#Donaldli Ingalls
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donaldli42269sandybullock · 5 years ago
Sandra Bullock
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donaldli42269sandybullock · 5 years ago
Donaldli Ingalls NBC Los Angeles Channel 4 Beverly Hills California 2016.
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donaldli42269sandybullock · 6 years ago
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Sandra A. Bullock and Donaldli M. Ingalls
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donaldli42269sandybullock · 4 years ago
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donaldli42269sandybullock · 5 years ago
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Donaldli Ingalls Beverly Hills California
Sandra Bullock and Donaldli Ingalls are married. Sandra has never been married to anyone else.I don't like what Sandra has done in regard to acting asthough she has been dating and marrying other men, but weare in fact married.  And I do love Sandra very much.Donaldli Ingalls.
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donaldli42269sandybullock · 5 years ago
Sandra Bullock and Donaldli Ingalls are married.
#sandrabullock #bullock #sbullock #hollywood #beverlyhills #california #losangeles #lapd #districtattorney #gesine #fortisfilms #105 #405 #venice #santamonica #crescent #swall #wilshire #wileshireblvd #sunset #sunsetblvd #westhollywood #northhollywood #dallas #austin #abc #cbs #nbc #fox #arlington #seattle #ktla #ktla5 #ktlanews #ktla5news
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donaldli42269sandybullock · 6 years ago
Sandra Bullock Husband
Sandra Bullock Husband
Sandra Bullock and Donaldli Ingalls are married.
These other men she has acted with are just friends of ours that we've had for the last 45 years or so.
Sandra has never been married to anyone but Donaldli Mark Ingalls.
Included with this Facebook.com KTLA5 News post today is an image of a fax confirmation sheet sent to the sending fax machine here in Gig Harbor Washington where I have been taking care of my sick mother. The image of the fax confirmation sheet included with this Facebook.com KTLA5 News post shows I sent the Los Angeles District Attorney's office a fax transmission.
The fax I sent to the Los Angeles District Attorney was not a copy of our marriage license it was a verification of relationship I have with Sandra. It is not a marriage license.
Now, Sandra has a damn copy of our marriage license and marriage certificate in our home in Beverly Hills California, and I do not have a copy of our marriage license and marriage certificate here.
But at least the Los Angeles District Attorney's office knows and realizes this is damn nuts to do anything like this unless the damn husband is very upset and actually truly really is married to the person he is yelling about. And I am her damn husband! And I am damn upset!
Please understand everyone Sandra and I have been separated over the years not over a dispute but for other reasons. We still love each other very very much and are still very very married. And I fully intend to come home to Sandra to our home in the City of Beverly Hills California.
The images of the emails included with this post are emails I sent to hundreds of court's email addresses, media, and 250 LBBS Law Firm members. Not to mention several thousand emails to Federal Bureau of Investigation!
I am Sandra Annette Bullock's husband!
I am married to Sandra Annette Bullock!
I am very sorry for appearing to be this upset, but I am in fact very upset!!!
Thank Los Angeles for your time.
Love Donaldli Mark Ingalls
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donaldli42269sandybullock · 8 years ago
Sandra Bullock and Donaldli Ingalls are still married.
I’m sorry if the one person that commented that I’m a delusional F’er all over the internet.  Miss, no one delusional would have gotten this far with all the posts I have made... And if you do your research on Sandra, my wife, my spouse, my best friend, you’d see she already made herself
look quite a bit nuts telling everyone she only signs autographs for children while for some weird reason has tons of adult imagery of herself doing lewd acts with males...and the one damn article on an insane website that I did not create, Bostonbarstool.com about how she’s been humping toy shotguns...Sandra has never done that in her life!!! I never suggested or told Sandra to do anything lewd and send out imagery of herself across the internet doing anything like what she has done.  And I contacted an attorney in Beverly Hills California to have that damn article removed... I have also sent over 50,000 emails to the FBI, US Federal Government, 250 Canadian Newspapers, every German Newspaper in Germany, every German Police Department in Germany, every Police Department in the State of California, the US Federal Marshals, and The United States Department of Justice!!! Excuse me!!   
I have an affidavit of relationship that has been notarized and in addition to the damn notarized affidavit I contacted over 50 police departments and mayor’s offices across the United States of America in at least every state in the country.  I informed them of the relationship.  The Los Angeles District Attorney has received copies of the notarized affidavit also.
There are numerous persons that have lived in southern California for over 44 years and are aware of the relationship.
One of these persons that has been aware of Sandra and Donaldli having this damn relationship is none other than the very famous Samuel L. Jackson.  
I can’t help it that Sandra acts the way she does!  I should not have to apologize for being married to someone so goddamn famous!!!
I am F’n married to Sandra Annette Bullock female Sasquatch of a homo-strange female person!   And I do not need you comments or permission to do anything!!! And please do not come back to my Tumblr.com page!!!
-Donaldli Ingalls 
PS. Sandra may have done a lot of naughty stuff and made herself look quite a bit nuts telling everyone she signs autographs only for children and humps toy shotguns...but she is my spouse and I will take her even if she is drooling from her mouth!!! I will taker care of her famous damn ass in our home without your help!! Thank you very much Sasquatch behemoth!!!
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donaldli42269sandybullock · 4 years ago
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Sandra Bullock and Donaldli Ingalls are married. #sandrabullock #bullock #sbullock #hollywood #beverlyhills #california #losangeles #lapd #districtattorney #gesine #fortisfilms #105 #405 #venice #santamonica #crescent #swall #wilshire #wileshireblvd #sunset #sunsetblvd #westhollywood #northhollywood #dallas #austin #abc #cbs #nbc #fox #arlington #seattle #ktla #ktla5 #ktlanews #ktla5news #sandra bullock#bullock#sbullock#beverly hills#california#los#angeles#lapd#district attorney#gesine#fortis films#105#405#venice#santa monica#crescent#swall#wilshire#wileshire blvd#sunset#sunsent blvd#west hollywood#north hollywood#dallas#austin#abc#cbs#nbc#fox#arlingto 1 note
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donaldli42269sandybullock · 4 years ago
Top 10 Sandra Bullock Movies
I, Donaldli M. Ingalls, under the penalty of perjury prove I am married to Sandra A. Bullock
Sandra Bullock and Donaldli Ingalls are married. Bryan  Randall is not Sandra's husband!
Sandra Annette Bullock and I, Donaldli Mark Ingalls, are married.
I cannot help it that Sandra doesn't mention I on television.
We are in fact married.
I really do not like what Sandra is doing in regard to acting as though she is dating and/or marrying other men.
Yours sincerely, Donaldli Mark Ingalls
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donaldli42269sandybullock · 5 years ago
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Donaldli Mark Ingalls Sandra Annette Bullock's husband (at Beverly Hills Courthouse) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8QB8ERFCAG/?igshid=1e6b1qahiylix
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donaldli42269sandybullock · 5 years ago
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Donaldli Mark Ingalls The Gig Harbor Washington Film Festival 2019 Galaxy IMAX Theater The Uptown Shopping center (at Gig Harbor, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8QA_jkllOT/?igshid=1tu6r2u9j50al
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donaldli42269sandybullock · 5 years ago
Sandra Bullock is Married
Sandra Annette Bullock and Donaldli Mark Ingalls are married.
Bryan Randall, Jesse James, and all of these other men are friends of ours.  They have been friends for many years.
I'm sorry that I do not like what Sandra is doing in regard to acting as though she is dating and/or marrying our friends and/or other men.
I do not have the right to prevent Sandra from doing anything with anyone it is just that this is something she has done that has upset I a bit too much.
Also, I mentioned recently that I was not nearly as upset with all of Sandra's other acting (ie. Penis Facials and Sandra kissing women like Cate Blanchett, Scarlett Johansson, Meryl Streep and others). No one is perfect.  I love Sandra the way she is but the acting as she is dating and/or marrying our male friends and other men is not what I like.
I do love Sandra.  We are married.
Yours sincerely, Donaldli Mark Ingalls
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donaldli42269sandybullock · 6 years ago
Sandra Bullock and Donaldli Ingalls
Sandra Bullock and Donaldli Ingalls are married to each other.
We never divorced.
We have been married for over 30 years.
Jessie, Tate, Matthew, Bryan, and others are our friends.  They have
been friends for decades.  
I am so upset with Sandra acting out with our friends as though she has
been dating and marrying our friends I could just bite the tail of a great white shark while surfing at the beach in Santa Monica California towing a few hundred gallons of chum behind my own butt.
I mentioned repeatedly that I don’t mind at all that she acts with other
men.  I do not want her acting out they way she has ie. dating and marrying.
Sandra Annette Bullock and Donaldli Mark Ingalls are married.
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donaldli42269sandybullock · 5 years ago
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donaldli42269sandybullock · 6 years ago
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The Uptown Shopping Center in Gig Harbor Washington, Sandra, and Donaldli.... and of course the famous Peace Symbol she invented years and years ago...and lot’s of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream all at the shopping center she paid for.   
 She comes and goes, and we have seen each other and we are married.  But we haven’t even had dinner together at The Uptown Shopping Center. 
 I can’t wait to see Sandra again.  And maybe I’ll my mother that my niece will have to take care of her and finally go home with Sandra back to California.... if there is anything left of California.  Is the state of Ash and Ember?  Geez.. Sure wish I could help more down there.  
Love Donaldli Mark Ingalls
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