#kung Lao chapter
lucarionite9364 · 2 months
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Khaotic Turn of Events
Havik x Reader Ch. 1.5
(Side plot where we actually interact with other characters)
CW: sad Kung Lao, that’s about it lmao
WC: 1855
A/N: actual second chapter next week tehe💖
Your mind is racing with too many thoughts to comprehend at once. You feel overwhelmed. Why? Because you leave for Outworld tomorrow morning.The stress of preparation has kept you up all night. You have to make sure that you’ll have everything you need. . . and may not need, but there could be a situation where you need all the backup Yo-yo string you have in your drawers.
Stopping your pacing, you take a deep breath in, then out. Calm down. You still have time to double, maybe triple, check your bag. But that will come later. For now, you need to find your fellow champions. Putting a pin in your stress-packing, you leave to find the boys.
You find Johnny and Kenshi first, as they’re both in Kenshi’s room. Kenshi looks exhausted and a little annoyed. However, the reason isn’t that hard to find. Johnny is non stop talking about his Hollywood movies. You pause at the door and wait for permission to enter.
Kenshi notices you first. When Johnny sees that he isn’t listening anymore, he turns to look for the distraction. He smiles and waves you in.
“Hey! I was just talking about one of my movies. Wanna hear about it?” He smiles so wide like a kid. He really loves his own movies, doesn't he? Before you could foolishly say yes, Kenshi interrupts you. “Sure, say yes,” He deadpans. “He’ll only talk your ear off for 3 hours!” He shoots daggers at the actor with his eyes.
“Oh come on Takahashi. It’s only been about 30 minutes. At BEST!” You sense Kenshi’s growing agitation before it shows on his face. “You have been running on and on about your dumb movies since we came back from dinner at 6. It’s 9:30 now!” You finally chime in, “Johnny, I think you might need to get a watch.” He frowns, “Oh hush.”
Kenshi just sighs and Johnny starts sulking, trying to get more attention. “Anyways, did you need something?” You look at him like he grew a second head. You were so caught up in their petty squabble that you forgot why you came here. “I didn’t really need anything. I was just stressing myself out packing. I just needed to get my mind off of it. That’s all.” You shrug as the other men nod.
“Well I would have been packed a long time ago if it weren’t for someone here.” Johnny feigns being offended. You stifle a laugh at their bickering. They either snicker or scoff at you finding amusement in the situation at hand. When Kenshi shoots up from his bed to point fingers into Johnny’s chest is when you decide to intervene.
You whip out Reaper from your short’s pocket. Giving it a few spins you throw the yo-yo in their direction. You watch in delight as Reaper wraps around the two, tying them together. Johnny loses his balance and falls forward with Kenshi landing on top of him.
Johnny’s pained cry can be heard as he’s always loud. He wheezes out, “Not cool dude! Kenshi, get off. You’re squishing my beautiful face into the ground.” Kenshi squirms to attempt getting out of Reaper’s hold. “I would be faster if you would just sit still for five seconds.”
They both would have hit the other by now if they had full range of their hands. Your eyes feel wet as tears start to well up in your eyes. “GAHAH,” You doubled over. “You two should see your faces right now.” You let out a string of cackles. Your stomach hurts from roaring at the situation. All you get in return is glares from your two friends. “Untie us Y/N.” “Get him off me!” They shout in unison.
You chuckle the whole way walking over to them. You really tied them tight. It took full effort to get the string untangled. Finally getting the last loop undone, they push themselves off eachother. You skillfully recall the yo-yo back to your hand. With the looks they give you, you almost think that they’re tired of your pranks.
With that, Kenshi ushers you both out of his room. He did have to pack after hearing a whole TED Talk about Johnny’s movies. You and Johnny continuously laugh as you walk to find Raiden and he walks to his room. Probably to pack at least three more hand mirrors.
As you head down the halls of the Wu Shi, you feel more relaxed. You quickly find Raiden’s room as you are all grouped close together. You knock gently on the door. You hear soft footsteps coming to the door as he slides it open. He was surprised to see you but welcomed you in.
“Hey Raiden,” You plop down on a chair in his room. “How’s packing going for you?” He sits on his bed not too far from you. “I was done packing earlier this morning. I’ll take it that everyone else isn’t done?” He chuckles slightly. “I might be avoiding mine and Kenshi had an unfair distraction.” You look at him but Raiden gives you a confused look. “Johnny was said unfair distraction. Let’s be thankful that we didn’t have to hear about his movies for three hours.” You grimace. Raiden only has a baffled expression on his face.
“Three hours? I knew Johnny could talk endlessly, but I’m surprised Kenshi put up with it that long.” He smiles as he removes his hat to put it on the nightstand. “I totally thought Kenshi was gonna hit him after I tied them together,” The mental image in your head makes you snort. “Raiden, are you ready for tomorrow?”
He looks up at that question, then looks away sheepishly. “I don’t know. I’m nervous that I won’t be the champion Lord Liu Kang wants me to be.” His hand rubs the back of his neck. “Rai, you’ll be fine. You were chosen for a reason.” You smile softly at him and he relaxes a little. Standing from your seat, you move over to the bed and put your hand on the man’s shoulder.
“Whatever you could possibly lack in strength, you make up for in heart.” He looks directly at you hearing those words. You seem to have struck a chord in his mind as he looks more assured than before. “You give me too much praise. Thank you, I will not let you guys down.” “Atta boy, that’s the spirit. Now I have to go. I still need to find Lao. Good night Raiden.” “Good night.” He waves you off as you leave and close his door.
Honestly, it feels like you haven’t seen Kung lao since breakfast this morning. We had the day off to relax before the tournament. Thank the Gods for that. You make your way to Kung Lao’s room with ease, however, you make a quick detour to the kitchen to grab some chips. You two play games and have snacks together often, so you know his favorite kind of treats.
You knock on the door, “Hey Lao, you in there? I have snacks.” You hope the snacks will get him to run to the door. Nothing. That’s weird. He never refuses snacks. You knock again, and after no response you think he must be asleep. You turn to leave, before you hear the door creek open. You turn around only to be met with a disheveled Lao.
Your face drops to worry and you open the door farther to see the mess his room is. “Lao? What’s wrong, what happened?” You put the bag of chips aside and move him back to sit on his bed. He wipes away the remnants of his tear streaked face. Sniffling, “You brought snacks?” You pause, that's what he wants after crying? Makes sense. You retrieve the chip bag and open it, leaning the bag toward him.
He takes a chip, and eats it. He stiffens as he feels your hand caress his back. “You can tell me what’s wrong. I want to help you.” He keeps his head low, not wanting to make eye contact. “I just– It’s that,” He calms himself with a deep breath. “I’m jealous of Raiden, and I hate that I feel this way because he’s my best friend.” You're shocked at his response. He is so carefree. You never thought anything got to him. “Can you tell me why you’re jealous?”
He looks at you like he might start crying again. “It’s because. . . he got the title of champion and I didn’t. I’m so happy and proud of him. But I just wish that it was me. I carry the name of the Great Kung Lao. How am I supposed to honor that name if I wasn’t even good enough to be champion?” Your heart breaks for your friend at his confession.
You rub circles into his back to give him some comfort. He pushes his face into his hands. “I’m such a horrible friend.” That takes you aback. He is nothing of the sort and you will let him know, right now. “Kung Lao, you are not a horrible friend. You’ve always been there when we needed you.”
He sniffles, “Really?” You smile, “Yes of course. And being jealous doesn’t make you a bad person. Everyone gets jealous, it’s a part of being human. What makes me so proud of you is that you can recognize those feelings, and not let them get the best of you. That takes being a great friend to do.”
You thought that he couldn’t hug you tighter in that moment than when you said, “Your ancestors would be proud of you Lao.” You probably felt a rib pop but this is fine. When he lets go he wipes the tears from his eyes.
He looks at you, “And what about you? You don’t feel jealous that Raiden is the champion and you didn’t get a chance to compete?” Your heart pounded. “You know I’ve waited almost my whole life for the tournament. Despite how badly I wanted to participate, I knew I wouldn’t be able to. I’m not from Earthrealm, but it is my home.”
“Does that not hurt?” “Of course it doesn’t, but I’ve made my peace with it. Regardless if I was born here or not, home is what we make it, not where we come from.”
“Thank you Y/N. You’re the best. Now. . . Are you gonna eat the rest of the chips?” You both burst out laughing at how he still thinks with his stomach. “No, you can have them. And if anyone asks I’ll blame Johnny. Now get some sleep, Champion of Friends, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Goodnight.” “Goodnight.”
He covers himself up with the blanket, but you still hear him crunching on his chips. He won’t be going to be soon. You chuckle to yourself at how many crumbs will be in his bed by morning.
You’re exhausted, but that doesn’t change how excited you are for the tournament tomorrow. You swear the moment you hit the bed you’ll pass out. And that you did. . .
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ilykirara · 8 months
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In light of Lunar New Year, I hc that Liu Kang does the most BEAUTIFUL dragon/lion dance (MK11 ver. definitely paired up with MK11 ver. Kung Lao whenever it was Lunar New Year)
MK1 ver definitely makes his fire dragons do the dance in the air at night <<3
If have time I definitely wanna draw Liu Kang with his dragons (but like... my schedule is so bad rn so if anyone does it TAG MEEE!!) / Raiden, Kung Lao, Cage, Takahashi, and Liu Kang doing the dragon dance PLEASE
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soulofamy · 5 months
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idk if this author has a tumblr or not but i hope that they are doing well. their fic never made it into the angelscales tag but even so, if you want cute angelscales content i cant recommend this fic enough. you can read it here
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randyzorra · 3 months
I skimmed through my pirate fic bc I was curious who has the most chapter time (other than Johnny ofc) and my Johnshi fic is secretly a platonic Starhat fic
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cienie-isengardu · 1 year
Mortal Kombat 1: The First 17 Minutes of Gameplay
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ntaras · 1 year
they need to get rid of the stupid chapter system where you play as a character and have like 4-5 fights of beating up the same rotation of characters half of which get like 2 minutes of screen time anyways and then maybe the story would be a little more bearable
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heartsforhavik · 9 months
yandere kung lao I’m begginf,,,,
self aware! yandere kung lao x reader pt.1
warnings: mk1 story mode spoilers, obsessiveness, gender neutral reader, ooc kung lao, self aware kung lao
summary: kung lao is aware he is in a video game, and he just loves you so much. he just wishes he didn’t have to be behind a screen.
a/n: anon im so sorry it took me a bit to get to this, anyways i decided to mix it up and make kung lao self aware bc i thought my yandere hcs were getting too repetitive and i am also a diehard SAGAU fan. (also sorry for my mini break, finals week is crazy man.)
part 2
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- kung lao *hated* being stuck behind a screen. behind a stupid wall. away from you.
- you were just a regular mortal kombat fan. when mortal kombat 1 was announced, you were just so excited to get your hands on the game.
- you watched playthroughs before you could buy the game, and you were so happy when you found out that you could play as kung lao in the first chapter of story mode.
- when you got your hands on the game, you noticed that every time he had a funny one-liner in the story mode, he would look at the camera and wink. that’s weird… he didn’t do that in the playthroughs you watched… but oh well, it’s probably nothing.
- in the final battle you even chose to play as kung lao out of all the fighters. he was surprisingly easy to use, and his moves seemed to hit even harder than usual and the fights would be over in a blink of an eye. maybe he was buffed just for the fights?
- and when you finished the story mode and checked out all the skins and rewards you got, you noticed that you somehow had all of kung lao’s stuff unlocked. all of his palettes, skins, brutalities, etc. everything. you owned all of it. even the ones that weren’t out yet.
- you thought it was just a glitch, so you shut your device down and restarted it. but when you opened it again, his stuff was still there.
- and it got even weirder. when you tried to practice, the game only let you use kung lao. for some reason, you couldn’t use any other fighter. you couldn’t even use any kameo other than kung lao.
- he was still your favorite character and all, but that was weird. you tried to exit out of the game and restart it again, but it wouldn’t shut down. the game stayed on. it was frozen on kung lao. and he seemed to just stare at you. as if he knew you were there.
- you were starting to get creeped out, so you completely powered off your device and decided to leave it disconnected overnight.
- but over that little period of time, even though it was only a few hours to you, it felt like an eternity for kung lao.
- he felt hurt. a bit betrayed, even. did you not like him anymore? was he not enough for you? he gave you everything he could. he did everything he could to show his love for you, since he cannot communicate any other way.
- without you playing the game, he felt nothing. he couldn’t feel your warmth. it was nothing but a cold, dark space. he needed you. he needed you to always be with him. even if he couldn’t communicate with you, he’d figure something out.
- that’s why he was changing the coding of the game. he had to always be on your screen, or at least give you hints that he was self aware. he wouldn’t know what to do with himself if you weren’t looking at him. if you weren’t using him all the time.
- what do you mean you want to main johnny cage? or raiden? or even syzoth? what do they have that kung lao doesn’t?
- you liked the powerful fighters? no worries, he can just nerf everyone else and completely manipulate the coding of the game so he has the best damage.
- you thought the other fighters were more attractive than him? he’ll change the game so their designs were ruined and less pleasing to your eye.
- he would mend himself to your liking. he just needed you to use him. please make him feel important and useful. make him feel worthy of being your main. your favorite.
- if anyone became your favorite instead of him, he would go ballistic. he would rethink his entire existence. he’s so strong, and funny, and easy to use. so why would you choose anyone else? what’s wrong with him? is he not enough for you?
- if kung lao found out you wanted to start using a different fighter, he would erase them from the game. they would be nowhere to be found. their image in the game would be warped into a bunch of blurry pixels.
- if he has to erase the entire kast of fighters, he will. he needs your love. he needs your attention. if he isn’t your favorite, then what is the point of his existence in the game?
- kung lao needs you. and you need him too. why can’t you see that? he’s done everything he could to gain your approval. he was already so great, but he changed himself for you. accept him. please.
- the last thing he would resort to is bringing you in the game with him. what better way to stay by your side, than force you into the world of mortal kombat?
- at first, he didn’t exactly like the thought of taking away your freedom, but the more he thought about it the more he craved your company. why stay behind your screen when he can just bring you with him? now, you don’t have to turn your device on and off! he’s not going anywhere. and you aren’t either.
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partycatty · 9 months
johnny cage > character development
reader dating johnny as he trains at wu shi academy and visits outworld
notes: i was inspired by that one fanart of johnny cage inspired by myspace era tom hardy
masterlist <3
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•johnny cage sending you stupid fuckboy selfies while he's away at the wu shi academy training to be a champion (he hasn't been thru his character arc yet, he's still johnny "can't cut back" cage)
•he'd pull up his undershirt with his teeth and expose his midsection, looking into the camera with that trademark grin and wink combo that sends his fans to the moon
•sends u update pics on his build, sure, he was built before but his muscles came in even more defined with the excessive training the monks put him through
•would send you every. fucking. photo and video this man takes. ipad baby could not put that damn thing away in chapter 3 good LORD.
•"babe look" and it's a man you've never seen harnessing the power of lightning. what.
•whispered phone sex since he's in a shared room
•send you texts like "missin u like crazy rn" and "cravin that sweet ass rbn"
•of course you roll your eyes at your boyfriend's ridiculousness but you also hope he goes through a genuine development in his life. god knows he needs it.
•and when he finally returns, there's a new spark in his eye. a new, mature sparkle. he tells you about liu kang, outworld, the hourglass, kenshi, kung lao, raiden, the tarkatans, and the lin kuei. he sounds happier. he sounds inspired. and before long, he's running out of the room to make frantic phone calls about a new franchise pitch: mortal kombat.
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atlasofthestaars · 1 year
[MK X READER] New Era - Chapter .001
Note: Will use events from Mk9-11 + Aftermath. I am changing canon for some characters to fit the story. Changing canon in general for MK1, so at some point I will add in scenes not in the main story and probably will diverge from it in the end. Some character personality changes, not major, but enough to add depth. Slight character dynamic changes (Mostly Lin Kuei, so the trio feel slightly closer as a whole)
Also excuse the small exposition dump that happens through the chapter, it was needed to set up plot points in the future, so in the future we can get to those juicy character interactions easier!
LOVE INTERESTS: Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Raiden, Johnny Cage, Kenshi, Reptile, Scorpion (Kuai Liang), Sub Zero (Bi-Han), Smoke, Shang Tsung, Mileena, Kitana, Ashrah, Havik, Rain
Also on AO3: NEW ERA
part two
Memories are fickle things. 
Awakening in the middle of a field, you heard the buzzing of bugs, and the grass beside you moved as a creature scurried past. Your head hurt, and a fog settled in your mind as if it were blocking something. You sat up slowly, noting the moonlight shining down on the area around you.
You looked down at your hands. It was odd, it felt like you were familiar with it, yet at the same time it felt all too foreign to you. You wiggled your toes, feeling the grass brush against them to remind you that they existed. 
Where were you?
Swallowing any dread you felt building up, you stood up wearily. Your body swayed as you got up, almost stumbling into the grass once more. The area around felt devoid of humans, undisturbed nature spreading far. It was beautiful and breathtaking, but it only soothed you for a moment before panic began to seep back in again.
Where were you?
In the distance was a soft light. A flame? Perhaps. You dragged your feet as you walked towards it. You’d rather go discover whatever that was then stick around being lost wherever you had woken up. 
Why were you there in the first place? 
Fear was crawling down your back at the inability to answer the nagging questions within your head. Shaking it off, you continued on. The closer you got, the better you could identify where the flame was from. 
A temple of sorts?
It had a dragon motif from what you could see, and it was constructed mainly from wood and stone. Red shingles, or at least you assumed it was…it was hard to see in the moonlight, lined the rooftops of the temple ahead. The tree leaves even seemed to be red. There were multiple buildings, one being a tall tower, and a few smaller buildings. The flame, which was quite large from what you could see, was lit in a pavilion of sorts.
Your mind throbbed as a vague memory of a temple floating in the sky appeared in your mind. But this wasn’t that same temple. Not at all. Why were you thinking of that?
Soon enough, you found yourself at the entrance of the area, marveling at the architecture and the beauty of the area up close. How wonderful. Eventually, you spotted two figures walking towards you. 
The first thing you noticed was their glowing blue eyes.
Not knowing what to do, you stood there. Although you felt a pit of dread build up in your stomach as they approached, you stood unwavering. You grimaced, not at the sight of them, but at how the figures coming closer seemed to intensify a dull throb that had been building up in the back of your head.
Silly as it was, were they the cause of your headache? Of the fog in your head that seemed to block out any memories you tried to pry from your mind? 
You watched as the two figures, that you could now identify as men, approached. You could read a vague sense of concern on one of their faces, and the other held a sense of shock on his. They walked over a bridge, stopping at the top as if to create a sense of height. You looked up at them, your will not wavering despite the dread that was building in your stomach.
Your headache, why was it hurting so much?
You watched as one of them held out his hands, forming one a fist connecting to his palm. He smiled at you. It felt warm. The other nodded his head in acknowledgement, but you could see the small smile he had as well. You stumbled as your headache turned into a sharp pain, as if someone had just stabbed your head. Gasping, you stumbled forward. 
The man who had been presenting his hands grabbed you to steady you, and you noted the strange sense of familiarity as he did so. His wrapped hands were firm as he helped you right yourself. You looked up into his eyes, and without thinking, a name popped into your head.
“Liu Kang?”
The dread you felt in your stomach turned into fear as the man’s eyes widened, and the vague shock that had been on his face before was now on full display. He glanced over to his companion who held the same look of shock before they both looked down at you, almost accusingly.
“How did you know that?”
That was years ago.
Shortly after the shock had worn off, you had been escorted into the fire temple. They gave you a place to rest for the night, but you could hear the whispers of Liu Kang and Geras as they walked away. What they were discussing, you weren’t certain.
You could hear the concerned tone in their voice loud and clear despite that.
The next morning in what was perhaps the politest interrogation ever, it was revealed that you had a lack of memories.
Kind of.
You had memories, or at least you thought so, but they were all jumbled up in your head. They felt wrong, and foreign and they didn’t match up with what you were seeing. After all, your mind was telling you the man who was interrogating you was Liu Kang…but it was not the same mortal man that popped into your mind. 
You also eventually recognized Geras, which seemed to alarm the two even more, even if they were subtle about it. Eventually, after long deliberation with each other, Liu Kang eventually came up to you and offered you a place to stay at the fire temple due to your lack of memory and residence.
You were relieved to have a place to rest and stay, even if you had a nagging feeling that the offer was a disguised excuse to keep a close eye on you.
You supposed that was fair.
Eventually, the memories you had came back slowly over the years, and you confided in Liu Kang about them. This led to an eventual friendship with the god as you unraveled the strange situation that you were in. The man, though cordial, had been wary at first of you. You thought that was reasonable. A random stranger showing up in rags and recognizing you without introduction?
That was suspicious for certain, you could not blame the fire god for his caution. Especially since he proclaimed himself to be the Protector of Earthrealm, you could have easily been a threat.
Thankfully, you were not. Or at least, he seemed to deem that you were not. Although you had a jumbled mess of mismatching memories, the two of you had concluded that the memories you did have were visions of sorts, of other realities, and that the memories you used to have were gone. 
Visions of other worlds traded for the memories of your past. That’s what he told you, anyways. You had a sinking feeling that wasn’t quite true, and that was the biggest secret you held from Liu Kang. After all, the more memories you regained, the less it felt that they were random visions. 
They felt like a past life…and maybe they were. You weren’t certain yet. You had a nagging feeling there were many memories left to unlock.
The guilt of hiding this doubt, this secret, was immense at first. Ignoring the fact that you were lying to a god, you were concealing doubts from a man who had offered you shelter and food.
Eventually the guilt died down into near nothingness, but there was still a twinge of guilt every time you lied about it.
Aside from that, you rediscovered abilities that you had not realized you had. 
Shapeshifting into animals. You could transform your whole body into creatures, or parts of them. It was a helpful power, you found. You also seemed to have some sort of muscle memory of fighting skills. Lord Liu Kang had once offered to train you, and to both of your surprise, you were quite skilled.
Rusty at first, but it was obvious your body knew how to fight. It was nothing that years, or in all honesty, months could not fix.
Another ability you realized after a few years was how your body did not seem to age. Or at least, not in the same way humans did. At first, the monks seemed to chalk it up to good genetics, complimenting on how you seemed to keep your youth. However, as more years passed, whispers of magic arose.
Concerned with the strange state of your body, you confided in the fire god. Liu Kang suggested that your body was one that lived longer, perhaps of one that was not native to Earth, or Earthrealm as he called it…an edenian, perhaps? He explained the realm of Outworld, and the existence of the realms in general. He had once explained it much before, along with some monks, but not to the historical extent he had given you at that time.
Through these explanations, you remembered Outworld much more clearly, but the memories of Outworld were once again inconsistent with the world he described.
The Outworld you knew had been run by a tyrant before it was passed to an heir that had been overthrown. It was war hungry, and not at all pretty as he described. Liu Kang offered that, perhaps, when the Mortal Kombat tournament rolled around in a few years, you could join him and the champions he would bring to Outworld.
You agreed, of course. Maybe that realm was key to unlocking more memories, and more explanations. Even though you cherished the Fire Temple, a place you had learned to call home, you now had a purpose going forward.
Go to Outworld to seek the rest of your memories.
And now, you were here, enjoying another peaceful morning in the Fire Temple.
Staring out from the pavilion, you inhaled deeply as you took in the sunrise. You could never tire of the beautiful view. Your ears picked up the soft sound of someone walking towards you, and you turned around, already familiar with who it was. 
“Hello, Liu Kang.” You greeted, a smile on your face as you nodded towards the fire god. The fire god sent you a soft smile in return as he walked up to be by your side. Due to your memories of a younger, mortal Liu Kang that had popped up so often at first, you had taken up a nasty habit of addressing him casually. You tried to fix this, but he had permitted you to address him casually in private.
It felt like a strange honor.
He greeted you, your name rolling off his tongue in a familiar way as his hands settled on the railing much like yours were. It was common for the two of you to meet up here at sunrise, to indulge in the simple yet breathtaking view. It was a tradition from years ago.
“Beautiful morning, isn’t it?” Liu Kang inquired, much like he did nearly every morning. He gazed at the horizon with a sense of serenity and peace before his glowing eyes landed on you. With a chuckle you turned your gaze to the horizon he had been staring at previously.
“It is, just like it is every morning.” You mused, watching as the sky lightened, the darkness making way for the pretty light blue hues as a pink and orange color settled over the horizon. Your fingers tapped the wood as you hummed, remembering that something special was happening today. “Today we’re going to the village of Fengjian, correct?” You inquired, a surge of excitement buzzing through you.
You had been around the world here and there over the years to accompany Liu Kang and sometimes even the Lin Kuei, but it had been a while since your last venture. 
“Correct, Madam Bo said two of her trainees were ready for the exam scenario, and today we're going to observe.” Liu Kang said, nodding as he confirmed the plans he had told you about two weeks ago. You noted how he kept his gaze intent on you, as if analyzing your reaction. You could not hold back the smile on your lips.
“Excellent, it’s been forever since I’ve had Madam Bo’s cooking.” You commented, remembering just how delicious the older woman’s cooking was. You were nearly drooling at the thought of it. Not only that, but Madam Bo was someone you valued as well.
Whenever you saw her, you were reminded of a fatherly figure who you hazily remembered who drunk a lot of alcohol. It was odd, but she too must have sensed the connection, as she took you in as if you were a child of her own ever since she met you. You wished you could go out to see her more.
You opened your mouth to speak, but you heard the faintest of footsteps. Reflexively, you transformed your ears into those of bats and craned them around to hone in on the sound. You tilted your head as you focused before you turned to look at Liu Kang, ears turning back to normal.
“I thought the Lin Kuei were to come later?” You inquired, revealing that you were now aware of their presence. You heard some muttering before the three assassins revealed themselves. Sub Zero, Scorpion, and Smoke. Three of the Lin Kuei you had grown closest to during your association with Liu Kang.
“That was the plan, but we decided to meet up earlier to discuss the plan as we shall leave earlier to get in position to observe.” Liu Kang explained. The two of you turned around to face the three. You smiled at the three. Smoke and Scorpion both bowed to the two of you. Sub Zero, notably, did not, but you did notice the slight nod of acknowledgement sent your way.
“Perceptive as always, and I thought we could finally sneak up on you.” Smoke greeted, addressing you as he spoke your name, a light playful tone to his voice. Smoke was always the friendliest of the three, it was a delight to talk to him. He was the most casual. You noted the slightly irritated glare from Sub Zero sent his way.
You surmised that Smoke had managed to convince the two others to also sneak in. You could not tell whether the irritation was from having to partake in such a silly endeavor, or if it was due to the fact that he blamed Smoke for giving the three of them away.
“Maybe another time, Tomas.” You chuckled, covering your mouth as you did so. Despite your words, you were competitive, and you weren’t planning on giving up in the ongoing game that you had both been playing for a while now. “Regardless, it is good to see you all, it’s been a while.” With that, you nodded towards Liu Kang, letting him go over the plan with the trio.
You observed silently as excitement coursed through your veins.
You had a feeling that tonight was going to be something special.
part two
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mothercetrion · 1 year
Johnny & Kenshi's "Relationship" in MK1
Well before MK1 was released, Ed Boon had this to say about Kenshi (and Johnny) and their roles in the story:
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I was incredibly interested in this "relationship" from that moment and really hoped that it would pay off like he said. I think it has done so tenfold, and I wanted to compile their moments throughout the story together and go through their relationship arc, moment by moment, chapter by chapter, for everyone to enjoy.
This post contains spoilers for both Kenshi and Johnny's roles in MK1, as well as major plot points of the story itself. You have been warned!
To start, if you want to watch a compilation of their moments, you can watch this YouTube video by MKIceAndFire, which includes everything discussed in this post up to Chapter 7. 
Chapter 2: Their First Meeting 
The climax of Chapter 2 is the back-to-back events of Johnny’s wife, Cristina, leaving him, and Kenshi entering soon after. Kenshi is here on a mission: retrieve Sento from Johnny, no matter the cost. They fight, and Johnny wins. It’s here that they introduce themselves properly (or Kenshi introducing himself to Johnny), and Johnny learns more about his motives and why he needs Sento so badly. He does so to save his family, the Taira clan, from the Yakuza, which they joined for protection after the Siege of Aomori, according to Johnny. 
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Soon after, Liu Kang, Bi-Han, and Kuai Liang arrive, where Johnny thinks that the trio is a part of Kenshi’s retrieval mission. After Johnny and Bi-Han fight, Liu Kang tells both Johnny and Kenshi about their new role as Earthrealm’s champions. Johnny openly questions Kenshi’s inclusion, still hardly believing his story about being part of the Taira clan. The chapter ends here. 
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We know from here that Kenshi and Johnny openly do not trust one another and likely hate one another. For Kenshi, Johnny is the one thing in the way of his goal of saving the Taira clan from the Yakuza. When arguing with his wife, Johnny reveals that he paid 3 million dollars for Sento; considering that their impending divorce is over money, it makes sense that he is not willing to just give it to some stranger. 
Chapter 3: Bickering 
Johnny and Kenshi do not have many scenes in Chapter 3, with most of its focus being on Raiden, but the few scenes they have show us a lot about the state of their relationship. The four Earthrealm champions—Johnny, Kenshi, Kung Lao, and Raiden—discuss their circumstances and their training with the monks. Johnny expresses his desire to see Outworld to do research for the movie franchise that he hopes to make; according to him, they’ve been “cooped up” training for months. Kenshi sarcastically calls him selfless, and Johnny states that he’s only there to get Sento back, indirectly stating that they’re both only training for selfish reasons. Johnny also harshly calls him “Tattoo” as a nickname, not even using his last name as Kenshi does for him. 
When Johnny is defeated by Raiden in the mini-tournament set up by Liu Kang, the two glare at one another while Johnny exits the fight and Kenshi enters. The scene is adorned with dramatic music (relating to the tournament at hand) and a slow-motion shot of their expressions. The choices here are likely to emphasize the disdain they have for one another and the insane amount of tension they have between them. 
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That night, before Raiden and Kung Lao fight, Johnny attempts to bet on Lao’s potential victory. Kenshi is open to a bet, but only if Johnny puts Sento up for grabs. Johnny laughs and says, “Not on your life,” revealing that he has not budged on his desire to keep Sento after all this time. 
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They have a brief scene when the group leaves for Outworld where Johnny starts filming Kenshi. Kenshi turns with an annoying expression and knocks his phone out of his hand, much to Johnny’s shock. This scene is the last they have in this chapter that has any real significance, minus standing by one another. 
The few scenes they have in this chapter show that their relationship has not improved since they met a few months prior, even after spending every day together; if anything, it has gotten worse and more openly hostile. They judge one another’s reasons for being champions for Earthrealm and still do not respect one another. 
Chapter 4: More Fighting & Kenshi’s Blinding 
We play as Kenshi for the duration of this chapter. The two of them, alongside Kung Lao, are tasked with finding Shang Tsung for Liu Kang to question. Kenshi openly questions Johnny's inclusion on the mission and openly states that he would prefer Raiden to go along with them instead of “this one,” making it known that he does not value Johnny as a fighter or a teammate. Johnny protests and insists that he’s up to the job of finding Shang Tsung. Before they depart, they glare at one another once more. 
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When out in the Outworld desert, Kenshi and Johnny begin to bicker once more. Johnny brings up the 3 million dollars needed to buy Sento and tells Kenshi that he would likely have Sento back in his possession if he were still with the Yakuza. Kenshi turns around quickly to yell at Johnny about the corruption that the Yakuza spreads and his desire to get his clan out, all while shining his flashlight on Johnny’s face.
After meeting Baraka and ending up in Shang Tsung’s laboratory, the three of them ambush Rain, Tanya, and Shang Tsung in an effort to save Mileena from what they believe is a Tarkat infection. Johnny makes the “get away from her, you bitch” reference that it feels like everyone has seen, much to Kenshi and Lao’s visible confusion. 
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Kenshi defeats both Tanya and Rain in battle, and he briefly speaks to Mileena before her illness makes itself known. It is here that Kenshi does something he’s not done all of the story: he calls Johnny by his first name instead of just “Cage.” He asks for a hand in fighting Mileena, and Johnny hurries over to help. Johnny asks about a plan, and Kenshi states that the only real plan is to not hurt her. Johnny is visibly shocked and says that he’s more worried about “us” getting hurt than Mileena. 
They fight Mileena, and Kenshi and Johnny win. Kenshi asks Johnny and Lao (again calling Johnny by his first name) to hold Mileena down so Shang Tsung can administer the serum needed to subdue her Tarkat symptoms. They do so briefly, and she eventually knocks Lao away and goes to bite Johnny’s face. Instead, Kenshi comes from behind, grabs Mileena by the straps of her outfit on her shoulders, and pulls her away, saving the life of someone that until just minutes before, he has been shown to hate. 
Then Mileena shoves Kenshi away just long enough to grab a pair of sai from a nearby table and gouge Kenshi’s eyes out. His blood sprays, and Johnny is hit in the face with the splatter. In the horror of the aftermath, he yells Kenshi’s first name for the first time, nothing short of terrified and worried. The chapter ends soon after this. 
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This chapter is the official shift in their relationship. This chapter is when both characters finally refer to one another by their first names, though it is all we see of any sort of genuine appreciation of one another. Kenshi calls Johnny by his name in the midst of immediate danger; he needs Johnny’s help, and he’s visibly frightened in the scene itself. Johnny calls Kenshi by his name in the aftermath of the danger, when he just saw someone that he’s known for months lose his eyes in the most vicious way possible (and gets hit with his blood in the process). The shift is not seen until later chapters, but Kenshi going blind while saving Johnny’s life is the catalyst for the change. 
Chapters 5 & 6: New Bonds
In Shang Tsung’s laboratory, the first thing Johnny does when he wakes up is check on Kenshi. He says his first name again, asks him about his pain, and states that he will not forget that Kenshi saved his life for the price of his eyes. 
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Johnny himself is the one to give Kenshi his blindfold, torn from his own armor and placed over Kenshi’s eyes with his own hands. He is the one to give him the medicine and relieve him of some of the discomfort from his blinding in his own way. Johnny is the one who adds to Kenshi’s iconic character design; it’s forever associated with him and his kindness. 
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When they’re finally able to escape the laboratory, Kenshi asks Johnny and Lao to leave him behind. Johnny refuses and wants to save Kenshi’s life. Kenshi tells Johnny that he is “useless” and that their lives do not need to be risked to save him. (He once again calls Johnny by his last name here, instead of calling him “Johnny” like he did hours before.) Johnny insists that the Taira needs him, and they’re going to get him back home and get him help. 
They walk through the Living Forest together near the back of the group; Johnny is the one who guides Kenshi around. Johnny continues to look back at Kenshi as they’re walking around to make sure he does not trip or stumble. He makes a remark about a movie he did that Kenshi reveals that he has seen before. Johnny comments on how difficult the scene was to shoot, but he is proud of the outcome. Kenshi says that he can “picture it exactly” and smiles for the first time since his blinding, a strong contrast to his earlier depressed state. 
They continue until they meet Ashrah and debate whether or not to hunt Quan Chi. When Kenshi steps forward to go, Johnny firmly tells him no, citing that they need to get him home. He’s visibly annoyed and perhaps even frustrated when Kenshi insists that they need to find Quan Chi to find Shang Tsung. In the end, Johnny is the only one opposed to continuing their mission. 
The penultimate moment of their development is the scene at the end of the chapter in which Sento is returned to Kenshi. Kenshi tries to fight Quan Chi, and Johnny is quick to tell him no, stating that Kenshi will trip up the others. He then asks Kenshi for his sword, and Kenshi hesitantly agrees. Johnny does what was previously established as impossible and gives Sento back to Kenshi. Kenshi is stunned, and then he tries to reject Sento. The one thing he has wanted for all this time, the singular reason that he hates Johnny in the first place, he tries to reject it. Johnny insists that it’s Kenshi’s now because he saved Johnny’s life. “It’s yours,” he says, and he means it. 
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Chapter 6 largely focuses on the fight between the group and Quan Chi, but it’s the chapter in which Kenshi’s sight is “restored” with the help of his ancestors. After a fight with Ermac, Sento is imbued with the souls of Kenshi’s ancestors, who promise to help him. He is then able to sense his surroundings in a new form of sight, allowing him to fight as he did before. He also discovers his telekinesis soon after. 
Johnny and Kenshi have a brief exchange about Sento after this. Johnny jokes that he severely underpaid for Sento when he bought it and asks if Kenshi knew what it could do, which he did not. Johnny tells Kenshi not to forget who gave him the sword; Kenshi promises that he will not. They go back to calling one another by their last names, but instead of earlier in the story, when they were distant from one another and not friends, the use of last names here almost feels…kinder. Maybe even affectionate? Like calling a friend by their last name instead of someone that you dislike. 
These chapters are what solidify their bond. It starts with Johnny’s worry and concern over Kenshi’s well-being and safety, something that continues through the rest of the chapter. He checks on him in the dungeon, he is the one to give Kenshi medicine when he knows he’s in pain, and he motivates Kenshi to continue living when they leave the dungeon (and makes it known that he will help him however he can once they get him home). He makes it known that he’s willing to give up on Liu Kang’s mission, something that could potentially save Earthrealm, for Kenshi to be safe after losing his eyes. It’s one of the first things that Johnny clearly takes seriously. Until this point, he makes jokes about almost everything, but when it comes to Kenshi going home, he’s all serious and makes his opinion on the matter known. 
Their conflict regarding Sento is also resolved here. Just hours before this chapter, Johnny brings up the 3 million dollars he paid for it and his unwillingness to part with Sento unless Kenshi gives him the money. However, after Kenshi saves his life, Johnny gives it to him to potentially repay a debt. Kenshi essentially traded his eyes for Johnny’s life, and Johnny recognizes the importance of such a sacrifice. To him, giving him Sento is likely only the beginning of what he does to repay him for what he did. 
Their value in Sento differs greatly. Kenshi wants Sento because of the value it has to his family and their well-being. While Johnny seems to appreciate Sento’s history, the sword is still something with monetary value and something that helps Johnny “project” a celebrity image to fans. He is his possessions; he is what he spends money on. But Kenshi’s blinding makes him realize, in the worst way possible, that some things are more important than money. 
These chapters (4, 5, and 6) also show Johnny and Kenshi saving one another’s lives. Kenshi physically saves Johnny from Mileena in the laboratory by pulling her off of him before she can bite his face off. Johnny emotionally saves Kenshi when he’s at a low point following his blinding; he is the one to motivate Kenshi when he calls himself useless and asks the others to leave him behind, even if it means certain death. Johnny also helps save the Taira clan by willingly giving up Sento, something that he knows means a great deal to Kenshi and the rest of his family. 
Chapter 15: A New Arc in Their Lives 
The pair make a lengthy absence until the later chapters of the game, and they are not seen together again until the final scene of the final chapter when they are eating at Madam Bo’s restaurant. They’re sitting together on the same side of the table while Johnny talks about the location of his movie. He turns to Kenshi with a smirk when he laughs, and Kenshi assumes that Johnny will be the star of his franchise, as he always seems to be. 
Johnny then asks Kenshi to be in a movie, stating that no actor can do things quite like Kenshi. Kenshi openly admits that he would love to, but his work with the Taira keeps him busy. (However, we see in Johnny’s ending that he still involves himself in the movie-making process.) 
Liu Kang moves to leave for Outworld, and Johnny stops him to thank him for bringing them on as Earthrealm’s champions. He quickly glances at Kenshi before stating that joining him has truly changed the arcs of their lives, just like Liu Kang said it would. 
This final scene with them is just the beginning of those new arcs. Compared to their first meeting, Johnny and Kenshi have found a new respect for one another and a bond forged in a shared adventure and what looks like conflicting goals. By this chapter, they have undergone an entire arc of their own, and their lives are changed by one another as a result. 
Their new arc is only beginning.
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helsensm · 9 months
Watching your AU with the deceased Kung Lao (wonderful but sad AU 🥺)
I can't stop thinking about how sorry I am for Kung Jin. Yes, I certainly feel sorry for Raiden, who lost a friend, and Liu Kang, who lost a friend for the SECOND TIME.
But I can't stop thinking that Lao's younger cousin will feel the pain of losing a family member. In Mortal Kombat X, we were well made to understand that Jin cherished Lao very much and even went to Hell to save him (which I consider a very selfless and brave act). And this is despite the fact that the family turned away from Lao, and there is no guarantee that he will be able to be saved...
In this timeline, I think Jin is still a child or a teenager. I think he has a very strong and friendly relationship with Lao and the news of his death will be difficult.
It's so insulting that in the last timeline and in this one (according to this AU), the poor boy goes through such a traumatic experience
Your AU is beautiful in that it really makes me think about what might be going on in it! I hope you will continue to develop this idea, because it is wonderful. And you are beautiful! And your work!🥺💖💖💖
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pre mk1, they haven't seen each other in a while, Kung Lao picked up Jin from school and they are going to train at Madam Bo’s 😊
I'm with you on this pookie, amen to every word. 😔 Jin is slowly becoming one of my favorites, and now that you mentioned (i.e. I’ve been thinking about this for weeks), I’m wondering, what he’ll do after Lao’s death... No idea, what NRS are planning for our Shaolin punk in this timeline, but let me overthink that ONE mention of him we got so far (leaving out the cameo in Armageddon chapter) for this au. XD
They ARE very close, though they don’t visit each other often. Jin adores his older cousin and he’s looking up to him, of course it feeds Lao’s ego, ahahh.
After the mk1 story, Lao will follow Kenshi’s advice to quash Jin’s interest in criminal world, checking on him when he can. Unfortunately, it won’t be enough, and as the time goes (it has been several years between the mk1 story and Lao’s death), Jin will eventually find some trouble for himself. He is still too young for traveling and becoming a freelancer thief like in mkx, but he might join the local gang, or something like that.
When Kung Lao dies, Jin’s grief will manifest in a form of respecting his cousin’s words. He’ll leave his criminal life behind and will go to the Wu Shi Academy. I really like how proudly he calls himself a Shaolin monk in mkx intros, so I want him to choose this way. And I think Jin’s presence and willingness to follow in the footsteps of Lao will help Raiden with his grieving too.
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fandomzwriterk · 2 months
Can you write about Smoke x female reader and Smoke trying to ask the reader out on a date?
A/N: I gotchu👍 Also we’re starting the trend of “todays chapter is brought to you by****” Anyways this chapter is brought to you by the song Lose My Breath by Stray Kids & Charlie Puth
Warnings: none just fluff
Early morning at the Shirai Ryu…
You were up and walking around one of the training rooms, stretching and trying to get relaxed and not stiff like you just laid on a ton of bricks. You had fallen asleep once again on the floor from last nights training. How you ended up in your bed, you didn’t know but regardless, you had things you needed to do. You were the only one up, not even the Lin Kuei brothers were up this early. At least that’s what you thought. You had just gotten a wooden dummy set up, making strikes at the stomach, legs, and the neck which was nice since you couldn’t get hit back, just learning to control speed right now. You did this at least ten times, three minutes each just making combos on the wooden figure.
“Somebody’s up early.” You heard behind you
You spun around after knocking the dummy back onto the ground. You didn’t mean too, but the strength you held back and the shock of being caught boosted your ability to let go of what you were holding back. There, right behind you, was Tomas standing with his arms crossed and his eyes staring you down. He was leaning against the wall, watching you with such intent.
“How long have you been there?”
“Not long. I knew someone was up this early, so I just wanted to see who it was. Didn’t expect it to be you though.”
“Well I want to train away from Johnny and Kung Lao. Elder gods forbid they let me have one day without them making a mess or distraction.”
Tomas moved to walk towards you in the center of the room, seeing his eyes focus on you and not what you had been doing.
“If you and your brothers were around more I’d ask you for help but you three are gone so much I-“
“Well I’m here now aren’t I?”
You nodded. Tomas wanted to see what you were doing so why not indulge him? It’s not like he’d hurt you either. Out of the three brothers, it was obvious Tomas liked you the most. Whether out of intrigue or friendliness, you’d yet to figure that one out.
“Come on, I promise I won’t hurt you.”
You only nodded as Tomas charged you, causing you to jump to the side. You pushed the dummy far away, almost making it hit the wall as Tomas spun around and swung with his karambit aiming for your body. He was pulling his strikes, which wasn’t normally how he trained. You blocked his arm and pushed his dominant arm that held the blade. He took a step back, smoking about five feet away from where you were and posed to have you attack him.
“Come on Y/n I know you can go harder than that.”
He wasn’t teasing with his words, he wanted you to train with him right now. You took a step as he used a smoke bomb to get closer to you, quickly closing the gap as you went to punch at him. You noticed his blade wasn’t sharp as you both clashed and were pushing each other with your forearms. Tomas was pushing forward just as much as you were, trying to see who was stronger. You kicked his calf, causing him to move his leg forward while he grabbed your gi top, pulling you back to him whole you both tripped each other. Tomas hit the ground first, you falling on top of him, sitting on his waist. He held his blade up near your throat while you readied a punch. You both froze, realizing you had gotten Tomas down first.
“Ha! I got you.”
“Yeah yeah I was going easy on you.”
You rolled off of him, letting him sit up as you sat next to him. He was out of breath, quite quickly which was odd since he was good at keeping composed all the time.
“God it’s so hard to breathe.”
He pulled his mask off, tossing it behind him as you saw his face red and burning. He was panting hard, how did he lose his breath so easily?
“You’re just out of practice.” You joked
He wiped his forehead with his arm, turning his head to smile at you.
“Maybe I have other reasons too.”
“And what might that be?”
“I’m not going to give in that easy.”
“Oh do you want me to beat it out of you?”
“Go ahead. I’m not pulling back this time.”
You both rolled away from each other, now standing face to face with a large gap between you two. Neither of you moved, your eyes drifted around as Tomas swung his karambit around in his usual “I’ve so got this” type of attitude. You might be smaller than him, not as strong as him, but your small size made up in speed. If you tried hard enough, you could definitely beat him.
“Come on Y/n I thought you wanted to beat me.”
You ran up, readying your own small practice blade while Tomas did the same. You both clashed in the middle, putting weight on each other with your forearms once more. You watched Tomas’ eyes as they followed up and down trying to find a way to hit you. He pushed you back, his leg swinging for your head. You did the same, kicking his leg with yours. Tomas swung his karambit to hit your nose, but you quickly blocked the side of your head by covering it. You went to punch his stomach while he pulled out a smoke bomb to move behind you. He was ready to strike, but you were faster. You squatted down and kicked your leg behind you while you spun to face him. The hit to his ankle made him stumble and you noticed he was quickly out of energy as his stomach hit the ground hard.
“You alright there Smokey?”
No reply and Tomas jumped at you, holding you close as he rolled over you, taking you with him as he hit the floor. Your face was mashed into his chest while his arms held you tightly.
“What’re you gonna do about it-“
You grabbed one of his smoke bombs, setting it off right on top of him making him let you go as you ran a little ways away. The smoke was thick enough to fill the room, so you tried to move as quietly as possible. The faint outline of his dark grey hair could be seen, so you went to move behind him since his vision was unclear, and now it was your turn to fight back.
“That was a cheap trick Y/n. I didn’t know you play dirty.”
He was looking around for you as the smoke began to clear. He was right in front of you, his back to you not noticing you quite yet. You jumped forward, sending both of you down to the ground. Just as you touched his back with only the tips of your fingers, Tomas grabbed your wrist, pulling you into a hug while he rolled over you with him above you.
“Nice try.”
His hands held down your wrists while he had one leg between your legs and the other on the outside of your leg. You struggled against him, but his weight was fully on top of you and had you pinned on the ground. His smile had that classic smug expression, noticing you had lost and he had all the power.
“I know we said that if you won I’d tell you but I think I’m going to tell you anyways even if you lost.”
His eyes softened, letting you go and sitting back on his heels. You crawled a little bit away from him, doing the same as you both stared at each other.
“You know Y/n, I’ve never said anything remotely close to what I’m going to say but-“
His face was red again, holding something back in his mind.
“I think you’re… beautiful. I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”
He held his hands out, his palms up as a gesture to say he wanted you to put your hands on his. You did, feeling that funny little feeling you’ve had for Tomas all these years. His eyes drifted from your hands to your face. You were sure he was staring into your eyes.
“I’ve loved you for a long time, I just never had the courage to tell you after… you know.”
He was talking about Shang Tsung and his so called “reign of terror”, but you all had won so there’s no need to worry anymore.
“After all of that, mostly from watching Bi Han betray us… I knew I needed somebody like you to be by my side. No, not needed, more like wanted. What I’m trying to say is-“
You quickly move up and placed your lips on his, stopping his words right then and there. He kissed back, but you knew he was in shock. You pulled back, intertwining your hands together.
“I’ve always loved you Tomas, and of course you’ll always have me.”
He smiled, his eyes bright and shinning with the excitement of something you couldn’t quite place. He pulled you into his chest, placing his arms around you in a warm and tight hug. He buried his face in your neck, and you could feel his smile on your skin.
“Would you like to go on a date with me?”
The End…
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed! I’m so sorry it took so long😭😭😭
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evilbihan · 3 months
Would u say bi han has anger issues?
Bi-Han does not have anger issues
But I can see why people would jump to that conclusion.
Let me say two things upfront before I elaborate on this topic: the writers have a very obvious bias for Scorpion and against Bi-Han which reflects in their writing and the way they twisted the story in Kuai Liang's favor to get the audience to root for him, despite of him being just as much in the wrong as Bi-Han is. However, we don't get to see any moments of Bi-Han outside of his role as grandmaster. We only get to see one side of him and we only get to see him in situations where his anger is provoked. I can see why that would automatically lead some people to believe Bi-Han would react with anger in other sitautions too, because that's all we've seen of him, but it's wrong. The story mode alone is not a reliable source to determine what Bi-Han's personality really is like.
When we're first introduced to Bi-Han during the tea house fight, it's quite obvious that he's unhappy with the whole situation. He doesn't seem angry to me, but rather insulted that he was given such a "lowly" task. His proud warrior clan is expected to pose as goons in order to test two farmers. Bi-Han is a very prideful man. It's understandable why he would seem annoyed or impatient here. He considers this test a waste of the Lin Kuei's time and skills. Not to mention, his pride is hurt when Kung Lao taunts him on top of all this. It only fuels his frustration further.
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In the chapter where Johnny is recruited, Bi-Han finally blows up. He attacks Johnny and yes, he's furious this time, but again, not because he has anger issues. His reaction, though it may seem over the top at first, is actually justified when you think about it.
Kuai Liang later admitted that he was aware of Bi-Han's frustrations for a while, meaning that Bi-Han has probably kept quiet about them for years and they've just continued to build up to the point where he could no longer contain his anger. Imagine swallowing your pride for so long, reluctantly following orders you're secretly questioning while each time you show the slightest sign of doubt, you're being reprimanded by your own brothers and compared to your father, the very man who never believed in you and your visions. That along with the secret he had been keeping from his brothers about the circumstances of their father's death must have been a lot of additional pressure on Bi-Han's shoulders and on his mental health. Add to that the responsibilites and duties that come with being a grandmaster and you can see why he was bound to blow up like that sooner or later.
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Johnny yelled at Bi-Han, touched him without his consent and got punched as a result of that. Then there's the fight in which Johnny defeats Bi-Han and Kuai Liang and it's the second time Bi-Han feels humiliated. His anger here is understandable in my opinion, especially considering that Liu Kang, who Bi-Han's Lin Kuei have served loyally for generations, sided with Johnny, a stranger, against him. Undoubtedly, this is the moment Bi-Han decided Liu Kang no longer deserves their loyalty or respect.
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The scene of Bi-Han snapping at Tomas could easily be seen as an overreaction on Bi-Han's part because we, as the viewers, are witnessing this and listening to this for the first time, but from Bi-Han's perspective and judging by the way he reacts, it was definitely not the first time Tomas and Kuai Liang brought up their father and reminded him of the old grandmaster's teachings. I can imagine Bi-Han already feels haunted by his father's ghost and by what he did (his way of justifying his decision to himself implies regret) and his brothers' constant whining about their father certainly isn't helping.
That doesn't mean Bi-Han always snaps at his brothers when they disagree with him or that he always reacts this way when being met with criticism. I feel like he's just trying so hard to earn his brothers' respect and that it deep down hurts him that they still respect their fathers' teachings more than his.
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When Bi-Han attacks Kuai Liang, he's angry and disappointed because his brothers betrayed him and broke their oaths to him. It must have felt so liberating for him to finally tell Kuai Liang the truth, to no longer keep everything bottled up inside him. He seems enthusiastic to pursue this new path and share it with his brothers, but they refuse to believe in his vision, just like their father did.
To sum it all up, I don't think Bi-Han is short-tempered or hot-headed per se. We only see him in scenes that are intentionally set up to paint him in a bad light and we're only introduced to him after his frustrations have gotten to the point where they have deeply corrupted him.
Kitana confirmed that Bi-Han was once a decent person, he was once someone Tomas looked up to and Kuai Liang was close with. We just never got to see that version of Bi-Han. However, good!Titan Bi-Han is a pretty good indicator of what Bi-Han was like before his frustrations poisoned him and he seems calm, kind and deeply at peace with himself and the world around him. Bi-Han's anger stems from how long he has kept his emotions bottled up inside of him. It doesn't mean he always blows up at the smallest things or that his only response to disagreement is violence.
Also, from a meta standpoint, Scorpion has always been the hot-headed, vengeful character with the anger issues while Sub-Zero has always been the cold and rational character. While some people claim their traits have been swapped in the new era, I personally disagree.
As proven by the scene where Bi-Han is nearly murdered by Kuai Liang in his rage, Scorpion is still the one with the anger issues. Meanwhile, during their fight, Bi-Han holds himself back and only scars Kuai Liang when he could have just easily killed him, but he doesn't give in to his anger and instead offers his brother a chance to reconsider.
However, there are a few examples of both brothers acting out of character in the story mode, such as Kuai Liang being depicted as the calmer, more reasonable brother, when he's very much beyond reason and gets criticized for being blinded by his thirst for vengeance by both Liu Kang and himself from an alternate timeline.
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Kuai Liang is the one with the anger issues, not Bi-Han.
I'm not trying to paint one brother as good and the other as evil, just for the record. Both brothers are ruthlessly pursuing their goals, blinded by their own ideals. Both brothers are guilty of spilling the other's blood and both have made very questionable choices.
Regardless, I think Bi-Han's anger throughout the story mode is very much justified when you know the character's full story.
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chiqelatasblog · 2 months
I drew some art for my fanfiction! Here's farmboy Kung Lao🌾
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He was found by Madam Bo when he was five years old, struggling to survive on the streets. He has been living with her, Raiden, and her little sister Fujin, who were also found by Madam Bo, for a long time now. Unlike the MK1 version, this younger Kung Lao never learned combat; instead, his body is defined by years of working in the fields. However, a recent drought has brought hardship to their lives and the entire village. To save his village, Kung Lao sets out to find the Fire God Liu Kang. Here’s the link if you are interested in the story;
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inactivewattpadauthor · 4 months
Liu Kang x Friendzoned Reader: Saving Kotal
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This could be a sequel to the chapter you get friend zoned, idk ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Standing aside from the group of Outworlders, you all waited for the three to come back: Liu Kang, Kung Lao, and the one that secretly makes you spite everything, Kitana. Maybe it was a good idea you stayed back. It would've been a shame if the pettiness inside you acted on the intrusive thoughts. You kept everything down though, knowing your feelings weren't important in this matter.
Kitana was to convince Baraka to side up with her to rescue Kotal and defeat Shao Kahn, hopefully all of them weren't shredded down there. It felt awkward being around all these Outworlders too. But no worries, they all return with the allegiance of Tarkata.
Letting out a small smile you went to them. "Glad you guys are back." Glancing mostly at Lao since you were still bitter about the other two. Liu sensed your vibe, awkwardly nodding at Lao before walking off with the princess.
The hat wielder pulls close to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as you two walked closely. "So we all are going to the Kolosseum," You already were aware of the next dangerous leap. "Liu wishes for me to tell you that you don't have to go. It is very dangerous."
You scoff and push away from Lao. "So what? He couldn't tell me himself? Maybe he actually just doesn't want me to go because... of her."
Lao grimaces. "See, this is why he made me speak to you." He murmurs before clearing his throat. "No. He just thinks it wouldn't be fair for you to risk your life for something mostly for Kitana. Though the realms are at stake. But it's up to you if you wish to not participate. He understands."
"I'll go." You sigh. "And Lao," You place a hand on his shoulder. "Don't be his messenger. You're too much of a good friend for that." You walk off.
He smiles at you when you walk away and as you go completely out of sight, his face drops into a frown. "Shit."
---Time Skip To Kolosseum---
You stood far back as Kitana lead the large group to the doors of the caged battle arena. As they were forced open, you could tell any second late, Kotal would've had his head bashed in. Standing back, you could barely hear what the princess and Shao Kahn spoke of.
"-exactly like you, 'father'." That's when the battle began, Kitana striking Shao with her fan blades and everyone else getting into it. You fought smoothly, knocking any foe that approaches off their feet with easy defeat.
Turning your head, you see Liu fighting honorably as well, but it would seem he didn't hear the enemy approaching behind him, readying his sharp weapon. Without any hesitance, you rushed to that swine, heart pumping in fear he would strike him.
You deliver a strong high kick to the back of the opponent's neck, sending the heel of your shoe through, making the swine choke up on his own blood. The sound made Liu jump back and his eyes widen as you pull your heel out, watching in despise as the Shao Kahn follower collapse dead, blood seeping from the hole you caused.
"You came!" Liu looked at you with warmth. "Why?"
"I'd give my life for you." You cross your arms, looking away blankly. You said it so simply, he stands there confused. He always sort of thought you disliked him ever since he had to put you down. The champion would've understood if you resented him all the way, but he was happy you came through.
"I owe you mine's now." Liu bows gratefully to you.
You scoff and roll your eyes. He is confused to why you step towards him until you wrap your arms around him, his mind fading out as everyone else was dying in the background and the audience cheers with glee.
But he smiles and returns your embrace, resting his chin on your head.
You two hugged it out for long up until you hear a pained yell from Kotal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I do a little trolling in this chapter lol
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mortal-kombat-1 · 11 months
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I was rather fond of Kung Lao's sleeveless Outworld skin and decided to throw it into Blender and size it up to fit Johnny (his chest is bigger than Kung Lao's, lol). Then fixed a few mesh holes where the cloth piece would normally hang on the hip -- though there is one that's not really noticeable, I just got tired. Added Johnny's Season of Fire tattoo's because I like 'em. 1st gif highlights the skin it replaces; palettes work as well. Do not equip his sunglasses or they'll be partying on the ground with you. Skin works in certain chapters via story mode with the help of Ermaccer's hook and of course it works in actual game play. Like with all my mods, it'll be on my mods page!
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