#kota energy
hailieshapedbox · 2 years
hit me up if you or anyone you know is trying to switch to solar energy, im giving away an ipad pro to anyone that switches to renewable energy (and to you), or take the cash. this not some gimmick where you end up paying for it, the Redirect Program and the Net Energy Metering programs are just a billswap. we dont do leases, only ownership.
our technician company is Kota if you wanna look into the panels, theyre 450 watt micro inverter american made panels. let me know if you have any questions about combating CAs energy outsourcing and grid overload by switching to renewable energy or about our referral program. hope you all have a lovely day!
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radcollectivetree · 2 months
Energi Hijau di Ibu Kota Nusantara, Investasi Raksasa Abu Dhabi
Bahas info – Raksasa energi dari Abu Dhabi, Uni Emirat Arab (UEA), Masdar, tengah menyiapkan langkah besar dalam dunia energi hijau dengan rencana investasi yang ambisius di Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN). Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono baru-baru ini mengungkapkan keterlibatan Masdar dalam proyek pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS) terapung, yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan “kebun matahari.”
Baca selengkapnya:
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breadclubrising · 2 years
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quietwingsinthesky · 6 months
i have spent far too much time on the uesp trying to figure out a lore-friendly name for my argonian that is also. compatible with me having made his name a doctor who reference.
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bang-bang-gang · 2 years
i love watching wrestling with my cis male boyfriend btw. his favourite wrestlers are hangman adam page and john silver. he says “just kiss already” whenever wrestlers do the forehead touch. his preferred way of respectfully objectifying the female wrestlers is by kinda breathlessly saying “babe you should put your phone away”. (i know when it’s objectification and when it’s just regular cool moves he needs me to see cause he will always rewind for the cool moves but rarely for the tiddies.) he got mad at me this morning for giving him spoilers i saw online about the HOOK vs stokely hathaway match.
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dougielombax · 1 year
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I have no idea why but these two have always had a similar energy to me.
In my mind at least…
No idea why (it is a bit baffling)
*okay they’re both ex-military and are both genocide survivors, so there’s that*
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deadtower · 10 months
anyway i had this WIP i was writing about a guy who had just gotten out of the hospital for a suicide attempt and his parents sent him to spend the summer For His Consumptions at his childhood home in AC (well, ventnor, but same diff) and he met another boy, an orthodox boy, who he finds out is actually a sheyd and was the victim of antisemitic attacks in like 1949 or some shit (to show antisemitism certainly didn't fucking start and end with shoah)
but i'm riding the bluegrass high of songbirds and snakes and feeling unusually fond of my pine barrens roots and now i think i might move it to the aforementioned pine barrens (read: my own childhood home) because what's more chilling than meeting a perpetually soaking wet and freezing uncanny-as-fuck sheyd who's been walking the pitch-black swampland for the past sixty years devoid of any purpose just thousand-yard-staring twentyfour-sev. and also what's more gay than a boy who grew up there coming back and meeting him and keeping that sheyd close to him no matter how fucking horrifying he is
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stunie · 3 months
Zevie do you have any thoughts on sako? I looove his character design and trivia but I barely see anything about him in the wbk tags 😭. But I think he'd be so nice and fluffy!!
helllooo my lovely nonnie! oh you like sako?? i think he’s cute!! there is definitely not a lot for him, and that’s also my bad because i haven’t even written anything for him >: so here is a lil thing i thought off the top of my head !!
sfw. kota sako x f!reader
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sako’s always been a sucker for sweets. anyone who’s snuck a glance at his ‘for you’ page is caught with the blinding sight of pink— screen filled with bright strawberry cakes, macarons, weekly deals at his local dessert stops, and the rest is comprised of reviews and recommendations. all sweets and all sugar.
it’s so overwhelmingly sweet that his friends wondered why they even bothered to go through the effort of sneaking a peek at his phone in the first place. they just hand back his phone with a little sigh and don’t pry any further. there’s really no need to— so no one ever’s seen his saved section.
more specifically, the folder he created that’s titled “places to take her.”
he never sends you the reels he comes across. just clicks one button, silently saving them to that specific folder, and doesn’t say another word until you’re running up to him the next day, grasping at his hands to gush about the last place he recommended to you.
“they had the yummiest pastries!” you smile brightly, hands gripping his own as you babble about, face leaning a little too close to him for his own comfort. but he doesn’t particularly mind— you do it all the time so he’s found himself starting to expect it. “how do you know all the best spots?”
his gaze is awkwardly shifting to the side, a little overwhelmed at the sheer amount of energy you bring. you’ve always been like this, but he can’t seem to get used to it no matter how many times he sees you. “..there’s gonna be a new bakery opening down the street,” he mumbles, keenly aware of the way his palms are suddenly starting to feel clammy, “tomorrow. and they’re supposed to have good lemon desserts.”
“hmm…..tomorrow?” your head tilts a bit, trying to remember if you had any plans for that day before the implication suddenly hits you. “wait— no way. you’re sending me to a new bakery all by myself?”
he nods. it’s not a mean gesture, and if anything, he just looks a little confused. it’s almost as if the fact that you’d want to visit a bakery with him in the first place never even crossed his mind. it’s been something he’s wanted to do since forever. daydreamed of doing, honestly, but the idea of this desire becoming a reality never really occurred to him.
“you don’t wanna come with?” your lips tug into a pout, “you’re the dessert expert. i need your opinion!”
he blinks a couple times before your words finally make sense to him, and … wouldn’t that be a date? he doesn’t waste a moment and agrees the next instant, stiffening up when your lips tug into the happiest smile he’s ever seen on you, holding his hands tightly in yours and squeezing before you’re already running off again, giving him a cheerful wave just before he loses sight of you.
a part of him wants to kick himself.
he should have suggested the other dessert shop— the one notorious for their heart themed goods.
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clonedchaos · 2 months
Ripple Effect
Orchids and Oranges: A Yasammy Week Special
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Yippee! It's Yasammy Week, brought to you by @yasammyweek! Pardon the late kickoff, had to attend my sister's bridal shower today as well as writing this 2,000 word one shot in one day. I know most ppl here are doing art, but I can't draw, so fanfic it is! Enjoy! <3
Day 1: Hurt/Comfort
Rating: G/PG
Summary: Yaz thought she had left the dinosaurs behind. She thought it was time for her to finally heal… until she came face to face with one on the mainland.
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Yaz wrapped her arms tighter around Sammy’s waist as she gradually got used to the fluid movement of the stallion below them. The saddle wasn’t the most comfortable or practical of inventions, but Sammy had insisted it was far better than riding bare back.
Yaz let her gaze wander as a smile crossed her lips and her heart gave a little flutter. The maple trees surrounding them were colored in vibrant shades of orange, red, and brown. Despite fall coming to a close, Texas was still as humid as ever. It was the polar opposite of her home upstate— the moment it hit October, the temperature would plummet. 
Yaz had gotten used to the frigid air over the years thanks to her daily morning runs. She would be quite out of her element down here if it weren’t for the months she spent stuck on a tropical island. She’d take the Texas heat over Nublar’s every single time.
And, of course, she loved Texas because of Sammy. Her parents had been the textbook definition of southern hospitality ever since Yaz came down to spend the week with them. Sammy had been a hurricane of energy and enthusiasm ever since her arrival. She talked a mile a minute at any possible opportunity and paraded Yaz around to see every nook and cranny of their land. It had been fun; she knew Sammy had been waiting a long time to introduce her officially to her family-- cattle included.
A pleasant breeze brushed past them, Sammy’s hair tickling Yaz’s nose. Yaz sneezed, the sheer power of the act nearly sending her reeling backwards.
”Bless you!” Sammy immediately chimed in, looking over her shoulder. Her hands held the reins in a loose grip as the stallion came to a stop. His ears and tail twitched. Yaz’s behavior had irked him.
“Sorry about that, bud,” She apologized, patting the horse on the flank. A whistle and nudge from Sammy ushered the stallion forward again. 
The cowgirl kept her eyes on her girlfriend. Yaz felt that wasn’t the appropriate course of action given she was the one guiding the horse down the path. It seemed almost as dangerous as taking your eyes off the road while driving.
”The trees are mighty beautiful, aren’t they?” Sammy cooed with a grin. She reached forward and plucked a leaf out of Yaz’s hair. How long had that been in there?
”It is beautiful, Sammy,” Yaz admitted. Truly, the scenery was gorgeous. The Gutierrez’s land was pure nature’s bliss, all 700 acres of it. She liked to call it “The Eight Wonder of the World.”
Sammy glanced up towards the sky, its colors glowing with muted hues of pink, blue, and purple. “It’s gettin’ late. Perhaps we should head back to the stable.” Her gaze darted to and fro before she leaned forward and whispered, “Ol Kota’s eyesight isn’t as great as it once was.”
Kota nickered in response. Yaz snorted. “I think he heard you.”
"Oh, that wasn't an insult, boy!" Sammy quickly corrected sheepishly, getting a chuckle out of Yaz. Sammy's baby talk toward her critters wasn't at all meant to be taken seriously, but Yaz couldn't help but think it was adorable. 
“I suppose you’re right. Hey, think I could beat Kota in a race?” Yaz asked with a clear undertone of a challenge. If he galloped at full speed, she knew he would be able to overtake her effortlessly. But at his old age, she might just have a chance if he were to trot.
Sammy’s eyes shone as she turned her attention back onto Yaz. “Oh, that’s a gre—“
Kota saw the Triceratops first. The elder stallion reared up onto his back legs. Yaz lost her grip on Sammy and hit the ground hard. The breath drew out of her lungs, leaving her momentarily stunned at the blunt impact. Surely that was going to leave a sizable bruise on her tailbone.
”Woah, boy! Easy… Easy!” Sammy yelped as she tightened the reins and fought for control. Yaz instinctively rolled to the side to avoid getting trampled on by hooves, just barely scraping by with nothing more than a dust cloud in her face.
With her chest heaving in gulps of air, Yaz finally lifted her gaze toward the instigator. A bulky Triceratops stood before them in the path, its head lowered and grazing on the sparse patches of grass that sprung up from the dirt trail. At the stallion’s cry of fear, the herbivore lifted its head. Its horns glinted off the dying sunlight’s rays, the tips sharpened points that could skewer her should the animal desire.
Yaz didn’t know why, but she screamed. She screamed a blood curdling cry that sent the nearby birds scattering. Her hands tore up clumps of dirt as she balled them into a fist. Her heart pounded, she could hear it in her ears and feel the blood coursing through her veins. It was getting hard to breathe. Why could she not breathe? Why couldn't she think? Why was her vision spinning? Was it a concussion, or was she losing it?
The Triceratops bellowed and raked its front leg on the ground. Despite being in fear’s clutches, Yaz subconsciously knew it was about to charge. Suddenly the aspect of getting trampled by a horse seemed far more appealing.
The Triceratops stomped forward, waving its horns threateningly. Yaz couldn’t move. She wanted to pull herself off the ground and bolt toward the nearest tree. She wanted to be safe, to be inside, to be far away from this prehistoric beast. But her body was rooted to the floor, tied down by unseen vines. Despite the adrenaline pulsing through her veins and the chilling numbness of her hands, she could only watch powerlessly as she sat directly in the line of fire.
“Yaz!” Sammy was suddenly right by her side on horseback. Quite literally her knight in shining armor. She extended a hand down to her. Yaz felt a sharp pierce plunge through her heart at the palpable fear she found lying behind Sammy's eyes. “Come on!”
Yaz still felt frozen by invisible roots. She wanted to reach for Sammy. She wanted them to huddle under the blanket fort Sammy had insisted they build in her room last night. Her and Sammy had been at checkers for nearly two hours before Sammy’s mother had called them down for dinner. She wanted to wake up in the morning and breathe in the aroma of fresh, fluffy cinnamon rolls and salted, crisp bacon. Would she ever partake in these memories again? Or would they be snuffed out, much like her life might very well be. If only she could just…
With one hand wrapped around the stirrup, Sammy leaned down and grabbed Yaz by the arm. Yaz knew her girlfriend was strong, like really really strong. Calling her "country strong" wasn't just a cute pet name, it was a fact.
Sammy's rapid maneuver was enough to nudge Yaz up and back into the saddle. With a quick snap of the reins and click of her heels, Sammy ushered Kota forward. The trike missed them by a hair, nearly getting clocked on the muzzle by the stallion's hooves.
Yaz had her arms wrapped around Sammy in a death grip, her face buried against her wool jacket. It felt like she was holding her breath for every second until they had made it safely to the barn. Her chest was tight and sweat rolled down the side of her head. She could barely feel her fingers besides the buzzing, staticky feeling she noticed there.
She looked up with rounded eyes. Sammy released the reins and kicked her leg up and over as she dismounted. Immediately, she turned and extended a hand toward Yaz in a gesture of assistance. "Are you okay?"
No. No she wasn't. With a shaky breath and trembling hand, she reached out. Sammy's hands were worn with numerous callouses; no doubt a result from her long days of working hard on the ranch. Her fingers intertwined with Yaz's. At the touch, the dam holding back her tears finally broke. Yaz sank to her knees and began to sob.
Sammy was right there, kneeling down and pulling her into an embrace. "It's okay, Yaz. I'm here," She cooed, gently rubbing her back in a circular motion. 
Yaz nestled closer to her, hoping Sammy's very presence would be enough to chase away her inner demons. "I... I thought... I thought we'd be done with dinosaurs," She admitted weakly. She hated feeling like this. Vulnerable. It was like she was a little kid all over again; someone who needed to be coddled and comforted by her mother.
"I know..." Sammy replied sympathetically as she rested her head against Yaz's. "I wasn't expecting to see a trike so close to home."
It was getting a little easier to breathe now. Just a little. "Why? Why is it here?" She choked out, closing her eyes.
Sammy grew silent. Yaz didn't expect her to answer that rhetorical question. After all, how in the world would she know what a dinosaur was doing hundreds of miles from Nublar?
Rather, Sammy began to hum. Her tone lilted in a melancholic sway. Yaz seemed momentarily taken aback as her heartbeat began to steady and her limbs slackened. With every rise and fall in tempo, Yaz begun to notice an unmistakable pattern in the rhythm.
Yaz leaned back and cupped Sammy's cheek in her hand. Her eyes still stung, and she knew she probably looked like a bedraggled mess. Right now, that didn't matter. "How do you know that song?"
Sammy leaned into Yaz's touch. "Your mother taught it to me. She knows you've been having a tough time since the island..." She trailed off and averted her gaze.
Yaz relaxed her features and silently urged Sammy to continue. "She told me it used to help you when you were little... and I thought it might help in this situation," She murmured sheepishly and rubbed her arm in embarrassment with flushed cheeks.
Yaz cracked a gentle smile at that and swiftly planted a kiss atop her forehead. "It did help. I'm sorry. For freezing like that..."
"Hey, none of that," Sammy lectured sternly with a good-natured smile. She held both of Yaz's hands in her own. "Just because we're off the island, it doesn't mean those feelings just up and disappeared. But I know you, Yaz. You're the bravest, most stubborn fighter I know. We just need to take baby steps again."
Baby steps. Right. It was like running a marathon; you don't go full sprint right off the bat. You pace yourself until you're further along with the finish line in sight.
"It just... surprised me is all," Yaz continued. The fireflies casted a gentle, infrequent glow across the purple and blue painted sky. "I thought I would be over this. But what if...? What if there are more dinosaurs?" Particularly the ones that would have them for a midnight snack.
"I don't know," Sammy admitted, returning the kiss on Yaz's forehead. "But what I do know is that I'm here if you ever need me. We conquered Nublar together. And if dinosaurs are on the mainland now, we'll conquer that together too. You're stronger than your fears."
Yaz smiled and pulled Sammy close. There was one constant in her life when it came to dinosaurs: Sammy. When her PTSD got the better of her on Manta Corp's island, she was there to help ease her nerves and shift her attention toward other matters. Even if they were states apart, she knew Sammy would just be a phone call away. And that was enough.
"I'll always be here for you, mi rosa. For now, and forever."
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
ok this might sound weird but… how would aew men react to having a partner who acts like Chelsea Green so she is a karen on screen hopefully that makes sense😭..
AEW Stars React to: You Being A Karen (on-screen)
Pairings: Orange Cassidy x Fem!Reader, MJF x Fem!Reader, Kenny Omega x Fem!Reader, Hook x Fem!Reader, Eddie Kingston x Fem!Reader, Ricky Starks x Fem!Reader, Christian Cage x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 910
Supreme Speaks: hey yall sorry for being MIA, my life has changed so much so please keep me in good thoughts. anyways, i'm back and thanks to @cassie0sstuff requesting and sorry for not responding. Imma try my best to upload as much as possible this week. please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: none i think
Taglist: @cassie0sstuff @wwenhlimagines @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @sheinthatfandom @eddie-kingstons-wifey
Okay for this I can only imagine yall doing the whole Karen thing if the other person was truly in the wrong…not when someone is literally just doing their job
Orange Cassidy
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He’s just going with the flow man
This is the face before you start yellin 😐
And this is the face after you start yellin 😐
He literally would let you go on a rant and finally, when you walk away he’ll say
“What she said”
Will tell you to chill out if you’re going overboard
Cassidy literally doesn’t have the energy to be playing with you or feeding into your antics
Because of this, Kris, Trent, and Chuck have to pull you off of the other person He loves it when you scream at his opponents; he starts chuckling in their faces
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Tries to calm you down….sometimes
Like Cassidy, Hook is not with the yelling and screamin (unless its in other ways wink wink)
He’s a very quiet and stoic person if you didn’t know
Will shut you down before you even get started
Like I’m talking will pick you up and remove you from the room
However, if it’s a time when you really can’t be stopped, Hook will sit back and observe
With a huge ass smirk as you’re mouthing off at his opponent
After it’s all said and done, he says, “Fuck around and find out”
Only will allow you to do it once he can’t be bothered to yell or complain
Eddie Kingston
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Man either loves it or he’s not phased
Like it has become a part of his routine; wake up, get ready, hear you yell, kick-ass, sleep, repeat
He loves to see you go off the handles every once in a while, especially when confronting Claudio or Jericho
You: You keep getting involved with business that’s not yours! You are not the authority here! I’ll sue you!
Other times you fade into the background
Fenix: Do you hear her?
Eddie: Not really, at this point it���s white noise…or maybe I’m going deaf
I also think he would just place you in front of him when he's finished talking so you can scream the rest of his thoughts
Kenny Omega
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Your character is primarily on BTE
He feeds into it
Will tattletale on Nick and Matt to you
“You two are in big trouble when Y/N gets here! Ooooooooo!”
Will hide behind you and stick his tongue out at Nick and Matt
I think he would also just tell Kota (who can do no wrong) to let you angry translate for him
Kenny would be the significant other who 100% percent supports their partner
Even if they are in the wrong…he won’t let you know when you’re wrong
If you really went in on someone, he would quietly apologize after you leave
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Feeds into it x5000
A smirk would be on his face as he states that you are his secret weapon
Will lie to people just for a chance to see you yell at people
Brings you to his matches so you can yell at referees about their “mistakes”
Will act like a Karen when you get ejected from a match
He might leave the match since you’re not there
Sits back stage and sulks while you scream at everyone in sight
Tbh, you are both Karens with the way he acts
You both have to drag each other away
Christian Cage
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Hehe, this man is the biggest Karen
Don’t hit me, but this man would use you as a shield and scapegoat (character speaking wise)
He would hide behind you and tell you to tell off his opponent
Will send you to do interviews for him, loves it when you get feisty and start yelling
He would also send you off to let Tony his list of demands (of what he wants in his locker room and wish)
If he said anything outta pocket and gets confronted, he’ll say it was you
“I didn’t say your mom is hot…Y/N said it! Wait-“
Hear me out…he has several voice messages saved with you screaming your head off
Uses it when you’re not there to get his point across
God forbid anyone starts yelling back at you…he would unleash hellfire upon them
Ricky Starks
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Okay at first…he was annoyed
Like he didn’t understand why your character goes around yelling at people and how it got over
But once he turned heel, he understood
It was hella funny yet justified…especially when one of you got disrespected
Ricky tries his best not to laugh on screen when you’re screaming
Will join in and verbally jump the person
You: You are so horrible at your job! Like how did you-
He is quick to get merchandise made with your Karen slogans
Cuts people off and threats to get you...which makes them instantly shut up
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deusvervewrites · 8 months
Ask Game: your take on Midoriya having a necromancy quirk
Midoriya is not diagnosed as Quirkless but the doctors aren't really sure what kind of Quirk he has. They just tell Inko to keep her eyes out.
Being Basically-Quirkless results in the same treatment he got in canon, since it's not like he can prove he's not Quirkless and kids can be cruel--especially because there's a sort of uncanny atmosphere around Midoriya. This leads Midoriya to spending time alone when he can. The first ghost Midoriya befriends is a pigeon. The first of many.
Cities are bustling with the lingering dead. Many human. Many who aren't. Izuku is basically always surrounded or followed by a small hoard of ghost animals who like the attention he gives them. The result of this is very similar to Kota's Quirk, in that he can ask his gang of ghosts to help with recon, even if they can't do much directly.
Midoriya also learns that he can actively suck the life out of something, causing it to either wither or turn to stone. Doing so rejuvenates his energy, and can even heal him. It also makes that uncanny atmosphere more intense.
Aizawa dies at the USJ, succumbing to his Noumu wounds. Midoriya, who was at the scene, unknowingly resurrects him, which effectively binds Aizawa to him as a familiar. Not that either of them realize that.
+1. Once Midoriya understands soulbinding, he'll be able to manifest his ghost animal buddies in spectral forms so they can directly interact with the world.
+2. Midoriya will, at some point, be getting One For All. While he had already spoken with the Vestiges by that point, after inheriting OFA, he gets their permission to soulbind them as summonable familiars.
+3. Midoriya spends a lot of time listening to the grievances of ghosts and helping them find peace.
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earlycuntsets · 11 days
mcr shows on youtube pt. 3 (2007 - 2011)
-> pt. 1 (2002 - 2005)
-> pt. 2 (2005 - 2007)
-> pt. 4 (2011 - 2023)
07/31/2007 coors amphitheater chula vista ca - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/03/2007 verizon wireless amphitheater selma tx - effvee
08/04/2007 smirnoff music center dallas tx - mrsmoore710
08/05/2007 cynthia woods mitchell pavilion the woodlands tx - allyhr80
08/11/2007 ford amphitheater tampa fl - DAK
08/13/2007 walnut creek amphitheater raleigh nc - ddr2nite
08/18/2007 darien lake performing arts center darian lake ny - megaphone25
08/19/2007 nissan pavilion bristow va - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/21/2007 molson amphitheater toronto ca - Taylor & saofan20
08/22/2007 dte energy music center clarkston mi - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/24/2007 tweeter center for the performing arts bostom ma - ricola7 & the academy is my beautiful romance
08/25/2007 tweeter center camden nj - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/26/2007 new england dodge music center hartford ct - blackmariah224
08/28/2007 mohigan sun grandstand new york state fair syracuse ny - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/29/2007 pnc bank arts center holmdale nj - darkxdisco
09/01/2007 first midwest bank amphitheater tinley park il - jeana k
10/04/2007 coca cola auditorio monterrey mexico - stagglp
10/07/2007 palacio de los deportes mexico city mexico - my chemical romance official youtube
10/24/2007 maxwells hoboken nj - my chemical romance official youtube
10/30/2007 sportová hala pasienky, bratislava, slovakia - kiss955
11/04/2007 x-tray zurich switzerland - waylien87
11/11/2007 metro radio arena newcastle upon tyne england - moshmocyanide
11/12/2007 aberdeen exhibition and conference centre aberdeen scotland - t3hOutlaw
11/15/2007 o2 arena london england - the academy is my beautiful romance
11/17/2007 king's hall belfast northern ireland - xxeternalflamexx
11/28/2007 brisbane entertainment centre brisbane australia - skejemer281
12/03/2007 adelaide entertainment centre adelaide australia - zsazsalahore
12/09/2007 stadium merdeka kuala lumpur malaysia - ffillusionseb
12/11/2007 singapore expo max pavilion singapore - msliveformusic
12/14/2007 neal s.blaisdell arena honolulu - xdegrassilover92x
1/25/2008 eastwood open park manila phillipines - the academy is my beautiful romance
1/27/2008 national taiwan university sports center taipeh taiwan - the academy is my beautiful romance
1/29/2008 asia world expo hall 10 hong kong china - MCRThePatient
01/31/2008 plenary hall jakarta convention center kota administrasi jakarta pusat indonesia - mhit2
02/15/2008 vio rio rio de janiero brazil - the academy is my beautiful romance
02/17/2008  hellooch curitiba brazil - elle10one
02/19/2008  via funchal são paulo brazil - hicao182
03/29/2008 rialto theater tuscon arizona - raven pictures
03/30/2008 the joint at the hard rock hotel las vegas nv - Biancha Hidalgo
03/31/2008 the joint at the hard rock hotel las vegas nv - Donanae Dunwoody & rnm1947ebe & nachocheesechips & justsleeep
04/02/2008 san jose civic center san jose ca - daylinmychemrocks
04/06/2008 bamboozle left verizon wireless amphitheater irvine ca - jackiejackiebootysmackie
04/09/2008 crystal ballroom portland oregon - mcdreamysgirlXOXO
04/12/2008 autodromo hermanos rodriguez coca cola zero festival mexico city mexico - the academy is my beautiful romance
04/18/2008 congress theater chicago il - Ashley Tara
04/19/2008 the fillmore detriot mi - stephanie roose
04/24/2008 house of blues new orleans la - megan williams
04/25/2008 baton rouge river center baton rouge la - sam
04/28/2008 stubb's bar b cue austin tx - sue nellis
05/02/2008 beale street music festival tom lee park memphis tn - the academy is my beautiful romance
05/04/2008 lifestyle communities pavilion columbus oh - christine steele
07/31/2009 the roxy west hollywood ca - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/08/2009 maishima osaka japan - the academy is my beautiful romance
10/26/2010 backstage werk munich germany - song des tages
10/30/2010 melkweg the max amsterdam netherlands - the academy is my beautiful romance
11/22/2010 house of blues west hollywood ca - the academy is my beautiful romance
11/30/2010 p.c. richard & son theater nyc ny - the academy is my beautiful romance
12/1/2010 maida vale studios london england - the academy is my beautiful romance
12/2/2010 fuse tv studio nyc ny - koi no yokan
12/05/2010 1-800-ask-gary amphitheater tampa fl - the academy is my beautiful romance
12/06/2010 rockefeller plaza nyc ny - heather the human
12/08/2010 the midland by amc kansas city mo - the academy is my beautiful romance
12/09/2010 the daily habit los angeles ca - koi no yokan
12/11/2010 spike tv video game awards la convention center la - hidden gems & the academy is my beautiful romance
12/11/2010 kroq almost acoustic christmas gibson amphitheater universal city ca - kroq
12/15/2010 q101 twisted christmas house of blues chicago il - the academy is my beautiful romance
1/17/2011 conan burbank ca - JuanPI
1/21/2011 lopez tonight burbank ca - the academy is my beautiful romance
01/21/2011 the hollywood tower hollywood ca - the academy is my beautiful romance
02/10/2011 xfm radio studios london uk - the academy is my beautiful romance
02/22/2011 metro radio arena newcastle on tyne england - ZoneMum
02/23/2011 o2 academy brixton uk - emzlouise90
02/24/2011 o2 academy islington uk - emziixmcr
03/09/2011 kesselhaus munich germany - the academy is my beautiful romance
03.12.2011 ciutat de les artes i les ciencies valencia spain - CarlosCapBlanc3
03/20/2011 hartwall areena helsinki finland - the academy is my beautiful romance
04/23/2011 terminal 5 new york city ny - the academy is my beautiful romance
05/15/2011 carlisle lake district airport carlisle england - the academy is my beautiful romance
06/24/2011 universidad complutense de madrid madrid spain - pamyale24
06/26/2011 autodromo internazionale enzo e dino ferrara imoli italy - denis rossi
07/02/2011 coke sound up stuttgart germany - the academy is my beautiful romance
07/03/2011 dyrskuepladsen roskilde denmark - søren thomsen
07/07/2011 passeio marítimo de algés oeiras portugal - the academy is my beautiful romance
07/09/2011 roundhouse london england - slavka941
-> pt. 1 (2002 - 2005)
-> pt. 2 (2005 - 2007)
-> pt. 4 (2011 - 2023)
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bibibbon · 7 months
MHA chapter 416 (rambles)
Ok so this was like mainly a conclusion chapter for many characters and I guess I like that we are getting clarity on what's going on with some of the characters.
This chapter definitely gives me some very mixed feelings I feel like it's one of the best chapters horikoshi has produced in a long time if we exclude whatever is going on with Izuku and shigaraki.
There are still some things I definitely do dislike in this chapter which are:
The overall dismissal of izuku in general by other characters. Like no offense but I feel like we should of seen more people being worried for izuku instead of dismissing their worry and being like oh Iam not putting my faith in him or something because what do you mean you're not worrying for a 16 year old who has to fight an insane psychopath killer?!?? I still hate how momo dismissed this like wasn't 1A's whole objective when it came to getting Izuku back in the vigilante arc was because they were worried and scared for him?!?!? What happend now it makes no sense?!?!? Also i still hate momos atrocious hero costume
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Ochako and Toga's character conclusions?!?! Like excuse me what's going on where is toga how is she not in the picture at all if the whole point was that she sacrificed herself for ochako and layed their dying next to her now she is nowhere to be?!?! People just accept it and are like oh well she has been defeated no need to worry but you do realise that she can probably cause damage if she wanted to right?!?? Also Ausi deserves better because what's going on with her she was so out of place and somewhat irrelevant when it came to this arc like seriously hori did her dirty. Also who is next to ochako in that plane ?!?! Am I speaking to early and that could be toga or someone else
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Monoma deserved better. Oh did monoma deserve more screentime to shine and actually do more instead he got injured and knocked out offscreen which is such a shame. I really wanted to see more of him
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Lady nagant's take on izuku?!?? No offense but Iam sick and tired of characters having some wild takes of izuku. One minute it's oh he sees the good in everyone and he is a saint to the next which is oh he is a puppet who follows instructions to a letter and does more than he should. I still don't like kudo and his views whenever it concerns midoriya it seriously infuriates me. However, now that kudo is gone guess it's lady nagant's turn to take some of the role because hey is she saying that his pain is a good thing and that izuku has a morally grey view of villains which I cannot lie hasn't been proven at all. Don't get me wrong I love that idea but I think like everything in MHA it just has a horrible execution and I can't bring myself to like it. Lady nagant deserves better characterisation then this
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This chapter was a 50/50 when it came to the character if Eri. I absolutely adored her interaction with Kota and I find them absolutely adorable also at least ectoplasm is doing something and didn't let the girl run into the battlefield which is good enough (bare minimum). However, it still feels all icky that the heroes used her or well tried to utilise her anyway even if it's with good intentions or whatever the fact that they tried to make her heal aizawa but she lacked energy so she couldn't or whatever. Her lacking energy also feels like somewhat of a horribly introduced plot point because wasn't the whole problem she had when she came to UA was that she had a lot of her quirk built up and shouldn't the power in her horn be enough rewind aizawa into a week back in time like ?!?!! She couldn't be lacking that much energy it makes absolutely no sense to me. Also dam it's sad that Eri is out here being the only one worrying for izuku. They deserve better
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Hawks and tokoyami. They deserve their win section I love them and their dynamic just wish the series could of given us more when it came to them seriously the wasted potential the wasted dynamic and tensions get me
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The ending of the chapter?!?! Why is izuku in his uniform what happend?!?! I still don't get how they're merging into one person or one entity with different and same memories. Also why is this all about shigaraki like they're sharing memories so why aren't we seeing Izuku's memories this feels iffy to me. The dfo truthers have risen but tbh I don't see how this can benefit izuku in anyway and why does izuku have to watch the shimura family murder. Also if izuku is in his uniform does that mean he has become part of the memory did they do some space jumbo thing where they time travel and now they're changing fate and reality or some shenanigans like that?!??? The kotaro and tenko parallel hit tho that was good but other than that this whole Izuku's Nd shigaraki fight falls flat it's really such a disappointment and disaster to me.
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I LOVE THE CONTRAST BETWEEN THESE TWO IZUKU'S. I also adore his relationship with eri I wish we got more of them!!!
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Aizawa walks into UA dorms and sees izuku with like 50 cats sitting on izuku asleep on the floor
Izuku wakes up: uggh what happened
Aizawa: I would also like to know that
Shinso: izuku was up from a week and decided yesterday that he was king of the cats
Izuku and aizawa: ......
Kota: the thing is the cats voted and now izuku is officially king.
Izuku:...... Sweet
(I just snorted my juice out my nose laughing at this thanks friend xD)
izuku :..... sweet I'm king of cats
aizawa looking around :.... I'm... I'm shocked but somewhat proud?
shinso : same here he got bastard the cat to like him idk how he did
izuku : their my children now and I love them
the cats all meowing at izuku : mewoooo
kota :... they said they love you too
izuku tearing up cuddling the cats : *snif* I'd die for you all.
aizawa : let's maybe not?
izuku shaking his head : no.
izuku now sitting up more : what else did i do?
aizawa smirking : you called mic a pussy ass bitch in English because he wouldn't let you down another energy drink
izuku pale : oh fuck..... I did that.... when?
shinso nodding : in English mic was so stunned he had to sit down for ten minutes to recover to be fair the class had to as well it was shocking
izuku head on hands as he groans : oh my god someone should have hit me over the head after that
aizawa : Oh so you don't wanna know what you said to midnight....
izuku : what did I say....
aizawa : she asked if you had a crush ans the thing you said back word for word was "the only crush j have is crushing anxiety and depression".
izuku : oh that isn't so bad
aizawa : You then proceeded to say "oh and the dead people who relay on me saving the world but we don't need to talk about all that"
izuku : oh that is so bad...
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jackdaniel69nice · 3 months
Hc of dark shadow and eri? If you have done that already dark shadow and kota I just wanna hear about his relationship with the kids :)
I did do an Eri post right here buuut I always have more to say about her and the kiddos…well more to draw anyway
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Eri isn’t very good at “being a child” because of everything she went through but tokoyami is determined to make sure she doesn’t end up like him relearns how to be a kid. She isn’t very good at imaginative playing but tokoyami and shadow have that in spades so they come up with games like pirate princesses or space cowboys.
Obviously I had to do the obligatory sharing an apple together because it’s a crime not to.
As far as dark shadow specifically is concerned they have such a strong a protective instinct for anything they think is small and innocent. They give Eri presents like a night light they used to have when they were little and often visit in the middle of the night to make sure she is safe and doesn’t have any nightmares. I believe Rewind only works on living creatures and since dark shadow is only made of dark energy it wouldn’t work on them so even if she lost control they are the perfect person to help her calm down. They know a lot about being afraid of adults and doctors specially so they can offer comfort by understanding how she’s feeling. Dark Shadow also understands what it’s like to be lonely at a young age and knows how to deal with the isolation (usually comfort stuffed animals and talking about it with an adult). Really they are just the perfect babysitter/big sibling because they love to take care of people, comfort them, and are fun to be around!!
Dark shadow is often described as childish so I think their playful personality would be appealing to children once you get over their appearance. I vaguely mentioned Yuka (from the light novels) before but shadow definitely has a knack for taking care of kids.
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Kota used to hate heroes because his parents died sacrificing themselves. He is full of grief and trauma and it manifests as rage the same way shadow’s does. If they met I think dark shadow would like him and obviously offer the same comforts and coping techniques as Eri. Unlike with Eri though their more gremlin side would come out and they would get into trouble to have some fun. I’m not going to say dark shadow is perfect with kids because they are far from perfect themself and could certainly teach them bad habits unintentionally. Hell maybe they even teach Eri to be a bit more rebellious and chaotic, she could certainly use it. Dark shadow does try to be on their best behavior for them though.
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viridian-tay-leaf · 1 year
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General messages from spirit:
Pile 1 Pile 2
Pile 3 Pile 4
Pile 1: 🧡🧡🧡
You guys are hard workers at heart. You've probably been the caretakers, the people pleasers, the adults even as a child in your family. People look to you for advice and are upset when you don't have the answers. You're either learning or have learned that this isn't the most healthy way to go on. You have to set boundaries and work on taking care of you, you can't pour out of an empty cup. So do some self care today, whether it's taking a walk, saying no, respecting your boundaries, dancing, sleeping, or simply doing nothing. Take some time for yourself to acknowledge what you've done and how far you've gotten. Then take some time to realize how powerful you are and that your possibilities are endless. You got it already so don't worry about it, just be.
Channeled songs:
Pile 2: 💛💛💛
You guys are busy bees, huh? Always on the go go go. But is it fun for you? Do you enjoy what you're doing all the time for you or others. Is it improving your daily life or your health? If not, stop doing it or atleast slow it down. Life isn't going anywhere no matter how old you are, you still have time. Be present for today. (You could've resonated with Pile 1 so go back if you feel the need) Seriously though, when was the last time you had some fun. Some real fun, the type of fun that is careless and childlike. The type of fun you had on the playground in elementary school. Whatever brings you joy in that way do it, and do it in the most carefree way as possible. You deserve love, you deserve happiness, you deserve to have your actions, talents, and feelings reciprocated tenfold. Whether you get it from someone else or yourself. Take yourself on a date today and find out what makes you, you. You'll never know if you don't try? What's the worst that could happen? You fail, someone says no? Oh no whatever will you do, it's not like you've gotten up and done this battle before. You're stronger than you think, act like it bitch (affectionately)!
Channeled song:
Pile 3: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
Are you okay? Do you need a hug? Come here bitch lemme give you a virtual one. Seriously tho, get one asap. If no one is around hug yourself or a plush, or a pet. You need to comfort yourself today, getting cancer energy, motherly or caretaker vibes. "I can be needy"-Ariana Grande. Take a long hot bath with some music or candles in the background. Cook something you only make for special occasions. You may feel like the world is chaos/ending or the tower is crumbling but it's not as bad as it seems. Death is just a rebirth and right now you are going through it. I'm hearing "pluto transform me"-Melanie Martinez. Y'all are in your transformation era. Big Hermit vibes. Take it slow and take your time. You'll soon rise from the ashes like a Phoenix babe. You got this!
Channeled songs:
Pile 4: 💙💙💙
You guys are in your bag this season. It's been messy for some people around you, but not you bitch. Y'all are thriving in your energy and you know it. Main character energy. I'm getting Cancer, major Virgo & Leo vibes aswell. I'm hearing that yall don't even need this reading, it's just a confirmation that you're on the right path and you're doing you. Okayyyy go ahead besties be you and be proud and loud about it. Go off loves and do it unapologetically. I'm done here, yall don't need me to hype you up cause you already know you're that bitch. Beware of jealousy, envy, and other negative energies from others around you though. There are people who see you thriving and hate it, misery loves company so you best avoid those energy vampires. Cleansing and protections will help you stay in this energy. I don't even need to tell you to be grateful and honor yourself cause you're already doing it. Okayy, I see you sis!
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