#kuranai yuhi
adhd-sakura · 5 years
There is a general ‘common curtousy’ rule about not going into other squad’s tents when you’re teaming up with them, but, with Team 8 (and team 7 but we aren’t talking about them right now) it becomes law. They are three autistic nightmares that refuse to budge from the routine they’ve built around each other since they were 12, someone better be fucking dying if you’re thinking about coming within a meter’s radius of their tent. 
One time an ambush happened in the morning and it was by 10 of Iwa-jonnin against their 6 chunnin and one jonnin (they were still chunnin. Yes the Jonnin heard rumours of, feared, and respected their routine rule) and the Jonnin is plotting out some diverson to sacrifice themselves and let the Chunnin escape when one of the attacking jonnin goes after the tents to ransack them-
not expecting to find any oposition from a few chunnin, in one, but Boy Was He Wrong. And dead. He was dead now. a hole was blown cleanly through his neck and there was a spider in his mouth. 
Suddenly, with no more warning or prompt or hesitation, team 8 sprung into action, taking out three jonnin each with the rage and passion they’ve always wanted to express at their routine being interuppted. It’s cathartic, to release up all that build up tension.
it’s fucking terryfying for everyone else though.
Kuranai is so proud- it still sends her into fits of laighter everytime someone is surprised that her kids are little monsters. 
Team 8′s tent is not fucked with, and any green chunnin that questions why gets silently handed a copy of the Jonnin’s report from that mission.
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adhd-sakura · 5 years
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I don’t take constructive criticism = )
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adhd-sakura · 5 years
Conversations between Team 8 are just. chock full of ‘awkward’ pauses and sometimes they’ll just make noises that have to be taking up their attention and there’s lots of ‘stilted’ coversation where they speak almost in questions and answers that are obvious to most people and once someone went over to them, concerned, and asked if like. their team was having trouble with synergy. Because they didn’t- they didn’t flow right, ya know?
But the thing is that they do. They flow perfectly. The pauses are there b/ c they’re all comfortable enough with each other and with themselves around each other to let themselves take a second to process things before responding, and the questions are because they trust one another to either answer the question or ask a question about their question, and it doesn’t feel forced or uncomfortable at all. They don’t feel like they’re burdening each other by asking exactly what is meant when someone says something, because they all do it!
They finally found people that they can communicate with and not have to channel a fifth of their energy into being understood the first time out of fear that they’ll never get the chance to clarify! People they can infodump to because have comfort in the knowledge that they will never be the only one with anything to say! People they can stim around without worry about annoying them, because if a Stim is overwhelming or annoying they can just say so! People that fucking respect them, no strings attached and with next to no effort!
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adhd-sakura · 5 years
Asuma, babysitting team 8 to get clout with his girlfriend even though literally no one asked and no one wants this: Don’t you guys ever just...talk?
Hinata, twitching, already tired of talking to someone outside of her team after a long day: of course! We talk to each other all the time!
Asuma, waving dismissively: No no, not like that!
Shino: *grabs Kiba’s hood. it’s a precaution.*
Asuma, oblivious: I mean like. Talk! Ya know, not about anything in particular or important, just...for fun.
Kiba, wearing a disgusted scowl and hoping he gets the message accross: Absolutely not that sounds disgusting. Please go away. Shino was talking about the difference between fleas and ticks. It’s important.
Asuma: ....yeah. sure, kid, whatever. In a second.
Kiba: *snarls*
Asuma: First Let me get this straight-
Hinata, stepping forward: = )
Shino: *regrets grabbing Kinda instead of Hinata*
Hinata, smiling, hauling his limp and knocked out body, really invested in the infodump: Shino? you were saying?
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adhd-sakura · 5 years
sometimes (often) team 8 gets verbally exhausted and like. Can’t really talk to each other and just have to have time to chill with their respective pets/ So Kiba starts yipping with Akamaru and using him as a soft-rubby stim and Shino hums at his bugs and enjoys the feeling of them crawling all over him-
and then they both realize that Hinata. Doesn’t have a pet. And this must be fixed immediately. 
So Kiba they pool their money and brainpower and buy her a baby of the largest snake they can find, because they just know that she’ll love the heavy-pressure of it on her shoulders and the soft hissing noises it makes and the way it can swallow raccoons whole. I love them.
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adhd-sakura · 5 years
Team 8 plays a game sometimes and it’s called ‘repeat the word/phrase until it isn’t fun anymore first person to stop having fun looses =)’ and none of them have ever lost because Kuranai can NOT handle it for more then 17 minutes MAX.
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