#krome studio
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kova360 · 1 month ago
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Random Doodles
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wild-saber1337 · 2 years ago
Love the shorts krome studio is doing and I can't wait for more plus I'm looking forward to ty 5 whenever it comes out.
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genopaint · 3 months ago
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Daily Dragon #326 - Dragonquin
I've done Mario dragons, I've done Sonic dragons. So I feel like I have to do something for my 3rd platforming all-timer: Ty the Tasmanian Tiger!
So here's the Dragonquin from Ty 3! The quinkan have GREAT designs so I'm glad to draw one!
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notsocheezy · 1 month ago
Brain Curd #316
Brain Curds are lightly edited daily writing - usually flash fiction and sometimes terrible on purpose.
You know what they say: you’ve got to spend money to steal money.
So here I was, crouched overhead of a skylight at ten PM on a Saturday, testing out my newest gadget: the Thermal-Active Burglary Binocular Yapper, or TABBY for short. Though I’m more of a Russian Blue, myself.
My whiskers brushed against the nose rest as I brought the lenses to my eyes. This party - or maybe a ball, depending on just how loaded the guests were - was the who’s who of underbelly evil and top dog wealth. By the punch bowl, a couple local artifact dealers chatted over a foie gras hors d'oeuvre plate held by a shaky goose woman with prominent stitches on her belly. Sickening.
I couldn’t say for sure what they were talking about, but it was never anything good. Probably complaining about how expensive it was to maintain their fifth yachts. My fingers found the mode dial on my TABBY and switched to infrared. Like I suspected: cold-hearted. It was gonna be real satisfying to rob these people blind.
I held down the push-to-talk button. “Alright, BB, I’ll admit it. This is pretty sweet. Maybe it was worth the pretty penny to get three of them.”
“What did I tell you?” His nasally chipper voice piped through the directional speaker on the device (that’s what he told me this sort of speaker was called, anyway; to me it looks like a pair of headphones). “These are state of the art, KB! Is everything working?”
“Yeah, I think so. But I don’t know what half of these buttons even do.”
“Well, the big purple one on the front is probably my favorite. It allows you to -”
“Focus, BB. Thermal mode is working great. That’s the only one I need tonight, right?”
“That’s correct! Your night sight might be good on its own, but this feature isn’t just about seeing in the dark. According to my research, this building has three vaults, identical on the inside! There are security cameras in each one, but even the guards watching the monitors don’t know which is which - sneaking into the building security room wouldn’t tell you anything. The only difference between the three is that there are additional guards stationed inside the vault with the Death Ruby.”
“I guess they didn’t want to pay for extra manpower they weren’t going to use. So I’m supposed to check each of these vaults with this thermal imager and break into the one that’s hottest?”
“Yes, it’s that simple! Oh, except, to avoid suspicion, you’re gonna have to make sure nobody sees you. Not the guests and especially not the guards.”
“To help with that, I’ve got a bug primed to cut the power to the whole place as soon as you’re ready. But you’ll only have ten minutes to strike before power comes back on. Your best entryway is the air vent to your… left.”
“You don’t sound especially confident in that.”
“Well, the thing is, my blueprints might be a little out of date. By, uh… twenty years.”
I smirked. “Guess that means I’ll have to do what I do best: improvise.”
“Sure thing. Press the multipurpose button on your TABBY when you’re ready for the dark.”
“Which one is that?”
“It’s got a red circle on it.”
Please comment, reblog, like, and follow if you enjoyed - I'd love to know what you think! See you again tomorrow.
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raindingrandom · 1 year ago
I was watching ProtonJon play Ty the Tasmanian Tiger on his stream today, and it provided a very good reaction image:
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timothyjoseph · 7 months ago
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Hello everybody, click the link below to check out my minor spoiler-free review of the three TY the Tasmanian Tiger games played recently on the Nintendo GameCube, and the remastered versions plus the disappointing fourth Ty game on the Nintendo Switch.
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satoshi-mochida · 2 years ago
TY the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Bush Rescue Returns launches September 26
Gematsu Source
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TY the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Bush Rescue Returns will launch for Switch via Nintendo eShop on September 26, developer Krome Studios announced. It will be priced at $19.99, but users who pre-order can get it at a 25 percent-off discount price of $14.99.
“We’re thrilled to offer this enhanced edition of TY the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Bush Rescue Returns with a load of new features alongside nostalgic gameplay,” said Krome Studios CEO Robert Walsh in a press release. “It’s exciting for us that fans will see another side of TY, as they get fully immersed in his world and experience his signature platforming adventures now on Nintendo Switch.”
Creative director Steve Stamatiadis added, “The brand new, animated cutscenes in this edition are a labor of love that will be a highlight for TY fans. We wanted to create an animated comic-style experience that showcases the beauty of the Australian landscapes and the charm and personality of our beloved TY characters.”
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miloscat · 2 years ago
[Review] Star Wars The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels (Wii)
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The waggle is what gives a Jedi her power.
I’m looking forward to Jedi Survivor, so I thought I’d knock a few other Star Wars games off my backlog before it releases. Starting with this, the final game based on the Clone Wars animated shows that I haven’t played yet (apart from an old MMO that is long since shut down, a mobile game that I couldn’t find a non-crashing version of, a handful of Flash games, and Disney Infinity... hmm). I’ve previously played Lego Star Wars III on both console and handheld, Republic Heroes on console and DS, plus the other DS game Jedi Alliance. The latter was actually the companion release to Lightsaber Duels, although they’re in totally different genres. This one is a one-on-one fighting game, mostly centred around the no-brainer concept of translating Wii Remote swings to lightsaber strikes. And, it was made by beloved Aussie studio Krome!
The game was in development at the same time as the show, so it’s only able to pull from first season episodes and the movie. The story mode is fairly brief but adapts certain fights that were seen on screen, with framing cutscenes made up of footage along with new narration by Tom Kane’s narrator. All the characters are voiced by their show counterparts in fact, and the graphics match the show’s 3D animation as well, so it’s nice and authentic. I would have liked to see more new content, but there is one unique scenario at least, with the final battle featuring an advanced dual-saber-wielding droid.
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The cast plays pretty safe with the main saber-compatible heroes and villains from the show. Mace Windu, Plo Koon, and Kit Fisto are unlockable by engaging with the Challenge mode, but I couldn’t be arsed. The stages are fun with dynamic layouts and events happening, like droids popping out to ineffectually shoot at you, or bits and pieces exploding and such.
It’s really the core gameplay that lets this down, as waving the wiimote and nunchuck around just never translates to a satisfying and deep gameplay experience. There are combos you can do if you can somehow get the correct directional waggles in sequence, and there are technically dodges, force fling powers, and so forth, but in practice I got through the fights by flailing madly and spamming force attacks while hoping the bot player didn’t just block everything.
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Let me pull out a few choice tidbits before wrapping up. I was amused by the tutorial, where Anakin is training Ahsoka on the basics; his fully modelled hands appear on screen holding a Wii Remote and nunchuck to demonstrate the controls, which of course establishes that they exist in the Star Wars universe. The characters pepper quips throughout each duel, which are sometimes surprisingly crass insults, and can be pretty silly when a character is versing themself. Finally I recommend inputting cheats to unlock the concept art gallery, as there’s some good work in there; I wouldn’t mind seeing a comic illustrated by the Krome artists in fact!
Lightsaber Duels works in theory and Krome did a decent job filling the game out in certain areas. But relying too much on motion controls is sadly a fundamental flaw to any game design. As part of the Clone Wars project they could have gone further in the game’s content, but it seems this was compromised by the schedule and even supposedly not wanting to spoil the events of then-upcoming episodes! An absurd concern 15 years later. Still, as a fan of the show I enjoyed the character interactions and how well the game fits the show’s style, even if it’s just a bit of waggly fluff.
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fyeahspyroandcrash · 1 year ago
if u could pick a studio to develop a new spyro game who would u choose?
Krome. Yeah they did the first two LoS games but I'd want to see their take on a classic-style Spyro game. I know they could probably pull it off - they have experience with collect-a-thons and platformers in general thanks to the Ty series (which I recommend btw).
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kova360 · 3 months ago
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wild-saber1337 · 2 years ago
A need for speed mates!!!
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bktoons · 1 year ago
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Ty the Tasmanian tiger and Shazza go for some fun swimming in the river.
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fruits-a-villa · 2 years ago
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Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
G'Day, Mates!"
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league-of-retired-evil · 2 years ago
My stream will start tonight at 6:30pm. Ask questions or tell me the best dad joke you heard. Hope to see you there!
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gamerzylo · 2 months ago
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timothyjoseph · 7 months ago
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Still waiting for third TY the Tasmanian Tiger 3 game to get a physical and digital release for Nintendo switch and other game consoles, not that the game used to be in early access on Steam, and then remastered after completion.
I’m not going to waste money on the physical or collector’s edition for Bush Rescue Bundle that still doesn’t have Ty 3 included, just saying Krome Studio. You not even including Ty’s Boomerang USB Drive in the collector’s edition.
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