destielfanfic · 2 months
Group Ask #213
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And even bigger thanks to all folks who help us to find lost fics! You guys are the real MVPs!!!
Ask #1 ( @miraculousfailure): there’s this fic…#1
I’m looking for a fic where Dean is dating Lisa and they move into a house with Ben next to Cas who is married with a kid and a baby on the way. Dean and Cas immediately become best friends. I believe that his wife ends up dying after giving birth. She is a painter in the fic. Dean and Cas get matching tattoos in it at one point. The fic is pretty long. Probably 100k+. Would appreciate finding this so much! Found by @chiops256 and @caseyjw1973! So it Goes by raiseyourpinky [NC-17, 236,500 word count] Dean Winchester has finally bought his white picket fence dream house for his girlfriend Lisa and their son Ben. On top of living in the perfect neighborhood, they now have the best neighbors, the Novaks. Castiel and Amelia Novak are awaiting their first baby, Claire. They’re in love and are not afraid to show it. When their new neighbors move in next door, they become practically family. It feels as though nothing could ruin the ultimate domestic bliss Dean and Castiel have achieved. Until it all goes to hell. Then the two of them will be the only ones left to pick up all of the broken pieces and keep each other moving forward. Dean and Castiel soon realize that the only thing stronger than tragedy and pain is the love that they have for each other. Unfortunately, the fic has been deleted by the author.
Ask #2 ( @loveagoodstory2 ): there’s this fic…#2
Hello I’m looking for a one shot please. Dean is an omega and works the night shift in an office building. He smells Cas scent and loves it they start leaving notes for each other and Cas leaves Dean his tie (scented by him Completely 😉) Found by @caseyjw1973! Scent of an Accountant by Andromytta, nealinor [NC-17, 7,000 word count] Omega Dean Winchester has taken a temporary position as a security guard in a high rise office building. His first night on the job, he finds one particular office suffused with a scent that fascinates him. Fascination builds and soon Dean crosses into the office space of an unknown alpha. The one thing he didn't consider: what would happen when the alpha scents him in return.
Ask #3 (Anon 1 ): there’s this fic…# 3
I'm looking for a fic where Dean and Cas first meet while having a threesome with Lisa -- there's a followup fic where Dean and Cas reunite after many years, with Dean now out of the closet and eager to pursue a relationship with Cas. It was on AO3, though not sure if it's still there. Found by @kazshero and @chiops256! Light Me Up series by tricia_16 [NC-17, 219,000 word count, 3 parts] Summary of the part 1 - In a desperate attempt to save his dying relationship with Lisa, Dean Winchester agrees to invite another man into their bedroom. He’s always considered himself to be completely straight... so why does being with this Cas guy feel so good?
Other requests
Ask #4 - our follower is looking for a possibly deleted fic, “Castiel Takes Care of Dean Winchester” by asexualclassicist on AO3.
Ask #5 - our follower is looking for a possibly deleted fic, “I’ve got a Bad Case of Lovin’ you” by HigherMagic.
Ask #6 - our follower is looking for a possibly deleted fic “Castiel’s Scars” by Martypom.
Ask #7 - our follower is looking for a possibly deleted fic "Hell On Wheels" [M, 34,750 word count]
It takes a village to find a lost fic, every reblog is appreciated! All 3 fics have been found!!! Great job, team!
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orionsangel86 · 5 years
Dear Saz, I hope you are doing well (apart from the heat and the political situation). I just read the explanation of your username on Twitter (I am also an astronomy nerd) and loved it! And I had to think of a fic I love where Cas (an astrophysicist) calls Dean "Rigel". It is "We are not poets" by followyourenergy (archiveofourown org works 12232062 ) and is a great read! Have a nice day!
Thank you! I’ve just seen this and ahhh I didn’t know but I will def go check this fic out! I love anything that connects Cas to the stars!
Thank you so much! I am doing okay (kinda) and the heat has now thankfully abated. The political situation - eh, I’m burying my head because my anger at the world is only going to cause high blood pressure before i’m 40. 
I hope you are doing great too!
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
Hi Mittens, I hope you are doing well. I have one question: I'm just rewatching season 12 and am currently at 12.08, at the scene where Cas is in the closet and is doing Jedi mind-tricks with the secret service guards. And after seeing 14.02 and 14.09 I was wondering: why didn't Lucifer sense Cas' presence? In S14 it was stated multiple times that Michael can sense when Cas is near. Do you have any in-series explanation of this difference (other than the writers - conveniently - forgot)? Thanks!
Hi hi! And thank you, I’m doing pretty well!
I think I should start off by saying that my personal approach to canon is NEVER “the writers just forgot.” I always start from the baseline assumption that things that conflict with my notions or beliefs about past canon are either a) a puzzle to solve, or b) intentional and demonstrate either a clarification or extrapolation of past canon, or c) I actually mis-remembered past canon or evolved a headcanon that doesn’t actually fit and needs to be refined now that we have additional canon to clarify it.
First off, I don’t think it’s fair to compare Lucifer’s abilities with AU Michael’s, because Lucifer himself lampshaded the fact that AU Michael was wildly more powerful, in 13.07:
LUCIFER: Yeah, yeah. Look, you protected my son. He trusts you. If you can convince him to be on our team, I think the combined power of the three of us can drive Michael back. I'm telling you, this guy is not the same Michael that we knew. He's much more powerful.
So right there, from Lucifer’s own mouth, gives you enough to postulate that AU!Michael has abilities that outstrip the archangels from the regular universe. And this could potentially be one of them.
It’s also entirely possible that back in s12, Cas’s “these are not the droids you are looking for” tattoo functioned to conceal him from Lucifer, at least long enough to get him in the door. It’s also entirely possible that they were relying on Lucifer being more focused on his unborn child than on thinking this was some sort of setup. I mean, Lucifer also theoretically didn’t notice Crowley, Rowena, or the Winchesters were in the next room over waiting to pounce, either. I don’t think Lucifer was really at his best during his Destroy Dad’s Toys Road Trip back in s12.
Angels are neither omniscient nor omnipotent. Not that they can’t sense these things if they try to, but I think they do specifically need to try, you know? So some combination of “Cas was actively concealing himself” with “Lucifer was not actively looking for him” is just as plausible a scenario as anything else.
And when they were planning their invasion of Michael’s office in 14.09, where they knew Michael had essentially set a trap for all of them, they had to assume that Michael would be sitting there waiting for them in this way, which they specifically used to their advantage by sending Cas in as a diversion of sorts, hoping that Michael would be drawn to him like a moth to a flame, giving them a chance to sneak in.
I’m not sure if they were 100% sure that Michael would sense Cas in the 14.02 mission, but the fact that they did SUSPECT he might was enough to decide for him to stay back, just in case.
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tinkdw · 7 years
Dear Tink, I hope you are doing well (but I guess after 13x06 and conolulu you do). I just had to tell you this: On my re-watch of SPN I was currently on 9x05 (Dog Dean Afternoon) and when talking to the Yorkie the dog said "a cowboy hat, leather pants. The dude's a total closet case" - and I almost fell of the couch :-) Have a great day!
The show right now:
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
Hi Mittens, I hope you are having a lovely day! I just finished with your Pinefest-story (and also left a kudos and a comment at AO3), but I wanted to drop a quick line here as well that I loved this story! It was sweet and funny and heartwarming - and the pining in your stories is always bearable as Dean and Cas pine next to each other and not far away or broken up! Thank you so much for giving your time to share your stories with us!
Also I like your cat in your lil pic there. Please to administer pettings for me. :D
(for anyone who wants to read 41k of pining-but-not-agonizingly-so Dean and Cas in a canon-adjacent woodland setting, consider Talkin' Bear Mountain Picnic for your piney case fic needs)
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mittensmorgul · 7 years
Dear Mittens, I hope you have a good day! I love your blog (and your fanfic)!. I am just on another re-watch, at 11x15. It always breaks my heart to see a glimpse of young!Dean and what he missed (like waiting to get handed the glove from Gunner). And also: They really paralleled the crushed from Sam (Rio) and Dean (Gunner) so nicely there - how can anybody see Sam's as a crush and Dean's as just "fanboying"? IMHO, if anything, Sam's reaction was even more understated than Dean's. All the best!
Aw, gosh! First of all, thank you! I hope you have a good day, too. :)
And oh boy, yes. I remember the posts about this from when it aired originally. There was some monumentally strenuous mental contortions going around to explain why Sam’s crush on Rio was so very very different from Dean’s “fanboying” about Gunner Lawless.
Like, don’t hurt yourselves, folks, it’s not that hard to wrap your head around it. :P
*cue the scars comparison scene and adjacent stroll through the bar wherein Dean essentially ignored all the scantily clad women and went directly to Gunner’s side to carry out a private conversation that had absolutely zero to do with the case*
*oh and while we’re here, cue the exact parallel to dreamhunter in 13.10*
*not to mention the numerous other parallels that issue us engraved invitations to interpret so many of Dean’s interactions with Gunner as “flirtatious” at the very least*
(and a visual accompaniment) http://mittensmorgul.tumblr.com/post/140115506040/marilynmay-11x11-11x15
and for some reason the long post with all sorts of screencaps and gifs demonstrating Dean’s walk through the bar where he witnessed various demonstrations of feminine seduction on offer and literally smiled politely and nodded and ignored them in favor of sitting with Gunner doesn’t seem to have made it into my episode tag… It’s probably buried somewhere in my bi dean tag, and heck if I have the mental fortitude to go spelunking two years back in that tag today… :P
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
Hi Mittens, I hope you have a nice day! Your story made me curious, so I binged "Nailed It" over the weekend and then re-read "Cakepocalypse", now having a better understanding of the show (and the baking - as a European/German I am not very familiar with fondant and such, as it is seldomly used here). And I loved your story this time as much as the first time (as I do with all your stories in a re-read, although usually I have a bit more time in-between). Just wanted to let you know!
This makes me happy for multiple reasons!
Thank you, this made my whole day. :D
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
Dear Mittens, I hope you are having a good day! I don't want to add another plot bunny to your list (aw, who am I kidding, I really want to), but I just had the thought that now that Sam & Dean can open portals to another worlds/realities, I'd really love to read another installment of your "Revenge of the Subtext" series where Dean & Cas (and Sam) meet Jensen, Misha and Jared (+Gen). And perhaps go to another convention with Sam to see how he reacts. Have a nice day!
Hi, and thank you! I always appreciate plot bunnies, but I actually have ideas for four other stories in the Everything is Subtext ‘verse. Now that they’re comfortably financially set for a good long while, I was gonna have them do some things just for fun… The original goal of giving them loads of cash was to get Dean to cave and take Sam to *their* Paris so he and Cas can show him around, buy him cookies, even let him go up the Eiffel Tower if he wanted. :D
But the eventual finale of the series (if I ever get around to writing all the other things I need to do first) was this sort of “reunion” between all of them from both universes. They’ve all been on the To Be Written list since before I wrote In Jeopardy! (and I just looked it up because I couldn’t remember, but that was almost two years ago… I should probably consider going back and poking at these guys again…)
(and that’s the problem with writing, for me anyway. I can’t predict what idea will prompt a story to start writing itself in my head, and right now it’s in the middle of long fic that was never even ON the dumb To Be Written list before it started writing itself. So I can’t really say for sure when any of these will be written, but the idea and notes for them are all written)
But oh gosh, thank you! Thanks for liking my story enough to wish for more of it. :)
(I just had a shiver thinking that because heck the whole ‘verse is based on the concept of being careful what you wish for. If Rhiannon shows up and grant you more of the ‘verse, could you please forward it to me so I can post it? :P)
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