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queengenamedicietherton · 1 year ago
I INVENTED THE INTERNET. The Internet came through the Ether-net for Ether-ton. WWW. W-or-ld Wi-de (de') Web is Medici Etherton Co-de, CodeX Leonardo da' Vinci.
WWWeb: W-Washington,  e-Etherton, b-Bergerud.  (Web)
Words Medici Etherton Code: Internet, Ro-uter,  Giga B-yt-E (B-Bergerud, E-Etherton,) Google/Alpha-bet, Pi-nterest,  Qu-or-a, R-ed-dit, Post,  ima-ge, Ch-ro-me, Sea-rch engine, P-ro-to-co-l, b-ro-wser, Off-ice,  Calendar, gallery, Keen, g-am-e, News, Maps, Vi-de-o, Pand-or-a, B-log, Mic-ro-p-ro-cess-or...3 (ro) R-ruby and O-Opera. Medici Etherton Code.
WWW. is for W-Washing-ton (Medici Etherton Co-de,) as the internet was invented in Washington State America, by the Washing-ton/Medici Ether-ton. Medici Etherton Code. Mona Lisa a Medici, is between Lake Washington and Puget Sound, Seattle, Washing-ton state, America.
Leonardo da' Vinci  named the Spi-de-r Web (Medici Etherton Co-de.) 'Charlotte's Web.' Medici Etherton Code: WWWeb: W-Washington,  e-Etherton,  b-Bergerud.  (Web) Ether-net/Inter-net Net: Net is for Jesus, as Jesus' de-sciples were fishermen.  I invented the Internet,  because the Medici Ethertons can not get a news article, and we are a Ro-yal family that owns Las V-eg-as, and Corporations.
(ro) Words: Ro-yal,  C-ro-wn,  Th-ro-ne,  Or-b,  C-ro-ss,  Ro-se,  Ge-or-ge, Ge-or-gia... O-Opera and a R-uby, Medici Ether-ton Co-de.
Internet is 8 letters,  Medici numbers 5,8,13. Ether-net,  ETHER-EUM is for Ether-ton. Why is the Ethereum on America's Stock Exchange? ( Ethereum 8 letters) America owns the Ethereum.
The Medici's have 5 sur ( last) names: Medici,  Bergerud,  Bell,  Washing-ton,  Ether-ton. This is documented on the Medici Coat of Arms. Peacefully,  Queen gena de' Medici Etherton ( I am also a Bergerud. ) I have a book proving I invented the Internet,  and it has not been released.
#chicagotribune #nypost #usatoday #newsday #bostonglobe #bostonherald #latimes #sfchronicle #houstonchronical #denverpost #cosmopolitan #glamour #espn #enews #star #globemagazine #nationalgeographic #intouch #nationalexaminer #usweekly #townandcountry #king5 #komo4 #fox13 #lasvegasreviewjournal #newsupdate #eonline #vox #e #huffpost
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k-m-k · 5 years ago
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DVR ALERT! 📺 September 26 #SeattleRefined interview with #GreysAnatomy's #KevinMcKidd on #KOMO4 #Seattle . . @therealkmckidd @greysabc @seattlerefined @komo4 @byshondaland @abcnetwork @abcpublicity @imprintpr #OwenHunt #Towen #Omelia #TeddyAltman #KimRaver #CaterinaScorsone #Shondaland https://www.instagram.com/p/B2DniCOBcXY/?igshid=m9qa0lmsnpdx
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loveparfum · 3 years ago
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PREDAWN AMBIANCE ! - AVANT L’AUBE 📷 @br3nn3nfoto 🙏 . It's a foggy sunrise moonrise cityscape! Throwback to a few months ago with that tasty morning fog and beautiful sunrises! I was lucky enough to catch the crescent moon and Venus rising this morning and some low fog! The colors were gorgeous and the high level clouds were lit up! This was about an hour before sunrise so the gradients were so beautiful! Have a great day everyone! Do you like sunrises or moonrises better? . Paysage urbain brumeux au lever de la lune ! Retour il y a quelques mois avec ce délicieux brouillard matinal et ce beau soleil qui se lève! J'ai eu la chance d'attraper le croissant de lune et Vénus se levant ce matin et un peu de brouillard bas ! Les couleurs magnifiques et les nuages ​illuminés ! C'était environ une heure avant le lever du soleil, si beaux ! . ❄️ curated #visualgrams Founders #jeanlucbattini & #robbins Let us know what you think in the comments section - Faites-nous savoir ce que vous pensez en commentaires Follow @visualgrams for more suivez nous 🌬 Tap the link in our bio for our Guide to Instagram ☃️ Growth, Lightroom Presets & more…. #mastersofvisuals #battini #sonorthwest #seattle #seattlelife #natgeoyourshot #cloud #komo4 #moonset #k5winter #sunriselovers #yourshotphotographer #sunrise #fullmoon #spaceneedle #wonderfulwestcoast #shooters #pnw_shooters #sunrisephotography #earth_deluxe #destinationpnw #5evening #burn #battiniparis #photographer 🌇 .✨ . .🗼 (à Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcyoZM5KHeQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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benmortonrealestate · 4 years ago
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It's a bird it a plane, it's, its.... . . . . #seattleskyline #seattle #komo4 #king5 #lakeunion #shootingstars (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM3mP0_B80Q/?igshid=cwrnlksmry59
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lylesorenson · 6 years ago
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The snow has stopped for now. 8" according to the table guage. #winter #whatcomcounty #weather #8 #snow #ourturn #snowmageddon #weathernews #snowpocalypse #komo4 #king5 #kiro7 #weatherchannel (at Ferndale, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtvfoboDqhP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ifaqkpot1bne
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designflip · 6 years ago
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Last of my New Years Eve favorites from last night - 1) A composite of four long exposure photos to create one final image - I like how you can see the laser lights shooing thru the smoke. . 2) A single long exposure - capturing the bright fingers of light as they shoot up from the Space Needle . . #king5 #king5seattle #king5news #komo4 #komo4news #kiro7seattle #q13fox #emeraldcity #seattle #seattlenewyear #newyearseve #fireworks #pnwonderland #visitseattle #pnw #pacificnorthwest #seattleskyline #longexposure #nyeseattle #scenicwa #explorewashington #washingtonstate #tmobile (at Space Needle) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsHUjf4ge1U/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=74xzk7rq1oug
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sodomyaspraxis · 4 years ago
Komo4 is so hilarious every other day they make a scare report about the dangerous antifa vandalizing small business and the only pictures of businesses with smashed windows they show is like a starbucks and an amazon store lmaoooo
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yankee1155 · 7 years ago
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#NFLFootball #FalconsSeahawks #ESPNMondayNightFootball #WSBTV #Channel2Atlanta #KOMO4 #ABC4Seattle #SportsFan 🏈 (at CenturyLink Field)
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msmichellelang · 8 years ago
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Ya know sometimes I just be walking down the street and out of nowhere comes a #TV camera and #reporter asking me questions about #TheWizSeattle! #NoBigDeal...🙃 These are my true #expressions about this #joyous, #heartfelt and #magical production and it's totally a #BigDeal! Don't miss it! August 24-27 at #theMooreTheater | Interview'd by #SeattleRefined #KOMO4 airs next Thursday 3pm. (at Moore Theatre)
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queengenamedicietherton · 1 year ago
ALPHA-BET Is Medici Etherton Code,  Code-X Leonardo da' Vinci. Alpha-bet/Bet: B-Bergerud,  E-Etherton,  T-time. Alpha-bet 8 letters, Medici numbers 5,8,13.
'MEDICI ETHERTON CODE' Leonardo da' Vinci gave us 7 Codes/Clues for Medici Etherton Code: L, V, S, M, Co, de, X. (Co-de-X) Leonardo da' Vinci invented the Alpha-bet he gave each letter a Code and invented the English language.
Medici Etherton Code:
A-Princess Angela de' Medici is Mona Lisa (America,) B-Bergerud (B-ible, B-oeing, B-itcoin, bet, book, bank, brick, bike, ) (k) C-King Cosimo de' Medici, D-Prince Leonardo da' Vinci de' Medici (day, date) E-Etherton (Evergreen, ) F- Prince Franc de'Medici (farm, Fir, fish, food, ) G-Queen gena de' Medici Etherton (Geneva Bible, Ge-or-ge, Ge-or-gia, green, Pu-ge-t Sound, ) H-horn, I-Italian,  J-Juan Etherton (Jesus,)  K-King Cosimo de' Medici, L-Prince Leonardo da' Vinci de' Medici ( Lake, LoVe) M-Medici (The M in 'The Last Supper', 'The Mayflower',  Mu-seum,  Medici-ne, M-ovie, Mu-sic, Medi-na, Medi-a) N-Prince Lorenzo de' Medici (number, ) O-Opera  (Prince Lorenzo de' Medici,) oran-ge, P-Protect us  (God,)  q-Queen gena de' Medici Etherton ( IRAQ, Nasda-Q ) R-ruby ( IRAQ, Queen gena de' Medici Etherton, GEM S-ton-e, ) s-Superior (Jesus, Lake Superior,)  t-TIME (God,) u-under, V-Prince Leonardo da' Vinci de' Medici, w-Washington, x-Prince Leonardo da' Vinci de' Medici (Code-X) y-Etherton (Yos-emit-e is time backwards) Z-Prince Lorenzo de' Medici (zoo, zero) (de) M-ed-ici backwards and De' ember. de: (R-ed, L-ed Zeppelin, gar-de-n, De-mocrat, de-mocracy, Unit-ed, F-ede-ral, In-de-pen-de-nce, De-laware, De-nver, De-t-ro-it, R-ed-mond, de-sert, R-ed-dit, vi-de-o, Ed-it-or, Mic-ro-soft Ed-ge.) Co-King Co-simo de' Medici: Co-untry, Co-unty, co-mputer,  Co-de,  Co-de-X,  co-mpass, Co-lumbia, Co-ffee, co-caine, cho-co-late, co-lor, ee-Princess Etherton's (Coffee, green) ll-Bell Pi-(God) Pi, Pie, Pi-nterest,  Pi-ano, Pi-ke,  Pi-zza, Pi-ne, Pi-pe, Pi-nk, Pi-llow, H-ip-pi-e, Mississ-ip-pi. El-Etherton El-evation, El-ectric, El-ephant,  oo-Orchestra (school, zoo, zoom). Peacefully,  Queen gena de' Medici Etherton I am also a Bergerud.
#god #jesus  #america #europe   #instagram #facebook   #wallstreetjournal #cnn #reuters #npr #nytimes   #msnbc  #senate  #lasvegas #smithsonian #foxnews #seattletimes #nbcnews #apnews #abcnews #themet  #presidentbiden #washingtonpost  #potus #peoplemagazine #seattle #fox13 #washingtondc #komo4 #cnbc
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dfroza · 3 years ago
why would we need to change the True nature of things?
Sunday is a good day for some reflection ✨📝
Thank you @gtr_mike for the share
Ready for more dreamy sunsets 🌅
📍Second Beach, Olympic National Park, WA. @olympic_nps
@rei @canonusa @usinterior @artofvisuals @canonusa @pnwonderland @washingtonexplored @wander_washington @komo4 @kiro7seattle @king5seattle @explorewashstate @pnwdiscovered @nationalparkgeek @nationalparkservice @weatherchannel
#itsamazingoutthere #optoutside #artofvisuals #canonphotography #canonusa #5dmkii #pnwonderland #thegreatpnw #upperleftusa #washington #Washingtonstate #washingtonexplored #pnw #wanderwashington #sonorthwest #kiro7 #king5seattle #komonews #nationalpark #nationalparkgeek #sharetheexperience #olympicnationalpark #olympicnp #beach #pacificnorthwest #seastacks #secondbeach #sunflare #sunset #sunsetphotography
📍Indigenous land of the Hoh, Jamestown S'Klallam, Elwha Klallam, Makah, Port Gamble S'Klallam, Quileute, Quinault and Skokomish
2.20.22 • Instagram
A post by John Parsons that reflects upon a mirroring of spiritual things:
“And he (Betzalel) made the large basin of bronze and its pedestal of bronze from the mirrors of the women who served at the entrance of the tent of meeting” (Exod. 38:8).
At the entrance of the Mishkan (i.e., “Tabernacle”) a copper "laver" (i.e., wash basin or cistern) was built, the place where we wash and prepare ourselves to come before the Divine Presence (Exod. 30:18). The Torah says the basin was made from the mirrors of women who offered them to help build the sanctuary (see Exod. 38:8). Spiritually understood, the mirror was transformed from a place where we encounter our own appearance to a place where we encounter God. Instead of focusing on our superficial face – how it looks and how we esteem ourselves, we now see ourselves in light of God’s love, with our former self-image “sacrificed” or surrendered for the gift of a deeper self (2 Cor. 5:16). This is the "new self" cleansed by the Word of God, reflecting back the radiance of His Presence, as it says: “put on the new self (הָאָדָם הֶחָדָשׁ) created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness” (Eph. 4:24).
The "sacrificed mirror" represents turning to face reality, to see ourselves as God see us... Because of Yeshua, we have access to the inner heart of God (Heb. 4:16). Know who you are in Messiah: “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit” (2 Cor. 3:18). [Hebrew for Christians]
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2.21.22 • Facebook
the first track on the studio recording ‘mirrorings of every’ by 256 from the mid 90s
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cmonboard · 7 years ago
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“I just love how the @komo4 plaza just frames the @spaceneedle here.”.credit: @fuzzybluejay ..C’monBoard Seattle brings together the best events in Seattle. To find out things to do in Seattle, keep an eye on our website [link in the bio] ....Make sure to check out our Seattle-themed products at www.cmonstore.com#seattle #igers_seattle #seattlephotographer #washington #seattlewa #pnw #northwest #pnwlife #12s #upperleftusa #seattlemet #pacificnorthwest #seattleseahawks #pnwonderland #seattlelife #wa #visitseattle #livewashington #seattlepulse #thatpnwlife #206 #emeraldcity #northwestisbest #gumwall #pikeplacemarket #gohawks #seahawks #washingtonstate #12thman #
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designflip · 6 years ago
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A trio of detail image crops of the top of the @spaceneedle from last nights firework show here in Seattle. . . . . . . #king5 #king5seattle #king5news #komo4 #komo4news #kiro7seattle #q13fox #emeraldcity #seattle #seattlenewyear #newyearseve #fireworks #pnwonderland #visitseattle #pnw #pacificnorthwest #seattleskyline #longexposure #nyeseattle #scenicwa #explorewashington #washingtonstate (at Space Needle) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsG83TChBSI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=50n8hq8btzm2
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blocksonwrecords · 4 years ago
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Lake Washington.. #FreshDayOut @komo4 @kiro7seattle @king5seattle @king5evening @abcnews @michelleobama @barackobama @iamsteveharveytv @oprah @hint @bmi @ascap https://www.instagram.com/p/CGqt2g-nMJp/?igshid=150zbw0ozyan
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teenydina · 5 years ago
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I like to sift through my portfolio and share great pics from the past now and then and this pic is from one of my favorite photo shoots! 😊📸❤️ I got to spend the day with my friend Sunny @sunnymartini and she made me look GLAMOROUS for my Seattle Ruffined feature on @komo4. 😻🙏 I was looking VERY fluffy because my dads forced me to take a show bath first because I was ALLEGEDLY "pretty oily" and "kind of smelled like a foot". 🙄🙄🙄 Dad's ridiculousness aside, didn't she catch my best side?? 😉😉😉 (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAadQ1gJzlI/?igshid=14ki9s0qtma6g
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ladiesintrucking · 5 years ago
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@komo4 @foxnews @krem2 CALLING ON ALL SEAMSTRESSES EVERYWHERE!! I need everyone’s input/ideas because I’m not sure of all the specifics as of yet and need your help!!! We are in desperate need for medical supplies across the UNITED STATES! Masks, gowns, etc. Ladies in trucking will pay $50 per day plus cost of materials to bang out some supplies. You do not need to be a local! I can pay via PayPal or Venmo. PLEASE SHARE!!! #ladiesintrucking #covid_19 #donate #helpingothers #weareallinthistogether #relief #help #supplies #pleaseshare #seattle #wenatchee #washingtonstate #pnw #prayer #onedayatatime #coronavirus (at Wenatchee, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B99WfQXJtr2/?igshid=6ug0yswf9mjr
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