#kou yagami
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silent-shanin · 2 years ago
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tupperware-wizard · 1 year ago
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You come in at work extra early and this is what you find...
...She slept over at work again...
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animeomelette · 2 years ago
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aftfpod · 1 year ago
AFTF Podcast -- Episode 46: New Game!! (S2)
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Video games are back, and so are the fictional women who develop them! Mallory and Ranka return as well, to give you the information on Season 2 of New Game! Will it improve upon the original or should they start working on a new IP to replace it? Tap in:
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anime-ships-all-good · 1 year ago
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Rin Tooyama x Kou Yagami
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iggurichan · 2 years ago
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game testing
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seventeenlovesthree · 6 months ago
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Is it too late to make the "business (and other kinds of) partners" a meme? (Based on this.)
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dutchforstrangers · 1 year ago
Digimon Adventure: 2023 - The newborn chronicles 1/?
Since approx three weeks, I'm head deep into diapers, broken nights and feeding sessions, trying to navigate through life with a newborn. All the while, coming here feels like this could be both my escape from and way of dealing with everything. So I might as well throw in some drabbles about my faves during pregnancy/labor and/or with newborns! Don't expect too much shipping or even shipping at all, just these mofos being newborn parents and not knowing sh*t about all of this.
If you have any suggestions or requests for this series (character(s) and/or prompt/idea), please crawl into my ask box and leave a message (: It's great writing exercise for me after being out of it for so long! I'm taking everything on a scale from everyday domestic fluff to drama with a funny twist and from comedy with a serious touch to dark and heavy angsty emotional rollercoaster.
Episode 1: Taichi & newborn Souta, pt. 1
"Well, just kill me now..."
He said as he exhaled loudly, his hands desperately buried in his hair that seemed wilder than ever before. The bags underneath his eyes in combination with the messy hair and stinky boxers indicating the lack of sleep and showering.
A small piece of Taichi hoped his wife would hear him sigh, wake and come to his rescue. The biggest piece, however, wanted to let her have a peaceful night after all the tough ones she already had and show her he could actually do this by himself.
Thing was he wasn't sure how to.
He reached for his phone on top of the dresser, next to his one week old son. Their eyes met, one set of brown eyes expectingly piercing through his own pair.
"I'm sorry I'm letting you wait, I just... I just need to be sure. So stop looking at me like that."
Taichi's eyes quickly moved from the baby to his phone, scrolling through the names in his contacts.
If he'd call Hikari, or Sora, they would immediately mother and scold him for not knowing "anything". They were an easy skip.
He could call Yamato, but the scenario in his head made him skip his friend faster than lightning.*
Jyou could be useful knowledge-wise, but he'd probably be in a night shift and too busy picking up.
Mimi wasn't an option either, feeling she would leave him with unuseful anecdotes about her traveling life and more questions than answers.
Takeru he felt too awkward to call and Daisuke was simply a hard no.
That left him with one last option. And even though Taichi wasn't sure about that person's knowledge regarding this specific topic, he was sure that he would help him in the best way possible.
Plus, the voice on the other end weirdly soothed him.
With his gaze fixed on his son's overly yellow-brownish body, Taichi started rambling.
"Koushiro, you've got to help me. What do you know about changing diapers and cleaning one week old babies after they covered themselves in their own poop?"
x x x
* The Taichi - Yamato scenario/convo I envisioned:
Y: "Oi, Taichi, why you're calling me in the middle of the night?"
T: "Why are you picking up in the middle of the night?"
Y: "... F*ck you." *hangs up*
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pleasantnachowhispers · 10 days ago
crazy thing about romance and the character in them is like their personality is so telling of their sexuality like xie lian is the most gayest man i every laid my eyes on, like it would feel so insanely unnatural for him to fall in love with a woman, he is fucking gay but then there is yugi amane that if he fell in love with another man, i would genuinely question his sanity, he is the most cunty little teenager every but he is so goddamn straight kou is just pan, he does not give a flying fuck what you are yashiro is also straight and i love her so much light yagami is a bit of an anomoly cause i can see him being the most toxic gay man ever but i can equally see him being the most average husband in existence tamaki (ohshc) is also so straight despite the fact that he developed feelings for haruhi before he knew she was a girl and then hua cheng doesnt have a sexuality, he simply exists for xie lian, he's not even gay, he is just head over heals for xie lian, no questions asked and saiki k is ace
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jamesthedigidestined · 4 months ago
TaiKouvember, Day 5: Hope
Pen meets paper furiously, scribbling down as fast as possible, and yet it’s still not enough to capture the speed of his mind. The sight laid before him was too rich for material; it simply couldn’t be ignored. So he stared; even as his pen veered off the perfectly straight lines, he stared deep into the core of his focus. 
“Uuuh… TK? You okay?” Taichi questions, worry written on his features. He moves from his leaning position, the arm that was once draped across the couch’s top now resting on his arm, his other partially reaching out. Before it can get too far, Koushirou pats Taichi’s thigh to gain his attention. 
“It’s no use. Taichi-san, Takeru-kun simply will not stop writing once something has taken his interest.” With a gentle shake of their head, they sip coffee from a red-and-black polka dot mug, leaning comfortably into the soft material. Taichi, not entirely satisfied, leans back as well, an eye still watching Takeru. 
“Still, does he need to stare so... intently?” 
“Of course! This is the best material I’ve seen in a while!” Takeru suddenly exclaims, jumping up. 
“I suspected it for a while, but this? Living together? This seals it!” 
“Suspected ‘it’? What do you mean by that? And what does being roommates have to do with anything??? Kou, what does he mean?!" 
"In due time, Taichi-san, in due time," Koushirou says cooly, enjoying the warm drink as Takeru tightly seals his mouth, nearly exploding from laughter. 
Taichi Yagami decided that was not a great start to the day. He wasn’t the smartest; that was Koushirou, but more than not understanding something, he felt like he was left out of some kind of joke. Takeru stuck around for a bit longer but soon left as Patamon reminded him that a class was starting soon. After this, Taichi was left alone with Koushirou in their shared apartment, and he didn’t understand how that was involved. 
The day, otherwise, carried on as normal. Koushirou worked from home, occasionally poking out to grab a bite to eat or socialize with Taichi. Said retired gogglehead was studying in between sessions of scratching Tentomon’s shell. Who knew a carapace could be so sensitive? Soon enough, however, Koushirou walks out of his office and leans into Taichi, who had finished studying an hour ago. 
“Tough problem again?” Taichi questions, beginning to softly scratch and massage the spiky scalp laid before him, fingers untangling buried knots and tense muscles as Koushirou cannot help but lean closer. 
“Yeah, we’ve tried to use a new corpus of data to finetune our transformer model without as much inference time, but we still have yet to break past the Chinchilla scaling law,” Koushirou says casually, leaning more into their roommate’s touch. Taichi, for his part, cannot parse anything other than chinchillas riding massive robot cars. 
“You’ll get there, Kou; you always do. You’re a true genius, someone who can break past any barrier they set their mind to.” He says warmly, continuing to massage the scalp of his roommate, who has now turned away.
“That’s not true, and you know it, Taichi-san,” Koushirou says flatly, gently breaking off from the touch. Taichi, unsure but respectful of the newfound distance, turns to Tentomon for guidance. 
“Koushirou-han, you simply cannot blame yourself for that.” The large insect says, a robot-like arm moving up to pet his partner, a loving spark hidden behind the green compound eyes. 
Koushirou loosens their shoulders slightly, nodding as they return to leaning on Taichi. In response, Taichi naturally begins to massage their scalp, giving soft soothing words over their best friend's capabilities, remaining like this until a timer begins to go off. 
“You made dinner?” Koushirou questions, beginning to slowly stand up and stretch firmly, flexing their arms out. Taichi happily observes their best friend’s form, smiling as he confirms he at least threw something quick together. 
They walk over to their kitchen, and Taichi insists that Koushirou, as “the breadwinner," should sit down and be catered to by Taichi. Koushirou disagrees vehemently, arguing that Taichi’s studying is just as valuable as work, only finally agreeing to be served when the pair decide Koushirou will handle dinner tomorrow. 
It was indeed a simple but filling dinner, consisting of a salmon fillet for each, a large bowl of rice, and miso soup with tofu. They sit down, pray over their meal, and proceed to eat. Koushirou slowly begins to eat, eating bits of each and letting their flavors meld together. Taichi, however, quickly begins to devour his rice and miso soup, saving his salmon for last. Tentomon first focuses on the soup, enjoying the warm savory flood of miso before playing with his food, making small rice balls with salmon centers, and constructing a pyramid before continuing to eat. The pair of DigiDestineds look at the Digimon with joy, catching the eye of the other and smiling ear to ear. 
Soon, they’re all stuffed and go to recline on the couch, mimicking their position this morning except even closer, Tentomon resting peacefully in a fluffy bed made out of his favorite pillows. The similarities to this morning spark that aching question and feeling of being left out again, and deciding now was as good a time as any... 
“Hey, Kou, what did Takeru mean earlier?” Taichi questions, slightly worrying his lip as he looks over to his redheaded roommate, uncertainty written across his features despite his best efforts. 
“You mean you still haven’t understood how people see us? Taichi-san, we live together. We’re seldom apart. I can’t even think of a time in the last year I didn’t at least talk to you in a day. Whenever we talk to friends, the other always comes up without fail. Don’t you consider that out of the ordinary?” Koushirou turns to face Taichi, their eyes catching, mesmerizing their roommate. Fuck, were they always this deep?
“I, uh, thought that’s what best friends do?” Taichi responds somewhat dumbly, shifting his own body to face Koushirou as well. 
“‘Would best friends do this?’ Koushirou says, their hand reaching out to hold Taichi’s head before eclipsing their burning lips with their own. And while I don’t have all the details for this part yet, I bet the gist of it is you both end up in the bedroom, and you are SORE, Koushirou-san. Like Taichi just DECIMATED your tight-“ 
"Please spare us the details. Takeru-kun, for everyone’s sake. Please.” Koushirou pleads, pouring themselves another glass of coffee as Taichi, a flaming mess of nerves, just sputters and leans forward. A complete wreck. 
“Great, and now you broke my boyfriend; they don’t come cheap, you know.” The redhead says cooly, unphased by Takeru’s antics as they rub Taichi’s back. 
“Not in shock over this?” Takeru asks, leaning back into his chair and taking in the floundering composure of their dear gogglehead. 
“Takeru, I once saw you regale an entire group of Chosen with a legend from the Digital World you made up on the spot; your fanfiction regarding how me and Taichi got into our relationship is not surprising in the least. Now please, it’s 6 AM; me and Taichi were in the middle of sex, and I would prefer to get back to it and get to bed before Taichi is nothing but a melted mess.” In response, Takeru busts a gut and heads out while Taichi just implodes mentally at the brazen admission of his partner. Within moments, however, Taichi has more than enough motivation to return to bed, and they both have a fantastic day afterward. And Takeru had plenty of new writing material.  @taikouvember
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hellcatinnc · 1 year ago
Character Birthday Masterlist
This is as many birthdays as I could find for all the games I have played and anime's I have watched. Trust me there are more characters but some have no birthday dates posted. I will update this list as I go but you can always find this on my pinned post to come back and check the birthday calendars for each. I did want to do a calendar itself for each month but when so many have the same birthdate I found this harder to do so chose to just do a master list instead.
There was so many birthdays I had to start a 2nd list here is the link to the 2nd one HERE
1st Natsume Asahina - Brothers Conflict
1st Yuito Sumeragi - Scarlet Nexus
3rd Wataru Asahina - Brothers Conflict
6th Herlock Sholmes - Code Realize
7th Saibara Kamui - Paradigm Parodox
9th Thoma - Genshin Impact
10th Yukichi Fukuzawa - Bungo Stray Dogs
11th Satoru Watabe - Stand My Hero
11th Eisuke Ichinomiya - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
12th Gary - 100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom Of Dreams
13th Hades Aidoneus - Kamigami No Asobi
13th Victor - Mr Love Queens Choice
14th Kosuke Misaki - Tomo-chan Is A Girl
16th Vlad Garfunkel - Phantom In The Twilight
18th Henri Lambert - Piofiore Fated Memories/1926
19th Edgar Allan Poe -Bungo Stray Dogs
21st Sirius Dieke - My Next Life as a Villainess
21st Rui Sagisawa - Nil Admirari no Tenbin
23rd Camus - Uta no Prince-sama
27th Urie Sogami - Dance With Devils
28th Kou Mukami - Diabolik Lovers
29th Kanato Hibiki - Maji Kyun! Renaissance
31st Mozu - Bustafellows
2nd Lyney - Genshin Impact
4th Gin Akutagawa - Bungo Stray Dogs
5th Takamasa Saeki - My Forged Wedding
8th Allan Melville - Cupid Parasite
9th Abraham Van Helsing - Code Realize
11th Alhaitham - Genshin Impact
12th Tsukito Totsuka - Kamigami No Asobi
13th Merenice - Cupid Parasite
14th Ren Jinguji - Uta no Prince-sama
14th Hatori Otani - Stand My Heroes
15th Arashi Spring - Scarlet Nexus
17th Soryu Oh - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
17th Fubuki Spring - Scarlet Nexus
20th Tifalia - Radiant Tale
21st Ririchiyo Shirakiin - Inu x Boku SS
22nd Kei Okazaki - Collar X Malice
22nd Yoshikazu Miyano - Sasaki to Miyano
22nd Monet Tsukushi - Magic Kyun! Renaissance
22nd Misuzu Gundo - Tomo-chan Is A Girl
22nd Louis Asahina - Brothers Conflict
26th Sophia Ascart - My Next Life as a Villainess
28th Light Yagami - Death Note
1st Ai Mikaze - Uta no Prince-sama
1st Ryuunosuke Akutagawa - Bungo Stray Dogs
2nd Raeliana McMillan - Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's/M
3rd Ukyo - Amnesia Memories
3rd Yuki Itose - Sign Of Affection
3rd Lindo Tachibana - Dance With Devils
3rd Naomi Randall - Scarlet Nexus
6th Rafayel - Love And Deepspace
7th March 7th - Honkai Star Rail
8th Carol Olston - Tomo-chan Is A Girl
9th Mayuzumi Shion - Variable Baricade
18th Tsugumi Kuze - Nil Admirari no Tenbin
19th Ion - Radiant Tale
20th Sakami Laito - Diabolik Lovers
20th Takeru Totsuka - Kamigamin No Asobi
21st Kanato Sakamaki -Diabolik Lovers
22nd Ayato Sakamaki - Diabolik Lovers
25th Rintaro Tatewaki - Magic Kyun! Renaissance
25th Shiden Ritter - Scarlet Nexus
26th Kamisato Ayato -Genshin Impact
27th Keith Powell - Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
31st Yusuke Asahina - Brothers Conflict
1st Kyosuke Tsuduki - Stand My Heroes
1st Scarecrow - Bustafellow
1st Avi - 100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams
1st Kodama Melone - Scarlet Nexus
2nd Masato Hanzawa - Sasaki and Miyano
3rd Noah Volstaire Wynknight - Why Raeliana Ended Up Duke's/M
4th Canus Espada - Cafe Enchante
8th Yagami Nayuta - Variable Baricade
8th Rowan - Dance With Devils
9th Kiro - Mr Love Queens Choice
10th Takatoo Tokio - Paradigm Parodox
11th Otoya Ittoki - Uta no Prince-sama
11th Zen Wistaria - Snow White With The Red Hair
12th Toma - Amnesia Memories
12th Ota Kisaki - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
13th Kagerou Shoukiin - Inu x Boku Secret Service
14th Jinnia - Radiant Tale
15th Jirou Ogasawara - Sasaki and Miyano
15th Hayato Ozaki - Nil Admirari no Tenbin
15th Himari Momochi - The Demon Prince of Momochi House
16th Baileu Ton - Phantom in the Twilight
17th Xiao - Genshin Impact
17th Lori Asahina - Brothers Conflict
17th Enomoto Mineo - Collar x Malice
19th Miyo - My Happy Marriage
22nd Yakumo Sumeragi - Scarlet Nexus
23rd Orlok - Piofiore
24th Ruki Mukami - Diabolik Lovers
24th Masaomi Asahina - Brothers Conflict
25th Baizhu - Genshin Impact
29th Chuuya Nakahara - Bungo Stray Dogs
29th Balder Hringhorni - Kamigami No Asobi
30th Diluc - Genshin Impact
2nd Ichiyou Higuchi - Variable Barricade
4th Tsugumi Nazar -Scarlet Nexus
5th Atsushi Nakajima - Bungo Stray Dogs
5th Shougo Ukawa - Nil Admirari no Tenbin
9th Akane Kinoshita - Loving Yamada Level 999
9th Aoi Nanamori - The Demon Prince of Momochi House
12th Mamiya Ayumu - Paradigm Parodox
13th Kaito Sumeragi - Scarlet Nexus
15th Karuta Roromiya - Inu x Boku SS
17th Leo Cavagnis - Piofiore
17th Radie - Radiant Tale
17th Impey Barbicane - Code Realize
18th Aki Myojin - Sweet Punishment
18th Gorou - Genshin Impact
21st Rosso - 100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams
23rd Sosei Arakida - Stand My Hero
26th Luke Bowen - Phantom In The Twilight
28th Kaname Asahina - Brothers Conflict
1st Ikki - Amnesia Memories
1st Kotaro Yui - Stand My Hero
1st Arataki Itto - Genshin Impact
2nd Shiki Natsumezaka - Dance With Devils
5th Ibuki - Paradigm Parodox
5th Nagi Karman - Scarlet Nexus
6th Anubis Ma'at - Kamigami No Asobi
8th Sasazuka Takeru - Collar x Malice
9th Natsuki Shinomiya - Uta no Prince-sama
9th Syo Kurusu - Uta no Prince-sama
10th Kasane Randall - Scarlet Nexus
11th Lynette Mirror - Cupid Parasite
11th Eita Sasaki - Loving Yamada at Lv999!
14th Renshou Sorinozuka - Inu x Boku SS
15th Anne Halford - Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
17th Shuumei Sasaki - Sasaki and Miyano
19th Osamu Dazai - Bungo Stray Dogs
23rd Cyno - Genshin Impact
23rd Erika Shinohara - Wolf Girl & The Black Prince
24th Katarina Claes - My Next Life As A Villainess
25th Shirayuki - Snow White With The Red Hair
26th Shu - Bustafellows
26th Seto Narukami - Scarlet Nexus
27th Gilbert - 100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams
28th Nicola Francesca - Piofiore
30th Shuichi Hishikura - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
1st Gemma Garrison - Scarlet Nexus
2nd Ema Asahina - Brothers Conflict
4th Nathaniel Hawthorne - Bungo Stray Dogs
4th Kyouya Sata - Wolf Girl & Black Prince
7th Fuuto Asahina - Brothers Conflict
7th Il Fado de Rie - Cafe Enchante
7th Tomo Aizawa - Tomo-chan Is A Girl
8th Gonzaburou Tashiro - Sasaki and Miyano
9th Kaveh - Genshin Impact
7th Alice Ichijo - Scarlet Nexus
13th Mitsumori Ichiya - Variable Barricade
13th Reiji Kotobuki - Uta no Prince-sama
13th Kazu - Variable Barricade
13th Joe Sumeragi - Scarlet Nexus
16th Gill Lovecraft - Cupid Parasite
20th Tartaglia - Genshin Impact
23rd Yuma Mukami - Diabolik Lovers
24th Junichirou Tanizaki - Bungo Stray Dogs
24th Limbo - Bustafellows
26th Gilbert Redford - Piofiore
30th Michizou Tachihara - Bungo Stray Dogs
30th Rishe Imgard Wertsner - 7th Loop
1st Hikaru Asahina - Brothers Conflict
1st Apollon Agana Belea - Kamigami No Asobi
1st Taiga Hirano - Sasaki and Miyano
2nd Saint Germain - Code Realize
6th Tokiya Ichinose - Uta no Prince-sama
7th Toujou Hibari - Variable Barricade
8th Ignis Carbunculus - Cafe Enchante
10th Mitsunari Baba - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
15th Louis Anjo - Magic Kyun Renaissance
16th Hanabi Ichijo - Scarlet Nexus
20th Alan Stuart - My Next Life As A Villainess
20th Geordo Stuart - My Next Life As A Villainess
22nd Vilio - Radiant Tale
23rd Tomitsuka Ryou - Paradigm Parodox
26th Victor Frankenstein - Code Realize
27th Kenji Miyazawa - Bungo Stray Dogs
29th Reiji Sakamaki - Diabolik Lovers
29th Zange Natsume - Inu x Boku SS
30th Doppo Kunikida - Bungo Stray Dogs
5th Yanagi Aiji - Collar x Malice
5th Zayne - Love And Deepspace
10th Maria Campbell - My Next Life As A Villainess
12th Kagero Donne - Scarlet Nexus
13th Albedo - Genshin Impact
14th Tasuku Kuresawa - Sasaki and Miyano
16th Douglas - 100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams
17th Dante Falzone - Piofiore
17th Teika Ichijoji - Magic Kyun - Renaissance
17th Kasuga - Variable Barricade
17th Araki Mihaya - Paradigm Parodox
19th Yukinami - Paradigm Parodox
19th Hisui Hoshikawa - Nil Admirari no Tenbin
21st Mamoru Kishi - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
21st Akito Yamada - Loving Yamada Lvl 999!
22nd Subaru Asahina - Brothers Conflict
23rd Dionysus Thyrsos - Kamigami No Asobi
23rd Kent - Amnesia Memories
23rd Tsuki Aoyama - Stand My Hero
28th Rindo Kaoru - Cafe Enchante
29th Ranmaru Kurosaki - Uta no Prince sama
7th Makoto Tsuduki - Stand My Hero
10th Banri Watanuki - Inu x Boku SS
10th Luka Travers - Scarlet Nexus
15th Paschalia - Radiant Tale
16th Xavier - Love And Deepspace
18th Shu Sakamaki - Diabolik Lovers
18th Shizuru Migiwa - Nil Asmirari no Tenbin
19th Hoshino Ichika - Collar x Malice
21st Ranpo Edogawa - Bungo Stray Dogs
24th Loki Laevatein - Kamigami No Asobi
24th Arsène Lupin - Code Realize
26th Sakunosuke Oda - Bungo Stray Dogs
28th Azusa Mukami - Diabolik Lovers
29th Kaedehara Kazuha - Genshin Impact
30th Helvetica - Bustafellows
31st Cecil Aijima - Uta no Prince sama
31st Junichiro Kubota - Tomo chan is a Girl
31st L Lawliet - Death Note
4th Subaru from Diabolik Lovers
4th Mary Hunt - My Next Life As A Villainess
4th Kyouka Izumi - Bungo Stray Dogs
8th Ritsuka Tachibana - Dance With Devils
11th Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Bungo Stray Dogs
11th Misyr Rex - Cafe Enchante
15th Lucien - Mr Love Queens Choice
15th Karen Travers - Scarlet Nexus
17th Rem Kaginuki - Dance With Devils
20th Zafora - Radiant Tale
21st Thor Megingjard - Kamigami No Asobi
23rd Wriothesley - Genshin Impact
23rd You Hattori - Stand My Hero
28th Luke Foster - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
30th Shin - Amnesia Memories
30th Kaeya - Genshin Impact
30th Kyoka Eden - Scarlet Nexus
3rd Isurugi Taiga - Variable Barricade
3rd Ukyo - Asahina - Brothers Conflict
5th Tauryu - Phantom In The Twilight
7th Gojo Satoru - Jujutsu Kaisen
7th Akiko Yosano - Bungo Stray Dogs
12th Yang - Piofiore
16th Wataru Frazer - Scarlet Nexus
17th Aoi Suminomiya - Magic Kyun Renaissance
18th Neuvillette - Genshin Impact
18th Yuu Kusakabe - Wolf Girl & Black Prince
19th Soushi Miketsukami - Inu x Boku SS
20th Isaku Senagaki - A Girl And Her Guard Dog
20th Itsuomi Nagi - Sign Of Affection
22nd Keiya Uto - A Girl And Her Guard Dog
23rd Akira Kougami - Nil Asmirari no Tenbin
24th Shiraishi Kageyuki - Collar x Malice
25th Challe Fen Challe - Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
25th Akira Kagiura - Sasaki and Miyano
25th Misa Amane - Death Note
28th Keith Claes - My Next Life As A Villainess
28th Arnold Hein - 7th Loop
29th Masato Hijirikawa - Uta no Prince sama
31st Zhongli - Genshin Impact
31st Hyuga - Paradigm Parodox
31st Tsubaki Asahina - Brothers Conflict
31st Azusa Asahina - Brothers Conflict
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animeomelette · 2 years ago
Hifumin moment
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otaku-orochi-okami · 2 months ago
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Kou Yagami- New Game!
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songweaver · 1 year ago
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fictional-twink-bracket · 3 months ago
Round 1 matchups
(PT: Round 1 matchups)
Side A
(PT: Side A)
Duke (Nevermore) vs Akito Shinonome (Project Sekai)
Wei Wuxian (The Untamed) vs Alois Trancy (Black Butler)
Lyney (Genshin Impact) vs Rosti Nauman (Wistoria: Wand and Sword)
Izumi Sena (Love Stage!) vs Yoshikazu Miyano (Sasaki to Miyano)
Sebastian Michaelis (Black Butler) vs Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII)
Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis: Evangellion) vs 9S (Nier Automata)
Leon (Fire Emblem) vs Bill Cipher (Human) (Gravity Falls - Fandom)
Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai) vs Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High School Host Club)
Nobimaru (Kemono Jihen) vs Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter)
Atsushi Nakajima (Bungou Stray Dogs) vs Yosuke Hanamura (Persona 4)
Sousaku Yubiwa (Pretty Boy Detective Club) vs Joke (Jack & Joker)
Xiao (Genshin Impact) vs Orpheus (Hadestown)
Armin Arlert (Attack on Titan) vs Linhardt von Hevring (Fire Emblem)
Grusha (Pokemon) vs Scaramouche (Genshin Impact)
Yuri Leclerc (Fire Emblem) vs Iruma Suzuki (Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun!)
Mithrun (Dungeon Meshi) vs Xie Lian (Heaven Official's Blessing)
Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh!) vs Griffith (Berserk)
Affogato Cookie (Cookie Run: Kingdom) vs William James Moriarty (Moriarty the Patriot)
Jeffery (Class of '09) vs Nagisa Shiota (Assassination Classroom)
Ray (Only Friends) vs Sam/Samson (Stardew Valley)
Jake (Disventure Camp) vs Akoya Gero (Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE!)
Marik Ishtar (Yu-Gi-Oh!) vs Tonkla (4 minutes)
Italy (Hetalia) vs Qifrey (Witch Hat Atelier)
Sion Ulster (Wistoria: Wand and Sword) vs Sephiran (Fire Emblem)
James Wilson (House MD) vs Kaworu Nagisa (Neon Genesis: Evangellion)
Carlos Rodriguez (High School Musical: The Musical: The Series) vs Nuengdiao (Never Let Me Go)
Masaki Fujiyoshi (Tadaima Okaeri) vs Nagisa Hazuki (Free!)
Naoto Shirogane (Persona 4) vs Ayan (The Eclipse)
Edgar (WOE. BEGONE) vs Noriaki Kakyoin (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Kabru (Dungeon Meshi) vs Yumoto Hakone (Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE!)
Kou Mukami (Diabolik Lovers) vs Neku Sakuraba (The World Ends With You)
Yamaguchi Tadashi (Haikyuu!!) vs James (Pokemon)
Side B
(PT: Side B)
Rain (Love in the Air) vs Yue (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Nero (Devil May Cry) vs Great (4 minutes)
Babe (Pit Babe) vs Kuzco (Emperor's Nee Groove)
Yami Bakura (Yu-Gi-Oh!) vs Vishnal (Rune Factory 4)
Jambu (Wings of Fire) vs Hitoshi Suguroku (Nanbaka)
vFlower (Vocaloid) vs Happy Chaos (Guilty Gear)
The Onceler (The Lorax) vs Vash the Stampede (Trigun)
Thistle (Dungeon Meshi) vs Shin (Nana)
Jin Xiaobao (Meet You at the Blossom) vs Harley (Pokemon)
Boston (Only Friends) vs Chuuya Nakahara (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Ryuu Zaou (Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE!) vs Rantaro Amami (Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony)
Yoosung (Mystic Messenger) vs Seitarou Tanabata (Nanbaka)
Mashiro Tsukiyuki (Bakuten!!) vs Hyoma Chigiri (Blue Lock)
Gandalf (Lord of the Rings) vs Luka (Alien Stage)
Sousuke Mitsuba (Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun) vs Ulquiorra Cifer (Bleach)
Ai Di (Kiseki: Dear to Me) vs Dan Heng (Honkai Star Rail)
Lio Fotia (Promare) vs Juri (Vampire Dormitory)
Sebastian (Stardew Valley) vs Kaveh (Genshin Impact)
Deidara (Naruto) vs Giorno Giovanna (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Nagahiro Sakiguchi (Pretty Boy Detective Club) vs Battamonda (Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure)
Rui Kamishiro (Project Sekai) vs Kokichi Ouma (Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony)
Sanji (One Piece) vs Ranpo Edogawa (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Mello/Mihael Keehl (Death Note) vs Sou Hiyori (Your Turn to Die)
Light Yagami (Death Note) vs Venti (Genshin Impact)
Burgh (Pokemon) vs Mikoto Kayano (MILGRAM)
Goro Akechi (Persona 5) vs the 10th Doctor (Doctor Who)
Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc) vs Glen (Nightmare on Elm Street)
Wild Link (Legend of Zelda) vs Yuri Plisetsky (Yuri!!! On Ice)
Louis James Moriarty (Moriarty the Patriot) vs Natsusa Yuzuki (number24)
Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair) vs Azul Ashengrotto (Twisted Wonderland)
Lilia Vanrouge (Twisted Wonderland) vs Ryuunosuke Akutagawa (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Yami Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh!) vs Kouha Ren (Magi)
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m1kumi0 · 6 months ago
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╰┈➤Basic Info:
u can call me mio!!
pls ask 4 pronouns, i'm genderfluid.
i'm 14-16 y/o, i am a minor.
my fav colors are pink and purple!
╰┈➤Interests :
GENERAL - i'm rlly interested in utaite and vocaloid and have been 4 a few years now! u can ask me 4 utaite/cover recs and send some my way as well!!
my favorite vocal synths are IA, ONE, and sf-a2 miki! and i love cats.
SERIES/BOOKS/SHOWS - nagi no asu, NO.6, beryl and sapphire, kyo kara maoh!, i hear the sunspot, phantom tales of the night, hirano and kagiura, bokuyona
MUSIC - sntb11, seeeeecun, titana, qisano, sou, ivudot, NILFRUITS, cö shu nie, lama, supercar, kujiragi, bokuyona
╰┈➤Fav Characters/Kin List :
FAVS - shion, nezumi, tsukasa tenma, taichi sagawa, light yagami, mikako kouda, denji, kanachi renma, zoshigaya itsuki, minori hanasato, asuka
KINS - shion, kohei sugihara, emma[tpn], kaname isaki, kou[setsuna graffiti], kanachi renma
[i kin shion so bad guys like it's actually crazy]
╰┈➤DNI, etc :
basic DNI, furry haters/antis, argues over shipping, slurs [can't reclaim], ships real people, <12 y/o, >20 y/o
this is my first post but i will be using this 2 talk a lot abt my interests. i got tumblr bc of my friend but i realized that i talk A LOT. so i figured that it would be good 2 have a blog of my own!!
i'm also planning on posting my art here! idk if i'll make an entire separate blog 4 this, but it will definitely be posted.
i'm into a whole lot of things so it may be best 2 separate them through separate blogs, we'll see!
╰┈➤Tags :
anything/yapping : #mio at it again
art post : #mikumio art
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