#kore blog
mydearlybeloathed · 2 months
thinking about persephone again
[i encourage everyone to read the homeric hymn to demeter its my favorite piece of literature and i think about it frequently.]
thinking about how she was simply a young girl picking flowers. something that should have been her sanctuary. she's a goddess of life. her mother is demeter. why should she be cautious in the arms of the earth that built her?
about how she was betrayed by her father, her grandmother, and her uncle all in one day.
"He seized her against her will, put her on his golden chariot, 20 And drove away as she wept. She cried with a piercing voice, calling upon her father [Zeus], the son of Kronos, the highest and the best. But not one of the immortal ones, or of human mortals, heard her voice. Not even the olive trees which bear their splendid harvest."
those lines always crush me.
"So long as the earth and the star-filled sky were still within the goddess’s [Persephone’s] view, as also the fish-swarming sea [pontos], with its strong currents, 35 as also the rays of the sun, she still had hope that she would yet see her dear mother and that special group, the immortal gods. For that long a time her great noos was soothed by hope, distressed as she was."
noos means mind, if im correct. she still has hope in the gods. even after this terrible act upon her. at this point her innocence is still intact as she longs for her mother.
"And the Lady Mother [Demeter] heard her. 40 And a sharp akhos seized her heart."
if im not mistaken, akhos translates to a terrible grief. quaking rn this isn't a love story this is a tragedy.
over and over demeter begs for respect from her fellow gods and goddesses, pleading for help in the search for her daughter. and no one dared to listen to her until the wrath and will of demeter could no longer be ignored.
the wrath of a mother cast the earth in wilting death, and olympus could no longer ignore her.
and even then, when they called upon her, she did not listen till they threw down their pride and obeyed her.
and when they finally heed her words, hades obeys, but not without a trick. he litters persephone with sweet words of how he is to be good to her... until she rushes to leave, and the sharade falls flat.
“So then, Mother, I shall tell you everything, ........ I sprang up for joy, but he, stealthily, put into my hand the berry of the pomegranate, that honey-sweet food, and he compelled me by biē to eat of it."
even when demeter does everything in her power, even when she forces the hand of olympus, the love of a mother is not respected by the gods. the patriarchy of olympus is very evident.
don't get me wrong, i enjoy many modern interpretations of hades and persephone. but ive yet to see one done right. but i didn't write a whole ass essay on why modern interpretations miss the point of the original story for nothing. shaking the bars of my enclosure rn.
i cannot wait to learn greek and latin ill be unstoppable once i can read it without a translation. one day ill be in the room where this discussion can be had and i can get all this passion out of my head.
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ask-princessandromeda · 2 months
[Kore was smiling gently from one corner of her mouth - it looked funny-touching, Silena thought]. Of course, Silena, it will be very interesting for me to look at your necklaces. I come from the greenest part of New York and I like to do origami in my free time, pouring green tea... And I am very pleased to be like your idea of a mother. [Her voice was melodious and gentle like summer rain].
[She looked at Alabaster and a slight tremor went through the boy's lower back, - her eyes were striking, unnaturally blue and cold. If he had been asked what kind of disguised goddess she was, Al would have replied that she was Khione, just because of her eyes. They seemed to be pieces of ice polished to the state of jewels. Her presence was intense and exciting, making you look only at her and listen only to her. Like his mother's]. You're misunderstanding, Al, I'm not a disguised goddess, I'm a simple half-breed just like you. And... it's nice to know that I'm somewhat like your mother - I've already met Lady Atala, she's absolutely gorgeous and amazing, she's the goddess I'd love to dedicate my life to. And Oh, I'm sorry I scared you, I didn't mean it and I would never have done it intentionally.
[Her face especially softened and became even more tender, like the expression of a mother intended for her child or an older sister for a younger brother when she looked at Ethan. The boy felt the heat rush to his cheeks]. I'm glad to meet you, Ethan, I know that some people find strange things related to me, and thank you for saying it so politely. There is no point in being shy, I am always happy to listen and I clarify - if it is pleasant and comfortable for you, you can touch me, hold my hand or hug me, that's all right.
[She looked at Luke and her eyes turned a slightly greenish, bitter shade]. Ladon and your face, his claw, his claw as a trophy... I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. [Her voice began to sound slightly hissing and more hoarse, at the same time more feminine and smoother. She shook her head]. I'm sorry if I scared or upset you.
[She looked at Chris and became sad]. Hi Chris. [Her voice became quieter, she tried to smile with the corners of her lips]. Thank you for everything and I'm glad that you're going to be okay and happy with Clarissa, you really deserve it no matter what you think.
Ethan: You’re very kind, and you speak like an adult. I think that really amazing, how do you manage that? I, I’m not… you know what, forget it. Thank you for the nice words.
Al: *gulps* It’s fine, I’m not scared of you. I just think that your appearance is really interesting! *he makes a few steps towards her and touches her hands* Ethan is right, you’re very warm. I didn’t expect that, because your eyes seem extremely cold.
Al: What did you say about my mom? When did you meet her? Please, tell me more about her! Why did she want to meet you first? How did she look like to you? And…
Luke: *frowns* Sorry, Al, but please wait. Kore, are you okay Kore? You don’t seem like yourself all of a sudden. Ladon? *his eyes widen* Kore, what do you know about Ladon? I haven’t told anyone about the prophecy. Kore?
Silena: *dangling a little green necklace into her hands, one of the charms strangely resembling a snake* A… prophecy?
Chris: *a lost look on his face* You don’t have to thank me for anything! I… *blushes* Clarisse? Me and her… Ah! Are you okay, Kore? You seem a little sickly. Would you like a tea or something? Please…
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birinsankanks · 2 months
10. Sulh Ceza Mahkemes'nin emri ile Wattpad erişim engeli getirildi. Ve bunu yapan tek ülke Türkiye. Buna şimdi ses çıkarmazsak daha da kötüleşecek durum. Çünkü sebep tam olarak belli değil. Kuzey Kore'de yaşamıyoruz biz!
Yeni etiket lütfen yayın: #bizkuzeykoredeğiliz #wattpaderişimengelikalksın
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Oh, you can change him!
Bring him inside and teach him
not to bite
but you must live with the fact
that he has probably
bitten others.
Trista Mateer - Persephone Made Me Do It
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persephones-descent · 13 days
Designing Persephone and Perseus : A Retrospective Guide
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Hi everyone, it's Cici the creator of Persephone's Descent, a yandere horror visual novel game inspired by the myth of Hades and Persephone. I figured for an interesting post today I would go into how I designed the male and female versions of the main character. See Persephone's Descent has this cool mechanic in the final game where you get to choose the gender of both Persephone and Hades, allowing for either straight or gay relationships. At it's core, Persephone's Descent is a horror game, so even the good endings are going to be a little dark, and no choice will be without consequences. But you will be able to forgive and redeem Hades in the final chapter if that's what you choose.
Anyway back to what this post is actually about, the long process I took of designing Persephone and Perseus.
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Fun fact, it was actually my TikTok audience that made the final decision of whether or not to add a male version of Persephone, so you can thank them for your toxic yaoi route lmao. Persephone's Descent was originally going to be a webcomic called Deceit and Daffodils, and was going to be about the long story of how Hades rose to power as king of the Underworld, lost his first wife Leuce, and eventually became obsessed with Persephone. Persephone's original design featured green leaf hair in the shape of a giant bush that would change in different ways due to her moods. But in the end i felt like that was too much like Lore Olympus's Kore. After a bunch of studying and googling (SOOOO MUCH GOOGLING). I found out one of Persephone's sacred animals was deer. So, I figured why not add deer antlers since my version of Persephone is meant to be a more gentle, innocent victim in the game. Persephone and Perseus actually look quite a bit like their mother Demeter.
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Demeter...obviously was not happy when she found out what happened to Persephone. But back to designing Persephone. I figured going with greener colors would make her pop more in Hades's dark red underworld in-game. For Perseus , it was as simple as drawing a male variation of the original design (I know vague as hell but I don't know how else to explain it at the moment lol...) Below is some more art (some sprites from the game, others concept art for chapter 3!
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That's all for now , if you have any questions or suggestions for the game feel free to leave them in our ask section! The male routes of the Persephone's Descent Demo are available now on itch.io here-
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spiltambrosia · 2 months
Some one just donated exactly the ammount we need to last us until I get a job if I can get one this month holy shit holy fuck
Praise the Theoi
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smallerplaces · 10 months
Journey to boy doll, bald edition
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This morning, as a break from trying to figure out the right hotel for our Las Vegas trip, I pulled off my excess Kid Kore Katie's head, got myself a pair of tweezers, and yanked out the excess hair tufts.
The way the rooting holes along the hairline are starting to merge explains why brushing this doll's hair always pulled out tufts.
I found Ben some more-or-less fitting clothing that doesn't scream Princess. Ordinarily, I'd be in favor of boys enjoying princess-y things, but Ben's been forced to present as a girl for 30 years. He is enjoying a good wallow in stereotypical boyness. In a few years, he may feel renewed enthusiasm for a flowered shirt, but that's for Future!Ben to deal with.
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kore-pythia-hayashi · 3 months
Hello World, Ask Me Questions!!
I will be glad to have all the questions sent to my character and questions about her.
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loyalhorror · 8 months
[through gritted teeth] i will not make another alter blog
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ichigosoju · 4 months
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ask-princessandromeda · 3 months
I was born at dawn, a warm golden light bathing the temple of Apollo. His arms enveloped me, eyes gleaming with tenderness, my father, the god of prophecy and light, assured of my radiant future. The Muses, Clio, Melpomene, and Calliope, whispered their gentle blessings over me, cooing in delight at my arrival. Now, I'm dying at sunset, the once golden rays replaced by a cold and gloomy twilight. I'm alone, abandoned in the cold, majestic room of the Kronos Palace on Mount Othrys. My father, once full of love for me, has vanished, leaving me to face the cruel hand of fate alone. A fatal blow to the stomach, a poisoned dagger of imperial gold, I knew it would end this way, yet the pain is excruciating. I pull out the blade, blood pooling on the cold stone floor. This is a cruel fate for Apollo's child. My killer is a mere boy, a Roman soldier born of my father's own lineage. I feel a pang of pity for him as I see the fear in his eyes, poor boy, he couldn't have been more than thirteen and the first person he killed was essentially a defenseless girl who, moreover, was crystal clear to be Apollo's child, his distant but relative, the Romans appreciate any family ties, he must feel terribly bad... With my final breath, I try to utter words of forgiveness for my father, knowing that my death will be a festering wound in his heart. I was a prophetess, a bearer of truth, but now my voice is silenced, leaving only the haunting echoes of my pain in this cold and desolate palace.
[She looks at nothing with empty cold eyes, her voice sounds distant] a few additional details of my death - Kronos, get ready to fall with laughter, tried to protect me, I was valuable with my abilities and he thought that I would be safe in his halls... My king, you made a mistake, the green boy with the dagger was found for me after all, and... It's really terrible to see.
Luke: *shifting his weight* So this is how the gods treat us, after everything we’ve done for them.
Luke: *trying to control his voice* This is how they treat you. They trick you with empty affection, so-called blessings, and then they abandon you. They only like you when you’re a freshly polished weapon, ready to bend at their will, and then throw you away. Like a used toy. *clenching his fists* IT’S SUCH A WORTLESS CHARADE, AND I’M SICK OF IT TO THE GUTS! YOU DESERVE BETTER, WE DESERVE BETTER, WE ALL DO…
Luke: *sitting down* …It’s not fair.
Ethan: Nothing is really fair. Not for us.
*Luke glares at Ethan, but Ethan has his eye fixed on Kore.*
Ethan: This is a worthless reassurance to you, it’ll probably make you feel even worse, but just so what’s to say is said… I’ll end up the same. I keep having these strange feelings intruding my dreams, like I’m constantly on the brink of falling. I’m not sure where or what, but there’s always something waiting to swallow me whole. It’s just my fate, I guess, and it’ll happen no matter what I do… We were both born to die, Kore. There’s no escape. And yes, I hate it I hate I hate it. But there’s nothing we can do about it. Only hope that our pathetic little lives and deaths will matter in the end.
Alabaster: They will! They will! Your lives do matter! They have to…
Alabaster: *looks around helplessly. His gaze stops on Kore.*
Alabaster: I’m so sorry, Kore. I… have to help somehow. But if not even Kronos can help you… No, no, I have to try. I’ll make sure there are guards at Othrys in the moment of the assault. I’ll assure you a place to hide. It shouldn’t be that hard protecting you from a mere child, I’m sure there are ways to redirect his attack. And make sure you wear armor at all times! Kore, Kore… Please be safe. I can’t just sit here and do nothing while you tell us about how your death will go. I have to do something about it. I can’t lose you to the knife of a little kid, Kore.
Ethan: *He decides not to speak for a few moments. He places his hand on Alabaster’s shoulder.*
Ethan: Yeah… I’ll try to help you. Tell me what I have to do. I can’t die knowing that I didn’t make a effort to save my friend.
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clippy · 1 year
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some photos from da farm a couple days ago
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quill-dagger · 6 months
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I am attempting to make an essential oil out of eastern sweet shrub and I just noticed an air bubble when I took this picture whoops. Hopefully it does not bork the whole project.
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dnfao3tags · 1 year
Hi I’ve been desperately looking for a fic!
In it Dream and Sapnap are humans, and George is a dog-hybrid. They aren’t dating. George has a bad habit of humping them when they are trying to do chores or something mundane and they have to shake him off. Dream eventually gives in to him and that’s as much of the story I can remember!
Fic Not Found
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gortashshairytits · 7 months
I love Gale so much.
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tinogiehd · 1 year
what's this? another friend has arrived, this one a pretty kitty! they'd like to know who some of your favorite bloggers are!
@georgenootfound @milktea-green @moonlightgnf @tooshisms @lesbian-gnf @dteamolo and im legally obligated to say @fooshogie :/
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