mittensmorgul · 7 years
Dear Mittens, I hope you have a good day! I love your blog (and your fanfic)!. I am just on another re-watch, at 11x15. It always breaks my heart to see a glimpse of young!Dean and what he missed (like waiting to get handed the glove from Gunner). And also: They really paralleled the crushed from Sam (Rio) and Dean (Gunner) so nicely there - how can anybody see Sam's as a crush and Dean's as just "fanboying"? IMHO, if anything, Sam's reaction was even more understated than Dean's. All the best!
Aw, gosh! First of all, thank you! I hope you have a good day, too. :)
And oh boy, yes. I remember the posts about this from when it aired originally. There was some monumentally strenuous mental contortions going around to explain why Sam’s crush on Rio was so very very different from Dean’s “fanboying” about Gunner Lawless.
Like, don’t hurt yourselves, folks, it’s not that hard to wrap your head around it. :P
*cue the scars comparison scene and adjacent stroll through the bar wherein Dean essentially ignored all the scantily clad women and went directly to Gunner’s side to carry out a private conversation that had absolutely zero to do with the case*
*oh and while we’re here, cue the exact parallel to dreamhunter in 13.10*
*not to mention the numerous other parallels that issue us engraved invitations to interpret so many of Dean’s interactions with Gunner as “flirtatious” at the very least*
(and a visual accompaniment) http://mittensmorgul.tumblr.com/post/140115506040/marilynmay-11x11-11x15
and for some reason the long post with all sorts of screencaps and gifs demonstrating Dean’s walk through the bar where he witnessed various demonstrations of feminine seduction on offer and literally smiled politely and nodded and ignored them in favor of sitting with Gunner doesn’t seem to have made it into my episode tag… It’s probably buried somewhere in my bi dean tag, and heck if I have the mental fortitude to go spelunking two years back in that tag today… :P
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anastiel · 8 years
“Well, he /is/ pretty hot.”
You can blame Jensen and Misha for this. (ao3)
Jensen is in the green room, relaxing for a few minutes before his trio photo-ops with Misha and Jared, minding his own business. He’s chatting with Jared about the panel when Misha slides up next to him, and wraps a possessive arm around his lower back. 
“So, you think I’m hot.” 
He states it matter-of-factly and Jensen almost spits beer all over Jared, who, traitor he is, starts keeling over in laughter. 
“You act like this is brand new information,” Jensen replies, flashing a cheeky smile at Misha. 
Jared tries to compose himself, but waves a hand between the two of them, huffing for air, and says, “I’m gonna go.” 
He practically runs out of the room, still laughing, leaving Jensen and Misha alone. 
“Well, color me surprised, but you’ve never blatantly expressed your love for my hotness in front of  fans.” 
Jensen shrugs, setting down his beer on the table, and turns, placing his hands on Misha’s hips.
“Maybe I just don’t care what anybody thinks anymore.” 
“Really?” Misha says, voice dropping it’s sarcastic tone into a soft uncertainty. They’ve been together for years, but it’s always been something hidden. It’s smarter that way, a lot of people wouldn’t understand the kind of relationship their two families have. 
“Yeah.” Jensen’s smile goes soft, and he leans in to press a kiss against Misha’s mouth. 
“So, you’re totally cool with me making out with you onstage then?” Misha teases, eyes twinkling clearly seriously considering the idea at the next convention. 
Jensen chuckles, “Okay maybe not that far, but I’m good with... ya know touching more, bringing up how awesome and sexy I think you are at every possible chance. Stuff like that.” 
“I can work with that,” Misha says, smirking. He presses a kiss against Jensen cheek and pulls back a little out of his arms, digging his phone out of his pocket. 
Jensen squints at him as Misha opens the twitter app and starts flipping through screens, searching. 
“What are you doing?” 
“You’ll see,” Misha giggles, tilting his screen away from Jensen. 
Misha taps away some more, and then pockets his phone, grinning, and wraps his arms back around Jensen. A few seconds later Jensen’s phone vibrates in his pocket.  He drops his hands from Misha’s body, eying him warily and pulls out his phone, reading the notification popped up on the screen. He raises an eyebrow, at Misha’s tweet, licks his lips, then re-pockets his phone. 
“Smoking, huh?” 
“Seemed more fitting.” 
“Yeah, well I’ll show you smoking right no-” Jensen hand’s slide across Misha’s hips, sliding down to grip his ass, coaxing a stuttered gasp from Misha’s lips. They’ve got a few minutes, and could make good use of a table nearby. Last night was good but Jensen’s already itching for another taste of Misha’s mouth. 
“Hey guys,” Jared’s voice sing-songs from the doorway, “I know you really wanna fuck right now but we gotta head upstairs.” 
Jensen and Misha sigh, practically in unison, kissing one last time before pulling apart and heading towards the doorway. 
“I hate you right now,” Jensen says once they get to the door, pointing an accusing finger at Jared. 
Jared smiles, slipping an arm around Jensen’s shoulder and flashes a grin at Misha, who stares back at Jared with a faux look of pure malice.  “Yeah, I love you guys too.” 
The three of them separate in the hallway once they see a volunteer, and together, head up to the photo-op room, where for the next few hours Jensen will desperately try not to touch Misha too much in front of the fans. You know, like always, just maybe this time he’ll let a little more touching slip through his reserves.
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stardustcas · 8 years
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xcosmichearts · 8 years
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Cockles Icon!
please like/reblog if using :)
all icons are under the cut:
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AAAHHH, Shirley, congrats on 25k! You're so talented and deserve like a million followers
Omg noooohz, thank you so much, Ksusha you beautiful cinnamon roll! :D
PS I cry happy tears every time I see your icon, ahaha.
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cassammydean · 9 years
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Danneel Ackles in How I Met Your Mother 04x05. prt 4 / ?
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mattmewrdock · 9 years
The Truth Tag
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. At the end choose 25 people to be tagged.
Taggged by @shibset thank you you kawaii person :)
P.s. Both @getrektstark and @studylikeabanshee are my blogs so i will be answering the questions for both..
Drink: water
Last phone call: my bff to make a plan to go watch Deadpool sometime
Last text message: I apologized Ilias that i couldn’t respond cuz my battery died
Last song I listened to: Broken Crown - Mumford and Sons
Last time I cried: Last night
Dated someone twice: nope
Been cheated on: nope
Kissed someone and regretted it: nope
Been depressed: for the past 3 years
Been drunk and thrown up: hehe yeah
Made a new friend: loads of them
Laughed until you cried: once (thanks @sumoci)
Met someone who changed you: three people (one scarred me for life, one made me grow up and one taught me the difference between a crush and a soulmate)
Found out who your true friends were: a couple of them
Found out someone was talking about you: i’m pretty sure people have better things to do
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life: 5 (and 2 more that i stalk on snapchat :D)
Do you have any pets: nope :’(
Do you want to change your name: I actually love my name but i’d like to add something to it so that i can have the option to change. preferably Autumn or Lydia (thanks @sumoci once again for calling me Autumn in real life)
What time did you wake up this morning: 10:30
What were you doing last night: Got ditched by some friends so i shoplifted a pretty notebook, celebrated my sister’s birthday and watched a turkish tv show that i like and cried over it because i’m pining for someone so badly
Name something you cannot wait for: *starts chanting* Med school med school med school 
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Oui, he’s a cutie patootie living in Belgium at the moment.
What’s getting on your nerves rn: Greek language in general? 
Blood type: A+
Nicknames: Seli, sunshine or ‘that curly thing over there’
Relationship status: it’s complicated...
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Pronouns: She/her 
Favourite tv show: Normally i’d say Hannibal but since it ended Game of Thrones... or Shadowhunters because i’m Matthew Daddario & Malec trash ;)
Hair colour: dark red 
Long or short: longish
Crushes: *laughs nervously*
Tattoos: don’t have any, planning to get a few, love people who have them
Righty or lefty: righty
First surgery: was too little to remember it
First piercing: none  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
First best friend: @sumoci (this is my 3rd time tagging you sorry sis)
First sport you joined: Swimming
First vacation: Our summer house i guess..
Eating: nothing
Drinking: nothing
I’m about to: go eat something because i just got hungry of the previous two questions
Listening: Ruelle - Monsters
Want kids: two preferably but we’ll see
Lips or eyes: eyes
Hugs or kisses: hugs
Shorter or taller: taller
Older or younger: older
Sensitive or loud: sensitive ;)
Hook up or relationship: relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant: h-hesitant?
Kissed a stranger: no
Drank hard liquor: once
Lost glasses/contacts: don’t have any
Broken someones heart: twice. first was intentional because he was ruining my life, second one was accidental but i’m sure he’ll recover
Been arrested: no
Turned someone down: an autobiography 
Cried when someone died: once
Fallen for a friend: once, and it hurts still
Miracles: yes
Love at first sight: didn’t believe until it happened 
Heaven: tbh at this point i dunno
Santa Claus: no
Tagging: @sumoci @justiceiscookies @ksenianovak @marchingunicorn @spcncereid @gnomequeenofthegingers @mishasminions @followtheblueandyellowpaintedsky @rutherfordspain (happy birthday again!!) @lovethystydia @midvinterfrost @thechildofmay @l154v (sorry i just can’t help myself from tagging you hehe) @angel-of-asgard (didn’t know you changed your url) @youregoodbutim-crowley @moonwolf-coven and anyone else who wants to do :)
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spacedannn · 9 years
Happy birthdaaaaaaaaay!!!
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stardustcas · 9 years
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Favourite Dean/Cas moments ~ 8x10 “Torn and Frayed” “Damn it, Cas! How many times I got to tell you? It’s just creepy!”
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jaelijn · 9 years
Tag game
@castielsdarkness​ tagged me! I’m going to do this now, maybe then I’ll feel slightly less lonely around here. I need the replies back, *sob*.
Always repost the rules.
Answer the questions asked by the previous person.
Then write 11 new ones & Tag 11 new people.
Here are my answers:
1. Which Supernatural character do you most identify with and why?
This sounds so obvious, doesn’t it? I think I *am* actually probably most like Sam, or Bobby. But I am most drawn to Cas, obviously. Originally bc many of his experiences with... let’s say “organised religion” etc resonated with me, and the feeling of never quite fitting is familiar. I admire his loyalty, caring, generosity, as well as his generally pacifist attitude. But ultimately I think I am drawn to him not because I’m exactly like him, but because his story, more than his personality, drew me in. I find it very easy to get into his headspace, to understand him, but I don’t think I am like him at the core. (I *do* think I am more like Misha, but that’s a completely different chapter and depends on how I read Misha’s character which can be widely inaccurate as I don’t really *know* him.)
2. What do you think Sam and Dean would be doing had their mother never died that night?
Depending on whether the Azazel stuff still happened... If yes, then I think Mary would have been forced to get back into hunting to stop him from getting to Sam eventually, but I think she would have tried to keep her sons out of it as much as she possibly could. She might have called on her relatives, and put John in the know. It wouldn’t be a revenge quest, though - it would be about protecting her children, and ultimately the world, which is what hunters do in the end. I think Sam would still have gone off to college, and Jessica would probably still have happened. Then Sam would be the one with the revenge quest. Dean might have been drawn to hunting out of his own volition, but I think without having to constantly fend for himself he might have turned more towards research, but he would still want to protect his mum and his baby brother. I don’t think they would be free of their hunting legacy, unless Azazel never got to them - but with their Mum’s background in hunting, even then it seems unlikely that nothing would ever have happened. I don’t think they would have let an entirely normal life either way.
3. Boyking!Sam, Demon!Dean or God!Cas? 
UUUGGGHHH. Unpopular opinion, maybe - really wasn’t a fan of Godstiel. I think as soon as he swallowed the souls, Cas wasn’t Cas anymore. Like all those souls were monsters, not to mention the Leviathan. But I saw some appeal for Demon!Dean - though more the fanon version than the canon version he ended up being - so let’s go with that.
4. (Just because I liked this question) What creature would you like to see on the show?
Teheheh, dwarfs would be fun. I mean we had fairies, soooo... But less in terms of “creature”, I’d love to see more Egyptian mythology. It’s hugely fascinating, and I think the few times they poked at it they really underused it. “Pagan” gods tend to be far too much of a throwaway “monster” on the show, I’d love to actually see some of them living up to their reputation.
5. Would you like the show to end on a happy note, or do you think it’s all going to end in tears?
I just don’t want it to end on a cliffhanger. Yes, there is always fanfic, but I don’t want to always keep wondering. I liked the finale of House MD. It wasn’t happy, but it wasn’t “everybody’s dead” either. So I guess bittersweet? The only way I can see something sort of hopeful actually happening is if they sacrifice themselves and thus save the world.
6. Why did you start watching Supernatural?
Uhhhmmm. I had seen it around - Superwholock, y’know, so I got curious and then at one point just decided to go for it when I needed something new to watch. Started at “Pilot”, and now here I am.
7. If Cas loves Cats and Sam wants a dog… what does Dean want? XD
I don’t think Dean’s a pet person, tbh. So his brother and his best friend(s) and a normal life.
8. What could you imagine being the most painful resolution to the series?
Everybody dies and the world still ends, i.e. a pointless sacrifice, or one single character left alone. (I’m thinking the Winchesters dead and Cas left alone? Just no.)
9. If you could pull in one character from another show to Supernatural, who would it be?
Oh gosh, here we go. Uhmm... I don’t actually watch that many shows, tbh? At least none that I actually want to see cross over outside of fanon, and even there I seem to have a preference for fusions rather than crossovers when it comes to SPN... Like Cas as the Doctor - awesome. The Doctor meeting the Winchesters and Co - meh. The thought of Dean at Stargate Command amuses me, though. XD (”Friggin’ aliens, Sammy!”)
10. Which Angel (living or dead) would you bring back into the show if you could?
Hannah. I think she had potential of following in Cas’s footsteps... Or Gabriel (who is NOT dead). I miss his sense of humour. XD
11. One unpopular opinion you hold of Supernatural?
Aside from Godstiel, you mean? :P Perhaps that I actually like the “new” brighter aesthetic. What’s been missing for me in questions of old vs new SPN has been more the mythological scale of the overarching series plot a la S4/S5 rather than the gritty, smokey, horror-y elements.
Now my questions! 
Cast the SPN actors in new roles! Either make some up, or use existing shows.
Have you ever read an actual book that felt like fanfiction to you?
Which trope would you love to see on SPN but hasn’t been on it yet (if such a thing even exists)?
What’s your favorite “gif for everything” moment?
Cas, Dean and Sam participate in GishWhes. How does that go? (If you have no idea what I’m talking about (really???), just skip this.)
Misha or Cas, Jensen or Dean, Jared or Sam? *evil grin*
If you could put a SPN character into another show, which would it be?
What’s the most underappreciated fanfic you’ve read and loved?
What would happen in your dream SPN episode?
You are now in the SPN universe! Do you die? Are you a monster? A hunter? Angel? Demon?
(Stealing this, sort of, bc I’m curious) How do you think SPN might actually end? (As in, not how do you wish it would end, but how do you see it happening?)
Tagging: @cinnamonmish, @deanshandprint, @disasterrificas, @ksenianovak, @glossostiel, @sternchencas, and everyone else who wants to have a go. (I know that’s not 11 people, shhhh.)
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mrsfitzgerald · 9 years
ksenianovak replied to your photo
Евгения, тебе впору становится поваром! Готовить так красиво аж неприлично)))
это самый лучший комплимент, спасибо большое!! asdfghjkl! моя мечта это стать поваром, надеюсь скоро она осуществится! <3333
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bitchwhattt · 9 years
OMG, your new icon 😍😍❤
OMG!! Thank you. It was a religious experience 🙈
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destieliscockles · 9 years
Okay I’m doing this because I’m nervous and I can’t wait till the finale of eurobasket my country is playing in.
I was tagged by  cocklesminion :)
1) How tall are you? 171cm
2) Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend, if so, what’s their name? nope
3) Put your phone/iphone/itunes on shuffle and write down the first ten songs that appear.  
Breaking the Habit - Linkin Park
Rap God - Eminem
My OCD - Rhett and Link
Starting to Fly - Grey Daze
The Funeral - Band of Horses
Requiem - Mozart
This Ain’t a Scene, It’s an Arms Race - Fall Out Boy
Love Crime - Siouxsie Sioux and Brian Reitzell
Aerials - System Of the Down
Take Me to Church - Hozier
I tag these amazing people: castiels-playdoll ; thedoctorsjawn ; my-wayward-son-carry-on ; ksenianovak ; rockandrollchick ; semperdean
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theplantbish · 9 years
oh my god, you just made my day
You made MY day with those icons!
I was literally laying on my couch and jumped up with my laptop yelling “OH MY GOD YESSSSS!!” when I saw your post!
I love all of those and I can’t even decide which one to use and I’ll most likely end up using all of them before Christmas :D I love the big patterns you used, they show up so well!
Thank you so much for making them
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mishacoliins · 9 years
thank you! lol for a sec i thousght it said cockles jaja
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unicornmish · 9 years
castiel-for-king & mishacoliins  tagged me thank you lovelies. <3 “8 people you want to know more about” thing so here we go
1.) name: Sarah 2.) birthday: July 9 3.) zodiac sign: cancer 4.) height: 169cm 5.) time: 10:25PM 6.) sleep: uhm well I don’t know 6h or less D:  7.) favourite books: there are a few I adore but I really don’t have a fav book sorry 8.) favourite artists: Green Day 9.) last movie i watched: 50 Shades of grey 10.) college: next month 11.) dream job: something related to media yeah 12.) meaning of my url: the doctor = Doctor Who jawn = John Watson 
I tag: papabatch, ksenianovak, too-much-tv-no-social-life, freckledwings, quirkycas.co.vu, destiel-johnlocked you of course don’t have to do this :) 
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