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bmrc2 · 10 years ago
The wait is finally over! [from scratch] is now available on and everywhere else music is sold or streamed. Order the CD and get the high-quality download immediately; vinyl is being pressed & will arrive in March. Watch the first music video from the EP, "feel good", here:
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bmrc2 · 10 years ago
Next on the #ReRelease dart board is a number from Wax Lips. This video for "Holly Would" has some killer footage from our first show opening for #SuperBob. It was the same show as the photo below. They invited us to open for them the next night. So we took off and partied with those guys. I think it was Valentine's Day.
  Somewhere is the rest of the footage from these two shows. Hopefully one day it will magically appear with all of the other rare footage of Wax Lips. 
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5 Things you didn't know you wanted to know about Holly Would. 
1. Meredith Browning created this video. She also created this one.
2. Kevin Butler has a cameo. 
3. "Holly" is a real girl in made-up circumstances...that later became reality... 
4. This is one of the first songs that we worked on. 
5. A radio DJ named "Mud" played this song on Surf 98.3. Thanks Mud!
<a href="" data-mce-href="">Swell by WAXLIPS</a>
Wax Lips is 
Xander Farr- Drums
Ryan Barbour- Bass
Daniel Roger- Guitar
Jay Burden- Vocals/Guitar
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bmrc2 · 10 years ago
In preparation of the forthcoming EP release from dedwax, Burden Music is re-releasing #10Years of #albumsandEPs available to stream and download for free at 
 along with the #Re-Release we'll be posting some of the #GreatestHits from 2002-2012. 
Today's "hit" comes from Huckleberry 
Los Angeles: Late 2007;  
Walter Bell and I met Daniel Rogers back-stage at a Hanson performance in 2005. We invited him and his girlfriend back to the house that night. They became very close with everyone in the house. Dan and I started playing guitar and writing songs together. 
5 Things you may not know - "Diamond Ring"
1. Daniel was living in the back room of the booking agent for several venues around Hollywood. Late after a party, Daniel was playing a riff and humming some tune with the others in the room when the first lines of "Diamond Ring" came to me.
2. It was one of those moments when the entire song was written in an instant, even though we didn't finalize most of the lyrics until we recorded the song a month later. 
3. We recorded "Diamond Ring" at my home in Valley Village. One day, I ran into one of my favorite bass players, Brad Smith of Blind Melon, at a fast food joint. I learned that he lived on the next street over from me. 
4. Daniel and I wrote and recorded a few other Huckleberry tunes at that house and other various lofts and back houses around Hollywood before leaving on an indefinite tour of the back roads of America. 
5. Natalie Mishell ran into Dan and I a week or so before we left LA and dropped everything to join us on the road. Her vocals on Diamond Ring were recorded in a hotel in Blue Springs, Missouri. 
<a href="" data-mce-href="">Huckleberry by Huckleberry</a>
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bmrc2 · 10 years ago
I am happy to tell you that Burden Music is preparing to release new music for the first time in two years. The forthcoming EP, dedwax, From Scratch will be available by the end of 2014.  In anticipation of the new release, every recording in the Burden catalog from 2002-2012 has been re-released and is available to stream and download for free on the burdenmusic.bandcamp page. 
I'll be picking songs to post along with 5 things you might not know about the song, who recorded it or what was going on when it was recorded. 
The first song being re-released is by the band Just. When we first started writing and recording demo songs together the band had heard recent stories saying that eating beef from stressed out cows, on their way to slaughter, could make the consumer 'stressed-out'. Expanding on the idea that placid meat is somehow a smarter choice, someone suggested the idea of smarter milk. The smartest mammal of course being a Dolphin. 
5 things you didn't know
1. during the 'Dolphin Milk' conversation, before the song had a name,  a demo of this song was recorded in the family living room.
2. The song sounded so good on the demo that the band choose to include it in their session at Cue Recording Studios, where the rest of the 'Dolphin Milk' EP was recorded. 
3. For the cover photo; Walter Bell made a 'milk mustache' from a piece of mozzarella cheese and stuck it to his upper lip with elmer's glue. It held for exactly as long as it took to take the one photo before falling in the grass and getting eaten by Marley, the dog. 
4. Dolphin Milk was not included on the album, 'Mine for You', though it was a popularly requested song at live shows. 
5. In the live version of 'Dolphin Milk' the band all shouted ' get sick ' after the opening guitar riff. 
<a href="" data-mce-href="">Dolphin Milk by Just</a>
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bmrc2 · 11 years ago
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In the den of the lion who's mane is made of gold. Asleep by the fire are those who fear cold. I'll sleep in the wild, my child, my time has come to enjoy more days in the sun! Happy New Year 2014.
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bmrc2 · 11 years ago
Steve wrote such great songs. This is from one of the first shows we played together as a band ( GO ). He wrote this one but he let me sing it. The camera work is a little shoddy at first but it gets better. He has a great guitar solo in this one too. 
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bmrc2 · 11 years ago
We will miss you Steve Bower. The music world lost a brother today. He was a kind-hearted, super-freak genius of a guitar player and a dear friend. We will be posting any memorial arrangements as they come in. We love you Steve. 
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bmrc2 · 11 years ago
Traditions only happen once
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Traditions are started when at one magical moment something warm and fuzzy found it's way into the hearts of more than one person at the same time.  Like your favorite vacation spot where you asked your girlfriend to become your wife. Or the time you chopped down the family Christmas tree on that vacant lot off the highway. How many times have you tried to recreate one of those magical moments with lack luster results? It's not your fault, well maybe it is, you nostalgic geek. But really, why do we celebrate traditions, year after year, knowing that there is no special magic that occurs on a specific day, in a specific place, with specific people. Magic does exist, you've just got to be a magician to know how to use it. 
Death.. to the Holidays
When a crop comes to the end of it's season, it's time to harvest that crop before it begins to rot on the stalk. To preserve the food so it keeps you fed until the next growing season begins, it's a good idea to dry, can, or jar these foods. Once you reach the amount of food that you will need for the off season, it's also a good Idea to call on your friends an family to help you eat what is leftover from the harvest. (Thanksgiving) Then it's time to hunker down for another month or so. Then it's good to check in with your friends and fam just to see who's doing ok and bring them a gift that they can use for the remainder of the off-season. ( perhaps a fruitcake ) Then it's time to bundle up with all that canned food, dry meat and pickled fish. Finally when the sun returns and you see that first bit of green stalk peeking out under the dead leaves it's time to get together to see who's made it through the rough times. Celebrate with friends and family once more before the growing season starts to exchange seeds (or beans), eat a spring rabbit and mourn those you lost in the dead of winter. 
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bmrc2 · 11 years ago
House Concert Series | began November 8th; Philly band rocked the house
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Now there are some sociopaths out there in the pop culture world these days. The name Dexter comes to mind. I’m thinking of more of the sycofantic rantings from the great Philly band, The great SOCIO.  I met TGS by chance in Wilmington, NC. Craig and his lovely girlfriend were on a tour of potential venues. Kind of like touring wineries to see who has the best grapes. That night, I was opening for a young band who said they had caught a Waxlips show way back when. I started talking to Craig and they ended up staying through my set, which I remember was quite a pathetic performance, what, playing loud surf-grunge rock with only one guitar and singing. The next day happened to be my birthday and we met the two of them for breakfast at Front street brewery.  I think we may have had dark beers with our eggs and sausage.  
NOVEMBER 8th, 2013
Craig and the boys, Monty, Drew and lead singer/trumpetier Berto, came back to Burden Manor, only weeks after they closed out the Halloween Monster bash on Oct. 26th. This time the show was in-doors, intimate, and intense. The band raged into a powerful 45 minute set of old and new SOCIO tunes. Interacting with the crowd, who was less than 2 feet away from the microphone stand, Berto charmed his way into the hearts of the newest Great SOCIO fans.
  The night also featured artwork by Metagrapher. The band even ended up purchasing one of Metagraphers paintings. 
The night ended, as these things normally do, at around 3 am, but not before Monty, SOCIO keys/programer, got behind DJ Dylan Rosenberg’s ( Blaze one, Tribalistix ) tables and began his beat matching career. 
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Until next time fellas…which I hope is very soon for the sake of my sanity and the sake of those who crave quality entertainment.
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Next Burden Manor House Concert scheduled for Saturday, DEC. 21st |  
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bmrc2 · 12 years ago
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…And What Army will be headlining SK8JAM at Trailside Park in Herndon, Va on Saturday May 18th. Also Performing, Aaron Crawford & The Bad Cards, Bo Jankans, THEYCALLMEPIANO and BLUE Country. The gates open at 11am. There will be contests, raffles, food, drinks, vendors, prizes and more. This Event is presented by the H.E.C. 
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bmrc2 · 12 years ago
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Photo : Estilo  
Location: Burden Music Sound System 2011
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bmrc2 · 13 years ago
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Burden Music is proud to announce our involvement with the 2nd annual
JamBrew | Outdoor Concert Series | Northern Virginia Indie Music Festival
Every Friday Night in September on the Herndon Town Green. JamBrew celebrates the works of the songwriters and musicians who are making an impact with their original music in Northern Virginia. 
Opening night September 7th, 2012 | Features Silence The Giants, 8pm, lead by NOVA hip-hop star Bo Jankans, this guitar-based group incorporates hard rock, hip-hop, funk and harmony vocals into their energetic live show. 
Also performing opening night is RDGLDGRN, 7pm, a band of Reston native who just wrapped up recording at the legendary Fairfax Recording Studio in Van Nuys, Ca.  
Starting off the night at 6pm is Queens Over Kings, a local band that features a 9 year old girl drummer. 
Check out updates at and follow along on Twitter @JamBrewSeries and on
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bmrc2 · 13 years ago
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Burden Music announces SK8JAM | Trailside Skate Park | Saturday May 19th 2012
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bmrc2 · 13 years ago
Sit back, relax, open a bag of chips and get ready to ROCK N ROKE! Watch a full night of America's hottest new fad! Live band karaoke is sweeping the nation and your ROCK N ROKE band is at the top of the list! Come to a taping at either a Wednesday at Sully's in Chantilly, VA or every other Thursday at Jimmy's Old Town Tavern in Herndon, VA. and look for a ROCK N ROKE coming to a city near you!  Until then follow along every with our Video On Demand(VOD) at! scroll through to find amazing performances by Leo Marchetti, Courtney Martin, and CrushINDO 
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bmrc2 · 13 years ago
Shinobi Ninja Pimps and Horrors Halloween Bash-Carpool Herndon, Va. 
Film- Son 
All Rights Reserved
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bmrc2 · 13 years ago
Burden Music Studio
Burden Music Stuido is located in the historic district of downtown Herndon, Virginia.  To make an appointment please email [email protected]. If you would like to submit music to be considered for the Burden Music Label please email all submissions to [email protected] 
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bmrc2 · 13 years ago
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This Friday October 28th! Shinobi Ninja will be rocking at Carpool, Herndon. Show starts at 9pm door charge starts at 8pm. No one knows how to rock like these cats!!
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