#koga kitamikado fic
Ayakashi - Koga Kitamikado - Wasted Love
Pairing: futaba (adult) x koga kitamikado
Warnings: assault, alcohol, bad language
Word count: 1.415
A/N: this fic is an alternative story based on his card 100 yearnings of love (that he gets wasted in the entertainment quarter with oji). Futaba here is an adult and she works with her father. She is almost Koga's age. Btw, I wrote this fic almost a year ago but I was too lazy to edit it. Now it seems a great moment to post it, as today is Koga’s bday!!!! Happy birthday, my oni ogre. I’ll always always love you, even if I can’t play ayakashi anymore. Voltage can’t take you away from me!!!!
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Koga went to town to have so fun with his friends. Thankfully, he can take the rest of the night off to chill, which is unusual considering there is always something urgent for him to do.
The entrepreneur always receives invitations to fancy parties and the likes, but today, he just wants to vibe with his closest friends.
These men are bachelors, who, by chance, also love sake. Their motto is to always drink to their heart's contents.
Today, a very traditional restaurant is holding a sake tasting in their establishment to promote local sake businesses. The perfect event for guys like Koga and his friends. And as expected, sake lovers would never say no to this unique opportunity.
All Koga wants after a busy week is to taste that nectar on his oni lips until he quenches his thirst.
After hours of tasting all the types of sake available, they were far from being tired of drinking. One of the female attendants approached the rowdy group to ask if they would still like another round of sake.
“Would you like more sake handsome boys?”, said you one of the female attendants.
“Oh yeah, We're just getting started! Hahaha.”
“Huh! As if I would lose to you, Koga. Bring it on, lady!”
“HAHAHA. That's the spirit, Akira!”
While the attendant was laughing at the boys’ enthusiasm, a second friend of Koga, Hokuto, started flirting with her.
“And what about you pretty lady? You must be tired of just serving us. Why don't you join us instead?”
“Yeahhh! Don't worry about your boss, we can deal with him later. I'm sure he will understand”, shouted an excited Akira.
“I would love to! Thank you. I'll just get your drinks first.”
“Now we are talking about! Koga, you saw that? Ahhh, today is our lucky day!!! Sake and women are an unbeatable combo!”
“So you make sure she sits next to you, Akira. I have nothing to do with that. I just want the sake, you know.”
“Ohh, here you go again. Don’t worry, Koga. Futaba is not gonna get mad at you, we were the ones who invited her.”
Then, by accident, Koga knocked over some glasses that were on the table, making a huge noise in the establishment.
Luckily, most people didn't notice because it was late at night and the remaining customers were also wasted or too busy talking and laughing loud.
“Oops, hahaha. Where those glasses came from?”
“Is that him panicking just to the possibility of his sweetheart seeing him here with other women?
“Oi, don't talk as if I was not here... Futaba is a busy woman, but she is very understanding. No way she would… Ahhh, I don’t need to give you any explanation!”
“I'll pay for the broken glasses. Look, I have money!”
“Hahaha I thought you were going to use that money to buy more sake though!”
“Oh shit, true! But no worries! There is more where this came from! HAHAHA”
The attendant comes back with more sake for the rowdy men. After serving them, she sits at the table and starts drinking too.
But it doesn’t take long before one of the coworkers approaches to let her know she needs to get back to work because another group of costumers just arrived and someone needs to serve them.
As all the other attendants were extra busy, she excuses herself to wait on the other clients.
“Wow, kinda late to enter now, isn't it? What time is it anyway?”
“Hehehe, I don't know. But they are no idiots, Hokuto. Look those ladies with them.”
“Shit! Isn’t that…!”
Koga turns his head around to see what his friends were talking about. That's when he sees Futaba with some ladies and gentlemen sitting at a table on the other side of the establishment.
“WTF!?”. Without thinking twice, Koga gets up clumsily and rushes toward the table where Futaba just sat. His friends try to stop him, but they are too wasted to hold an infuriated and confused Koga, who was not ashamed of throwing a fit in public.
“Are you guys going to try some of these special sakes?”, said a cheerful Futaba.
“Huh? What was that?”. Futaba turns around to see Koga screaming her name from the other side of the restaurant. She gets shocked when she sees her beloved Koga walking towards her as if he was going to kill someone.
“What is happening, Futaba?”
“Err... I'm not sure myself. If you excus...”
“What are you doing?”, whispers one of Futaba’s female friends. “Do not leave the table with our patrons here! They will get offended.”
“Listen, I don’t know what Koga is doing here, but knowing him, it would be best if I try to calm him down first. He doesn't know these men. He may be worried about my safety…”
“No, Futaba. Stay here. You’ll make things worse. Now sit here next to me.”
In a split second, Koga approaches Futaba’s table. The oni ogre is foaming at the mouth. His red eyes shone like flames as if he was in a war zone ready to take the enemy down.
“Koga, can you please stop screaming? Your behavior next to my patrons is not acceptable! Let’s talk…”
“And who the fuck is that man? Get the fuck out of here, drunkard. If you touch any of the ladies here I will ask my bodyguards to kick you out right now!”, shouted one of the men at Futaba’s table.
“AM I TALKING TO YOU?! If you dare to interrupt my conversation with Futaba one more time. You'll regret ever coming here.”
“That's outrageous! This fucker needs to go immediately!”
Koga and the other men at Futaba's table kept yelling at each other when another friend of hers tried to cool down their spirits.
“Do you know who this guy is? Please, we are talking to Koga Kitamikado! It must be just some misunderstanding, okay? He is Futaba's lover. I'm sure he has his reasons to come here. Let’s all solve this like adults.”
“Yes, Sakura is right. I can handle this. It won't take long, I promise. I will just explain to Koga...”
“I don't give a fuck if he is a Kitamikado or not. No man is gonna ruin our...”
Before the man can finish his sentence, Koga punches the guy so hard that he goes down like a sack of potatoes, letting everyone in the establishment astonished by what they had just witnessed.
Koga's friends, who were watching the whole scene, decide to intervene once again by talking to the other men at Futaba's table and to Koga as well.
"Who on earth were the other men thinking? Inviting Fubata in the middle of the night to the entertainment quarter and expecting to get away with it with Koga watching the whole thing? Don’t these men hear the rumors about Koga and Futaba?", said a resigned Hokuto.
Somehow, even though they are all drunk, they manage to control the commotion. One of Koga’s friends escorted Futaba’s female friends, and the man who Koga knocked out was taken to the hospital. According to the rumors, he was conscious. Futaba and Koga took a carriage back to his place before he could assault other people.
Once the duo gets to Koga’s manor, Futaba promptly helps to carry him inside.
“Here, Koga. Let me help you. Come on. We're home. I mean... in your house.”
“I’m fine. I’m fine!”
“I think I'll beg to differ, but okay, if you're fine then you can go to your room by yourself while I head to my house.”
“Futaba, wait... Are you hurt? If those fuckers did something to you...”
“Please, stop it. You're exaggerating. It was just a business meeting. Look, we're getting close to your room. Don’t be too loud, okay? You may wake up, Kuya. And we don’t want that.”
After putting Koga on his bed, Futaba looks for some other blankets for Koga when she sees those red eyes staring at her.
“What is it, Koga?”
“Futaba… I’ll solve it, okay?”
“I’ll not let anyone ruin your reputation because of me. I’ll talk to them tomorrow. Just stay the night here.”
Now knowing how to say no to those pleading red eyes looking at her, Futaba gets some extra blankets for herself as well.  
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shonenkun309 · 5 months
May is very promising I'm telling y'all!!!
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Got a request from @shonenkun20 . I apologize for getting it out so so so so so so So SO late I had started it just a few days after the request was made and had gotten a good chunk done but than I accidentally forgot to save it to my drafts at one point so I lost EVERYTHING and never forgave myself or this piece of writing 😅. Anyway, I had like no ideas for a story so I decided to just give you some jealousy headcannons and a small scene I apologize. Once again I'm sorry for getting this out as late as it is. Anyway here is my jealousy headcannons (+small scene) for our Oni boy Koga. I also apologize for how short and probably OOC this is. You didn't specify what gender so I went with female. I hope you like my little headcannons and fic. Enjoy♡
I think this should be pretty obvious but he doesn't really get jealous very easily...
The only people he ever really gets jealous about (specifically over his s/o) are Toichiro and Kyua
With Toichiro he doesn't like how interested he seems in you even though he is like that with basically everyone...
And then you and Kyua just seem very friendly and while he is very happy about that he also...isn't
When it comes to his particular form of jealousy he just becomes a bit more protective than he usually is
Just always having an arm around your waist or shoulders sometimes even a surprise (often a LITERALLY breathing) kiss
Just over all very sweet and slightly possessive boy who just wants to protect you from other people's eyes and just be loved (insecure boy tbh)
You, (y/n) were at the lavish mansion of a handsome and fairly well known aristocrat you just so happened to have built an albeit strange, but nice friendship with. By the name of Toichiro Yuri. You were not alone of course as your lover was with you as well. He was another fairly well known man within the town you lived in. His name was Koga Kitamikado. Toichiro's valet Shizuki was there as well of course but he is less important as of the telling of this story. So the four friends (including Shizuki) had been sitting in a living room type area for some time simply discussing unimportant topics that somehow turned to a party of sorts being held in town in two days time (y/n) aka still you, had completely forgotten until it had been brought up by the not only fox like but also physically a kitsune in human form; Toichiro. A hand was placed on your knee from the fox man. "So (y/n)..." Toichiro began "I belive you have heard of the party being held in town square in just a few days am I right?" You had to think for a moment before you had fully registered his words, you than nodded in recollection of the large festival like dance to be held. "Yeah I do remember hearing about it." You stated blatantly in reply wondering not only about why he was asking given he was quite literally the one who had brought it up to you in the first place, but also because his hand was now lightly resting on your thigh. Of course you couldn't have seen it but Koga had a glare frosty enough to rival Shizuki's ice powers and was directing it at Toichiro's smug face. He, Koga than slipped you out of the foxes grasp and into his arms a frigid look still pointed at his friend. "We are going together." He told The Kitsune. The fox smiled wryly at the Oni. "Oh? I wasn't aware you had fully made your claim to her." You ended up in the middle of a slightly intense stairing contest between the two, up until Shizuki cut into the conversation. "It seems to have gotten rather late. I believe it would be best if maser Koga and Ms.(Y/n) were to get home before dark." You wordlessly thanked him and the two other males nodded in agreement, thus cutting the tension in the room. So Koga and yourself both stood up from your seets and were escorted by Shizuki to the door. Once the two of you got to your house he slipped his arm from your shoulders to your waist and leaned in for a soft and sweet, yet passionate kiss. Almost like he was trying to pour every ounce of affection he had for you straight from his heart into yours. Once you pulled away from each other he gave you a gental smile and a second small peck to your lips, and then another, and then a third. You softly sighed and leaned against him. "You know he was just teasing you." He nodded at your words a sigh leaving his lips. "I know, but I don't like it when he touches you like that." He mumbled back. "I know...you know I love you, and you alone right?" He nodded, a hidden smile gracing his handsome face. "I love you too." He replied. "You should head inside and get some sleep." You nodded with a yawn. "I suppose." You mused before giving him one final kiss on the cheek and heading inside your house.
The end♡
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draconivn · 4 years
014 | A Mid-Day Snack
Summary: Koga’s usually buried in paperwork. Today, he’s training. So... shirtless Koga and... kabedon? Warnings: Shirtless Koga, kabedon Pairings: Reader x Koga Kitamikado (Ayakashi: Romance Reborn) Author’s Note: Here’s my crack at an ARR fic for once. Shoutout to Momoka for the scandalous shirtless Koga idea.
How did it come to this?
When I came here and Kuya told me that Koga was training, the first reaction I had was to arch my brow. Koga was usually buried in paperwork if he wasn’t out and about, taking in the sights of the Capital, but he did make time to see me whenever he could. I hoped that today, I’d be able to relieve him of his work-related stress with a boxed lunch I made, now in my hands and bundled in a furoshiki. I know he has a maid and all, but I want to give him a little something.
The sounds of Koga’s battle calls guided me to the garden of his manor, treading carefully to make sure I wasn’t in an earshot of his sword.
It was at the last corner that I was finally able to see him, poking my head out carefully just to make sure the coast was clear.
But what greeted me there had caught me off-guard, and I felt the warmth rise to my cheeks. 
Koga held his sword in hand so carefully, his grip firm as concentration etched across his face at the empty air in front of him. No one could simply brandish their sword as easily anymore, so the walls of his property gave him the security he needed. Yet there was no target for him, only whatever he defined as his enemy, unless he was imagining the shadows that could grant him his next move.
My skin grew warm as my eyes accidentally drifted down, as the man I love had his kimono stripped off his torso and hung around his waist by his obi. His horns were proud on his head, his skin glistening with sweat as if the cool air had done nothing to douse the flames of his passionate training. The glyph and contract emblem graced his chest, barely hiding the curves of his muscles that were tucked away beneath his clothing.
For a brief moment, I realized I was gawking. Ogling even.
And I blinked, shutting my gaping mouth and looked back up at his face.
Koga was staring back at me, a teasing grin on his lips as he relaxed with the dull curve of his sword sitting on his shoulder so casually. “Are you going to be a stranger or are you going to say hi?”
 I’ve been found out! Flustered, I came out from my hiding spot, and tried to will my legs to come forward. “H-Hi–” Seeing this shouldn’t have made me so shy, but it was Koga standing so proudly with the sun peeking through the trees and shining on him like he was a god and not an oni. “U-Uhm…” Say something! “Kuya told me that you were training, so I didn’t… want to interrupt.”
Koga approached me, a brow raised at the mention of Kuya. “Huh. He didn’t come to tell me you were here though. I would’ve come out to get you myself.”
And let the whole world see you like this? I wanted to smack myself for that comment. “I told him I didn’t want to disturb you, and it sounded like you were practicing with your sword so uhm…” I tried to let the dead space in the air speak for itself, trying to distract myself with something other than the sweaty chest he flashed to me as he stood in front of him.
“Hey, what are you talking about? You’re not a disturbance at all. If anything, seeing you is the break I needed today.” His hand reached for me, stroking my cheek and guiding me to look up at him.
I tried to change direction, quickly searching for something that would save me from the embarrassment that he’s seconds away from prying out of me. It’s the cloth that catches my attention, and I’m stuttering quickly as I move out of his hand. “W-Wait–! You need to dry your sweat before the cold air dries it all up and you get sick!”
“Huh? Oh, right.”
I offered him the nearby towel to help dry his sweat, my head turned slightly so I wouldn't be caught staring a little too much at the glistening of his bare chest. My cheeks were already flaring but I knew I couldn't hide my face for long. I could feel the material slip through my fingers as Koga took the towel, though there's a pause and his gaze falling on me. 
"Hm? You're really red." 
"I-" I should've thought of an excuse but it was already too late. 
His large hand reached over to cup my cheek, tilting my head to make me face him and peer into those beautiful eyes of his. "You weren't going to lie to me, were you?" His voice is soft, teasing as the grin that sat on his lips. "You know you can't hide anything from me." I really can't. My secrets would unravel in front of him no matter how much I try.
Like the cruel tease he is, he pulls back to let me have some part of my sanity so he could towel off his sweat. 
My heart is thudding loudly in my eardrums that I can't ignore the way he's standing here so casually, his clothes down to his waist as every bit of that cloth takes away the evidence of today's training. I stop myself from looking, knowing the longer I linger, the more he'll have in teasing me.
Not even diverting my eyes to the glyph on his chest will save me now.
I’ve nearly forgotten the furoshiki that I brought, not knowing how I’m still holding this thing to my chest until it seems to be plucked out of my grasp and he leans in. Third time’s a charm, as if he’s figured out how to grab a hold of me when I’m caught staring at him, and his other arm comes up, planting his forearm against the wood of the wall. A few steps could have landed me right against the shoji door or in the room, but instead, I’m trapped by his gaze that makes me flush so deeply. “K-Koga…?”
“That’s three times and you still won’t look me in the eyes.” His voice is low, soft yet husky, craning his head to see if he can get a better angle at my face. “Aren’t you going to look at me, or were you busy staring at the rest of me?”
“Wha– You–!” I abruptly turn my head to look up at him in the eyes, only to be met with a satisfied grin, and I’ve realized then and there that I’ve fallen into his trap. My cheeks are flared up before him with nothing to keep me hidden, baring all my thoughts and emotions in one shot as he embarrasses me to no end. I’ve become so shy, my legs are ready to turn to jelly. 
“Well…?” he asks so expectantly.
“W-Well, what?” Right. His… question… “U-Uhm… I’ve never seen you like this before s-so…” The answer I received was a growth in his grin and I wanted to dig a hole to dive into.  A situation like this was not good for my heart, that had my hands reaching out to place flat on his sturdy bare chest for support before my legs dared to give out. “K-Koga…”
His breath fans against my ear that it has me shivering, his chuckle sounding deeply. “...Do you want to see this more often?” His chuckle grew into a laugh, and I felt even more doomed than I did when I walked into this corner of his manor. With a warm heat in his gaze as he pulled back from my ear, he took my embarrassment for himself and leaned in, head tilted at an angle.
The stammers and blushes I made today were none like the one I made in front of others, granted only to the man in front of me as he kissed my breath away. The boxed lunch, as sturdy as the box was, had been set down neatly on the floor before I found myself in his lap and my lips silenced without another word of tease.
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moonstruck-writing · 3 years
Updated 27/07/2024
Fluff ✉
Angst ☂
Smut ⚠
Humour ☼
Requested ↹
☽ Spring Troupe
Tsuzuru Minagi
↳ Like the inside of your hoodie ✉☂
↳ Sheltered Winter ✉↹
☽ Summer Troupe
Kazunari Miyoshi
↳ Slipping Away ☂new!
Misumi Ikaruga
↳ A learner for you ⚠✉
Kumon Hyoudou
↳ Imperfect Parfaits and Other Oxymorons ✉☂ ↳ Permanence ☂✉ new!
All troupe members (Summer)
↳ Roses and Friendship ✉
☽ Autumn Troupe
Omi Fushimi
↳ Sweet Wounds ✉
↳ The International Club's Party ☂✉
↳ Burn ☂✉
All troupes
↳ Thank you, Mankai ✉☂
Akatsuki no Yona
↳ Words ☂✉
↳ Vulnerable with you ⚠✉
A Sign of Affection
↳ A Budding Change ✉ new!
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
↳ New bonds ⚠✉
↳ Sunshine in winter ⚠✉
↳ Your first trip together ✉
↳ Loyal ⚠✉
↳ Study Time ✉
Koga Kitamikado
↳ Promises ✉☂
↳ Painting on skin ✉
Blue Flag
↳ Reality after daydreams ✉
Break My Case
☽Watchdog Dept.
Shinobu Aizawa
↳Gym Confessions ✉☂new!
↳ Insecurities ✉☂
↳ Staring Contest ✉
Tao x Elle
↳ Is it okay to break a promise? ✉
Ikemen Prince
Yves Kloss
↳ Red and Golden ⚠✉
↳ Devoted Attention ✉
↳ A blessing in disguise ✉☂
Luke Randolph
↳ Towards Spring ✉ ↳ Bonfire Night ✉ new!
Rio Ortiz
↳ A new family member ✉☂
↳ We could always elope ✉
↳The First Night ⚠✉
Ikemen Revolution
Luka Clemence
↳ Proof of Affection ⚠✉
↳ Another Step ⚠✉
Paradox Live
↳ International Women's Day hc ✉
Allen Sugasano
↳ Rebound ☂✉
Iori Suiseki
↳ Fire and Ice ✉
Zen Gaho
↳ Wearing His Clothes ✉ ⚠ ↳ On a Chilling Night (Part 2 of Wearing His Clothes)✉ new!
Satsuki Ito
↳ His scent, your scent ✉ ⚠ new!
↳ International Women's Day hc ✉ ↳ Perfect Cracks ⚠☂✉
Sk8 the Infinity
Reki Kyan
↳ Familiarity ✉
Tears of Themis
Luke Pearce
↳ A Christmas Surprise ⚠ ✉☼
↳ Love Languages headcanons ✉
↳ To touch a soulmate ✉☂ ↳ Shared breaths on damp pillows ✉☂ new!
Artem Wing
↳ Interpretations and Hypotheticals ✉
↳ Fireworks ✉
↳ Love Languages headcanons ✉
↳ Soaring ✉ ↹
Other / Multifandom
↳ I want to be like... (in celebration of International Women's Day)
↳ I want to eat your past | I want to eat your pancreas fic ☂
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moonstruck-writing · 3 years
Pairing: Koga Kitamikado x Futaba Saotome | Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Rating: M
Contents: fluff with minimal angst, childhood friends, spoilers for Koga’s route, friendship between adults that are attracted to each other, teasing, flirting, sexual tension, mentions of sex
Word count: 3.890
Summary: What if Koga and Futaba had met each other when they were kids? What would be their relationship right now?
“Do you want to be my friend? I’m not stupid, I promise.”
“It’s not funny, take responsibility for the fact that it’s your fault I’m not being courted by other men!”
AU where Futaba lived in the village nearby as a child and human beings know of the existence of Ayakashi – they keep their original forms instead of pretending to be human.
Disclaimer: Contains SPOILERS for Koga’s route.
While reading both Koga and Kuya’s route I thought Teach had a lot of kids under his care but after reading more I realised I was mistaken. In this one shot, Teach cares for more children, almost like he is running a sort of orphanage in the mountains.
A/N: I wanted to write a Koga/Futaba as “siblings” fic because their relationship in Koga’s route screamed best friends to me instead of romance, but turns out my brain is too damn focused on people being attracted to each other. This was also inspired by all the events where we see Futaba’s past self having a twin brother – but we never actually see the twin brother. For a while, I thought the twin brother would be one of the Ayakashi, because his CG was never shown, soooo…. This was born. (Also please Koga and Futaba aren’t real siblings they are just friends so this isn’t weird okay? okay).
Koga runs after the older boys under Teach’s care. They’ve been teasing him, bringing up the carnage and making up stories about why he’s all alone in the mountains and doesn’t have a family. Sometimes they say he lost control of himself and he killed his own family, and sometimes he feels so desperate and heartbroken that the guilt starts morphing into fake memories to blame himself. Today, they simply said no one in their right minds would want to be friends with him, let alone start a family with him. No one wants a ticking bomb, and the carnage is something he cannot keep under control.
Koga is running so aggressively that no one notices the tears streaming down his face. It is then that one of the boys trips over something, that something being Futaba’s stretched legs. The boy quickly picks himself up, just before Koga can think of whether to strike at him or simply yell. Koga heaves next to Futaba, finally wiping away his tears, leaving dirty traces on his face.
“Did you also fall down?” Futaba asks.
Koga looks down at her, eyebrows still furrowed, fists still balled, and wonders how this little girl has the courage to talk to an Oni boy like him as if it’s nothing. Doesn’t she think he’s going to kill her?
“Then why were you crying?”
“Because those boys are stupid.”
Futaba nods, not asking further, as if she knows exactly what he’s talking about. And she knows because she also has stupid girls who make her cry.
“Do you want to be my friend? I’m not stupid, I promise.”
Koga looks at Futaba, believing she’s right out of her mind, but also believing she’s the only person that can serve as proof that his future won’t be what those boys are spreading around.
“I’m not stupid either,” Koga replies.
“I could tell.”
“I’ve been watching you.”
Futaba doesn’t move one inch, and Koga starts thinking that maybe she is really good at camouflaging with the surroundings, so his instincts haven’t taken notice of her before.
“Why?” Koga finally asks, and he sounds breathless like he hasn’t been standing like a tree next to her.
“I don’t know. I wanted to.” Futaba looks away and shuffles her feet, moving the loose stones under them. “I like looking at you.” She keeps looking in the opposite direction to Koga, as if she’s embarrassed to admit it, but she is simply scared.
“No one likes looking at me. I’m an Oni.”
“So what?”
Koga hesitates, seriously wanting to make her understand, perhaps so that she understands she shouldn’t be speaking to him, not if she wants to survive and be normal, not if she wants to have friends.
“People imagine everything I could do when they look at me.”
Futaba finally looks at Koga, her face as serene as when she called out to him.
“Isn’t that great? You could do millions of different things.”
“You know they only imagine me killing and destroying. Nothing great about that.”
“Can’t you have some fun? Pretend they see the best in you, and it scares them so much, they lie to you about it.”
Koga is so dumb-founded that even if he wanted to laugh, he doesn’t have the strength for it.
“You said you weren’t stupid,” Koga accuses.
“I’m not. Thinking as I do is smarter than crying and running after stupid people.”
Koga grits his teeth and his fits return to their habitual position, but his feet don’t move. Instead of leaving, he suddenly sits down next to her violently. He must be really strong, because my bum would hurt if I sat like that, Futaba thinks.
“Teach me to think the way you do.”
“You heard me. If you’re not stupid… I want to know if you are happier than me.” Koga looks at his lap, unsure of how to act around her.
Happier than you…
“I think you can probably figure it out if I spend so much of my time looking at you.” Futaba stares at his profile, wanting to touch his horns.
“How often do you cry?”
Futaba purses her lips. He is coming on strong, straight to the point.
“If you had watched me, you’d know.” Her tone is annoyed now, and she looks away from him.
So you’re not telling.
“What’s your name?”
“Futaba Saotome.”
Koga waits, but nothing else comes.
“Aren’t you gonna ask me my name?” He finally looks at her.
“I already know it.”
“Oh yeah, I bet you only know how others call me, not my real name,” Koga says bitterly.
“You’re Koga Kitamikado.”
His anger diffusing, Koga looks at her without blinking.
“You can learn a lot of things when you are alone in silence.”
“So you are alone a lot?”
Futaba only nods, feeling the words start to get stuck in her throat.
“You’re not one of Teach’s,” Koga says as if implying she’s lying.
“I have my dad, but he’s away a lot. He has to travel for business.” It’s not that he doesn’t love me.
“Oh.” Koga looks away. “Must be nice seeing him when he gets back.”
“It is, we always make sure to eat dinner together as a family.”
Koga only swallows, fighting to keep his breathing steady.
“You could come one day, if you wanted to.” Futaba ads when Koga keeps being silent, in hopes of breaking the barrier, but Koga doesn’t look back at her and doesn’t answer.
“You don’t have to do this.” Koga finally says, as if rejecting what he thinks is pity, when in reality all he wants is to say yes.
“Do what?”
“Be nice to me. I don’t need it. I don’t want your kindness.”
“But I want you to be my friend.”
“Why?” Koga almost shouts, suddenly looking at her as if she had hit him.
Futaba doesn’t have an answer because she finds too many. Because she’s alone. Because he seems strong, and that’s something she admires. Because he is similar to her, and she wants someone that can relate to her. And because she just doesn’t understand what everyone sees in the fact that he’s an Oni.
“You don’t want to be my friend?” Futaba asks.
“It’s been a long time since I’d had a friend.”
“Me too.”
They stay in silence for so long that the final lights of the day recede into darkness.
“I should go home.” Futaba finally speaks but doesn’t move.
“Yeah, me too.” Koga doesn’t move either.
“We can see each other tomorrow,” Futaba says, and it sounds like a question.
“Yeah, if you come out here, I can find you.”
“I could show you my house when my dad is around.”
“I don’t know,” Koga replies. He’s not sure Futaba’s father would be that happy about her daughter interacting with an Oni ogre.
“I know,” Futaba says resolutely and quickly stands up. “It’s a promise. Here tomorrow, same time as today.”
“I didn’t hear you promise it.”
Koga rolls his eyes but obliges.
“I promise. Now run home or your neighbours will start talking.”
“Okay, see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, yeah, see you tomorrow.”
Futaba smiles and waves at him from afar. Koga stays put until she disappears behind the furthest house. He can’t remember when it was the last time he made a promise like this with someone. It feels good but it’s scary at the same time. He starts heading home, but Futaba’s presence never really leaves him. Even when he has to deal with others making fun of him while eating dinner, the fact that someone out there is waiting for him comforts Koga.
It’s been years now since those two lost kids found each other, and instead of living in the mountains they live in the Capital, but they still see each other as often.
“Can you believe Masanobu’s mother thinks we’re actually a couple?” Futaba brings up one day when they are cooking chestnuts together.
Koga simply laughs but says nothing.
“It’s not funny, take responsibility for the fact that it’s your fault I’m not being courted by other men!”
Koga keeps watching the chestnuts closely, focusing all his attention on the cooking, pretending Futaba’s reprimand has nothing to do with him.
“You know I’m not the only one this situation is bad for.”
“I’m fine the way things are.” Koga’s voice is full of joy, and that irritates Futaba.
“What? Don’t you want to get a girl and start a family someday? Don’t pretend because I know you go to the entertainment quarter.”
“I enjoy drinking more than I enjoy women. Besides, I already have enough with you.”
“You may think it’s sweet, but it is not.”
Koga doesn’t talk back and causally takes one of the chestnuts, putting it aside to cool down.
“You seriously don’t want children?”
“What for? I know I’ll succumb to the carnage one day. I don’t want to risk hurting them, and I don’t want to leave anyone behind.”
“Oh yeah? What about me then? You won’t leave me behind?”
Koga grits his teeth and steels himself, as if he’s waiting for yet another blow.
“You’re not going to say anything?” Futaba pleads, feeling like the room is suddenly freezing even with all the heat coming from the pan.
Koga keeps avoiding her gaze as if regretting having ever said anything. Just like how he wonders if she ever regrets talking to him that day when they were kids.
“I don’t want to leave you either.”
“Then don’t.”
Koga feels the shadow of a bitter smile spreading across his face, but somehow it doesn’t reach the surface.
“I can’t control it.”
“But you can try.”
“You think I’m not trying?” Koga raises his voice and for the first time properly faces her.
“You’re not trying hard enough if you don’t want to risk loving more people.”
“It’s not that easy.”
“It is in my eyes.”
“Oh, yeah? Then how come you’re just as single as I am? And don’t put all the blame on me.”
Futaba hesitates, wondering when Koga started being able to understand her so well.
“We’re just a pair of lone wolfs, aren’t we?” Koga nudges her when he sees she’s not looking up. Having spent so many years together, he can feel her mood changes just as if they were his. “Come on, lift those spirits! Look, the chestnuts are finally done, what do you say?”
Futaba peeks at the pan and nods, quietly bringing the saucer to pour the food in. They set about to peel the chestnuts and eat them quietly in the living room, and even if after that much time they’ve been in all kinds of situations together, Koga still prefers it when Futaba is her usual chatty self.
Koga looks every now and then at Futaba, but she’s completely focused on chestnut after chestnut. He’s never felt that invisible before, except maybe some other time she also used the silent treatment.
“You seriously think I went through all the trouble of staying by your side for more than a decade now, just to leave and feel nothing about it?”
Futaba looks at him without raising her head, as if she’s lost all her strength.
“I’m not going to disappear on you, so you better disappear on me and find a good husband.”
“You think all that matters to me is finding a good husband?” Futaba finally speaks, her voice strained like she’s holding back a bite.
“You sounded quite concerned about it earlier,” Koga teases, knowing it’s going to be worse but enjoying the journey. It isn’t often that Futaba lets her emotions waver so much and shares it with him. One needs some fun every now and then.
“Sometimes… sometimes I get scared that…” Futaba’s voice dies in her throat, and Koga realizes now that she wasn’t hiding anger but tears.
He reaches for the hand that is still holding the half-peeled chestnut and takes it away from her, not without squeezing it lovingly, and then finishes peeling the fruit for her.
“You want me to feed it to you now that there’s no one around yet to get jealous?” Koga smirks seductively at her.
“You know those tricks don’t work with me, right?”
“That’s why I do them.”
Futaba exhales and finally stares straight at Koga.
“What if I never find someone I can feel as comfortable with as you?”
Koga ends up eating the chestnut he just peeled and begins to peel another one before replying.
“You know, a lot of people find it thrilling to be nervous around their partners. Wanting to impress and all that jazz.”
“What if I never find someone I can admire as much as I admire you?”
Koga looks up and chuckles.
“Don’t admire me. You know I do things you don’t like.”
Futaba keeps silent.
“Besides, a husband doesn’t have to be everything in your life. Some people just marry for comfort – a house, a lifestyle – other people only care about having a physical relationship, and that’s-“
“What would you marry for?” Futaba interrupts.
“I told you I don’t want to get married.”
“What if you weren’t a chicken and had the guts to marry, what would you marry for?” Futaba snarls.
Koga peels another chestnut while thinking.
“There are two answers, one you’re not gonna like.” Koga waits for Futaba’s answer, but it doesn’t come. “Okay, I’d marry for sex, and I’d marry for company.”
“So you do have reasons to marry.”
“You know I go to the entertainment quarter, and I already have plenty of company with you.”
“But don’t you want everything from the same person?” Futaba stares at him, trying to understand his point of view.
“One person doesn’t have to give it all to you, and there’s no way anyone could fulfil all your needs. Marriage was an economic matter, not a matter of love, before all this romantic nonsense came along.”
“I don’t think loving someone is nonsensical.”
“It is crazy.” Koga stands up.
“I think it’s fun.” Futaba’s voice sounds small.
“Yeah? You think that because you’re crazy.”
He leaves the room and comes back with a bottle of sake and a little cup to drink from.
“I never thought you’d be so scared of loving someone.” Futaba casually brings back the topic while Koga is sipping his sake.
“You should be scared of loving me. Anyone in their right mind would be scared of loving an Oni ogre.”
“Why would I?”
Koga doesn’t set down his drink but he looks coldly at her.
“I think anyone would die or at least be severely injured if you stabbed them on the chest, but try that with me and the one who’s dead is you. Isn’t that scary?”
“It just means you’re strong.”
“It means I’m a monster.” Koga drinks again, focusing on the burn in his throat to avoid feeling a different kind of bitterness.
“Weapons don’t have to be used for war. You have the power to protect those you love.”
“And I also lack the control to not kill them in the process. We’ve had this conversation plenty of times, enough already.”
Koga continues to sip with sake, and the silence that ensues gives him the false sense that Futaba has dropped the subject for good.
“Why didn’t you push me away?”
“Believe me, I also wonder that myself.” Koga sighs.
“Stop joking, I’m asking seriously.”
He puts the vase away and looks at Futaba.
“I honestly don’t know. Maybe because I was so scared of being completely alone for the rest of my life, that the prospect of someone wanting to be my friend comforted me. Maybe because I was more hopeful than I am now, and I thought a different future could await me if only I believed in it.”
“You don’t know when the carnage is going to take hold of you completely.”
“But I know what’s going to happen after that.”
“You could live a hundred years completely alone.”
“So be it.”
“You could marry and your wife would still die before the carnage took the best of you.”
“I don’t want a married life with the promise of a threat always looming around.”
“What if I promised I’d protect her against you if it came to that?”
“And how would you do that exactly?”
“I don’t know. I could learn.”
“And spend your time being my wife’s bodyguard? You know the carnage could be triggered at any point, you should have your own life.”
“You should have your own life too, not just wait around until the carnage decides it’s time.”
“Do I look like I’m just waiting around to you?”
“Honestly? Yes.”
Koga smiles but his eyes show his feelings have been hurt. Futaba doesn’t recede, though she is not amused by that sight.
“Tell me one thing you are looking forward, one thing you are working on, one thing that excites you about the near future, about life right now.” Futaba places her hands on the table, leaning forward.
Koga stays silent for a bit, before picking up one of the half-peeled chestnuts.
“These are good. I’m enjoying them.”
“I’m talking bigger than that. Something that…” Futaba struggles to put her feelings into words. “Something that can carry you. Something that weighs down the scale towards happiness.”
Koga looks at her, knowing his answer before he can be sure if he wants to say it out loud.
“Then that would be you.”
Futaba starts and leans back, sitting down a bit straighter. She didn’t see that coming.
“Don’t act so surprised, you know everything about me, did you think I had some special person that I kept hidden from you?” Koga chuckles, but he can also feel his hands starting to damp.
“I… I don’t know.”
“Come on, now’s the time when you say I also bring you happiness. Don’t go breaking my heart, Futaba.”
She knows Koga is just teasing her, and she wants to feign being angry, or be able to tease back, but all she can do is keep being dumb-founded and feel a hotness she had long forgotten begin crawling over her cheeks. If Koga notices it, he does nothing to give it away. His words had brought back memories of their youth, back when Koga wasn’t that stubborn and she thought they could have a chance. A chance at love.
“You hurt me, you know you only have to say it if my presence is not welcome in this house,” Koga continues the teasing.
“You know it’s funny,” Futaba starts. If they’re going to be close friends for their entire lives, they need to be comfortable with anything. That includes their past feelings. “You were the one who actually broke my heart back in the day.”
Koga’s smile fades instantly.
“What do you mean?”
“Exactly what you think I mean.”
Koga keeps looking at her, almost asking why she’s bringing up this now.
“It just reminded me of it, the way you teased me about not saying you’re my source of happiness.”
Koga nods, as if that’s all he needs for an explanation.
“But don’t worry, it’s not like that anymore. That’s why I’m mad you’re like a barrier that prevents other men from approaching me, you know? Although my dad is forever indebted to you for that, as always.” Futaba laughs lightly.
Koga doesn’t laugh along like he usually would have. He’s also not looking at her in the eye anymore.
“I also felt the same way about you, back then.” His mouth feels dry.
Futaba blinks in confusion.
“No, you didn’t.”
“Oh, yes I did, Miss Futaba.”
She can’t believe what she’s hearing.
“What? When? I didn’t… but you…” Futaba frowns and interrupts herself, her thoughts a hurried mess.
“It’s in the past so I don’t think it’s worth uncovering it further.”
“Why did you just tell me then?”
Koga sighs, feeling completely overpowered by her.
“I don’t want to say it.”
“Oh, no, you can’t do this to me. You know me. I’ll stay up at night thinking about this.”
“Then I’ll give you one more thing to think about.”
Koga can almost hear Futaba complaining and whining, as much as the promise of an answer has silenced her.
“I promise you that if you find yourself without a husband when you’re long past your prime, I’ll stay with you forever.”
“Is this a marriage proposal?”
“I hope you find yourself a good husband.”
“So you’re not scared of the carnage with me?”
Koga smiles, feeling even more defeated, like pouty in her hands.
“I’m more scared of giving you up because of it.”
Futaba blinks in confusion, not allowing herself to feel happy just yet.
“But you don’t want to marry me now.”
“Exactly. And I think you feel the same way about me.” Koga nods.
“But you would marry me in the future?”
“Only if you’re not married already.”
“But you said you wanted sex besides company.”
Koga rolls his eyes.
“You never forget anything I say, don’t you?” Koga looks away, breathing in and steeling himself. “I’ll be honest, I have imagined having sex with you.”
Futaba can’t believe her ears.
“And you’d be fine with me?” She almost shouts in disbelief.
“You sometimes feel too much like a sister for that, but even now, I feel sometimes you’d be just perfect.”
Futaba is too surprised to feel ashamed or embarrassed, but Koga is already feeling the effects of laying himself bare in front of her.
“But I’m not like those girls that entertain you.” I’m as inexperienced as I could be, she wants to add.
“I know. Experience can bring technique, but feeling, intensity… that’s something entirely different. You never act around me. You don’t have to please me. Sometimes I imagine how that would translate in bed.”
Futaba’s mouth dries when she hears his use of the present tense.
“You really need to meet other people.” She finally croaks.
Koga laughs.
“Don’t worry, I promise I don’t imagine it when you’re around, only when I’m alone-“ Koga is interrupted by a couple of chestnuts beating against his chest. “Okay, okay, I’ll quit joking around.” He laughs it off and picks up the chestnuts from where they have landed on the floor.
“The offer still stands if you want it, though. I was serious about marrying you if you don’t find anyone else. Unless you’d rather be single than marry me.”
Futaba hesitates for a second, then decides to be honest both with herself and with Koga.
“We already have the companionship, it wouldn’t be that bad seeing how the rest would be with you,” she admits wanting to sound cool but failing, feeling too weak to not keep her gaze past Koga.
“Sounds great to me. Now, open wide,” Koga winks as he presses a peeled chestnut against Futaba’s lips. As she feels the light trace of his finger against her lower lip when he pulls back, she wonders if perhaps having him as a shield against other men isn’t so bad.
She quickly rejects that thought. She is still young and healthy and likes the idea of creating a family while she can. Koga can stay as the uncle to her children.
A/N: I was unsure if there’s too much dialogue and not enough mentions of who is speaking and when, and descriptions of the action. Please let me know if anything is unclear!
Likes/reblogs and comments are always highly appreciated <3
Please do NOT repost. Reblogging is okay. Content belongs to @moonstruck-writing
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