#kttdp spoilers
magicae-est-realis · 21 days
I'll be talking about spoilers for book 5, Keys to the Demon Prison, and onwards. Be warned :)
So, I got an amazing comment on my baby fairies fic the other day-
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I then had an awesome conversation with them, and from that made several theories, which I thought would be fun to share.
My original theory regarding the fairy king's return was one of two-
1- he's a unicorn like the fairy queen and therefore not actually a fairy at all, OR 2- he's a greater fairy like Risenmay, which operates under a different system with both males and females, while only the smaller (lesser?) fairies are all-female. While I prefer the first theory, the second would make more sense from a canonical lore perspective, with the fairy queen marrying into a matriarchal monarchy (hence why the royal family are now unicorns). This would also explain the king's magic, when he gives Seth wings like Risenmay did- this could just be a greater fairy's power. They could even be siblings.
Randox_Talore then pointed out that there were no male fairies to reproduce with was because of the king’s fall, and now that he’s back, wouldn’t that make male fairies possible again?
Theory number 3 was that it could mean that a specific sex of fairy is only able to be born if there's a reigning monarch of that same sex. So if the queen had been captured only male fairies would have been born through the same adoption method, but when there are two monarchs they reproduce normally.
Randox_Talore reminded me that “When the King fell, all the male fairies turned into imps. And that’s why there are only female fairies”.
As such, the theory I finally settled on was that it's the same regardless of male fairies' presence. That fairies can't reproduce themselves but it's their magic that allows them to adopt an egg to raise a child, and this doesn't change if it's just females adopting, just males, or both.
Of my four wildly different theories, the last and the second ones are my favourites. Or a combination of both. That the fairy king is a Greater Fairy like Risenmay (I love the idea that they're siblings, and therefore have the same wing-giving ability) who the fairy queen married, introducing a unicorn royal family, and that regardless of their sex, Lesser Fairies can't reproduce and need to adopt eggs to raise.
The conversation also produced two other theories-
1- If Raxtus were adopted earlier on, not only would he be female, he'd be smaller, more colourful, sparklier, and with full fairy powers in a dragon's body. Possibly with insect-like wings and a patterned body, too.
2- Only imps who liked being dark will remember it. This has so much possibility- were they forcibly turned back, whether they wanted to or not? How many problems would that cause?
I can just picture a mini protest from all the annoyed ex-dark fairies trying to mess up the fairy realm's rebuilding or purposefully getting caught by amateur fairy catchers that don't know about the overnight rule in hopes they'll turn back.
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Keys to the Demon Prison Spoilers Without Context:
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hauntedfarfalle · 2 years
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Rant and RotDS spoilers incoming:
Why the hell did Kendra decide to go back to the Fairy Realm?! She’s supposed to be the one who makes smart decisions but girl’s just gonna get herself captured again 😭
We could have gotten a scene where she rousts the Knights of the Dawn to fight, and the return of Trask, Mara, Elise, and all the other characters from the OG series who just disappeared after KttDP. Instead we get… whatever that was lol
It’s just so unlike her that it’s obvious that the scene was written as her “making a dumb decision” just so Seth’s hero arc can advance and that boils my blood
Rant over lmao
On a different note Kendra and Raxtus are going back to Obsidian Waste!! It’s just a fly-thru and I doubt we’ll see the return of any OG characters but it feels so nostalgic :)
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captainbubbles4 · 3 years
KTTDP SPOILERS. guys in kttdp vanessa pokes at bracken for liking someone so much younger than he is but vanessa was affectionate for the sphinx right? she does know he is like… wayyyy older than her??
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warrenessa · 3 years
Return of the Dragon Slayers Reaction Post
I tried to be as vague as I could, but here is a final warning:
spoilers under the cut!!! Do not read if you haven’t read the book!!!!
What the fuck is this why are we starting with Knox?
Seth is a badass and I am here for it but he’s hurting so much and I’m sad
fairyprincesskendra prepared me for the fact that warrenessa is barely in the book at all which softened the blow but I am still sad and will now be writing all the fix it fic
Oh boy mull found a way to make Knox even more intolerable. Forget intolerable I mean he made Knox flat out disgusting.
Ronodin no. Just…no
Can someone remind me of the timeline here doesn’t dw take place a few weeks after KTTDP did Kendra’s birthday happen off page or is this a typo this is not computing
Lizelle is my favorite
So that’s how the fairy king fell afjdjsjsjsjbn
well that explains why Muriel was in the book trailer
a mother of all narcoblixes? Wait what tell me more
Virgil no.
Would die for glory and noble
Would die for all the dragon slayers.
Look when I said I wanted Trask back I didn’t mean just name dropping him in a scene to indicate he’s present there. And also Mara?? Um…hello? Where’s my girl at she’s also canonically able to withstand dragon fear this does not compute
So…we’re really not going to give Kendra more to do here??? WTF
“warren seemed more crushed by the news than Vanessa did.” Excuse me I need a moment
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Cottage Cheese Live Reaction Part 2
Chapter 8- Giant Queen
>“No free rides for dragons at this sanctuary. They contribute.” lmao Rustafet is like “ 😂 The Grind Never Stops💯 No Breaks😈 i won't🙅🏻ever stop my grind💯nothing gets handed to me 🙄🙅🏻‍♂️ I work for everything I got ‼️but we ain't done yet 💯😈👀 Nap?😂 I don't know that word😴 while you taking Z's 💤 I'm making W's🙌🏆” anyways I hate him
> So she’s not the woman on the cover. I wonder who that is? They also didn’t mention what race she is (in human terms)
> “too much woman for any man on this planet” gayyyyy
> I wonder who the people on the human-sized bleachers and couches are. Fair folk, or creatures with human avatars, perhaps.
Chapter 9- Presence
> Wasn’t the spirit of the Lady Luck a presence?
> Sometimes family is a hermit troll, an adventuring nipsie, an identity-less shadow charmer, and a presence inhabiting loose dirt.
> “lucky potato”
Chapter 10- Giselle
> I’m very interested in the nationalities of these human-sized people. Raza seems to be south Asian, and Giselle wears a cheongsam, so she’s probably Chinese.
> I wonder who was hired to build the human-sized structures? Or perhaps the area already existed, and was conquered..
> Ah, so Thronis was exiled and “placed in the care” of Agad.. He claimed to be the largest giant in the world, and skilled at magic... Maybe he rebelled against the policy of slavery?
> Kendra’s getting a turkey with avocado sandwich. That’s the meal her mum made for her at the end of KttDP. She misses her.
> At first I thought they were perhaps blixes, but I see that they’re dragons. That’s so interesting
> It’s interesting that impaled heads would be in the territory of a vampire. Makes me think of the historical Vlad Țepeș.
Chapter 11- Green Ogres
> Is that supposed to be Reggie? But he has no face, and is made of dirt. Or Hermo? But I thought he was bald
> “isn’t it July?” Think a lot of people forget how little time has passed since Dragonwatch 1. In WotDK, it was midsummer’s eve.
> Reggie saying “I don’t like how he talks to you” he’s so nice and considerate
> Hermo suddenly becoming one with the dry leaves makes me realise that he has the same power as Eve
> Hang on, giants used to keep humans as slaves?
Chapter 12- Dectus
> The sky giants as a group have allegiance to Dragonwatch? I thought Thronis was helping out of the goodness of his heart.
> Raza: “I’ll wait for you out here.” Kendra should’ve asked him to not eavesdrop...
> Dectus has curly white hair.. I wonder if it’s possible he is the one on the cover
> Hwat??? A Fair Folk Prince is romancing Queen Imani??
> Lmao Doranio, Eraldo Coil, and Leigh Bardugo have something in common. Their names just sound like anagrams. Brandon Mull must be getting lazy.
Chapter 13- Humburgh
> An alchemy academy, where they extract dragon tears. Those might be useful to Seth and his memories. And maybe potions originated from giants? They seem more organised.
> “End no life”- so Humburgh is a safe zone of sorts?
> So there are humans in this town. Bogdun used to have human slaves. There must be a permanent settlement of humans here- I wonder why? I also find it interesting that nymphs, fairies, satyrs, trolls, goblins, dwarves, etc. live here. I wonder if they’re influenced by the mortals living among them. Since when do nymphs have settlements?
> Maybe this diverse town is foreshadowing, supposed to show what an integrated magical world might be like
> New Seth powers- He’s beginning to sense intent
Chapter 14- Giant Killer
>The cage is attached to the choker? Wouldn’t that be uncomfortable for the giant, and also bounce around too much?
>Hey wait a minute Doranio is just Ronodin scrambled , isn’t it?
> Courtly clothing, leather and gold. Does a cooler outfit exist?
> “You and I are very different. That crown would have been mine forever.” I wonder if my theory is correct..
> CotTG spoilers but I don’t give you the context:
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> Ronodin makes an effort not to hurt Kendra here, I notice. He only deflects. He must truly fear the Giant Queen’s wrath, despite his playing around.
Chapter 15- Virgil
> Virgil seems a little sus, why’s he so helpful? Does he like sending people to their deaths? I do kind of like him though..
> “Now that you mention it, I heard tell of a nipsie spotted at Humbuggle’s manor” love that WAS Humbuggle
Chapter 16- Waystar
> I’m glad that Kendra’s facing the consequences of her actions, though I honestly think she was justified
> Ronodin has been courting Queen Imani for several months? He’s been planning this for a long time, he probably starting setting things in motion as soon as the politics shifted after the demons tried to break loose
> I wonder why Stratos lost that power. Was it a punishment? And I wonder if the upsized livestock have anything in common with Viola
> I don’t know much about the Waystar, but loose ideas I have are of it being a compass to where the Sovereign Skull is, perhaps. Or maybe it’s like the star Mira’s mother from Five Kingdoms can make
> Dectus reeks of traitor. “Go get this artefact. No I won’t tell you why it’s important. What happens when you get caught? Uhh just don’t get caught”
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Chapter 17- Entry Tokens
> “And Calvin had wanted to do some exploring on his own” lmao
> Now Seth can blend into the shadows when he’s already been spotted, just by willing it- before, he didn’t have to will it to shadewalk, it just happened. Either Brandy’s inconsistent, or Seth’s powers are changing
Chapter 18- Stratos
> So giant hide is too tough for Vanessa to bite? How did Mr. Lich (a viviblix) bite the skeleton of Ranticus when he controlled it?
> I knew Kendra hadn’t shrunk when that picture had been released! Called it
> “oh no you don’t” in response to Kendra asking the gnome’s name. Man thinks she’s one of the fae.
> Warren’s been through a cat door while human sized?
> Grey, curly hair. No chance she’s the one on the cover..
Chapter 19- Arena
> Battle Royale, hm? *insert horrible gamer joke*
Chapter 20- Madam Ladonna
> Only mermen in the aquarium?
> “Somebody big? Not necessarily, but yes” bet it’s Isadore
> So Kendra’s favourite colour is currently a rich blue. She wore a blue shirt in the first book. Not that that means much.
Chapter 21- Below the Floor
> “some people scrounge” do you mean picnic, hunt, or eat any dead combat animals?
> What if Seth can’t leave underground? What if Virgil is secretly Humbuggle and is trying to trick him into entering the competitor’s quarters so that he dies before he learns Humbuggle’s weakness
> Seth patting the troll on the arm djfjnfcjjd
> “Some were dressed in simple tunics, others in shirts and pants, mostly browns and greys. The homespun clothes..” sick of this trope. dying clothing isn’t that hard, old timey people had often bright clothing
> describes man as handsome, clarifies that he has a cleft chin. brandon mull you bastard (he also does this is RotES)
> his name is Per? norwegian gaaaaaang
> so if they die in the game, they don’t die in real life
> cottg spoilers but I don’t give you the context:
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> I’m guessing the forbidden area is dark in an Under Realm sort of way, and so Seth will be fine
> People have come here recently the same way as Seth? Must be from Stormguard. The fact that Rianne’s heard about it being cleared basically confirms it. One of them’s probably Ronodin, though I didn’t know he was marked as a participant. It could be several of the Fair Folk, investigating Humbuggle. Or it could be dragons.
Chapter 22- Crystal Hollow
> Long green hair, penetrating eyes, tall and lissome? I was already thinking of Jaleesa. Missing an arm, leather armour? It’s DEFINITELY her
> CotTG spoilers but I don’t give you the context
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>Since it’s not dark/undead, maybe it’s a dragon slayer
> Well, this is interesting too. It’s like the Fluctlights from SAO. Creepy, but interesting.
> Prediction: this has something to do with the ‘asleep’ and ‘awakened’ chapter. My other idea is that those have something to do with the Harp of Ages being used on the dragons.
Chapter 23- Messenger
> Ptolemy? He’s a giant? (Also lmao Warren)
> Oh SHIT, Ronodin is king? I wonder if my theory is correct!
> Vanessa stroked her cheek? heh
> Maybe Kendra can heal her? She should stabilise Gwendolyn
> Only Bracken and the former Queen are imprisoned? What about Mizelle? The other sisters?
> “Kendra felt stupid for crying” no my moonlight, you’re good, nobody saw this coming, people you love are in mortal peril
24- Mystery
> Of course Calvin went to Humbuggle’s Manor
> Esmira asks for what you have on you, something of value, but not money? The Diviner sounds like a scam- this is what fortune tellers do, take your purse and use it to find clues about your life so they can make ‘realistic’ predictions’
25- Diviner
> Dice of unusual shape and size? He plays DnD..
> Reggie can be heard by the Diviner? I hoped to learn more about him
> Seth: I want my memories
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> Calvin is possibly legitimate
> Poor Reggie :(, I wish him the best
> Perhaps the room with the Wizenstone (at Stormguard) is the same as the arena, and Humburgh by extension? If Humbuggle keeps the memories he takes, and keeps the dead to heal them, is it possible he also retains Jaleesa’s arms, Obregon, and Tregain? In the room with the Wizenstone, the gloves didn’t work- maybe an extension of Humbuggle’s ‘stop no heart’ policy.
> What’s the bet Ronodin took Seth’s memories
26- Asleep
> So this is what asleep means
> I wonder if it is actually sacred ground, or if Queen Imani just doesn’t want them to wake. I wonder if the white hair woman from the cover is really sleeping there.
> I forgot to mention, but I’m glad Isla del Dragòn was mentioned again
> Was the Perennial Storm at Fablehaven? Or where else did he live?
[PART 3]
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We’ve come full circle
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captainbubbles4 · 3 years
warren related thoughts
Did anybody else think Lomo was like a Warren 2.0?
Do you guys thing Ruth and Dale were salty with warren’s dating choices? I mean if i remember correctly didnt vanessa plan to use dale to navigate the inverted tower? And she did get him stuck in the theifs net. And ruth didnt take her betrayal too lightly either. I mean obvi its not up to either of them but dale is his brother and vanessa locked him in a dungeon🤷🏻‍♀️Idk i just wanna know their reactions to the news
Has anybody thought about warren and lena’s relationship? How he might have been devastated by her death? Hes a catatonic albino in the first book when she gets put back in the pond and trapped as a shadow when she dies. Lena would be his great great aunt and warren kind of looked up to patton so he may have even begged her for more stories about him. Or maybe she’s the reason that he looks up to him? And boy lena had to have been reminded of patton when she was with warren right? We need some warren and lena okay.
Wait hold up a sec. Muriel knew about warren’s condition in the first book bc she made a remark abt dale being as pale has his brother or something (which i’ll add is very cruel to dale). So did they try to heal warren with muriel’s help? was the magic too powerful for her to undo or did the sorensons not deem warren worth untying a knot keeping an evil witch locked up?? Id like to think that they at least tried since there were two knots left when seth came in and surely theyd care enough about warren to try🤷🏻‍♀️ but then again they didnt untie a knot for grandma sorenson either.
ROTDS SPOILERS. warren dont show up till halfway thro the book. he doesnt do much. next time, he shows up he offers assistance and not much else happens with him. the next time, we’re *told* he got chased by a dragon. next, its the end of the book and theres not much of him there either. brandon knows warren and vanessa are fan faves so why deprive us of them in the last book only to kill the characters that did take the spotlight so quickly? why????
who thinks warren visits bubda since they were roomates for 3 months? does warren ever miss bubda?
whether warren gets injured in every book or not dont forget that he is in fact very competent. he navigated the inverted tower and lost mesa guys. no small feat.
in GotSP dougan is the leader of the group that goes to lost mesa but lets be honest. our boy warren did most of the hard stuff. he climbed up the lost mesa without a harness, went first through all the traps and dont you dare forget the chokepods guys. everybody else had a hard time with warren guiding them but he didnt have anyone to guide him. warren was the brave one im just sayin
bubda’s sole purpose for existing is to explain why warren isnt insane when they find him in kttdp
oh my goodness. if bubda wasnt in the knapsack would warren have survived?🤭 3 months of isolation wouldnt be easy and surely not with warren’s personality right? i mean warren IS a survivor but isolation will make anyone go crazy or maybe without bubda’s company he would have more easily lost hope and given up on them finding a way to rescue him.
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captainbubbles4 · 3 years
who would win a fight between bracken and warren? they had that scuffle in the forest of fruit in kttdp. obviously bracken wasnt trying to hurt warren so its not a real fight. do unicorn avatars have increased strength and agility like dragon avatars do? apparently after thousands of years, bracken is still physically a teenager and warren would be a grown man. ofc warren has some experience fighting but he hasnt been alive as long as bracken has. (rotds spoilers) granted experience isnt everything seeing as the dragon slayers got wiped out quick at the end but seth handled celebrant with ease altho he also had vasilis. so who do you think would win the fight?
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captainbubbles4 · 3 years
thoughts relating to warren and vanessa. some spoilers
Brandon mull wasnt satisfied with breaking warren’s bones in dragon watch so he just permanently blinds his gf😭 WHAT DID WARREN DO TO YOU BRANDON?! I ASK YOU WHAT DID HE EVER DO TO YOU.
Maybe warren was insensitive about vanessa’s blindness bc he was so sure it would be healed later and it could be something to joke about(or perhaps its just his personality). I mean he seemed to hold out hope for her and was crushed when he found out it was permanent. Theyve both been healed from injuries like in the inverted tower with the sands of sanctity so it wouldnt be out of the realm of belief to think she could be healed from this. Hopefully he wasnt as insensitive abt it after he found out it was permanent
did warren ever get bored and go talk to vanessa while she was in the dungeon in SotDS or in KttDP? or what if warren talked to vanessa behind everyone’s backs before GotSP 🤔 maybe he interrogates her or something or just wants simple answers to connect the dots with things that happened while she was a knight that start to add up once they find out she’s a traitor.
in motpi they have to decide who the best swordsman is to take the sword while they use the elixir of dry depths. warren doubts tanu saying maybe vanessa should have it. perhaps he just says that bc he’s dating her but like. what if theyve duelled before! who wouldnt love to see that? a sparring match warren vs vanessa yesss why didnt we get this. the inverted tower doesnt count at all bc they didnt even fight eachother. errol and vanessa tried to get the spear from kendra thats it. maybe warren saw her use a sword in one of those past missions before sotes? idk i wish we got to know more of their histories both together and apart like yk their personal lives. vanessa would have an interesting family. blixes. and we just dont know a lot abt warren either.
i want that warren and vanessa history i want to know how it went down. it says vanessa cared for the sphinx. but if she and warren had history, was she using him? or was she a knight first and was in a relationship with warren and then she dumped him for the society and the sphinx? or was it that falling in love with your target trope? ahh i want answers
also we need a domestic warren playing his acoustic guitar on the couch. bonus vanessa is there too singing a duet with him
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