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dertaglichedan · 1 year ago
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templeoftheslavegarden · 5 years ago
courtesy of kiro7seattle on IG. I had posted the story of this a few days ago and this showed up in my IG... my god this is so awesome! ❤️ How the Hell is Chris so freaking adorable? ☺️😍❤️
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donaldli42269sandybullock · 6 years ago
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Sandra A. Bullock and Donaldli M. Ingalls
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designflip · 6 years ago
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Last of my New Years Eve favorites from last night - 1) A composite of four long exposure photos to create one final image - I like how you can see the laser lights shooing thru the smoke. . 2) A single long exposure - capturing the bright fingers of light as they shoot up from the Space Needle . . #king5 #king5seattle #king5news #komo4 #komo4news #kiro7seattle #q13fox #emeraldcity #seattle #seattlenewyear #newyearseve #fireworks #pnwonderland #visitseattle #pnw #pacificnorthwest #seattleskyline #longexposure #nyeseattle #scenicwa #explorewashington #washingtonstate #tmobile (at Space Needle) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsHUjf4ge1U/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=74xzk7rq1oug
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2plan22 · 4 years ago
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RT @KIRO7Seattle: LIVE: Protesters just broke through the gates of the governor's mansion in Olympia. >> https://t.co/C0DRMsFnDR https://t.co/aVpTJWZtsJ 2PLAN22 http://twitter.com/2PLAN22/status/1346975710817132548
LIVE: Protesters just broke through the gates of the governor's mansion in Olympia. >> https://t.co/C0DRMsFnDR pic.twitter.com/aVpTJWZtsJ
— KIRO 7 (@KIRO7Seattle) January 6, 2021
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hiwalkerphoto · 8 years ago
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Our forests in the Pacific northwest are magical. #discoveryournorthwest #pnw_compass #pnwonderland #destinationwashington #destinationpnw #olympicnationalforest #kiro7seattle #king5seattle #hiwalkerphoto #mysticalforest (at Olympic National Forest)
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dfroza · 3 years ago
why would we need to change the True nature of things?
Sunday is a good day for some reflection ✨📝
Thank you @gtr_mike for the share
Ready for more dreamy sunsets 🌅
📍Second Beach, Olympic National Park, WA. @olympic_nps
@rei @canonusa @usinterior @artofvisuals @canonusa @pnwonderland @washingtonexplored @wander_washington @komo4 @kiro7seattle @king5seattle @explorewashstate @pnwdiscovered @nationalparkgeek @nationalparkservice @weatherchannel
#itsamazingoutthere #optoutside #artofvisuals #canonphotography #canonusa #5dmkii #pnwonderland #thegreatpnw #upperleftusa #washington #Washingtonstate #washingtonexplored #pnw #wanderwashington #sonorthwest #kiro7 #king5seattle #komonews #nationalpark #nationalparkgeek #sharetheexperience #olympicnationalpark #olympicnp #beach #pacificnorthwest #seastacks #secondbeach #sunflare #sunset #sunsetphotography
📍Indigenous land of the Hoh, Jamestown S'Klallam, Elwha Klallam, Makah, Port Gamble S'Klallam, Quileute, Quinault and Skokomish
2.20.22 • Instagram
A post by John Parsons that reflects upon a mirroring of spiritual things:
“And he (Betzalel) made the large basin of bronze and its pedestal of bronze from the mirrors of the women who served at the entrance of the tent of meeting” (Exod. 38:8).
At the entrance of the Mishkan (i.e., “Tabernacle”) a copper "laver" (i.e., wash basin or cistern) was built, the place where we wash and prepare ourselves to come before the Divine Presence (Exod. 30:18). The Torah says the basin was made from the mirrors of women who offered them to help build the sanctuary (see Exod. 38:8). Spiritually understood, the mirror was transformed from a place where we encounter our own appearance to a place where we encounter God. Instead of focusing on our superficial face – how it looks and how we esteem ourselves, we now see ourselves in light of God’s love, with our former self-image “sacrificed” or surrendered for the gift of a deeper self (2 Cor. 5:16). This is the "new self" cleansed by the Word of God, reflecting back the radiance of His Presence, as it says: “put on the new self (הָאָדָם הֶחָדָשׁ) created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness” (Eph. 4:24).
The "sacrificed mirror" represents turning to face reality, to see ourselves as God see us... Because of Yeshua, we have access to the inner heart of God (Heb. 4:16). Know who you are in Messiah: “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit” (2 Cor. 3:18). [Hebrew for Christians]
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2.21.22 • Facebook
the first track on the studio recording ‘mirrorings of every’ by 256 from the mid 90s
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news247worldpressposts · 3 years ago
#Breaking: Police and deputies have converged on #TacomaMall due to #gunfire at the food court
#Breaking: Police and deputies have converged on #TacomaMall due to #gunfire at the food court
https://twitter.com/KIRO7Seattle/status/1464441191957729285?s=20 Source: Twitter
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mensrightsff · 3 years ago
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RT @KIRO7Seattle: An upstate New York hospital said it will pause the delivery of babies in two weeks because of a spate of resignations by maternity unit workers who are objecting to COVID-19 vaccination mandates. https://t.co/zi5TTgkWUG
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designflip · 6 years ago
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A trio of detail image crops of the top of the @spaceneedle from last nights firework show here in Seattle. . . . . . . #king5 #king5seattle #king5news #komo4 #komo4news #kiro7seattle #q13fox #emeraldcity #seattle #seattlenewyear #newyearseve #fireworks #pnwonderland #visitseattle #pnw #pacificnorthwest #seattleskyline #longexposure #nyeseattle #scenicwa #explorewashington #washingtonstate (at Space Needle) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsG83TChBSI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=50n8hq8btzm2
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classyfoxdestiny · 4 years ago
معروف ایئرلائن کی پرواز میں مسافر کا سام سنگ A-21 فون پھٹ گیا پھر کیا ہوا؟ 
معروف ایئرلائن کی پرواز میں مسافر کا سام سنگ A-21 فون پھٹ گیا پھر کیا ہوا؟ 
واشنگٹن: امریکی شہر سیاٹل میں ایک طیارے میں مسافر کے موبائل فون میں اچانک آگ بھڑک اٹھی جس کے باعث طیارے کو ہنگامی بنیادوں پر خالی کرنا پڑا، بتایا جا رہا ہے کہ مذکورہ فون سام سنگ کمپنی کی گلیکسی سیریز کا ماڈل A-21 تھا۔ 
غیر ملکی خبر رساں ادارے کے مطابق نیو اورلینز سے اڑان بھرنے والی الاسکا ائیرلائنز کی پرواز نے سیاٹل میں لینڈنگ کی جس میں سوار ایک مسافر کے فون میں اچانک آگ بھڑک اٹھی۔ آگ لگنے سے طیارے میں بھگدڑ مچ گئی اور مسافروں کو ہنگامی طریقہ اختیار کرتے ہوئے طیارے سے باہر نکالا گیا۔ 
پورٹ آف سیاٹل کے ایک ترجمان نے بتایا کہ کافی تحقیق کے بعد میں یہ بتا سکتا ہوں کہ فون کو دیکھ کر بتانا مشکل ہے یہ کس کمپنی کا ہے اور اس کا ماڈل کون سا ہے مگر پورٹ آف سیاٹل کے ایک پولیس افسر کے انٹرویو کے دوران معلوم ہوا کہ مسافر نے ائیرپورٹ پر چیکنگ کے دوران موبائل فون دکھایا جو سام سنگ کمپنی کا گلیکسی A-21 ماڈل تھا، میں ایک بار پھر بتاتا چلوں کہ فون دیکھ کر نہیں بتایا جا سکتا ہے کہ یہ کس کمپنی ہے۔ 
الاسکا ائیرلائنز کے ایک ترجمان نے غیر ملکی خبر رساں ادارے سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے بتایا کہ طیارے کے عملے نے آگ بجھانے کے آلات استعمال کرتے ہوئے آگ پر قابو پایا اور فون سے نکلنے والے دھویں کو طیارے میں پھیلنے سے روکنے کیلئے ’بیٹری کنٹینمنٹ بیگ‘ استعمال کیاجبکہ مسافروں کو طیارے سے نکالنے کیلئے ہنگامی ’سلائیڈز‘ کا استعمال کیا گیا، ان میں سے دو مسافروں کو طبی امداد کیلئے ہسپتال بھی لے جانا پڑا۔ 
مذکورہ پرواز میں سوار ایک سافر ’میڈی ہیریسن‘ نے سماجی رابطوں کی ویب سائٹ ٹوئٹر پر طیارے کے اندر اور باہر کھڑے مسافروں کی تصاویر شیئر کرتے ہوئے بتایا کہ ’دائیں جانب میں اپنے فون پر گفتگو کر رہا ہوں۔ مذکورہ مسافر مجھ سے دو، تین لائنیں پیچھے بیٹھا تھا۔ فون سموک مشین کی طرح تھا۔ طیارے کے عملے نے بہترین کام کیا جبکہ تمام مسافر بہت زیادہ پرسکون رہے، میرا خیال ہے کہ ایک مسافر تھوڑا زخمی بھی ہوا ہے۔‘ 
Just talked with a passenger on Alaska Airlines flight 751, where a fire broke out in the plane after landing at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. A passenger’s cell phone caught on fire, an Alaska Airlines official tells @KIRO7Seattle . We’re live at SeaTac at 11. pic.twitter.com/qeNHq4g17Z
— Kevin Ko (@NewsWithKevin) August 24, 2021
سیاٹل ٹاکوما انٹرنیشنل ائیرپورٹ کے مطابق مسافروں کو بس کے ذریعے ٹرمینل تک پہنچایا گیا جبکہ الاسکا ائیرلائنز کے ترجمان کے مطابق دو مسافروں کو مقامی ہسپتال میں طبی امداد دی گئی ۔ واقعے سے تاحال یہ نتیجہ اخذ نہیں کیا جا سکتا کہ سام سنگ کے فون گلیکسی A-21 میں کوئی خامی ہے اور اس ماڈل کے دیگر سمارٹ فونز میں بھی یہ خطرہ موجود ہے یا پھر کسی خاص وجہ سے مذکورہ واقعہ پیش آیا اور اس ماڈل کے دیگر سمارٹ فونز محفوظ ہیں۔ 
یہاں یہ امر قابل ذکر ہے کہ ماضی میں بھی سام سنگ سمیت مختلف کمپنیوں سمارٹ فونز کی بیٹریاں پھٹنے اور ان میں آگ لگنے کے واقعات رونما ہوتے رہے ہیں۔ سام سنگ کا گلیکسی نوٹ 7 اس حوالے سے خاصا معروف ہے اور کمپنی کو پوری دنیا سے یہ سمارٹ فونز واپس منگوانا پڑ گئے تھے جسے بعد میں خامی دور کرنے کے بعد گلیکسی نوٹ 7 ’فین ایڈیشن‘ کے نام سے فروخت کیلئے پیش کیا گیا تھا۔ 
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lindzlarae1226 · 7 years ago
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So beautiful💗 Cool water colors from #Rosariobeach in #Anacortes as the sun rolled away yesterday. Thanks for sharing @photosbyrakan. #KIRO7 #KIRO7Seattle #PNW #Washington #northwestfresh #wawx (at Kenmore, Washington)
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blocksonwrecords · 4 years ago
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Lake Washington.. #FreshDayOut @komo4 @kiro7seattle @king5seattle @king5evening @abcnews @michelleobama @barackobama @iamsteveharveytv @oprah @hint @bmi @ascap https://www.instagram.com/p/CGqt2g-nMJp/?igshid=150zbw0ozyan
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johnallenyeager · 5 years ago
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Watch @kiro7seattle tonight at 5 for a story about our @bloodworksnw Pop-Up Donor Center at @seattleopera. And thanks to the fine staff at Seattle Opera for your incredible venue and for your support that literally saves lives. Make your appt today. BloodworksNW.org. (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEIML6Ogq_f/?igshid=1irifgq1eh71j
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giancarlonicoli · 5 years ago
The city of Seattle has finally stepped in and dismantled the anarchist CHAZ/CHOP district.
BREAKING: Seattle Police dismantle violent CHAZ district pic.twitter.com/B0Ope33RXQ
Police have cleared #CHOP to Pike @KING5Seattle pic.twitter.com/0GUSkZkFA0
Seattle police vacating #CHOP pic.twitter.com/5DNAjCWETx
Not after six shootings and two teenage deaths, as hedge fund manager and author James Altucher notes - rather, after protesters threatened to take over Mayor Jenny Durkan's 5,000 sqft., $7.6 million house.
Let's see: six shootings, two teenage deaths, and @MayorJenny still says "it's an arts festival". THEN, the CHAZ threatens to take over her 5,000 sq ft house worth $7.6 million after her new addition. A DAY LATER, she brings in the police, "end the chaos!" #Leadership #Comedy
Last weekend, City Councilmember Kshama Sawant led a march to Durkan's home, where she railed against the Mayor and police brutality to a whipped-up crowd of BLM protesters.
In response to Sawant's stunt, Durkan called for her expulsion from the City Council in an angry Tuesday letter.
The next day, the city began dismantling the outer blockades from the 'autonomous zone,' and on Wednesday at 5 a.m. police issued an order to disperse the 'Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone' (CHOP) also known as the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP).
At least 13 protesters were arrested after failing to adhere to multiple warnings, according to Fox News.
Back inside the #CHOP zone. 12th and Pine. Lots of debris left. Crews cleaning up. Just watched Chief Best enter East Precinct. @KING5Seattle pic.twitter.com/HNAb6TOiI2
#UPDATE: First look at the #CHOP zone since Seattle Police cleared it out this morning. Dozens of tents and lots belongings left, but all protestors have been cleared out. @KIRO7Seattle pic.twitter.com/dULugXBtBz
The East Precinct, which police abandoned last month following standoffs and clashes with demonstrators, was cleared of protesters, Police Chief Carmen Best told reporters from inside CHOP. Best said police were not moving into the building yet, but would clear the area of barricades before beginning operations as soon as reasonably possible.
As officers in riot gear performed the predawn sweep to clear holdouts from the streets, police said a woman apparently went into labor on the east side of Cal Anderson Park inside the CHOP. Seattle Fire said it was responding to the scene. -Fox News
"Officers enforcing today's order are wearing a higher-level of protective gear," said Seattle PD in a statement. "Police are utilizing this equipment because individuals associated w/the CHOP are known to be armed and dangerous/may be associated with shootings, homicides, robberies, assaults & other violent crimes."
Oh shit, here come the neocons to democratize another foreign nation. pic.twitter.com/PKjzmHtPeR
And once again, an experiment in socialism has failed.
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dfroza · 4 years ago
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A painted Tuesday view.
@timdurkan: Tonight in Seattle
3.9.21 • 9:02pm • Twitter
@timdurkan: Rainbow in the Emerald
@komonews @KING5Seattle @KIRO7Seattle @Q13FOX @KSeattleWeather @weatherchannel @WeatherNation @abbyacone @ScottSKOMO @ShannonODKOMO @GraceLimWX @kimholcomb @hanamkim @SteveTVNews @CraigHerreraTV @ErinMayovsky @E_L_James @elonmusk @BillGates @SiemnyKIRO7
3.9.21 • 9:05pm • Twitter
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