#krantz cake
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punkbakerchristine · 3 months ago
it’s the end of the year. time to share my favorites.
favorite food: for the longest time, I was one of those people who was like “I just like food” (and I do, even with my 100+ -pound weight loss, I like to eat), but I’ve decided it’s a Reuben sandwich. With pastrami, sauerkraut, thousand island dressing, on rye bread which is lightly toasted. I do like it with corned beef and sourdough bread, but I always go back to the classic pastrami and rye combination.
favorite cuisine: the Mediterranean, mainly because I’ve been familiar with Italian food my whole life but I have loved French and Basque food since I was about 16, and I love the flavor profiles all around.
favorite spice: cardamom. Peppery but subtle, like allspice but slightly to the left. Pairs really well with cinnamon and ginger, hence why I like putting it in my spice cake as well as my lentil soup—it makes cinnamon more “cinnamon-y” and ginger more “gingery.”
favorite seasoning: shawarma. I have always loved cumin, coriander, and turmeric, and it makes the house smell good.
favorite flavors: white chocolate, coffee, blackberry, and red wine. Very complex and I’d go so far to say sensual flavors.
favorite flavor combo: chocolate and coffee. The profile of my chocolate babka. I like chocolate and cherry, apple-cinnamon, and white chocolate and raspberry, too.
favorite protein: probably either beef or pork. Love cooking both, and the ground versions go with anything.
favorite soup: there’s three. My Israeli lentil soup (green lentils, basmati or jasmine rice, Israeli couscous, carrots, white onions, green onions, za’atar seasoning, cinnamon, cardamom, garlic, lemon zest, and pieces of chicken—I did make it with ham hocks the first time and I found them hard to eat and hella salty. Made it again with chicken and it was excellent). Chicken or beef pho (last time I had pho, it was wonderful). And coconut curry Thai soup (coconut milk, chicken stock, cream cheese, ramen noodles, green onions, bok choy, peanuts, carrots, curry, those little Thai chilies with the seeds removed and then sautéed so they’re sweet, and ground turkey).
favorite grain: Israeli couscous. I love those little pearls and how well they pair with veggies and different stocks.
favorite vegetables: forever carrots, ever since I was little. I like zucchini and mushrooms, too.
favorite vegetable to cook: chili peppers, mainly because I love how they smell. I love the smell of onions cooking, too.
favorite comfort food: my mac and cheese, mainly because I like to make it with chili peppers and sausage (I once made it with andouille and it was amazing).
favorite food that’s helped me lose weight: there have been several but I’m gonna say scrambled eggs, watermelon, and basic homemade white bread.
favorite bread: babka, of course~
favorite bread that isn’t babka: ciabatta, English muffins, and flatbreads.
favorite baked good: either bread or cookies.
favorite cookie: gingerbread or double chocolate
favorite cake: spice cake, red velvet cake, carrot cake, that chocolate and Irish cream cake I made for St. Paddy’s Day this year, New York cheesecake, German chocolate cake (and from someone who has never been a fan of coconut until recently, either!), Boston cream pie, devil’s food cake, tres leches cake, krantz cake (really similar to babka but it’s closer to a cake; I consider babka an enriched bread), tiramisu
favorite pie: blackberry, apple, and key lime
favorite traybake: forever blondies, specifically the ones with white chocolate.
favorite hellofresh kit: oh, so many! Figgy balsamic chicken, any of their rice bowls, banh mí meatballs, those poutine burgers from a while back, chili mac and cheese (which inspired by own chili mac and cheese), coconut Thai curry, roasted pork with Israeli couscous and sweet potatoes (I think that was my first favorite, iirc)
Now time for least favorites~
least favorite food: lima beans. They never feel right, even when mixed with something else. They’re like eating mushy old newspaper.
least favorite flavor: pumpkin. Never been a fan to begin with—I’ll have it, like how I made that pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving a couple of weeks ago, but i’m not a fan—but it’s literally everywhere. It’s in things it’s got no business being in, either, like milk, cereal, and fucking cheese (for real) of all things.
least favorite ingredient: PISTACHIOS. simply because they’ve been done to death at this point and they’ve always struck me as more of a savory ingredient, too, like I see them in a lot of Middle Eastern dishes. There, they’re fantastic. But in cake or cookies? No, stop it.
least favorite protein: fish… to cook, anyway. I actually really love fish and seafood: I love scallops, fish and chips, fish tacos, tuna casserole, sushi, and clam chowder, and after this year, I’ve been converted to shrimp; my favorite fish is probably either salmon or swordfish. But—because I’m a very sensual person—I cannot get past the smell (it’s why I usually like to bake it, because then you can cook it with vegetables like asparagus, lemon wheels, and good spices wrapped in tin foil). The one fish that doesn’t smell is mahi mahi and it’s been… a… a while since I’ve had that.
least favorite pie: rhubarb, mainly because it kind of scares me (uncooked rhubarb is toxic). Banana cream, too—I love bananas, and I’m curious about “banoffee” (banana toffee, I see it in British recipes a lot), but like peppermint, banana flavored anything never tastes right, either. I just think of banana-flavored Twinkies 🥴
least favorite hellofresh kit: there was this one dish, I forget what it was now, but it had cherry tomatoes, cucumber, pistachios, a couple of other things, and “grilling cheese.” First off, I fucked up the cheese—or maybe they did, I dunno. It was one of those cheeses that could stand up to high heat (like halloumi is like that, you can actually grill it!)… and then it melted. Second, it just wasn’t that good, and I remember being disappointed because I was actually looking forward to it, too. You know, “alright, something new!”
we also had a ravioli dish just last week, and it was ravioli (and there’s never enough ravioli in the package, either) and pan-cooked zucchini topped with parm and Italian seasoning. Salty as hell and it was missing some kind of sauce, like it was dry even by my standards. Zucchini was really good, though, like I was proud of that zucchini. But I’ve always loved ravioli, so it was a major letdown.
biggest vice in the kitchen: when I’m interrupted for any reason—seriously any reason, because, just like with my writing or drawing or working out, I get in the sense of “flow”. I get in the zone. Jarring me out of that leaves me miffed, every single time.
I like having my kitchen clean, too. I learned how to clean as I go from my dad when it was just me and him living together; I get why my mom always gets annoyed when the kitchen is a mess after someone else uses it.
I hate undercooking things, too. I’ve undercooked a quiche, chicken, and burgers so far. Former two have made me cry, the latter I only just started to master. I understand the risk that comes with undercooking things, too—I would much rather overcook something.
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shippingcannons · 2 years ago
Some of my friends told me that goyim apparently don't know what a krantz cake is? So I've decided to make a poll about it because??? It's so weird???
A photo of the cake for reference:
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Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
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journaldecuisine · 1 month ago
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Makes 2 (extremely addictive and delicious) loaves
4 cups (530 grams) all-purpose flour, plus extra for dusting 1/2 cups (100 g) sugar 2 teaspoons fast-rising active dry yeast Grated zest of 1 small lemon 3 large free-range eggs 1/2 cup (120 milliliters) water 1/2 teaspoon salt 2/3 cup (150 grams) unsalted butter, at room temperature, cut into 3/4-inch cubes plus extra butter for greasing
FOR THE CHOCOLATE FILLING Scant 1/2 cup (50 grams) confectioners’ (powdered) sugar 1/3 cup (30 grams) good quality cocoa powder 4 1/2 ounces (130 grams) good quality dark chocolate (~72%), melted 1/2 cup (120 grams) unsalted butter, melted 1 cup (100 grams) pecans, coarsely chopped 2 tablespoons sugar
FOR THE SYRUP 130 grams sugar 180 milliliters water
Place the flour, sugar, yeast, and lemon zest in a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook. Add the eggs and water and mix on low speed for a few seconds, then increase the speed to medium and mix for 3 minutes, until the dough comes together.
Add the salt and then start adding the butter, a few cubes at a time, mixing until it is incorporated into the dough. Continue mixing for about 10 minutes on medium speed, until the dough is completely smooth, elastic, and shiny.
Place the dough in a large, lightly oiled bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
Grease two (2 1⁄4-pound) loaf pans (9 by 4 inches) with butter and line the bottom of each pan with parchment paper. Divide the dough in half and keep one-half covered in the fridge.
Make the filling by mixing together the confectioners’ sugar, cocoa powder, melted chocolate, and melted butter.
Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface into a rectangle measuring approximately 15 by 11 inches. Using an offset spatula, spread half the chocolate mixture over the rectangle, leaving a 3⁄4-inch border all around. Sprinkle half the pecans on top of the chocolate, then sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of sugar.
Brush a little bit of water along the long end farthest away from you. Use both hands to roll up the rectangle, starting from the long side that is closest to you and ending at the other long end. Press to seal the dampened end. Place seam side down.
With a serrated knife, trim about 3⁄4-inch of dough from both ends and discard. With the same knife, cut the roll into half lengthwise. Place each piece next to each other, cut side up. Intertwine the two pieces, by placing one piece on top of the other and repeating until you get to the end. Gently pinch each end to seal.
Carefully lift the cake into the prepared loaf pan. Cover the pan with a clean, damp tea towel. Repeat the whole process to make the second cake. Let rise in a warm place for 1 to 1 1⁄2 hours. The cakes will rise by 10 to 20 percent.
Preheat the oven to 375F.
Remove the tea towels, place the cakes on the middle rack of the oven, and bake for about 30 to 35 minutes, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean.
While the cakes are in the oven, make the syrup. Combine the water and sugar in a saucepan, place over medium heat, and bring to a boil. As soon as the sugar dissolves, remove from the heat and leave to cool down. As soon as the cakes come out of the oven, brush the syrup over the cakes.
Leave the cakes until they are just warm, then remove them from the pans and let cool completely before serving.
By: https://wildgreensandsardines.com/2017/04/a-pair-of-chocolate-babka.html
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winari2 · 1 year ago
Krantz Cake | Recette Food'Cuisine
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zumpietoo · 2 years ago
Oh Snorty....
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I mean, yeah....it’s no “Slizzy finally looks at the fucking cake tray”, but, you know.....we can ALL be wannabe Judith Krantzs, now can we????
Actually, in terms of the comic book, itself....I loved it
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fullcravings · 4 years ago
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Chocolate Babka [Krantz Cake]
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saboresdecanela · 8 years ago
chocolate krantz cakes
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[please scroll down for the English version]
massa 530g de farinha sem fermento, mais extra para polvilhar 100 g de açúcar  2 c. de chá de fermento seco raspa de 1 limão pequeno 3 ovos de grandes 120ml de água 1 c. de chá de sal 150 g de manteiga sem sal, cortada em cubos de 2cm
recheio 50g açúcar 30 g de cacau em pó 130 g de chocolate escuro de boa qualidade, derretido 120 g de manteiga sem sal, derretida 100 g nozes pecãs, grosseiramente picadas 2 c. de sopa de açúcar em pó[usei uma]
Xarope 90 g de açúcar [original 260g de açúcar] 55 ml de água [original 160 g]
Coloque a farinha, açúcar, fermento e raspa de limão numa batedeira fixa com gancho de amassar  e misture em baixa velocidade por 1 minuto. Adicione os ovos e água e misture a baixa velocidade por alguns segundos, em seguida, aumente a velocidade para média e misture por 3 minutos, até que a massa se junte. Adicione o sal e  comece a adicionar a manteiga, alguns cubos de cada vez, misturando até ser incorporada na massa. Bata  10 minutos em velocidade média, até que a massa fique completamente lisa, elástica e brilhante. Durante a mistura deve raspar os lados da tigela algumas vezes e polvilhar uma pequena quantidade de farinha para os lados de modo que toda a massa saia. Coloque a massa numa tigela grande untada com óleo de girassol, cubra com película aderente e reserve no frigorifico  pelo menos metade de um dia, de preferência durante a noite. Unte duas formas de pão  e coloque no fundo de cada um pedaço de papel vegetal. Divida a massa ao meio e mantenha uma metade coberta no frigorifico. Faça o recheio misturando o açúcar, o cacau, o chocolate e a manteiga. Estenda a massa numa superfície levemente enfarinhada num retângulo de 38cm x 27 cm . Apare os lados e em seguida, posicione a massa de modo que um lado longo seja o mais próximo de si. Use a espátula para espalhar metade da mistura de chocolate sobre o retângulo, deixando uma borda de 2 cm ao redor. Polvilhe metade das nozes pecans em cima do chocolate e metade do açúcar. Pincele um pouco de água ao longo do longo lado mais distante de si. Use ambas as mãos para enrolar o retângulo, a partir do lado longo que está mais próximo de si e terminando na outra extremidade longa. Pressione para selar a extremidade humedecida  e em seguida use as mãos para rolar num charuto grosso perfeito. Repouse a massa com a costura para baixo. Corte cerca de 2 cm de ambas as extremidades do rolo com uma faca de serrilha. Use a faca para cortar suavemente o rolo pela metade longitudinalmente, começando no topo e terminando na costura, dividindo o rolo em duas metades longas. Com os lados cortados voltados para cima, pressione cuidadosamente uma extremidade de cada metade e, em seguida, levante a metade direita sobre a metade esquerda. Repita este processo alternando a esquerda e direita. Aperte delicadamente as extremidades de modo a unir as duas metades, entrelaçadas, mostrando o recheio na parte superior. Cuidadosamente coloque o pão numa forma. Cubra com uma toalha e deixe levedar em lugar morno por 1h a 1 1/2 h. Aumentará 10-20% de volume. Repita todo o processo para fazer o segundo bolo. Pré-aqueça o forno a 190ºC, certificando-se de que o tempo é suficiente para aquecer o forno antes de terminar a levedação. Retire os panos, coloque os bolos no meio do forno e coza por cerca de 30 minutos. Enquanto os bolos estão no forno, faça o xarope. Combine a água e o açúcar numa panela, coloque em lume médio e deixe ferver. Assim que o açúcar dissolver, retire do lume e deixe arrefecer. Assim que os bolos saem do forno, pincele com o xarope. É importante usar todo o xarope. Deixe arrefecer um pouco e desenforme. Deixe arrefecer completamente antes de servir.
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It was a wise choice for Easter Sunday. This Ottolenghi's recipe similar to a Babka, the traditional bread sweet [or cake], enriched by chocolate and walnuts filling, it's soft and it tasted amazing. Ottolenghi says it is the most popular cake in the west side of Jerusalem, and people go crazy for it. In our home it had the same effect. I replaced the superfine sugar by brown sugar and reduced 2/3 total amount of syrup. I didn't find this recipe complicated at all, but it requires time.
dough 530g plain flour, plus extra for dusting 100g caster sugar 2 tsp fast-action dried yeast grated zest of 1 small lemon 3 large free-range eggs 120ml water ⅓ tsp salt 150g unsalted butter, at room temperature, cut into 2cm cubes
filling 50g icing sugar 30g best-quality cocoa powder 130g good-quality dark chocolate, melted 120g unsalted butter, melted 100g pecans, roughly chopped 2 tbsp caster sugar[i used one]
syrup 90 g caster sugar [original 260 g] 55 ml water[original recipe 160ml]
For the dough, place the flour, sugar, yeast, and lemon zest in a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook and mix on low speed for 1 minute. Add the eggs and water and mix on low speed for a few seconds,then increase the speed to medium and mix for 3 minutes, until the dough comes together.  Add the salt and then start adding in the butter, a few cubes at a time,mixing until it is incorporated into the dough.Continue mixing for about 10 minutes on medium speed, until the dough is completely smooth, elastic, and shiny. During the mixing, you’ll need to scrape down the sides of the bowl a few times and sprinkle a small amount of flour onto the sides so that all the dough leaves them. Place the dough in a large bowl brushed with sunflower oil, cover with plastic wrap, and eave in the fridge for at least half a day, preferably overnight. Grease two loaf pans with some sunflower oil and line the bottom of each pan with a piece of waxed paper. Divide the dough in half and keep one half covered in the fridge. Make the filling by mixing together the confectioners’ sugar, cocoa powder, chocolate, and butter. You will have a spreadable paste. Roll out dough on a lightly floured surface into a rectangle measuring 15 by 11 inches. Trim the sides to make them even, then position the dough so that a long side is closest to you. Use an offset spatula to spread half the chocolate mixture over the rectangle, leaving a 3/4-inch border all around. Sprinkle half the pecans on top of the chocolate, then sprinkle over half the superfine sugar. Brush a little bit of water along the long side farthest away from you. Use both hands to roll up the rectangle like a roulade, starting from the long side that is closest to you and ending at the other long end. Press to seal the dampened end onto the roulade and then use both hands to even out the roll into a perfect thick cigar. Rest the cigar on its seam. Trim about 3/4 inch of both ends of the roll with a serrated knife.Now use the knife to gently cut the roll in half lengthwise, starting at top and finishing at the seam. You are essentially dividing the log into two long even halves. With the cut sides facing up,gently press together one end of each half, and then lift the right half over the left half. Repeat this process. Gently squeeze together the other ends so that you are left with the two halves,intertwined, showing the filling on top. Carefully lift the cake into a loaf pan. Cover the pan with a wet tea towel and leave to rise in a warm place for 1h to 1 1/2hs. The cake will rise by 10-20%. Repeat the whole process to make the second cake. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F, making sure you allow plenty of time for the oven to heat fully before the cakes have finished rising. Remove the tea towels, places the cakes on the middle rack of the oven, and bake for about 30 minutes, until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean. While the cakes are in the oven,make the syrup. Combine the water and sugar in a saucepan, place over medium heat, and bring to a boil. As soon as the sugar dissolves, remove from the heat and leave to cool down. As soon as the cakes come out of the oven, brush all of the syrup over them. It is important to use up all the syrup. Leave the cakes until they are just warm, then remove them from the pans and let cool completely before serving.
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vraska-theunseen · 3 years ago
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making krantz cake (it's basically like babka) and i have to let the dough sit and rise in the fridge overnight! im excited though i hope i do it right
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vtasty · 4 years ago
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vTasty- Visually Tasty Food Blog Chocolate Babka [Krantz Cake] via Tumblr
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wazafam · 4 years ago
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The American black comedy crime thriller A Simple Favor was released in 2018, and its cast members in it are extremely recognizable. The film, directed by Paul Feig from a screenplay written by Jessica Sharzer, is a suspenseful story based on the 2017 novel of the same name, written by Darcey Bell. The movie stars Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick in the main roles, among other notable actors in supporting roles. The plot centers on a small-town video blogger who attempts to solve the mystery behind her friend's disappearance.
A Simple Favor was released by Lionsgate, and the movie garnered critical praise upon its theatrical release. Most critics praised the chemistry of the ensemble cast, and also wrote enthusiastically about the movie's shocking plot twists and turns. The film ended up making $5.9 million on its first day alone, and grossed a total of $97 million worldwide, on a budget of only $20 million.
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Indeed, the movie has an impressive cast��led by its main stars, Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick. Henry Golding, Andrew Rannells, and Linda Cardellini are some of the supporting cast members, as well as Jean Smart, Rupert friend, Eric Johnson, and Dustin Milligan, among other actors.
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Blake Lively takes on the role of Emily Nelson, Hope McLanden, and Faith McLanden in A Simple Favor, and her character's life is the most interesting part of the film. Viewers know Lively from teen movies The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Accepted, Simon Says, and other early-aughts flicks. Later, she appeared in movies ranging from New York, I Love You to The Town to superhero flick Green Lantern, which she starred in alongside her future husband Ryan Reynolds. In more recent years, Lively has appeared in The Age of Adaline, The Shallows, Café Society, and All I See Is You.
Following her success with A Simple Favor, Lively starred in the movie The Rhythm Section in 2020 alongside actors Jude Law and Sterling K. Brown. The movie follows a grieving woman who goes on a destructive path for revenge after learning that the plane crash that killed her family was actually a terrorist attack. To date, that is Lively's most recent role. From 2007 - 2012, of course, Lively starred as Serena van Der Woodsen in the hit show Gossip Girl, for which she won several accolades.
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Like Lively, actress Anna Kendrick, who portrays Stephanie Smothers in A Simple Favor, has been working in Hollywood for several years. She first became a familiar face for her role as Jessica Stanley in the Twilight movies. Following the franchise's end, Kendrick began to take on different roles. She played Natalie Keener in Up In The Air, Janet Taylor in End of Watch and voiced Courtney Babock in ParaNorman. In 2012, Kendrick reached full stardom for playing Becca Mitchell in the popular movie Pitch Perfect. After that, Kendrick appeared in a slew of movies from 2013 until A Simple Favor in 2018, including  What to Expect When You're Expecting, Drinking Buddies, Cake, Into the Woods, the two Pitch Perfect sequels, and The Accountant. She also appeared in the movies Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates and voiced a character in Trolls.
Related: The Shallows Behind The Scenes: How Filming Injured Blake Lively
Following her turn as Stephanie in A Simple Favor, Kendrick played Kendra Glack in the 2019 movie The Day Shall Come and portrayed Noelle Kringle in the holiday movie Noelle, released the same year. She also reprised her role in Trolls for the movie's 2020 sequel.
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Andre Rannells, who plays Darren in A Simple Favor, began his career in television. He voiced characters on children's shows, like Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh!, as a kid, and the early aughts also saw his break into theater. He had numerous roles on the stage, and in 2011 played Elder Kevin Price in The Book of Mormon as an original cast member. From 2014 - 2018, he also had roles in Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Hamilton, Falsettos, and The Boys in the Band.
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Rannells became a familiar face on the screen when he joined the cast of Girls from 2012 - 2017, playing Elijah Krantz in 35 episodes. This role led him to other television parts, including Bryan Collins in The New Normal and Frazier H. Wingo in The Knick, as well as guest appearances in hit shows like How I Met Your Mother and Glee. He also had voice roles in the shows Sofia the First, Welcome to the Wayne, and Vampirina. Most notably, in 2017 Rannells joined the cast of Big Mouth. He continues to play that role into 2021, as well as continues to make occasional guest appearances on other shows. In terms of film — Rannell's most recent roles were in the 2020 films The Boys in the Band, The Prom, and The Stand In. And before appearing in 2018's A Simple Favor, he had parts in 2016's Why Him? and 2015's The Intern.
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Linda Cardellini plays the part of Diana Hyland in A Simple Favor. Cardellini first became a household name in 1999, when she starred as Lindsay Weir in the cult television series Freaks and Geeks. That wasn't her first time in a series, though; throughout the late 1990s, she appeared in shows like Bone Chillers, 3rd Rock from the Sun, Clueless, Step by Step, Promised Land, Kenan & Kel, and Boy Meets World, among other programs.
Post-Freaks and Geeks, Cardellini continued her career in TV, appearing as Samantha Taggart in ER as Bliss Goode and Shelly in The Goode Family. She also had turns in popular shows like Gravity Falls, Mad Men, and New Girl, and took on the serious role of Meg Rayburn in 2015 for 33 episodes of Bloodline. In 2019, Cardellini began portraying Judy Hale in the Netflix series Dead to Me, opposite Christina Applegate.
Related: Why Freaks and Geeks Was Cancelled After One Season
Of course, many movie watchers know Cardellini's likeness from feature films. She appeared as Chutney Wyndham in Legally Blonde, and famously portrayed Velma Dinkley in Scooby-Doo and its sequel. Cardellini also had parts in Brokeback Mountain, The Lazarus Project, Kill the Irishman, and Daddy's Home and its sequel. Superhero movie fans know Cardellini as Laura Barton, the wife of Clint Barton aka Hawkeye in Avengers: Age of Ultron and Avengers: Endgame. And Cardellini has also starred in critically acclaimed films like Green Book, in which she played Dolores. In 2020, Cardellini portrayed Mae Capone in the movie Capone.
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Actor Henry Golding portrays Sean Townsend in A Simple Favor. Golding has been a presenter on BBC's The Travel Show since 2014. Today's movie watchers primarily know him for playing the role of Nick Young in the hit 2018 movie Crazy Rich Asians, for which he won a Teen Choice Award. He also took on the role of Tom in the recent 2019 romantic-comedy holiday flick Last Christmas. Some lesser-known movies Townsend has appeared in include Pisau Cukur, Monsoon, and The Gentlemen. His most recent project is Snake Eyes, which is in post-production. In addition to being a longtime host on BBC's travel show, Golding has hosted shows including Football Crazy, Welcome to the Railworld Japan, and Surviving Borneo.
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Jean Smart, who played Margaret McLanden in A Simple Favor, is most known for playing Lana Gardner on the NBC sitcom Frasier - a role for which she won two Primetime Emmy Awards. She started her impressive acting career in both film and television in the late 1970s. Some of the notable movies she's appeared in include Piaf, Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey, Snow Day, Sweet Home Alabama, Garden State, Life As We Know It, The Accountant, and, most recently, Superintelligence.
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Smart has also appeared in television shows other than Fraiser throughout her career. She voiced Helen Ventrix in an episode of Batman: The Animated Series, played Sally Brewton in three episodes of Scarlett, and played Elinore "Ellie" Walker for 13 episodes of High Society. She also gained recognition for playing Martha Logan, the First Lady, in the show 24, and for portraying Regina Newly in 35 episodes of Samantha Who? 
Smart was in numerous other television series up until her turn in A Simple Favor, and also appeared in small guest roles in popular shows like Halt and Catch Fire and The McCarthys. In more recent years, Smart portrayed Floyd Gerhardt in Fargo and Melanie Bird in Legion, as well as Arlane Hart in Dirty John, Mimi in Arrested Development, and series regular Agent Laurie Blake in Watchmen. 
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Rupert Friend played Dennis Nylon in A Simple Favor. The actor began his career with the 2004 movie The Libertine. He first became a familiar face when he took on the role of Mr. Wickham in Pride & Prejudice. Throughout the early aughts he had several other significant roles, including Sandy Mardell in Outlaw and Demetrius in The Last Legion, as well as Lt. Kurt Kotler in The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas and Prince Albert in The Young Victoria. 
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TV-wise, Friend is most known for portraying the character Peter Quinn in 58 episodes of Homeland. For his performance as Peter, Friend was nominated for numerous accolades. He also appeared in other shows since the end of Homeland, including Dream Corp, LLC, Strange Angel, and, most recently, Anatomy of a Scandal.
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Eric Johnson as Davis: played Flash Gordon on the eponymous 2007 - 2008 television series, as well as Whintey Fordman on the show Smallville and Jack Hyde in the Fifty Shades franchise, among other roles.
Dustin Milligan as Chris: played Ethan Ward on the teen drama show 90210. Most recently, of course, the majority of television watchers know him as Ted Mullens from Schitt's Creek.
Bashir Salahuddin as Detective Summervile: appeared in the movies Snatched and Gringo, and since then has been in Marriage Story and The 24th. He's also known as a writer on Maya and Marty and for portraying Keith Bang on GLOW and Office Goodnight on South Side.
Kelly McCormack as Stacy: known for playing Zeph in the sci-fi show Killyjoys and for playing Betty Anne on the show Letterkenny. Most recently, she wrote, produced, and starred in the feature film Sugar Daddy.
Sarah Baker as Maryanne Chelkowsky: was previously in the movies The Campaign and Mascots, as well as shows like The Kominsky Method and Louie.
Melissa O'Neil as Beth: first gained fame for winning the third season of Canadian Idol in 2005. She's also known for her roles as Two/Rebecca/Portia Lin on the sci-fi series Dark Matter and as Officer Lucy Chen on the police drama show The Rookie.
Of course, viewers have probably seen these listed stars in other movies and TV shows, too. This is a non-exhaustive list of the films and shows that they are most likely recognized from. When all of these actors came together to work on 2018's A Simple Favor, it was a notable project. The movie was praised for its ensemble effort and continues to gain traction among movie watchers today.
Next: A Simple Favor Ending: Disappearance Reveal & The Many Twists Explained
A Simple Favor Cast Guide: Where You Recognize The Actors From from https://ift.tt/37f1O1L
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dessertgallery · 5 years ago
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Krantz cake au chocolat - Your source of sweet inspirations! || GET AWESOME DESSERT MERCH! || GET THE BEST BAKING SUPPLIES! || 100% CERAMIC COOKWARE!
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lthmath · 5 years ago
Recently we have been reorganizing our LThMath Book Club. The whole idea behind it is to read and discuss books with other people. We are happy that the Goodreads Club is steadily growing. We also have a Facebook Group with the same idea as the Goodreads one. Hope you all enjoy the idea. Due to this change, we cannot do just a Goodreads poll for the bi-monthly book. Therefor, we decided to do a survey (created using Google forms). In this way more people can vote for the book. If you want to vote, you need to do it HERE.
“Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension: A Mathematician’s Journey Through Narcissistic Numbers, Optimal Dating Algorithms, at Least Two Kinds of Infinity, and More” by Matt Parker*
In the absorbing and exhilarating Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension, Parker sets out to convince his readers to revisit the very math that put them off the subject as fourteen-year-olds. Starting with the foundations of math familiar from school (numbers, geometry, and algebra), he takes us on a grand tour, from four dimensional shapes, knot theory, the mysteries of prime numbers, optimization algorithms, and the math behind barcodes and iPhone screens to the different kinds of infinity ― and slightly beyond. Both playful and sophisticated, Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension is filled with captivating games and puzzles, a buffet of optional hands-on activities that entice us to take pleasure in mathematics at all levels. Parker invites us to relearn much of what baffled us in school and, this time, to be utterly enthralled by it.
“The Music of the Primes: Why an unsolved problem in mathematics matters” by Marcus du Sautoy*
Prime numbers are the very atoms of arithmetic. They also embody one of the most tantalising enigmas in the pursuit of human knowledge. How can one predict when the next prime number will occur? Is there a formula which could generate primes? These apparently simple questions have confounded mathematicians ever since the Ancient Greeks.
In this breathtaking book, mathematician Marcus du Sautoy tells the story of the eccentric and brilliant men who have struggled to solve one of the biggest mysteries in science. It is a story of strange journeys, last-minute escapes from death and the unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Above all, it is a moving and awe-inspiring evocation of the mathematician’s world and the beauties and mysteries it contains.
“A Brief History of Infinity” by Brian Clegg*
Infinity is a concept that fascinates everyone from a seven-year-old child to a maths professor. An exploration of the most mind-boggling feature of maths and physics, this work examines amazing paradoxes and looks at many features of this fascinating concept.
“Proofiness: The Dark Arts of Mathematical Deception” by Charles Seife*
“Proofiness,” as Charles Seife explains in this eye-opening book, is the art of using pure mathematics for impure ends, and he reminds readers that bad mathematics has a dark side. It is used to bring down beloved government officials and to appoint undeserving ones (both Democratic and Republican), to convict the innocent and acquit the guilty, to ruin our economy, and to fix the outcomes of future elections. This penetrating look at the intersection of math and society will appeal to readers of Freakonomics and the books of Malcolm Gladwell.
“The Proof Is in the Pudding: The Changing Nature of Mathematical Proof” by Steven G. Krantz*
This text explores the many transformations that the mathematical proof has undergone from its inception to its versatile, present-day use, considering the advent of high-speed computing machines. Though there are many truths to be discovered in this book, by the end it is clear that there is no formalized approach or standard method of discovery to date. Most of the proofs are discussed in detail with figures and equations accompanying them, allowing both the professional mathematician and those less familiar with mathematics to derive the same joy from reading this book.
“How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking” byJordan Ellenberg*
How Not to Be Wrong presents the surprising revelations behind some interesting questions, using the mathematician’s method of analyzing life and exposing the hard-won insights of the academic community to the layman — minus the jargon. Ellenberg chases mathematical threads through a vast range of time and space, from the everyday to the cosmic, encountering, among other things, baseball, Reaganomics, daring lottery schemes, Voltaire, the replicability crisis in psychology, Italian Renaissance painting, artificial languages, the development of non-Euclidean geometry, the coming obesity apocalypse, Antonin Scalia’s views on crime and punishment, the psychology of slime molds, what Facebook can and can’t figure out about you, and the existence of God.
Ellenberg pulls from history as well as from the latest theoretical developments to provide those not trained in math with the knowledge they need. Math, as Ellenberg says, is “an atomic-powered prosthesis that you attach to your common sense, vastly multiplying its reach and strength.” With the tools of mathematics in hand, you can understand the world in a deeper, more meaningful way. How Not to Be Wrong will show you how.
“Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid” by Douglas R. Hofstadter*
Douglas Hofstadter’s book is concerned directly with the nature of “maps” or links between formal systems. However, according to Hofstadter, the formal system that underlies all mental activity transcends the system that supports it. If life can grow out of the formal chemical substrate of the cell, if consciousness can emerge out of a formal system of firing neurons, then so too will computers attain human intelligence. Gödel, Escher, Bach is a wonderful exploration of fascinating ideas at the heart of cognitive science: meaning, reduction, recursion, and much more.
“How to Cut a Cake: And Other Mathematical Conundrums” by Ian Stewart*
Welcome back to Ian Stewart’s magical world of mathematics! Here are twenty more curious puzzles and fantastical mathematical stories from one of the world’s most popular and accessible writers on mathematics. This is a strange world of never-ending chess games, empires on the moon, furious fireflies, and, of course, disputes over how best to cut a cake. Each chapter–with titles such as, “How to Play Poker By Post” and “Repealing the Law of Averages”–presents a fascinating mathematical puzzle that is challenging, fun, and introduces the reader to a significant mathematical problem in an engaging and witty way. Illustrated with clever and quirky cartoons, each tale will delight those who love puzzles and mathematical conundrums.
“The Mathematical Tourist: New & Updated Snapshots of Modern Mathematics” by Ivars Peterson*
In the first edition of The Mathematical Tourist, renowned science journalist Ivars Peterson took readers on an unforgettable tour through the sometimes bizarre, but always fascinating, landscape of modern mathematics. Now the journey continues in a new, updated edition that includes all the latest information on mathematical proofs, fractals, prime numbers, chaos and much more. Blazing a trail through rows of austere symbols and dense lines of formulae, Peterson explores the central ideas behind the work of professional mathematicians– how and where their pieces of the mathematical puzzle fit in, the sources of their ideas, their fountains of inspiration, and the images that carry them from one discovery to another.
We hope this helped you decide what book you would like to read in August – September with us. Hope you liked this post. Have a great day. You can find us on Facebook,  Tumblr, Twitter and Instagram. We will try to post there as often as possible.
Lots of love and don’t forget that maths is everywhere! Enjoy!
*This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.
February – March Book Choice Recently we have been reorganizing our LThMath Book Club. The whole idea behind it is to read and discuss books with other people.
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troofless · 6 years ago
Some of the best parts:
Lawless: It’s not like I’ll get older or something...
Licht: Whether you get older or not, whether you’re adult or a child, it doesn’t matter when it comes to birthdays. ...It doesn’t matter if you’re an angel or a demon either.
Licht: It’s a day for celebration that’s equally for anyone. Even demons, are no exception.
Licht: Krantz said he’ll buy a cake at night. A cheesecake. A melon cake is better, but just for today I’ll let it go.
(later, Licht talks about looking at the world with your eyes instead of through a ‘wall’ like his glasses, you know, the typical Licht pep-talk stuff)
Licht: The day you made a contract with me, you took off your glasses.
Lawless: Huh? Glasses? I took it off? Ah~ That’s right....
(at the end)
Mikuni: ...Ah~h, oh my. Something like a birthday, it’s like he’s a human. Even though he’s a vampire that can never age?
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aethelar · 7 years ago
i would kill for you if you wrote graves’ side to the fireman story
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[part one of the fireman story]
Queenie, the text from Tina read. Hide the matches.
Funny you should mention it, Queenie texted back, artfully shielding her phone with her elbow and maintaining unbroken eye contact with Graves.
“… but what if I rescued him from a small fire,” Graves continued. “Just a little one. All I want to do is carry him out the building bridal style and give him CPR, that’s not too much to ask, right?”
“I’m fairly certain your job is to stop fires,” Queenie said dryly.
Graves shook his head, slow and solemn and one step away from a long suffering sigh. “No no, see, that’s Smokey the bear’s job. My job is to rescue people from fires,” he explained. “Which means, ergo, logically, ipso facto, that I need a fire to rescue him from, savvy?”
“Graves, please stop.”
“Q. E. D.”
He slurped his coffee with far more smugness than the conversation warranted. Queenie hid her giggle in a hasty smile and turned to Jacob, pushing his way into the kitchen through the heavy swing door.
“All ok, love?” she asked as he made a beeline for the cupboard.
“Grand,” he confirmed, pausing just long enough to steal a kiss before digging out the krantz cake. “Your sister, on the other hand… “ He made a so-so motion with his hand.
Queenie frowned, thinking of the strange text Tina had sent. “Newt troubles?” she hazarded.
“Newt troubles,” Jacob confirmed.
“And Newt troubles are…?” Graves asked, already halfway to pushing his chair back from the table. He’d never met Queenie’s sister but he’d heard enough about her - and even if he hadn’t, he was hardly going to let a girl get harassed in a bakery of all places. Half the point of being a tightly muscled fireman, surely, was to loom threateningly in the background while idiots suddenly tripped over their words and found better places to be.
“Sweetie, sit,” Queenie said, putting a hand on his arm. “Newt’s a friend, it’s not that sort of trouble.”
He sat, but didn’t relax. “What sort of trouble then?”
“Newt,” Jacob declared dramatically, “has fallen in love. For real this time, apparently.”
“Oh no, again?” Queenie leaned back in her chair. She shouldn’t laugh, she really shouldn’t, but on the other hand, “Poor Tina, no wonder she needs cake. Who’s he found this time?”
“Either a fireman or a policeman, I think.” Jacob wrinkled his nose as he tried to pick through the fast-paced info-dump Newt had given him while waiting for Tina to arrive. “Definitely a man in a uniform, but the details are hazy.”
Graves and Queenie perked up almost in sync. “A fireman?” Graves asked.
“Maybe you know him!” Queenie added. She shooed Jacob towards the door. “Find out which fireman, go, go!”
“Maybe fireman,” Jacob stressed, but he saluted with the hand not carrying cake and turned to go back out front with the determination of a man on a mission. A not particularly subtle man on a mission, but then, subtle never worked with Newt so it was probably for the best.
“So,” Graves started once Jacob had gone. “‘Oh no, again’? Should I ask?”
Queenie raised an eyebrow. “I thought we were talking about your love life?”
“My love life is a barren wasteland of daydreams and near misses, I’d much rather gossip about your sister’s friends that I’ve never met. Spill.”
“You, Mr Barren Wasteland, are awful. And no, I shan’t. You’ll have to ask him yourself.”
Graves made a face. “You’re no fun,” he told her. “And I’m out of coffee. Where does Jacob keep the instant?”
Queenie pointed. “Third from the left, the jar labelled heathen. Inbetween the seven other kinds of decent coffee you could be drinking instead.” She paused, then added tartly, “And I’ll have you know that I’m more fun than you know how to handle. It’s one of my many charms.”
Graves was saved from answering by the door swinging open again. Jacob walked through, a somewhat bemused expression on his face as he looked sideways at Graves and tried (failed) to adopt a casual nonchalance.
“Well?” Graves prompted when the silence stretched on. “Which fireman? C’mon Kowalski, I’m invested in this story now. Don’t leave me hanging.”
Jacob cleared his throat. “He doesn’t actually know,” he hedged.
“What does the guy look like?” Graves tried to run through which of the squad had been called out recently and who this Newt may have fallen for. Delgado, maybe? Abernathy? Probably not Abernathy. No, wait - Theseus, everyone loved Theseus. It had to be him. “Tall, slightly curly hair, freckles?”
“He, ah.” Jacob glanced somewhat frantically at Queenie. Graves, thankfully, was still frowning into space and trying to work out if Newt and Theseus seemed vaguely familiar because he’d heard it before or if the two names just worked well together. Jacob attempted to clear his throat again and turned it into a cough half way. “Apparently he had arms.”
“He had arms?”
Jacob nodded. “Newt was quite insistent on this.” He focussed resolutely on Graves’ forehead to stop himself looking at the arms in question. In the verging-on-too-small black tank Graves was wearing they were very much on display and, in fairness to Newt, somewhat hard to miss.
“Oh my god,” Queenie squeaked, her hands flying up to cover her mouth. She stared wide-eyed at Graves. “Arms.”
More nodding. “Yes,” Jacob said, an over-exaggerated wink heavily implied in his tone of voice. “Arms.”
“Huh.” Graves shrugged. Arms were a weird thing to notice, but… “I’ll let Theseus know to roll his sleeves up. So, you reckon Newt will ask him out or should I set them up for a blind date or what?”
“Oh my god,” Queenie repeated.
Jacob wordlessly went to fetch more cake.
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sakichi56 · 7 years ago
LawLicht Week Day 7:
Finally, June 24th, Hyde's birthday, had arrived. The dark haired teen woke up wrapped in his boyfriend’s arms, and carefully slipped out of them before rolling out of bed. He didn't want to wake Hyde up yet. It was only 6:30am after all, and he had to go pick up the cake he ordered from the local bakery still.
The teenager quickly, but quietly, got dressed, then left their shared bedroom to get things ready. The bakery opened at 7:00am, so he had some time to decorate before went to get the cake. When he asked Mahiru for suggestions on how to throw a nice, yet small, party for Hyde, the younger boy had made him a small list. On that list, it said that he had to decorate with streamers, that it was a necessity.
So the teen got to moodily stringing up streamers all around the living room. He had also bought 4 party hats for him, Krantz, Gil and Hyde to wear. The list also said to make a banner, but he felt that it was unnecessary, so he ignored that step and went straight to the cake.
Once again he felt Mahiru was being too over the top. He said that the cake would be best if he made it himself and if it was served with ice cream. But Licht disagreed, he felt the cake itself was fine and he refused to bake for the rat, so he ordered it from the bakery.
He honestly wasn't sure what kind of cake Hyde would like, so he just chose things he would like for himself. A strawberry cake with buttercream frosting and slices of melon on top. If Hyde didn't like it then that just meant there was more for himself later.
After the angel finished decorating for the mini birthday party, he grabbed his phone and his wallet and headed out to pick up the cake. The walk to the bakery took him 15 minutes, but when he got there the family that ran the place was incredibly kind. The man went to the back to get the cake while the woman rang him up, even the daughter was nice. She seemed to be about Mahiru’s age, but she also seemed to be quite sweet on him. Chatting him up and offering him some free melon pan when she found out he liked melons so much.
He accepted her generous offer since he had not had breakfast, then paid her mother for the cake once her father brought it out. After the exchange was completed, he returned home and finished setting things up. It was around 8:30am that Hyde had woken up and entered the darkened and seemingly empty living room, only for the lights to flick on all of a sudden to reveal his boyfriend and their respective babysitters.
“Surprise! Happy birthday Lawless!” Exclaimed the man in the suit.
“Happy birthday rat.”
The whale waved his arms wildly with excitement.
The male with the glasses was shocked. He knew Licht had mentioned a small celebration of some kind for him, but the boy looked like he really went all out. He even bought him a cake! Although, the cake looked more like it was made for the angel than himself. Still, the fact that the kid put this much effort into something for him was incredibly touching.
“Wow! Thanks Lich-tan. I didn't expect you to go to this much effort for me.”
“Well I did. So you better appreciate it rat. And don't get too used to it.”
“Of course.”
The small party didn't last more than a couple hours. The four men shared the cake and gave Hyde each a present, except for Licht, as his present had been spoiled a few days prior when Lawless had walked in to find him making a song. So he instead chose to just play his piano for him while he opened his other two gifts.
Guildenstern had given him a golden hoodie with the word devil written on the front, horns on the hood and devil wings with a tail on the back. While Krantz had given him a plushie of a hedgehog that bared a striking resemblance to him in his animal form.
All in all, it was a short, but nice little party. But to Hyde, the best part was still when the two adults left and he and Licht were alone. The boy had remained at his piano, idly hitting the keys with a blank look in his eyes. Hyde waltzed over and shoved Licht over some so they could both sit on the bench together. This earned him a glare, but no words of protest.
“Thanks for the party angel babe. It was nice.”
“It was really nice of you.”
“...Soooo. It's still my birthday. Did you have anything else planned? Maybe for just the two of us?”
Realizing that the conversation was going nowhere, Hyde smirked as he came up with an idea.
“So how fast can you play?”
“Excuse me?”
Standing up, the vampire sauntered over to the shelf they had the metronome on and flicked it, ticking echoing throughout the room.
“Y’know. BPM. How fast the song is you're playing. How fast of a song can you play?”
Immediately, the teen sat up straighter and got a look of determination burning in his eyes, rising to the subtle challenge. His fingers deftly moving across the piano keys now with a purpose as he began to quickly play out a ballad of fast paced notes.
“Flight of the Bumblebee" by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. It's 210 beats per minute.”
Spoke the boy as he continued playing, giving the confused vampire some context. Said immortal gave an “Ah.” of understanding and listened to him play for a minute before issuing another challenge.
“I wonder how long you can play this before you mess up. I mean, you're a great pianist sure, but there is always someone out there better than you. I wonder where you rank.”
“Hmph! Any challenge you issue, I will rise to demon. For I am an angel, and I shall play perfectly.”
And so the teen kept playing the song, over and over, nonstop for half an hour, heart pounding as he dutifully watched his fingers to keep from fumbling.
Finally Hyde stopped the metronome and strode back over to the boy, wrapping his arms around him from behind and splaying a hand out over his chest, above his racing heart.
“That's great Lich-tan, but I think your heart is beating your fingers.”
The blond snickered as he tightened his hold, effectively stopping the angel from making his music.
“BPM can be used for more than just music ya know. It's also used to tell how fast your heart is beating. And right now, your heart is going like a jackhammer Lich-tan.”
The small blush that painted itself across the pianist cheeks was another giveaway to Hyde about how his angel was feeling, sitting there trapped in his arms. Nuzzling into the lads hair, Lawless gave a sigh of content.
“Stupid hedgehog...You're lucky it's your birthday.”
“Haha! I know angel-chan.”
The two stayed silent for a while, Hyde enjoying holding his Eve without a fight, and Licht trying to calm his rapidly beating heart.
“Hey, Licht, why don't we see how fast I can make your heart race?”
“Why? Are you trying to see how fast it has to beat before it kills me? I throw you a party and you decide you want a new Eve, is that right?”
The blond laughed and shook his head at the teens words, before spinning him around and pinning him against the piano. To be fair though, it would have been the nicest way he had ever killed one of his Eve's to date.
“No, but I feel like I should get a reward since it's my birthday and I didn't really get a present from you.”
“You ruined your own present Hyde! And besides, you and I wrote a song and played together instead.”
“True. But it wasn’t like I was going to ask for anything bad Lich-tan. I was just thinking you could kiss me breathless is all.”
The teen blushed and and turned his head away. Frown deepening as he cast his eyes to the ground. Hyde saw this as a bad sign and sighed, backing up and releasing the boy as he turned around and walked away a bit to give his heated Eve some space.
“It's fine. I was just kidding anyway angel cakes. No worries. Forget I said anything.”
Before he could even take another step, he heard a soft “Stupid Hyde.” and a flurry of rapid foot steps, before his legs got kicked out from under him and he fell back into a sturdy chest.
“Who said you could just tuck your tail and run away like that, rat?”
“B-b-but, you seemed upset so I… and I thought...L-Lich-tan. Are you mad at me right now? C-cuz I honestly can't tell.” He stammered, dark red blush covering his entire face as he gazed with wide eyes up at his Eve.
“Oh? I think your heart is the one beating the fastest now Hyde. I don’t even have to feel it, I can hear it from here.”
This only served to make the blond’s heart beat faster, to the point that he was sure if he were human it would have been dangerous for him.
Taking advantage of his open mouth, the dark haired youth dove down and connected their lips, sending Hyde’s head spinning as their tongues danced.
To the vampire, the kiss felt like it lasted an eternity before the boy pulled back, licking his lips before running the back of his sleeved arm over them to clear them of any saliva. All the while, Lawless sat there panting and confused.
“There. You said to kiss you breathless right? Looks like it didn't take much rat. One little kiss and you're already a mess. Pathetic.”
Hyde could argue that the kiss was not little by any means, but that would only serve to give the teen something else to tease him about. Instead the vampire just let himself drop to the floor, sitting on the ground and trying to control his breathing.
“Happy birthday Hyde.” Called the pianist as he waltzed off down the hall. “Oh, and for the record. You didn't have to ask. I was planning on giving you something like that as a gift anyway.”
The red eyed male jumped, steam practically coming off his madly blushing head.
“Y-you were?”
“Yeah. Although I guess this way worked out well too. I think I actually like this reaction better than the one I'm sure I would have gotten if you hadn't said anything.” Remarked the teen as he opened their bedroom door and stepped in, turning to call out to his lover once more.
“After all,” He said. "Love sought is good, but giv'n unsought is better." Hyde nearly choked on his own saliva.”That's what they say right? But I think any kind of love is just fine. Now, I'm going to take a nap. Are you just going to sit there all day? Or are you going to join me?”
Honestly, with how red his face was and how hot he felt, sitting there for the remainder of the day was probably the safer option. But he couldn't pass up a chance like this. So he hopped to his feet and ran to their room, rushing in past his Eve and throwing himself on the bed.
“Excellent. And maybe later, when I wake up, I will give you an even better reward.” He commented with a flirtatious smirk as he shut the door and stalked over toward the bed.
Hyde was sure, if he weren't immortal, he would have died. That comment would have been the end of him. His heart would have exploded and so would hid head.
Sometimes his Eve just didn't play fair. Scratch that. His Eve never played fair did he?
Happy freaking birthday Lawless! And a happy final day of LawLicht week to everyone. 😁☆♡☆♡
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fullcravings · 5 years ago
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Nutella Krantz (recipe in French)
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