#koh fan
baldwinivmybeloved · 3 months
"This post contains the chapters of my 2 fics published to date"
Slave to your heart completed The rose and the king in publication
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°:. *₊ ° .THE KING AND THE ROSE ★ . ° ₊ *
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In a land marked by the sands of time and whispers of betrayal, a story of love, revenge, and faith unfolds. At the heart of the kingdom, King Baldwin IV, a figure shrouded in mystery and power, faces the challenges of a tumultuous world.Allishah, a young woman of celestial beauty and naive spirit, finds herself ensnared in a game of intrigue when her mother marries the infamous Reynald de Chatilleau. Manipulated by her mother's cunning and desired by all, Allishah struggles to find her own path amidst shadows that conceal secrets and broken promises List of charpers
Charper One
Charper Two
Charper Three
Charper Four
➜ ꜝ🦢﹒ Slave to your heart ⌗
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“Xica, a beautiful slave girl, the illegitimate daughter of an African woman and a French count of white complexion, whose father was executed in his homeland. The African slave was forced to flee with her daughter to the lands of Jerusalem. But fate changes; young girls become more beautiful as time passes, more graceful. Having a beautiful body is both a curse and a blessing for a slave; it could not bring much benefit except that her beauty and the kindness with which she was blessed would help her to win over the leprous king.”
“list of chapters
Charper one
Charper Two
Charper Three
Charper Four
Charper Five
Charper Six
Charper Seven
Charper Eight
Charper Nine
Charper Ten
Charper Eleven
Charper Twelve
Charper Thirteen
Charper Fourteen
Charper Fifteen
Charper Sixteen
Charper Seventeen
Charper Eighteen
Charper Nineteen
Charper twenty
Charper Twenty One
Charper Twenty Two
Charper Twenty Three
Charper Twenty Four
Charper Twenty Five
Charper Twenty Six
Charper Twenty Seven
Charper Twenty Eight
Charper twenty Nine
Charper Thirty
Charper Thirty One
FINAL CHARPER + 3 finals
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milaeryn · 11 days
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Imagine if King Baldwin was married...
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madbedlam · 9 months
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baudouinette · 1 month
The Leper Saint
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another art that I abandoned (June) and just finished up. the little face veil was supposed to be more opaque so that it would actually serve its purpose (lol) but I spent too much time on the face to just cover it up so much ❤️‍🩹
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reblogs very welcome but no reposts without permission please! (bad experience. iykyk)
-atomnolly/baudouinette on Pinterest
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eatmeandbirthmeagain · 2 months
Request: Baldwin cuddles/snuggles. Circumstance up to you, but make it as fluffy as humanly possible.
♡ Hold Me - King Baldwin x Reader ♡
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♡ Fluff ♡
A/N: Hello Anon (I know who you are hehe)!! This is so cute I couldent wait to write this one, fluff is my faivorite thing ever. I hope you like it 🩷. As always, this is based on the film "Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
TW: Leprosy
Pain was nothing short of a constant in Baldwin’s life. His body ached, his head spun and the lack of sensation made it almost impossible to complete simple tasks.
But like with anything, some days it was worse than others. This day happened to be one of those days.
The young king lay on his bed as physicians worked on tending to his body. He had passed out during a meeting and had been immediately brought to his chambers for medical treatment.
As he faded in and out of consciousness, Baldwin could only think of one thing. Y/n. She had been out attending a wedding all day and said she would be back by evening, but for Baldwin the hour of her return could not come soon enough.
At times like these, it was her arms he craved more than anything. Nothing compared to snuggling into her warm body as she stroked his hair, whispering sweet words as he dozed off to sleep.
“Whe- when is the queen set to return…?” he spoke wearily to Tiberius who stood beside his bed.
“Very soon my lord. I shall inform her of what happened when she arrives” Baldwin nodded and closed his eyes again, but could not fall into sleep.
He wanted his wife. 
Outside the castle, y/n dismounted her horse. Handing the reins to a servant, she made her way inside only to be greeted by Tiberius who stopped her as she made her way to the royal chambers.
Confused, she asked if everything was alright to be met with a worried look from the official.
“The king lost consciousness today during a meeting. He is doing better now but has been asking for you all afternoon. I suggest you see him-” he didn't even get a chance to finish before y/n sprinted for the bedchambers.
Inside, she saw the physicians finishing up the last bandages on her husband who lay sprawled out on their shared bed. Dropping her bags, she rushed to him.
“My darling, what happened?” she spoke urgently but still in a soothing tone.
Baldwin opened his eyes just enough to see her before a crooked smile spread across his bandaged face.
“Y/n! You're hereee” he cooed, reaching up a gloved hand to stroke her cheek. The queen took his hand in hers and kissed it softly. Despite the situation, she couldn't help but smile at how cute he was.
“Come cuddle meeee pleasee” he whined, causing y/n to chuckle.
Removing her day clothes, the queen climbed into the bed beside Baldwin who reached his arms up, opening and closing his hands like a small child wanting to be picked up.
Y/n scooped him up gently, laying his frail body against her side so his head rested on her chest. The young king sighed blissfully, snuggling into the warmth of his wife.
She kissed the top of her husband's head, running her fingers through his blonde curls, earning a soft groan of pleasure.
“I love you so much, y/n” he mumbled through a poorly stifled yawn.
“I love you too, my beautiful boy,” she replied, kissing his forehead again.
Baldwin closed his eyes once more, his thoughts trailing off as he fell into a deep sleep. Y/n smiled at how fast he fell asleep. Barely a minute had passed and he was already snoring.
“You must be tired, poor baby” y/n muttered, running her fingers through his hair.
The young queen gazed down at her husband as he slept. The way his hands and feet twitched in sleep reminded her of a puppy having a pleasant dream. It was adorable.
He looked so innocent like this, it was hard to believe he was such a powerful king when he slept in her arms.
Soon, the soft sound of her husband's snoring and the warmth of the evening lulled the queen into a light sleep.
Even in rest, she held Baldwin tightly. Keeping her promise of holding onto him and never letting go for as long as she lived.
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 3 months
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Fun little wind downs. More like before!
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chicken-blitz13 · 2 months
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Prince Baldwin IV with his hound and hawk
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dark-raven-666 · 1 month
Reader tells Baldwin IV that he is beautiful.
Tags: fluff, reader is Baldwin's childhood best friend.
Warnings: mentions of leprosy and death?
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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ 
He turned slowly, the silver of his mask glinting in the light. Behind the mask, a pair of blue eyes: the left as clear as a crystal, the right cloudy and bloodshot framed by a marred, disfigured eyelid.
"You came" he said almost in a whisper.
"I promised didn't I? " she responded, with a smile on her face. She was the kings childhood best friend who he had finally found again. Before she disappeared she swore to always find him when he called.
"I hear you still enjoy chess. " She sayd her voice soft.
All he could do was stand there, still and frozen as if the time had stopped, then he spoke in a whisper "yes".
The two kept staring at each other as she sat across him on the table. She would have spoken, asked him how he had been, yet from the state of his bandaged body and masked face, she knew.
Then she says "I heard you won a great victory at sixteen."
The king’s brows raised slightly, a flicker of surprise passing across his features. “Strategy and tactics are what ultimately won me the day, despite what the odds were.”
She smiled and proceeded to speak "You think you only won because of that? Salahuddin is a smart man, he has conquered many lands. I believe the Lord was in your side".
The king only looked at the lady before him. Waiting for her to continue speaking.
"If it was not God then something was wrong that day. Salahuddin never acts in rage, he thinks and calculates. Something happened that drove him to be careless" the lady spoke as if she truly was curious as to what had been troubling the Muslim warrior that day.
All Baldwin could do was nod and say "Perhaps you are right. His rage may have blinded him, given me the opening I needed.”
They looked at each other for a moment each gazing into the others eyes.
She broke the silence and said "you do not belong in Jerusalem."
The king’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his head cocked to one side. “What makes you say that?” He questioned, his tone curious rather than angry.
"I know you are a religious man but you are also a leper. This hot climate will bring upon your death faster. " She spoke, her words cutting his heart, yet he knew she was right. The holy city, a hot city in Palestine was no place for a leper.
The king stiffened ever so slightly, and he was silent for a moment. “You are correct.” He eventually muttered. “The climate of Jerusalem is not suitable for those with my illness. The warmer the conditions, the more rapidly the leprosy spreads.”
He looked down at the table, avoiding her gaze. “Unfortunately, I know not where to go. "
"Are you not French? Go to France, visit your home land, and if it does not feel right, go else. You will find home eventually" She said her voice growing quieter towards the end.
A pause, as the king considered her suggestion. “France…” He mused quietly. “I have not been there since.... I do not remember.”
A soft exhale, almost like a sigh, escapes his lips. “I suppose going back is a possibility, but… I am too familiar with the land. I cannot be the warrior in which I was, the king that I am. The people will judge me, and… see me as nothing but leper.”
"It is agonizing isn't it? To have your freedom taken from you for title of king? I bet a man like you would rather be something else. " She spoke quietly, imagining him as a common man.
The king lets out a heavy, exhausted sigh, his head bowing slightly. “Indeed, it is agonizing.” He mutters, his voice thick with the weariness he is so familiar with.
“A man like me…” He repeated the words softly, his tone contemplative. “Perhaps that is true…”
" Your illness made you who you are now, they say yet all I see is a 13 year old boy wanting to play, hoping to marry, hoping to live to a 100.
Yet they are right... You would not have been as smart if the leprosy had not kept you at home, your only entertainment books. Perhaps days come when your body aches, you look at the roof of the bed and wish that you were stupid and healthy. "
The king is silent for a moment, his gaze fixed on the board before him, his mind elsewhere as the woman speaks. He can only see the days in which he spent sitting inside, unable to move about and play and explore as he so desperately longed for as a child. The countless books he’d read, the stories he’d heard and the lessons he’d learned.
The years of sitting in a quiet room in his home, his only company being the books, the teachers, the family. It had been an endless cycle.
"They look at the disease and say you are ugly. I look at your eyes and say you are the most beautiful I have ever seen" Her voice had been now filled with passion and adornment for the man before her.
The king is at a loss for words, left silenced by the woman’s soft, sincere declaration. He stares at her in quiet awe, her statement taking root in his mind and leaving him stunned.
Nobody had ever seen him that way. For years, he’d been shunned and avoided. Called vile and revolting. Hideous, deformed.
He was quiet for several long moments, blinking slowly. “You… think I am beautiful…?”
"The most beautiful." She whispered and laid her hand on his gloved one.
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tobeahundred · 3 months
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Aere Perennius
Chapter Twenty Five: The Battle of Montgisard
TW: War and Violence
“Deus le veult!” The crusaders chanted in unison as they approached the Saracen army in a dauntingly slow, steady march. The foot soldiers formed a strong line behind them, while the crossbow men prepared to fire. As they approached within an arrows shot of the Ayyubids, the crusaders increased their pace, charging across the battlefield atop their warhorses with their lances lowered and swords raised proudly above their heads. The crossbowmen fired their weapons, bolts shattering enemy shields and armor. They carved through the scrambling infidels, making their ranks crumble like sand. “For St. George! For Jerusalem! For King Baldwin! ” Jerusalem has come.
Read more here
This art was made for me by the AMAZING Ionee Beruru. Please follow her on Cara or on Facebook. --
If you like my story please please consider supporting organizations like Doctors Without Borders and the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund.
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arioloyal · 4 months
4th june 2024
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It's been a year that I got into this fandom and I've found wonderful friends. I'm so glad ✨️🌸
Specially: @kingbaldwinthe4th my pookie :)
Cr: me
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whereis-mypizza · 1 year
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baldwinivmybeloved · 1 month
I'm back sweeties! Here is a drawing of Baldwin that I tried with a new style I hope you like it (≧▽≦q)
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urban-swan · 4 months
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“I, am Jerusalem.”
-King Baldwin IV, Kingdom of Heaven.
(Please click for better quality ✊😔)
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madbedlam · 10 months
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"You 're a beautiful boy..." RECOLORED
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baudouinette · 3 months
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My hero
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[It looks better cropped]
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I’m always challenging myself in art. This required skills that I haven’t practiced enough so that’s why it looks a bit wonky, but hope you like it anyway! 🗡️
I cry while drawing him lol. He’s a saint imo✨
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Okay so Baldwin doesn't realise this but he has severe separation anxiety from you, and one day you go away to visit a sick relative and he's so lonely all day and he's just mooching about the library and the stables etc etc. When you come back in the evening you realise just how much he missed you and you feel bad about leaving him and you both fall asleep curled up together 💗 (Also you don't HAVE to do this but when they're cuddling at the end of the day Baldwin's golden hair has to be out and you're running your fingers through it when you're reassuring him)
♡ Beautiful Boy - King Baldwin x Reader ♡
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♡ Fluff ♡
A/N: Hello Maddy!! Thank you so much for the request girl this is so cute 😭. Havent heard from you for a while, I hope youre doing well 🩷! As always, this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
PS: F/n = Fathers name. I use that term in this oneshot 😅
TW: Leprosy, Separation Anxiety
It had been a few years since the marriage between the king of Jerusalem and the daughter of Lord f/n.
In the time the two had been married, there was rarely a day they spent apart. Every moment of each day was spent together, whether it be in conversation or comfortable silence.
Baldwin, who before his wedding was used to a life of solitude, welcomed the company with open arms. He loved having not just a wife, but a companion who he could share each and every one of his deepest thoughts with.
After so many years of being alone, he was finally whole. He adored being around y/n and she adored being around him. They were perfect for eachother.
But it was not until one day that the young king realized just how much the absence of his wife affected him. He knew that he missed her when she was gone, even if it was for only a few minutes. But he was not aware that her absence could possibly destress him until y/n’s father fell ill.
It was necessary that she went to see him, despite Baldwin not being able to attend by order of his physicians.
“I will be back before sundown” y/n told him with a smile as she mounted her horse.
“I promise you”
“Very well, just please be safe,” the young king replied.
Baldwin found himself fighting back tears as she rode off into the desert, leaving him to watch her disappear into the horizon. He thought about what to do while she was gone.
It was a slow day in the kingdom, not a whole lot to do. Usually on days like this, he and the queen would sit in their shared chambers, playing chess, reading together or just talking about anything.
But not today.
First, Baldwin headed for the library. He ascended the stairs, stopping a few times to catch his breath on account of the mask that restricted his breathing more than it already was.
Cursing under his breath, he finally made it to the library. Baldwin walked silently through the rows and rows of books, wishing that his wife was there to look with him.
Once or twice, he even caught himself calling out her name to come and see an interesting paper he found, only to be met with silence. With a heavy sigh, Baldwin began to descend the stairs once again after finding no cure to his loneliness amongst the books.
He went to the stables, the courtyard, even the kitchen before returning to his chambers after a few hours.
Taking a seat at his desk, the young king felt tears well in his eyes. He felt so alone without her. So anxious and strangely vulnerable. What was happening to him? A man should not rely so heavily on his wife for such things, but he did.
Baldwin pondered this for a while and just when he felt as if he would finally cry, the chamber doors opened and y/n entered the room with a smile.
“Hello darling, how was your day?” she asked cheerfully, putting her bag down.
Baldwin rushed to his wife, wrapping his arms around her neck and pulling her into a tight hug.
“Oh- you missed me did you?” she chuckled, startled by his sudden affection.
Baldwin did not reply, just hugged her tighter and squeezed his eyes shut. Y/n returned the hug, rubbing her husband's back gently. She reached up and pulled his veil off to reveal silky blonde curls before running her hand through them, scratching him behind the ear and over the scalp.
Baldwin groaned softly at the feeling of her hands working away the growing migraine in his head.
“It's getting late, why don't we get some rest hm?” y/n said softly, the young king only nodded in reply. 
Baldwin did not let go of his wife a single time as they were getting ready for bed. He was either holding her hand or resting his chin on her shoulder, so y/n never got more than a foot away before he was back by her side.
It was amongst this and his greeting that made y/n realize he had missed her much more than she believed he would. Baldwin had always been somewhat clingy but this hurt her heart. He was so deeply attached to her that it made her never wanted to leave his side again.
Once in bed, Baldwin was very quick to snuggle into his wife.
“You missed me today huh?” y/n said gently, running her fingers through his hair.
Baldwin nodded.
“I missed you too, my love. But I am back now, and I will always come back. No matter how long I'm gone”.
The young king looked up at his wife and smiled. She loved seeing his smile without the mask. He had the cutest little smile and his bright blue eyes always glowed when he looked at her.
Y/n kissed her husband's forehead, pushing a golden curl away from his eye. She cupped his mottled face in her hand. In return, Baldwin nuzzled his cheek into her palm, looking up at her with a dreamy smile.
“You're so beautiful Baldwin” she whispered. “My beautiful boy” 
“I love you y/n” the young king said, the dreamy smile never once leaving his face.
“I love you too Baldwin. And I always will”.
Y/n held her husband close to her that night as he dozed off to sleep in her arms. She waited until he was fast asleep before closing her eyes, just to ensure that he was alright.
Before long, both the young king and queen were sleeping peacefully, curled up together in each other's embrace.
Exactly where they wanted to be.
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