred buds strong.
For Kurodai VDay Anthology 2018
till it be morrow, by Spring_Emerald
“Kuroo, for the last time, we’re hardly Romeo and Juliet. Drop the act.”
A pair of “star-crossed” lovers take their time.
waking the dreamer, by kythen
Daichi dreams.
why don’t you meet me in the middle, by amaanogawa
Based on this popular tumblr post.
"the reason i don’t go to the doctor anymore is because i went once and the medical intern was super young and super hot so naturally i got nervous, and when he measured my heart rate he said ‘hmm it’s…faster than average’ and then he smirked. cos he knew. cos i’m not subtle. cos i’m a dumb motherfucker. anyway imagine your OTP"
Daichi goes to the hospital and gets more than he expected.
i’ve got a crush on you, by kythen
In the autumn of his seventeenth year, Kuroo is afflicted by a crush that never quite leaves him.
got a better solution, by Spring_Emerald
For the prompt: "When it comes down to it, it's just a game."
“Is that how a winner should act, Sawamura?” He lightly elbows Daichi. “First you don’t approach me, and now you’re ignoring me? That’s breaking my heart, you know.”
i feel your warmth, and it feels like home, by peaches
in which Tetsurou and Daichi share a college dorm, and all the feelings that come with it; a story told in seven parts.
you will always be my dear, by amaanogawa
"So one thing led to another and here they were, all of them crowded into a small yakiniku restaurant on some back road in Tokyo with Daichi feeling vaguely like his heart was about to beat out of his chest.
He hasn't seen Kuroo since they broke up 3 years ago, tear stained shoulders and a bittersweet smile on a windy platform as he boarded a train that whisked him away to the other side of the country in a matter of hours."
Kurodai Week 2018 Day 2 | May 7: Getting Together | Post Break-up
pancakes, bacon and eggs, by kythen
Summary by me: ABO KuroDai, with Alpha!Kuroo and Omega!Daichi, mating cycles and they somehow still manage to be dense as rocks. 
there you are, i’ve been looking for you forever., by amaanogawa
"It's a story that he loves to tell every chance he got, about how Daichi opened his mouth and starlight bled out like water colours on paper, filling in the hollows of Kuroo's previously monochrome world."
A story about finding one's soulmate- because when you know, you just know.
Kurodai Week 2018 Day 5 | May 10: Music
The Sea and the Shore, by kythen
Summary by me: Mermaid!AU, with Daichi as a mermaid trying to deal with his attraction to human!Kuroo. 
it’s hard when you’re young, by kythen
Kuroo is doing well in high school. His volleyball team is on track to Nationals and his grades aren't even slipping that much. Why his mom thinks he needs a tutor is beyond him.
A story about growing up, moving out, and falling in love.
(let me stay) by your side, by kythen
Kuroo fractures his dominant arm. Luckily, Daichi is there to look after him.
(No, they aren’t dating.)
falling another moment into your gravity, by amaanogawa
"Nothing beats Daichi on the court. He’s a force to be reckoned with on any day of the week, but the minute he stands on the court there just isn’t any question left at all. A powerhouse of stability, of strength, and a quiet kind of terrifying. People are left breathless in his wake.
Kuroo is always one of them."
if you ask, by murphym
Three months.
Three months and Kuroo's still not over Daichi.
between us captains, by owlsshadows
Kuroo feels thankful now for the rigorousness of this weekend camp, the tension of each practice match claiming his focus entirely, dragging his eyes away from certain thighs and placing them on the ball instead. The intervals, he finds a bit harder – sweat glistening on Sawamura’s temple and dropping from his square-shaped jaw, water bottle held by strong fingers, lifted to delicious-looking lips by strong arms – and he escapes more and more frequently to the corridors, marching down to the furthermost of restrooms to wash his face.
It's Kuroo's birthday, and he is called out by Sawamura for some captainly advice.
Touch You Not, by kythen
(Summary by me: ABO!Teacher!AU KuroDai, with Alpha!Kuroo and Omega!Daichi, and so - much - pining.)
Illuminated, by Ellessey
' “Are you going blind?” Daichi asked on the eleventh night, when the situation had not improved at all. “Will you trip if you don’t have the light of a thousand suns to show you the way?”
“A well-lit home is a well-loved home, Sawamura,” Kuroo told him so solemnly that Daichi thought this might be an actual saying, until he googled it while lying in bed and found that Kuroo was just full of shit. '
After weeks of Kuroo leaving all the lights in his and Daichi's apartment on, their electricity bill (and their living situation) is in peril. But even with all that illumination, there may be something about his boyfriend that Daichi isn't seeing...
flower, flour, perish, by pepperfield
Tetsu and Daichi used to rule the streets of Torono together, but fifteen years apart changes some things.
Their feelings for one another isn't one of them.
Breakfast & Dinner & Me & You, by basilsprout
"Daichi figures the two of them must look ridiculous right now, crouched in the middle of the kitchen, snickering and weeping and frantically seeking relief from the chemical warfare of a farm vegetable. But seeing Kuroo like this, snorting unattractively with snot beginning to dribble from his nose, makes him realize that this is a side of Kuroo that only he has the privilege of seeing, and he wouldn’t have it any other way."
It's been a week since Daichi and Kuroo have moved in together, and they spend the day doing domestic things.
all wrapped up in you, by kythen
He never thought that he would become this clingy, this needy, but after spending years with Kuroo by his side, living alone has become unfamiliar to him.
Kuroo stays away from home for a work experience programme and Daichi adopts a new habit involving his boyfriend's clothes.
express hospitality, by Spring_Emerald
“Daichi, babe, my handsome whirlwind,” Kuroo says forcefully, staring down at him and waits until he’s got Daichi’s full attention. “Calm down.”
“Auntie is coming and this is the state of our apartment,” Daichi gestures frustratingly around them, “I can’t calm down.”
Peach, by carriecmoney
(Summary by me: Bokuto has a dog, and his dog is a matchmaker. Also, Daichi in a firefighter uniform.)
“I’ve always been yours,” by kythen
It’s February 14th and I owe you a poem, but all I can think is: your hands and your mouth and your hands and oh, god your mouth. — “2/14” Trista Mateer
hey babe, are you garbage ‘cause i wanna take you out, by pepperfield
A collection of short standalone kurodai fics, each based on a trope/prompt!
I'm trying to get in the habit of writing short fic again; throw a prompt my way and I'll see what I can do!
Wet Dream, by kythen
Daichi has a wet dream about his alpha boyfriend, Kuroo. Thankfully, he is already in Kuroo's arms when he wakes up.
Staked through the heart, Stuck in my veins, by jadehqknb
Being the Chosen One shouldn't be so complicated. See vamp, stake vamp, go home and try to get homework done and sleep. So why is it, when it comes to Kuroo, Daichi's the one who ends up getting staked... in more ways than one?
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, by kythen
Kurodai Week 2019 Day 7: Just Married / Childhood Friends
When Kuroo was a young boy, he lived in Miyagi and loved a girl with beautiful brown eyes and a smile like the sun. Fast forward eight years and when Kuroo’s father takes him back to Miyagi on a business trip, Kuroo jumps at the chance to reconnect with his first love—only to find out that his first love isn’t a girl at all.
yours, forevermore, by amaanogawa
They made a grave sin somewhere along the way, where loyalty morphed slowly into desire over the years and when Tetsurou had leaned in, somehow soft and sharp all at the same time Daichi had fallen headfirst into everything he was, blinded by his own love that he had once thought he could never receive in return.
But now it is time to reap the consequences of his weakness, for Tetsurou is a man destined for greatness and Daichi is a mere tool to be used in his quest for it.
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thatishogwash · 4 years
Not What Was Expected
KuroDai Week 2020
May 7th, Day One : Day / Night
Warnings: Mild Violence/Blood
Kuroo knew he was too damn old to be going around developing crushes on slightly inebriated men at the local izakaya.  But he just couldn’t help himself.  Sawamura Daichi was too adorable for words, he had dimples that came out when he laughed, and there was a healthy flush to his skin that had Kuroo instinctively leaning forward.
Kuroo hadn’t gone out with the purpose of befriending the nearest 32 year old man with a pair of soft brown eyes and the best set of thighs Kuroo had seen in his lifetime, which was an extended amount of time despite looking in his late twenties to early thirties.  He had just wanted to get out of his apartment for a while, enjoy the excited atmosphere as university students went back to school or started up their first year.  He hadn’t purposefully chosen the izakaya that Sawamura had occupied with his two younger siblings, both 18 and newly admitted to the city's college.
It wasn’t Kuroo’s fault that he had overheard the eldest Sawamura insist his siblings go off to the party they were invited to, a quick reassurance that he was fine and to be safe was shouted at their backs as they walked out.  Kuroo hadn’t been able to resist that wistful expression, he knew all about loneliness.
So he had struck up a conversation, a little light teasing when he realized how clever and cunning Sawamura was.  A deadly combination of nostalgia and alcohol had probably made Sawamura’s tongue a little looser than it usually was.  He had told Kuroo that their parents had died and he had raised his twin siblings since they were young.  There was no bitterness, no hidden anger for having to put his life on hold for over a decade to support the two younger Sawamura’s and that had intrigued Kuroo.
Kuroo was a couple centuries old himself, made a vampire so far back into his past that he could barely remember being human himself.  He had still seen the worst that they had to offer over the years but Sawamura Daichi was all that was good and right in the world.
Kuroo allowed his small crush because he already knew the young man was heading back to Miyagi in the morning.  No harm indulging in a little light flirting, especially when Sawamura seemed so receptive to it.
“I should head back to the hotel, I have a long drive in the morning.”  Sawamura smiled, edging the sake away from him after admitting, in a roundabout way, that he never had time for a real relationship.  Kuroo wasn’t too experienced himself, dating itself was a rather modern invention and it was difficult to have any sort of relationship when he had to keep what he was a secret.  Especially since Kuroo didn’t age, that was more than a little hard to explain.
“Are you okay to get back by yourself?”  Kuroo asked, grin tugging at his lips as he looked up from his still seated position while Sawamura paused putting on his coat.  Kuroo could see Sawamura weigh his options.  Kuroo could just walk Sawamura back to his hotel and that could be the end of that, the added benefit of having more time to converse would be a plus.  But Sawamura was clever, he knew the open ended question Kuroo had thrown out was more than that.  It was an offer, though Kuroo hadn’t known he was going to make it until the words were out of his mouth.  A relationship was nothing either of them could do, but a night spent together?  It would be enjoyable for them both.
“I should be good.”  Sawamura ducked his head, cheeks redder than they were before as he slid on his coat.  Kuroo did not judge him for his caution, though he couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed.  “Thank you for sitting with me.”  He smiled, genuine and full of warmth.  Kuroo returned it back, not even bothering to hide the fact that he watched Sawamura walk out of the izakaya.
Kuroo ordered another drink, allowing Sawamura a good head start.  The last thing he wanted was to look like a desperate stalker if they happened to be walking in the same direction.  But the night had lost its air of untapped potential for Kuroo, he felt loneliness settle heavy on his bones as he stared down into the liquid in front of him that could no longer get him drunk.
Aging was dangerous for all creatures, especially those who could live centuries without looking any different.  Kuroo had heard about others such as himself who went mad with the changes that took place around them, they couldn’t keep up, held back by their own minds that refused to let go of the past.  There were others who clung to the humans around them, which was a completely different kind of danger.  On average humans lived to be about 80, Kuroo was nearly five times that old.  Allowing those attachments, that love to grow for something that could be taken away so easily before those 80 years were up was foolish.
Kuroo had found a good medium a long time ago.  He worked as a night professor for the local university, he was friendly towards the rest of the staff and always made himself available to his students but he never let anything go past the surface layer.  He had other creatures that lived long lives for companionship, though they were scattered about the world.  But when the time came, and it always did sooner than he would like, when people started to question how he still looked so young after decades of knowing each other he would drop his identity and move on.
There was no use mourning over what could have beens, especially when it came to a 32 year old mortal man.  Even if said man had the smoothest voice and the warmest personality.
Kuroo put down his money before standing and making his way out of the izakaya.  He began walking aimlessly.  It was getting late for mortals but was considerably early for Kuroo and one of his favorite pastimes was to wander the city.  Given what he was he never had to worry about dark alleys or questionable figures.  There were a couple times when people mistook his tall and lanky form as an easy mark, but they never made that mistake again.
The scent of blood in the air made Kuroo pause and he easily tracked it to an alley.  The light from the main street did not reach the back of it, drenching it in darkness but Kuroo could easily see in the dark.  He saw three figures surrounding one crumbled on the ground, no doubt where the blood was coming from.  Kuroo turned, ready to continue walking because it was too dangerous for someone like him to be involved in a crime.  If it was twenty years ago Kuroo would not have hesitated, but he had worked hard not to be put into any systems.
There was a grunt of pain that made Kuroo sigh and turn back towards the alley, silently sneaking up on the three men.  One of them was bleeding while the other cradled his arm to his chest, which meant the man on the ground had probably gotten in a couple good hits before he was taken down.  
Kuroo made quick work of the three of them.  He didn’t aim to do any permanent harm, though he could have easily killed them all but bodies left too many questions.  He let the two he deemed lackeys run off before he pinned the leader to the wall.  Kuroo was no fledgling vampire, giving into his urges at the mere hint of blood but he let this man hardly out of boyhood peak at what Kuroo always kept carefully hidden.  He whimpered in Kuroo’s hold and began to sob.
“Do not let me find you doing this again or I will not be so lenient next time.”  Kuroo dropped him, allowing him to run off.  He thought his secret was safe enough for now.  If they went to the police they’d have to admit to what they were doing and then tell the story of a tall and skinny man in wire framed glasses who had beaten three men then looked like a demon.
Kuroo turned to the downed man, having recognized the figure when he walked up.  Sawamura was barely conscious, most of the hits seemed to have been centered on his face and torso.  The cut on his forehead was bleeding badly.
Kuroo kneeled down as he pulled out his phone.  Sawamura jumped when Kuroo placed a hand on his shoulder but he spoke softly, reassuring the man that he was safe now.
No one was going to hurt him again.
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ezzydean · 5 years
terracotta sculptures (day 3)
KuroDai Mid Birthday Week Day 1 KuroDai Mid Birthday Week Day 2 KuroDai Mid Birthday Week Day 3
prompts: travel (sort of), monsters & mythical creatures
Tetsurou leans his elbow on the counter, chin in hand, and gives Daichi a long, slow look.
“So what is it this time?” Tetsurou asks. “Owl bears? Turtle ducks? Abominable moths?”
Daichi barely glances up from the notebook he has in front of him as he sips his tea. “Do you like mocking me because you don’t believe what I do or because you’re just an impossible jerk?”
“He likes mocking you because he thinks you’re cute,” Kenma mutters from his seat at the counter next to Daichi. “And he has the maturity of a twelve-year-old who was raised without boundaries or a decent example of moral behavior.” Tetsurou rolls his eyes but he doesn’t deny it. “Honestly I’m still not entirely sure he wasn’t raised by a wild animal of some kind.”
Tetsurou sticks his tongue out at Kenma. Not that it matters since Kenma isn’t even looking at him. Daichi chooses that moment to look up finally and Tetsurou flushes when Daichi laughs quietly.
“You’re kind of making Kenma’s point for him here, Kuroo.”
The bell at the door chimes and Tetsurou pulls himself away from Daichi and Kenma to go help other, hopefully paying customers.  It was nice having regulars in his little shop. Especially since he was kind of in the middle of nothing and nowhere and mostly just got travelers who stayed just long enough to eat or drink something.  But it was even nicer to have customers who actually bought stuff from him so he could pay bills and buy food for himself.
By the time he finishes with the customers and wanders back over to the chunk of counter Daichi and Kenma have claimed as their own Daichi has a map spread out and Kenma is marking things off with a bright orange marker.
“Do I even want to know what you’re planning on doing?” Daichi glances up at him and grins.
“Nothing too dangerous. Don’t worry that messy head of yours.”
It’s quiet when they leave. It’s always quiet.
Tetsurou hates the quiet.
He helps the customers that stop at his shop with a grin and a whole slew of jokes. But it all rings hollow. Every laugh echoes strangely.  Every joke lands off center.  Every conversation feels like it digs at him, like it costs more than he can really afford to give.
There’s always a sense of anticipation when it’s quiet.  A heady, uneasy thing that settles in his bones and chills him from the inside out.
He flips the sign on the door to ‘CLOSED’ at seven sharp.  There’s been a storm brewing all day and he’s had a headache to match it.  He wants nothing more than a few painkillers, a shot of something strong and alcoholic, and a nice eight or so hours of sleep and he’s well on his way to having all three of them just by crossing the road and stepping into the small two bedroom house there.
The way to his wants comes to a crashing halt when he spots Daichi with his head on Tetsurou’s table and Kenma sitting on the floor slumped against the fridge.  Daichi is clearly asleep.  His soft snores are endearing in a way that Tetsurou has long stopped trying to dissect.  Kenma is eying Tetsurou warily even though this is Tetsurou’s house and he has every right and reason to be here.  Unlike them.
“Are either of you injured?”  He means to sound stern and serious and not incredibly fond of them both.  He clearly fails by the way Kenma’s shoulders loosen and a sleepy smile slides onto his face.
“Just exhausted,” Kenma replies softly.
“Try sleeping in a bed or at least make it to the couch next time,” Tetsurou says.
He forgets the painkillers and shot and simply collapses into his bed.
When he wakes up the next morning to the sounds and smells of someone cooking breakfast he smiles and buries his face in his pillows.  The gray light filling the room tells him that the storm is still brewing but it doesn’t matter to him right now.
Tetsurou tries to remember how long they’ve been doing this.  How many times he’s come home or woken up or looked out of his shop windows and found Daichi and Kenma there.  How many times he’s lost count of the days they’ve been gone just because he spots them again.  Sometimes it’s just one of them.  Sometimes Kenma slinks out of the shadows and skulks around, growling and hissing like a wet cat for a few days.  Sometimes Daichi shuffles in with the weight of the world on his shoulders and a new stretch of bandages wrapped around him.  Those are the times he worries: when it’s only one of them.  He can handle all the moods and injuries and heavy silences in the world.  He can ignore all the warning signs that he’s in too deep or that they’re hiding things from him.  So long as they both come back around.
Daichi had dragged himself in a few days ago after being gone nearly six months and nearly collapsed at Tetsurou’s feet and his stomach had leapt into his throat until he heard Kenma’s voice coming from the driveway.  Now Daichi’s asleep in the spare bedroom and Kenma is watching Tetsurou curiously as he takes off his shoes and hangs his jacket on a hook near the door, right between Daichi’s and Kenma’s own jackets, and tiredly shuffles further into the house.
“Why do you let us come back all the time?  Why do you let us stay?  Why do you let us in?”
Kenma’s voice has an edge to it that Tetsurou wishes he could soothe.  There’s more to what he’s asking but Tetsurou’s too tired to piece together just what it is.
“You’ll eventually have to leave and I can’t go with you,” he says eventually, once he’s eaten a sandwich and downed a glass of water.  “And I’m not going to try to make you stay, either of you.  So I’ll just give you a place to come back to when you need to.”
Kenma follows him to his room.  His stare is as unnerving as it always has been but when Tetsurou glances up Kenma is looking across the hall at the closed door to the spare bedroom.
“We don’t come back just because we need to,” Kenma says softly.
Tetsurou smiles when Kenma’s gaze flickers back to him.  “I know.”
Tetsurou rubs the sleep from his eyes and hops onto the counter.  He’s still got some time before he has to cross the road and open his shop - at seven sharp - so he sits and watches Daichi and Kenma at his table with their maps and notebooks spread out along with their cups of tea and plates of toast.
“What is it this time,” he asks sleepily as he muches on his own piece of toast.  “Banshees?  Werewolves?  Bigfoot?”
Daichi meets Kenma’s eyes for a moment.  “Tell me, Tetsurou,” Daichi says, gaze flickering towards the front door before settling on Tetsurou.   “What do you know about selkies?”
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kythen · 6 years
Haikyuu!! - Bad/Bed Hair Day
Pairing: Kurodai
Summary: After Kuroo moves into Daichi's dorm room, Kuroo's hair undergoes a transformation. Cue an identity crisis and Kuroo and Daichi's many attempts to make things right again.
My piece for the Domestic Kurodai Zine: Midnight to Morning Coffee!
Also found here on AO3.
Word count: 2,671
"Kuroo Tetsurou?"
"Here." Kuroo raises his hand and yawns, slumping down in his seat. It is 8 in the morning, way too early for class, and Kuroo daydreams longingly of slipping back into bed with Daichi.
Instead of marking him off as present immediately like she always does, the TA looks confused, looking between Kuroo and the namelist, and Kuroo sits up, equally confused.
"Is something wrong?" he asks and the rest of his bleary classmates perk up in interest.
She frowns, looking at him disapprovingly. "It's against the school regulations to stand in for another student in class."
Kuroo straightens up, wondering if this is some weird dream he is in. "What are you talking about? I'm Kuroo Tetsurou. You know me. I just talked to you about our current assignment last week."
The TA looks wary as she looks him up and down. His classmates turn their attention on him and it is as if they are seeing him for the first time. Kuroo looks around desperately for a reflective surface. This feels like a nightmare and Kuroo hopes that whatever he sees reflected back at him will shock him into waking up. Maybe he is still in bed and getting cuddled by his boyfriend. Kuroo has only recently started sleeping over in Daichi’s dorm room and Daichi has started to warm up to having Kuroo in the same space as him in his sleep.
But when he checks his reflection in his phone, he is all there, Kuroo Tetsurou, hoodie thrown over his pyjamas and hair flattened down into something that isn't his bedhead. He tugs at the limp strands. He hadn't noticed that his hairstyle had changed. Maybe it was because his sleeping position had changed to accommodate one clingy boyfriend.
Kuroo looks up and sees the rest of the class staring. Acting on a hunch, he sweeps his hair up with his hands and holds it up in an approximation of his usual bedhead.
The TA blinks and checks him off the list. "Oh."
Daichi laughs, his head thrown back and his feet kicking the sheets on the bed, his grin as wide as the sky. It is the cutest thing that Kuroo has ever seen.
"Don't laugh," Kuroo whines, tottering over to Daichi on defeated feet and dropping onto the bed with him.
"I can't believe no one recognised you." Daichi reaches for Kuroo as Kuroo crawls over to him and drops into his lap, pillowing his cheek on Daichi's thigh. Daichi cards his hands through Kuroo's hair, the motion gentle and soothing, and Kuroo closes his eyes blissfully. If he were a cat, he would be purring now.
"I can't believe it either. I even had to show a professor my student ID," Kuroo complains. "Do I look that unrecognisable with my hair down? Is Kuroo Tetsurou all in the hair?  Who am I without the bedhead? Daichi, I'm having a major existential crisis right now."
Daichi sweeps Kuroo's hair back from his forehead, leaning down to press a kiss to his exposed forehead. "You're still my boyfriend."
Kuroo smiles dazedly at him, blindsided by the affectionate gesture, before his smile morphs into a scowl. "You didn't recognise me either when I came in. Nice try, mister."
Daichi pats Kuroo's hair back into place as he admits, "You do look different with your hair down."
Kuroo looks accusingly at him. "You do know that this is probably your fault, right? For being so cuddly and warm and nice to snuggle that I can't style my hair while I sleep."
"Is that what you call it?" Daichi raises an eyebrow. "I thought it was just bedhead, not some time-efficient strategy for hairstyling. Anyway, if it is my fault, you could always return to sleeping in your room."
"And miss out on the chance to spend more time with you? No way." Kuroo frowns. "There has got to be a way to get my hair back to its usual handsome style."
"I think you're pretty handsome with your hair down," Daichi tugs at the loose strands of Kuroo's hair, "but if it bothers you that much, why don't you try styling your hair in the morning?"
Solution 1: Hair gel
Kuroo slides into the seat Yaku had saved for him at the cafeteria and all conversations at the table immediately end. A shit-eating grin spreads across Yaku's face and Daishou looks like Christmas had come early for him. Kuroo immediately, and not for the first time, regrets that Yaku and Daishou had put aside their enmity in university to form a friendship built on roasting Kuroo.
"Hey, I didn't know that Yu-Gi-Oh got a new protagonist," Yaku says loudly, his eyes fixed on Kuroo's head. Or approximately five centimetres above Kuroo's head.
The both of them burst into laughter.
"Ha ha, guys," Kuroo deadpans, stabbing at his lunch with his chopsticks.
He doesn't think he looks that bad. Daichi and him had tried their best with the hair gel but neither of them had any previous experience with hairstyling considering that all Kuroo had ever used were two pillows to get his hair into shape and Daichi had never bothered learning to style his hair. Okay, maybe Daichi had gotten too enthusiastic with the gel to get Kuroo's spikes to stand up and Kuroo had been too much of a useless, smitten boyfriend to tell Daichi his spikes didn't stand that tall. They were soft spikes, nice to touch and friendly to stroke. Not spikes of doom that could take someone's eye out if he wasn't careful.
"Seriously, what happened to your hair?" Yaku wheezes, once he finally gets a hold of himself.
"My hair hasn't been right lately so we tried styling it a bit," Kuroo says, self-consciously prodding the stiff spikes on the top of his head.
"Honestly, I think I preferred it when I couldn't tell who you were with your hair down," Yaku tells him, still grinning.
"Daichi-kun isn't very good at hairstyling, is he?" Daishou remarks with a sly smile.
"Daichi has other strengths." Kuroo glowers at him, defending his boyfriend loyally. "Just not... hairstyling."
"I'd say he has a talent for it, considering that he's the one who finally defeated your bedhead," Yaku comments. "Weren't you trying to get rid of it?"
"I was, until I found out that my personal identity was inextricably linked to how my hair looked." Kuroo slumps down in his seat mournfully.
Yaku pats him on the shoulder sympathetically. "Well, you better find out how to get it back because your friendships are also inextricably linked to how your hair looks. I'll tolerate it this one time, but I'm not gonna be seen in public with you if you keep this up."
Solution 2: Don't cuddle Daichi
"That's harder than you think it is." Kuroo looks pleadingly at Daichi. "Don't cuddle you? That's like asking me not to breathe."
"Considering how you normally sleep, I thought you'd be an expert at not breathing," Daichi retorts. "I'm technically saving your life by sleeping with you."
"Yes, you are," Kuroo says reverently. Ever since he started sleeping with Daichi in the same bed, he swears he feels more rejuvenated in the morning.
"Look," Daichi props his hands on his hips as he looks down at Kuroo in his bed, all tucked in and waiting for Daichi to join him, "I don't like being apart from you either but if you want to get your bedhead back you should go back to sleeping in your room."
Kuroo props himself up on an elbow and peels back a corner of the blanket, patting the Daichi-shaped empty space next to him. "I'll keep my hands to myself this time." When Daichi doesn't budge, Kuroo gives him his best puppy-eyed look. "I mean, who's going to rescue me if I stop breathing in the middle of the night? I can't sleep peacefully without you, Daichi."
"You managed just fine without me for eighteen years," Daichi grumbles but he gets into bed with Kuroo, shoving at Kuroo's lanky body until there is a clear space between them. It isn't much of a gap, seeing that they are two broad guys on a dorm-sized mattress, but Kuroo appreciates the thought and he leans over to give Daichi a peck on the cheek before he turns off the beside lamp.
"Goodnight, Daichi."
Lips brush against Kuroo's in the dark before Daichi returns to his side of the bed. "Goodnight, Kuroo."
When Kuroo's first alarm goes off in the morning, he comes into consciousness warm and comfortable, his body moulded perfectly against Daichi. Kuroo blinks dazedly and reaches over Daichi to turn his alarm off before burying his nose back into Daichi's hair and shutting his eyes until his second alarm goes off.
Solution 3: Drastic measures
"I have no choice, Daichi. I have to do this," Kuroo says grimly.
"Just go back to your room, Kuroo," Daichi sighs. "I know I joked about you not breathing in your sleep but this might actually stop you from breathing entirely. Forever."
"It won't hurt me," Kuroo says confidently. "I've been doing this since I was a kid."
He holds out his two pillows. If he can't stop himself from snuggling up to Daichi in the middle of the night, then he wouldn't stop it. He didn't need his hands for this anyway, all he needed were for the pillows to be on either side of his head for the entire night.
Kuroo lies facedown on Daichi's bed and pulls his pillows into the optimal sleeping position before getting to work fixing them on either side of his head. It takes two elastic bands to secure the pillows to Kuroo's head and he turns his head from side to side and takes an experimental breath. It feels like his usual sleeping position and he reaches out blindly beside him, groping the sheets as he searches for Daichi.
"Kuroo, this doesn't look safe at all," Daichi says as Kuroo snakes a hand around his waist and tries to tug him down next to him. "I'm serious. You might actually suffocate in the middle of the night."
"'M fine," Kuroo mumbles out, his voice muffled by the two pillows secured to his head. He turns to the side so he can see out of the gap between them and he sees Daichi's worried face peering down at him. It takes a few more coaxing tugs before he can get Daichi to lie down beside him and he wraps his arms snugly around Daichi's waist, beaming at him. "See? Hands-free."
Daichi looks unimpressed as he mutters, "I don't know what this says about me that I'm dating someone like you."
"Hrm?" Kuroo asks, the pillows having muffled most of Daichi's voice.
"Nothing," Daichi sighs. "Just keep breathing until the morning please, Kuroo. I don't want to have to find a new boyfriend."
Kuroo tangles his legs with Daichi's, a wave of affection surging in him at how concerned Daichi is for him. "You won't have to. You're stuck with me, darling."
He can't breathe.
Kuroo opens his eyes but it doesn't make any difference when all that fills his vision is darkness and an oppressive force covers his nose and mouth. Panicked and still half-asleep, Kuroo reaches up and his hand meets something soft over his face. With a burst of desperate strength, he rips it off his face and gasps, gulping down quick breaths of air.
His clothes are sweat-soaked and his hair one matted mess as he shoves off the rest of the suffocating tangle surrounding his head and clutches Daichi close, seeking out the protective warmth of his boyfriend in the aftermath of his near-death experience.
"That was so scary. Daichi, I nearly suffocated," Kuroo whimpers, pushing his face into Daichi's soft hair and breathing in his comforting scent.
Daichi stirs, sighing against Kuroo's neck as he mumbles drowsily, "I told you so."
Daichi's hands stroke up and down the length of Kuroo's back absently, soothingly, and Kuroo lets their steady rhythm lull him back into sleep.
Conclusion: Failed
"I'm not letting you try out anything new after your previous attempt with the pillows," Daichi declares, folding his arms across his chest. He is planted solidly at the edge of his bed as Kuroo paces the room before him, thinking up some other way to get back his bedhead without having to give up on sleeping with Daichi. "You almost hurt yourself, Kuroo."
"But, Daichi," Kuroo says, aghast. "Nobody knows who I am without my trademark bedhead. I can already feel my identity slipping away from me, one limp strand at a time."
"You'll just have to live out your new life as not-Kuroo then," Daichi says firmly. He reaches up, beckoning, and Kuroo leans down to meet him, letting Daichi card his fingers through the loose strands of his hair. "Besides, it's not like I'm dating you because of your hair or anything."
"I distinctly remember you insulting my hair a couple of times before we started dating. And even after we started dating," Kuroo points out, moving closer and closer to Daichi until he gets Daichi flat on his back on the bed. Kuroo climbs onto the bed, bracing himself over Daichi and boxing him in with his arms as he looks him in the eye suspiciously. "Maybe this was your dastardly plan to get rid of my bedhead all along."
"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't," Daichi says lightly with a teasing gleam in his eye as he tucks Kuroo's hair behind his ear, letting his fingers brush against the shell of Kuroo's ear lingeringly. "So? What are you going to do about it?"
Kuroo can't let Daichi get away with this so he leans in to show him.
At the cafeteria, Yaku waves him over to their table and Kuroo slides into his seat, blissfully dazed and drifting on cloud nine after a good night. Yaku looks him up and down and Daishou takes one look at Kuroo before he goes back to texting on his phone.
"Hey, you managed to get your hair back to normal," Yaku says approvingly. "Congrats—if that was what you were going for."
"Normal?" Kuroo blinks and reaches up to touch his hair. He hadn't looked in a mirror before leaving this morning, his eyes glued shut by the early hour as he rolled out of bed, put on his clothes, and shuffled right out of the room.
Daishou turns his phone towards Kuroo and Kuroo finds himself looking at himself in the front-facing camera. His hair is back up in its natural, messy spikes, just as they had been before he moved into Daichi's room, and when he flattens them with a hand, they just spring back up into shape, untameable as always.
"Hair gel?" Yaku asks.
"Or did you finally move out of Daichi-kun's room?" Daishou suggests.
"Neither." Kuroo prods his hair in confusion, trying to figure out the logic behind his bedhead. "I just went to sleep as usual..."
He had fallen asleep and woken up in Daichi's arms, without bothering to think of a solution to tackle his hair. It had been late and the both of them had been exhausted after—
"Ah," Kuroo blurts out loud, realising what exactly had shaped his hair last night.
Yaku and Daishou look curiously at him and Kuroo snaps his teeth shut, trying to will down the sudden burst of heat in his face. As much as he considers them his friends, he doesn't think he wants to reveal to them everything that happens between Daichi and him.
"I must be having a good hair day," Kuroo says as nonchalantly as possible, suppressing a shiver as he thinks about the grasping hands that had tugged at his hair last night. But he can't hold back a smirk as he thinks about what this says about Daichi's hairstyling skills. Maybe they weren't so bad after all.
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spring-emerald · 6 years
oh, shoot
For KuroDai Weekend Day 1: Celebrity AU / Hanahaki AU
“Kuroo,” Yaku puts his hands on Kuroo’s shoulder, looking him in the eyes with seriousness. “Your photographer for today is a well-known photographer, alright? We’re lucky to work with him. You are lucky to work with him. It’s an honor, a chance of a lifetime. So please, I beg of you, don’t mess this up,” he articulates carefully, punctuating his words with a dig of his fingers on Kuroo’s shoulders.
“Yaku,” Kuroo also puts his hands on Yaku’s shoulder, a little heavily, enough to make anyone else wince but not him, apparently. “You gotta chill, alright? I promise, I won’t.” He grins and pats Yaku’s shoulders, but it doesn’t ease the frown on his manager’s face. Really, he deserves more faith than this.
Modeling is something that Kuroo didn’t see himself doing as a full-time job. He didn’t believe himself to be that kind of handsome after all. (His grandmother thinks otherwise, but that’s his grandmother, so it doesn’t really count.) But he finds himself in the industry after dipping in it for a desperate part-time during a rough time in college. And while it’s not as glamorous and glitzy as one perceives it to be, he found himself liking it enough to accept more jobs and change the course of his future by signing up with an agency.
Two years into the industry and he’s worked with a lot of different beautiful people and a lot of different photographers. But it’s his first time to work with someone that has what could be considered a celebrity status in the modeling and fashion circuit.
He’s done his research about Sawamura Daichi, as per Yaku’s instruction. He’s glad he followed it because he learned that Sawamura is the same age as Kuroo, younger than him by a month even, and entered around the same time he did. He’s got a Cinderella-eque early life story, about how he supported himself and his family through doing side-jobs and assistants during college, started his own studio from basically nothing with the help of trusted friends and underclassmen, until he’s reached the place where he is right now. He’s far more accomplished than his contemporaries, especially in terms of portfolio.
(It’s also been said that he’s Oikawa Tooru and Sugawara Koushi’s-two of the top and most-sought actors in the business today-named him as their favorite photographer. That’s from a celebrity tabloid but he thinks it’s worth its dime.)
The point is, that’s how good he’s touted to be.
And really, Yaku was right when he said it’s an honor to work with him. Not just with him, but working in this campaign as a whole. Out of the many, more beautiful models from their agency, like the Haiba siblings, he was the one handpicked by Nekomata-san to be included in the anniversary line of one of the famous clothing brands in the country, and it will be advertised in electronic billboards and fashion magazines. It’s a miracle to be handed such a project like this and Kuroo would be a fool to mess this up.
So yeah. He promises to be in his best behavior and he will not mess this up.
Kuroo is messing this up.
He’s half-naked, only clad in high quality jeans, hair pushed back and tamed and he’s sweating. The studio is cold enough and he’d been in front of the bright lights numerous times already, but none of those had affected him for him to sweat like buckets like this. He knows he’s not looking very attractive right now and far-fetched from the model he claims to professionally be.
In his defense, none of those photo shoots had Sawamura Daichi as the photographer.
God, he’d seen what he looks like when he was researching about him and he had believed the articles when they said that he’s plain but kind looking. Because he is. Kind looking, that is, a strange softness to his define jaws. And god, he’s plain, alright.
Plainly gorgeous.
Downright stunning with a great one dimpled smile and a firm handshake. It doesn’t help that he’s down to earth and friendly to the staff.
Basically, Kuroo’s a goner.
He is not shallow to fall just for looks especially when his work allows him to be surrounded by a lot of good-looking people, where beautiful is a word that can generally describe them all and not be wrong. Gorgeous is the one word he reserves for really special individuals that it would be an insult to call them just beautiful.
But by gods if he doesn’t have a problem describing Sawamura like that.
Kuroo can only dazedly follow the instructions, lost in the play of Sawamura’s arm muscles every time it involuntarily flexes when he poises to shoot. Kind of jealous of the camera strap that get to rest on his well-defined chest under the tight Henley that he forgets to project the feeling that the shoot is asking for, which definitely isn’t the dumb smitten model look.
Did Kuroo mention he’s messing this up? No? Well, he’s messing this up. Big time.
Yaku’s going to chew his head off after this and Kuroo will actually let him, just so he doesn’t have to live with the embarrassment.
Sawamura’s looking down on the screen of his camera, a small frown on his face. Kuroo knows it for the look of dissatisfaction. Goodness, of all times to flop his shoot, it has to be this one. Sawamura looks at up him, head tilted a little to the side. He drops his camera down gently and walks toward Kuroo.
Kuroo glances at Yaku, sees how he’s biting down on his thumbnail and swallows the nervous lump that grew in his throat.
“Kuroo-san,” Kuroo straightens his shoulders at being addressed. Thank god he’s taller than Sawamura and he’s the one slightly looking down on him. His pride won’t be able to take the hit if it had been the other way instead. “This isn’t how your hair is usually styled, is it?”
Kuroo blinks, hand coming up to touch his styled hair. “Uhm, yeah. It isn’t.” The unexpected question unbalanced him enough to answer truthfully.
Sawamura nods and hums thoughtfully. “What do you say about changing it back to your more, natural style?”
“Well, there’s nothing wrong with it, pushed back. And you really look good and register on the camera fine,” Sawamura quickly explains, and if Kuroo isn’t nervous and confused, he would’ve found the gesticulating adorable. “But… there’s something missing?”
Kuroo shakes his head then. “No, I mean, you’re the boss right now, so whatever you say goes, but I just feel like I have to be completely honest you know? My hair, well, naturally, it’s,” Kuroo pauses, looking for a word that won’t completely embarrass him and settles with “…untamable.” He looks at Sawamura pointedly, conveying that he would probably look and do worse if he changes back to his hairstyle.
Sawamura gives him a small smile and Kuroo remembers why he’s doing so badly in the first place. “It can’t be that bad,” he assures.
Kuroo doesn’t have the heart to say that oh yeah, it can. It is. His friends tease him Rooster Head for a good reason. He can’t say that his performance and bad frames have nothing to do with his hair, but just with him being useless in the face of someone handsome. Kuroo’s not that above blaming Sawamura.
“Anything you want,” Kuroo says instead. He meant it casually and professionally, really, but given that his mind is in the gutter at the moment, he thinks it comes out way more than he intended.
Sawamura looks taken aback by the words and coughs lightly, clearing his throat. “Uhhh, yeah.” He gestures to the direction of the hairstylists awkwardly, stepping back and away from Kuroo.
Kuroo purses his lips and nods stiffly then leaves before he can say or do something even more stupid.
When he comes back, hair styled in its usual get up, only a little tamer, Sawamura studies him, nods with approval and asks him if he’s ready to do some test shots. Sawamura points and clicks, letting Kuroo pose as he please and looks at the few frames he’d taken, a satisfied smile on his face.
“Hmm, it’s better,” he says smiling, catching Kuroo off-guard yet again. He doesn’t think he can take the fact that Sawamura had just basically complimented him, saying he looks better with his natural style on. Or maybe, he’s reading too much into this and the guy is just being kind, so stop thinking so hard Tetsurou and just do your job.
And do his job he did. He followed Sawamura’s direction and obeyed every instruction, listened well to suggestions and was glad that he can freely suggest some of his own and met with approval, growing more confident and relaxed as the shoot progress. It helps that Sawamura talks to him like a friend, casual and light, unlike some photographers who’re extremely stiff and all business. It’s a great bonus whenever he smiles, something that Kuroo had grown accustomed to, thank god.
He’s putting on the last pair of jeans he’s had to model for the shoot-a tight, skinny one-when Yaku approaches him and gives him a pat on the shoulder.
“You’re doing great, Kuroo,” he starts, but the pause offsets the word. Kuroo waits for him to drop the ‘but’. “But maybe you can try to be a little, you know, playful? Flirtier?”
Kuroo scoffs at Yaku, looking at him funny as he zips the jeans up. “Flirtier?”
“Yeah! You’re good with that, right? I mean, it’s really nice to see you this serious, but also a bit disconcerting? Especially since you actually look like you. Let your personality shine through. I think that’s what Sawamura likes to happen too.” Yaku shrugs.
Kuroo snorts. “Alright, one, despite my appearance, I’m not flirty. And I’m pretty sure that’s not what Sawamura likes to happen.” He’s just really generous with his compliments, like a good professional should be. There’s no way Kuroo is going to read more into that. Anyway, “two, this hair is actually charming and not the disaster you all think it is. And three, you can just say that you like me for me, Yaku-paisen.” He grins, which earns him an eye roll and a hard slap on the arm.
“Whatever. Forget it. You’re insufferable.” Kuroo’s laugh follows after him.
Kuroo returns to the set, a small smile still on his face because of his conversation with Yaku and he startles when the lights go off along with a sound of the shutter. He looks up and finds the camera trained on him.
Sawamura lowers it, looking guilty at getting caught. “Sorry. It’s just…your smile was nice and I just,” Sawamura shakes his head. “Never mind, sorry. Anyway, uh, are you ready?” He rubs the back of his head self-consciously and tries to give Kuroo a confident smile.
Kuroo thinks that if he steps closer, he’ll see the blush on Sawamura’s cheeks.
Adorable. He wants to see Sawamura make that face again. He remembers Yaku’s words and a smirk blooms on his face.
“I’m always ready for you, Sawamura,” he says with a wink, ignoring the inner Kuroo cringing at him at the line he used.
Sawamura stills, eyes wide because Kuroo isn’t even being subtle, then clears his throat and shakes his head again, harder this time. “…Right. Okay.”
Kuroo counts it as a win since he got flustered again. Yaku doesn’t think so.
“Kuroo!” Yaku seethes, eyes bulging out and looking between him and Sawamura, expression alternating between scandalized and apologetic. “What the hell are you doing?!”
“What? You said to be flirty.”
“Yeah! But I meant the camera, not the photographer!”
“But-” Oh. Oh. Damn… that’s not what Yaku meant earlier. Damn. Damn, damn, damn. “Sawamura, I am-”
His apology gets interrupted when Sawamura snorts softly, covering his big smile and flushed face with his hand. He’s unable to hold it, and to Kuroo’s utter mortification, he laughs. A full bellied, mirthful, music to Kuroo’s ears actually if it isn’t done in his expense. The make-up artists and hairstylists join in and wow, can some of the light stands just fall on him now, or maybe all of them, he’s not picky.
“Oh, god,” Sawamura breathes, chuckling still. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He waves a dismissing hand, while the other wipes a tear on his eyes.
“It’s alright, really. It’s fine. You’re good. I mean,” his smile turns into a bashful one. “I don’t mind.” He glances up at Kuroo shyly. “But,” he continues. “Maybe we can…talk… after the shoot?”
Kuroo blinks and snaps out of his daze of asking how this guy could be real, and seeing Sawamura’s hopeful face boosts his confidence and eagerness to finish the shoot. “Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that.”
A few months later, Kuroo sees his photo displayed in one of the electronic billboards. People stop and stare, some girls even squeal, not noticing the real thing is just among them.
“You really look good in that,” Daichi says, stepping up beside him, looking at the big screen with a small smile.
Kuroo hooks an arm around his shoulders. “Nah, my photographer’s just the best.”
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izumitate · 6 years
ao3 filter meme
Thanks so much for tagging me @spring-emerald!!
Rules: Go to your works page, expand all the filters, and answer all of the following questions!
1. What’s your first and second most common work ratings?
Teen and Up Audiences (30)
General Audiences (19)
2. What’s your most common archive warning? Least common? Do you consider yourself an adventurous writer?
No Archive Warnings Apply (38) is most common! I’ve also done Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings 9 times, mostly for plot reasons.
Major Character Death (2)
I don’t know if I’m very adventurous? I don’t usually like putting characters through a lot of trauma, so I’ve never written anything that requires the other warning tags, and I doubt I ever will, but character death might come up again.....
3. How many fics have you written in each relationship category? Is this more accidental, or do you have preferences?
Gen (29)
M/M (22)
F/F (14)
F/M (6)
Multi (6)
Other (1)
I’m not surprised, though I really should write more f/f fics again! Many fics contain multiple relationship categories, and I’ll tag for gen if there’s a strong friendship angle that’s central to the story even if there are romantic relationships too.
4. What are your top 4 fandoms by numbers? Are you still active in any of them, and do you tend to migrate a lot?
omg...my fandom roots reveal themselves...
Homestuck (17)
Red vs. Blue (6)
Haikyuu!! (3)
Check Please! and Boku no Hero Academia tied at (3)
Both hq and rvb have two fics that are really fic collections, so the number isn’t totally accurate. I like to write for passing fandoms that catch my interest, so I have a lot of one fic fandoms on ao3. I’m still very fond of homestuck, but it’s been so long that I don’t write for it anymore! I actually like a lot of these fandoms still, even if I’m not active. Haikyuu and BNHA are the fandoms I’m most active in right now I guess? 
5. What are your top 4 character tags? Does this match how you feel about the characters, or are you puzzled?
........I’m such a filthy homestuck.....it’s my beta children........
Jade Harley (10)
Rose Lalonde (8)
Dave Strider (8)
John Egbert (8)
If we’re talking Haikyuu only, because this is a hq blog hahaha, then these guys show up in every fic I write:
Kuroo Tetsurou (3)
Sawamura Daichi (3)
So do most of Karasuno and Nekoma, because they’re my favorites!! And Bokuto and Akaashi hahaha
Bonus, top 4 5 relationships tagged:
John Egbert/Dave Strider (3)
Kuroo Tetsurou/Sawamura Daichi (3)
Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou (3)
Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku (3) 
Midoriya Izuku/Everyone (3)
This is an inaccurate representation, because hey, babe are you garbage is really 12 kurodai fics in one, and glamorous calves is really 7 tuckington fics in one.
6. What are your top 2 most used additional tags, and your bottom 2? What would happen if you combined all 4 of these into a fic.
Fluff (18) and Friendship (13) for top two
Canonical Character Death (5) and Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (5) for lowest two that are visible
OKAY I am clearly a fluff writer but also I like a lot of fandoms where people die??? And Haikyuu is not one of those series?? I haven’t written a kurodai where one of them dies yet, but uh. Maybe in the future....
7. How many WIPs do you have currently running on AO3? Any you don’t plan on finishing?
UGH okay so I have 18....but some of those are fic collections, so it’s really 14...
The homestuck ones are in limbo, as are a few others, so there’s about 6 I’m actually actively working on right now, like ain’t even heard the question.
8. Tag people!
Probably double tagging some people but @justforbadfriends @thepharaoh @amaanogawa @bgee93 @cubistemoji @kakkoweeb @zombiesolace if any of you want to do it!
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roronoaxd · 6 years
Oooooh how about Kurodai on a first date at an amusement park? Make it as silly, fluffy, awkward, or sexy as you want, I trust you ;)
so, i went with sexy, and because of that… i’ll post some here and the rest on ao3 because its about to get a little steamy… :)
When Kuroo suggested going to an amusement park for their ‘first’ date, Sawamura didn’t think he was serious. For one, it’s not really their first date. They’ve had many of dates, throughout many of years. When Sawamura called Kuroo out on that, Kuroo explained that ‘acting’ was a thing, and they should act like it was their first date. Sawamura’s not exactly sure why that would be fun. First dates were awkward,  and their first date, like their actual one, was a disaster. Sawamura only agreed to go on a second date, because he doesn’t put out on first dates, and Kuroo was rumored to be a great lay. (Which is partly true, and partly tale. Really, Sawamura just really liked Kuroo but he won’t ever admit that)
Thinking back, it’s kind of funny? They’ll soon be celebrating five glorious but long years together, and it all started because of college rumors that Kuroo Tetsurou promised a good time in bed because he had magic fingers (correction: has). Sawamura, contrary to belief, was no prude and enjoyed the occasional hookup, but he wasn’t a true “hit it and quit it” dude. He preferred to be wined and dined, the first date never going farther than a makeout with some groping, the second scoring you a handjob (a blowjob if you’re really nice) with the third date featuring a combination of all of the above along with plenty more. After that, you were free to move on to the next or start a relationship.
As mentioned prior, their first date wasn’t even that great. Once on the date, Sawamura started having doubts about all the rumors he heard, because the Kuroo in front of him was a dork. A very cute, very sweet, kind, dork, not the ‘sex god’ everyone in his biology lab cracked Kuroo out to be. Sawamura didn’t expect his thing with Kuroo to turn pass five dates, yet alone five years of dating, yet here they are.
Going out on “first dates” all over again because it’s what Kuroo wants to do, and Sawamura is always willing to humor his Kuroo.
“Why an amusement park?” Sawamura questions as Kuroo foots the bill for their admission.
“It’s romantic, no?”
“No, it’s not.”
“It’s fun. Our first first date wasn’t much fun.”
“You’re the one who thought fishing was a good first date.”
“We got to fish for scallops and then eat them! I still don’t understand why that wasn’t fun for you.”
“Because we barely caught any!”
“Okay… you got me there, but you still said yes to a second date, even if it was only to get in my pants… which so could have happened on the first date. In fact, you didn’t even need to date me, you were so cute in college.”
“I don’t put out on the first date, Kuroo-San, and are you saying I’m not cute now?”
“Oh, I think I can change your mind, Sa’amura-kun, and you are still very cute.”
“Is that what this is all about?”
“Maybe.” Kuroo laughed, “this may be an impromptu do-over first date, but don’t get it twisted, babe. I still know all of the things you’re into, and I plan to fully exploit them.” Kuroo places an arm around Sawamura’s shoulders, steering him towards the right, “Here’s our game plan: you’re going to act like this is actually our very first date, and I’m going to do the same. We’re going to have an amazing time and then we’re going to have some amazing sex.”
“What’s with the sudden role play?”
“It’s been 5 years, time to spice things up. So, shall we get matching headbands first?”
Sawamura will now admit that this is a great “first” date. Kuroo was being the perfect gentleman, and exploring the amusement park has been quite fun, especially with all the tasty food and drinks. Kuroo’s even found himself lucky, playing one of those carnival games with the intent of ripping you off, and somehow managing to win two stuffed animals. A shiba inu and a lion, cute little things they’d probably toss on their living room couch. The dog was supposed to represent Sawamura, and the lion represented Kuroo because of its wild hair… “I think this lion has you beat in terms of hairstyle?” Sawamura teased. “Are you having fun?”
“I’m having quite a good time with you, actually. Are you wishing you were with someone else?”
“Well… there was this guy that I really liked. He took me out to fish for my dinner though, which was really lame because neither of us were even good at fishing?” Sawamura put on his best pout before looking up at Kuroo, smiling nice and bright, “but I’m having fun here with you.”
“Oh yeah?” Kuroo questioned, returning the smile, “I think I can help you forget all about that disaster date.” Kuroo then looked down at his watch. “It’s getting kind of late, the fireworks show should be starting soon. What do you say we get a snack and head to the Ferris wheel?”
“Sure, I’d like that.”
For snack, they decided on cotton candy, the treat more so for Kuroo’s sweet tooth than anything. The line for the Ferris wheel was short, and stepping into the carrier, they felt pretty secluded. Now, Sawamura understands what Kuroo meant by amusement parks being romantic. It was kind of romantic being stuck in this pod for the next half an hour, just the two of them. There weren’t many interested in the ride at the moment, meaning all the occupied pods was quite spaced out. It was odd, but Sawamura liked it, it felt a lot more intimate this way. He couldn’t help but scoot closer, resting right up against Kuroo’s side as they finished their cotton candy. “I do like cotton candy, but now my fingers are quite sticky.” Kuroo stated, looking down at Sawamura. “Do you mind helping me out?”
“And how do you suppose I do that?”
“Easy…” Kuroo purred, lifting his hand to cup Sawamura’s face briefly. His thumb then brushed over Sawamura’s lips before pressing against the seam. Sawamura locked eyes with Kuroo before parting his lips, slowly hovering his mouth over Kuroo’s thumb, his lips closing around the digit and sucking lightly. Kuroo smirked, pressing his finger in a little bit more before pulling it out, Daichi’s lips chasing it for a brief moment. “We have approximately 25 minutes before this car reaches the ground. Why don’t we have some fun?”
“I don’t usually do things like this on the first date.” Sawamura stated, though his body was now humming in pleasure, sitting on the edge of his seat in anticipation. His eyes drifted to Kuroo’s lips and a reminder that he’s yet to kiss his boyfriend all evening quickly set in. That had to change.
“We can go slow? If I do something that makes you uncomfortable, just let me know.”
“You said we only had 25 minutes…”
“Then we better make the most of them.”
Sawamura agreed, and instead of saying so, he surged forward, wrapping an arm around Kuroo’s neck and wasting no time settling down in his lap, eagerly pressing their lips together. Kuroo tastes sugary sweet, just like the cotton candy they munched on. It was a little addicting, actually, Sawamura finding himself leaning more into Kuroo. “Sa’amura… you have no idea how beautiful you are right now.” Kuroo complimented against his lips, making Sawamura smile. Kuroo reached up to cup his cheek but Sawamura grabbed him by the wrist, examining his hands. “What’s up?” Kuroo questioned and Sawamura didn’t say anything.
‘Kuroo has nice hands. In college, rumors spread that Kuroo had magic fingers, able to reduce a partner to tears of joy with his hands alone. Sawamura was intrigued back then so intrigued he hinted that he was interested to a friend. That friend then put in a good word for him, gave Kuroo his number and he was then set up on a date. It took five dates of denial in having feelings for Kuroo before Sawamura accepted that he got an accidental boyfriend from what was supposed to be a fling. But since those long five years, Sawamura has since confirmed that Kuroo does have magic fingers, but there’s so much more to that too. Kuroo’s taller, and his hands are slightly larger than Sawamura’s. Kuroo’s fingers are long, almost delicate looking but they’re strong with a few calluses here and there. Sawamura likes Kuroo’s hands, and not just because they do wonders to his body. He likes holding them, kissing them, playing with them. He likes when they cup his cheeks, or when they wipe away his tears. He likes when Kuroo rubs his back, holding Sawamura close to his chest as they prepare to sleep. He likes when Kuroo massages his shoulders after a long day.
“Daichi?” Kuroo calls out, snapping him back to reality.
“Your fingers are still sticky.” Sawamura states simply. “I can clean them for you.” He locks his gaze with Kuroo once more, grabbing hold of Kuroo’s hand and carefully inspecting his fingers.  Sawamura then extends Kuroo’s forefinger and middle finger, kissing the fingertips gingerly. Kuroo watches him, as he opens his mouth, carefully allowing Kuroo’s fingers to enter his mouth. Sawamura sucks lightly, mimicking the same sensation as earlier with Kuroo’s thumb, but now his tongue runs up the digits, and he allows himself to moan lowly.
“Shit…” Kuroo curses, his eyes locked on Sawamura sucking on his fingers. “If you keep this up… you’ll allow my imagination to run wild.” Sawamura didn’t say anything, instead he lowered his head more, Kuroo’s two fingers jabbing deeper down his throat, and Sawamura swallows around them. His hips buck up, his ass flush against Kuroo’s lap, rubbing against Kuroo’s slowly growing erection. “Fuck, Sawamura.” Sawamura pulls off Kuroo’s fingers, allowing himself a few breaths, kissing the fingertips once more.
“You have really nice hands.” He compliments. “I like them.” Sawamura places one long lick against Kuroo’s forefinger, taking the tip into his mouth and sucking lightly again, “I want to feel them all over me.”
“We’re in public, Sawamura, and it’s only our first date.”
“I know… but I really want you to touch me. Please Kuroo.” Sawamura pleads, trying to play coy and innocent. “We only have…fifteen minutes left.”
“Here?” Sawamura grabs Kuroo’s hands, guiding them underneath his shirt and up his chest. He sighs out in content as Kuroo’s hands venture up by themselves, toying with his nipples. “Yeah, like that.”
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tokikurp · 6 years
Memories of a Better Time
Summary-  Left behind with broken hearts after a break up both, Kuroo and Daichi, try to sustain a friendship and bring back a bit of normality in their lives. It isn't as easy as they think when memories of happier times return to them, to remind them of what they once had.
Pairings- Kuroo Tetsurou x Sawamura Daichi (KuroDai) 
AU- Canon
Prompt- Getting together/Post Breakup
Word count- 2K
During my hiatus, I wanted to try something new. I saw the prompts for KuroDai week and an idea came to mind after looking at the prompts. 
And here we are 🎉
They’d been in love for so many years, they truly thought they were each other’s soulmates. Loving each other since the end of high school and all throughout college. Those five years were the best years of their lives and both of them thought there would be many more to come. They talked about marriage, about the places they wanted to go, things they wanted to do together. They imagined how their life would look like, it looked perfect to them. That they would be happy and be together forever.
But fate laughed at them and thought otherwise.
They grew apart from each other. They became so focused on their careers, they didn’t make time to spend time with each other. They thought they could manage their time and spend every chance they had together on their days off. They tried and tried for months, trying to figure out a schedule.
They began to fight more and more. The stress of work and the stress of trying to manage just one day together. They fought over small things, why was there a dish left in the sink? Why wasn’t the bed made? How could they forget that one item from the grocery store that wasn’t that important for dinner?
They began to feel more and more like roommates instead of lovers. And it hurt to think that way, but it was the reality they came to understand one day. That was the day they sat down and talked about how they’ve had been feeling for the past year. It was the talk that made them realize that they had grown apart and had fallen out of love with the other. They both cried as they talked it out, crying because they let themselves grow apart.
They ended their five year relationship that night, just a week shy of six years.
Daichi moved out the next day. He planned to stay with a friend until he would have found an apartment. Kuroo stayed in their apartment, but only until the lease’s end and then he would move out as well.
Breakups are hard, especially when it was with someone you truly loved.
And Daichi and Kuroo, had truly loved each other.
“Fuck. I should have cleaned this closet out more often. Bleh.” Kuroo said with a disgusting look on his face. “Where the fuck are those dress shoes anyway?”
Searching for his second pair of dress shoes, Kuroo climbed further into his closet.
“How do you manage to find any clothes in there, Tetsu? It looks like a black hole.” Kenma commented, looking into the messy closet.
“Well!” Kuroo called out. “I keep the clothes I usually wear in my bathroom, because I shower in the mornings before work.”
“So you don’t even touch your closet?”
“No, but I probably should- shit is that a spider? Shit, I can’t tell! Oi Kenma, hand me my phone! I can’t tell if this is a spider or not!” Kuroo called out, very concerned about what’s possibly in front of him.
“Doesn’t your closet light work?” Kenma asked, looking up at the light in the closet.
“...It broke.” The blond rolled his eyes, going to search for his friend’s phone.
“How do you even manage to take care of yourself?” He asked, handing the phone to Kuroo (who nodded in thanks).
“Oi! I do manage to take care of myself, I’m still alive aren’t I? I can cook my own meals.” Kuroo called out, turning on the flashlight app. “Oh it was a fuzzy.”
Kenma rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Are you sure it’s not a dustbunny?”
“It’s not that dusty!”
“...Okay it’s not THAT dusty!” Kuroo called out as he went in further. “Where the fuck are those damn dress shoes!”
“If you don’t hurry, we’re going to be late for rehearsal and you’re one of Daishou’s best men.” Kenma reminded while looking at the time. Kuroo groaned, damn it. Why did that snake have to ask him to be one of his best men at his wedding?
“I know, I know! I’m looking- AH HA! FOUND THEM! OW!” Kuroo announced as he stood up on his knees and shot his arms up in the air with his shoes in hand. But he hit something and it fell square on his head, and it wasn’t light either. Something hard and wooden maybe?
“Oh my god, Tetsu. Don’t hurt yourself.” Kenma groaned. Kuroo threw his shoes out  as he climbed out with whatever fell on his head. Kenma picked the shoes up as a grumbling Kuroo came out and sat down, flipping over the large canvas.
“What the fuck is this any...way.” Kuroo hissed, but slowed down when he saw what it was. His facial expression turned sad as he stared down at two paintings that had been glued together. A painting of two wine glasses that made it look like it was one, red and white wine being poured into the glasses. Kenma looked over his shoulder with a raised eyebrow.
“The right side looks good, but why the fuck does the left side look like shit?” He asked. Kuroo stared at it, running his hand over the right side, the white wine being poured into the glass. That side actually looked like what it was supposed to be and it looked damn good. But the other side, well...looked like someone had one too many glasses of red wine.
“Daichi and I painted these a couple of years ago.” Kuroo spoke.
“...Oh.” Kenma whispered. “Tetsu, I didn’t mean-”
“Daichi painted the right side and I attempted to do the left side. It’s fine, I kind of did that on purpose.” Kuroo chuckled, setting the painting aside against the wall as he stared at it. “Koushi bought us a couple’s painting session at a paint studio for our anniversary. I thought it was stupid, but I went because it was a gift and Dai really wanted to go. Plus there were free drinks so I went.”
“I put very little effort into my side, but damn did he put all of his into his side.”
“Your side looks like a five-year-old painted that.” Kenma commented. The former middle blocker nodded, yeah it did. He wasn't going to deny that. It really did look like a five-year-old had painted that.
“Daichi was trying to get me to properly paint and that’s why the flower vase actually looks good. Because he made me do that.” Kuroo laughed. That night was really fun, getting to paint and talk with other couples. Laughing with other people who were as drunk as Kuroo was.
And the drinks were the bomb.
Kuroo sighed and stood up, taking the shoes from Kenma. He sat on his bed and started to put his dress shoes on.
“Come on, Kenma. We’re going to be late.” Kuroo said as he put one foot down and started to put the other one on. “Don’t need the snake to bite me for being late.”
“Tetsu, are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine. Just...you know. I’m fine.” Kuroo answered as he stood up. Kenma nodded as he followed him out of the room. He’d known Kuroo for his whole life and knew when something was bothering Kuroo. The couple painting brought back memories of when him and Daichi were still together. Tomorrow night, Kuroo would be one of the best men that stood along side of Daishou as he’d marry Mika.
It had been over four months now since Daichi and him had ended their relationship. As they entered the wedding venue, Kenma rubbed his childhood friend’s back.
“It’ll be okay. You’ve got this.” Kenma said in a gentle voice as he went to go sit down. Kuroo watched, but knew what he meant.
“Yeah, I’ll be okay.”
“Great, you showed up. I thought you would be the last to arrive.” Daishou said with a smirk on his face.
“Well, I was trying to be last tonight, but I’ll try and make sure to be late tomorrow.” Kuroo responded as he smirked back at the groom-to-be.
“AND THEN! Just as we’re about to submit all of our reservations and hotels, hell even our plane tickets, THE POWER GOES OUT! And guess what happened when it came back on!”
“You and Keiji had to start allllll over.”
“YEAH! AND THAT TOOK HOURS TO DO!” Bokuto groaned. Their friends laughed as Akaashi sighed, that had been a long night. “But we managed to get everything fixed and our anniversary trip to Sweden is official!”
“Even if we were up until almost two in the morning. But everything is planned and we’re ready for Sweden.” Akaashi smiled, very excited about the upcoming trip. “Terushima, how was your trip with Misaki?”
“Oh tone of fun!” Terushima answered as him and Hana became to explain how their recent trip to Osaka had been.
“I feel like the awkward third-wheel.” Daichi mumbled, turning away from the couples and back to his food. Kuroo nodded, looking up from his food.
“Yeah, I agree.” He agreed, taking a bite of his food. The two men toned out the couples as they talked about the trips they took or were about to take. Some of them even talking about trips they want to take in the future. “So uh...how’s work been going, Daichi?”
“Hmmm? Good, I’ve been busy lately. How about you?” Daichi answered with a nod. “How have you been lately? Bokuto showed me a picture of you standing at the altar at Daishou’s wedding. You looked nice.”
“Thanks, it was a nice wedding. She looked beautiful.” Kuroo thanked while nodding. “I’ve been doing good. Busy. Um, work has been keeping me busy. We’ve been researching and experimenting on a couple of things. I’ve been doing the researching part and eh, it’s been okay.”
“Right, you like experimenting more than researching.” Daichi chuckled, taking a bite of his food. The two men nodded at each other and kept eating, trying to find something to talk about. Or try and jump into the conversation that the group was having.
Still talking about trips.
“So um, I recently found that painting we did a couple of years ago.” Kuroo brought up. Probably not a good idea, but it was better than just sitting in silence.
“The one with the wine glasses?” Kuroo nodded. Daichi chuckled, taking a sip of his water. “You’re side was terrible.”
“Yeah I know. Kenma said it looked like it was painted by a five-year-old.” Kuroo chuckled.
“Do you remember what I said about it?”
“Daichi, I was drunk off my ass. I remember shit.”
“I said a three-year-old painted that. Five-year-old is generous.” Daichi smirked.
“Sounds ‘bout right.” Kuroo nodded. “Yeah I recently found it. Do you uh...do you want your half? It’s a nice piece and I just don’t want to get rid of it because of that.”
Daichi didn’t say a word, but shook his head. “No, it wouldn’t look the same without the other half. You can do whatever with them.”
“Okay um okay. Um, that was a fun night.”
“Yeah, it was a fun night.” Daichi agreed as Kuroo nodded. The two went back to eating their food and listening to everyone talking; trying to find a place where they can jump in.
“Mmmmmm!” Daichi groaned as he stretched, how long had he been working on his presentation for? He had no idea and didn’t even want to think how long he’s been working on this paper. But he should probably get up and just walk around for a few minutes before going back to the presentation. Why did his boss have to give him this responsibility for the very important company business meeting on Thursday.
“What time is it?” Daichi asked as he stood up. “It has to be at least dinner time.”
He walked away from his kitchen table and walked over to his coffee table, where his phone laid. Picking up his phone he rubbed his eyes as he woke his phone up and noticed not one, but two things.
The first thing being that it WAS dinner time!
The second thing being that he still hadn’t changed his lockscreen. He frowned, sitting down on his couch as he stared at the picture of him and Kuroo. Daichi could only guess what time of day it was, maybe it was morning? He knew they were still in college, he remembered that. He was the one taking the picture while Kuroo was leaning over him, kissing Daichi on the cheek. They looked like shit and probably had been drinking the previous night.
But it was one of Daichi’s favorite picture of them and that hadn’t changed since that day. That had been over four years ago. How much they’d changed over those four years and what had changed since then.
Daichi sighed, standing up from the couch and headed back over to his kitchen table. Quickly saving his work, before he headed out the door to grab dinner. He needed to change it the lock screen since…
He came up to a ramen shop and placed his order to go. While waiting, he scrolled through his photos to find a new picture to replace his lock screen with. But as he scrolled, he realized he didn’t go through his pictures and deleted their pictures. Guess he threw himself into his work that he forgot about all the pictures.
Daichi sighed and put his phone down. He’ll have to go through them later on, but not tonight. He needed to eat dinner and then finish his presentation.
“Sawamura-san!” Daichi stood up and took his food, thanking the workers before heading back home.
Maybe he should set his lock screen to a default image.
Kuroo stared at the wine painting.
Daichi stared at the lock screen.
They stared at the items many times during the past months.
It’s been nine months since the break up and it sucked. They’d been trying to be friends, meeting up a couple of times to have lunch or drinks. They enjoyed meeting up every now and then, but it just didn’t feel the same. Not like how they would make Thursdays the day they would meet up for lunch together.
A voice in the back of their heads has said the same thing over and over again.
“You miss him. Go back and work this out.”
Should they try and work things out? Would it work out this time? Would things get in the way again like it did the first time?
They stared at their phones with the messenger app open. Should he text him and ask to talk? Ask to try and work this out? He really did miss him, he missed everything about him. Their laughs, their smiles and smirks, the stupid jokes they told. Cooking dinner together and somehow not burning their food, because they ended up having a dance off in the middle of their kitchen.
Kuroo missed sending dumb text messages to Daichi, when he was literally right next to him on the couch. He missed falling asleep on Daichi’s thighs because he said they make the best pillow.
Daichi missed watching Kuroo read anything that involved having to wear his glasses, how handsome he looked while wearing them. Daichi missed using his shortness to his advantage against Kuroo. He even missed Kuroo’s terrible laugh.
They missed each other’s cuddles, each other’s kisses, each other’s smiles. They missed saying, “I love you” every single day.
They stared at their phones as their fingers danced across the keyboards.
[To Tetus (=`ω´=)]: Can we talk? [To Dai ♡]: Can we talk?
They both sent the same message at the same time. They were thinking the same thing;
I miss you.
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minianimecat · 7 years
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Kurodai Week | Day 1: First Meeting / Next Time Both Sawamura and Kuroo are well known dancers / choreographers in the industry. They first met at a dance intensive workshop in Tokyo where Kuroo fell. He managed to trip over his own foot during Daichi’s class and caused a hilarious scene. Thankfully he wasn’t hurt and managed to grab Daichi’s number that day. The rest is history… and the first song they danced to together was Omarion - Distance.  (I live for Hamilton Evans + D-Ran Neal. Check out that Distance choreo.. it’s fire!) 
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ragewerthers · 3 years
Finder's Keeper's
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Summary: All Daichi wanted to do was add a little extra security to his shop. Sadly, he should've known that Kuroo was the one he really needed to be watching out for.
A/n: This is my second fic for KuroDai Week 2021! I went with the prompt 'urban fantasy/supernatural'
I really enjoyed getting to write them in this little moment and adding in plant magic is always a fun addition!
You can also read on AO3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31162781
Enjoy! :D
Word Count: 1200
“Dai? Daichi? Light of my life? Can you come downstairs to the store for a moment?” Kuroo’s far too sweet voice called up, causing Daichi to bite his lower lip to stop himself from smiling at what he knew he was going to find.
“Do you think he noticed my new addition?” he whispered to a small potted succulent on the windowsill, the small plant neatly perched right in front of the kitchen sink giving a little shiver in reply and making him chuckle. “I think so too.”
Turning off the tap from rinsing dishes he grabbed a towel and began to make his way downstairs to the small flower shop he owned. It wasn’t much, but it gave him a steady income and really, what better calling could you ask for when you were blessed with earth magic?
“Yes, Kuroo, my dove. What can I do for you?” he deadpanned, tossing the towel over his shoulder as he finally made it into the closed shop.
Currently, Kuroo was hanging upside down near the till thanks to a few well placed vine enchantments Daichi had been working on. His briefcase was still clutched and dangling from one hand as he held a death grip on a candy bar in the other.
“My sweet husband. My darling beloved. My gem of the night. Might I be so bold as to enquire… what the actual fuck is happening right now?” Kuroo asked, no malice in voice, but really just a mix of shock and awe as he glanced around his upside down world.
Daichi couldn’t help himself now as a rumbling laugh escaped him and he moved closer, tapping the vines lightly and murmuring softly to them as they slowly began to right his poor husband and set him back down on the floor.
“First of all, I told you that I was going to be adding some extra security to the front. I literally spoke to you about it this morning,” Daichi chided, as Kuroo continued to glance around at the vines retreating back to the wall behind the counter. They truly just looked like decoration or a fun, green aesthetic, but obviously were so much more.
“You did. And obviously I had assumed you meant security cameras. Or an alarm button. Not attack vines out to capture your poor husband,” Kuroo pointed out, starting to unwrap the candy bar he’d been holding onto.
“Which leads me to my second point,” Daichi quipped, quickly reaching forward to snag the candy bar from his partner's hand and earning himself a pout for his troubles. “I told you that I was going to be adding in these new features because someone kept stealing my snacks from behind the counter. And you told me that it was probably Bokuto when he came over to help us on Sunday’s. Now… dearest husband. Treasured darling. Thorn in my side. What am I to think when I find out that not only was my husband the thief? But that he lied to me? Tried to deceive me? Hmm?”
Daichi could actually feel a bit of smugness creeping into his smile as he spoke, knowing that he’d finally caught his sneaky husband in the act! “Well? Go on? What do you have to say for yourself?” he prompted once more as Kuroo stood there, cheeks turning pink as his eyes glanced from Daichi, to the candy bar, to the door leading to the stairs and finally back again.
“What can I say? Except that...” Kuroo murmured, setting his briefcase down and taking a step forward with an apologetic smile on his face. Sadly, said smile quickly morphed into something far more devilish as he lunged forward, snatching the candy bar out of Daichi’s loose hold and making a break for the door. “... finders keepers, loser’s weepers! Haha-AHH!”
Before Kuroo could even get to the door he found himself hoisted once more into the air, hanging upside down as Daichi moved closer with an exasperated look on his face.
“Are you a child? Really, I would love to know what is going on in that fuzzy head of yours sometimes,” Daichi teased as Kuroo glowered at him, the candy bar still clutched protectively to his chest.
“How many children do you know who carry a briefcase, hmm? Not many! I’m absolutely an adult… an adult who likes to steal his husband's sweets because he picks out better candy than me,” Kuroo pouted and Daichi really was far too weak to that look. Moving closer he murmured softly to the vines once more, getting them to lower his husband slightly, though he remained upside down for the time being.
“You’re ridiculous,” Daichi murmured, gently cupping his partner's cheek and watching as the soft blush returned to Kuroo’s face.
“But you still love me… right?” Kuroo asked, making Daichi chuckle softly as he leaned forward to pepper a few kisses over his trapped husband's face and earning himself a few breathy giggles in the process.
“Of course I do. Thieving ways and all,” Daichi murmured fondly, pecking a soft kiss to the tip of Kuroo’s nose before leaning back and whispering something to the vines to finally release the man.
As Kuroo finally got both feet back on the ground, he smiled sheepishly as he went to hand the candy bar back over to Daichi.
“At this point I think you’ve earned it, you ridiculous man,” Daichi laughed, moving to step around Kuroo and head back toward the stairs. “But I will warn you that I do have other security measures going in tomorrow. This will be the last victory you have over my candy, you heathen.”
Kuroo couldn’t help a smug smile from appearing as he finished unwrapping the candy and glanced back at the counter. “Fine by me. I’m always up for a challenge,” he laughed, taking a bite of the bravely won candy bar as he glanced around for his briefcase. His brow furrowed slightly as he realized it was nowhere to be found. “Hey Dai? Um… have you seen my briefcase?”
Daichi paused in the doorway, turning to give the man his own devilish smile. “Oh? You mean my briefcase?” he asked, glancing up at the ceiling. Kuroo furrowed his brow before looking up to find the vines had entangled it up near the rafters with no illusion of giving it back.
“Daichi! Hey that’s not fair! I need that!” he lamented as he tried to jump for it though truly it was a fruitless attempt.
“Yeah? And I need my sugar fixes. Guess you should’ve kept a better eye on it. Finders keepers, sweetheart,” Daichi cooed, earning him a scowl from his husband.
“Oh I’ll give you a sugar fix all right! Come here!” the taller man cried, a playfully devilish look in his eye as he took off after his mischievous partner.
As soon as he saw the look in Kuroo’s eyes, Daichi was off like a bolt, laughing brightly as he tried to race up the stairs ahead of the man. “AH! Nonono! Vines! Vines help me! Kuroo leave me alone! No!”
Perhaps he should’ve thought this through just a little bit more.
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audriel · 7 years
Surprise! I’m your Secret Santa, @noehhmii! I picked the first on your list: Bounty Hunter Kuroo x Wanted Criminal Daichi. I’m not sure if this is what you have in mind but I hope you like it (though i feel like i bit more than i could chew, honestly when did i not?). This is my gift to you, not only for celebrating these wonderful holidays, but also for giving me and other kurodai fans a wonderful place for us to play and mingle together. XOXO, audriel.
Apologies in advance for any medical/scientific inaccuracies, and all the cursing lol.
Read in AO3.
A square of light suddenly appeared in the dark. Two shadowy figures carried a hunched figure between them who gave no resistance when they tossed him forward. The square of light was gone as soon as it appeared, plunging what appeared to be a small, cramped room into darkness. The figure remained unmoving save for the tremors wracking his body. Eventually the tremors stopped, the taut lines of the man slowly eased. With difficulty, he turned himself over to lay on his back. The action alone seemed to take a lot out of him, as seen from his heaving chest.
Daichi blearily opened his eyes. The darkness was much welcomed respite after spending inordinate time in that bright room. He slowly, carefully measured his breath, keeping his body relaxed in order to make the pain more manageable. They were methodical in their approach, confirming his suspicion that his captors were either professional or military. However, he had endured worse. It would take more than that to break him, and he suspected that they knew it.
He managed to glean enough information from those sessions, enough to know that they were fully aware who they had in their grasp and what information they sought from him, enough to know that they were smart and resourceful, enough to know that he was in deep trouble. Not only because of the people who captured him, but also the place where they kept him. He was no longer planetside. He was in blasted space.
If he was on a planet, mounting an escape plan (or in his team’s case, rescue plan) would not be difficult. Even with the high security level of the place, he was confident they would manage, but in space, it was another level of difficulty, and near impossible considering how his captors were capable of warp jump. It would be hell to run the calculation even with Tsukishima’s cybernetic brain. It also didn’t help that he destroyed everything on his person that could be traced back to his team. It was foolish, in hindsight, but he was not willing to take the risk considering the condition of his team.
Daichi exhaled heavily, brow creasing in worry. The last he saw of them, Suga had started to regain the color on his face and Kinoshita’s moments of lucidity had grown longer and more frequent. Yamaguchi—who had taken on the role of team’s medic in Kinoshita’s stead—had stated in confidence that their condition had been stable enough for transport without risking a relapse. They had already been pushing it, staying for so long in such busy capital. They always took care to avoid capital cities and planets. While the number of activities and people made it easy to blend in among the sea of unfamiliar faces who came and went to try their fortune, the same reason made it more likely for them to be recognized with the easy access to information and the pervading presence of technology.
Their government had made their displeasure seen, to great lengths. Their faces were plastered on every screen and their crimes reported by every news outlet in the farthest reach of the galaxy. They were branded as cowards and traitors, painted as the lowest of the low, enormous bounty placed on their heads. They wanted to make an example out of them, making it near impossible for them to run and hide. But the Crows, the pride and joy of Karasuno military and government, who had managed to pull off miraculous feat after miraculous feat, managed to do the impossible. All twelve of them led their former employer on a merry chase, none sent their way came close to catching them... until now.
Daichi had turned the past events that led to his predicament over in his mind, and he came down to the same conclusion every time: they simply had rotten luck. They had made do like they always did. They had made the best decisions they could make. This was the best outcome in the face of overwhelming odds. He was caught, but only him. They were separated but they were all alive.
Their pursuers were good. They were a huge improvement from the last people sent their way. They had certainly learned from their past failures. They knew that their best bet was in separating all of them, and they would have succeeded if Daichi hadn’t realized it and taken drastic measures to prevent it by having them focused on him instead. Asahi had been with him and completely against the idea, but they had run out of options. With two of them weak and vulnerable and the rest focused on protecting them, the Crows had been at great disadvantage. Between the two of them, Karasuno wanted their former captain and leader of the Crows more. It had been a plan that would only have worked if it had been him who had acted as bait and decoy. And fortunately, it had worked. He had received confirmation that his team—his family—had gotten away safely before he had destroyed his comms.
He never failed to remind himself of this every single day in this hellhole. He drew strength that so long there was life there was hope. However, it was getting more and more difficult. He tried to find any weakness to take advantage of, but he had yet to find any. He was worn down to the bone after every session that he could barely stay awake long enough to make concrete plans. He barely ate and drank since he couldn’t trust the food and water given to him. He noticed they were ramping up the intensity of their sessions, but also that they remained physical. They hadn’t taken chemical or biological route, but he was certain that they were capable of it. The possibility alone terrified him, because there were no defenses he could prepare for it. He needed to escape fast. He knew that, he believed the urgency in his gut, but his mind kept going in circles, unable to come up with feasible plan. He was also feeling lightheaded, in the verge of fainting, due to a mixture of hunger, thirst, pain and fatigue.
He was completely, utterly fucked.
He tried to think of the slightest possibility, to hold on to the sliver of hope, just to keep despair and hopelessness at bay, but it kept slipping out of his grasp.
In the midst of his anxiety and frustration, Daichi was not prepared for the bright light that seared his eyes, forcing his eyes closed in instinct. But it was gone as soon as it appeared, making him wonder whether he was starting to lose his mind. However, his skin prickled in unease. He couldn’t see much in the dark, but... he had a feeling he was no longer alone. This was new. None of his guards had ever crossed the threshold of his cell. They always stopped right before the door before depositing him like he was no better than trash. His hands clenched at his sides tightly, his body tensed in the unexpected development. He cursed the weakness of his body, he could barely lift himself, let alone fight.
“Oh my. Did I get into the wrong room?”
Daichi knew that voice. He must be hallucinating, but why here and now? Why him of all people? That made no sense.
“Black Cat?” His voice was barely audible, but it was loud in the silence. He saw something moving in the darkness, but the first thing he saw was lone golden eye that he could recognize anywhere, stunning him speechless.
“Oh hello. I didn’t see you down there.” The bounty hunter squatted next to him while Daichi could only look on incredulously. The other man was clad from head to toe in his usual skintight black gear and hood, leaving only the eye not covered by his hair and mask. He could be easily mistaken having materialized from the shadows.
“What- How- Why are you here?” Of all people, the bounty hunter that had become the bane of his team was the last person he expected to be here, in the cell of highly secured space prison.
“Heard that you got yourself captured. Gotta check for myself.” The Cat had the gall to lean his face against his propped hand, looking down at him. “Tsk, tsk. You disappoint me, Sawamura.”
“Fuck. you.” Daichi was not prone to much cursing, but the Cat brought the worst out of him, had always been since their first encounter. Many groups went after their team after they were declared as wanted criminal, from the armed forces of the allies of Karasuno to hired professionals from the dark underbelly of the galaxy. None gave the team as much trouble as the Black Cat. He was one of the few independent parties that went after their team, but the only one who was close to capturing them, had captured few of their members actually, though they managed to get them free. He was also annoyingly persistent, not deterred by his failures.
“Ah there it is. Glad you still have your claws.” The hunter sounded far too smug. “To answer your question, I’m here to bust you out of here.” Before Daichi could say anything, he kept going.
“Now, do you trust me?”  
Daichi couldn’t help looking like the Cat has grown two heads at the question, but it was enough of a distraction that he didn’t react fast enough when the hunter jabbed something into his neck.
“That’s a rhetorical question, by the way.” The Cat said lightly as though he was merely commenting the weather.
“What the fuck did you do?” Daichi growled, hand darting out to seize him by the neck, only to end up staring at his hand, the hand that he could barely move not a moment before. The Cat simply raised his eyebrow, completely unfazed that he could have been easily strangled.
“Adrenaline.” Daichi let go, looking at his hand in wonder. Emboldened, he raised himself up into sitting position, finding that not only he was regaining his strength, but also his reflexes.
“Why would you do that?” Daichi could meet the other’s eye with no difficulty in this position.
“I doubt you want to be carried around. That, and I need another hand to get out of here.” Daichi’s eyebrows flew up in surprise.
“You’re on your own?”
“Have you seen the security in this place?” Daichi saw the truth in his words, it was easier for a lone man to get through such iron-clad security undetected, but from what he knew of the Cat, he suspected that he was not willing to put his team at risk. Though it brought up the question why the Cat took such risk for the man he was supposed to capture and turn over for bounty.
“Unless you think your team have better chances.” The Cat wiggled his eyebrow, which pulled involuntary snort out of Daichi. Stealth and infiltration were definitely not his team’s strength. His team was a strike team. They were meant to strike fast and hard. Living on the run did improve their skills, and surprise was still their middle name, but the Cat was in another league altogether. The evidence was right in front of him. He managed to enter his cell and no guards had come running. The realization lighted a spark inside him. Between the two of them, escape would not be impossible. Deciding not to look a gift horse in mouth, Daichi determinedly looked to the hunter, to his enemy-turned-ally even only for this one time.
“What’s the plan?” He would have thought the Cat would be smug at his show of deference, but there was only a flicker of pleasant surprise, replaced with something akin to genuine appreciation, which oddly made Daichi warm all over. In a fluid motion, the Cat stood up to his full height, followed by Daichi.
“We’re currently in the prisoners’ block. You might realize by now that it is completely isolated from the rest of the prison.” Daichi nodded in acknowledgment. He never saw the prison guards and staff came and left. He surmised it was designed to make it difficult to escape from. “The prison also doesn’t have their own hangar, but they have escape pods.”
“And let me guess, they are right in the middle of the command center.” But it made sense, from tactical viewpoint, it added another layer of difficulty for prisoners to escape.
“Of course.” Daichi dryly noted. It rather explained the adrenaline shot. That reminded him, “How long would the adrenaline last?”
“Thirty minutes, give or take.” That was quite a generous dose, but there was also underlying challenge from the glint of the golden eye enough to send his blood boiling.
“Thirty minutes will be more than enough.” Daichi accepted the challenge. Only as they moved towards the door it occurred to him that he was ill-equipped for their escape, especially in comparison to fully-geared hunter. He was stripped down to his undershirt and cargo pants upon capture and they barely provided any protection against the temperature, let alone against any weapons the guards had. “Got a weapon for me?”
“I’m nice, but I’m not that nice.” It was a casual throwback to one of their most frequent topics of argument whenever they exchanged blows with the Cat assuring that he was actually nice and Daichi refuting that claim throughout, but even as he said so he pulled out one of his serrated knives and flipped it over so the end was offered to Daichi.
“Don’t cut yourself on it.” Despite the teasing remark and casual manner, the Cat’s gaze was heavy and intent.
“Never dreamed of it.” Daichi recognized the gesture of faith as it was. He held the other’s gaze as he slowly wrapped his fingers around the knife, not looking away even as their fingers brushed and the knife was already in his possession. He didn’t know how long they were looking at each other, but he didn’t miss the way the Cat’s features softened and the way his heart sped up at the sight. He felt there was something more exchanged between them, but he had no idea what it was. Before he could make heads or tails of it, the door slid open. Now the amber eye held the familiar sly, mischievous look.
“Keep up, Sawamura.” Without warning, the Cat disappeared from sight. It was only because he was used to the hunter’s speed that he could easily follow his movements. Without thinking he propelled himself forward with all his might, giving chase to the shadow, determined not to lag behind. In the back of his mind, he noted how the roles had switched: the pursued became the pursuer, the pursuer became the pursued.
The Cat weaved his way through the labyrinth that was the prison with the ease and grace he had come to associate him with. Daichi made sure to take the exact path he traversed and never more than a step behind him. Inwardly he marveled how they managed not to trip any of the alarms. He knew whoever Black Cat had in his team as his hacker was good, but being able to guide him through what likely to be highly confidential and secured space base-slash-prison was no cakewalk. No less impressive was the way the Cat effortlessly absorbed the information given to him as though it was part of his own thought process and successfully applied the knowledge without delay or hesitation, it was no wonder that everyone who had heard of Black Cat and his reputation thought he was only one man.
They finally reached a door, taking position opposite of each other, flattening themselves against the wall right next to it. The Cat met his gaze across the door, giving a sharp nod that this was the door to the command center, which would be heavily guarded and occupied. Confrontation would be inevitable. At the thought, he gripped the knife tighter, but returned the nod with his own.
The Cat seemed to wait for something before the door hissed open. He made a cursory glance around before he stepped inside. Picking up the hunter’s wariness, Daichi was immediately on alert. The Cat tilted his head towards one direction and Daichi was quick to follow. They were more careful now, stopping at intersections and hiding in the corners... until they couldn’t.
“Intruder!” They had avoided one patrolling guards only to run into another. It seemed finally their luck ran out.
“Alert command!” The man who appeared to be the leader ordered one of his men who reacted quickly, activating the comms in his ear.
“Command-” Before he could make any report, a knife was embedded in his chest, cutting him off. At the sight of their fallen comrade, the guards opened fire. Daichi ducked and kept himself moving in order to avoid getting hit, but the Cat charged ahead, successfully turning their attention to him. It seemed within moments he had closed the distance between them and before they could react the Cat took out two of them. Before the two guards had even fallen, he already moved to the rest of them, slipping low under their guard. They were so taken aback that it didn’t occur to them to spread out and keep their distance. By not doing so they made it difficult for themselves to point and shoot in fear of hitting each other, which was the Cat’s aim.
This was the other reason why people easily bought the idea that Black Cat was working alone. He was fast and agile, with mastery in multitude weapons and fighting styles. He was calm and patient that he was not easily baited and taken by other’s pace. He was also cunning and observant, with sharp mind and keen instincts that kept him ahead of his opponents. He managed to soundly beat Asahi on one-on-one, who was the Crow’s best fighter, and took down Noya who came to Asahi’s aid, by taking advantage of his surroundings. It was not that the Cat was particularly strong, but he was the kind of opponent that the Crows were badly matched against. Of all the Crows, he was the only one who could fight Black Cat on his own.
Not wanting to let the Cat to all the work, not to mention the mocking that would follow, Daichi used the distraction the hunter provided to get close to one of the guards. Keeping his blaster down and his finger off the trigger, Daichi knocked the guard out with an elbow to the head. With blaster on hand, he made a quick work of the rest of the guards, leaving only the two of them standing.
“They heard the commotion. Take what you need.” Daichi didn’t need to be told, he fell to his knees and started stripping the guard of his gear. He caught the Cat standing guard in his peripherals, so he pulled the tactical vest over his head, pocketing the most useful ones in record time in order not to stay any longer than necessary.
“Let’s go.” In response, the Cat started running, Daichi not far behind.
“They found the guards.” Right on cue, alarm blared throughout the hallways.
“Intruder on base. Intruder on base. Activate code Blue. Repeat. Activate code Blue.”
Daichi threw a questioning glance at the Cat who directed his gaze at the closing doors between hallways.
“Shit,” Daichi cursed loudly.
“We need to turn at that corner and get to the second hallway.” They put a burst of speed, not looking back even at the sounds of approaching footsteps. They barely made it to the second hallway, slipping through the small opening left by the closing doors. It was a dead end.
“Give me a lift.” As he approached the hunter and followed his line of sight, he realized what was their aim: the vents. Daichi slung the blaster over his shoulder and was about to form a foothold for the other only for the Cat to launch on top of him and sit on his shoulders, almost taking him by surprise.
“Are you a cat or a monkey?” Daichi couldn’t quite hide his annoyance being the designated stool although he kept himself steady so the Cat could pry open the vents.
“Who’s to say I’m not both?” He did his best to hold on his annoyance, lest he was distracted by the long, lean legs around his head and on his shoulders. He breathed a quiet sigh of relief when the Cat pulled himself up into the vents after managing to remove the cover and stuck out the hand Daichi looked on dubiously.
“Come on. I’ll pull you up.” The Cat sounded amused, as though he knew what he was thinking. Not wanting to prove him right, Daichi leaped up, only to find his hand seized in strong grip and pulled into the vents easily.
“Put the cover back, we’re going this way.” This time he detected the smug tone in his voice for admittedly impressive feat. He might have lost some weight but he was not light by any means. Of course, he would not give the hunter the satisfaction that he was right. They crawled through the small, cramped space that was obviously not meant for two grown men while trying to move fast without making a sound.
Daichi didn’t know how long they were crawling, his joints and limbs felt stiff and uncomfortable, until the Cat stopped in front of him.
“...They’re expecting us.”
“So no getting around them?”
“No. It did narrow our options though.” Daichi was not deceived by the lightness of his tone. The Cat’s lone eye glinted in the darkness. “Any preference for making our entrance?” Daichi didn’t need to think long and hard what kind of entrance he’d like to make.
“Like a civilized person, and with a bang.”
“Ooh, I like the way you think.” the Cat purred.
Not long afterwards they were found standing before the last obstacle standing between them and freedom, counting down the second. Daichi watched in morbid fascination as the door blasted inwards, catching the armed men waiting behind it completely unawares. Daichi and the Cat exchanged a brief look before throwing themselves into the fray, with the Cat leading the charge and Daichi covering his back from the distance with the blaster. It was not a familiar position to him. He was usually at the front of his team, taking the lead and opening the path for them. He had given the cover fire for his team when it was the best course of action. Regardless, it was quite a novel experience giving it for the bounty hunter that gave his team so much trouble and a challenge of and in itself because it was hard for Daichi not to look away.
Daichi never got to truly observe (and appreciate) the hunter in the middle of the fight, because it was usually against him or his team. Now that they were temporarily on the same side, he had the opportunity to do so. Black Cat... was really something. His style was nothing like the military style he was trained in, all about brutal and efficient moves, taking down the opponent fast and hard. Simple and rudimentary, if he was to sum Karasuno’s fighting style. His team stood out because they were capable of mixing them up while making them their own. The Cat was actually similar in that regard, but instead of mixing up standard moves, he was mixing up different fighting styles, not to mention he always changed it to match his opponent. He had suspected it but to have it confirmed raised his respect and admiration to the hunter another notch. Then there was the way he moved, so easy and smooth, confident and graceful. There was no wasted movement, no split-second hesitation.
He was poetry in motion.
He was beautiful.
Daichi nearly tripped over his own feet and got himself killed at the abrupt, unwelcomed thought. He could have his existential crisis later for getting attracted to a man who was supposed to be the enemy, not to mention whom he didn’t know what his face even looked like. Right now, he needed to get out of this prison alive, preferably before the adrenaline ran out. He ducked when he saw movement at the corner of his eyes, but had his blaster shot out of his hands, making him curse loudly.
Daichi made his way towards the Cat. At the questioning glance, he answered. “Sniper!”
“Fuck.” Daichi agreed with the sentiment wholeheartedly. “Back to back.” It seemed they came to the same conclusion, putting their backs against each other to give complete view of their surroundings and eliminate their blind spot. The Cat might have additional eyes, but they didn’t come with hands.
He thought it would be strange and awkward, fighting with instead of against each other. However, the familiarity transferred well to fighting together in such close proximity. He knew when and how to give the other the support he needed, from giving the space he needed to move to becoming a decoy for him. So was the other way around. It was both terrifying and exhilarating how in sync they were. It was something he only achieved with Suga and Asahi who had been with him since the Academy. Together, they made quick work of the prison guards, clearing the path to the transportation chamber where escape pods were.
Riding on the high of the amazing teamwork, he forgot to keep track of the time. Daichi realized a moment too late that the adrenaline effect had worn off when he failed to evade the incoming blaster shot, hitting him on the side. The vest protected him, but it didn’t mean it didn’t hurt, especially on the side that had been tender.
“Well, it looks like I end up carrying you anyway.”
Before he could protest, Daichi was thrown over broad shoulder and blinked stupidly as the Cat made a mad dash to the transportation chamber. He slipped under the door before it closed shut. However, their combined momentum made for a rough landing as they turned into a mess of limbs on the floor.
“Owww, you’re pretty heavy, Sawamura.” The Cat groaned underneath Daichi.
“And you’re pretty bony, Cat.” Daichi managed to retort despite the returning pain and fatigue.
“As much as I’d like to lay down and catch my breath. That door’s not gonna hold.” At the Cat’s words, Daichi could see through the glass opening the guards trying to open the door. It was a matter of time before they used force. Out of sheer willpower, he managed to push himself up and would have face planted on the floor if not for firm hand holding him up.
“Let’s get you into the pod.” The Cat’s touch was surprisingly gentle and grounding that Daichi couldn’t find it in himself to be embarrassed to lean on him as they made their way to one of the pods. The pods were more like small spacecrafts, which was reasonable considering that they were the only available means of transport. The Cat seated him on the pilot’s seat, activating the display to put in coordinates into navigation. Daichi frowned at the coordinates. It was in Alpha Quadrant, which was only two jumps away from the planet they had been in.
“Your team was given the same coordinates.” The Cat answered the unspoken question as he fastened the seat belt on him. “They will be in position to pick you up.”
It took Daichi a while to register that he said you instead of we.
“Wha-wait! Aren’t you coming?” In his panic, he managed to grab the Cat’s wrist.
“Someone needs to make sure they cannot follow us. And that someone is definitely not you.” The hunter removed his hand from his wrist. Daichi chalked it up to his imagination the gentleness and hesitation in that gesture.
“What do I owe you?” Daichi found himself asking. “You did not answer my question. Why you were doing this? What do you want from me?” He didn’t know why he was questioning the Cat. For all he knew, the Cat was doing it out of the goodness of his heart and he would be the one putting the idea of debt in his head by raising the issue. But he wanted to know why the other man went to such lengths for him.
The Cat turned his golden gaze upon him.
“What I want, Captain? Do you really know what I want?” The intensity in his eye made his breath catch, but Daichi held his gaze nonetheless, raising his chin defiantly.
He found himself unconsciously holding his breath when the Cat slowly leaned down that there was nary a distance between their faces, that his covered mouth was next to his ear.
“Don’t get caught by anyone else but me.”
Daichi couldn’t help the shiver not only at the quiet demand, but also at the sound of his voice and the whisper of his breath. He didn’t realize he had closed his eyes only to find the Cat was already walking down the ramp back to the chamber when he opened his eyes. The Cat stopped at the threshold between the pod and the chamber, turning his head slightly to look at him.
“I’ll get that knife back, Captain.”
His tall, broad back was the last thing Daichi saw before the door slammed shut. Before he could say or do anything, he was launched into space, trying but failing to get a glimpse of the hunter. Remembering his parting words, his hand went to the sheathed knife now burning a brand against his leg, taking comfort that this would not be the last they saw of each other.
Next time... probably they would no longer be enemies.
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