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viviraptor-art · 1 year ago
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just sharing a few of my recent commissions! y'all are awesome!! 💕
@ruinlost | @orgyband | @finderseekers | @kohakuhime/@hopefulstarfire
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milliekou · 1 year ago
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Full color Chibi commission for @kohakuhime of Raphael and their oc, Ellie. 💙💚
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icychill · 11 months ago
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Thank you @kohakuhime for the fun prompt of drawing your beloved oc Ellie!!
That was such a treat to draw and I hope I did her justice 💕
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lucky-ladybugs-lovelies · 29 days ago
Another Sephiroth Survey
More asks taken as survey, found here: https://www.tumblr.com/kohakuhime/774217912638652416?source=share
Why do you like or dislike this character? Ever since I started uncovering what he’s like when sane and how kind and good he is, I’ve adored him. I adore him even more now that Square is really putting out all kinds of lovely things to show how wonderful he is.
Favorite canon thing about this character? That he’s the kind of person who will try with all his might to save everyone, no matter what.
Least favorite canon thing about this character? That he lost his mind and we don’t yet have a canon redemption for him in any timeline. (Please, please do this in part 3 of Remake, Square! After they’ve really been pulling out all the stops to lead up to it, it will just be the hugest gyp if they don’t do it!)
If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? I wish there were canon books about him and Zack on missions that are as good as the fanfictions people have been writing for years. It would be amazing to have something like that on my bookshelf!
What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them? One-Winged Angel
What's something you have in common with this character? Wishing loved ones would stay.
What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like? They tend to love celebrating Seph’s gorgeousness and every sweet thing showing what a good person he was when sane, like everyone getting excited now over there being a petting animation! I would love to see someone have him pet an Eevee!
What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise? It’s popular in Kingdom Hearts fandom to say that KH Seph harmed or killed Zack after Birth By Sleep, which I absolutely detest.
Could you be roommates with this character? Probably, if he was sane. I would not trust the insane one to be anywhere near me, lol.
Could you be best friends with this character? I like to think I could, although I don’t know if we’d have much in common. But I’d try to introduce him to fun things, like Zack does in fanon, and always be there for him.
Would you date this character? Yes.
What's a headcanon you have for this character? He develops yet another version of his Safer form where he keeps both arms and his legs, and this time all the wings are on his back to assist with greater flight. This time the wings are usually all white except for the black one, although I love the purple and blue tips and may adjust my headcanon to include those. He tends to wear a black kilt in this form, although I have earlier concepts drawn where he . . . doesn’t wear anything and some of the wings are covering him. I feel like Sephiroth would definitely be more modest than that, especially considering that even when insane, he does properly cover himself in Dissidia NT.
What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot? If there’s a wing emoji, that would remind me of him. I doubt he uses any emojis and probably thinks they’re silly and pointless, lol.
Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character. Fans used to like depicting him with reading glasses, and even if it’s not likely he would ever need them, he looks so good.
What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.) Sephiroth & Cloud. I love them platonic/queerplatonic and romantic, just as long as Cloud wants to be with him and fully agrees. I don’t like any fics or art where he’s being forced against his will. There are just so many complex layers to them and it’s so fascinating exploring all the different ways positive interaction between them could go.
What's your least favorite ship for this character? I’m not terribly fond of Sephiroth/Elfe, but mainly because I’m very “Eh” about Elfe. I can see why people would think it could be interesting.
What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with? Sephiroth/Zack, like specifically the romantic flavor. I prefer them having a familial relationship rather than romantic, but I’ve seen some adorable shippy fics and pics that I squee over. :)
How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire? That would be Zack again. It’s very sweet and sad that it looks like Sephiroth wants to be friends with Zack. The creators even said that Sephiroth considers Zack one of his friends. And at least during the sunset scenes at Junon, Zack acts like he’s reciprocating to some extent. But I have a lot of mixed and frustrated feelings with how canon handled them in other scenes, including Nibelheim. By fleshing out Zack in Crisis Core, they just showed how OOC it was that Zack didn’t fight harder for Seph. Zack never gave up on Angeal. Why did he give up on Seph? It doesn’t fit his character and it drives me nuts! As a writer, I bump up against that problem any time Nibelheim is discussed, and there’s never a good answer.
How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like? I’m not fully sold on Sephiroth & Glenn. On the one hand, I am fine with Glenn teaching Seph about compassion when Seph is 12. It makes complete sense that he would need someone to teach him that when he certainly didn’t get any from the scientists. But I don’t really like the apparent idea that Glenn has to come back and teach Seph again when he’s an adult before it really starts sinking in. Maybe that isn’t what we’re meant to think from the framing story in First Soldier Episode 1, but that was what it looked like to me, and I prefer the idea that Seph continued to show compassion from 12 years old on and did not need someone to teach him again as an adult. That would mean he really didn’t have many years showing it before he cracked up.
Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter? If Zack is written IC and never gives up on Seph, he is the ideal best friend. He shows Seph happiness and joy and fun times like Seph never had before, and he’s a loyal friend who never stops fighting to save him from himself (and Jenova).
If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like? I love to show his kindness and his protectiveness. I am frustrated with some of the ways I wrote him in my older fics where he was much sterner or jerky even when sane, especially in my original KH timeline.
If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like? I love to see Sephiroth showing kindness and concern for others and being perfectly protective. I dislike when I see fics with KH Seph where he harmed or killed Zack after Birth By Sleep. (Ugh, why???)
Favorite picture of this character? How can I pick just one?
What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them? Seph is pretty unique. Can’t think of anyone who reminds me of him except other Sephs. Lol.
What was your first impression of this character? How about now? First impression was when watching Advent Children for the first time: “… This is the guy everyone was worried about? He’s here for like, six minutes! Why?!” Current impression: “The Rebirth Ultimania describes him as having a gentleness and being the perfect boss when sane! Squeeee he’s adorable!”
What's something the character has done you can't get over? Be it something funny, bad, good, serious, whatever? Trying so hard to save a cadet who falls in the water at Nibelheim. His expression when he is unable to save him is heartbreaking and he proceeds to keep looking for two hours trying desperately to find him. This scene is from the Remake timeline, but for me it absolutely defines sane Sephiroth and I insist on thinking this happened in the OG verse too, retconning where he feels they can’t search for the kid.
FREEBIE QUESTION!! Hm. Favorite piece of Seph merch? That would be the Play Arts Kai AC Seph with wing. Gorgeous figure, gorgeous wing, and I just have an extreme soft spot for him since he came on my birthday and really brightened it.
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theimaginatrix27 · 1 year ago
My Personal Approach to Fantasy AUs
I have received a number of comments on my Deep Space 9 Fairy Tale AU, Seven for a Secret, to the effect of "I love how you've kept everyone so in-character!"
I also recently sent a friend part of the first chapter of a prequel fic in the same setting, and they said they're not usually interested in AUs of this nature, because too often, they've seen characters written in ways that make them less recognisably themselves. But they did like my writing.
So I'm going to try and explain my process in a way that hopefully makes sense to everyone reading it. I'm absolutely not making this post to gatekeep fanfic, or to tell someone how to write their story, I'm just explaining what I do when writing a Fantasy AU within a fandom context.
For clarity, this post is about AUs where the characters were born into a high/epic/secondary world fantasy setting (I have heard all these terms before). It is not about charas being isekaied into fantasy settings for crossover purposes (that genre encompasses portal fantasy, doesn't have to involve the charas dying), though tbh I love those, too. Excellent fun. But the characters in those cases are still the canon ones, just being put in a situation. I actually plan on writing a series of DND campaign fics with the casts of my three favourite classic Trek series that are basically this premise, but that's not what I want to talk about today.
In a lot of cases, when someone has written a fantasy AU, the characters are changed so much that you could, theoretically, file off the serial numbers, switch out canon references and turn it into an original novel. This is also not strictly a bad thing—I've done it myself, and although that story never got finished, it paved the way for those that followed, so it's helpful in the creative process to recognise when you have enough material for an original spin on something.
However, for me especially, it is more fun to see and recognise the fandom characters, and then watch them navigate a story that is both unique and would not be the same without them.
Presenting Exhibit A: The Princess and the Dragon, a fanfiction for Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, written by my dear friend, @kohakuhime
This was one of the first fics of this nature that I came across in my wanderings through the blighted wastelands of FFN—Kohaku's fics were very much an oasis in the desert, so refreshing and vibrant were they, but this was her big fantasy baby, centred around a ship we both loved, and rich with lore and magic and mystery. It was also peppered with canon references, and all the characters were kept breathtakingly in-character—I won't get into spoiler territory, but let's just say I could hear the voice-actors saying so many of these lines, they were so good! My bar for this type of AU was set pretty high in large part because of this fic.
To be quite fair, Kohaku has said she could probably file off the serial numbers of TPATD, change some of the components of the magic system and release it as an original novel, as the concept itself (again, avoiding spoilers by going into details out of respect for this friend and her excellent story) is a fun twist on a particular trope. But although there are many original elements, it still feels like a Yu-Gi-Oh! fic, because of all the grounding points woven throughout, and how familiar the characters are.
This fic was not the only story I found that helped shape my approach back in 2012—there were a couple other fics in the Dragon Ball Z archive on FFN that also contributed, but they were both written a long time ago and I'm not sure they'd hold up nearly so well today. One of them was a fairy tale retelling (well, a Disney film retelling, but it was really good from my perspective as a fic newbie!), and this plus some other—shall we say, less interesting adaptations in the Yu-Gi-Oh fandom inspired me to write the fic now known as Wild Swans of Domino, which I'm not linking here because I am in the process of editing it up to my current standards. Seven for a Secret is, in its way, a spiritual successor to WSoD, though I do intend to finish the latter (and the sequels I developed over the years). WSoD was my practice ground for developing the approach I wrote this post to explain, and it kinda shows in the current version, because I started out simple, and then my brain started generating lore and places for more canon references to go and the story got away from me. That—happens to me a lot.
My approach with this type of AU comes down to one major point: If I am writing a fairy tale adaptation (it's usually a fairy tale adaptation that starts this for me), or some other fantasy story in an alternate universe which these characters are, for the purposes of the fic, native to, then both they and the setting must have some familiar aspects tying them back to the source material. The characters, especially, must still feel like themselves, or you may lose readers' interest, because "Benjamin Sisko wouldn't do that!" or "Seto Kaiba wouldn't react that way in this situation! Stop making him quote the movie's dialogue, it sounds so contrived it is painful to read!"
... Ahem, moving on from bad memories of bad fics.
WSoD and Secret are both based on a fairy tale I already have an original story idea for (several, actually), so I don't need or want either of them to be unique enough to divorce them from their fandom origins. Therefore, while developing them, I have done/am doing my utmost to weave in as many threads from canon as possible within the boundaries of the setting, and have also done my best to preserve the characters' personalities. And according to those aforementioned comments, I'm doing pretty well!
To be absolutely fair, in both cases, the fandoms in question are either another form of Fantasy or as close to Fantasy as a Sci-fi setting can get (Sisko's an honest to the Prophets Chosen one, for goodness sake!). But I do believe you can do this with any character, from any setting, if you put enough thought into it.
And maybe that's part of why I don't see it around as much, because some (often younger but not always) fic authors can have a concept float into their head or sent to them by another fan, and bang out a fic in a week that hits all the points they wanted it to without too much brainstorming behind it. Whereas I, a perfectionist and possesser of an increasingly plot-tribble-infested brain, can't make a single plot decision without pondering it for several days, and fret over little logistical details until I'm purple in the face (probably. I don't have eyeballs and thence can't look in a mirror). But I still think it's doable for any character.
To do this well, you must consider what fundamentally makes this character who they are. What traits would you absolutely have to keep (aside from physical appearance in most cases) to ensure this character was familiar to the reader who clicked on the fandom tag and subsequently your fic. If you ran across Sherlock Holmes in, say, the Pokémon world, how would you know he was Sherlock Holmes? Why, he'd be solving mysteries, and doing so by analysing all sorts of details, noticing things others failed to, putting pieces together that formed a solution others wouldn't have even considered, because the majority of those puzzle pieces were overlooked! And he'd probably be skulling shuckle juice when he didn't have a mystery to solve. And obviously he'd be autistic.
Are you imagining it? I hope you are. Now imagine a character, or several, from one of your fandoms, that you love. Imagine what you love best about them, what makes them who they are, from your perspective. Now imagine a setting that's different from their source material—there are any number of AUs you could pick. Now, think carefully about how you would write them in this setting, while focusing on changing as little about them as possible.
In Secret, Ben and Julian are both princes (this is revealed in Chapter 1, I don't mind telling you). The Dax symbiont is a Fae being magically bound to Jadzia, who is a mage. Their personalities are still familiar to the reader. Miles O'Brien has barely changed at all, because he doesn't need to.
And there's the single golden rule: When writing an AU like this, only change as much or as little as you absolutely need to for your story to work. You can, of course, have fun with how you change things—just check out Innate Conditions and its companion fics by @tokidokifish for a DS9 example (Cardassians are shapeshifting dragons! How cool is that?)
I hope all this makes sense. And again, this is not an attempt to dictate how you, personally, write your stories. I do hope you at least give it a little thought, though, if you haven't already. Most importantly, have fun!
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hopefulstarfire · 2 years ago
Alright because @kohakuhime and I cannot find this name being claimed;
Miho/Duke is gonna be Vanityshipping
Bc they're both people that would be proud about their looks and both of them can be a lil vain and also it sounds cool.
Cool? Cool
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dragontamer05 · 1 year ago
@mpuzzlegirl @kohakuhime
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alkonoststorm · 1 year ago
Tag 10 people you want to know better
Tagged by @iffylogic , let's do this!
Relationship status: Long-distance relationship with bf
Favorite color: SEA COLORS.
Song stuck in my head: https://youtu.be/6qV6uCI8Eb8?si=77iuIY6TPJs2KTg9 Hell of a Team
Last thing I googled: The definition of fetish. XD
Current time: 9:33 pm EST
Dream trip: Uh...too many places. But would like to visit Japan again.
Something I want: A new home and better income. Preferably a fully paid out home.
Tagging: @cyggiestardust , @baratheas , @kohakuhime , @gwen-skyes , @kintatsujo , @melody-garnet , @sailorsanghelios , @tonberryqueen , @comtevengeur , @eeriecrafts
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viviraptor-art · 2 years ago
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rolling out my second batch of chibi commissions! thank you guys!!
@dogsoatmeal | @pastacatlover | @hopefulstarfire/@kohakuhime
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starfiresyugiohocs · 2 years ago
6, 32 and 38 for Starcrossedshipping; 2, 13 and 39 for Shieldshipping?
Oooo you got it bud thank you for the ask!!!
6. When did they realize they loved each other?
For Bakura, he's known for millennia. He fell in love with her past life, Kema, when they were young, and fell harder when they reconnected after he finds her at the palace. When he saw her as Kat, seeing her alive and happy and still at her core the woman he fell in love with, it just all fell back into place.
For Kat, while she definitely has a crush on him, doesn't really remember their past life together -- she might get a brief memory like how Seto will of his past life -- but she feels in her heart she knows him on a level she can't put into words. The romantic attraction is there and it just deepends in their time together. She realizes it's love I wanna say around Battle City, but she doesn't admit it to him until the following arc, the Camelot arc I'm creating.
32. How do they resolve their arguments?
I want it to be said that the majority of any argument that they have is a result of Bakura and his bullshit shenanigans that stresses her out and the little punk smirks about it. The other reason they'll have an argument is he's being a bit overprotective, because he's lost Kat once, he can't lose her again (and then this bitch proceeds to get sent to the Shadow Realm during Battle City and then get her soul stolen during Waking the Dragons).
It depends on the argument. Kat is very big into talking things out and trying to find a way for them both to do better from there on out. Bakura can't always go for growth, as, again, he's a 3000 year old vengeful spirit that can be stuck in his ways (especially when you're sharing a room with the embodiment of all darkness), but he does go out of his way to make it up to her when he's hurt her and he does make an attempt to do better.
Having some down time to just cuddle up together after is also nice for them because it lets them unwind from the harsher emotions they'll feel from an argument and show they still care about each other.
38. What was their most memorable date?
They actually have some really good dates (and some crazy ass adventures they also jokingly refer to as dates) but the most memorable one comes shortly before Millennium World transpires.
Bakura knew that it was drawing close to when the Pharaoh would have to face his memories and he knows what will come of it. While there's the night before they fly off to Egypt that happens, there's a date at least a couple weeks before that.
Him and Kat go all around town on little adventures, rolling a dice on her phone to decide what direction they'll walk towards to find places to go have mini adventures in -- shops, places to eat, what have you. They ended it off with driving to the lake outside of town and going to watch a meteor shower and a midnight swim. It was just something that was all them, and a memory he could hold onto before everything goes to hell.
2. Any sleep habits either had to get used to?
Honestly? It was mostly just sleeping next to someone; especially with Rishid, because he's not as used to waking up in the middle of the night to someone cuddling with him/sprawled out over him. But it's something that he very quickly comes to love. They both also have to deal with each other's long hair though in the middle of the night, just faces full of hair, rip.
13. Which member steals borrows the other ones clothing?
Maddox loves Rishid's outfits and they always smell like him, those are his now. Rishid does not mind one bit though, he thinks his husband looks great in his clothes. He evens it out by stealing all of Maddox's favorite mugs.
39. What other couple would your otp get along with the best?
Listen. LISTEN. Them and fortuitshipping (@kohakuhime) are usually the go to double dates. Hell, Maddox is the number one ride or die shipper for Ellie and Raphael, he wants them together so much. That's his cousin and his best friend, he loves them.
I think also naturally they get along really well with the sunflowership babs bc yeah that's Ishizu and Nana who doesn't? And I think they'd do really well with Mai and Joey too because Joey and Rishid are buds and Mai and Maddox are constantly looking for any reason to be gossipy bitches together.
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mpuzzlegirl · 1 year ago
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hopefulstarfire · 2 years ago
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@kohakuhime sent us the template she used for Raph and Ellie so obviously I have to do this too so to start us off; trouvailleshipping and futureshipping.
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epickiya722 · 3 years ago
Racks by H.E.R.
Send an Emoji, Get a Song
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dragontamer05 · 1 year ago
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More 【-Pear Blossoms in the Spring-】 #QiLolita Collars and Capes Are Available
◆ Shopping Link >>> https://lolitawardrobe.com/pear-blossoms-in-the-spring-qi-lolita-collar-and-cape-set_p7669.html ◆ Very Limited Quantity!!!
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entamewitchlulu · 4 years ago
“I’m sure,” she said. “Everyone’s quite fascinated by my blindfold around here. It’s not common to cover one’s eyes in Sereine.”
- from an original novel tentatively titled The Library of Uncountable Mysteries
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hippiekiyay · 5 years ago
And we laughed oh, and we cried and thought
'Oh, what a life'
『Oh, What A Life』 - American Authors
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My humble tribute to @kohakuhime 's YuGiOh fanfiction "Come Together"(https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5477231/1/Come-Together).I hope she likes these.
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