#kris and susie shenanigans
frosted-co0kies · 5 months
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hc that kris s teeth glow
stole from this post. Kris you are so weird (affectionate)
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akanemnon · 2 years
You know, I won't lie.
I wanna see Noelle join into more of Kris and Susie's chaotic shenanigans (or at least get roped into 'em). Let the kiddos goof off together!
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Even Kris has their limits.
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
hopping on the kr/alsei hate train. the theme of being Forced Into Circumstances (Romantic Or Otherwise) is very prominent with the two of em, but especially with Kris. it's basically the entire game. every single one of the options to be "romantic" towards Ralsei are a choice on the player's behalf and nothing to do with what Kris wants.
hugging Ralsei is so sweet from our pov. until you recall that Kris doesn't like hugs. this is plainly stated by Asgore if you visit him in Chapter 1, and VERY telling by the way they don't reciprocate Toriel or Asgore's hugs. Kris does not make the decision to hug Ralsei - to do so goes against their personal boundaries.
some of the dialogue choices in the Acid Tunnel of Love are such polar opposites. the "nice" options, however, are incredibly presumptuous of Kris' feelings towards Ralsei, having a stark contrast from the "mean" option being silence or shutting Ralsei down. of course the player will pick the kinder one, even if it's odd.
I do want to mention that this lends itself to the notion/theory of the narrator being a seperate entity (as they were in Undertale) who may have the goal of keeping Kris and Ralsei together. for what purpose I have no idea, but it makes sense why one choice for dialogue ("Is it strange to say it's nice spending time with you alone like this?") is either shutting Ralsei down completely ("It's strange") or assertively reciprocating ("I feel the same way"). the narrator entity understands there is a third party, and they understand how to make us work for them without even realising it.
this isn't even getting started on how Ralsei's feelings towards Kris are incredibly idolising. Ralsei tends to be subservient to Kris and Susie, and talks about his sole purpose as a Darkner being to assist the Lightners. "It's the only way we can feel truly fulfilled."
not to mention, Ralsei has been alone for his entire life. he very reasonably wouldn't be able to understand the difference between his feelings for others, nor would he ever have experienced someone caring for him in a platonic or familial manner.
Ralsei saying "it's nice spending time alone with you" is not an inherently romantic sentiment. It is, however, probably the first time he has expressed any such sentiment. Of course he's flustered about it! He doesn't talk to other people, and this is someone he looks up to and admires as a hero from a legend. Kris has thus far fit into Ralsei's narrative perfectly - of course they're his favourite.
For Kris to reciprocate the sentiment is unique and new for Ralsei, which he even acknowledges. ("I mean, e-everything's a first for me, but... Hearing it from you, um... It... it means a lot.") Ralsei has idolised Kris, and as long as Kris continues to play the part forced by the player, nothing good can come of it.
I'm not saying Kris doesn't care about Ralsei. But it's an incredibly toxic dynamic regardless of the whole almost-siblings shenanigan (which is terrible enough to put me off from this ship anyway.)
TLDR kr/alsei sucks get better <3
NODDING AT THIS i don’t have anything else to add i think you verbalized everything i had thoughts on
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sweatertheman · 7 months
the kind of relationship people imagine noelle and susie having is basically what ralsei and susie already have!
full of teasing
noelle playing the normal kind well-manner straightman to susie's antics
susie awkwardly blushingly making acts of kindness towards noelle or asking her for help/affection and trying not to seem "soft"
noelle making small acts of kindness which mean the world to susie
all of these fit ralsei and susie better than noelle and susie. susie does not tease noelle, noelle does not stand in the way of or even make mention of susie's shenanigans, susie hasn't made any acts of kindness towards noelle (not even a fucking non-canon valentine guys come on), susie only blushes around noelle like, one time? and it was because noelle embarrassed susie about her tail? and noelle's only act of kindness towards susie was buying her a box of fucking CHALK. something which susie is not only unflattered by, but actively upset about, because noelle had chalk the whole time, and didn't give it to alphys! buying her actual food would have been a kinder gesture, and would have shown a level of emotional maturity from noelle, to realize that eating things which aren't food is a sign of being hungry, and not having access to food, but no. chalk.
while the argument could be that they will progress into the kind of relationship ralsei and susie have, ralsei and susie are already there!
if suselle happens, i don't think it'll be like described. i think it'll be a lot different.
noelle, it seems, doesn't CARE who susie is as a person. she would be okay if susie just wanted to pick on her (in concept anyway) and is just as okay with her being a good person, or her eating chalk. noelle fawns over susie, but doesn't push her to change as a person. whatever susie wants to do is already fine. whatever susie likes is what she gets (even if it isn't what she needs.) susie is free from criticism. in fact, it seems to me like it'd be very similar to a certain other ship...
thats right! i think suselle and kralsei have very similar base constructions. one party treats the other with unconditional admiration and reverence, finds ways to excuse the behaviors they don't like about the other party, changes themselves to be whatever they think the other party would like, constantly wants to aquire the affection of the other party, blushes constantly around them, meanwhile the other party in question treats their behavior with indifference and confusion. a one-sided, unhappy relationship.
while there are differences here, like tea values and the difference between a horny lesbian crush and a master slave dynamic, i think there's a lot in common about what we've seen of noelle and susie together and what we've seen of kris and ralsei together. hell, they both get a slightly uncomfortable romantic carnival ride back to back, and while susie and noelle's ride has a happier conclusion of them just enjoying each other's company instead of awkwardly dropping the subject then engaging in real estate combat with rouxls kaard, its starting to seem to me like a parallel is being drawn.
further pushing this idea of a parallel is the fact that earlier, kris and noelle, and ralsei and susie go out on the town, so to speak! and things go. pretty well. unless you commit a lot of murder. assuming you don't commit murder, guess what! kris and noelle have a good time, and a pretty healthy happy dynamic! there's a lot of teasing, mutual respect, laughing, learning, thinking back on old times... they have a blast! in fact, they way they interact kind of reminds me of a certain other duo.
just like suselle and kralsei have parallels, so too do ralsusie and kriselle! one party is weird, dirty, mischievous, more competent than the other in combat, has some insecurity about themselves, likes teasing others and doesn't do well with emotional displays, and the other party is a lot more normal, well-mannered, less competent, but emotionally supportive, enjoys being teased and teasing back, and does what they can to show the first party that they care. noelle laughing along with kris, sharing chocolates with them, indulging them but not bending over for them, (like drinking poison, which noelle probably would have done for susie), looking to them for advice and safety in combat.
and what's more, you know what their healthy dynamic gets contorted into on a snowgrave route?!
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fictionkinfessions · 15 days
Mundane memories
[Bill Cipher : Wanderer timeline] Stargazing. It was one of my favourite things to do, made me feel weirdly small which I wasn't really used but I guess it must've been nice. It was a super personal thing to me and I didn't really let people join me often
[Chara Dreemurr] Making little flower bouquets with Asriel! We didn't really have access to a variety of colours but that didn't stop us. I think we made 'flower confetti' to scatter around the house too (literally just throwing petals at Toriel and Asgore with Asriel yelling "Confetti!!" Every time)
[Kris Dreemurr] diner visits that consisted of me finding the least populated corner to sit in and ignore people for a few hours (before the whole dark world shenanigans started, afterwards it was me and Susie, still ignoring everyone though)
[Embry (It's not me, it's my basement)] I used to love goin to the park, not always to play, it was nice to just be there
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dark-arts-stuff · 11 months
So after awhile with their design, I finally present my Spamvil fanchild, Jackpot A.K.A. "Jack Jack"
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Read below for more info about Jack Jack. (It's alot so if you like reading this is for you.)
Jackpot or "Jack Jack" is the son of Spamton G Spamton and Jevil. However, Jevil and Spamton are not taking care of him. Instead, Seam has been taking care of Jack Jack when he was just a baby. To understand why, let's go way back before the addison/imp was born yet.
Around the time Spamton was in his Big Shot Era and Jevil wasn't slipping away, The two of them were dating, though it wasn't made public due to Spamton fearing his reputation. But good times came to an end. Spamton was so caught up in his new life and viewing Jevil not to be fit/being kinda of a asshole, he broke up the reputation. This was around the time Jevil was exposed the truth and slowly slipping away to insanity and unknowingly to the both of them that the jester was pregnant with Jack Jack. (If you're wondering how Jevil is pregnant, my headcannon is that he's trans)
After the fight with Seam and being locked away, Jevil finally made the discovery he was pregnant. However, due to his situation where he may be in his "freedom", Jevil is still in a cell and it's not the best place for a baby to live and Jevil's mind is not in the right mindset. So during Seam's early visits, Jevil told his closest friend his predicament. So after the long months, Jevil was out for a short awhile to have Jackpot and admittedly put back in his cell and under his request, Seam is now the guardian of Jackpot. Only Seam and Rouxls know Jevil is Jack Jack's father. Spamton has no clue he is a dad or that Jack Jack exists because Jevil didn't get to tell him.
Jack Jack is imp and addsion child. His addsion features are his hands, feet, nose (though pointy, not as long) and eyes are closed like addsions. Imp features include fangs, pointy ears, fur like Jevil's (Also Spamton's in his Addsion's days) and tail. Jack Jack has soft golden eyes, and curly dark hair along with light purple skin. Clothes were stitched and made by Seam (refuses to wear shoes)
Jack Jack is very playful boy who runs around the place and not staying where he is for a short amount of time. He doesn't have alot of friends, besides Lancer as both boys are around the same age. Both are best friends like Jack Jack riding with Lancer on his bike or Lancer helping Jack Jack sell Seam's items (Boy has them Addison genes lol). It also ends in funny shenanigans especially when Kris and Susie come along.
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i don't care what happens in deltarune ch3-7 except for more kris and susie being besties mister fox i am on my knees please give me more sibling shenanigans
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krispdreemurr · 7 months
kris fact: they’re a Shenanigans Enthusiast
very tired brain saw the S and autofilled Susie so. shenanigans with Susie enthusiast
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patchwork-crow-writes · 9 months
You know, the more I think about it, the more Kralsusie seems like the ideal poly ship- no no, let me explain!
Take the individual pairings for a moment. Kris and Ralsei would probably end up in this incredibly-codependent arrangement where the entire universe outside of themselves ceases to exist. They'd need Susie to pull them out of that existential abyss and ground them in reality every so often.
Then Ralsei and Susie would probably clash quite a lot because their personalities are like sugar and salt, and are both pretty headstrong in their own ways. In those instances Kris's presence would help by mediating between them and mellowing their vibes.
And then Kris and Susie would spend their entire time doing crazy nonsense like setting things on fire and eating moss and other such delicacies. Ralsei would be there to at least attempt to keep their more chaotic tendencies in check when required. (also he owns the castle they'd all live in, so there's that :P)
Like, each of the individual ships are great on their own, and they each have their own merits. But they all just... fit together so nicely, you know? Not even just in a functional way like I outlined above - all their little interactions together in-game are cute af, and I would actually be pretty happy if something like this did happen in canon (as vanishingly unlikely as that might be).
And it doesn't even have to be full-on romantic either! In fact, I think it'd work even better as something like a QPR; just three weird misfit heroes of the prophecy, getting into all sorts of situations and shenanigans together.
I mean, picture it - the Roaring is beaten back and destroyed by the power of queerplatonic throuple energy. It's got a ring to it, don't you think...?
...look I just think the idea's kind of cute okay? Let this married-cishet-he/him-ass crow indulge in this fun little scenario for just a moment, will ya? :P
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lynxgriffin · 2 years
*sees crossover art between deltarune and omari*
*looks at past night in the woods art*
Could you imagine the amount of shenanigans mae and greg would have with susie and kris? I shudder at the very thought
It'd be a Prepare For Trouble, and make it...uh, Quadruple kind of situation!
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Rating Deltarune ships! P1
💅Suselle💅: The original ship. I feel like Noelle might catch on to Susie's feelings but Susie would be oblivious af. It's good, I like it, but it's missing a special something. Maybe it's just because it hasn't had much time to really develop though, we are only on chapter two. 7/10
❄️Kriselle❄️: Probably my favourite. These two dorks are cute as hell. Now they would be painfully oblivious to each other's feelings. And the angst presented by Snow grave with this one is just ooooooooooo. I don't really want it to be canon though, I just want to consume endless content of it. It's the classic friends to lovers, it's great! Besides, Kris and Noelle's dynamic is one of my favourites. 9/10
💜Krusie💜: More dorks in love? Yes. They too would be torturously oblivious. The shenanigans presented is top notch chaos quality, and taking into account they may have a history!? (that thing with the apple implied it) the enemies to friends to lovers thing works. 8/10
✨Krusielle✨: Now this I want to be canon. It's actually likely as well. It's probably not going to be, though. It's the trifecta of obliviousity. It's a really good ship! It combines all the good parts of Krusie and Suselle and mixes it with Kriselle. 8/10
🎮Kerdly🎮: The gamer couple. I used to really like this ship, but went off it after a while. They would play video games all day and insult each other affectionately. They are adorable nerds. 6/10
🤷‍♂️Kralsei🤷‍♂️: I am far too scared that if Ralsei is connected to Asriel to ship this in confidence. I've read Kralsei fics and they were cute, but I can't take the risk. I was kinda just projecting on Kris anyway. Undetermined/10
Noelle x Berdly: no. 0/10
Susei? Sulsei? Ralsie?: Not a big fan. 2/10
Ralsei x Berdly: It could work. It's certainly not a bad ship… it's just not my cup of tea. 4/10
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akanemnon · 1 year
Sussie, what are your thoughts on frisk so far? do you think they'll be down for all the high-grade country teenager shenanigans or are they too goodie two shoes?
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Sorry, couldn't help it.
Give it some time and Frisk is gonna start acting more like Kris and Susie.
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(Hi! It's me again)
Do you have any thoughts on deltarune college mates friskriel?
(Okay, I am very sorry, there is a looot of questions rolled into one here, and you don't have to answer all of them or even any of them, it's just...that since I heard you also like the headcanon, I wondered if you had any specifics? or....well, wanted to think of some? so I kinda made a list of things to just...think about? if you hadn't already?) (I am also aware that college Friskriel may carry more novelty for me, who normally thinks of flowey and frisk in their pre-teen and early teen stages, than you who made two whole fanfics with them as older teens and young adults)
what they both study?
who are Frisk's parents/guardians here? are they currently happy with their family situation?
how (and when) did they meet? (since Az's coming back for Christmas (it's probs autumn right now cause orange leaves) for the first time since leaving, that means he's spent one term at college so far)
are they room-mates?
Any uni clubs or societes they both go to?
Do they attend college parties?
Or shitty part time jobs they both have to work at? (gotta be ready to pay off that student debt, ugh)
are they dating in the background at this point (chapter 2)?
will they be by the end of the game? (in like in the background, in your version, it's not gonna be canon obvs)
Are they still doing a secret relationship here?
How's Frisk's relationship with Kris and the other Dreemurrs? (and the Holidays? since they're close enough to be considered family, honestly)
Would Kris tease them both? (Kris seems like the type)
Can they go on a date to QC's?
And will they be back for the festival? (since that's apparently something you take a date to)
Would they go on the real light world ferris wheel? (like Kris and Noelle went on as kids)
Any chance for post-canon darkworld adventures? (though they might be all be closed by the end) (tag team fights and acts, drinking each other's tea, reactions to each other's cool dark world outfits, Frisk seeing Az's fire magic for the first time, defending each other, item shenanigans (for example, like Susie remarking Noelle's ring smells like her or Ralsei's blushy reactions should you give him the ribbons (poor Kris...), stuff like that!))
Any parallels to other ships such as Suselle?
Or actual popular Azzy ships like Dessriel? What do you think of Dessriel? Any chance for angst or drama there?
Anything related to the original timeline (like Azzy's final boss form he made or...strange dreams from another world?)
What is the status on monsters outside hometown? are they common? Or is Azzy the first monster Frisk has seen?
Again, I am sorry for so very many questions I asked. Do not feel compelled to answer!
It's absolutely fine, no need to apologize, I'm honestly kind of impressed? If AU surveys exist, I would classify this as one!
I have one issue that I'm very guilty of, I have only played chapter 1 of Deltarune, once, and right after it was released, I was in the middle of writing the Growing Pains series when both chapters came out and I was concerned it would throw off my focus, and many other silly reasons, so, I never got into Deltarune- BUT, I am interested in some of the characters.
(I also don't ship Asriel/Flowey with anyone else but Frisk (I've gotten too comfortable with my own AU's and my brain just won't let me think of him being with anyone else at this point, I think it's broken, lol) so I have no idea what Dessriel is.)
Because I still like the idea of the AU, and because Growing Pains 2 had a short college arc, I already have something I can work with, I'm happy to say I can answer a good chunk of your questions.
I'll start simple!
Asriel is studying to become a doctor, but really wants to be an astronomer, he goes to a co-ed college, his roommate ends up being a three eyed, purple slime monster named Grreth (but prefers to go by J.J.) (if you've read Growing Pains 2, you already know who he is, I just couldn't help but add him in because him and Flowey becomes such good friends :p)
Frisk is also studying to become a doctor, they really love to help people, but quickly discover that it's a bit difficult for them and they're considering leaving to switch to something more art-based, maybe they'll become an art teacher instead? But after meeting Asriel and discovering that he's actually their dorm neighbor, and are guilt-tripped by their aunt, they decide to stick to it.
They have a roommate who's a human, who's name is Alice, Frisk has a crush on her at first- until Alice reveals that she's already dating someone and then is rarely seen much after that due to becoming busy with classes and other things, leaving Frisk to have the dorm room all to themselves, it's pretty lonely until they become good friends with both Asriel and J.J.
My Frisk's story is that they're nonbinary (AFAB), Filipino, and lost their parents in a car accident at the age of nine, so they were raised by their aunt (Ligaya) and cousin (Andres) (who is like an older brother to them).
Fortunately, their family is okay with monsters, but kind of clueless about them due to the fact that they live in an all-human neighborhood, so when Frisk goes to college and meets Asriel and all these other monsters, they're very starstruck and amazed, and by the looks of it, Kris seems to be the only human Asriel knows, so he's also starstruck and amazed by Frisk as well, they hit things off very fast.
Frisk's family isn't as well off as Asriel's is, so they work two jobs to help pay off their college debt; one at an adorable bakery (which Asriel comes by often as an excuse to see them, usually bringing J.J. along at first and then later, alone) Frisk's second job is at the college's library, which, Asriel also loves to visit them at, they steal loving glances at each other while he's trying to study.
After they start dating, Asriel starts stressing out because he runs out of allowance money because he keeps wanting to buy Frisk's gifts and take them to nice places on their dates, so he takes up a job as a florist, and because both of his parents are gardeners and he has an eye for making things look good-he's ends up being very good at his job.
Because Frisk's family is cool with monsters in my AU, I can't see any reason why they would keep the relationship secret... although, they'd probably be apprehensive about voicing the relationship or showing any PDA in the beginning because there are groups on both sides that very highly disapprove/hate monster/human relationships, and Asriel and Frisk don't want either to get hurt.
-Fun stuff!-
Asriel admits his feelings first by writing a love letter and sticking it under Frisk's dorm room door, they get it immediately and write him one back and stick it under his door, he then urgently runs out of his dorm to theirs and they practically tackle each other with an embrace, a week after that they have their first kiss.
After getting deeper into their romantic relationship, Frisk thinks Asriel is gorgeous and likes to jokingly flirt about practicing their art by drawing/painting him in the nude (insert Titanic joke here), he always blushes and laughs and the moment goes on, but one day he goes "but who will be the nude one, me or you?"
They go to a few parties, both as a couple and as a trio with J.J., most of them go well, but there are few instances where Asriel nearly gets in a fight with a guy who is coming on too strong toward Frisk, and nearly gets another fight when J.J. gets bullied- and if things go wrong, the three of them leave to go have their own fun.
One day J.J. comes back to the dorm room with pot brownies and shares them with Asriel and Frisk, it ensues a very funny adventure between the three of them, and after that, they use pot brownies to celebrate big accomplishments instead of alcohol after Asriel suffers from the worst hangover ever that ended with him hospitalized.
Things get a little awkward when J.J. admits that he has a bit of a crush on both Asriel and Frisk, but they both let him down gently and they manage to continue being best friends, however, by the end of that month, J.J. meets a dorky cute trans girl and they slowly fall in love.
Asriel and Frisk are both very supportive of each other and help each other with school work, they're even supportive of each other's wishes and desires to do other things, even if it means they'd end up going to different colleges in the future... but they also like the idea of opening up a small health clinic together as a married couple, treating and healing both humans and monsters alike.
-Bringing Frisk to his home-
Asriel brings Frisk home, first introducing them as his best friend but realizes how serious he feels for them and quickly reintroduces them as his romantic partner.
Kris is jealous in the beginning, because here they were waiting all this time to spend time with their older brother, but nooo, he has no time for them due to practically being attached to Frisk at the hip- but being the good brother he is, he catches this before it's too late and makes time for them and Frisk ends up bonding with Toriel and Asgore, they remind them of their parents.
When Frisk finds out that Kris was jealous, and as a person with an older brother figure, they understand and make a point to hang out with them, telling them if they had met earlier before they started dating Asriel, they would have asked for Kris's blessing first- it's a funny thing to say, but Frisk is so serious and sincere about it that Kris can't help but start to like them.
Once they warm up to Frisk and the idea of the relationship, Kris definitely begins teasing them about everything, it embarrasses Asriel but Frisk finds a lot of funny and takes most of the teasing in stride.
Asriel then introduces Frisk to his neighborhood friends and takes them on a few dates around town in the process, it doesn't take long for Frisk to fit into the family and town.
Frisk becomes like an older sibling to Kris, and even if Kris wants to be a monster, they find comfort in bonding with them over human-related things.
-Bringing Asriel to Frisk's home-
Frisk's aunt Ligaya is very charmed by Asriel and treats him like a son, however Andres, who is protective over Frisk, grills Asriel with a hundred questions, by the end of it, Andres is annoyed that he's charmed by Asriel too.
Asriel gets introduced to Filipino food! He ends up really liking it, and on a much later visit, he helps Ligaya cook and sneakily learns how to cook Frisk's favorite foods.
Ligaya doesn't let them sleep in the same bed at her house until they're much later married (she doesn't care if they've tangoed or not, it's not happening!) So, he sleeps in Andre's room (he has a bunk bed), where he is further grilled by Andres, Asriel comically does not sleep well.
Anyways, here's a quick funny doodle I did, a gift for reading my ramblings and wanting to know my thoughts.
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POV, you're an administrator and you're doing dorm room checks and notice that this room smells suspiciously like....... brownies.
However, the three college students- who are definitely hiding something, are also very welcoming and nice that you decide to dismiss any of those suspicions.
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ghost-opal · 10 months
Had a dream just now that I was Kris and doing the snowgrave route but different, it was real life and I lived with noelle and susie in a dorm, the dark world computer lab was upstairs and I'd frequently go up there to do secret dark world shenanigans.
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However one time when I decided to go back downstairs from the computer lab, the stairs shifted to look like this, and I struggled to get down just barely until I got stuck on one of the middle steps and got scared (Both were made of concrete) so i decided to end the dream (By closing my eyes shut and waking up)
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samthecookielord · 2 years
Hey besties have you seen my omori deltarune au and went "wow i have no idea whats going on!!!"
Well me neither!!! Woohoo!!! Here's me trying to organize all the important info the best I can lol
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I don't have an official name for this au I just either call it by it's full name or use Omorune if I wanna be quick lol
🖤A Quick AU Rundown™!🖤
Omorune is a crossover between OMORI and Deltarune where characters from OMORI go through the general plot of Deltarune! Not all plot points and character roles match one-to-one though. Also expect a lot of bias towards Spaceboy content gsdgdas <3
Also also expect major spoilers for both games!!
❤Main AU Tag: #omori deltarune au❤
I may say "we" when talking about AU ideas because I don't come up with all the ideas! I usually bounce around ideas with some friends in a group chat like @a-queer-kitkat (second ceo of halkinna) , @pastel-player , @knowledgeable-atlas , and @yim-yum-ophelia-time! So shoutout to those guys too!!
Ok continuing post under the cut
There are a few headspace characters that were turned into regular kids in Faraway! Chosen with heavy bias though sgrrsges here they are:
💚"Halkinna" Honeydew Tag: #lightner!spaceboy💚
💝Susanne Hearth Tag: #lightner!sweetheart💝
💜Rococo Tag (sorry we only briefly talked about this so theres only one post in here gdsdsge): #lightner!rococo💜
Character Stuff:
Kris -> Sunny; Susie -> Aubrey; Asriel -> Mari; Noelle -> Basil; Berdly -> Spaceboy
Ralsei -> Headspace Mari / "Raim" (story-wise) and also kinda Hero (magic healer role guy); Queen -> Sweetheart (separate from Susanne); more probably idk i forgot
Kel and Hero do not replace anyone directly, but they're also part of the party in Chapter 1
Everyone not mentioned is either up in the air (because the incompleteness of Deltarune makes it hard to find good matches that we like), or they remain exactly the same as they do in Deltarune (for example, Alphys is inexplixably the same. Because we don't know any teachers in omori loll)
Dr characters that are for sure the same unless we decide to change our minds: Lancer, Sweet Cap'n Cakes (I love them your honour I can't replace them), Alphys, Undyne, sans, and Toriel
The "kris being the only human in town" thing does not translate to here, but monsters are still normal
Rough Timeline but with like ten question marks!!!
Pre-Game: Mari either got stair'd or she just went to college, depending on how evil we feel at the moment loll!!
A while before chapter 1, Hero gets back to town from college and visits the school. Before class, he drags Kel with him to help clean out the old classrooms, but they both fall into the closet dark world and pass by the castle without checking it.
Chapter 1: Sunny goes to school, group projects are assigned, Aubrey eats chalk by accident, and Dark World shenanigans ensue. Not many story differences other than Kel and Hero meeting up with Sunny and Raim midway through the chapter.
Chapter 2: Sunny and Aubrey are getting along a lil better now! Yay! Dark world happens in the library, Basil gets captured, Halkinna is a lil dummy (affectionate) and helps Sweetheart, who resembles his ex because Sweetheart is a donut-themed USB filled with pictures of him and Susanne that Halkinna left in the library one time. Insert like the rest of chapter 2's plot here.
Chapter 3: find out next time on!!!!(explodes)
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emerald9d · 1 year
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Okay, I’m gonna be smart and write this in a google doc first, this time. This is probably going to be some incoherent rambling. Also I don't know what the etiquette is on responding to comments in a long form, so I just made a new post entirely.
I find Kris and Susie to be, like, the simplest relationship. Or, maybe, deceptively simple. Like, when you get down to it, they’re just a pair of irreverent chaos goblins, and they gel super well in a way that so obviously works. Short fics that just have them bumming around Hometown and getting up to shenanigans - with maybe a bit of an emotional beat thrown in - tend to be a joy to read. Funny teens go brrr.
But as far as deeper connections go… not to immediately drag Ralsei into this, but I just find it hilariously ironic that Ralsei was practically custom-made to fill in for Asriel, and yet Susie is the one who slid into that position. Muddying this matter is the fact that we don’t really know exactly for certain what Asriel is like, or how Kris feels about him. All commentary from other characters indicates they were thick as thieves, but there’s also a vague air of weirdness around it. (There’s a vague air of weirdness around everything in this game) If Ralsei was intentionally designed or created (in-universe) to fill in for Asriel, I think whoever was responsible may have missed the mark without realizing it.
But I digress. The point is that, for better or worse, Susie seems to have wound up as a suitable replacement for Asriel. Or, more generally, a suitable replacement for the woods-exploring friend group from the good old days. And, y’know, hey, that’s fine. Not necessarily a bad thing.
What’s Kris to Susie, besides just being one of the people she likes? Cuz if the teas are anything to go by, she kinda… likes everybody? A lot? They’re just… y’know, flavored differently.
That said, I feel like Kris is probably the person she can hang out with the most easily. Between their guarded and taciturn nature, and her tendency to crumble or harden at affection or vulnerability, they’re the best at, like, just coasting with each other. I can absolutely imagine that these two would sit at the edge of the lake, staring out over the water, saying nothing for like 20 minutes, and feel that it was meaningful. Because they both know that neither of them are gonna say anything uncomfortable.
And there’s some uncomfortable shit they could say to each other, that’s for sure. Kris seems pretty observant, and I think Susie tends to downplay her own emotional intelligence. If Kris hasn’t spent time having concerned thoughts about Susie’s domestic situation, I will eat my boots. Also, in Kris’ moment of greatest vulnerability we’ve seen thus far, after fighting Spamton, it’s pretty clear they’re looking to get at least a little closer to her.
Speaking of Spamton, that whole side quest, upon further review, really smacks of Kris taking awful and terrifying burdens upon themself and hiding them from others close to them. I’d say it might even hint at the sort of things that may have made Kris so withdrawn to start with. But at any rate, there’s shit they’re just not going to be inclined to say to Susie, probably just because they’re afraid it’ll bother her, or even scare or hurt her.
Susie I think actually bears a lot of similarity to Kris in a lot of ways, with one key difference: while Kris is willing to go in for a hug and stuff, Susie is just outright scared of such displays. But, otherwise, she’s similar, in that she’s also withdrawn in the beginning. Maybe at face value she had to learn to be “less mean” in chapter 1. But, really, that’s just learning to be less afraid, but with more bullshit layered on. Their character arcs were, really, identical. And I’m kinda worried what it’ll look like when something inevitably causes her to backslide, similar to the effect Spamton had on Kris.
As for Susie’s more observant side… she seems perfectly capable of picking up on the feelings of others. I don’t really know how else to explain her doing stuff like asking Kris who they’d take to the fair. Though, picking “You” as your choice makes it seem like she’s specifically blind to any grander affections from Kris. Or, maybe just doesn’t want to acknowledge it. It’s a soap bubble that could pop way too easily. The relationship must remain at a status quo.
As for the Hometown part of the question. I feel like what Kris means to Hometown is pretty self-evident just from how everyone talks about them. Weird, but accepted. Well-liked, even. A lot of the townsfolk talk to them like an old pal. Does Kris like them back? Probably, kinda? I mean, if I’m right about the way they handle the burden of responsibility, then it stands to reason that they give a shit about the well being of others. I’m sure they’re fond of the townsfolk, though I’m not sure how willing they are to admit it all the time.
Though Kris’ status as the weird kid in town I think has the downside of people not noticing their struggles, or not knowing what to do about them even if they do. Like, ffs, when Kris is in the bathroom and Toriel was like “Kris does this sometimes,” it’s like… girl what? This is just a thing? And you know that? And that is your reaction? Like let’s not beat around the bush here, that just feels like a parent hoping their kid’s tendency towards self-harm is just going to go away on its own. Even if that’s not what’s literally happening, it’s absolutely the vibe, and I’m pretty sure it’s intentional.
And, again, if I’m right about Kris, then they probably wouldn’t have it any other way. Ough
Susie is harder to figure out, since we literally don’t know her physical place in town. Her history of alleged bullying is… odd. From MK’s account, she seems more awkward than hostile. Until, that is, Kris was involved. They seem like the only person we know she intentionally did anything bad to, like she had it out for them specifically. Her bringing Toriel up kinda makes it sound like jealousy. Considering how dodgy she was about calling her parents… this town really likes to overlook some shit, doesn’t it? Granted, people outside of school barely even seem to know who Susie is.
Something about her I find interesting, is in the interaction down at the bunker doors at the end of Chapter 2. She might be nicer to Kris now, yeah, but she has no qualms keeping her violent reputation alive. Granted, the other kids were talking shit about Kris, but… I dunno, I kinda worry the “be nicer” lesson she learned might apply more selectively than it should. Between that and whatever other drama she almost certainly has coming down the pipeline, I kinda expect her next bout of emotional drama will take place specifically in Hometown, rather than in the dark world.
Anyway, I can’t wait for the devastatingly emotional hug these two will probably share at some point.
(also, if anyone reading this at any point thought something about "well what about Kris and the player/soul," please check out my previous big writeup)
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