kodim0736 · 1 year
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Batang,- Komandan Kodim 0736/Batang Letkol Inf Ahmad Alam Budiman diwakili Danramil 02/Limpung Letda Inf Kis Dwi menghadiri Musda ke 15 DPD KPNI Kabupaten Batang bertempat di Tirta Asri Desa Sempu Kecamatan Limpung Batang, Sabtu (07/01/23)
Acara tersebut juga di hadiri Pj. Bupati Batang yang diwakili oleh Ka Disparpora Kab. Batang, Yarsono S.I.P, M.M , Kapolres Batang diwakili Kapolsek Limpung AKP Prisandy Tiar S.Kom , Sekretaris DPD KNPI Provinsi Jateng Abdul Hamid, S.Pd.I, Ketua DPRD Kab. Batang H. Maulana Yusuf F S.I.P, M.A.P, Ketua DPD KNPI Kab. Batang Mustofa S.Pd, Ka Kesbangpol, Kab. Batang diwakili Puji Hartono, Ketua Bawaslu Kab. Batang Mabrur S.P,Divisi Hukum, Pengawasan KPU Kab. Batang Susanto Waluyo, Perwakilan Organisasi  Sayap Partai Kab. Batang, Para Pengurus Kecamatan dan Anggota KNPI Batang serta Perwakilan Organisasi masyarakat dan Pemuda (OKP) se-Kab. Batang.
Dalam sambutanya Pejabat Bupati Batang Lani Dwi Rejeki yang di bacakan oKetua Disparpora Kab.Batang Yarsono mengatakan, salam kepada semua peserta musyawarah daerah DPD KPNI yang ke 15, saya sangat mengapresiasi  diselenggarakannya kegiatan Musda KPNI Bab. Batang.   Musda merupakan agenda terkini dalam suatu organisasi, oleh karena itu semoga kegiatan ini bisa berjalan dengan tertib dan lancar, serta dilandasi kebersamaan dan keterbukaan sehingga musda ini dapat dilaksanankan penuh disiplin dan tangung jawab yang tinggi.
Untuk itu perkenaan program kerja KPNI, harus meningkatkan kemampuan sehingga semua program dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik.   Oleh Karana itu kepada pemimpin KPNI yang baru agar dapat menjadi motor penggerak organisasi yang lain, serta dapat berperan menjadi salah satu kekuatan dalam pembagunan guna meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat.
KPNI sebagai pendorong dan pengawas dalam meningkatkan pembagunan daerah, KPNI merupakan mitra pemerintah di Kabupaten Batang.   Sebagai mitra pemerintah tentunya menjadi sahabat perintah Kabupaten Batang, "tutup Pj. Bupati".
Sementara Ketua KPNI Batang Musthofa  menambahkan.   Atas nama KPNI Batang menyampaikan selamat datang di Musda KPNI Batang ke 15, kegiatan musyawarah daerah ini menjadi majelis permuswaran tertinggi dalam hal penyampaian laporan pertanggung jawaban massa bakti 2019 sampai 2022 sekaligus pemilihan ketua massa bakti 2023 sampai 2026.
Musda hari ini bisa menjadi bukti sejarah, bahwa KNPI Kabupaten Batang semakin eksis dan bisa berkontribusi untuk pembagunan pemuda diwilayah Kabupaten Batang.
Kepengurusan KPNI Kab. Batang periode 2019 - 2022 hari ini telah selesai.   Kami selaku yang diberi amanat menjadi ketua, pertama mohon maaf apabila selama menjalankan organisasi masih banyak kekurangan, hal ini akan menjadi motifasi kita untuk melakukan perbaikan.    Kami sebagai pengurus KNPI yang lama, mengucapkan terimakasih banyak atas bantuan dan dukungan dari semua elemen masyarakat Kabupaten Batang.  Semoga kedepannya KPNI Kabupaten Batang akan lebih baik lagi, "tutup Musthofa".
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cutsliceddiced · 4 years
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New GIF tagged food, foodie, kpni foodie, kpni via Giphy https://ift.tt/2x59LXV via https://cutslicedanddiced.wordpress.com/2018/01/24/how-to-prevent-food-from-going-to-waste
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Immer wieder toll - süßes Rührei. Hier mit ein paar Himbeeren gepimpt. Aktuelll (10:57 Mittwoch, 19.02.20) sitze ich in der Straßenbahn auf dem Weg zur Haus Garten Freizeit Messe zum lieben Theomas Marbach von der @kochanstalt um Einblicke in die #fermentation zu geben. Wir haben schon einige Projekte zusammen gemacht. Zum Beispiel beim Richard von @ernte_mich fermentieren & kochen. Natürlich werde ich in meiner Story ein paar Einblicke geben. Thomas bringt regionale, ehrliche Erzeuger & Produzenten zusammen. In meiner Story nehme ich dich mit auf die Messe. Lass es dir schmecken, dein Functional Basics Coach Carsten . Weitere 💞-Projekte von mir: 🤲 Kostenfreier "Functional Basics Guide" (Link in der Bio @functional.basics) mit zusätzlichen Rezepten, Interviews & tollen Extras. . 💕 @healthmeetingleipzig . 🎙️@functional.basics.podcast . 🤯 @functional.basics.stress . . #gesundheitistfüralleda #wieartgerechtlebstdu #functionalbasics #carstenwoelffling #intermittentliving #biohacker #kpni #natürlichgesund #biohacking #biohackerdeutschland #gesünderleben #wohlfühlgewicht #artgerecht #ganzheitlichegesundheit #nutrition #functionalmedicine #vegetarisch #hinterdenkulissen #authentizitätimbusiness #leipzig #speaker #selberkochen #mealprep #fitundgesund #reset2020 #süssesrührei #messe #kpnifood #vegan (hier: Leipzig, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8vpGmrqJxC/?igshid=10gvg271uuw1g
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jeworno · 5 years
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#Werbung #Allergie #OnlineKongress vom 23. bis 30. April 2019 Bekämpfe die Ursache deiner Allergie – nicht die Symptome! Host: @foodlinx.de (Nadja Polzin) https://allergiekongress.info/ (Link in Bio) 🎦 Im #Allergiekongress 2019 teilen über 20 Professoren, Doktoren, Ärzte, Heilpraktiker und Patienten ihr Wissen über Allergien, ihre Ursachen, neueste Therapien und wertvolle Erfahrungsberichte mit dir. 🐹 Geeignet für Patienten mit #Heuschnupfen, #Hausstauballergie, #Weizenallergie, #Milchallergie, #Neurodermitis, #Asthma, #Lebensmittelallergie, #Kontaktallergie, #Latexallergie, #Urtikaria und vielem mehr 📇 Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dr. Karl J. Probst 🌰 @LotharUrsinus 🌰 Prof. Dr. Dr. Claus Muss 🌰 Dr. Norbert Preetz 🌰 Dr. Volker Schmiedel 🌰 Dr. Michael Tank 🌰 Dr. med. Ori Wolff 🌰 @DorotheeStruck 🌰 Dr. med. Joachim Mutter 🌰 Tom Fox 🌰 @paleolc (Julia Tulipan) 🌰 @JuliaElisabethGruber 🌰 @hypnoseausbildung.pro (Mike Schwarz) 🌰 @nora_hodeige 🌰 @the_health_profiler (Özgür Dogan) 🌰 @kyranach (Kyra Kauffmann) 🌰 @fairment (Paul Seelhorst) 🌰 Nicole Lange 🌰 @gruber.roman 🌰 @functional.basics (Carsten Wölffling) 🌰 @haut_und_gesundheit (Philipp Domsch) 🌰 @missbodyoptimierer (Corinna Maier) 🌰 @charming_scamp (Pegman Emami) 🌰 🌷🌹🌻🌾🌿🌷🌹🌻🌾🌿🌷🌹🌻🌾🌿🌷🌹🌻🌾🌿 #hyposensibilisierung #Entgiftung #haut @paleolifestyle_de #hormonbalance #fairment #fermentieren #intervallfasten #ketogeneernährung #omnihypnose #DrJoachimMutter #Zuckermonster #kPNI #fedupwiththepill #omega3 #hypnosetherapie #Selbsthypnose #yagercode #lotharursinus 🐿 (hier: Link in Bio) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwb5tigHo0a/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kxeldn5rkti5
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orideknews · 5 years
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BP Teken Kerjasama dengan Tim Paralimpik Nasional Indonesia BP Indonesia menandatangani perjanjian kerjasama dengan Komite Paralimpiade Nasional Indonesia (KPNI) sebagai mitra nasional eksklusif untuk sektor energi dan minyak & gas.
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beritanews · 4 years
Arham Basmin Resmi Kantongi SK dari DPP KNPI
Arham Basmin Resmi Kantongi SK dari DPP KNPI
BERITA.NEWS, Makassar – Ketua Umum Dewan Pimpinan Pusat (DPP) Komite Nasional Pemuda Indonesia (KNPI) Haris Pertama resmi menyerahkan SK kepengurusan KNPI Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan dibawah komando Andi Muhammad Arham Basmin bersama Andi Surahman Batara sebagai Sekretaris.
Dalam penyerahan SK 01/Formatur/DPD-SS/01/2020, Ketum Haris turut didampingi pengurus teras DPP KNPI Mistahuddin Wandi…
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adelzahara-blog · 6 years
Yusnil Amri Pimpin KPNI Aceh Timur
Adel Zahara Yusnil Amri Pimpin KPNI Aceh Timur Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Yusnil Amri Pimpin KPNI Aceh Timur Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Yusnil Amri Pimpin KPNI Aceh Timur Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Yusnil Amri Pimpin KPNI Aceh Timur Ia terpilih dalam musyawarah daerah (Musda) ke-13 yang berlangsung di Gedung Serbaguna Idi, Minggu (23/9/2018). http://www.unikbaca.com
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rhondanicole · 6 years
Black Music Month: Artists and Albums that Matter to Me
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June is #BlackMusicMonth, an annual celebration of African Americans’ innumerable contributions to the American–and global–musical landscape. Each day this month, I’m highlighting some of my favorite artists and albums.
Day 11
Michael Franti + Spearhead, Stay Human
My literal introduction to Michael Franti + Spearhead came during my sophomore year at SMU, when I [accidentally] met the band in Hughes-Trigg Student Center. It was late 1994, and Franti et al were making the college tour circuit in support of their debut album, Home (Franti had released an album some years earlier with his former band, Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy). One of the Program Council committees had arranged for the band to come to campus; up to that point, I had never heard of them. As a member of Program Council, however, I felt it my duty to at least go and see who and what they were all about, and support my comrades in student event programming. When I strolled into the Student Center and saw this group of cute guys standing around, I thought they were students visiting from another school and immediately rushed over to attempt whatever level of flirting my awkward 19-year-old self could muster. After a round of introductions, however, I realized these weren’t “new boys,” but an even more interesting collection of musicians. Some chit chat and displays of my dimples later, and I headed off to class (maybe. Was I really going to class?) with tickets to their show later than night in Deep Ellum, where they’d be opening for Digable Planets.
At that same time, I was also a DJ on the campus radio station, KPNI. So I was doubly excited to receive not one but 2 Spearhead promotional CDs, along with 2 promo posters, at the studio. One CD featured various mixes of Home’s lead single, “People in da Middle,” while the other offered a handful of takes of one of the album’s other standout tracks, “Hole in da Bucket.” I added these tunes to my DJ Lady Echo playlist and, from then on, considered myself a fan of Spearhead.
But then, life happened, and for some reason, I all but forgot about MFSH not long after. In fact, I completely missed the release of their second album, Chocolate Supa Highway, in 1997. Maybe it was because I was no longer doing a radio show, or, even more likely, because by the time that album dropped, the band was beginning to lose its footing in the hip-hop landscape of that time thanks to the commercialization of so-called “gangsta rap.” Groups like Spearhead, Digables, and Arrested Development, which had enjoyed a good amount of room on the airwaves and on wreckastow shelves in the early ‘90s, had quickly been replaced by harder, heavier hip-hop acts who countered the formers’ Black empowerment, peace, love, and positive vibes with grimy tales from the proverbial hood. And while Chocolate certainly attempted to adapt to this shift, it doesn’t appear that audiences were all that interested. And that’s a shame, because songs like “Gas Gauge,” which tells the story of a young Black kid shot by police all because he was trying to get his wallet from the glove box, and smoldering tracks like “U Can’t Sing R Song” and “Comin’ to Gitcha,” both of which carry some serious R&B vibes, could have worked on urban radio at the time.
It would be May of 2001 before we heard anything new from Michael Franti + Spearhead, and the album that would introduce them into the new Millennium was the presciently titled Stay Human. The album opens with “Oh My God,” a soulful, pensive tune that seems to pick up where Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On” left off. The whole of Stay Human finds Franti’s passion for tackling topics of social justice through song intact, but this time, more focused and disciplined--a noticeable contrast to his previous albums. Between the tracks are a series of segues featuring two characters, Brotha Sunshine (Franti) and The Nubian Poetess, as hosts of a non-profit radio program aimed at “what the others won’t play and what they definitely won’t say.” At the heart of this fictitious radio show is conversation about the pending execution of Sister Fatima, a woman convicted of murder and upon whose execution rests the fate of a deeply contested gubernatorial race (the governor is played by none other than Woody Harrelson). Throughout the album, the radio hosts discuss the case as new evidence has emerged suggesting Sister Fatima is not guilty. 
Of course, most of us remember 2001 for the horrific events of 9/11, and although Stay Human dropped several months before that life-altering September day, one can’t help but draw eery parallels between the album’s political urgency and the political climate of the time. One of Franti’s greatest accomplishments as a songwriter is his ability to take songs weighted with social commentary and make them light and fun, without losing the songs’ message. Stay Human’s title track is an excellent example of this, with MFSH singing “all the freaky people make the beauty of the world” while also talking about human condition issues such as starvation and the fears people experienced as we headed into Y2K. “Do Ya Love” takes on same-sex marriage years before the conversation became serious platform fodder for presidential campaigns, and “Love’ll Set Me Free” finds Franti taking on the perspective of someone who’s been incarcerated and separated from his loved ones with empathy, heart, and nuance. 
One of the album’s most poignant tracks, “We Don’t Mind,” is a protest song for the 21st century. The album’s climatic final radio segue is jarring and unexpected, but lays the groundwork for the final track, “Skin on the Drum.”
In the years since Stay Human’s release, Michael Franti has become a bonafide international rock star, thanks in large part to the surprise hit, 2008′s “Say Hey (I Love You).” For many an OG Spearit (MFSH’s nickname for their fans), the more recent releases lack the cohesive, socially conscious through-lines of his earlier works. Following Stay Human, the pop-tinged but still political Everyone Deserves Music delivered a high-energy mix of hip-hop and rock, and 2006′s Yell Fire! kept the embers aglow with its infusion of reggae. 2008′s All Rebel Rockers, the album that gifted us with the aforementioned “Say Hey,” seemed to mark the end of the directly political Franti, and usher in a new era of MFSH which would focus more on relationships--both personal and romantic, and global, encompassing various aspects of the human condition. Perhaps this is due to the dramatic shift in our own political landscape, considering that Franti’s early ‘00s albums were released during the Bush era while albums from 2008 and beyond came during President Obama’s time in office (Franti even released a tribute to POTUS after his first election). And so, although the world continued to stare down any number of social and political urgencies during the comparatively less chaotic Obama years, it would appear that Franti decided to turn his attention a bit more inward, with 2010′s Sound of Sunshine, 2013′s All People, and 2016′s SoulRocker moving further and further away from the themes set out on Stay Human.  
Even still, it’s no coincidence that Franti’s latest tour and documentary film are both named Stay Human. The false sense of security we grew too comfortable with during the Age of Obama gave way to unadulterated bullshit, so perhaps Franti’s return to the themes he first explored in 2001 couldn’t have come a moment too soon. 
--Rhonda Nicole
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rikkilambriex · 6 years
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MakeYouTurn (2017), stage Studio SL
Voor mijn eindexamen project heb ik een aantal illustraties mogen tekenen voor de website van MakeYouTurn. 
MakeYouTurn is een bedrijf van Mirjam Bosma-den Boer. Zij coacht en helpt mensen door de kracht van liefde te gebruiken. Met de kracht van liefde bedoeld Mirjam dat je je als mens (je hart) moet openstellen tijdens moeilijke situaties. Haar klanten vertellen wat hen dwars zit en zij luistert en voelt waar de kern van de problematiek zit. Na het gesprek stelt Mirjam een aantal vragen en geeft tips die de klant kunnen helpen. Daarnaast geeft ze ook nog workshops en presentaties.
De website had voor elk focusgebied één illustratie nodig. Mirjam wilde graag de illustraties in dezelfde stijl hebben als dat zij ze normaal tekent. Eenvoudige poppetjes die een duidelijke uitleg geven over de kracht van liefde. De kleuren matchen met de huisstijlkleuren van MakeYouTurn.
Wil je meer informatie over MakeYouTurn en ben je benieuwd naar het eindresultaat? Klik dan op de link hieronder.
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yourselfrefined · 6 years
Koude douches als levensoefening
Koude douches of simpelweg jezelf blootstellen aan een temperatuursverschil dat voor jou als uitdagend wordt ervaren, kan niet alleen bijdragen aan je gezondheid. Het kan ook een oefening zijn om uit je comfortzone te treden ; iets waar we misschien allemaal mee worstelen als het aankomt op veranderingen, plannen en doelen verwezenlijken
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cutsliceddiced · 4 years
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New GIF tagged food, healthy, kpni foodie, kpni via Giphy https://ift.tt/3dckiRR via https://cutslicedanddiced.wordpress.com/2018/01/24/how-to-prevent-food-from-going-to-waste
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3 Tage München - ein fast schon fester Bestandteil ist ein Besuch im Mongos. Dort kannst du dein Essen selber frisch zusammen stellen. Sei es nur Gemüse oder teils exotisches Fleisch (Känguru). Das erste Mal waren wir in Köln im Mongos. Dort gab es auch Insekten. #gesundheitistfüralleda #wieartgerechtlebstdu #functionalbasics #carstenwoelffling #intermittentliving #biohacker #kpni #natürlichgesund #biohacking #biohackerdeutschland #gesünderleben #wohlfühlgewicht #artgerecht #ganzheitlichegesundheit #nutrition #functionalmedicine #mongos #hinterdenkulissen #authentizitätimbusiness #leipzig#ernährungsplan #selberkochen #mealprep #fitundgesund #reset2020 #paleo #restaurant #kpnifood #münchen (hier: Munich, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8mqbzYKALh/?igshid=pa6uwgjp6vb2
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🦑🦑🦑 Wenn in München, dann geht es auch auf den #viktualienmarkt. Ich liebe Meeresfrüchte. Oktopus & Shrimps. Würdest du das auch essen? Poste eine 🦑, wenn ja & ein 🤢 für eine dezente Abneigung in die Kommentare. #gesundheitistfüralleda #wieartgerechtlebstdu #functionalbasics #carstenwoelffling #intermittentliving #biohacker #kpni #natürlichgesund #biohacking #biohackerdeutschland #gesünderleben #wohlfühlgewicht #artgerecht #ganzheitlichegesundheit #nutrition #functionalmedicine #oktopus #hinterdenkulissen #authentizitätimbusiness #leipzig#ernährungsplan #selberkochen #mealprep #fitundgesund #reset2020 #paleo #meeresfrüchte #kpnifood #münchen (hier: Munich, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8j8u6cqiN1/?igshid=1trdsh9awtl2c
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Einen wundervollen guten Morgen. Ich hoffe du hattest einen guten Start in deinen Freitag. Fur mich begann er kurz nach 5:00, da es wieder zur Ausbildung geht. Dieses Mal nach München - wieder Im Bereich Stress & Burnout neues erfahren. Stress macht dich auf Dauer krank. Wahr 👍 oder falsch 👎 Auf dem siehst du ein Spinatomelette - Eier & Spinat in den Mixer geben & den grünen Eierbrei dann langsam in der Pfanne braten. #gesundheitistfüralleda #wieartgerechtlebstdu #functionalbasics #carstenwoelffling #intermittentliving #biohacker #kpni #natürlichgesund #biohacking #biohackerdeutschland #gesünderleben #wohlfühlgewicht #artgerecht #ganzheitlichegesundheit #nutrition #functionalmedicine #wohlbefinden #hinterdenkulissen #authentizitätimbusiness #spinat #leipzig#ernährungsplan #selberkochen #mealprep #fitundgesund #reset2020 #paleo #frühstück #kpnifood #münchen (hier: Munich, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8igyotKNoF/?igshid=mmu7xhgi9ukg
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Der Klassiker - Eier mit Apfel. #gesundheitistfüralleda #wieartgerechtlebstdu #functionalbasics #carstenwoelffling #intermittentliving #biohacker #kpni #natürlichgesund #biohacking #biohackerdeutschland #gesünderleben #wohlfühlgewicht #artgerecht #ganzheitlichegesundheit #nutrition #functionalmedicine #wohlbefinden #hinterdenkulissen #authentizitätimbusiness #paleotogo #leipzig#ernährungsplan #selberkochen #mealprep #fitundgesund #reset2020 #paleo #mealprep #hinterdenkulissen #frühstück #gesundzunehmen #kochen (hier: Leipzig, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8hH66Nqtow/?igshid=1335ysthebptg
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Schau mal in meine Story. Aktuell habe ich ein paar Fragen an dich. Du kannst auch noch meinen Interviewgästen für mein Podcast deine Fragen stellen. #gesundheitistfüralleda #wieartgerechtlebstdu #functionalbasics #carstenwoelffling #intermittentliving #biohacker #kpni #natürlichgesund #biohacking #biohackerdeutschland #gesünderleben #wohlfühlgewicht #ganzheitlichegesundheit #nutrition #functionalmedicine #wohlbefinden #hinterdenkulissen #unterwegsessen #authentizitätimbusiness #questions #leipzig #berlin #selfie #fitundgesund #umfrage #paleo #mealprep #hinterdenkulissen @fragerunde #fragen (hier: Leipzig, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8d4vn9KStD/?igshid=19pn4b1pj37ex
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