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Käthe von Nagy on a vintage postcard
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[squinting at my notes] i saw mommy beating santa in snows of time
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sleepy-stitches · 7 months
my head hurt and im ttired but human connection is so beautiful. send psot
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shysheeperz · 9 months
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quietwingsinthesky · 10 months
I've been patiently waiting for you to get to The Last of the Timelords, and it was soooo worth the wait. Isn't it just bonkers bananas insane? I have never known peace of mind since watching these 3 episodes in middle school, there truly was something in the water. And if you can believe it, every time the master comes back it just keeps being more insane. Anyway I hope you sleep well <3
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pinetreeshack · 1 year
i miss him (fiddleford)
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deploybits · 10 months
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kaedeichinose · 1 year
campcamp is also being erased from youtube but i dont care about that one so its fine
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wonstop · 2 years
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Blue bedtime stuff with sheep and clouds 🐑
journal ($7.99+) - blanket ($49.90+) - plush ($16.49)
pj pants ($36) - pillow ($19.90+) - body butter ($15)+)
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Käthe von Nagy and Lydia Pollmann on a vintage postcard
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miss-floral-thief · 2 months
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gyaru ygo 8D
0 notes
dtiaddict · 5 months
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0 notes
alivehouse · 1 year
fighting for my fucking life to listen thru the white vault but i hate how theyre doing the found footage thing so bad
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chaoticmannamedoliver · 7 months
I just got my ordered pin that is so incredibly hnoc, and you can't change my ming here
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And now im ghosting around on vinted, hoping to find a stupid waistcoat- as one does-
And i found these two that seem very Marius and brian respectfully
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I dunno why the left is marius to me- they're just a silly lil guy to me and. Ithin kthe toy soldier and jonny steal clothes just do embroider them- sooo-
Sadly, i haven't found any waistcoat for me tho and im afraid i won't look good in one due to my friken transness-
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angel-of-the-moons · 2 months
Nothing Is Lost
Khonshu xFem!Reader
TW/CW: Angst, Reader is very frustrated in more ways than one, mentions of incestual marriages (it was ancient Egypt, I'm gonna keep reminding y'all of that) some historical inaccuracies, mixed with some personal speculation on Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten, Nefertiti and a few royal consorts/wives.
A/N: Woo! Getting there, you guys! The mystery is beginning to unravel!
Taglist: @drinkingwithkhonshu @astrosphereblog @themostegotisticalgirl124 @patchesofwork @lialiwasneverseen
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Chapter 13:
The Before
Thankfully, Khonshu only ribbed you out lightly, trying to worm details from you. But when it was obvious you were so adamant about not telling him the rather intimate details of your most recent mental trip.
Not only were you confused and frustrated... now you were confused, frustrated, and horny. You knew you couldn't exactly relieve yourself; the old man would undoubtedly know, and proceed to mock you for it. Smug bastard. Had gods no vices of their own?
You laid in your bed, the sun bleeding through your curtain and bathing you in a warm glow. You sighed deeply, wiping your face.
Time was ticking on your paid leave... If you didn't get yourself sorted out soon, you were in danger of losing your job. What then?
You were fucked, that's what. And not in the fun sense.
You stared back up at the ceiling, your brows furrowed in frustration.
There was one person who might know. One person who might be able to explain the "magic" Khonshu said you were "blessed" with.
You needed to go see Jezebel.
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The older woman smiled warmly at you, her eyes creasing at the corners as she welcomed you into her store; "Ah! I was wondering when I'd see you again, dear. Come, come!"
Zephyr crowed at you, his head tipping back and forth as he hopped along the countertop, chasing your steps as Jezebel stepped down from behind it.
"I need--"
"Help, yes I know, sweetie." Jezebel finished for you, patting your hand as she side-stepped you, moving to flip the sign on her shop door to say "Be back soon!".
She turned back around, and pressing her hand to the curve of your back, she gestured for you to walk with her past her shelves of various "witchy" items and to the back room where she performed her "readings".
You swallowed as the beads parted and she tugged out a chair for you to sit at her little table, "It's all right. I won't hurt you. You need my help, remember?"
"Yes..." You said tensely, taking your seat. You watched curiously as Jezebel allowed Zephyr to climb on her arm so she could pull him past the curtain and let him perch on his special spot; before grabbing a small clay pot from a shelf nearby.
She went around the room, dipping her fingers in whatever contents were within the pot, apparently smearing it in patterns you didn't understand at every point of entry in the room. You could very faintly make out the scent of the substance. Oil, obviously. Containing hints of something soft and flowery; rose oil with some kind of spice, perhaps. Something about it made your nose tickle with familiarity; gave you a small sense of comfort.
Jezebel replaced the jar on the shelf and too kthe seat opposite of you, grabbing the box of matches from the middle of the table and lighting the small cones on the plate in front of you.
"Apologies, dear... this is--"
"Myrrh." You interrupted softly, your eyes transfixed on the incense as the flames flickered out, the scent thickly cloying the air of the cramped space. Jezebel smiled again, nodding slowly.
"...Yes. It is." She adjusted her posture and rested her hands on the table, looking at you; her eyes shifting from mischievous to something faraway--ancient and haunted.
"Why did you... Do all of this?" You asked, looking around the room.
"I understand you've been frustrated with a... mutual acquaintance."
You snapped your head to look at her, "You... You know that--"
"That Khonshu is being rather abrasive with you? Yes," She leaned back in her chait with a chuckle and a shake of her head. "Please don't take it personally. He's like that with everyone. He means well, truly, but he's sort of... lost the ability to display his concern and curiosity in a more... gentle manner."
"Pfah!" You scoff, throwing your hands up. "He's a nosy bastard who won't give me privacy!"
"Yes, he does have an issue with... boundaries." Jezebel sighed softly.
You looked at her again, looking at her suspiciously; "How do you know about Khonshu?"
"I am one of the very few and scattered followers he still has in the world." She explained, "He saved my life. Gave it a real purpose after he saved me from Ammit's cult."
"Cult of--who?" You ask, your face twisting. "What... How did he do that?"
Jezebel pulled her sleeve and bracelets up further on her forearm; revealing a strange tattoo. It was faded, old, but still there. The image pertained that of some sort of scale, the edges of the beam containing twin heads of a crocodile, the platform scales dangling from their jaws.
"I was a... misguided follower of Ammit. Khonshu redeemed me, and freed me from a fate worse than death." She replaced her sleeve and jewelry, "I placed wards to prevent Khonshu from spying... And eavesdropping. I figured you would appreciate it because he has been rather invasive of your private life, as of late."
You nodded, giving her mumbled thanks.
"Now. You have questions?" She quipped.
"Yes." You breathed, leaning forward. "The dreams are getting worse. Or--or more vivid. I'm seeing some more detail, but that goddamn doctor said it was all a figment of my imagination! I can't take it! The old man won't just leave me alone! I don't understand why--"
Jezebel chuckled sweetly, her hands in the air to calm you, "Hush. Slow down... What doctor?"
You took a deep breath, exhaling through your nostrils. "Well..."
As you explained, taking moments to pause and reflect as you explained to Jezebel what was happening; you noticed how surprisingly annoyed she seemed with the doctor you'd gone to see. And mostly with how she dismissed your visions as daydreams and fantasies.
She hummed, frowning deeply as her eyes narrowed at the incense as it burned.
The silence had you wanting to chew off your nails with anxiety, until she finally spoke, "Your visions are disorganized. Fragmented. Not in order, at all. This is... troubling." She brought her thumb and forefinger to her chin, thinking deeply.
"H-how is it troubling?" You swallowed thickly, that knot of anxiety coiling within your belly once more. You wrought your fingers beneath the table, trying desperately to focus.
"It may have something to do with the magic emerging within you." She explained. "Your visions may be getting more detailed based on a... a buildup of sorts within you."
"I... I don't follow."
"The way some people who are born with natural magic, it's... almost like..." She grunted, trying to find an analogy.
"Imagine it like a cyst; or an infected wound. How it will well up with pus if untreated--drained--until it begins to weep or bleed. The magic is kind of--"
You cringed, your stomach unhappy with that comparisons, "It'd be less gross if you compared it to like... a rotten watermelon."
Jezebel laughed, "Apologies, dear. But yes, like how the watermelon may begin to foam and get soft before bursting... your magic is slowly leaking from you. Without a way to channel it, to focus it--it will only continue to cause you problems."
"But that doesn't explain my "visions", Jezebel." You groaned, leaning back in your chair in frustration.
Infuriatingly, she nodded, smiling that patient smile of hers.
"You're right. Those visions were always inside of you, dear." She said, "With or without magic, they would have surfaced. The magic is very likely why they began as vague nightmares, at first. And when you invoked Khonshu, that opened the first incision in the cy--er--the watermelon. Your magic began to bleed from you, ease up on your mind and body, allowing for things to become clearer."
"But... but what does that mean?" You pressed, leaning across the table, staring at her, your jaw tightening at her cryptic phrasing.
"What do you mean that I was always going to have these visions?"
Jezebel sighed deeply, still patient despite your rather impertinent behavior.
"Do you believe in reincarnation? Rebirth? Heaven, the afterlife?"
That floored you.
You dropped back into your seat, blinking dumbly at her. You couldn't help it; you laughed, the sound coming from you in a bark as you ran a hand through your hair. "Are you serious? You're saying that I'm... I'm some person from thousands of years ago? Do you know how crazy that sounds?"
"As crazy as Egyptian gods being real and invading your personal space, or actual magic?" Jezebel grins. You wilt at her remark, looking down at your lap as you scuffed the toe of your shoe on the floor.
"...Good point..." You admit bashfully.
The older woman chuckles, smiling fondly at you. "I understand your frustration, dear. Now... let's try to put a focusing stone--a magnifying glass onto some of your visions. Namely, the one you had when that "doctor" hypnotized you. Who was in it?"
"W-well..." You think, recalling all the details.
The atmosphere, the emotions heavy on the breeze--you could almost feel the weight of the baby you had held in your arms. "There was... a baby. I was holding her, and..."
Your heart ached, and before you even realized it, your arms moved, cradling something that wasn't even there. You shook your head, ignoring the sense of grief that had strangely begun to rise inside of you.
"A baby?" Jezebel asked, her eyes growing wide. "Tell me, what was her name?"
"Heba," You answered quickly. "Her name was--was Heba. She was--" You chuckled softly through your nose. "She was a very chubby baby. ...Why do you ask?"
Jezebel hummed, licking her lips a moment. "It will all help us focus your mind. To shine the light on the little details; the scribbles in the margins, as it were. Who else was there?"
"A... a man. He came up behind me. Hugged me..." You said slowly, your eyes going distant as your mind went back to that place. The warmth of the sun on your skin, the baby in your arms; the strength of the arms that wrapped around you. The love that stretched on, bridged the gap that your physical bodies couldn't articulate through soft touch.
Jezebel was very interested. She leaned forward again, resting her arms on the table as she peered at you. "Did you... catch his name?"
"No, but... I had another dream last night with him in it." You blurted without thinking.
She nodded, rolling her wrist, "And? What happened?"
"Well... it started with me walking in... a temple."
"A temple? To whom?" She inquired.
"Well..." You groaned, rolling your eyes. "The cranky old bastard."
Jezebel snorted, covering her mouth with her hand; coughing into it to swallow her jubilance. "Ah... ahem. Continue, please."
"It was at night... couldn't see much. Just the paintings on the walls that were lit by the torches." You sigh, closing your eyes for a moment as you recalled the vivid scene.
"I was looking at them, at the sky... and the, the torches went out and I couldn't see. Then, the man came up behind me again, and..." Your eyes snap open and you feel your face heat up as you looked off to the side, rubbing the back of your neck; a flush overtaking your cheeks.
Did you dare reveal the details of your rather blasphemous tryst in a holy place like that? If you really were that woman who you've been dreaming about, you can imagine Khonshu wouldn't be very happy when he found out--if he found out--that you and your dream lover had defiled one of his temples with your rather carnal affair.
"What happened next?" Jezebel urged.
You didn't answer.
She noticed the tone of color in your face and a smile ghosted her lips. She was restraining herself. You yourself didn't notice the playful twinkle in her eyes as you cleared your throat, still averting your gaze out of shame, "W-well, uh... It's... It's sorta... p-personal?"
"Oh... I see." She chuckled, "I won't pry. But did you see his face? Catch his name?"
Her smiled melted away like ice in the summer heat. Her brows furrowed deeply, "What? You can't see his face, or recall his name?"
"I... I can't explain it, I'm sorry, I..." You sigh, running a hand through your hair again as the shame of "your" thousands-of-years old sexual encounter faded away. "His name never comes up. It hasn't. Well, not yet, I mean? And... His face is..."
"...Yes?" Jezebel asked softly.
"The split second I caught of him, it was... blurry."
Jezebel cocked her head to the side. "Blurry?"
"Yeah, like, uh... like when ink gets wet on paper, almost. The torch went out, but..." Your brows furrow as you recall one crucial detail.
"His eyes. They had almost a... a glow? It was faint, but I definitely saw them glowing." You looked back at her, seeing her thoughtful expression. "Jezebel?"
"I... think that, perhaps, you can't recall his name or face because you aren't meant to. Not yet." She told you. There was something else in her eyes, something deep.
"What... was the woman's name? Do you recall that?"
"Yeah, actually." You replied with a nod. "Merit. My--her name was Merit."
You see Jezebel visibly stiffen; her jaw tightening a fraction as her eyes focus on yours with a burning intensity that has you wanting to look away. But something swirls in the depths of her gaze that keeps yours trapped with hers.
"Merit." She repeated slowly, as if she were tasting each syllable, each letter on her tongue. "You're sure that was the name?"
"Yeah, it's all they called her. Why?" You asked suspiciously.
"It's... it's nothing. But knowing that name is a very big step to remembering it all, indeed." She relaxed, her posture becoming once again casual as she reclined in her seat.
"That's--Jezebel, you're lying to me." You told her, narrowing your eyes. "Tell me, why is her name important?"
"I'm sorry." She apologized. You could tell by the inflection of her words that she menat it. She was well and truly sorry that she wouldn't--or perhaps couldn't--tell you more. "But... You have to discover the rest of Merit's story for yourself, dear. I cannot help you with everything."
You rub your temples, feeling the beginnings of a migraine coming on. "Jezebel..."
"However," She said, her voice low and full of warning. "You mustn't tell Khonshu of your dreams. Not until you feel you are ready."
"I... What? Why?" You asked, your head reeling back a bit in confusion.
"Well..." She tilted her head, her eyes softening a smidge, a small smile on her lips. "I can imagine if he were to find out you had a rather... clandestine meeting with this mystery man of yours in one of his temples; his overbearingness may become... worse, for you?"
You wilted once again, feeling like a little kid who got caught telling a fib. "...Fair."
Jezebel smiled, and stood up, walking over to another one of her shelves full of baubles, and pulled out a small jar. Clay, like the pot of oil, but definitely smaller. More like a vial, if anything.
She turned, and walked back over to you, "Now. There's one more thing I need to try with you. I need to see how these visions affect you myself."
"What's in that thing?" You ask, leaning away from her.
Jezebel swirls the small jar around idly, looking at it. "Oh, it's just some oils, some incense ashes... it's a concoction that I learned to make on my own when I was younger. It helped me... remember things. I thought it may do the same for you, too."
You eyed her with suspicion once more. But Jezebel had never given you a reason to distrust her, before. Well, she did hide the fact that she and Khonshu were all buddy-buddy, but she explained everything--or, well, almost everything--to you rather truthfully.
So... fuck it. Anything helps, right?
"Okay. You said to her. "What do I do?"
Jezebel smiled and uncorked the jar, "Breathe deep."
You did.
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You were walking through the halls of the palace, humming to yourself as the springtime breeze whistled through the halls and large rooms. Servants and bowed out of respect to you; your father was here meeting with the Pharaoh. He was sick and frail, and your father, being the good friend to the king that he was, would come to visit him constantly.
After all, it was on a hunting trip with the Pharaoh that your father sustained his injury with one of the powerful lions they were so fond of tracking. Your father had to retire, no longer able to join the ruler on his hunts or lead incursions against the enemies of Egypt. Instead helping advise his son, Amenhotep, named for his father, in his absences. It was no secret that your father had been in talks with the Pharaoh Amenhotep to suggest your hand as one of his son's wives in the past...
His son's marriage to the beautiful Nefertiti had only concluded two weeks before, with you a member of the bridal party. She was young, certainly. Younger than you by nearly five years, she was wiser than you'd anticipated. As she was being prepared for the wedding procession, you and the princess-to-be had engaged in a few philosophical discussions on what could be done to alleviate the Pharaoh of his ailments; of which gods to leave offerings to...
You were a bit older than most would suggest for a wife, but close enough in age to Amenhotep that it was acceptable. You were still of your fertile years, after all, (and would be for some time as of yet) and a future Pharaoh needed heirs to succeed him.
The Prince had been ruling as coregent ever since his father had fallen ill with the horrible pains in his mouth and teeth. The poor king could barely eat; only able to dine on broths and very finely mashed foods that he could easily swallow, fed lovingly by Queen Tiye.
You liked Tiye. You and your mother would spend a lot of time with her when you were young; as one of her handmaidens this was how she had met your father. Tiye was always very kind to you, taking you into her lap as she would do with one of her daughters whilst your mother helped attend to one of the other wives, or their children.
She even allowed your mother to recline in one of her special chairs when she was pregnant with your little brother. The latter of whom had stayed home with your mother, today, focusing on his schooling.
You sighed deeply as you trailed your finger across the murals painted in the plastered and ivory walls while you walked. Today was rather sad for you; Amenhotep was likely to not remain in this world for much longer. His son, close in age to you, would become Pharaoh in his place, since his elder brother Thutmose had passed away some time ago.
Your father had even proposed that your hand be given to the late Prince, but the offer changed once he had passed on to the afterlife.
You refused both options, quite vehemently of course--much to the chagrin of your parents. You weren't ready to be weighted down by the bearing and raising of children to the next Pharaoh; you wanted to study, to learn. To become the scholar that would teach generations even ages after you passed on the next life.
The Pharaoh had asked to see you, personally. You sat alone before this mortal god, nervous that you may have offended him in your youthful bravado...
But instead, he smiled at you, and laughed. He had made a bargain with you: if you could beat him in a game of Senet you would not be wed to anyone that was not of your choosing or desire.
You had won. And it was by his decree that, if you did not accept the terms of a proposal, you would not be wed.
Your father had balked at the idea, the very notion. While he would respect your wishes should you decline any men he suggested, (the most prominent one being Amenhotep. Repeatedly.) he would always sigh and shake his head, telling you he only wanted you to be cared for when he passed on, that--
"Merit?" A soft voice called out to you.
You turned, seeing Nefertiti cradling a bouquet of blue lotuses in her thin, young arms. She walked up to you, and smiled. You could see always why her name meant "the perfect one has arrived". And truly, she was a beauty to behold. Whenever she stepped into a room, heads would turn and breaths would stop.
Her gaze looked up to meet yours, and she smiled again, "I heard your father was visiting the king?"
"Yes. I got restless. The musicians and dancers are all very fine to watch, but..." You sighed.
"You wanted to explore?"
"Well, I doubt there is an inch of this Palace I have yet to see, given I practically grew up in it." You replied fondly, running your hand down a smooth column, your fingers dancing over an image of Thoth, one of the gods you focused your worship on.
You looked back down at the princess, smiling, "And what are you doing, my lady?"
She rolled her eyes with a scoff, "Ugh. Don't call me that! You're older than me, it makes me feel old. You can just call me by my name, Merit."
"But that would be improper..." You grinned playfully at her. "...my lady."
The girl snickered, taking one of the lotuses and whacking you on the head with it, having to stand on her toes to do so, "You will call me by my name! As future Queen, I demand it!"
You bowed deeply with a flourish, "But of course! My Princess Nefertiti..."
She hit you with the flower again, sending a petal to stick into your wig. You both laugh, giggling amongst one another girlishly.
"Well... I hear your father is trying to convince you to marry, again?" She asked you with a smirk.
You sighed and shook your head, your jewelry tinkling along the breeze. "Yes. He is wanting to marry me to Amenhotep... I refused."
"Again." Nefertiti giggled, brushing a lock of her wig behind her ear. "Although, if you accepted, I would not opposed to you being with the other sister-wives. You could even teach our children, with all that you know!"
"As enticing as the thought is, Nefertiti..."
"You aren't ready. I understand." She smiled patiently. Truly, wiser than her own years.
"But I promise, should you accept, I will welcome you happily. You're one of the first friends I have made here, after all. And your experience with the Pharaoh and Queen and court would be most welcome."
You chuckled as Nefertiti sticks the stem of one of the lotuses into your wig, "Thank you. I will keep the idea in mind."
"That is all I ask." She nodded.
Her smiled faltered for a moment, as she looked down the hall. As if checking to see if anyone was near.
"Nefertiti? What is it?" You asked her.
"Merit." She whispered to you, her full lips turning into a pout, her meticulously traced eyebrows pinched with worry, "At times, does Amenhotep seem... odd, to you?"
You looked to the floor, not entirely sure you wished to say, "Nefertiti..."
"Please, tell me." She asked, taking hold of your hand, looking up at you hopefully. "I love him, dearly, I do. But..."
"He does seem a little... Odd." You relented. "When we were younger he would... Engage in conversations with himself. Get angry very easily."
"That is not recent? He has always done this?" She gasped with worry. "I woke up a few nights ago, and Amenhotep was... was whispering to himself. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but... he returned back to his normal, charming and adoring self when I touched him."
"Then perhaps you are the calming influence he needs?" You said, tilting your head. "He will be Pharaoh, one day. And ruling jointly with his father has been heavy on his mind, I am sure. Perhaps, with you with him at his side, the weight will ease?"
She twisted her mouth, wiggled it about. A rather cute physical display of her thinking, you were sure. Finally, Nefertiti nodded. "I'm sure you're right, Merit. Thank you so much."
"We are friends, are we not?" You suggested, hooking your little finger with hers; the both of you giggling once again.
You both turn your heads sharply to see Amenhotep, staring at the both of you with a quirked brow. He reached up to toss his sidelock of hair behind his ear, sauntering over to the both of you with a cocky smile. His appearance was a tad more slender than that of most men, but many women (his wives included) fawned over him when he smiled.
Some say the sun itself would gleam from his eyes when he smiled.
The young Prince slipped his arm around his wife's waist. Nefertiti's nose crinkled almost imperceptibly, and you could smell why. In such a close distance you could smell the scent of sex as it clinged to his body. He had likely just finished a heated carnal encounter with one of his other wives.
"My love, you could have bathed." Nefertiti sighed, smiling hopelessly at him as she batted a lotus playfully to his cheek.
Amenhotep laughed, taking her hand in his and kissing her knuckles, "Of course, my love. I apologize."
He looked to you, then, and you did not fail to notice how his eyes had raked over your figure, and the lotus in your hair. "My apologies to you, as well, lady Merit. I understand that not all enjoy the smell that comes after trying to create a new life."
You smiled thinly out of politeness, "Of course, my Prince. It does not bother me overmuch. What would bother me was if you had spoken with two young ladies after spending a day out riding and tending your horses without a bath..."
He laughed, the sound loud and barking, "Ha ha! Of course! Ah, may your humor never dim, Merit. May it stay as bright as the sun always." He grinned at you again, tugging Nefertiti closer to him once more. "Your father is visiting mine, yes?"
"As always." You sighed with a smile, "I originally came to see Queen Tiye, but it would seem she was tending to the Pharaoh today."
He nodded with a serious expression, "Yes... yes. I fear my father may not last but a few more years, at this rate. My poor mother... I fear how it will hurt her when he passes on."
"As long as she has you, and her family to support and aid her, I am sure her grief will only be temporary. She will see him again." You said with a bow of your head.
Amenhotep nodded, a rather predatory smile on his lips as he flashed his teeth at you, "Thank you, Merit. Your sentiment is very, very appreciated."
As he and Nefertiti turned, he kissed her forehead affectionately. When they began to walk away from you, you once again did not fail to see how the Prince had glanced at your body; the shine in his eyes.
A cold sweat broke out in your palms, a queasy feeling swimming around in your gut.
You could only silently pray to the gods in thanks that the Pharaoh himself had decreed you have the right to decline marriages. You feared that Amenhotep would have taken you in some way, regardless. Even as children, he would always hover around you; even to the point Tiye would have to scold him and remind him to go play with his brothers instead.
However... at least He seemed to adore Nefertiti, and she him. Where you could tell much of his attention on you was lust-driven... There was a bit of fanatical love in his eyes for Nefertiti.
You could only pray some more that Nefertiti would be the calming influence he so desperately needed.
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You awoke with a gasp, the sound of thumping snapping you out of your trance. You look around to see Jezebel holding you upright.
"I would ask what you have seen, but... It appears Khonshu is rather annoyed that I locked him out." She said, slipping a piece of paper into your hand. "Here is my number. We can chat safely there when we can't speak in person."
You barely had a moment to speak out when she took a rag and wiped away the sigils she had written on the walls in oil. Almost immediately after, Khonshu appeared in the small space, his body hunched over.
"I can only begin to wonder what you two were chatting about." He groused, "That it required keeping me blind from such things."
Jezebel smiled patiently up at him, "The poor dear needed someone to talk to, my lord. About rather... womanly things."
You were thankful he bought her lie.
"Feh, fine." He scoffed, sighing a bit. He looked at Jezebel with a cock of his head. "I sense you now have something to discuss with me, Jezebel."
"Yes. Khonshu," She began, smiling patiently up at him. "You need to teach this young woman how to hone her magical skills."
"What?!" You gasped, shooting to your feet. You were apparently unsteady on them, as Jezebel had to reach out to stabilize you. "Why can't you do that?!"
"Because my magical talent isn't like yours. The kind of magic you possess is best taught by someone who has mastered such things. Such as..." She swept her hand to Khonshu, "The God of The Moon himself. What better teacher for such methods than one who has seen millennia of humans attempt magic?"
Khonshu hummed, silently peering at you. The opportunity to unravel the mystery surrounding you was too tantalizing to ignore. Perhaps that is the true reason Jezebel suggested it.
You, however, we backed into o a proverbial corner on the matter.
"Very well. Assuming she is a quick study." He said with a wave of his hand.
"Well, I guess I have to be. I have only a couple of weeks until I have to go back to work. If learning magic from this dusty asshole helps me," You said, jerking your thumb at the deity in question, "Then I'll do it."
"You little--"
Jezebel giggled, cutting you both off with a patient smile, turning to go back out into her shop, "I will leave the two of you to sort this out, then."
Khonshu lightly smacked you with his heavy staff, "If I am to be saddled with your tutelage, then so be it. You first lesson starts now, little mage."
"Asshole." You muttered, rubbing your head.
"What was that?"
You speak louder this time, and with microscopic amounts of enthusiasm:
"Right. Yeah. Let's get this magic schoolbus rolling. Woo hoo."
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Chapter 14: Link
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My grand ma before and afgt6er the gay hive .
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abvoe is be fore.
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this is her now. I too kthe photo my self do you like it i startted studyignn photogray[hpy while i was staying at gaehvie rehab
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