#koh high school story
With the weight of the world almost always on her back, Chloe only found a few moments of peace. While things were hard or busy most of the time, usually she could sit next to the fountain at the back of the courtyard and breathe. Today was different though. 
It wasn’t that she was mad at Koh for kissing Wes. She wasn’t even mad at Wes. She understood that they needed something to get Razor to come out, but that didn’t help the pit in her stomach or the hollow feeling in her chest. 
Chloe looked down at her dress and tights. One of the wallflowers had given it to her, and she loved the outfit. She rubbed the fabric of the dress between her fingers, trying to let the soft fabric distract her. It wasn’t working. 
She was startled when she noticed someone next to her. Koh was there, looking somewhat guilty. That was new. 
Putting on a bright and welcoming smile, Chloe turned to face her completely. “Oh! Koh! I didn’t see you there!” She said, “Did you need something?” 
Koh was quiet for a moment, not meeting Chloe’s eyes before looking up. “I guess I just wanted to say that it may have been a little… not cool to kiss Wes in front of you. If you don’t want to help me anymore, I get it.” Their teeth were gnashed together, and Chloe realized how hard that must’ve been. 
Chloe’s eyebrows shot up in concern, “No! That’s not it at all! I’m not mad at you, and I certainly don’t want to stop helping you.” she assured the girl next to her, repressing the urge to touch the other’s arm. 
Looking at her suspiciously, Koh turned a little more to face Chloe. “Oh. Well you shouldn’t be mad at Wes. I mean, yeah he’s hot and kissed me but-”
Before Koh could make Chloe feel any worse, she cut the rebel off, “I’m not mad at Wes either, Koh. I know he only did it to help out.”
Koh’s face dropped, then twisted in confusion, “Okay, well if you’re not mad at either of us, why are you here moping instead of helping out some loser who can’t solve their own problems?” they asked bluntly. 
“Well my friends aren’t losers, first of all.” Chloe stated. Koh just rolled her eyes and motioned for her to continue. “And I don’t know, really.” She looked around to make sure no one was listening. “Promise not to tell anyone?” She asked.
Koh raised her eyebrows, then nodded. Chloe took a deep breath before continuing. “I guess that when I saw you and Wes kissing, it looked kind of… right. You know? Like, you’re both big on ‘taking down the man’ and fighting for what you believe in. You’re both a bit shady, no offense, and you guys are tough as nails. Compared to you, I’m a big old marshmallow.”
“So, what? You think Wes is going to leave you for someone like me?” Koh asked. Chloe shook her head and thought for a moment, trying to find a way to explain how she was feeling. 
When she had an idea of what she wanted to say, she took a deep breath, “I don’t think Wes would ever leave me or cheat. He’s this amazing guy with this big heart under all of those layers of ‘tough mysterious dude’.” She let out a dreamy sigh, thinking of her boyfriend, “But look at us. I talk to everyone in the school and help out with anyone who needs it, so I never have time to go on big dates. And we’re not into the same stuff most of the time. Maybe it would be better if we broke things off, so that he could find someone like you.”
Koh thought on Chloe’s words for a moment, then smiled as an idea popped into their head. She grabbed Chloe’s wrist and dragged the confused girl to her motorcycle. 
“Where are we going?” Chloe asked, putting on the helmet Koh threw at her. 
“Trust me, okay Marshmallow?” Koh winked and hopped on the bike, letting Chloe climb into the sidecar. The ride to their house was short and pleasant. 
Both of them got off of the bike and Chloe let the other girl put it away. The house was a little older and run down, but it reminded Chloe of some of the foster houses she had been in before getting adopted by the McMannon’s. 
She followed Koh inside and followed her to Koh’s room. The walls were covered in posters and protest signs were scattered around. There were so many causes that she supported; Chloe suspected that Koh was just as busy as her sometimes. 
“Not that I’m not happy to be here, what are we doing at your house?” Chloe asked, tilting her head. 
Instead of a verbal answer, Koh threw a wad of clothes at her, pushing Chloe back onto the bed. “Change into this, then we’ll head back to the school.” 
“What are you planning?” Chloe asked, looking at the studded red leather jacket. 
“Well you think Wes would be happier with someone like me, right?” Chloe nodded, “But you don’t want to break up?” She shook her head. “So we’re meeting in the middle. I’ll help you dress and act more like a rebel, and you’ll see if Wes is happier with you that way.”
Chloe looked at them suspiciously, “Okay, but why are you doing this? I thought you didn’t like me?”
“Who said I didn’t like you? And that’s not the point. You’re doing something for me with the whole Razor thing, so I’ll help you with the whole Wes thing so we’re even.” She explained. 
“You don’t have to-”
Koh stomped to the door, “Just shut up and put on the clothes. Little Miss Perfect wouldn’t want to be late for school.” And with that, the door was slammed and Chloe was left alone. 
Quickly put on her new outfit, Chloe looked in Koh’s broken mirror. It was comfortable, she had to give it that. The boots were nice, and the jacket was cool, but it felt like she was wearing a costume. 
Stuffing her real clothes into her bag, she walked out to see Koh waiting. Looking Chloe up and down, they smirked, “Well if Wes isn’t into this, I certainly am.” Chloe blushed and Koh laughed, “Alright, let’s get back to the school.” 
Just as Koh pulled up to the school, the bell rang. Chloe climbed out of the sidecar and smiled at Koh, “Thanks for the makeover.” She said. 
Koh shrugged and left, leaving Chloe alone. The pink haired girl grabbed her bag and ran, not wanting to be late to art. 
She skidded in just as the bell rang, and all of the students turned to her when they heard the door closing.  Everyone’s eyes widened at her new ensemble and they stared as she quickly made her way to her seat next to Autumn. 
“This is certainly… new.” The artist pointed out, looking over Chloe. Chloe rubbed her arm, looking away. “It’s not that it looks bad! It’s just, you’ve never really worn something like this before.” Autumn backtracked. 
“I wore that dress during the poetry slam!” Chloe defended, then realized that she had only had access to that dress because it was in her mom’s old stuff from the eighties. 
“Like I said, it’s not bad. Just new. You kind of look like Koh.” She pointed out. Autumn then got back to her painting of Mia and Julian posing. It was so realistic that Chloe had thought it was a photo when she first saw it. 
The day went on very similarly. In cheer, Mia pointed out her distaste for the outfit but also admiration for the jacket. During band practice, Ezra called her a punk and Payton got excited about the idea of a makeover. 
By the end of the day Chloe didn’t want to talk to anyone, let alone go on a date. Usually seeing her boyfriend made her feel better, but she was scared. Scared that he would like this version of her better than the ‘old’ version. 
Wes was waiting by his car for her, so she had no real escape. Mentally she scolded herself for trying to escape anything. She was a strong woman who didn’t need to be afraid of her loving boyfriend. 
Wes’s eyebrows rose when he saw Chloe, but he didn’t say anything. He got into the driver's seat and smiled when Chloe climbed in. “So, where to? Tonight the drive in is playing some crappy horror movie from the sixties, or we could go get something to eat at the diner than stargaze at the hill.”
“The hill that just so happens to be nicknamed ‘makeout point’?” Chloe laughed at his blush. “You’re smart, but I’m always one step ahead.” She smiled. 
“Alright, you caught me, but who can help it? I just want to kiss my beautiful girlfriend.” He shrugged, turning the keys. 
Chloe leaned over and gave him a peck before putting her seatbelt on, “Well it’s going to be a beautiful night, so going to dinner then to the hill sounds like a perfect idea.” 
They drove to the local diner and ordered, Chloe sticking with her burger and strawberry milkshake while Wes tried something new. After the waitress left, Wes looked back at Chloe. “So, I like your jacket. This whole look, it’s… cool.”
Refusing to look up from her milkshake, Chloe bit her lip and hummed in acknowledgement, “You think so?”
Wes nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s new, for sure. I didn’t know that you owned something like that.”
Shrugging, Chloe looked down. “There are some things you don’t know about me.” She tried to tease. Even if her voice hadn’t come out strained and false, they both knew that it wasn’t true. 
Not knowing what was bothering her and not wanting to make things worse, Wes reached over the table to hold her hand. Watching her shoulders relax, he smiled as she slowly glanced up to meet his eyes. Things seemed to calm down a little, the two able to talk like normal. As always, they were there long after they finished their plates, 
Once he had paid and the two of them were back in his car, Wes absentmindedly flipped on the radio. When they hit the road an obnoxiously poppy song started blaring for the speakers. As he reached his hand for the switch, Chloe slapped Wes’s hand away from the dial with the first real smile she had given all day. “I love this song!” She defended. “Payton showed it to me!”
Singing along nearly over the radio, Wes couldn’t help his soft smile as he watched his girlfriend let loose. Her voice wasn’t awful, but it was clear that she was better suited for her fiddle. What made it amazing was that it was her. 
With the stars blanketing the sky and the area empty, both felt anticipation rising in their stomachs. Leaving the radio on, the two stepped out of the car and met back in front of the headlights. 
Smiling, Chloe stood on her toes to kiss her boyfriend. Gently he grabbed her arm and sat the two of them onto the hood of his car, the music from the radio pleasantly blowing through the wind outside. When she shifted herself closer to place her hands on his chest, Wes ran a hand slowly up her arm. 
Both of them were taken completely out of the moment when he yelped, pulling his hand back. There was a small scratch from where his hand had brushed one of the spikes on the shoulder, a small drop of blood falling between them. “Koh sharpens the spikes on her jacket.” He realized. 
Before he could say anything else, Chloe broke down into tears. For a moment Wes stilled, having no idea what he was supposed to do. He didn’t know why she was so upset. They had talked at length about him kissing Koh, and she really didn’t seem to be angry about that. “Woah, woah.” Gently, he grabbed her arms and pulled Chloe into a hug. “What’s wrong?” He asked, rubbing circles into her back. 
Through hiccups and sniffles, she explained everything. From the kiss to the impromptu makeover, Chloe told him about the insecurities running through her head. Before she could get too lost in her rant and start crying again, Wes cupped her face. “Sunshine, I love you. If you weren’t always helping other people or getting caught up in every mess that comes along, you wouldn’t be you.” A sly smile took over his features, “And besides, it doesn’t hurt that through you I have access to everyone in the school. Secrets are worth a lot, and I don’t know anyone that people trust more than you.” 
Rolling her eyes, the scoff she let out pulled Chloe out of her spiral. “Whatever.” She smiled, “as if I’m telling you anything anyone says to me in private.” 
Taking the red leather into his hands, Wes removed the jacket so he could pull Chloe back onto the car. She squealed and giggled as he practically dragged her down, “I have my ways of getting through to you.” 
Smiling, she kissed him again. She guessed he did.
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ih8harley · 29 days
a rebel, a cheerleader, and a prep walk into a tumblr post
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hsslilly-blog · 3 months
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my friend and i dressed up as kallie and koh ❤️🧡🤍💖
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dwiankus · 2 years
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That i know, which are
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triciabeloved · 3 months
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i refused to sleep until i finished drawing this
reference used:
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hssprimefan · 4 months
Clothing Swap
Woohoo happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Koh = purple, Kallie = red, and Ellie = blue.
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The prep's arc is kinda an exaggerated version of me having a lot more fun with fashion since coming out. And this school is always hosting big events where everyone comes together to help each other.
I've also wanted Koh to meet Ellie since her first appearance. If you tell Koh you organized her welcoming committee the dialogue goes like this;
Koh: Thought so. I've heard your story. You're everybody's friend or something? MC: I do my best. Koh: Sounds like you spread yourself pretty thin. If you're friends with EVERYONE… are you really friends with ANYONE? MC: You seem to know a lot about me for someone I just met. Koh: At least you're not a COMPLETE pushover.
and "strangers are just friends you haven't met" is a direct quote from Ellie in her intro quest
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reallyhardy · 7 months
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got enough HSS uploads now to make the videos tab look really nice and filled. now i understand how gaming youtbers can turn out so much video content. video games can just... take a long time to play. especially ones that are literally just about reading text.
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cadybear420 · 5 months
Happy AAPI Month to the AAPI Characters of HSS! The canon characters, plus my Prime MC Jordan and OG MC Evie!
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oakwolves · 5 months
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Please keep your arms and legs INSIDE the ride, ladies!
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HC that Payton is Jeremy's favourite senior from the cheer team. Wes and Koh are second as he hangs out with Michael a lot after school hours.
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igotsnothing · 9 months
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Beginning/Previous/Next 🐯🥭🐠🌅🪷
Beautiful lot build by @pandorasims4
Musical reference: 🎧
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Happy New Year, friends! A new year, a new obsession story! I keep finding myself playing in Tomarang all the time: it's beautiful and I love it, and this story has been in the works (writing, setting up) pretty much since the day after the expansion dropped. It owes its existence to not just my enjoyment of Tomarang, but because a conversation with a friend got me thinking: my friend claimed that writing stories about how a couple meets and gets together is far more entertaining than writing stories about that same couple once they are together. I disagree! This is my formal protest! 😊
Lee: So…Thoughts? Henry: Can we even afford this place? It’s huge! Lee: Believe it or not, it’s half the price of our one-bedroom in San Sequoia. Henry: Are you sure? I won’t have to sell my body to the night to support my cute husband through medical school?
Lee: No, because your cute husband is also your smart husband and got a full scholarship. Henry: Then, can you hire me for my salacious services anyway?… Lee: Henry. Focus. Auntie Mei will be here with the keys any minute. If you don’t like it, I’ll tell her we’re ready to see the next place. Henry: What do you think? Do you like it?
Lee: I do. I like it a lot. It reminds me of my grandparents’ house. Lots of happy memories. Henry: Was that in the countryside? Lee: Yeah. The house is no longer there, but I’d love to take you to visit the village sometime.
Mei: Hi, boys! Lee: Hi, Auntie! Mei: I’m sorry I’m a bit late! I was with a client over in Koh Sahpa and traffic on the bridge was so slow!
Henry: Hi Mei! I haven’t seen you since the wedding! Mei: So nice to see you too! You had an easy trip? Henry: Not too bad! Mei: And is Lee taking good care of you? You eating enough? Lee: Oh my god, Auntie. It hasn’t even been five minutes…
Mei: This place is perfect. It’s a fifteen-minute walk to uni for you. And Henry, you can take the 71 bus to work; only two or three stops! Lee: This place…the tiles on the floor. High ceilings. Big windows… Flowers everywhere…It all reminds me so much of Grandma’s house.
Mei: I thought so too, sweetie. Your uncle suggested I show you an apartment on Segara Drive, but I knew you’d like this much more. It’s old-fashioned: no fancy gym, pool, or central air. It’s not in a flashy spot…But it’s real Tomarani living, in an authentic neighborhood, near our family. Besides, the owner is VERY motivated to sell !
Lee: Uh-oh…What’s the story behind that? Mei: Nothing bad! This is where Gugi Nguyen would secretly rendezvous with Anita Tran, away from the paparazzi. Lee: Who are they? Mei: Famous soap opera actors! They got married and don’t need this house anymore. Henry: Babe! That’s just like our story, minus the celebrity stuff! Lee: Pfff!
[Voices coming from downstairs, speaking excitedly in Tomarani.]
Henry: This is really happening. We’re here! Just a few days ago we were in San Sequoia… Now? This is going to be home. And this view? This could be our view. Every day. Wow!
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ih8harley · 6 months
koh my beloved
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hsslilly-blog · 4 months
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kuromi + my melody lesbians
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The 'Meeting'
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Fandom: choices: High School Story
AU: 10 things I hate about you
Warnings: small swearing, some descriptive body image, (first time doing a drabble on Tumblr as well)
Characters: Michael, Koh, Wes, Morgan, Unnamed girl (my mc Solrin, unrevealed name)
Rating?: teens, PG-13
Word count: 657 words.
Michael is taking a ride in Koh's car alongside Morgan and Wes, and he gets a look at the face of the new girl who stole his seat.
It was a slow morning. The car hummed as it stopped, Koh looked at the traffic lights, to keep an eye on when the red light would finally switch. Morgan was in the back with Michael, drinking out a soda can as she rolled her eyes, looking out the window on her side, while Wes was riding shotgun and on his phone texting somebody. Michael looked out the side of his window too, looking at the empty car lane next to them.
"So again, did I miss anything the past two days?" He looked back at Morgan, asking. He was away due to family stuff happening a week before school started.
"Well, a new girl took your seat in homeroom" she said, taking another sip of her can, "and you also missed seeing our new weird principal-"
"Hold up, some new kid took my seat?" He looked at her, raising his eyebrows before dropping them.
"yeah. You're gonna be sitting in the front next to Caleb I think, Michael." She laughed for a second, grinning. "Thank fuck I still got mine."
"Oh, shut up." He rolled his eyes, looking straight ahead at the traffic lights from the front window, he couldn't believe he had to sit at the front for the rest of the year now.
As everyone was silent, waiting for the traffic lights to turn green. However as they waited, this powerful roar of an engine could be heard next to them. Everyone looked to the right, and saw a fire truck engine red 1963 dodge dart with a white roof. on the sides and the hood of the car it had these silver strips, with a fire design on the bottom of the car all around in silver as well. It was loud, powerful, Michael could feel the power from it as the sound of it reverberated in Koh's car.
Michael saw the driver behind the wheel, as her windows were down. The driver looked just as intense as her car.
Bright amber eyes peeking out above her rectangle sunglasses, a studded leather jacket that was unzipped enough to show her cleavage from her black tank top, and her hands were covered with rings as her neck covered in yellow gold jewellery and pearls. Her hair was a sight too, with how curly and voluminous it was, and with the rainbow highlights she had sticking out alongside the black hair in her ponytail, with white and grey hairs. Her tan skin almost glowed a lovely goldish-orange colour as some of the sun peered into her car.
She looked to the side, looking directly at Michael. She took her lollipop out of her mouth and rolled her eyes at him.
"fuck you looking at?" She mouthed, furrowing her eyebrows before looking back at the road. Her car was playing Hypnotize by The Notorious B.I.G so loud that it muffled the song Koh had playing on the radio.
Michael looked away, looking at Morgan who was watching at their interaction.
"well isn't that nice, that's the girl who stole your seat." She said.
Michael stayed silent. A bit stunned at this information.
"... She's the girl?" He asked again, not wanting to believe it.
"yup" she nodded her head, "what? You crushing?"
"hell no" he scrunched his face up a bit, looking at her with a strong small glare, before looking back at the front.
Koh was starting to move the car again, as the green light finally shined on them. The girl beside them was already gone, her car sped off as the engine roared loudly, covering all other sounds as it faded away.
Michael was a bit curious about her. she had a loud and bright vintage car, didn't mind telling people off at staring, and she was the same person who stole his seat.
Time could only tell how they'd interact with eachother, and Michael didn't know how to exactly feel about it.
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triciabeloved · 7 months
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koh!! i tried experimenting with my artstyle recently,,, and yeah.
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hssprimefan · 3 months
Your Family
This isn't a real quest, I'm just a hacker
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